tiLOBE. " TS3 CmCUL AND LEADLNQ PAPE2 CP CHHAM COUNTY. c? just fat n t: iv- rsiikktd E.r nndr tr A Pnttlson loiter 4 Proprietor. ADTKK?tlIa BAT TrohmdsmaX ead.., 4 1.89 j 1 . On KJttar ,. I .V .- .;..-. Cma-qaartar eeiana ;j f mail Ome-kall eMua. 4oo j-riRot-.a On eaituaa JC.iii pr m&mik SsalBMi taeaU w! b tWy4 at i ? !' lor So lucaruua a4 mij . e Latal tidvwtteawiita will la all a- Charfad la aa party ordering thai, al -4 'a, aa4 paid iut oaiota a&.u.til t t-s IVBSCBirTIO BATE. Oae im (la 4enM) $t.U II Ml pal IB llfUN I N Hi Hon Ik. I.M Vhaaa laoaihi , M Kal. uiM. , M VOL. XIV. CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OOTOON. Til LTIiSDA Y, NOVEMBER 24, 1904. NO. 37. CONDON Entered al the wwtnffln at Con4a, Oregon, a aooud-aUu mall matter. W. INOVKU, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Will practice la all th Court al Ontfoa. 0 toe en dwui aorta al Imaa Mrw. Blora. CONDON, OftKOON. W. DASUNO. ATTORNEY'AT'LAW. Notary Public and Csavtyaacsr. CO DOH, OBIOOR A. FATTtltON. ' KOTARY PUBLIC. Oas la Glob tutldlaf. CONDOM, 0II00N J. r. WOOD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AXD SL'RCEOS. Pay aad Highl Call rreaptly limni Offra aaaon Boor Barker Vatldlag, eafeat Mala and spring tlraata CONDON, 0MOO JJR. t. K. LVNA. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day and NlfM CalU rreapUr Altaatad. CONDON, OaiOON T. L. MICKUJt. DENTIST. . Offlaaaaaoad aat faltaai Balldlaf, SaeUl Mala eireal. CONDON, OKtOON 0. a riuiia FtANK OOLDKN City Shaving Parlors , PALM KB 4 OOLUKN, fro pa. ' flrtt Claat workman, laaltary CoadlUont Courteous TraatmtDt Uotand Cold Balk Belvedere Building, Mala and Spring SUaeta. CONDON, OREGON. 3 SMWUHZ AllMOPACinC 3 TRAINS EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tonr 1st alMping can dally to Omaha, Chi cago, Bpokana; toariatilMpIng car daily to Kant u city ; through Pullman tourlit leaping can (paraonallr conducted) weaaly to Chicago, reclining chair cart (eat frta) to tha aat dally. Oceaa ateamara batwaan Portland and 8aa Franelaoo arary flra daya. LOW RATES I Tieketa to and from all parti of tha United Btatee, Canada and Europe. Far particulars call on or addraaa D. TIERNEY, Agent Arlington, Oregon 0. R. a N. TIE TABLE Traini Depart from Arlington EAST BOUND No. I Chicago Special 1:30 P M No. 4 Spokane Flyer 12:40 A M No. JB Mail A Expreae 1 ti A U WEST BOUND No. 1 Portland Special. 1MI P M No. 8 Portland Flyer.. S :05 AM No.5Maild(Expreaa........ 3:60AM D. TIERNEY, Agent, Arlington, Or. WEEK'SDOINGS Newsy Items Gathered from All Pcrts of the World. or iNTrjesT to co eeades General Review of Important Happen. penl0S Prcsentea In Brief an4 Condensed Corm. War Minister Ueuitas, of Panama, baa resigned. Tha National Irrigation congress baa endorsed tha 1906 ei posit Ion. Fourteen mlneia were killed by a coal gas ai plosion la tha Fernle, B. O, mines. Tha Japanese are reported -to bare blown up another Russian magaslne at Port Arthur. Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, will bo offered a place on the cItII eervice commission when be retires. Colonel Breckanrldge is very low at hla home In Louisvile, Ky. Hope of bla recovery bis been given up. British fishermen eipect to bo wall paid for tbe North sea outrage. Claims for over 127,000 bava been put In. General Stoeteel baa asked for am munition, and Russia uai ordered that every riak be taken to meet hla require ments. Holland baa advised Secretary Hay that it gladly aorepts the suggestions that the peae conference be reconvened at Tha Hague. Annomemont baa been made of tbe completion of the fund of 1000,000 for the election of a national monument to tha lata President McKinley. The National 1905 It rlgatlon congress will meet In Portland. France'a policy toward tbe Baltic fleet Is causing Japan much concern. A trolley car at Toionto running wild was struck by a freight car. Four eo ple were killed and a number injured. Henry Meldrum, ex-United States surveyor for Oregon, baa been found guilty of forgery on 21 counts by a jury in the United States federal court. Roosevelt has offered tha attorney generalship to ex-Governor Black of New York. His friends do not believe ha will accept, aa be aspirea to tha sen ate. General 8toesseI baa Informed the csar that be believes be can hold