The Com d b h globe THUnSDAY, SEPTEMBER I, I0O -.-suv -- .v. srtrr-:- :. jn LOCAL NEWS, . this weather I wortli talking about. Iim crain and hut svt'tUlior drlitki at jfttrkKnii'i, Mr, lliuhnell's ne roelilttiiro In nta tut roinplwtlou. Mr. anl Mm, McDanioU, of Clum, wirn in t')n Tuesday, I). K. Scarry has moved luto tilt new fi'nlilitiico on thseamsldo. I". l'. Vir I out front Arlington look fug nfUir builhoM IiiUtkkU. A nnw ml lur Hi Ilulvsdura salooii ap pear In this litprelon. , I Jala your hay, it bale lies attlis Arlington LuinlMir (Vs. Ju'lifo Itiiiii lull (or rorllahd ttanday (uurnln on a buiiottM trip. Mr. uml Mr, li. W, Klnahart hava rv tuna,! front tliulr vlnit In county. Mr. snf Mr. Jy Howtjrinan visited fir mother, Mr. Hoover, near Fossil, ftumlay, MlssKdna Mahonsy ltft (or Oregon City Tuesday morning htr tht will spend the Wiuter. Considerable wheat U going out to Arlington the prase lit price Mug an In tently not td wait" ven few months (or the railroad. Melevi your plows, harrows and drill (or Hie coining season at W. L. Harker's linpleineut liouiie, Condon, Oregon. Win Muntfrove, a former renideut ol thit county, now of l'ortlaud, was here Tues liny looking (or ft contract ou the now railroad. Mr. Mustard, who bat been vUltlng bet sister, Mn. L. T. Trice (or eome time, left Monday morning (or bor borne at I'liusnit, Arlsou. . The Arlington Lumber Co. It prepared to luriiith all material (or a houte or barn at lont price. Dulld now U (ore the ruth. tt'ttoobad those shoes ripped. Uet your neat pa'r from ua and have them (SEWED and TATCUEU FREE. O.W. l'roptt & Co. Geo. 8. Bmlth't machine flnlthed threshing on Builtb & Tattula'a ranch Monday morning. The crop averaged I moot 35 buehelt per acre. Dr. and Mra. J. . Wood left lor Port land Saturday moruing where the doctor Will attend the annual meeting of the (Stale Medical Society. Mr. Luna and her daughter, Mia (lerlnule, of Athena, who have bwu via Uing Mr. Laiia's eoue, Dr. 8,K. and Ira Luna, left (or home Saturday morning. Twenty-five per cent discount (or cash on our entire stork of Ladles' Misses' and Children' SANDALS. Come early white we have jour lo, 0. W, i'ropst A Co. Wife Wanted.A good looking young man of 28, in buslunss, who lived In thi flounty 'till 14, want to marry a girl ol i!0 to 30. Address, V. U. Chapman, 616 Commercial St. San Francisco. Cooke llro. thresher, operating on the ridge between thit place and Clum, made an average of 050 nicks a day last week. On Saturday they threshed K'JO tuck a. Jay Bowerman left Tuesday evening (or Portland to attend the meeting to be addressed by Secretary Alia. Iloex K!:ted to be joined at Clem by C. A, Daunemau. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Macy returned from Portland Sunday where she has been for tome time under trentnient iu a hospiul. She Is) somewhat improved but atlll quito weak. Wagons, Boggles, Hacks and all kinds of Fanning Implements at W. L, Bar ker'a big Condon implement bouse. Now la the time to stock up (or the buey Spring (arming season. Charlie Lillle jr. it again at work. In Assessor Shellou't office. Mr. Lillio was engaged in the same capacity (or several biouths last year and proved himself an ellicient man for the work. Subjects at Congregational church neat Sunday : At 11 a. m. "Tho Educa tive Power of Strong Convictions." At 8 p. m., "Ureat Purposes and Iuterrnp' tlve Voices. ttev. W. S. Strange, pas tor. , 0. II. Bellinger, civil engineer in charge of the railroad survey, was on the sick list a few days during the week suffering from a severe billlous attack lie returnod to camp at the Campbell ranch Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John 1 Jackson left yes terday morning for Portland and the coast where they well spend a couple o( weeks. While in Portland Mr. Jackson will look after matters connected with the big Caledonian meeting "to beheld herd in October. ' William Darr, a former resident of this place and one of . the pioneers of Condon, arrived on Sunday's stage from Thermopolis, Wyoming, of which place lie Is now a resident. He found many changes in Condon tlnce leaving here eeveral years ago. . An Interesting communication from Mr. Will