' J, CONDON VOL XV. CONDON. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1005. NO. 0. r GLOBE. Judge Bellinger Dead. Hon. Charles U, Itellinger, lclvrl Dlitrlot Judu for the DUlrlct of Ore Iton, died at hit rileni' In I'ortlanif last Friday allernoon of complication following a severe attack of In grippe. Judge itellinger waonaot the ablest ami bent known JiirUtu In th country Mini u m highly rcupwte.i for hlssterl ln honeit ami Integrity a he was well known, lie wa born In Knot count? Illinois in 183t ami wai In hi With year. Ilecaui toUregon when a lad of eight year and ha since been a continuous resident of the mate. Hie death will he Innerely inourned by all resident of Oregon ttecsuveof hie recognised ability and honeety at a federal judg. It a a In hie court that the Investigation of the famout Oregon land fraud caei had Iwen begun and to the ardnrou dutie which the.e caeea had entailed I 'He rri bed the flrtt breaa In health which resulted in hit death. Many will par ticularly rret hi demise at tin time on account of the caeea knowing at they do that had ha lived all parties concerned would have been accorded ttrlct Justice in the trial. Judge Helllnger waw a member of the Unitarian church of I'ortlsnd. tie we president of the t'ortland Crematorium Association, of Portland, and hit re main were Incinerated at the Portland crematorium on Sunday, Before hit death Judge Bellinger dic tated a letter to the attorney general at Washington, I). C, recommending that Judge John J. Dellaven, federal judge for the northern district of California, b ' appointed to trv the land fraud caeea. A Trio of Horse Thieves. John Aldridgeand Koecoe Wilson, two 16 year-old boya are In the count Jail, eelf confessed horee thieves. The boys tale two hornet and saddles fioui the Halelon ranch, in Arlington canyon a couple of week ago and were captured at rrinevllle. When returned to Arl ington by Marshall Hweetin and given a hearing thev both entered a plea of guilty and were committed to jail In lieu of T00 bail which neither could Inrnlah. W. M. fpenrar, aliaa P. If. Bernard, aliat F. J. Coleman, wai arretted at Heppner a thort time ago charged with stealing a horte at Arlington a year ago. While la cottoday at Arlington the heriff of Canyon county, Idaho, identi fied linn at a man wanted in hit county for horte tteallng and jail breaking com mitted two year ago. Inquisition pa pert were tecured and the Idaho aherifT took hi in back to that atate for trial. Waason Washburn. A quiet wedding wat aolemnliied hut Sunday, at the home of the bride' par ent, near Alville, when Mlat ley W un burn liecaine the bride of Mr. Ueorge Wesson. Only the immediate relative! of the young couple were preeent to wit ne the ceremony which waa performed by Rev, Edward Cnrran, of thia city. Both the yonng people are well and favorably known here, Mr.Wasson leing the enterprising merchant of Alvlllf, a young man of excellent character and Brat-class business ability, while hit bride it one of the niott popular young ladiea of that neighborhood. The (Iuibi joint with their many other frlenda throughout the country in the usual con gratulation! and good wishes. Notioe of Stock Est rayed. I have a number of cattle which e trayed from my ranch on the John Day river which I have been unable to find. Cow are branded M C on left aide and "Gunhammer" brand on left hip. Young ttock "Gunhammer" brand on ly. Earmark elit on both ears. Any one knowing of their whereabouts will please notify me and I will come for ttock and pay for any damage or trouble caused by them. (M9 William Stii.lwkll, Kent, Or. Water Bonds Sold. At a meeting of the city council held Monday evening Benled bids for the pur chase of city water bonda to the amount of $30,000 were opened and the contract was awarded. J, P. Rogers of Salem wat the successful bidder and the contract wat awarded to him. Mr, Rogers bid for the $30,000 worth of bonds waa $32, 185.00, being a bonus of $2,185.00 over and above the face value of the securi ties. The bonds draw six per cent, in terest. Four bids were submitted rang ing from par to the price above named. Morris & Co., of Portland, were second on the list their bid being but $400 un der that of Mr. Roger. Thit tale It pretty good evidence of the opinion of Condon's future held by financier on the outside. Neighboring town have only I teen able to aecure par value for alinllar securities, Wasco, Sherman county and