out until tha Baltie equadion arrives. He says that, though hemmed in, tha Rus sians hold all the main forte. His wound ia only a slight one. President Amandas, of Panama, has stolrn a march on General Huertaa by relegating the at my to police ranks. The commander-in-chief will appeal to President Rooeevelt. Minister Bar tett, on account of intense excitement prevailing, will ask foi an Ameilcan ah:p to remain. The weather around Mukden ia grow ing colder. French Minister of War Andre baa resigned. A complete Philippine exhibit for tha 1905 fair ia assured. Tba last great attack on Port Arthur cost the Japanese 1200,000. Tha gteat system of canals planned for Prussia by the kasier finally seems assured. Two masked men held up a miniature train inside the St. Louis fair grounds and secured about $100 and escaped. Tha inquiry which Great Britain Is conducting on her own behalf in tbe North sea incident baa opened at Hull. General 6toessel's wound has neces sitated bla going to tha hospital. He refuses, however, to relinquish com mand ot the troops defending Port Ar thur. Civil set vice baa been extended to all employea of the Panama canal commis sion, except those appointed by the president, day laborers and a few places which In nature are personal to the members of the commission. Pension Commissioner Ware haa re signed. The Japanese continue to gain ground at Port Arthur. Austria favora an arbitration treaty with the" United States. An extra session of congress to re vise tbe tariff ia probable. Count Caasni again declares Russia will carry on tha war to the bitter end. Ten scouts have been killed by Fili pinos in an ambush on tha east coast of Bamar. Tha beuae of "Hoo-Hoo," which was such a success at the St. Louis fair, will be a feature of the Lewis and Clark exposition. The fifth trial of A. A. Ames, ex mayor of Minneapolis, has been set for November 28. A special venire o( 100 men haa been made to select a jury from. Tha American Federation of Labor is holding its annual convention in San Francisco. Delegates to the National Irrigation congress declare themselves ia favor of meeting in Portland in 1905. The Pearson boat plant at Duluth, Minn., burned, causing a loss ot 1160, 000. John H. Hall has been le-appointed United States district attorney for Ore ROOSEVELT'S PLURALITY. Will be Largest Ever Given Any Can. Cidate for President. Returns from all the states In the onion, practically complete, though not official, show that President Rooeevelt'a popular pluiality will be about 2,300, 000, the greatest by far aver given any candidate for the presidency Tbe fig ures aa they now eland are aa follows: Pluralities ty Stalest Roosevelt. Farkar. Alabama 7M Arkanaae ....... tU.M California llS.me Colorado M.M0 Connwidout S8.1W Dataware i.kiJ Klorl.l sn.ooo Quorate. U,M Idaho Illlnola M,j0 Indiana W.K71 Iowa ....... Kanaaa ..... 1,UW ...... Kentucky 14.000 Iuilalana K.OuO HI(WI Maine Maryland 104 Maaaaotiuaatta SS.S00 Michigan ,.M IWJ.OuO Mlnnwota LX.OuO Mlaalaalppi eeerteeeaea . Mlaaourl ZH.u) Montana 12.0U0 Nebraska St.OQO Nevada S.ooo I f....V.. M iiLt . W MiW. ...... N.w Jrraey 11. W N.w York 17S.0U0 North Carolina U.OOS North Dakota K.m Ohio Ibo.cxtt Oregon .uiO 'nnaylvanla ., IM,(35 Rhode laland U.S74 South Carolina M.OQO Houth Dakota 40.000 Tannoaeea K.snO Tazaa U0.004 uian zi.umi Varment 10,81 Virginia Waahlnrton SS.OOO 27.000 Waat Virginia ,... tl.M Wlaeonaln MO.OMe Wyoming 7,000 Total t.RK.&B Kooaeveit's plurality ..1.3U2.4S4 The electoral Collcoci Theodore Roaaevelt , Alton JB. Parker S3S 140 Rooeevelt'a majority 1M Maryland, 1 for Hooeevelt, 7 for Parker. The New Conorcssi Tfouae of RaDraeenUtlvee riepuDiieans Dvmocrata Banate Republican Democrat US cs u NEW NOTe SENT TO PORTE. America Teds Her She Must fulfill Her Agreement at Once. Constantinople, Nov. 17. The Amer ican consul at Kharput, Dr. Thomas H. Norton, haa been instructed to pro ceed to the lorco-Persian frontier and watch the operationa of the Turkish and Peiaian authorities who have un dsrtaken to airest the Kurdish murder ers of the American missionary, 'Rev. R. W. Larabee, who waa killed in April last. Deeplte the aorte't repeated promis es to the American legation not to per mit venders of bibles of the American Bible society to be molested, the