-V. , ; ...,V-A THE COHDO'I GLOBE Wn in ' i nil "' ! ii ii im t THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2, IC03. Bfcaust- The turkeys arc fat- . The . tion are over, r ' Yr ftijt i imi tWIitStilioiV," Putvif ha retired to Uis den. The Cmlu fire !ll is safe, Jim Duwn has "strurk " 1' v (Io-lH wedding is fir? r, The new bank will soon open, Chrtstnia is only a month away, J 0.'ts is tj Iuvj a short sp-jcinl session, 1 ..- j Condon is to have one or more ail roads. The scarlet fever, eo far, ia in a Iwild fWi The president's message was a short one, The new school house is nearing t ' Mark Hanna has finally "made up his mind." The mud on main .tree, is not three feet deep, ' , Columbia is not as big a nation as Great liritian. Condon is not cursed with a street ear strike. The first snow of the season did not lay all winter, . There will be a few weddings left for Christmas, The question of Ann's age has dropped from public view, Mary Mc Lane's new book is ' iiot much worse than ber first one, The Portland police force has not been captured by thugs and car ried into captivity, A few cross walks may still be found eren if they are partly sub . merged in the mud, This has been the most prosper ous year iu the history of Condon and Gilliam county, . Some "old fogy" ministers are still to be found who insist on se lecting religious topics for their sermons, And fiually because this wicked old world, while it might treat all of us much better than it does, treats us all so much better than we perhaps deserve, that we really have much to be thaukful for. A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with aA ogly cnt on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove. In It developed a atuhborn ulcer nnyield in to (ioRtura and remedies tor fonr years. Then Eocklen's Arnica 8alve cored. It'a j'ist aa good for Bnrn-. Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Pi lea. 25c at Condon Pharmacy. Ex-congressman Moody has been acquitted of the charges on which he was recently indicted by the federal grand jury in Portland, judge Bellinger, of the U.S District Court, instructing the trial jury l return a verdict of not guilty with out leaving their seats. This re , stilt was-expected by all fair mind ed people and was predicted by ev ery newspaper in the state with one or two exceptions. The evidence seemed to reveal the existence of a plot, concocted by Mr. Moody's en emies to ruin his political, bubiness and social future, and the people of Oregon, without regard to their po litical adiliatious, rejoice with him that the attempt came to naught. The people generally like fair play and despise the spirit which seems to have instigated those who sought his downfall. y Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken aeveretyaick with kidney tnmhle. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw an ad of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and aoon there . after waa entirety cured, and have not eeen a ekk day since. Neigh bora of mine have tieen enred of Rheumatism, Kenralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Ohility." This ia what B. F. Baas, of Fremont, N. C. writes. Onlv&Oc. Satisfaction guaranteed by Cndon Pharmacy. Notice. The nnderBijnied will pay ten dollar per head for all hornea branded K on left chonlder and hip and not vented np on deliver? at Key 'a ranch two milee , west of Mayville. 38141 Wm. Kevs. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Krrticeis hereoy given that the nnder- eiirneil hue been, by the County Court . of the State of Oreirim fur Gilliam Cnn , ty, appoints! the administratrix of the eetiite of Jese V. Nye deceaned. ' ' All persons htivmir claims atruinit said ' estate w'll present the eame to me duly ' verified at the oHice of Hendricks A Brtwernwn. Condon Oregon, within six . months from the date of the first puhli- i-Htion of this notice. Diitwl Nov.t3,l'.K)3 Ki.i. vhktii I). M akk a, Admiiiistratrix of the estate of .les Y. Jye deiwa"l. . Hendricks & IJverii!n attorneys for estnte. Date of first puIic4t;ori Nov 19, vr A High Class Entertainment. The recital given by Mies Maude Car lisle, of rlinfbm, and Mise Elma Byrne, of Salem, last Friday evening was attnd) by a fair ese I and appre ciative audience. Miss Carlisle is on of tiie most accomplished pianistes in the etMe and MiM Byrne is equally ac complished as an elocutionist and read er. The young