lone, Morrow county, hav ing recently accepted bidt at that figure. The fact that two bid, from partlet who are thoroughly verted In I he value of thi cla of paper, ahould lie at euch a handsome advance over oar value In dicate that, in the mind of (mated peo ple on the outilde, there it no quettlon of Condon's upreuiacy at the growing, Commercial center of thit section of east ern Oregon. Park Association Meeting. A meeting of the Condon Park Associa llon wat hehl Monday when it wa de cked to oiler $800 worth of additional ttock In the aociaiion for sate. Thi will provide ample fund for improving the track and providing a permanent grand stand. It la the Intention to hold a rie of racet and hull garnet about July 4th. A Creeping Death. I Wood poieon creep up toward the heart, causing death. J. K, Steam, lU'lle PUine. Minn., write that a friend dreadfully Injured hi hand, which awelled up like blood poising. Buck len'i Arnica Halve drew out the poison, healed the wound, ami saved Jii life. Bet in the world for burn and orr. 25c at all druggist. Joe Fair, a former resident of thit city, now of Dayton, Washington, It here on husine, Mr, Fair ha par chamtd the interest of hi partner, C. L. Howe, in their Davtoit Warehouse busi ness and Mr. Iloaa I now in Portland, F. II, Shannon, of Madisonville, Ken tucky, arrived on Tuesday's stage to visit with hit brother, F. M. (Shannon, the wh known farmer one mile south of to n. Whn the brother met at the pot office bfith declarml that had they not expected to meet neither would have recognised the other. Thit waa Mieir lirst meeting In almost 25 year. Louie Comliif, the well known marble worker, of The Dalles, wat in town dur ing the week setting up tome work In Masonic cemetery. Monument were let up at the graves of Mrt. Alex llardie, U. (Schilling ami Ueorge Moore. The latter it a hemitonia shaft nine feet high and the plot It surrounded with a hand tome fence of stone posts and chain. The location of the new city well ha been fixed on in Dunn's addition in the northwest part of town. Mr. Dunn hat ofiVred ground for the well and alo for the reaevoir to the city free of charge. This generoua offer hat been accepted and Mr. Green, the drilling contractor, it already on the ground gutting thing in thane for the Installation of the drill ing plant which ia expected to arrive in a lew daya. R. H. Galbraith waa over from May villa yesterday on an errant that not every man In this wicked old world would ride 25 miles to attend to. Mr. Galbraith recently told a lot of cattle to J. E. Reynolds and in making pay ment Mr, Reynolds paid him $15 to much. At soon as Mr. Galbraith dis covered the error be started to overtake Mr. Reynolds here to rectify the error. Who will tay that honesty is a thing of the past in Oregon. Big Public Sale. At B. Kiely's ranch, on Eightmile, 8 miles east of Olex, 11 miles west of lone, 2-4 miles north of Condon, Satur day, May 27, 1905, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. ' a Twenty head of extra good work horses, mostly young stock and all well broke; Clyde and Percheron stock. Any one wanting good horses elnuld not overlook thia opportunity. Several head of fine young horses from 1 to S years old all halter broke. One fine Jersey cow. " Headers, drills, seeders, wagons, head er beds, plows, harrows, harness for 25 horses, carpenter, and blacksmith tools, lumber, posts, wood and shingles. All kinds of household , and kitchen furniture and many other articles too numerous to mention. Bale will begin at 10 a. m. sharp. Come early to secure bargains. A good lunch will be served at noon. Terms made known on day of sale.. B.KIELY. Geo. L. Nbalk, Auctioneer. A Pleasing Entertainment. The stereopticoti entertainment and lecture given in Armory hall last Friday evening by Mrt. Edith Toiler-Weather-red, of Portland, wat the most pleating and Instructive entertainment of the kind ever giver, in thiecity. The picture were mostly scene at the Ht. Ivtnl Ex position with a nnmler of interesting view of the Lewi and Clark Fair and aoine choice bit of Coin in hi a river teen ery. Mr. Weatherred ioue of the best known newspaper women in the North west and in addition to her exceptional gift In that direction she it a lady of moat charmlnir personality, 8h it a tireless worker for Oregon, ln-r native tate, and hat been one of the state'! commissioners to several world'! fair. 8he ia assisted In Die entertainments by Mr, Carl