local authorities at Angora, Trebisond and Onlu still detain the venders who have sold their bibles, and threatened to ar rest anyone attempting to sell them. The legation, therefore, baa addressed a more imperative note to the porte calling attention to this noncompliance with instructions which the legation has been asuured bad been given to aur- render the bibles and not interfere with the work of the bible bouse, and de manding a prompt settlement, failing which the matter would be referred to Washington SLIPS BY TOGO. Russian Ship Leaves Port Arthur During Storm. Cbefoo, Nov. 17. The Russian tor pedo boat destroyer Ratstoropony put into this harbor this morning. Firing was heard half an hour before she en tered the hatbor. A snow atorm-and high wind was prevailing at the time, and it la believed that the Russian ves eel, under cover of the storm, made an attempt to escape from Poit Arthur. Tbe corrspondent of tbe Associated Prers succeeded in reaching the destroy er after she arrived here, but he was not allowed to board her. The captain ot the Chinese cruiser Uai Yung was the first person to go on board. He held a brief conference with her com mander, after which the Ratstoropony came further in the stream and anchor ed in the same spot that the destroyer Ryeshitelnl did last August before she was cut out by the Japanese. Sails With Cotton for Japan. Seattle, Nov. 17. It ia reported from Vancouver, B. C, that the Canadian Pacific steamship company 'a ateamer Athenian, formerly a United States government transport, baa sailedfrom that port with a contraband cargo for the Japanese government. According to Information received in Seattle, the vessel ia carrying a shipment of 300 tons of cotton for the government ar senal at Toklo. Fears aie entertained tor the vessel's safety, as Russian agents have advised St. Petersburg au thorities of the nature of the cargo. Notifies China He Will Disarm. Chefoo, Nov. 17. The captain of the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Ratsto ropony, which put Into this harbor earl) this morning, has notified the Chinese authoritiea that he will disarm. It ia believed that thia decision was ar rived at after communicating with St. Petersburg. There la reason to believo that Japanese cruisera have been watch ing the port, although a ateamer which has just arrived saw no Japanese war vessels. Pair Settles Debt with Nation. St. Louis, Nov. 17. The sum of 1191,850.81, the last installment on the federal loan of $4,600,000 made to tha World's fair several months ago, was paid into the United States sub treasury today by the exposition offi cials. Thia la the 11th payment. OREGON NEWS iH,A -4 A SALMON CAUGHT ILLEGALLY. Clackamas People' Call Situation to Attention of Representative. Oregon City Complaint of flagrant violations of the aalmon fishing law are being made by interested Clackamas county people to Representative-elect C. G. Huntley, of this city, who, aa a member of tbe state legislature, will seek to have corrected existing abuses and their repitithn in ihe future. These complaints have been made to Fish Warden Van Dusen, who haa de clined to remedy the situation beacuse of a lack of funds. Fishing is by law prohibited within two miles of any hatchery, but this law ia being notoriously transgressed. There is made a provision In the same law for the petroling of the Clackamas river within the restricted districts about a hatchery, but fishing for salm on with nets ia being openly carried on ithla one-half mhe of tbe government hatchery near this city, with the result that tbe take of aalmoo at the hatchery will not exceed one-thiid that of List yeat. At tbia time last year, 10,180,- 000 eggt had been aecured for the gov ernment hatchery, while but 3,000,000 egga bava been taken thia year. Of thia eeaeons'a taken Superintendent Wallick reporta more than 1,000,000 eggs have been taken dating tbe past ten days. Much indignation exists among the people of Oregon City with present conditions, and local fishermen are known to be fishing in violation of the law for the reason that nothing has been done to regulate tbe practice at other places. Oregon City people view the situation as one of gteat importance to the industry itself, and question whether or not the government