F. Allen on the Importance of Institute work and pointing out that It Is the duty of every teacher to attend the annual Institute, was unavoidably crowded out this week. Mr. Allen is a successful teacher and hit Ideas on this subject are good. A lively runaway occurred Sunday af ternoon when W. L. Wilcox's horse, at tached to a tingle buggy, got loose at the Burnett place, three miles eaat of town, He ran to town and took the Fossil road and had almost reached Thirtymlle when he was stopped by George Gib bons jr. and returned to town, Strange to say the horse wat not hurt In the least and the damage to the buggy was alight. ' . C0!ITnA0T IS LET Pacific Coast Construction Company the Lucky Didders RAILROAD NOW ASSURED. Road to be Completed by Jan uary 1, 1005. The most welcome new t to reach Con doit in many a day w as the announce ment made here last Fr'dny that the contract had la-en let fur the eonsttuct ion of the Arlington-Condon railroad. The Pacific Coast Construction Com pany Secured the contract and It is un derstood that the stipulation It made that the roLmuKt be completed by Jan uary lut of iiit year. The contract cov ere all the conduction work Including grading, track laying, culvert, bridge etc. and the work moat be done in the inoit thorough and substantial manner. It It understood that subcontracts will be let and active work will commence at noun as grading outfits can be got ou the giouud. Jarvls-Sholton. At 8:00 o'clock last evening, at the First Baptist church In this city, was solemnized the marriage of Mis Pearl, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hhetton, to Mr. Pearl Perclval Jarvlt. Both the high contracting par tie are well and favorably kuowa here the bride being a (ortner successful teacher in thit city and county and a leader in the church, lodge and social life or the town, while the groom It one of onr most popular young men, ot ei- emplary habit, genial and honorable. He It at preseut ailing the responsible position of chief deputy la the couuty clerk's office. The church, which was beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, wat Oiled to lit utmost capacity with the frieudt of the happy couple the occa sion being one of the most elaborate ever witnessed In this city. Uev. J. E. Austin of Arlington, pronounced the word which made two heart beat a one and Mita Lllla Clarke, played the wedding march. The brldeiualdt were Mist IvaStellou, titter of the bride, M its Catherine Schott, ol Rock creek, and Mist Jean Barker, of Condon. R. A. Mc- Cully, J, D. Burnt and Ira Luna acted at groomsmen. Jotie Barker and Katie Clarke were flower girlt and Matter Bryant Shelton, five-year-old brother of the bride, was ring bearer. Alter the ceremony a reception wat tendered Mr. and Mr. Jarvls by the la dies of the Degree of Honor, in the large ball room la the Armory hail building. There congratulations were tendered the bride and groom, ft (ew choice musical selections were rendered and light re freshment were terved, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvlt expect to leave to day (or a camping trip in the mountains where they will spend their honeymoon. Upon their return they will begin house keeping la the Dysart residence on Church street where they will be at home to their frieudt after September 15:h. When troubled with constipation try Chamlmrlain'a Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take and produce no griping or other unpleasant effect. For tale by Jarvls' Pharmacy. Ice Cream! " .- : . Ice Cream Soda! j Milk Shakes and all Hot i Weather Drinks Fresh Oranges and Bananas. Jackson's. Will Start Dynamo. W. N, Brown, of the Condon Milling Co., has announced that be expects to start up the electria lighting plant In connection with the mill about October 1st. The plant was put in and operated tor a abort time last Winter but on ac count of of the high price of (uel and the lack of suQiuient patronage the ter- vice wat discontinued. The company secured a 23 year franchise from the city which Mr. Brown claims it still i,n force the plant having been started within the specified time. In Pralae of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. "Allow