ONDO vol.xiv. CONDON, ORKGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1004. NO. 30. GLQBE. A SHORT SESSIQil special Term of Circuit Court Did Not Last Long. RAILROAD CASES SETTLED Matter Will no Longer Delay Wor k of Railroad Con struction. '-. . The adjourned term of circuit court which wan called to meet Monday was of short duration. Judge Bradrhaw, court stenograph er l)u fur and the several outside attorney a interested arrived here on the stage Muudajr afternoon and at 7:30 p. in. court convened but was almost immediately ad journed to lueet at 9:1)0 Tuesday morning. At that time it was re ported by the parlies interested that two of the throe caws had been Mettled during the night and that the third had been compromised and continued till a future Hitting of the court. The last regular term of court in September wan left open in order to Ket at issue a number of owe in which the Columbia River and Kaatvm Oregon R. R. Company ought to condemn right of way over the land of a number of per oui with whom they could not come to an agreement a to dam ages etc. But prior to the dale for court to convene all the case were aettled with the exception of those involving the lamia of Dick (iuant, 8. 8. Thomas and Wiu. Harnett. Monday evening Messrs. Guant ami Thomas and their attorneys held a conference with W. C. Mor row, head of the right of way de partment of theO. U. A N. Co. and the attorneya representing that oinpiiny when the matter was finally and satisfactorily nettled. The settlement was reached only after a lengthy discussion of the in terests involved and on a basis in which both sides made -some con cessions. Mr. Guant received $S(U for the damage sustained on hit property and Mr. Thomas received 27(K). The former gentleman asked for $1500 and the lat ter for $5000. It, is understood, however, that the amount paid wa more in both cases than had been been offered by the company dur ing former negotiations. In the case of Mr. Harnett no final agree ment wait reached as to damages but it was agreed to continue the cane until a future term of court it being stipulated, however, that con struction work by the railroad com pany could be proceeded with at once. . Mr. Burnett is a rccident of Sherman county and it is under stood the cAxe may be tried out at the next regular session of court in that county. It is a matter of much satis faction to the people of Gilliam C'liinty that these cases have finally been settled and that the railroad company now has a clear field on which to rush to completion the new railroad. Court adjourned Tuesday morn ing at 10 o'clock and most of the visitors left for their homes the same day. N P. Interested In Portage. The McCahe Construction com pany, a railroad contracting firm close to the Northern Pacific, has been awarded the contract for building the pirtage road from Celiln to The DalleM in Oregon, which when built will give central Washington an . open route to the sea, says the Spokesman-Review. The Columbia river is open from its mouth to The Dalles, 213 miles. By building this seven mile por tage road 18'.) miles more of the Columbia river will be open to navigation and 100 miles of the Snake river. The portage road will make the Columbia river a great competitor of the 0. R. A N., and that a North ern Pacific 'company should take the contract for its construction is said to be a move on the part of the northern road to even up scores with the Union Pacific, which con trols the O. R A N. Joseph Mc-Cabe of . Walla Walla, vice-president and general mana ge, of the Washington A Columbia river railroad, a subsidiary road of the Northern Pacific, is president of the construction company, and his brother, George McCabe of Tacoma, is manager of it. The company was organized to build the Walla Walla A Southern, from Walla Walla to Wallowa, but has done very little work beside filling a few trestles lor trie rtorlliem Pacific between Walla Walla and Dayton. Gilliam at National Grange. At Hi recent meeting of the National Urang at Portland an ei iblt of agri cultural products from nil over the slat was mads and Gilliam count woo flrst prise on onions in a walk. It brought tsars to eyes of other exhibitors to only look at the tjilliani county s.hibit and tlis judges unanimously voted it a hot proposition." The prie winners wvr grown by Austin Willoughby, of Ferry Canyon and Ralph t'romau placed them on eshlbition. Mr. Froman also placed on exhibition a lot of 'ripe, wound crop Ktrly Harvest apples which were grown by Smith Bros., of Ajai. Visitors from the East opened their eye in amsze ment at this showing hut they were told that Gilliam county toil 1 equal lo any emergency. If we have a fondness for Early Harvest in Moveiulter we have the rail ond climate to produce them. Those in attendance at the meeting from this section of Uillism county were: Mr. and Mr. Ralph Frouiau, Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Edward, Mr. and LMr. I. A, Henderson, Mr. and Mrs, John McContiell, Herbert Johnson and sister, Miis Dyer ami Ira Carter. The only incident to mar the enj-iyuieul of the Uilliam county delegation was the accident which befell Mrs. Henderson who slipped sud fell on the sidewalk sustaining a