Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 11, 1905, Image 1

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    j r
NO. 8.
Tha Mayor's Message.
At ft special inevtinir of (he city euun
cil held Monday evening Mayor Dunn
ununited lilt first oniclat message to
the council. The paper contains about
2UU0 words unit treats In coiiclee but
thorough manner most of tht matters of
Importance with which tha city officer
mar have to deal during tha coming
year, Lack of space forbids u giving
thia Interesting paper In full but tha
following resume of tha mayor's recom
memlatlons on tha subject trealed will
be of Interest:
Attention la directed to the lack of en
forcement of filming ordinances againct
dumping slops and garbage within the
oity limila and the olllclala are nrged t
eee that these regulations are stringent
ly enforced. The condition at the mouth
of the sewer ia touched on and the re
commendation la made that a military
tank be constructed to receive the saw-
age and dispose of It in a Military man
ner or that the a tier he extended to
point farther down the ravine. The
mayor also recommends that steps be
taken to stop the practice of teametera
end others camping and feeding their
stock In the streets.
The mayor recigniss tha aaloon boa I
neaa aa a legitimate Institution and ei
presets the belief that the persons en
gaged In It deelre to conduct their bin I
nese within tha Intent of the law. He
tecommeiids, boa ever, that theexUling
ordinance against furniahing liquor to
habitual drunkards tie enforced and ng
geste that the council ahould furnish the
aaloon keepers with a llet of all such
persom coming within their knowledge
Attention la called to the fact that
city warrants have for several years
been selling at discount of 8 per cent,
whlcn condition, tha mayor believes, Is
without reason or justification and he
urges the city officials to make an earn'
eat effort to And a market for city war
rants at their faca value, poiuting out
tha moral benefit to tha credit of tha
city such a condition will give at well as
tha direct pecuniary benefit In all city
etienditures and contracts. The recom
inemiauon is aieo made that the ex
pense of preparing verified claims by
the city recorder lie paid by tha city
and that In case of a non-resident credi
tor tha verified claim may lie sworu to
before any ofllcer authorised to adminis
ter an oath.
The projected new water ay stem ia re
viewed and the recommendation is made
that the advisability of acquiring the
present electric plant and operating the
same with the name power plant which
will be necessary for pumping water be
inquired Into and, if found practicable
that an effort be made to put such a plan
in effect.
The tnavor recommends that an ordin
ance should be drawn providing for the
organisation of a volunteer Ore company
fc.4 .... 1 .1 t. I I - . 1
tunt wuiiiu iinvs nine reuugnneu siamr
Ing under the city government. That at
leant 250 feet of new fire hose be orocur-
ed at once and that a committee lie ap
pointed to inquire Into the proposition
oi etmer a cnenncai engine or some
other additional fire apparatus.
Tha mayor recommends that a com
uilttee be authorised to check up the
booka and render a report of the city's
financial condition in order that an in
telligent basis of future business be ar
rived at; also that all salaried emolovea
of the city be required to devote their
full time to the city and that they shall
be required to report on duty to some
designated official.
The recommendation is made that, so
far as is possible all streets and side
walks be placed on a uniform grade and
that sidewalks and cross walks be con
structed as fast as the development of
the city requires them and that Imme
diate steos be taken to construct nec
essary walks from the elteotfhenew
depot to the present sidewalk on Main
Pure Food Law.
May 18th,-the pure food law enacted
at the last session of the Oregon legisla
ture goes into effect and from then on it
shall be a misdemeanor to sell, offer to
sell or to be in the possession of any
article of food or drink that shall contain
any adulteration unless there is plainly
marked on tha label its ingredients and
the quantities thereof.
Tha law especially covers the sale and
manufacture of butter and tha sale of
milk. It specious that butter must con
tain at least 88 per cent of butler fat. no
more than 10 er cent of water. Milk
must contain 3.2 per cent butter fat, 9
per cent solids and have a specific gravi
ty of at least 1.038 per cent,
Tha law details the manufacture and
ale of spices and condiments, cider,
vinegar, preserved and jollied fruit and
a host of articles of fond and drink. For
the violation of this law there is a fine
of not less than $25 or more than $100,
with Imprisonment of not less thon i
months attached.
Observe Memorial Day.
Editor Globe:
. Tha suggestion made editorially in
Your last issue regarding a fitting obeer
vance of Memorial day should touch a
responsive chord In the heart of every
loyal cltlsen of Condon ami vicinity.
We can offer to the world no valid rea
son for not observing the day set apart
to pay tribute to departed ones. Conm,
let os serlonaly coiiidr the matter, all
work in unison and make the day one
pathos and patriotism. There are a
number of shakers in town, any of
whose service could be obtained to de
liver tha address and the Sunday school
could prepare a joint program suilabla
to tha occasion.
We are proud of our city, our county,
and our slat and we can add to the
loyalty ol all three Iu no better way
than paying homage to the memorv of
those who have preceded us to the great
beyond. Let us act, art, in the lit ng
present. Yours truly,
AF. W.
Sunday's Ball Came.
The Fossil ball team crossed bat with
tha home team on the Condon diamond
last Sunday and for 6 Innlngt things
were doing. Fossil went first to the bat
and the three scores they tMllied in the
first looked big to them until Condon
took a whack at the sphere and piled np
twice as many. Tha second inning was
tame, Condon making a score and Fossil
tha same and tha third was blank. In
tha fourth Fossil picked up an easy
mark and In the fifth she fell down.
Condon came to the bat with lowering
clouds and rumbling thunder as an ac
companiment and succeeded in count
ing three good scares before the rain won
out. Following is the lineup:
Me Arthur
Umpire, Hoover.
Fossil 6.
