fraatrswtiiftiiis THE CONDON GLOBE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER IS, 1 90S, THK OrriCIAL PAPER Or OILUAM CrtUNTV, OHftdON. . LOCAL NEWS, A n was Ihirn t. Mr, ami Mm, Frfd Mn)Hn( (4llltlLv, Knr j1 A k'mhI citrMff l it InOoiiilun Kiiiuir i'f .VI r. Paiker, , II irn Yrlriijr ninriiliitf, to the w iff ol 0' unity Judga Dunn, h daughter. Mrs. HhIkIkh'I mm m iniifiig'r mi ttit aim yestanlaj tamiid fur Portland, lrf . It. A. I(iiif)' liH opened plight studl.-, t I, fHi'l u. llu-U-ii", Mr, mill Mn, E l Uornttt have return ! Ixnit a miti lilriult in th Val Uijr, Horn riifl, 0 i. IS, to Mr, and Mrs.. W. l),.'r, uf Al ty tfl ;lrf, d.iiiglit r. rkhool siiftili rtmli, Uitlftn, f-iin Ink. pencil uutva ttr? at JhivIr' Pharma cy. IWv. Strain, (( llu',t. tUlui, arrived Tuesday to tads charge of the Uotigrega luual t-tiurrl.. "V, V." Allen, aho is tfnchiim in the (libbons dUtriot, on K v' rial, a a In t iwit Saturday, ' V. A. Cawil II a ho tut t't ii on the nick list fur a mik I la-tur and a ill K'uvti for l'tiril ui i t'i at. K. T. ItullfUt vk ii it v-l iiissmie f.imi th Masuiiit! building to his lie (MilMliig wit North Main strwt. "a liNVt tli goi.7 lor th r ail banks .V ur itiuiii, 4 in Imllls aul gasnliua -Hj;lne. Claras fc Hartshorn The old county jH huiMiui is laiing moved to Iti n lotM'ion i. the i'H lot mi 8utuuilt street. ' Attention Kids! Jarvla aUmt the ililtigs you used l' ix'ouol. (tilers, x-ri nils, pert, tatiuH, ink flu. The Condon Corut lUnd ill give a l't mid ball hern Thaiiasgivli g ViliiK. Watch for bills later. U'a liava J it receive ! mi l placed un I an alegaut liiir of "liivliy Ural-das iii'.ct. (Sun tiiviH. U. W. rroit A Co Ma. W. C. CalUH and tliil.b-.-ii. Ml Monday for Uraiid MoiiikI, Waah iit(toii, h Ittoi they will f n l the Wiu- tcr. ; Ti'tt Oregon I'u-m Assuciation II tuvU at tfAttii un the 22. 23 ttnd 2t uil. An interesting ami jirotlublr mtrtiiii 13 iUitltlUd. Andrew Urulnttr lelt Timrlay (or a t Ifll 10 hit old llOIIM In dlClll4'l ufli'r un utxwiice uf uvtir 3d Jie will Ih: tlint about a inontn. Htovo Flrlchr, a foriut-r Omdoiiiie, hum a r!iltiiil til Walla Walla, arriva l lii'if Thuraday to viail frirnda and look Hilar builnrt inaturra. l'.i'V. Fattier Valh a ill hold divine Mjt vioa at lb Catholic Imuiii in tdia t it y huuday, Novemher 25 and at the M..vlllo thuroli Sunday, Novi-uiher lM, Ivi v. E lwarl Curmn rlt' to have t i mmr uhaii(d from to rust Uiove 1 1 UiUistioro, aiuie he lia i'ff cii il a ruli hh iiitur ol Ihf CoiiKrcgntional ctiuu li. W. L. IJurkt-r ju-i nctiive l a con niiuneut of 1800 puiuidii ol bolt, nil nui'iaud klndt. lit almi hat a tine at tioi tiuvut ol all kind ol reucheai if 1'ut Connolly ainl Will tiroan, hn live been in Hi- mountains al 8uuiuier Mith the (ormer'a ahee, have rftunieil lo Condon. Tliey rauori havinic had a tine lima with no trouble m h. l iuuK. Owing to the chaip advaiu-e in the pnre of tola leatlMr nave been oiilig iid to ralte vm 'iio t on t.ip wilnu a f illuvri: Mi-ii' mi i If d work l.lX)j Ihijh 78o ; ladlet, COc For eneil orkadt V'O 10 35 centa. O. W . l'ro-t A Co. Jack Campbell, who hat been in the mountaini all Summer aiih Heiile& I'ttiteraoo'l alieci, returiifd Momlay. Knttifl A Patterson recently ahi(Hd U00 lie.i I Shrop Uiuba to the Ouinlia market pliij'plog from Baker Cuy. fiorvicei will Im- i-uuducled in the Con vinnatlonal church next ISuiidHy morn inK nd evening by lie v. Mruiign, ui Itoiiw, Idaho. The tulijfia m ll o'clock a. m. will "Uod'a UnaiHkable Uilt," at ii o'clock p. to. "Our 1'oDtibilitiea." J. It. Welltlefta aniile of three or four varieliet of very excellent iotatoe ut lliU offlce yetterday among hicli sn new variety of hit own inopaga tlou which ahow t-anuarkt of l oaeettiug uiaiiy excellent qualities ae waittbanU et-ntcheri. Win. Webrli hae recently delivered 1 000 