THE IMPERIAL , PULVERIZER , Clod Crusher, Roller and Leveler. , i. U.J qua j m.. meg MERRIFIELD BUILDH1G DIRECTORY THE QUALITY NORTH MAIN STREET " ' CONDON OREGON "LORD & COMPANY: FIRST If LOOR . ELITE RESTAURANT R. McKlNNEY, Prop. Check ftusten Suiethj FtrtvctMS MeaU at all flours SEEING IS BELIEVING SECOND FLOOR. FRONT ROOMS Th s.W ml slnwrs U Imperial Pnlwlr in tfiws sections. M4 ia all siss. This, insr-hine will do hettsr work than any lam) roller oa Us market, as It will pack tho snh toil and tsuvs lh (Trant in small ril, which will prevent the soil front drifting and blowing off from tha grain, ami will leave the ground in a line condition for sf bed. Bead below what Mr. W. M. BarneU has to u; I tbia rolWr. Manufactured by The; Peterson Manufacturing Co. ; " Kent. Ohio. v OREGON TRADING 60- General jrlaenti. . Wasco, Oreaon. MR. BARNETTS TESTIMONIAL. Messrs. Oregon Trading Co., Wasco, Oregon. Gentlemen: . Yoo said yon would like to hear from roe la regard to the Peterson Land Boiler yoo let roe have this spring to try on my field north of Waeco. need the roller on 50 acres that I fiuialied sowing on the 10th day of May. On the 60 acres that I rolled X got double the stand and double the amount of wheat that I did from the land which I did nof roll. On the land which I did not roltlhe wheat was a poor stand and did not stool near so well as the other, fell over and tangled an so that it was hard to save with the header. The 60 acres that was rolled was a good stand and all stood up to fine shape to cut. and the ground was in excellent condition for the header, it was packed solid which made it very easy for my teams. I consider it th lightest draft and one of the best farm tool I ever used. It is a land roller in evrey sense of the word ; it packs the ground below the surface, while other surface rollers only pack it on top. Where the land is light and sandy and likely to dry out it is the beet tool on earth. I cannot speak to highly of your roller, and expect to order one or two from yon as soon at you get j oar or in. Frost cannot hurt your wheat if you use the roller.JYfcU can refer any farmer to me, as I cannot recommend it too highly. :' ' Yours vsry truly, r - - W. M. BARSETT. Wasco, Ors., Sept. 2, 1004, x MADE IN THREE SIZES. Price 12-foot $110; 15-foot $130; 18-foot $150. Made of Iron and Steel. Send In Your Orders at Once. H. A. HARTSHORN. F. F. MOORE. Draying, Transfer g Gen'l. Delivery All kinds of hauling. Terms reasonable. Flags may be found at principal business houses. If needing our ser vices, ask to have flag displayed. Daily delivery from EDWARDS & McBR IDE'S MEAT MARKET AT 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. .- . HARTSHORN & MOORE W. A. ABBEAL. R. F. LOOKET. THE CASH MARKET ABBEAL A LOONEY. Props. New shop just opened, South Main Street Neat and clean. Finest Roasts, Chops and Steaks. GIVE US A TRIAL THE COHDOli GLOBE THURSDAY OCTOBER 2Q. 10O4-. . Farmers' Institute. Judging from the attendance at the farmers' institute, advertised for this place yesterday, the farmers of this pre cinct are either to busy to attend each meetings or else they feel that they do not need instruction in scientific farm ing. The morning session was post poned for want of an audience and the afternoon meeting was very slimly at tended. At the evening session an in teresting lecture, illustrated with steri opticas views, was enjoyed by a fair sized audience. The speakers present were: " Dr. James Withycombe, director of the experiment station at the Oregon Agricultural College, Prof. F. L. Kent, in charge of the dairying Industry and Prof. A. B. Cordley, entomologist of the same institution. All these gentlemen are experts in their line, which is practi cal farming conducted on a scientific basis and it is a matter of regret that the farmers of this section did not man ifest more interest in the meetings. They go from here to Mayville where the people promise them big audiences. The meeting held at Alviile Tuesday was well attended, the grange hall be ing packed to ita fullest capacity. E l Palmer, the successful well driller, bronght in a fine well on C. L. Lillie's place in