me to give you a few words iu praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mr. John Hainlett. of Eagle Tase, Texas. "I suf fered one week with bowel trouble and took all klnda of medicine without get ting any relief when my (rlend, Mr. C. Johnson, a merchant here, advised me to take this remedy. After taking one dose I felt greatly relieved and when I had taken the third dose wat entirely cured. I thank you from the bottom ot my heart for nutting this great remedy In the handa of mankind." For tale by Jarvlt' Pharmacy. A Card. We wish to refute the unwarranted assertion made by Rev. W. S. Strange In the pulpit of the Congregational church Sunday, .August, 21st. to the ef' feet that our society served ice cream for the dance Saturday evening, August 20th., as being entirely without founda tion. While it is true that we served refreshments during the afternoon and evening of the date above mentioned it is also true that our arrangements were made without knowledge that a dance would be given. However, in dealing with the public on that occasion, we did not attempt, nor bad we any desire to discriminate against dancers nor any other class of respectable citizens. Baptist Ladies' Aid Society. Sour Stomach, When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich sour stom ach is likely to follow and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let 5 hours elapse between meals and when you feel a full ness aud weight lu the region of the stomach after eating take Chamberlain' Stomach and Li ver Tablets and the sou stomach may be avoided. , For sale by Jarvis' Pharmacy. Now is the Time to fortify yourwlf aealnst the season's elckwwt. Go In the Condon Pharmacy and prnt-nte a IM lie of eome of the eii ellent tonic for sale there. Jeweley We have on hand a fine aortment uf Jewelry at reasonable price Irirludlnt; Diamond, Hap phlres, Itnliiet etc. Come and see them. Toilet Soaps We have a complete itock of Toilet Soaps, Face Creams, Tooth Powders, and other Toilet arti cle usually found in a tirtt-claia drut store. ., tW Remember We compound prescript Inn i exactly as the doc tor wrltet them. We do not tubstltute. Condon Pharmacy Goto M. O. Clarke, for Shelf Hardware, Furniture, Beds, Bed ding, Paints, Oils, Hay Tools, Tin, Granite and Crockery ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Stoves, Ranges, Doors, Windows, and Naiis. Agent for Ocean Wave Washing Machine. Easiest Running and Strongest Washer Made. Lower Main Street. In the Good Old Summer Time when the typhoid germ is ram pant, DR. WILSON'S BLOOD PURIFIER will cleanse your i. pystem of all Buch impurities. $1.00 per bottle. - - , Six bottles for $5.00.- JflRVIS PHflRAlflGY. nnnnsuinnfc?3irruuinnnsirmnJ 3918 Capital $50,000. Surplus $20,000. i Transacts a General Banking Business. 5 Letters of credit Issued. Exchange sold on principal cities In V. S. and Europe. Your patronage solicited. 2 J.W.FRENCH. President. F. T. HURLBURr, Cashier. 5 W. W.STEIWER, Vlce-Pree. O. D. STURC ESS, Aast. Cashier, a luvuinnnnrtlrs&rVuuvuuvxn 0)0(0 The . Railroad 18 COMISCf. ot;u comii.ktk tfrociv OF FINK GROCERIES is Here. Better lay in a supply for tli buey thrcuhing season. P. H. Stephenson, CT,1,M S ft rtilitl ( ft lt;'.t Hi4-H:f. j t. SNovrrt,- k XTT0:;tV AT UW. , lit I rurJlr In ,! tr fVurf of ?). tT tc u uir lorlb u) Minn HvN. 'COM(N, OrVuu- IVt. I'AktJNO. J. XttorxCY-at-law: Kotarj Public aai Coorcanccf- OEAT INTERIOR WAREHOUSE Highest price pail for drain of all kinls. Hturnn ami Iwling ul Wo.. General Warehouse and Merchandise e Business, 1 BALFCUR, CUT8RIE A C3 , H'C'BS. ARLINCtOJI. 8LAL0SX. fiOUClAS. I0HE J. PATT1SOS. XOTASY PTDLIC Office to Ckrt BafldiBf. C0JCD05, OhEGOtl' f. WOOD. H. B. qAruviniiAAAiAAnnAnAnuxrixuvvruiArw umnniim. THE eOi'JDOi!. HOTEL UNDER NEW MANACEIVlEflT. nifuinruwpjnja Mu. R. II. Waur, Teop. Will cater to the wants' of the trav eling pubJic in a manner to warrant eatiflfnetion. Cenlrallf Ltwated Corner Main ffnd Spring Sts. CONDON, OREGON. txfuuinruxnjinfirvxnnivirijiAnnniv Tkie Palace Hotel, ELGIN MYERS, Prop. Mast commodious hotel hi the city. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Special attention given to the comfort of guests. Headquarters for Travel! g Men. CONDON, & OREGON. Fresh Oranges, Bananas, Lemons Finest Stock In the City. mnrouvu We also carry a choice assortment of Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Soft Drinks and Canned Goods. L. T. PRICE, Confectioner. uinnjxrvinuvnriuxruifLr THE CELEBRATED r-GOLUMBIA BREWERY . . AUGUST DUCHLER, Prop. m Of the prodnrt of tliis well-known brewery the United States Health Report for Jane 28, 19tW. esys; "A more superior brew never entered the UhrMtory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the sliithtetit trace of ailulteraiion, hot on the other band is composed of the beat of malt and and choicest of bois. Its tonic qualities are of the highest and it can lie need with the irreateft benefit and satisfaction by both old and yonn?. Its nee can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage coo Id not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. WALL PAPER LATEST DESIGNS FASHIONABLE PATTERNS Hand Made Harness and Saddles that give perfect satisfaction. South Main Street. L E. Palmer, j 2 Studio Uest side fJortr; Tain StrL pipest Job printing for f at tl?e,(JC0BE Officekondon : OrOi). Largest and best select ed stock in the County. Estimates furnished on jobsaB to mateaial and labor. W. A. DAHLIHG Terrifield, lesiderjt Artist. oc The Fine Stock of Millinery Goods? at Dora Downing's, Corner Spring and Oregon Streets, Condon, Oregon. SUMMER HATS FOR SMALL BOYS FuU line of Finest Millin ery Goods. BUY THE 1'CORliC HEADER IF YOU WANT THE BEST. DUNN 1 MSm I YourPatro I Mrss age is Solicited. Catherine Gkiner. PHYSICIAN AXD SCRGEOS. tr and Kigbt CaHs Prot&lly A&tsr- OlDre Seiroftit Boot Burkar Bttilillnf, oof af Mia tua cvriuf nrtm COSDOX, ohsgojT jpa. a a. tcaA. PHYSICIA!! AX&SCRCEOX , Day and IClgM Calls FrompOy attend! CONDOX. OSEQOX T. DENTIST. Office seermd floor Palnui BntMfns. Hcatfl Main btree. COX DON. OEEOOI c. a PAUtsa sxkz ooldeS City Shaving Parlors PALMES OOLDES. Prop. First Class workmen. Sanitary CoDdlttonft Courteoui Treatment: not and Cold fiatha BelTder SuUdtog Mala ant Spring Streets. CONDON, OREQOK SlISigLiTiS 3 TRHHS EAST DAILY Thronzh Pullman Btancfarrf and tonr hi sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chi' capo, bpokane; tourist Bleeping car daily to Kansas city ; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted weexiy to Chicago, reclining chair cari (seats aee) to tno last daily. Ocean steamers between Portland and Ean Francisco every live days. LOW RATES! Tickets to and from all parts of thtf United States, Canada and EuropOt Far particulars call on or address Agts, All supplies needed in the Harvest and Threshing season may be found at our store. Orders by mail or telephone will receive careful attention. ALBERT DAMS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Our Livery Stock is First class. Best attention to Boarding Stoek. Your Patronage Solicited. SPRING STREET, 0GND0N. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Sept. 1,1903, will be paid upon pre sentation at my othce. Interest t'easet after April 6, ItfOl. p. 11. sElK?io, Trea8nrer of Gilliam county, Urt'guti. School Clerk's Notice. All school warrants of School District No. 3, Gilliam County Oregon, fe;iater-t-d prior to February 8, 1904,." are now payable npon presentation at my office. Interest ceust'S after Apnl 12,1904. V. 11. S'fKfUKSsi'N, Pthuul Ukik. D. TIERNEY, Ag6nt Arlington, Oregon 0. R. 1 1 TIE TIBLE . Trains Depart from Arlington EAST BOUND No. i Chicago Special ........ 2 :30 P jl No. 4 Spokane Flyer..;.. 12:40 A M No. 6 Mail A Express 1 :42 A M WESTBOUND No 1 Portland Special ...12:12 P Jl No. 3 Portland Fler.,. ...... 3:W A M No. 8 Mail A Express. ........3:50 A M D4 TIERNEY, Agent, Arlington, Or. Estray Notide$10 Reward. I will pay $5 00 each for return, or inJ fiirniation leaiilntr to recovery of the fol lowing desOnsed Uatiai One hny gelilinij, 0 years old, hntmleJ M oii rijifit, glioiiMer, J2 on left shonlilf r Ottf Ititv ypiilini alxiut .vears oll weight ahimt ,1100 lir;(nU-l "entihatn infl" hnMi'f mi U-ff-sh'f1I!i'f. nprtuHfd t' riStigH id ti i'fl Valley "f Tliifltdiile loiuitiy. , llEUBivkx IL(Lsih.i.