pianite showed rare kill in rwr rendition f diffknlt classical eelevtbms from the masters her tone and expresiinn bein eicellent. Miot Hymn's eWotionary work wm also Iiitthly enjyet by the audience. Her elertitiita from Lew Wallace ami her hNirni impersonation ot a school buy were prrlta enjoyed wore than the others tlxxiyh all ir jd. Alto gether it was one of the best enter lainmenta that hi been given in CouJou in a lung time. Struck Oil. The wall drill of the Condon Drilling Co., which ia being operated on Dana Broa.' ranch northweat of town, struck a atrata of blue abala or aoapatone at a depth of 72 feet last Friday from which ie obtained a email amount of apparent ly good oil. A con aiderabla quantity of the oil waa brought up with tba firat bucket ot water ratal when the well wae being aaod pumped and tha greaey fluid alao adheres to the drill ateia to each an estent that when the drill waa allowed to reat on a plank over tha well over night tha oil trickled down enough to saturate tha plank. Tha oil ia dark col red and heavy and gives off the well known petroleum odor which cannot be mistaken. The atrata ol aoapatoue ia about three feet In thickness and after paeaing throng it a vein ot quarts containing a considerable amount of copper and iron waa encountered. This formation ia very hard and the drill could make but alight progrese in it. Jitn Dunn informs ns that rock and quarts containing considerable copper status has been encountered all the way dowu the we!l aa well aa some atrataa of white qnarts cryMala. The formation seema to be rather unusual for this country and it may yet result in disclosing hidden mineral wealth be neath tha rich aurtaca of old Gilliam county. This ia not the first well drilled in Gil liam county which has disclosed the ex istence of oil. Several other deep wells have ahown trace of the product and it ia not beyond the range of poaalhilitiea that if tha country ia ever proapected by a really deep well tha result may be the discovery of important mineral wealth. The theory that no mineral wealth of any importance can eiiat beneath a pro ductive surface baa been exploded years ago. ' a ."r co different games all new one ia each package of Lion Coffee at yoor Grocer's. When in need of fence posts give the Lost Valley Lumber C . a call. They have 20,000 first-class fir and tamarscs posts for sale. tf Raad the Market News In The Oregon Daily Journal. Nothing is omitted which concerns the interest of buyers and sellers in the live stock, grain, provisions, produce and financial markets the quotations ara comprehensive, and are in every way reliable. The Journal in addition carries every day a full and trnthfnl report of the world's news and presents many special featnres of deep interest to the average reader. The Journal's woman's page the illustrated sporting newa page, Jour nal stories, and comic pages and other good things make it a very popular fam ily newspaper, clean and bright froiu A to Z year in and year out. Daily, one year by mail, onlv $4; six months 2 2-5 ; three months f 1 25. Semi-weeklv,104 ietues.one year f 1.50. Weekly f 1.00. The Weekly and Semi Weekly contain the market newa and the aame features of the Daily. Address Thb Journal, Portlaud.Oregon. QR.L.B. SMITH, OSTEOPATH. Graduate ot the American School of Osteopathy, or Klrk.ville. Mo. Appendicitis cured without the use of the knife. 409 OregQnlan Bldjj., PORTLAND. - . - OREGON, M ARV BOW KM AN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at J. F. Rcisacher's Residence. CONDON - - . OREGON T. BROWN M. I), PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day or iiit'litcallf promptly amnvcred Office in Condon rharmavy Building, CONDON OREGON D. C. LAZIKIt M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. X-Kxy uii'l all forma of Electrical trvutmunt given at olIie!. Office opposite Bunk Building. i ARLtNGTON, . - - OREGON I - I I I I I I w Moody Cot Four Years. j A traveling man who vietled. Condon the other day re-Uted a pretty good atory reganliitg the ai-quiltal of lion. M. A. Moody in the fwleral court at Portland. The drummer waa in Arlington whan tnanewanf Mr. Moody'a acquittal waa receivel and shortly after th aewacnut (in met a violent anti-Moody man. lid ymi hear the newa?" asked the drummer, "No," replied theantl, "Mmxly got four yeara," said the drummer. , "Good, replied the anti,,'ervel him rittht. Only it' a pity they didu't