ia its efforts to promote the propagation of this fish will not be discouraged bv tbe lack of interest and tbe failure of the state authorities to provide the needed protection by enforcing tbe statutes as they are now framed. ,, . DRILL POS ARTESIAN WATER. Bigger Engine and Outfit is Needed Near Pendleton. Pendleton J. W. Chaney was in town recently negotiating for the pur chase of a 2,600 foot well drill. Mr. Chaney has a 750 foot outfit and a six horse power gasoline engine, but finds it too small lor efficient work. He is at present working on a well at tbe Furnish ranch, north of here, but work waa suspended on account of losing a drill and a new well was start ed. In the old well a depth of over 700 feet was drilled with not a sign of water, whlie ia the new one water waa found at 150 feet and only a few yards from the location of the old one. Mr. Chaney will purchase a 20 horse power engine for his new outfit and will be able to bore for artesian water. He prefers a gasoline engine, aa often wells are bored many miles from a watering place, and it is much more convenient to haul gasoline than wood and water. frost Stops Brick flaking. Weston The Weston brickyard stopped molding this week on account of the heavy frosts. Men are finishirg the season's work and burning several kilns. Manager Clark Nelson says that thia ia the best year ever experienced. flour for Japan. Milton The Peacock milling com pany haa just finished a shipment of 8,000 sacks of flour to Japan via Taco ma. This is the first flour shipped from this point to tbe Orient this seas on. More orders are expected. Show Results of Irrigation. Pendleton Blanks for tha rennrt nf farmers reaidina on winter and snrinir irrigated farms and the results of such . i a a a a irrigation are Deing circuiaiea among the farmera to be filled out and re turned to tha Pendleton Commercial association, there to be made into a general report and forwarded to the government. Thia is being done with the hope of interesting the government and to prevent it from abandoning the Umatilla irrigation project. Busy Days at flour Mill. Pendleton Pendleton flour mills are run to their capacity to fill flour orders for the local demand. Little flour ia being shipped to tha Orient, although W. 8. Byers has bad several contracts for the fall product. Small buya ot wheat are being made constantly, but none of any consequence. All that ia bought now must be shipped in by rail, as all grain tributary to Pendleton was purchased aome time ago. Coming Events. Oregon 8tate Conventionl of County Clerkaand Recorders, Portland, No vember 25-26. Oregon Good Roada association, Salem, December 13-15. , Inland Empire Sunday School Insti tute, Pendleton. January 30. - Oregon Y, M. O. A. convention, 8alem, November 25-27. OF INTEREST CONSTRUCTING TRAMWAY. Maxwell Mine will Run rive Stamps AN Winter. Baker City Tbe management of tbe Maxwell mine, on Rock creek, ia in stalling a water power plant at Its new mill. The aerial tramway, 8,000 feet long, is also In course of construction. Five stamps will be operated all winter. Superintendent Al Geiser, of tbe Gem mine in Sparta district, came in a few days ago, having in his possession aome of the richest specimens of ore yet dis covered in that property. They were from the atrike recently made 'on the 600 foot level. Mr. Geiser aaye they weie picked at random from a car aa it cams from the mine. The mill ia run ning night and day on very rich ore. The Montezuma and Bunker Hill prepertiea in tbe Cracker creek district hsve been consolidated. Warren Cable baa been appointed manager. A 1,200 foot tunnel will be run during the winter to tap the vein. Manager Stuliea of the White Swan mine baa returned from San Francico, but will leave in a few daya to attend the Balliet trial at Dee Moines, Iowa, aa a witness. He aaya that matters have been adjusted and that work will be resumed on hla return from the East. ORIOLE ORE RUNS $64. Streak of Sulphide found In the Hanging Walt. i Susanville Heaton & Haskell, who have a bond on the Oriole and are driv ing a tunnel on the ledge, struck a streak of sulphide ore on the hanging wall that assays $64 in gold. The Oriole is an old location, bnt little work having Deen done toward develop ing it. A tunnel waa started, and