Msyville precinct, last Wednes day at a depth of 210 feet. The supply of water is said to he iiipxhaostable, all efforts of the workmen to pnmp it ont in order to test the supply proving fruit less. Bticli a well w ill prove of great value to Mr. Lillie's fine ranch. Petition for Liquor License. In the Coanty Conrt of the Bute ol Oregon for Gilliam County. In the matter of the petition of Fred Wilson for a license to sell spirltnoos, malt and virions liquor Id Blalock Precinct, Gilliam County, Oregon, for a period ol three month. To the Honorable Connty Commissioners, Coart of Gilliam Connty, Oregon. We, the undersigned legal voter of Blalock Precinct, Gilliam Connty, Oregon, respectfully petition that yon iarae to Fred Wilson a license to sell spiritnoas, malt and vinoas liquors in quantities less than one gallon In Blalock Pre cinct, Gilliam County, Oregon, for the period of three months commencing with the 16th day of November, 19M and ending with the 16lh day of Febraary, 1905: Geo. Miller. W. T. iJolvetter, C. W. Beachem, R. A. Wallit, W. R. Trubacb, W. Hess, H.E. Wallis, J. W. Engberg. Geo. Davis, J. H. Bntler, J. A. Fehrenbacber, William H, Fehrenbacber, 8. a Osborn, F. A. KoUaa, a O. Dill boy, C P. Pollard. C. E. Pollard, John Solreater, J. T. Teft, W. J Fletcher. H. H. Lloyd. W. E. Ayers. J. J. Fehrenbacber. O. Parrish, W. B, Baker, William 8mith, A. R. McWilliam. t. D. Phillips. W. L. Phillips, Wn Head, H. Butcher, W. Mc Kinney, A. at. Erhart. To whom it May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the andersigned, Fred Wilson, will on the 16th day day of Kovember, 1904, apply to the Honorable Cosuty Court of Gilliam Connty, Oregon, for a license to sell at retail. In qnaotl ty less than one gallon, spirituous, malt and vinous liqnors in the precinct of Blaloek, In said Gilliam Connty, Oregon, ' FRED WILSON, Testimony of a Minister. Rw. Jno. 8. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes: "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a niimlier of physicians and tried all sorts of medi cines, hut got no relief. Then I began ttin n iw of Electric Ui t rs and feel that I bii. no v cured nf a disease that hwl me in us grasp Jut . twelve- years. ') 'If yon want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney tronbl, stomach disorder or goneral debility, ifet Electric Bitters. It's UUiirauteed b) nil Jra'Sts. Only 50c A Question of Tacks. Any reader of this paper, sending 25 cents In silver, by postal note or in one or two cent stamps, will be sent The Daily Journal one month; or The Sun day Journal two months; or the Semi Weekly Jonrnal three months or the Weekly Journal fonr months, and in addition a mach safe filled with tacks, postage prepaid. Address The Journal, Portland, Oregon. Send No Money ONLY YOUR NAMB AND ADDRESS For Samptoa of Cloth, Bte. $14.50 ' m Mcdal'Ta2cr. 6-U Third tn. Votttaad, Os. Please mention this paper; Dr. B. F. Butler n Roaldent Dantlst All kinds of dental work duns at reasonable; price. SECOND FLOOR, REAR ROOMS .' v MERRIFIELD'S STUDIO HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY Permanently located in Condon. Satisfaction guarantee!. I the belveideire: I I L-tQuiD Refreshments I or the Highest Class I WINES, LIQUORS. I J CIGARS. J U OORNSR MAIN AND SRINO Ss-rsl.l OONSON, ORCSON. 0 Good Meat Is sometimes advertised, bat is cot always sold. It is dif ferent here. If you patronise our new meat market you will get your money's worth. We like to deal with particular peo ple, for we know we can please them. " T Our new quarters are clean and modernly equipped; we do ourownbutcheringjour prices are right. What more can we say? Edwards & McBride. CONDON WAREHOUSE COMP'Y. Our warehouse will be ready In a few days when we will ' be prepared to receive wheat on storage at reasonable rates. Parties wishing to store their crop . sbonld see us before making other arrangements. Customary charges. : We are here to give you first-class service., A. 8. IIOLLEN, Manager. ; . CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. United State Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, October t, 1901 A sufficient