rnaka it ten vearawr lifa. lla Uvaerwa the liuiit," "Perhapi yon luiannderaUnd me," ra pi led the drammer, "I didn't mean that ha got fonr yeara iu the penitentiary ; I meant in conreaa " And then ha Had to ran to kaep fro a getting hiked. Disastrous Wrecks. Carwleaines ia responsible for many a railway wreck and tha same causes are making hnman wrecks ol aaffxrvrt from Throat aud Long troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Discoveoy for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, ve the worst cases can be cured, and hopeleaa resignation ia no longer neces sary. Mrs. Louis Crag, of Dorchester, Mass., ia ona of many whose Ufa was aavad by Dr. King'a New Discovery. Thia great remedy ia guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by Condon Pharmacy. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. L C. MERRIFIELD, RESIDENT ARTIST, formerly of Arlington. COPYING, ENLARGING, VIEWING. Neat Line of Photo Buttons. PORTRAITURE A 6PECIALTY. Studio West Side North Main Street. Fall and Winter Millinery Largest and Finest Assortment Ever Of fered in Condon. Call and be Suited in Style, Quality, Price. ' Miss Dora Downing. . DOWNEY'S PHOTO STUDIO IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Second Floor Hollenbeck Big., East side North Main street, Condon - - Oregon ALBERT DAMS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Our Livery Stock is First class Best attention to Boarding Stock. Your Patronage Solicited. SPRING STREET, CONDON. $n REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS. COS) From Portland to The Dalles. Steamers: "Baily Gatzert," "Dalles City," "Regulator," "Metlako," Steamers leave Portland and The Dalles daily (except Sunday) at 7 ui., connecting at Lyle. A ash., with C R. & N. Ry. Co. for Daley, Centerville, Goldendale and all Klickitat Valley points. Steatf.er "Bailey Gatzert" leaves Portland 7 a. m. luesdays, Thurs days, Saturdays, TheDalles 7 a. ui Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Until further notice round trip tick ets 50c to any. landing betweenTbe Dalles and Portland on strs. Iiaily Gatzert and Dalles City. Excellent meals served on all steamers. Fine accomodations for teams and wagons. Call on or address II. C. Campbell, Manager, A.W.Zimmerman Portland, Or. Agent, The Dalles.Or. STAGE TIME TABLE. Stages will arrive at and depart from Condon on the following schedule. ARRIVE FROM Fossil 9:30 A. M Arlington 2:30 P.M. DEPART FOR Arlington 9:45 A. M FoRsil .2:30 P. M J. W. Jackson & Co., Props. TO CURE A COLD 11 ONE DAY THke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet). All dniKKliiti rufund the money if it fullntocure E. W. C'ove'a nitfuuturo ii on cuob box. 2T.c The LORD Advance Shipments of Our NEW FALL STOCK ARRIVING DAILY AND NOW ON DISPLAY. Silks, Sackings, Prunellias, Zebelines and Chevoits. M now vutliigo din r icu ii icioiiO) now vv i djo iui Ladies, Misses and Children. Men's, Youth's and Children's New Clothing. New Portieres Curtains, Couch and Cushion covers. COME WHERE YOU HAVE THE THE QUALITY STORE, . LORD & CO LORD & CO. Condon Milling Co. MANUFACTURERS OP High Patent Flour, Graham Flour, Germ Meal, Chop, Feed. STEAM-ROLLED WHEAT AND BARLEY. SCALE OFTKICES. Steam Rolled Barley. .$23.00 Steam Rolled Wheat.. 23.00 Pm A a IioKIa t r iivvo iwviv mw vaaav m v mii eiuitii Every sack of our flour is fully taranteed or money refunded. INSURE fl POOP CROP BY USING Superior and Monitor Drills, Hoe and Disc. Carload of Bach. W. L: BARKER, Agent, CONDON - - - OREGON. gjwiruuuvuini 5 Fred Wilson. ruinnjviAnnuinnnAnJxniAruinjinnAnAarinr THE) BANK. WILSON BROS., PROP'S. Everything new and A GENTLEMEN'S Finest quality of Ci strictly first-class RESORT. gars, Wines, Liquors New Stone Building, West Side Main St., CONDON, - . OREGON. runjruvunruivnruinjrunn Summit SEARCY & PALMER, PROPS. CONDONOREGON. Finest Wines Liquors, Cigars Ice cold Beer a Healthful Hot vv cauici mrmrvi Kentucky Liquor store J. L. ROSS Prop, Hop Gold Bottled Beer. Old Grandad, Harper and Jesse Moore Wh iskey. Special attention given orders from out of town. When in Arlington call on me. mnnniruutniruiwiui nmvunnnn Moore & Golden, GASH GROCERS Our stock is now arriving and is fresh, clean and up-to-date. GROCERIES : FRUIT : VECETABLES All fresh and good to eat. Call and get ouf prices. , , i '.