buahelt of Forty Fold wheat to the Condon Milling Co. Thin wheat is rap idly becoming a favorite in this tection on account of ila good yield and high milling qualities. It Is pronounced by millers to be superior to Ulueutem as a willing wheat. Mrs Maloy and her grand daughter, Mi Lenna Farrar, will leave shortly for SoutheruOalifornU where they will epnnd the Winter lot the benefit of the Uttur's health. Miss Farrer ia one of our most popular young lailiea and her friends will hope that the change will jirove as beneficial as could be wished, ltcv.F. 0. Flowers, pattor of the First ltaplist church, is attending the state convention at Oregon City this weekaiH will not return to Condon until Satur day or Sunday. There will be the regu lur services tu his church Sunday even ing and if be can reach Cor.donSuiurday he wilt also preach Sunday uioruing. 0. W. Propst returned from Spukmie Biuiday where he spent a week taking In the fu'r and visiting his parentH and his brother Howard Propst. He had an cnjityable trip. Mr. and Mis. iioaard i'lopnt expect to leave Spokane soon for Manitoba and his faher and mother ex puct to follow them iu the Spring. Lost His Right Hand. J. II. Price, huher uf H iy i'lice, and a iiipinlr of Uf ChimIoii DrilliiiK Co, uii-l with a ii.oct deidorHhle airlileh Klirilav Jiit lii'fore iiimiii while ohrral In hum of the coiiiftnny's drills 011 A. K. liolh-n' rriiiiliiiire iroietir in tlilncHv liy mmii meMiis It Its rluht hand wn caught In urn heavy cog a heels of the iiiiti'lilue and aat filuhlfttlly iiiHincled. i'r. Hmwii, Mmiitletl liy Jr, ft laerman and Luna, leumveil (he hand at tin rit. Mr, Price It aril along in year, hiil he ii lii'. aiiiiderful nerve aftet Hie pniiilul Hii iih'iii and U fora Im-Ihh pliiced under an aiientlielic. Statement From Mr Neal. The question Imvlng been raited bv the Arllnutou It ut as to ahetherm lint Hi hool 8iiierluleiiident Neat hnldt a certith-ate which enlillet him tu hold the iiltiie of schnoi tu perl ntemlent. the tilolie took ixthhIoii to Interview Mr. Neiil on the milii.M t and secured from that gentleman, in imbstanc. the fol lowing rlHleioent Mr. Neal mated without limitation Unit I . certificate wh cii he held when elected to the ollli'e hae expired, lit ant, and Is Hill of l.e iiiuiin, however tloiiihe certllii nte w hich made him ell- Kihle to tilt ihe oltli-e when elected, hold KoinI ihioiiguoii the term for which he was elected, Item-ntly. however, he taw an opinion given by the state auperl liiiindt nt in a iilch It is reroiuuieiider thai in rae of mi. kind the county iiiiut-iidi'iit mliiiiii.) convent hln o 11 hoard of kHmiii-i hi,. I 1 .lie the examliiMtioii for a llmt grade I'ertlticaUi tt-fore them. In tu th oin ion he hat done this during the pretent week. TnealNive ntU oient, Mr. Neal tays, iviiihtitute the facts iu the cane. The Ixiaril 01 ex iiiniii-it have not fin ished examining Mr. Neat' pap.irt a the lime our forms t-lore. N. Farnxworth returned from Portland SuiiiUr and is hut nut week getting reaily to open the n Kirtt Ntilonal Hank f Coiiduii. The opening hat been delayed for Iu days on account uf the failuie of the charier fm the new insti tution to arrive an eoou as was expected. C. W. C'urfhdd received a coiiiiigii mentof Vi elk teeth iiom Southern Orogon Alouday amuiig which are a iiumber of I) antics.. Charley says he got the lut at a hargiin u.l he expect to turn a pretty icniit when he ditfioier ol them, ilehatveiit lliem to Denver to lie placed im the uiaraei. The? bits ol ivoiy are higlily prixed by members of the Oriier of Elks and w heu mounted command fancy prices. Steve Thuiinm, aiitge driver on tin Coiiiloii-Futxtl end met w ith a teriout accident il"ll'lny a luie gelling ma learn reaily to stall on In dilve. One of the hortet became fiacliuui and rearing, tliutik Thomat a