contest affidavit baring been Bled In this office by Fred Baker, of Condon, Oregon , contestant, against homestead entry No. S680, made Aug. 27, 1901. for lot 2, sec SB, tp S S, R. 22, E. W. M. and the 8E4 NWJ and 34 USX se e 23, Tp 1 8, B21 E. W. M, by Etta Lynch, Con let tee, in which it is alleged that the said Ktta Lynch has abandoned said land and failed to live there on, or to caltlvate or Improve the same for more than one year last past and that all said failures till exist and that said alleged absence It not dae to service in the a rmy, navy or marine corps of the United States, said parties are hereby noti fied to appear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a, m. on Nov. 23, 1901. before C. O. Fortwood, Coanty Ctetk of Gilliam Connty at his office at Con don, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on Dec S, 1901, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having In a proper affi davit, filed Sept. SO, 1904, set forth tacts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that soeb notice be given due and proper publication. ANME M. LANG, Receiver. CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. United States Land Off loo. Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Sept 15,1901. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed, in this office by George T. 8pncer,entostant, ol Condon, Oregon, against homestead entry No. 11195, made Jaly3,1902.for8E'48W4. Bee , TL NW.4NEiJWi48ec7,Tp 4 8., Range IS K. by James D. Lockard, Contestee, in which It Is alleged that the said eontestee has wholly aban doned the said tract for more thun six months last past, and has failed to Improve or cultivate the same as repaired by law and that sunn aban donment on the part of tbe contestee is not due to service in the army, navy or marine corps of the United Slates dnring time of war: said parties are here by notllied to appear, respond and offer evidencetonching said allegation at 10 O'clock, a. m. on October 'a. 1904. before C. O. Portwood, County Clerk of Gilliam CoHnty, at bis office at Condon, Oregon, who is authorized to take the testimony In the above ease at that time aim place ana tnat nnai neanngwiu oe held at 10 o'clock a. m. on November S,i904. be fore the Register and Receiver at tbe United States Land Office In Tbe Dalles Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affida vit, filed AHKiwt 81. 1901. set forth facts which show that after dne deligence personal service of tnls notice cannot be made. It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Michael T. Nolam, KeKiater. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. '" I am prepared to furnish plans and sped flea tiool for buildings, make ont lumber tills and famish estimates at a rcasonabla price. ' ' A M&SS0SSI3. QR.R.S. BMITB. r . i OSTEOPATH. Graduate of the American School of Ostoopatby, of Kirksvllle, Ho. Office boars 10 to U and 2 to 4. Other boars by appointment. First door west of Globe Office CONDON , -- . . OREGON, JyJARf BOWIRMAS M. D. PHYSICIAN AND1 SURQEON Office on Bammit Street lsf'Door West of P.. CONDON - - OREQON PARMAN k PARKER ATTO R N EYS-AT- LAW " Careful attention to alt legal badness entrusted toottrefre. Offices at Coadoswuid Arlington. D. R .Parker, f J O. W. Pannan, CONDON, ORE. ARLINGTON, ORE. ENDRICK8 & BOWERMAN School Clerk's Notice. All school warrants of School District No. 9, Gilliam County Oregon, register ed prior to February 8, 1004, are now payable npon presentation at my office. Interest ceases after April 12,1904. P.' 11. Stephunson, School Clerk. The Ladie's Aid Sociely of the Baptist church will give a handkerchief social in the Armory on Nov. 4. Lnnch' WilJ be served by the ladies. There will be a selection nf choice hsndkerchiele for sale. An admission of 25 cents will be charged, including lunch. H ATTORN EY8-AT-LAW Practice In all the Courts, V. 8. Commissioner In Condon office. Final proofs and filings taken Offices at Condon and Fossil. Jay Bowerman, . H. H. Hendricks, Condon, Ore. ' Fosell.Ore. Treasurer Notice. All connty warrants registered prior to Sept. 1,1903, will be paid npon pre sentation at my. office. Interest