PERSONAL John McDonnell over from My villa Saturday. Mr. and lira. Paul Grelner visited friend ia town during the week. Will Stevena baa bought the May bar ber abop tn the Summit saloon building. Jonn Randall and Swede Blakely, of Arlington, were in the city Sands? on business. C. W. Croefield ba moved the Con don Pharmacy into Ita new home on Sommit ataeet. Will Davenport came over from May ville Saturday morning to apend a few daya enjoying city life. Dr. J. A. Beat, of Weston, waa here daring the week looking for investments in Gilliam county real estate. Mies Amy Red ford, a popular young lady of Arlington, waa the gaest of Mrs. E. Q. Merrifield during the week. RobU Spencer, a well known wheat grower of the Eightmile neighborhood, waa in town on business Friday and Saturday. Stewart Campbell went to Portland Saturday to buy a stock of liquor etc. for the new saloon to be opened by him elf and his brother. W. A. Wood win haa secured the con tract for the new saloon building to be erected by Stewart and Jim Campbell on north Main street. Geo. Gibbons, Jr. of Mayvllle, haa the contract for painting the new Som mit hotel being built by D. M. Rine hart. The new hostelry will toon be ready for occupancy. LOCAL BITS Found A pair of gold spectacles. En quire at thia office. The Timet will occupy ita new office the last of the week. Georgia wants to make Roosevelt's election nmanimoua. Go to Jackson's confectionery for home made taffy. Pride of Condon Flour, $4.00 per bbl. at mill. Guaranteed or money refunded. FirnP-class work at the Condon Steam Laundry, now nnder new management. Special chicken dinner every Hunday at the Elite Restaurant. Only 25 cents Your money back if yon don't like Pride of Condon, $4.00 per bbl. at mill. Claim jumpera are not in good repute among the old settlers in the Ajax country. Now ia the time to get your quilts and blankets washed at the Condon Steam Laundry, The Commercial Club held a good meeting Wednesday evening. More water was the subject discussed. Everybody in Condon had something to be thankful for last Thursday if it was nothing more than a jag. Select your plows, harrows and drills for the coining season at W. L. Barker's implement house, Condon, Oregon. Work haa been resumed on the new building being erected by the Church ofChriBt and will be carried to com pletion. It's too bad those shoes ripped. Get your next par from us and have them 8EWED and PATCHED FREE. O.W. Propst k Co. Roberts & Parker have opened a fine saloon in the building formerly occupied by the Condon Pharmacy corner Main and Summit streets. We sell best makes of fanning mills at $25 each. These mills are fully guaran teed togiv satisfaction or the . price will be refunded. W. L, Barker. The Condon Light Co. is giving an ex cellent service to their patrons. Coal oil and gasoline are not in it with the little incandescent bulb. Fob Sauj About 400 head of good wether lambs. Well bred stock and in good condition. Enquire of or addiess, Mas. W. J. Rubbbll, 37d38 Trail Fork, Oregon. Wagons, Boggies.Hacks and all kinds of Farming Implements at W. L. Bar ker's big Condon implement house. Now it the time to stock up for the busy Spring farming season. $100,000 to loan on Gilliam and Sher man county farm land at low interact Apply to, M. Fitzmaurice, agent, Moro, Oregon, or at W. A. Campbell's office in Barker Blgd. 30d33 A special term of the circuit court will convene here next Monday to bear the railroad right of way cases and to at tend to other court matters which may come op at that time. This will be the first adjourned term of court ever beld in the county. OLD KENTUCKY CLUB 10-YEAR OLD SOUR MASH WHISKEY ftt9rnrrrnrineeina Recommended as a Tonic and for Family use. Fine assortment of Case goods ' appropriate for Holiday use. PURITY GUARANTEED ROBERTS & PARKER SOLE DISTRIBUTORS 1. C HAKDMAN ). , RAMSAY CONDON LIVERY BARN Special - JV Fl rat-class Attention to j4VM -very Teamster's Trade Service Hay and Grain for Sale HARDMAN & RAMSAY", PROPRIETORS THE COP DOW CLUB ROBERTS & PARKER, PROPRIETORS FINhj WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. OLD KENTUCKY CLUB WHISKEY IN STOCK. ' FANOY MIXED DRINKS. COURTEOU8 ATTENDANTS : MAIN AND SUMMIT ST8. W. A. ABBEAL. R. r. LOON BY. THE CASH MARKET ABBEAL & LOON EY. Props. Neat and clean. Finest Roasts, Chops and Steaks. Fresh Oysters and Fish every week. GIVE US A TRIAL REMOVED We have removed to Sum mit street where we will be pleased to receive all of our old customers and new ones. Watch our ad for Holiday, offerings. CONDON PHARMACY h 1 ?: i rnn tup uniiTrn nriAmi w n uiothlng for Men, Boys, Ladies and Children. - fi If IS ii FINEST FOOTWEAR KJ ft 9 Bm. m m . . I " " I t I S tw I W I l 1 RUBBER GOODS j 1 i... I'd BUY Pride of Condon Flour AT THE MILL PER BBL. FOR CASH Every Sack Guaranteed or Money Refunded. titrin Mfikl 20r. Urshsm 2S. Just Arrived At the Merri field Studio, North Main Street. A choice selectio;. of Mount in all files and shapes. Ordered especially for the Holiday trade. Call and place your order early. CONDON WAREHOUSE COMP'Y. Our warehouse will be ready in a few day when we will be prepared to receive wheat on storage at reasonable rates. Parties wishing to store their crop should see us before making other-arrangements. Customary charges. We are here to give you first-class nervice. A. S. IIOLLEN, Manager. ELITE RESTAURANT R. McKINNEY, Prop. Ohock Sustain Strictly First-class Meals at all Hours LIBERTY MARKET GUY BOYD. Proprietor. Dealer In All kinds fresh and Smoked Meats. Fish on Frldau Main Street, Condon, Oregon. New Stock of Furniture A complete line of Couches, Bed Lounges. Fine assortment of Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses, also a full line of Hardware. Condon Furniture & Hardware Company NORTH MAIM STREET t JACKSON'S CONFECTIONERY Carries the finest line of novelty goods to be found in Condon. All new and up-to date. CIGARS AND SMOKING TOBACCO CANDIES AND CHOICE FRUITS Soft drinks of various kinds- hot or cold. A nice line of JEWELRY is also carried. 'I