de tached bunches of good ore were en countered in a bioken mass of ledge matter. Tbe workmen now appear to have entered solid forn ation and the indications are that they will soon have a body of ogod ore. - , The Gold Bug people have sunk their shaft 60 below the 100 foot level since installing their steam plant, and thei ore stays with them, which shows the shoot is getting longer with depth. They will drift on the ledge when the 200 foot level it reached. The Badger baa three shifts sinking the shaft below the 700 foot level. The mill is running steadily and the usual amount of concentrates ia being shipped. The compressor pipe line ia being ex tended acrosa the gulch to the Bull of the Woods, where the air will be used to run machine drills. New Oregon Incorporations. Salem Articles of incornoration were filed in the office of the secretary ef state last week aa follows: West Coast Lumber and Timber com pany, Portland, $500,000; Allen Brown, True Cncapher. William W. Brown, Huntington D. Pier, Jester E. watson. Bend Water. Light A Power com pany. Bend: $10,000: A. L. Good- willie, Geotge C. Steineman, W. E. Guerin, Jr. v Wright Marcantile com nan v. Union: $50,000; Joapeh Wright, M. F. Wright, John M. Ross. R. Robinson Cheese comnanv. Tilla mook; $10,000; John R. Harter, R. Robinson, C. W. Talmage. Contracts Let for State fuel. Salem Awards of contracts for furn ishing wood for the state institutions nave been made, ibere were a number of contracts, aome of them for small quantities of wood. The prices named in contracts, for first-growth fir, are aa follows: Reform school, $3.50; peni tentiary. 13.20: asylum. 13.25 to 13.40: asylum farm, $3.50. Offers of wood lor tne capitol building, blind school and mute school were rejected, the prices named being $3.30 to $3.95 Shipping Potatoes. WeBton--Several care of potatoea are being shipped from -here to outside marketa thia week. Growers are re ceiving $1 a sack for their crop, with a ready market. The largest field ia 40 acres, situated on Wtston mountain. Requisition for Alleged Horsethief. Salem Governor Chamberlain has issued a requisition upon the governor of South Dakota for the extradition of George W. Ditty, who is wanted to answer a charge of atealing a horse at Echo, Umatilla county, last May. $4,000 for a Draft Stallion. Pendleton D. A. Collins, agent for the McLaughlin Bros., importers of horses, has returned lrom Walla Walla, where he haa been looking over the country for a depot for their horses. Mi. Collins has just completed a sale whereby a Wasco, Oregon, company has purchased a 2,180 pound 3-year old French draft stallion for $4,000. Northwest Wheat Markets. Portland Walla Walla, 8082c; blueetem, 85c; valley, 87)c. Tacoma Blueatem, 90c; club, 86c. - Colfax Club, 73c; blueetem, 75o. CITIES IN RACE. four Are After the Next National Grange Convention. PorUlnd, Nov. 18. Increasing at tendance marked the second dav' a. sion of the National Grange convention. Despite tbe heavy rain, a iimi crowa oi urangera Is coming in from all paita of the Northwest, and the attendance will continna tn . ... . daring the remainder of the week. Tbe a . . . ciimax win probably be reecned tomor row afternoon when tha final dKnMa nl tbe order are to be conferred. Speculation ia already rifa aa to where the next convention of tha Ka. tional Grange will be held. Several cmea are alter tbe bonor. Among them are Washington D. C: Hartford. Conn.; Trenton, N. J., and Milwaukee Wis. Governor Pardee of California, baa sent aa urgent invitation for tha National grange to meet somewhere In bis state next year, but it ia hardly proDabie that bla Invitation will find favor with the deWataa. aa tha mat nf coming to the Pacific coast is about lo.uuumore man it would be for tbe grange to be held in an eastern city. The place for holding the next session will not be decided upon until some time next week. Yesterday's session wss principally devoted toaddrefaea by National officers and reports from state masteia. Tbe list of standing committees and order of business have been printed in pamphlet form for con venience oi the delegates; tbe hall bas been partially rearranged and firaa ara kept burning all night long, so that ine nan is mora comtoi table than it waa on Wednesday. Fruit was