nlmHiing blow 011 the title of the In a.l. lie a eairieil to l)r. iiroau's utlice ai.d ttiveii every alien- Holt but 11 was some lime la-fore he re gullied comHUoiitm-aii. tiia .injuries are not coiieidricd daiitfeious iioaevcr. . .Irie'l Stiniideta rentx,-! a telegiam tiiurtduy evening stutiug that hit hi oth er, Uen S411 ieia, had bt-eu killed that inuriiing in a lioiler explnniou. Mr. San ders was euipiiMcd us engineer ill Pott" liros. taw mill 111 .South Myrtle creek, when the dcpioiahltt m culi nl otcurreil. lie wat ahto p iHluii'.lir ul .SugHt. Two oiiiei iiihii aeie (.unllv injuie.l ami Hie mill Mat totally ar.-cked. Fred left al once lor Artiii'ou locuii h (he til si tram 111 hit way home. The Coiiilon Milling Co. has chmed a deal w 1II1 a Porilaud house for an elec tric lighuilg hithlllig plalil which they will intUli at soon as the dynamos etc. can arrive lro;n the E.tat. fha wire la expected to arrive Mi a few ilays and the worx of wiring t he towu will lie proceed ed with at oiu-e. Arrangements have tieen in t ie wait the McMorritTelephune Co. by allien their poles will lie Ueil (or the ligul wires where poatiltile. The plant will tiave a capacity ol 700 16 cau dle power iigult ami will be eulargetl as 1 lie tiemaiiii lor Itgtit iucreatet. - Lethe Malinck ami liruce Kelly, who rode a race with death uu the night of the tluppiier flood last June, to warn the peoule ol time aud Intervening poillls ol the iinpt imIihu danger, were tendered 11 li.iiiqaoi hy the H'n'le of Line the i.t ti er night ,ts a lokt ii of their appreciation of that heroic acl. The gentlemen were alto each pro tun led ailh a beautiful eb- ouv gold headed cane lieariug the follow ing inscription: "lVeceiited by the people of lone in grateful remembrance uf heroic ride during the Hood at llep tier, June 14, 1U03." For Sale. . - New three room cottage aud two do sirable lolsn Cordon.. Enquire of ; it '' f,f- - X J. M. DoWNINO, . Condon, Ore. LARGEST MAIL ORDER . HOUSE IH THE WEST. The new fashion catalogue of Men's, Women's and Children s apparel, house hold supplies etc. issued by Weiustock, Luhin & Co. Saneeuieuto, California, is the handsomest book ever scut out by them. The htwk is free and valuable to have whether one cares to buy or not, Weinslock, Luhin & Co. do the largest mail order trade in the West. That is proof that their goods, prices and service are of exceptional merit. 29d30 E. C. MERR1FIELD, RESIDENT ARTIST, formerly of Arlington, , COPYING. ENLAKUINU, .VIEWING Neat Line of Photo Buttons. PORTRAITURE! A SPECIALTY. Studio West Side North Main Street. ' Broke Into His House. B, 1 Qilinn. of Cavendish, Vt. Wat robbed of his cnttoniary health by In vanloii of Chronic CoimtipMlion, Whi n Dr. King's New Lile pills broke Into hid house, his trouble was arretted and now hii'sentlrly cured. They're guaran loenre Only 26c. at Condon Pharmacy, Good children buy their school sup plies from Jarvls. Keys Flat School Notes. Agnes M. Gibliout, Elilor, Our school la-gsii Hept 28'h. with W F. Allen as liachcr. tuuiteen pupilt are enrolled. Two pupils will take the eighth grade examination this term. A new globe, a doxeii erasers and half a doXn boxes of chalk were added to our school supplies last week. Anew cimtern is about completed mihI now if we had a few new window panes and a new stove pipn we would be in shape for the term's work. Klva MiUJilvray was absent last week on acconut of an attack of chicken pox. Mrs. C. K. Cooley and lassie Wells visited the schrail last week. Ieonard Ulbbons and Elmer Cooley were enrolled last M unlay. Wm. Webili, one uf the directors. visited the school Monday, Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had Mn almont fa tal attack of w hooping cough ami hron- hitis," writes Mrs. VI. K. llaviland, of Arniouk, N. Y.. "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discover. Our niece, who bad cmitiimption in an advanced stage.alto naed this wonderful meilictne and to-day she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung dieeases yield to Dr. King's New Ditcovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Cotiiths and Cold". 