Trie OQHDOii GLOBE. THURSDAY' Ojr03SM 8. I03i THit official rAPEi?or oilliam i COUNTY, OHP.OON. J-OCAL, NKVVSf Tlit fnut waa ml Ihw iiiiikln )flr- I'uiirii 1 it if i'e. . . Kur ShIm A H'kcl t'riMr lot In Coixluit Kiiiulr uf Mr. I'arkt'r,' ( N. Khi dhm nrilt ftt h fear tlayt in I'tttiUii'l (luring Mk, XiIhi i ifU in ifft Mr I'lrlUnd ytar ila on a ! b'UoluvM trip, (ioliixil uplt win'i In, Inlilflu, puia llik. fMfiicit OhXhs fUl HI Jaivla' I'liartua Mm il.iliWk loM litr i .rticIv n Main tr t VfntrfiUy, Flniltr pl a tr ie turn lo liotvl. Mr.'tifitf MiV, CJix. f. flamaril aar nvr fniiii P-aell Kaiuitlay writing at t ui m if t ilmuf, WorkliM iimyuiiflin. on Aaotar i. Ffiattou'il iiina rutlag on Orvtfon avail tie, north of II. Harry ctntHga, IV a liava Ilia tKH"'y 'r tl Kalrhattka A Mii'R iitiii. illu'iilla ml'il gu'iliim iiRlnM. Clark A lUruiiorn Altniiloii KM I S Jarvla altont tin thlnga you ix'CiJ fxi avoool. Kulart, rn ell, pant, Ublxl, ink ftc. MomUy at wgnlar rlp'atiorttir for Vkliul. It a K'xxl strong Variety mid Him mipjily tM nnliiniltxl. Mr. ami Mm, () H. Plnir rtnriir-il frniii I'ihIIkikI Hiiitday. ' Mn. raliiwi'a tr-alili itrouaularahly improtvd. V haVa Jnt m-rlve'l awl iilarM on list an ulfgant lin ut atrlctly ftrtit'lava lj..vo fii'tt tliviu. 0. W. rnHit A Co C O. Ctttlry sri'l family Mi Tlmrailay morning fur .Moilli Malm where they j-o for tiia U tifUt of Mr, Cutrv'a health. itfrtmrt ll.iltml, manager of the I, wt VniU'jr Luililrt-t Cn. waa in n itilrinK It. week. 1 1 reporta Hie luui Imr liiiuif Imunitng nl lila mill. W. L. Marker baa JtiH received a con aitfiiinetit of 1800 ixmmln of Lolta, all filAeaaiMl kiwla. HeaUo' hita a flna aa eortuif Ml of all alniln of wreneliea. tf Hen Urcliifr, of MajillU irecinel, lio ia atlnling Ml. AB'I 'l'lt'. a rllf a liii failiir that ha i aell loal with the tuliool and that hia baalih i linproviiig. V.,. IWkor bai n-ii l It out hnlf liitfr iat in tint foinlon LI vrjr C. l IH-rt lUmaay, of SchuUlrr KUt. Mr. IUium; Millmovo bla family t (u.lno in a wifk or m, Frelanl Frank WHmi rvturnfi (mhii Tho Dallvf Kuinlny li-r they attvn liil the rai-OH iaat awk. Tht-v ri-(rt a very gootl iiifeluig Ultra Iwing aome gooil fiornea aiitfrvil. HiitrinUii1nt Nital hna malt; lht (ciirait apiiortionin nt f'r 0"tlM'r, Tin nnnMiOl lutalml about 37Ui) of which 1 1 !.)-) doufe from tli atata funl ami MM front tha niiilt . I'rof. Nal mvivtl H Iftlfr Snn.ln from Mra. Neat li(i la at Moinooulh HaihiR (hat lur health ia qoitt poor there ami that if It ioa pot improve iwmii iti a ill r'tnrn to Coii'lon. Mr. and Mr Uoaprman. of Hiiltui, Areata of Jay ISowi'Tiioui an I Dr. Mitry ItoavrtiNin, of thia pUc, krrivvit on Tiie'Uy' alit to attmf the; Bower miuflloover weihliiiK a Jiiuli took plara Jant evening at FohoII. Mra, Hermit llaldtcHi! who went to Uranta fa oni time ao f'r the ln fil of her health la improving rupi'llv. Her vtrenglh ia returning ami ahe fia Sained eeveral poumla in weight in"e leaving Condon. Mra llalatead'a nianv tfriendt here will he iiUmi'd to know of lier iiiarked improvement. Twin boya were orn to Mr. and 'Mr V. II. t"rcy tlila morning Kill ia lire tt badly eaoiied but it la hopml he wUI retain hia reaaon. (Jrandad B. K -waa putila 4ron at davl'ght , Daldv (Bill reported to thia olfice at 3 oVIock tliat it wal a av ud girl but hm Wood a-a Bill waaao entiled that he rouldn't tellaiaiy from ft bale of bav. Aa we go ito-pTHM the eieltement ia ahatiitir. W. 8. Myera recently presented iiloiKelf with a fine new flu snn and the oHf morning a rertain old crank who own a. runty old fowling p'ece cblleireJJw. 