dislocation of the shoulder. A Plie)ous Juror. O. J. Q'liun wat here from Mayville precinct during the week attending onri as a jnror. Mr Quinn believes that he is summoned for jury duty more than his share of the time sod it is a matter of comment around the court house that he is never excused when once drswii in the bos, his reputation for fairness and sound judgement making him accepta ble to both side of every case. At a re cent term a prominent attorney was heard to remark that he would always accept Mr. Quinn as a uror uo matter which tide of a case he had. One little matter that i causing much comment among man y younger, but we will not add handsomer, men, w ho are g tests at the hotel where Mr. Quinn stops when In town, is that be always gets pie for breakfast. They wonder at his "pull" with the waiter but so far he has failed to enlighten the pie-hungry victiint'of jealousy ami they threaten to gel even by inditing a round robin letter to Mr. Quinn advising her of the mat ter. Mr. Quinn' judgement on pie sud the beat method of securing it is evi dently a sound as when weighing knot ty problem of law and evidence in the juiy room. A h:gh-clss entertainment will be given in Armory hall to morrow evening by the Condon Public School the pro ceed being for the benefit of the school library. Every citlxen should encourage (hi most worthy cause with his patron-age. WENT OVER BLUFF Wm Hunt Almost Killed by Misstep of Horse. LAY HELPLESS SIX HOURS Broken Leg and Other Serious . Injuries LeftHelpless In the Cold. William Hunt, an old citizen of this county, was seriously and per haps fatally' injured last Monday afternoon by a misstep of his sad dle horse. '' , , Mr. Hunt left his home at the mouth of Wolf hollow, on Rock creek at noon Monday to come to Condon where he was summoned as a juror for the Circuit Court. He was seen passing W. Q. Flett's borne shortly after noon and about dark his horse came back to the Flett place without a rider. Mr. Flett at once telephoned to Condon to know whether or not Mr. Hunt had reached this place and receiv iug a negative answer a search for the missing man ; was at once in stituted. He waa found about 7 o'clock lying in the bottom of a gulch a short distance from the Flett place in a helpless condition. His leg was broken, be was covered with cuts and bruises and it is fear ed he may have received dangerous internal injuries. He was remov ed to Mr. Flett's botne where he was made as comfortable as possi ble until medical aid could arrive. His horse 1 supposed , to have made a misstep "or slipped on the frosty ground and rolled with him over the bluff Mr. Hunt lay for more than six hours excised to the chilly Winter fog and during most of that time he was unconscious. L. D. S. Conference. The semi-annual conference of the Re organised Church of Latter Day Saints, tor the Portland district, convened at the Saint' clinch in this city last Satur day at 2:00 p. m. Apostle U. T. Griffith wa chosen president, J. C. Crabbe, as sistant and W. A. Goodwin, secretary pro tern. Report from the varioni branches indicated a marked increase in membership since the last conference but the cense of the meeting was, a ex Dressed by a member, "The harvest is great ami the laborers are few," After enjoying a pleautnt and profita ble session the ronfeience adj mrm-d Sunday afternoon to utret w ith the Port land branch the first Saturday in June. Mr. Jas. Stewart underwent a surgi cal operation for appendicitis at the North Pacific Sanitarium, PurtUod, on Thursday morning, Dr. R. C. Coffey be ing the operating surgeon. The opera tion was a complete success, but the patient being very weak before the operation, she ia very low, although her recovery is assured by the physicians In chsrge. Mr. Stewart accompanied ber to Portland and was present at the operation Fossil Journal. Rev. Father tiihlions. who has had charge of the work in the Catholic par ishes at thi place, Mavville and Fossil for several months, left Monday for a visit in California, We did not learn whether or not he will return to this county but the many warm friends he made here will hope that he may do so. Father tiiblton is a brother of Ueorge Uibbonsaml Mr C. J. Quiun, of Mav ville. -. -" The Globe lias many caller . these day from it friends who call to see the new press and engine operate and to congratulate the office force on the im proved appearance of the paper. We appreciate these manifestations of ap proval and our friends will always find the latch string out. Come often. David Mason, a former assessor of this county, was here during the week ai teuding conrt. Mr, Mason 1 now a resident of Washington. 1 The Quality Store Lord & Company The way the ladies have taken advantage of onr BARGAIN DRESS GOODS SALE shows they appreciate a good thing when they , see it. We have a few choice pattern left. WRITE FOR SAMPLES ".Ve can please yu in our lines of Men's and Boys' CLOTHING Lord -& Company ARLINGTON, OREGON : The Quality Store Lord & Company YOUR WANTS Can best be supplied from our large stock , of - GENERAL MERCHANDISE which is one of the largest in Gilliam County. Ask, Phone op Write for what uou need KEYS & CUSHING MAYVILLE, OREGON 1 Subscribe for the Condon Globe.