Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 16, 1905, Image 5

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Docs not let go of yon
when you apply lotions or
liniments. It simply loosens
its hold for a while. Why?
Because to get rid of it you
must correct tho add con
ation of the blood on which
It depends. Hood's Sarsa
parilia has cured thousands.
Vetera a OrcnnlsU.
Organists srs proverblaiiy long lived,
ttiouj;h doubtless tb widest orgsntst li
Mr. Jeras) 0xr, an Kiigllsii mu
sician, lie la more than JW years old.
tut still does active service erg anlst
of a Weslejau cburcti. He baa been
Moctated with the musical services
or that denomination fur seventj-flve
jws, sod for fifty eight years baa
oilielttted aa orgnulst continuous!.
Another notable veteran Is T. N.
Webber, who played the national an
them at WentnilitNter when Queen Vic
torln was crowned and did the sams
at the coronation of King Kdward. He
1ms been organist at tbe parlsb church
for sixty -four yenrs.
Often the Case.
Customer Cuidirw k Chestero are
aunouncltiK snothvr big drop In prices.
Uvrchant Well, there's plenty of
room fur their prices to drop.
Tak. Ijii.Uv Hmmo Uulnlne Tablet. AUdrn
tt. mtmtd lb mou.y If II tall la cor. K. W.
lirov.'s sifiiamr I on each bot. Ia.
Cost Mine ties Chapel.
One of the most remarkable places
of worship In the world la the Miners
chapel In My mid Mlttwld colliery,
Bwaneea, Wale, where for mors than
oiiy years ine Warner nave emeu
morning aaMiubled for worship.
This sanctuary Is altualed ctoee to
the bottom of the abaft. The ojily
light la that obtained from solitary
Davy safety lamp bung over the pul
pit from the celling, and the oldest
miner in the colliery la generally cho
sen to officiate.
It Is the custom In tome other places
for coal miners to gather together at
tnest times for prayer meetings and
the like, but It Is said that this Is tbe
only Instance where a special apart
ment la fitted out In coal tulue aa
To Break In New Shoes.
Alwar shake In Allen's FhiIEm. a do Amt
It cum hoi. eweallna. arhlna. swollen feel.
Cure corn. Ingrowing nail and bunion. At
II dniKirOia nnd bna li a.'JV Imit't arret
ny substitute. Ham pie mailed FREE. jtddras
ii.a b. uiuutea, 14 Kor, si. I ,
Female Gorillas.
The Lemloa soologlcal gardens are
the possessors of one male and two
female gorillas. There is only one
other female gorilla In Europe. She
Is a, Uresis u. The London sperlmeus
are named Cbloe and Venus. Tbe de
scription of Venus, whlca Is S years
old, Is as follows: Height, 2 feet
Inches; chest measurement, 80 Inches,
hair, dark and patchy; eyes, black and
deep set, and bugs overhanging brows;
mouth, expansive, with formidable
teeth: expression, morose.
Columbus, Ohio, May ao, 1903.
Six years ago I bad a severe attack of
Inflammatory Rheumatism. I was laid up
in bed for alz months, and the doctors I
had did me no good. They changed med
icines every week and nothing they pre
scribed seemed to help me. Finally I be
ran theuseof S.S.S. My knee and elbow
joints were swollen terribly, and at one
time my Joints were ao swollen and pain
ful that I could not close them when
opened. I was so bad that I could sot
move knee or foot. I wagettlng discour
aged, you may be sure, when I began S. S.
S., but as I saw it was helping me I contin
ued it, and to-day I am a sound well man
and have never had a return of the disease.
8. S. 8. purified my blood and cured mo
of this severe case of Rheumatism alter
everything else had failed. I have Re
commended it to others witk good re
sults. R. II. Chapmaw.
1355 Mt Vernon Ave.
The poisonous acids that produce the In
flammation and pain are absorbed into the
blood and Rheumatism can never be con
quered till these are neutralized and fil
tered out of the blood and system. 3. S. &
roes directly into the circulation and at
tacks the disease itaelf. It purifies and re
stores tko blood to a healthy, rigorous
condition. It containa no potash, alkali or
otner strong min
erals, but is guar
anteed entirely
vegetable. IWrits
ns and our physi
cians will advise
without any
charge whatever.
Our book on Rheu
matism aent free.
.Tbi Swift Speolflo Csmptny, Atlanta, 4,
KIM All IUI MIL. 1 1
irup. Tastes Uood. DM g
In lime.
uoia ny arnfirwa. r i
Canadian Lumber Companies Connect
OMcM, Cam (a and haw lit 1 1 1.