distributed veaterdav to all the visitors, and there ia now a cheer ful air pervading among all present, aa they are becoming better acquainted. W. a . . . x ne mom important address yesterday waa that ot the worthy overseer, T. C. Atkinson, of West Virginia, aecond officer ot the order. The board of reeen ta of tha Oimmi Araicuitural eollem invitod tha alA. gatea to visit tbe collese at CorvaUia during the meeting. The invitation waa accepted and a apodal train will take them next there Tuesday. NEW LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION. Reorganization of Present National Body Is Under Consideration. Denver, Nov. 19. A special commit tee Jim been appointed to draw up a plan of reorganization for the National Livestock association. President Hag- enbarth baa named Fred P. Johnson, oi this city; W. A. Harris, ex-senator from Kansas: Y. Mnrdo McKenzie. of Texas, and Alvin H. Sanders, of the Breedeis' Gazette, of Chicago, to act ltb mm aa a committee to frame a new constitution and by-lawa for the new organization. Thia committee will report to a committee to be named by the convention when it meeta here Jan uary 9 of next year. Tbe committee t hosen by the convention will consist of three members from each branch of the live-stock industry, and they will use the by-laws and constitution made by the special committee aa a basis for their full report to the convention of a plan of reorganization. While Mr. Hagenbarth ia in Chicago he expect to secure the meeting of the National Livestock commission meet ing for Denver for the same date as the thiee other Livestock associations will mee there. This brings here 600 com mission men from all parts of the coun try. Several other branches of the livestock industry will be represented also. BIG PIER IS BURNED. Boston firemen Have Hani Time to Keep Tire from Spreading. Boston, Nov. 19. The London pier and shed of the Warren line, in Charleatown, filled with oil, wood pnlp and othei highly inflammable material, waa completely destroyed by fire to tonight, and it was only by the utmost exertion that the firemen were a le to save the adjoining property. The big Hoosao tunnel grain elevator and the White Stai line pier, and a number of vessels narrrowly escaped destruction. Tbe entire north end of the city was deluged with sparks. At midnight the fire waa under contiol. The loss is es timated at $600,000, of which $500,000 ia on freight. More Russian Ships Sail. Libau, Russia, Nov. 19. The second division of the Russian aecond Pae fh aquadron sailed today. It consists ot the cruisera Oleg and Izumrud, the auxiliary cruisera Kuban, Terek and Orel, the cruisera Rion and Dneiper, formerly the St. Petersburg and Smo lensk, and tbe torpedo boat destroyers Liany, Resiti, Gromki, Gozny and Prosorlivy. Tbe division is expected to overtake Rear Admiral Voelkesam's division by way of tbe Sues canal The two divisions will thus be united before reaching Japanese waters. Metcalf May Step Up. Washington, Nov. 19. It is said to night, -on high authority, that Secre tary Hitchcock will retire from the cabinet on March 4 next. He will re linquish his position without reference to his possible election as United States senator from Missoni i. It is the gen eral understanding that Victor H. Metcalf, at present head of the depart ment of commerce and labor, will be transferred to the interior department at successor to Mr H.'tchcock. Shakhe River Is Trozen Over. Shanghai, Nov. 19. According to advices received here the Japanese have advanced across the Shakhe river, which now haa become frozen over. This is believed to have made possible a general advance on the Russian posi tion and a battle acrosa the Shakhe is thought to be imminent. FOUR ARE DEAD , r 1 Explosion of Qz5 ta Gi!ccp HOUSES SHAKEN tLCCHS AVAY Overpressure In Tanks Causes! the Accident Wrecked Plant at Once Takes fire. Chicago, Nov.21. Four oersons wets killed and a score in luted tnla haa series of gas explosion that destroyed m piant oi the ryle Electric Head light company. The shocks of the ex plosion were ao sevete that all the buildings near the demolished plant were damaged, and windows were shat- ttrrmA lar hlnrlra kKiU - " wm..v .ciwu. nri , thrown from their feet. Over pressure a oeiievea to have caused tbe