Robertson, of Portland, whose rich, whII trained voice in a number of illutrt"d aoiig, added not a little to the enjoyment of the evening. Condon Will Celebrate. A mas meeting of the ritisent and hnsim-M men will be held in Armory hall next Monday evening at 7 o'clock to arranice for a ronsina celebration July 4th.. It Is expected the new railroad w ill lie completed by that date and that arrangement will be made with the railroad company for a special low rate from Portland and intermediate point for the occasion. This will doubtless be the biggist event in the history of Con don and every ciliten it expected to lie present at the meeting Jn date above named. Terrlflo Rao With Death. 'Death was fa approaching," write Ralph F. Feroaiidex, ofs Tampa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctor and several med icines, but not no benefit, ontil I began to nse Electric Bitters. So wonderful wa their effect, that in three day I felt like a new man, and today I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at all druggists; price 50c. 11 For Sale. One of the finest farms in Gilliam county, containing 500 acres of land, lo cated 2L4 mile west of Condon. It ha an abundance of water for house use and stock, large orchard of all kinds of frnit, good house, barn and other oat build- intcs. It also has a goiMl spring crop in. For particular call on or address, William Hawks, 9-tf Condon, Oregon. D. B. Trimble returned a few days ago from a trip through the Yakima country in Washington. He was well pleased with that section and thinks ir rigation is the proper system for pro ducing bountiful crops of all farm products. Notice) of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Uie County of Gilliam. In the Matter of the Eitsle of Ueorge Moure, Deceased. To all person, concerned : Notice I hereby Riven that I have filed in the above entitled Coart and cause, roy final report a administrator of the estate of George Moore, deceased, and that ptirsuant to an order made and died in the above entitled Coart by the Judge thereto, on Msy 10, 1905, said Anal report and all objections thereto will be heard by said Court at the County Court room in Uie Court House, at Condon, Gilliam County. Oregon, at two o'clock In the afternoon of Thursday, June 'ii. VMS, J All persons interested In said estate are hereby notllled to be present at such time and place, and present their objections, if they bavoany, to said Dual report. i Dated May 10, 1905. 1 ' 013 F. B. BtivkKh, Administrator of the estate of George Moore, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the Btate of Oregon (or Gilliam County. t lu the matter of the estate of Jesse W. Nye, deceased. To all persons concerned: Notice is hereby gtren that I have tiled In the above entitled court and eaase, my final report f administratrix of the estate of Jesse W. Nye, deceased, and that parauent to an order made and died lu the above entitled Court, by the Judge thereof, on May 0, 1905, said final report and all objection thereto will be heard by said Coart at the County Coart room In the court house at Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon, at two o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, the 15th day of jHne, 1905. All persons Interested in said estate are here by notified to be present st said time and place, and present their objections If they have ahy, to said final report, , ELIZABETH D. MARKS, ' Administratrix of the estate of Jesse W. Nye, dooeased. Dated May Bth, 1905. ' THE QUALITY STORE LORD (S6 COMPANY 4 WHEN WE TALK IT IS SHOUT AND TO THE POINT We need all our time to wait on our trade and keep it supplied with the newest and beet that is to be had in Spring Dress Goods, Mus lin, Underwear, Hosiery etc. We have the newest creations in Ladies and Men's Shoes. They are beauties. If you can not come to town write us for samples of our new goods. No trouble for us to show goods, . LORD&COMP'Y ARLINGTON, OREGON I YOUR WANTS I m 288 if Can best be supplied from our large stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE which is one of the largest in Gilliam County.. Ask, Phone or Write for what uou need KEYS & CUSHING MAYVILLE, . OREGON ALVILLE GASH STORE HEADQUARTERS fTO R GROCERIES - DRY GOODS - SHOES Our stock is now arriving and is freBh, clean and up-to-date. Call and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Eggs and Butter Bought and Sold. ' G. E. WASSON, Proprietor