Throughout the forests, from the BU
Johns to Vancouver, lumber camps le
hmglng to the suiue Ink-rests sre con
nected by telephone, the Hue running
tbonco to the saw mills or wood pulp
works at frontier towns, from which
communication can be held even to the
It wss formerly the custom of each
lumber interest to maintain a force of
couriers, like the voyagers of the Hud
son Bay Company, and these hardy
men, with knapsack, would trsve!
twenty-five miles a (fay through the
wilderness, over rough forest paths.
Now the mill calls each camp In
turn( at stated hours and receives re
ports and gives Instructions to the
foreman and It Is not necessary to
dwell on the commercial advantages
of maintaining such close touch be
tween headquarters snd outposts In
any enterprise. Inters are read to
men snowed lu the forest nifty or a
hundred miles away and answer dic
tated by the lumbermen to a stenog
rapher, who transcribes them In the
office and then malls them to their
Tbe relative contentment among the
men which la established by this fre
quent communication Is highly advan
tageous to the working force, and
therefore to the employers.
The applications of the telephone to
the operations of logging sre alike
novel and useful. Tbe lines sre run
upon forest trees along the banka of
rivers, and telephones which are placed
In sheltering boxes are attached to
trees and connected with the Hue.
The bete uolr of logging ia tue col
lecting of the loga together at some
nurrow place In a turbulent stream and
piling upon each other lu a "Jam" to
which contributions are made by every
log floating down the river to this spot
The formation or a Jam results from
some obstacle and generally occurs
without warning, and It requires great
labor, fraught with peril, to remove
the loga from their constricted posi
tion. It Is frequently necessary to use
dynamite, and much lumber ia destroy
ed by such explosions.
With the use of the telephone warn
ing of the Initial formation of a Jain
can be given by one of the men pa
trolling the banka, who telephones to
the men up the river to stop the fur
ther flow of logs at calm places termed
"tripe," and It Is an easy matter to
break the small Jam, for which fur
ther a Ml stance can be had by sum
moning men from points lower down
the stream.
Aa soon aa the email Jam Is removed
the men above are told through the
telephone to release the logs held at
tbe "trip" and tbe stream of logs Is re
sumed. Under former conditions a larger
number of men were employed, and
when a Jiwn was begun it was neces
sary to send messengers from one to
three miles through the forest In va
rious directions to direct the gangs to
stop the flow of logs and others to
summon help who are down the
stream to come up and break the Jam,
which bad meanwhile time to ampli
fy, and then, after the Jam had been
broken, second messengers must be
sent up the stream to release the logs
at the "trip."
By the promptness of telephonic
communication the' rate of sending
logs down the stream is Increased by
tbe avoidance of delays.
Beyond this the use of the telephone
renders log-dtivlng feasible on the
smaller rapid, rough streams, where It
was formerly out of the question.
Chicago Chronicle.
World Seeks Water Power.
Tbe lessou of the use of Niagara
Falls for generating electricity has
been put to worldwide application.
says the New York World. Through
out the world falling water, according
to a paper rend before the Iliitlsh As
aociatlon by Campbell Ewlnton, yields
to man's use au energy equal to 1,483,-
3!H) horse power, of which Great Brit
ain figures for only 11,00(1 horse power.
Tho British Aluminum -Company
gets 7,000 horso power from the falls
of Foyers and It expects presently to
procure 17,000 horse power from Loch
Leven. The North Wales Electric
Power Company is about to tap Lake
Llydaw, on Snowdon, and hopes to ob
tain 8,200 horse power for every work
ing day of nine hours. Finally, the
Scotch Water Power Syndicate Is peer
ing round in quest of waters that it
can imprison at lofty levels and'eo
generate electric power. From Loch
Sloy, 757 feet above Iioch Lomond, it
is. going to get 8,000 horse power, and
at Ardlul, higher up, it proposes to
get further energy. Even a modest
stream that drops several hundred feet
may be a source of power.
Stated In Diploma tio fashion.
The Fierce Fellow So you wouldn't
say that Longfellow was a liar, eh?
The Mild Man No; but if he were
conducting a nea spuper I should not
hesitate to assert that he had an ex
clusive news service. Louisville Courier-Journal,
When the doctor says it you, "Old
man, I'm sorry, but you can't live an
hour," how will you take It?
Amateur Aft Association, tcllj
Tf VUIVU TV Utt ffV W 14?
avoid pain and suffering caused
Dy female troubles.
"DzabMbj. PnrKBAw: lean eon
sdentlously recommend Lydla 12.
l'inkham'a Vegetable Compound
female weakness and the troubles
which so often befall women. I suf
fered for months with general weak
ness, and felt so weary that I had bard
work to keep up, I had shooting pains,
and was utterly miserable. In ny dis
tress I was advised to une Lydfav 12.