G. Robertson
frill ncl. field
Score, Condon 10,
MissTellaiy, who has just finished a
succesatul term of school In the Arm
strong district, Ferry Canyon, left Sat
urday morning for Uoldeudale, Wash
ington, where she will visit for awhile
with her uncle, ft. S. Thomas, lie fore re
turning to her home In Iowa.
Mrs.' Mary lleaddy, wife of James
lleaddy, of Beecher Flat, died at tha
Summit hotel, in thic city, Friday even
ing, Mav 6th. Deceased was a daughter
of Sam Grant, of Wheeler county, and
was well known in that section. She
was only 20 tears old and had been
married less then a year. The remains
were taken to Fossil Saturday morning
for interment.
A. 8. Ilollen has secured a lease on
the Condon Milling Co's plant and will
put tlie plant In operation as soon as
fuel can lie secured and a few neceasnrr
repairs lie made. Mr. Smith, the head
miller In charge for the past vear will
continue iu that capacity and the new
management expects to nierate the
plant to its full capacity. .The town is
to be congratulated that thia important
Industry is to continue to operate.
A fine son was born to Dr. and Mrs
J. F. Wood last Friday evening since
when the doctor's night calls have in
creased to such an extent as to seriously
interfere with his usual rest. In addit
ion to his professional duties he Is also
practicing the latest step in tha mid
night cakewalk a la pajama, while
searching for the festive tack with his
nnsllppered feet. Doc. is game tho
and swears the new son and heir ia the
finest ever.
We notice by the Condon papers that
Mrs. R H. Wain has sold her interest
in the Condon hotel. Mrs. Wain is one
of the best natured landladies in Ore
gon, whose ambition was to make her
guests feel at home. After a hard stage
ride over a rough and dusty road many
a traveler has lost his nerve, but .oon
regained It when once her pleasant smile
was focused upon him. May success
follow her in her future undertakings.
Cline Falls Press.
The many Gilliam county friends of
Hon. George J. Cameron, of Portland.
II congratulate that gentleman on the
splendid vote he received at the pri
mary lHst Saturday when he was given
the republican nomination for munici
pal judge of that city. Mr. Cameron is
well known here having on two different
occasions been the principal speaker at
the annual meeting of the Caledonian
club.He hns served his city in the same
office before and It is safe to predict that
the big vote he received Saturday is but
an earnest of what will be given him at
the regular election.
Big Public Sale.
At B. Kiely's ranch,, on Kightmile,
8 miles east of Olex, 11 miles west of
lone, 24 miles north of Condon, Satur
day, May 27, 1905, commencing at 10
o'clock, a. m.
Twenty head of extra goixl work
horses, mostly young stock and all well
broke ; Clyde and Percheron flock. Any
one wanting good horses eh Mild not
overlook this opportunity.
Several bead of fine young horses
from to 8 years old all baiter broke.
One 11 ue Jersey cow.
Headers, drills, seeders, wagons, head
er beds, plows, harrows, harness for
25 liorses, carpenter and blacksmith
tools, lumlier, posts, wood and shingles.
All kinds f household and kitchen
furniture and many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Sale will begin at 10 a. m. sharp.
Come early to secure bargains. . A good
lunch will be served at noon. Terms
made known on nay of sale.
Geo. L. Neale, Auctioneer.
Otis Campbell has been appointed a
deputy assessor.
On Tuesday Jay Bowerman sold to
I. C. Sanford.'the Shorb ranch, six
miles west of town, containing 682 acres,
The price was $11700. Mr. Bowerman
tiotiglit this tract five months ago and
; in that time cleaned up $4000 on his
investment. There is good money in
Gilliam county real estate.
A congratulatory letter has been indited
by friends of Judge Cameron in this city
relative to his recent nomination for
municipal Judge of Portland. Coupled
with the congratulations is an earnest
plea that the mercy of the conrt be ex
tended to all signers of the epistle if
they should chance to be haled before
hi -court during his term of office.
Buuchgrassers do well to take some
such precautionary measure before
trusting themselves to the snares and
pitfalls of city life during the Fair.
A Creeping Death.
Blood poison creeps op towards the
heart, causing death. J. E, Stearns,
Belle l'Uine. Minn., writes that a friend
dieadfulty injured bis hand, which
swelled up like blood poising. Buck
len's Arnica Salve drew out the poison,
healed the wound, and saved his life.
Best in the world for burns and sores.
25c at all druggists.
Knights of Pythias Convene.
A large number of members of the K.
P. lodge assembled here yesterday in
attendance on the annual convention of
that order In the 9th district which coin
prises Gilliam, Wheeler and Morrow
counties. A work meeting was held in
the lodge room last night when the
Grand Lodge Degree was conferred on
all members qualified to receive it. The
following grand lodge officers were pres
ent at the convention:
L. M. Curl, G. C of ' Albany, L. R.
StiiiBon, G. K. of R. and 8., of Salem;
W, L. Bradshaw, S, R., of The Dalles,
Chas. Royse, G. G., of Spray ; E. W.
Daggett, D. D. G. C, of Blalock.
The local members left nothing un
done to make their visitors' stay pleas
ant and to set forth the fact that yes
terday was one day in Condon's histo
ry "When Knighthood Was in Flower."
Va, J.
We need all our time to wait on our trade
and keep it supplied with the newest and best
that is to be had in Spring Dress Goods, Mus
lin, Underwear, Hosiery etc.
We have the newest creations in Ladies and
Men's Shoes. They are beauties. If you can
not come to town write us for samples of our
new goods. r No trouble for or to show goods. .
Can best be supplied from our large stock of
which is one of the largest in Gilliam County.
fUk, Phone or Write for what
uou need
Our stock is now arriving and is fresh, clean and up-to-date.
Call and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
Eggs and Butter Bought and Sold.
G. E. WASSON, Proprietor