50c and f 1 bottle guaranteed Trial bottle free, Condon P h a r 111 acy. Notice to Tax Payers. Notice ia hereby given that the Comi ty Board nl Equalisation, for (Jillism rnintv, will meet at the court bonne In 'ondon, Oregon, on Friday. October 30,. 1003, for the purpose of adjusting attets- iients. AH iierwius rlesiring to enter nv protect against their assesiment hoiild le present t that Hum and lace. A. J. HilxLToK, " Ateefti-nr Uillia'm County, Ore, !nndon, Ore., October 7. 1903. 3ld34 Oregon Dally Journal, a Democratic dally newtpaper. eight to 20 pages. $ a ear: 12 for tlx months. The Journal It a newspaper. Send in your subacrlptlon. fmereti your neighbor In 1 he Journal. Address The Journal, Box 121, Portland, Or . . .. When In need of fence poMt give the Iit Vallev Lnmher C a call. They have 20.000 first-class Mr and tamarack Hint for sale.' tf ayjAUV BOW l. KMAN N. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON-Offic-s at J. P. Kcitachert lienldenre. CONDON - - OREGON y T. BROW S M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. l)r or nlxht ctlli prorapUy answered Ofltre In Condon I'hurmacr BatMIng, CONDON OREGON STAGE TIME TABLE. Stages will arrive at and depart from Condon on the following Hchcdule. ARRIVE FBOM Fossil 9:30 A.M. Arlington 2:30 P. M DEPART FOR Arlington .9:45 A. M. Fossil... .2:30 P.M. J. W.Jackson & Co., Props. ALBERT DAMS- LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Our Livery Stock is First class. Best attention to Boarding Stock. , Your Patronage Solicited. SPRING STREET, CONDON. Fall and Winter MUHncru Largest and Finest Assortment Ever Of fered in Condon. ' Call and be Suited in Style, Quality, Price, v Miss Dora Downing. DOWNEY'S PHOTO STUDIO IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Second Floor. Hollenbeck Big., East side North Main street, Condon - - Oregon The Oregon Weekly Journal, a Demo cratlo newspaper, 16 pages, full ol Views all of it! 11 a year to any address. The Journal, P. O. Dox 121, Portland, Or. The Foundation of Good Health Is laid by the judicious use of a good SPRING TONIC, We sell the Best. Condon Pharmacy (y, (PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS.) HARDWARE! BUILDING MATERIAL! Nails, Machine Oil, Lard and Linseed Oil. Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utensils. Agency for the SIIERWIN & WILLIAMS Ready MixecT , Oil Paiuta all Colors. CLARKE t HARTSHORN. 1 Still at 'the ' Old Stand With thf 8nest tins of ap-to-date Candies, Cigars and Tobacco, Fresh Roa-ted Pea Nnts, Almonds, Brazil Walnuts. Pecans and Filherts, Oranges, Lem ons, Apple. Bananas and all older rrnits in eeasen. Loiirh Uoots a specialty. Soft Drinks of all kinds. School Pays are And.the children should all remember that we keep the finest selection of School Supplies in the city including Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Ink, Pencil Boxes, Rulers Etc. It will pay you and please of school C. J. STUBLING YOU'LL TAKE HARPER Sure. When you can get a Good, Pure, Well Matured Whiskey of exquisite flavor and undoubted medical qualities, you're not going to'ask for a cheap mixture of Spirits, Glycerine and Ageing Oil. Ia fact when you can get HARPER that's the Whiskey foryoulo drink. And you can get it too because Jeff Neel & Co., Are Agents for Harper Whiskey. Wholesale pgest J6bjpriDtiD$ for IUATCH FOR FALL AMN DUNN ' UP - ?,uuiiiiuiiaiuuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiaiiuiuiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiuaaiii John Jackson. Here you to call and see our stock necessities. J. Q. JARVIS, Druggist. ThV Dalles, Oregon Distributor. f at tr;e (JCOBE Offiee. OUNCEDT TO - DATE MERCHANTS. SPECIAL THIS MONTH, Buck Sole Bicycle Shoes. 