IMnkhnm'a Vegetable Com
pound, and it was red letter day to
me when I took tbe firtt dose, for at
that time my restoration began. In
alx weeks I was a changed woman,
perfectly well In every respect I felt
ao elated and happy that I want all
women whoanffer to get well aa I did."
Miss Gola Gaksox, 859 Jones St,
Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art
Association. $5000ff,it tfwitf't
httt fmtinf piwimtH eauaal frtmM.
When one considers that Bllsa
Gannon's letter la only one of the
countless hundreds which we
reWntinuauypu0uugmta.B -
papers ol ! th a 1 country, the great virtue
f Mrs. Ptnkham'a medicine must he
Emitted by ail.
He Gnt Rlffht TJp.
It la a thankless and sometimes diffi
cult task to wake a aleeper la the
morning so effectively that he will get
up at once, yet It may be done, safely
and effectually, by any one who will
follow a aimple plan recently deacribed
In the Rochester Herald.
A man nut nn tar th. n!rM at thn
leading hotel In a small town, and be
fore retiring left instructions to be
called In time for an early train. In
the morning be was disturbed at an
early hour by a thundering tattoo open
his door. v
"Well?" he demanded, aleeplly, and
not very pleasantly.
"I've got an Important message for
you," replied a youthful voice from tbe
Tbe man was up in an Instant; he
opened the door and received from the
bell boy a large envelope.' lie opened
it hastily. Inside, on a small slip of
psper, waa written In large letters:
"This, la the time yon wanted to get
Found at Last.
Ilensley, Ark.. Dec. 20th. (Special)
That a sure cure for Backache would
be a priceless boon to the people, and
especially the women of America, is
admitted by all interested in medical
matters, and Mrs. Sue Williams of this
place is certain she has found in Dodd's
Kidney Pills the long-looked for cure.
"I am 38 years old," Mrs. Williams
says, "and have suffered with the
Backache very much for three or four
years. I have been treated by good
physicians and got no relief, but thanks
to God, I have found a cure at last and
it ia Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have taken
only one box and it has done me more
good than all the doctors in three or
four years. I want all sufferers from
Backache to know that they can get
Dodd's Kidney Pills and got well."
Backache is one of the first symptoms
of Kidney Dmcase. Guard againt
Bright's Disease or Rheumatism by
curing it with Dodd's Kidney Pills.
A Little Owl l.OOO Mllrs from Land.
A peculiar incident is said tq have
oeurred on the steamer Athenian on a
trip from Yokohama to Vancouver.
Five days out, 1,000 miles from land
in any direction, a little owlet allghte 1
on the deck and was captured by the
second steward. It wns h bnby owl,
a little bundle of brown. and white
feathers, and it blinked its eyes, in tho
daylight as it rested contentedly lu the
cage which the steward provided.
Whether the owlet had escaped from
some vessel Is not known.
Color more good brighter and faster culdrs thin any other dyj. One 10c pne 'age colors silk, wool and cnttoi equal'y well aid Is ruuen-evd to
ve perfect remits. Ask dealer or wo wlllsenj post paid at 10c a package. Write tor tree booklet how to dye olack and uiixd color.. MJNBOa
DKuu CO.. tinioavifle, minata.
As II PbonM Bn.
lis had Just proposed, but his pov
erty wss too much of a hsudicap.
"A man without money," she said,
"might as well walk back and alt
"Oh, of course," be rejoined. "lie
naturally wouldn't be in a position to
ride back."
lor Infants and Children. ,
Tfca Kin J Yea Kara Always B::gbt
Bears the
Nothing Ift.
"I have bad lots of friends who were
guilty of mutilating books they had
, Crowed from me, but my latest ex-
na4nnAn vawa. as ., msi. ha.a! M
"What was Itr
"I lent airs. Blanks my dictionary
a few days sgo and yesterday she re
turned It without a word!" New Or
leans Times-Democrat
years. At drugfcints, 23 cents.
Proper Thing;.
"In society," said the young bud,
"the gentleman is always presented to
the lady, Is be notr
"Yes." sighed the heiress who was
doing ber second season, "unless he
happens to have a title, then one must
pay for blm, I suppose."
Itrhlnc Blind, Rldlnf t Prttrudlnf Film.
YoardrucKlatwlU tandmon.jr If lAZO OINT
KMT faua la ear jrou la S to M dars, Ma
Going- One Better.
Mrs. Sharppe I'm going to stop trad
In' here, an' deal with Lightweight &
Co., tbs new grocery firm serosa the
street He lets his customers rnm at
itb. nombM. of In a btg , ,
, r-.rd for th,
1 r nii, .,,. .J
you'll continue to give us your cuatom,
we'll let you guess at the number of
j beana In two bags.