ceases after April 6, 1904. . V. Moobx, Treasurer of Gilliam connty, Oregon. Ten Dollars Reward. Strayed : From George Hardie's sheep camp, at head of Herrington canyon, two saddle horses described as follows: 'One sorrel boree, blaze face, white spots on sides, weight about 700 pounds, branded 3 on-stifle. One brown mare, white strip on face, weight about 760, shod all sronnd, foretop roached, branded A A (Armstrong brand) on left stifle. Five dollars reward each for information lead ing to their recovery. Address, Charms Halfobd, 29d32 Condon, Oregon Care Tom Chesbor, Come and U convinced thai w art offering the beat ' Bargains In Dress Goods Erer shown In Gillliam County. , They must be sold at some price, as we must reduce our immense stock of Dry Goods. LORD & COMPANY ARLINGTON, OREQON THE QUALITY STORE -LORD & COMPANY- Moore & Golden, GASH GROCERS. Our stock is now arriving and is fresh, clean and up-to-date. GROCERIES : FRUIT : VEGETABLES All fre6h and good to eat. Call and get our prices. SPR1KC STREET, . C8XD0N, OREGON: 1 FALL AND WHITER MILLINERY DRESS HATS, STREET HATS Latest Styles, Best Quality. nnnnruvinnruuvvwwwnM 2 riir nniinnii Wm-JTsPW mrnti n ft mi DMiili BERT RAMSAY. PROP. ?k r ssstssw siBsr a mvm ve s f r W v w m tecial aUemlon to Ita ul ster's trade, flrsl-clsss . stock and careful drivers. CHOP FEED FOR SALE. CONDON, ORECON. ruinnnruiruinnsuuiruinnuuuuuuuuwuv 5 fifet-'-JriSWriASr- chn Miss Catherine Greiner. JUST IN LOST VALLEY LAUD AIID LUMBER CO. (INCORPORATED.) Manufaoturora of and Daalars In Rough and Dressed Lumber, Telephone Poles, Posts, Wood Eto. Rough Lumber per M. liaOO. Ship Up per M. 116.00. Flooring, 1st class, $25.00. Flooring 2nd class $17.50. Five per cent, of! for cash. Condon Yard at Interior Planing Mill. J. A. McMorris. Agt. F. M. PLITER, Manager. Lost Valley, Ore. Complete line of Fall and Winter MILLINERY DRESS AND STREET HATS MISS DORA DOWNING Corqer Spring and Oregon Streets, Condon, Oregon. ALBERT DAMS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Our Livery Stock is First class. Best attention to Boarding Stock. Your Patronage Solicited. SPRING STREET, CONDON. WALL PAPER LATEST DESIGNS FASHIONABLE PATTERNS Largest and best select ed stock in tbe Coanty. Estimates furnished on jobs as to mateaial and labor. V. A. DARLING. WOOD. FOR SALE. For good dry 16-inch wood go in to the mountains by nay of De Ford's place to FAIR'S WOOD CAMP, on the Adams place in up per Lost Valley. Good roads. . 28tf. Fair Bros., STACE TIME TABLE. . Stages will arrive at and depart from Condon on tbe following schedule. ARRIVE FBOM Fossil.... ,.9:3o A. M. Arlington ..... , .. ...... 2:30 P. M. DEPART FOB Arlington.... ...9:45 A. M. Fossil. .2:30 P. M. , J. W. Jackson & Co.. Props. Forest Reserve scrip for sale. L. W, Darling. A 200-acre farm for sale. Six year's time. L. V. Darling. 6ITY LOTS and ACREAGE Now is tbe time to invest in city property as prices are bound to advance napidly in tbe near future. Condon promises to equal Pendleton in population within the next five years and opportunities for investors are un excelled in the Pacific Northwest. Make Your Selections at Once. Enquire of J. E. LANCASTER. PLUMBING And Pipe Fittings of all kinds done on short notice. We carry all necesBsary supplies for this work. MACHINIST WORK. Having installed a power lathe I am now prepared to do all kinds of machine work on short notice. Work which you for merly bad to send to Portland can now be done here at a great saving of time and transportation charges. NEW STOCK TIN AND CBAIITE WARE JUST III- E. T. HOLLENBECK, Shop and Store North Main Street, CONDON, OREGON. SAY! Do You Know that We Carry- on of the targort Blocks of Goods In trig County We can supply yon with any article from a shoe string to a threshing machine. Ask, write or 'phone for what you want. :WE CARRY: Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnish ings, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Wagons andFarm ing Implements. Call and inspect our goods and get our prices. We want to show you that we can save you money, on what yon need to buy. Keys & Mayville - - Oregon. Cashing