-' . ! SPRING STREET; CONDON, OREGON: Quality Store & COMPANY NEW DRESS GOODS QUANTITY AS WELL AS THE ' ARLINGTON, OREGON. Mill Feed 115.00 Flour, per bbl 4.00 nltinira am lima Frank Wilson. ruxrvn, Saloon, ucvciagci s nruuuwinruwij The Oregron Weekly Journal, a Demo cratic newspaper, 16 pages, full ot newa all of It! II a year to any address. The Journal, P. O. Bos 121, Portland, Or. Lruvuuvnfvui mmna Teke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Sevea M (on boxes sold In post 13 months. TMs signature, IN QUALITY TO CHOOSE FROM it BUCK HORN BILLIARD HfLL 6, K. SEARCY, rropr. NEW BUILDINO. FUKN1TUBF. AND FIXTURES FINEST KRSOltr IN THE CITY Finest Liquid Refreshments and Glgars Elegant Billiard Table for Use of a ft Patrons. tit m Z In. BALED HAY AND CHOP FEED FOR SALE. CONDON, OREGON. iirwjvuxnniwinnnnnruvxnrw LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD. Manager! ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lumber, consisting of Flooring, CeiK log, Rustic, Ship-lap and all kinds of Rough Lumber. Careful attn given to bills of special sizes and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE. LOST VALLEY, OREGON. . . COLUMBIA" BREWERY . . AUGUST DUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this welt-known brewery the United Rtatrs Hnalth Reports for June 28, 1900. says: "A more superior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It ie absolutely devoid of tha slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand ia composed of the best of malt and and choicest of hoin. Its tonic qualities are of the highest and it can be need with the greatest benefit end iHtisfaction by both old and yonng. Its use can conscientiously be prracritwd by the physicians with the eertaint that a better, pureror more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Condon WM. C. EDDON, Manairer. Now Occupying Our Own Nw Building Main Street. Finest Beef, Pork, Mutton, We recommend and guarantee our own iake of Sugar-cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard Sau sage and Bologna Try them once and be convinced. onjinuvvinnjmrvitrtnrvuw The Summit Hotel, 3 D. M. RINEHART. Prop. New Building and Furnishings. Finest Location in the City. First-class in Every Respect. Well Appointed Bath for use of Quests. Our Table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Commercial Trade a Specialty. &nilnn &tiftftf. fin a Rlnnk Past. frnim Main To Cure a Cold in One Day NOTICE FOH rUUUCATlOH. Ukd Orrirs at Ths tuun, 0u OiT. I, tool Nitfto Ii aertv dfvn that Hit ltilliiwlna. d wtllr baa Slwt Milk ol bl lnlxniluu to ntaka nnal mhti in iMioft m M cialia, and tbat Mid rM)f will b matla hfnr if niwr man, IK it ikuninliMintir Cuialuu, OtSUU, on U.uilay, Norainter mj, Hmin SWUKL A. rATTIS, ot Coialcm, Onwun.' H. r No.W lor tba IKMni. M, aial W Q wo. U T. iiM H, Ml wTm, H iiamaa tha fnUnwInv wttiiwaaa In rtmr kit (xiuHuuuiu iMaiatnoa ukxm ami nMUvailon at talil taml, vti: H. I'.-ariokriMnUi. R W!i, 1$, Vt, Sioriiaaif Mill H. U fallto, all ol t tiuHciU, OhM, SlU BAiaT. NnLAff, i.ll--T.,nr.T . r , Myalnto'l', Treasurer's Notlcov All county ' arraiH rrgUtervd prior lo 0-t. 1, W2. IH lie paid nfn pr cntatloB at my otllc. Inkreit esniot aftsr titt. 10, I'm. V. H. PrKfitswHon, Traaaurer of (illliaui county, OrrKun. All per ins dcahriuK to aattlu tli.lr w counti with ni dtii-lng our ibucnv. fronv town can do so by calling at tli Onchim riiarniacy whers oar books havs Imci left.' 0t( trSINUT(i5 A Rookrh. Threshing Outfits for Sale, W. Itavs lor al its or .v.n Isrgi sml imalt tlirtcking autnia. aoin. DiUd wIlN liortcpowsr, ot'jwra with stam. Wo ran sail a khmI rig lor IJ&O or 500. V hav. en. rlv whlcli ha. lao run only 40 days a hlch w. will trail, for horaca. t'arlic In ntmil of a thr.ihliirpmrll will find It to th.tr alvsnUt. to inv.Utgat ' our Hat ol bargain. Call on or adilrvt a, 111 . Oregon Trading Co., Waaoo, Or. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES. reaching srrletnn Ilia Ural, Tliiril and Fourth Sundays ol tht mouth at It A. M. and S P, M. Potior holds am lea at Mayville Hi. Stcoud Sanday la sach month. Hundiiy Kohil, 10 1 o'clock f v"fy Sunday morning, Prayer mcvtliig, Thuriday f r.ntsgs at 8 o'cWk. Everybody cordially Invited to- at ton J thrrs services, F. C. Flowbrh, Taatui Advertise in The Cii.ode. Of 8 TtO inafli)trweMtnMliManMriaaiwa THE CONDON LIVERY COMPANY. L Sperial attention to tram ' trnd. Flrat-rlasa lock and rartlol driv.rs. Meat Co. Cures Crip In Two Days. ) on every (VLjb