TIT8 Ttrm 0n,1Jr CurM. Kafltaorne 'onaBcaa
fllO rtoBratday-iuatorDr.KNm'iUivaiNe 1 1
haaiorrr. Krnd rr ih.i hi..
IT.H.U. Kilo., Lid., Wl Arch (., PblladcJpbia, Pa.
Life In New York,
nnrrled Editor I must hsve somt
! M? 00 thta t Once, Where it
1 n ! ww. .
BiakaT Where's Scribbler? Where's
Boy They Is sll downstslrs gettin' Dp
a list of folks killed last yesr by electric
csrs, csbs. wagons, subway explosions,
gss, an 'lectric light wires.
Editor (despondently) They won't
get through for s montU.
Ifotkeri will And In. wtnaloWs Soothing
Byrup the beat remedy tonaa lot taelr coildrea
during the teething period..
Foreigners nowhere.
Foreign Suitor I lay at your feet a
coronet and a castle with a long rent
roll. I am aura you cannot do better
than to accept
American Beauty Ton flatter your
self, sir. One of my suitors is an Amer
ican who sells coal In winter and ice In
Farnnt, llahtmt and Mrowmt Stamp Puller
aa th. m.rkfU tie Home power en the urarp
with two faonee. Write lor descriptive rauio.
nod prlrM. :
Foot el Morrleoa Street Portland, Or2a
Of Our Method of Extract
If your plate taili when eating or talking
by using our vacuum valve wo can make
yon one that will be satisfactory. Wo do
work (or people from out ot the city quick
ly, so that you will not be delayed.
Odo Crown and bride wnrk wllbnnl
Iiniumw. n - rm-n ,J
pain. Our 17 yea
- ru.ure-. u. w n
oiy. ine nest is i
We bave feelings i
upon oveninr tilt a
IMv l. r. la
PPHQ r.nffclc
Wtrd S.ackvre, Feeders,
Horse Pow raSuppl'es
Write for Catalogue and Prices
Ifra want to a! the
bt&nmt rvtarua tor i ,
foot laor and "
W5(V toHotaoUilo bat 5V(r
m KMiliM aft 4 ;Mif
ton. I tr aiwaya pnMuaa
it laravm and aunt
croi. All dal-r mU
" ibrn. out I sea a
C "V Hrt4 Aaaaal -w
I Ira rwuwc I 1
'A foni many years ago I fcooght a
nSH BRAND Slicker, and k h pn-ea
S allM, nienl tot maay Money 4r ant
new it M geataf cU an4 I moat havs
Pkaat uni mt s price-Bat.
. (TW aaaw ti Iki. wnky dKaf, aaltfat
la a S la all toru ( wculuf, vjil
a. glraa ..alkaliaa.)
COMPANY, Limited
Toronto, Canada HftESR
. Wot Weather Clothing, Snfta, and Kata lor
aa Bda of wet work 1
Are filled" only by
competent persons.
There ii a demand"
for the reliable and
trustworthy, those
who can do thing?.
We five thorough
instruction, for all '
' kinds of office po
sitions. Write for our Catalogue
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Thl wandOTfal "hl
. doctor la ealtad
errat anua he com
MopM wiUhhm opara
Uoa that
to die. K earaa wltn
Iboa. woader rat Chl
MHliirtti roota, bode,
earke aad v4afel.e
thai am .ntlrvlr
know to medical ta
ne la Ihi eaualrr.
boa. harmltai n medtae thl. femone doctor
knewa U. acuoa of ever we ma
.dtae. WBlch a. eecMwrutly aaat la ditiml
dieaia, H. cwaniMa to ear. eauare. aata
aoa. ten met, rbennatlaaa, HrmMaa
etomach,, kidra, mo.; eaa haadrada
MeUmealala, Claraa modwata. Call and
a tain. FaUenta out of to. titr writ foe
blank, and dreolara. Bend .tama. CUMnUir
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
ISt Aider U la-Uatfd. Orefea.
krMHW aaPOT.
P. N. U.
No. S3-1904
TTTBElf w rittoe; to ndvertianrs pi
f f nnsM ian pa par.
1 i erience in plat
! iAJiuJt
Tbraa.n lb. msm ml
to fit your mouth comiort- i
the cheapest in tteetxl J
i as well aa you. ' g
11 i Sundays from 9 to L. '
your mourn comiorv
Main 2029.
OR. W. a. wias.
208-2J3 Failing Bid?., Third and WhWton
Tmctl o r Tortagla SI up e or Compound
Wood or Straw Bu ocrt .
The Old MonK Cure
Pains and Aches
of th humsn family, relieves
nd cures promptly. .
Pries 25c. ana 50c.