accident. The Pyle comnanv snoDliea IllnmL nation lor railroad coaches. Thia ilia minant la forced Into small retorts, which, when attached nndar th flnnr of a car, will aupply it with light for monins. in order to make tbia possi ble the retorts are subjected to aa ex tremely high nressare. It waa anh a . tank that caused tbe first explosion. wnue workmen and wreckage filled the air. other retorts exDloded In anrh rapid succession that it was almost im- poeeioie to distinguish tbe separate de tonations. There were nina anrh . plosions in all, and these left the plant n names. Tbe fire kept the depart ment busy for several boars.' The total lota to property ia $75,000. IS 3,000 STRONG. Great Throng In Attendance at Na tional Grange. Portland. Nov. 19. Yeatarrfaa'a at tendance at the National Grange con vention went np to nearly 3,000. To day bids fair to bring the largest num bers, owing to the fact that the three final degrees will be confened this afternoon at the Empire theater. The sessions are prowintr mora nthn.iti and much business is being transacted ai every session. There was no evening session last night, tbe various committeea needing the time for their reporta. The Arm ory hall was thrown onen after K nVWk ' to the general public, and the visitors neia lmpiompta receptions among themselves. Man V aTMM-ha wars mill. and songs were sung, tbe occasion being one oi ine most enjoyable of the in formal gathering o lay during tbe week. Yesterdav's hnainftaa twran with that annual address of (i- W F dm nut. r.1 New Jersey, assistant steward of the nauonai orange. Utters addreeslng the meet ine were: B. C. Patterann. nf Connecticut, and the state managers I rota jew York, Washington, Missouri, Delaware. Colotadn and Vsrmont whn made reporta upon the condition of ineir respective charges. RUSSIA WILL NOT RESENT IT. favors Roosevelt's Peace Move, but Can't Join In While War is On. St. Petersburg Nov. 21. Tha Rna. sian formal reply says a circular note regarding the conveninir of The Ham conference is not expected until next week, in tbe meantime the views of other powers are being ascertained throhgh the Russian representatives abroad. While there ia no reason to believe that Russia can sgree to par ticipate in a conference during a war there is every indication that she will nor oniy not resent tbe propoea., but that her reply will be of a cordial nature. In the course of a conversation on the subject between Foreign Minister Lamadorff and Charge d'Affaires Eddy, of the American embassy, the former spoke feelingly of Russia's great inter est in the work and aims of the peace confei en te initiated by Em pei or N ich olas. and the important fact developed that it bad been Russia'a Intention, had not the war intervened, herself to invite tbe powers to a second confer ence. While tha war waa in nrmmai. however, Count Lamsdorff explained, it waa a great difficulty to a fruitful dis cussion and to a decision in a question which might affect the activity of the present belligerents. Canal Commissioner Resigns. Washington, Nov. 21. Frank J. Hecker bas resigned as a member of tbe Panama canal commission. In his letter of resignation sent to President Rooeevelt, Mr. Hecker said tbe climate of the canal zone is unfavorable to hla health, and he felt conrtrained to re sign. The piesident accepted the re signation, and in reply to to Mr. Hecker "s letter, paid the retiring com miseioner a tribute, and expressed re gret that bis health would not permit him to serve any longer. Mr. Hecker ia from Michigan. Describes Situation as CritlcaL Wasington, Nov. 21. Consul Gene ral Fowler today cabled the state do partment from Chefoo that the situa tion at Port Arthur is extremely criti cal, the outer forta having fallen into the possession of the Japanese. He also states that three Japanese torpedo boat destroyers aie lying ontside of Chefoo harbor, and that the Russian crew of the torpedo boat destroyer blown up are transfeiring their arms and supplies to a Chinese cuieer. Millions for Defense. Berlin, Nov. 21. A dispatch to the Frankfurter Zeitung from Constantino ple eaye Turkey is ordering 100 new batteries of artillery fiom German, French and English factories at the cost of $10,000,000. Tbe Krupp com pany gets tha largest contrasts,