0. W. PROPST & CO. Keep Well by Gocci Living. Tit aort of f.iott yoti outfit to ent tr thai wlitch , who!? aouie, iur and plmsii.g. W s. II ,ii,y ,h bi-at find initke it It your advantage to bit y. When you buy here you buy right and what we sell is selected from the best on the market. Stephenson & Wilcox. Fins Groceries a specialty al our store. WHEAT IllTCDinn ui I Liuuit iiHiiLiiuyoi: Highest price paid for UrSlla of ail kinds. 8toras; and baling of Wrt. General . Warehouse , and Ilerchandiso Business. r y BALFCUft, CPTKRIE & CO . M'C'SS. ' nxiximAArniininnnruvvnnr THE CONDON HOTEL tuvmsuwruirmnnnnni Ttie Palace Hotel, ELGIN MYERS, Prop Most commodious hotel in the city. Table eappV.ed with the best thef in Arket affords. Special attention given to the comfort of guests. Headquarters for Traveling Men. CONDON, OREGON. qjuuinnAnnjmruxivvuxriru 2 mi j "iyt inai rew .Yoa are building will require some neat new Furniture, Stoves, .Range Eta. Call aud examine our stock and let us q'riote you prices that will please you. We are prorid of - our stock and when it is transfer red to your new house or your old home you will be as proud of it ' fA -' f jus we are uow i Condon Furniture oirtnjininATVAfvnuvijrutrU WALL PAPER LATEST DESIGNS FASHIONABLE PATTERNS Largest and best select ed etoek in he County. Estimates furnished on jobsas to mateaial and labor. W A. DARLING. For Sale. A good H section of land in Ferry Canyon, 12 miles from Condon. Al fenced ; 110 acres in wheat this season Hons barn andother fairiiiiprovements Plenty of living water. Price reasonable This is a snap. For price a nd terms ad dress th:g office. An Ad in the Globe brings results S ll A nriinnor vrnvnr ARLIKSTOM, BLALOSK, DOUGLAS, ICS'S UNDER 1,'EV MANAGEMENT. Mrs. R. H. Wain, Prop. Will cater to the wants of the trav eling public in a manner to warrant satisfaction. Centra Letatedi Corner Main and Spring Sireeisf tt : nouse and Hardware Co. OLEX FEED BARN, H. D. RANDALL, PBOP. Careful attention given to stock en trusted to our care. Transient trade solicited. OLEX, - ORE. f visit DR. JORDAN'S 6atTi triUSEUO OF AHITOOY f IStl MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL A (Bm.SliiauS.n.ik.; Th.targMt Anatomlcai KnaMm tn IU. Wur.4. Qnattit attmctUm in tit City. A a51 wotidtrful aylUJuf f l 4 duema, mHt I ' a tij. uhi.: biwIhII 1 S Cui. li.lnl li or .nyeontnun. Tljrcare4lir DEL J05QAJI PB1VATE DISEASES saa and wMaia a.ea who r. .uiterlni I turn 111. tU'wU o( youtliliil IndW- er.uuti. or ei in m.tnror 1 varm. Nurvuii. .nd IM.I Illy. Iu pot... . HI.UWW UJ.ll IUCUII1MI1. catloiuu KMrmarrkM, rrwlaw i t mf CrlaBtlac !. Hy a combinailnn tit reraedliM. or rt cumttve poo er, tli. Ductiwr liunarraiiKiMl bin tlikt tt will Sol Oulr .ITord Irami'dlat. rrlipf, but p.rtniiii)iit k curfc ia Doctor dues nut ciuni ii lortn ' ratrnoln. but M well Known to o .ml quitr Physician and 8iirgMn,jr-.aiiu.Ul I In blp;llty Dlwam f M , KirulMH thoroughly eradicate froil th u'ttaui without the inn of Hmrrmrr. ti'llnr. fitted by an Siwrt Rmrtloal I f ar. for Ku.liir., A quick and rwttai nrior alla. I'luar. nd Wt' by i Ur. JoMuli'. .pecfal painin metno.ii. HaMaiDlvlnctoinwUlncatv I our Hontii opinion nl liiaonaolaliiti , 1 H .tuiM Uunrtmtr a msITI VM VUSM CfTARHES VERY REAtiONABlJt, Trwim.nt nanmoally or by letlr. Writ. ..r Rnnk. PHI I.OWPHT F iRASRUei). MAiLKDFaaa. (ATaluabj book lor divii.) t'allofwrtta OR. JORDAN k CO.. 1051 MarVnl St, a. r. Ci. H. Nenl, the well known anftii ii eer; will gite the strictest attentat all business entrusted to his CHm. . yon have pfopertv to ft"ll fotlsttlf fii ii Siibocr-bB for tiiE GloW i