8 to about at a mark to aee w hich gun eoold pnt the greatest number of ehot mar kt ou a white paper target of a given eie. Two nhota each were taken and in each cane Myera won by one. Now Lheemnk la kickinu becanK Myera did Hint heat hi in worae ami clnlnia that Mv " ws not only counted Hhot mnrka lint fly tracka aa well to get hia tally. Myers tmiathave looked on hia opponent a deadeauv to make that kind of a count on him. President Slmmynn Hf4o, rremib'iit .iihilnin, of tiilt Arlington A iM. H. ft. Co., wif III town a day or tao Ih'( week In the Intereria that i-iiuipant. t U. JUI-toti. i( f'ortland, a f.irincr iiVprchant nf Olea and w'liutlill hiildn iWige pro rly nterel llil t fi I cmiiilft, waa allh hloi. The ohjt-t of the gnileioeii'a vipil waa t) ai-uliil the people of thia coiinly tit it fi the lie ihmii'Ik miido by that coiiipany ill the aavuf coiicealona, 1'hey (ink the M'np!e of1 Ihlx eoiitity tt ni q iire a I M of way fur lh rond through thU comily. Thia right of way I lo be liiriicd over to the company to be In turn turned Over to the If lift rompaiiy which la o hike np the company'a hond when iheeaxli for con lruclion will be forthcoming and work will commence, Mr, Hiinmona alaied to (he (ilohe thwt if the people of the coun ty lake hold of the proposition and ae cure (lie r!(htnf way Hull the company will get to woik and build the lVt8t nii-a IxHaeeti now and the flmtoftlie eitr, Thia wouiil carry the roil I to ooi niiktloa ii point In the Interior of Wheel er county. It would aho ieqiieaome quick work III raiboad building To float bond, oiiike aurveya, grade, tie and lav Meej on HO mile of road, all within 11 week would lie a feat, perhap hereto fore nupitiallrhil In railroad building. But it can be done, Mr. Minmon a). Mr, Miinfiioti alo iiiilmated tluring the liiiervit-w tlmt if the prop'e of Olel and 1,'oodon did not ante and proceed to do hindii-"" on the rif tit of way proHl tioti Unit he dill hiiiiil the Mad anyhow and pliii Hie k and (he depot lo auit hiuiw li without n gird to the pre nt locution of the toa u uf itctiicntion- ed. f hi will nerve aa a ii1ntf r to iiow whicii way Ihe wind Mown. Mr. Sim monaaitva the road -''i-uio to la huili. 'I'll- gentlemen left for Arlington Saturday morning. Broke Into His House. 8. I Qnum nf Cavendish, Vt. wa rohtN'd of hia mammary health by In vanion of t'hroiilc iNimtipatiiii. Winn Or. King'" New Life filla broke Into hi houae, hi trunhlc wa arreele.1 and now he'aehtlrly cured. They're guariin locure Only '25c. at OoiidonrharuMC). Announcement. I am pleaa. d to ay that to the people of Condon and vicinity that I have lo cated among Hum pernianently for the piirpone ol practiciiiK deiitmtry. Solicit in nothing I will do my b'-ot to .!cee you. Binci'ii'ly, T. L, Nick UK. Gambling Cloedi There wan no aonnd of revelry Ttiea llay nla-ht, ISut tillllaiira capital had gathered then, ller gambler and her tinhorn, 'twa aalght To look at thoa bare tallica find broke men. There waa no fuM almnt It. NoWly linrdly knew tlirft anything waa going to happen until the thing waa ihrne. On Tueaiay the marahal quietly noiifl.-d the h'ltued where giuibliog had tmen carried on not to open the gamea that evening and the order a oheyed to the letter. The aaloon men approved of the action Iheuinelvea and f verylxxiy waa eatlilled except perhapa, a no in Iter of -tin horn and turelhing men who had drifted In here (o tfijoy the "good picking" of a lively town. The order will have thS effect of ridding the town of thi'"liiot nmiffiralile rlsai and the community will le the gainer ly their eainlu. 1'oriland ia "pen" to audi gentry and it ia to be liojied they will go there and atay there. Condon can apare them very comfortably, thank you. , Saves Two From Death. "Ouf little daughter had an alniot-t fa tal etl(k of whoopliiti cofljjh and bron chitia." write Mra. W. K. Ilavlland, of Armoiik, N. Y.. "Imt, when all other remedie failed, we taved her life with Dr. King' Sear Dlacoverr. Our niece, who had (Vinwnniption in an advanced alage.alao uaed thia wonderful medicine and to-day al.e ia perfectly well." IVa perate throat and lung dieeaaea yield to Pr. Ki'iK'a New Diacfivery a to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Cold. GOo and f I Ivittlea guaranteed Trial bottle free, Condon i'har m acy. Ten Dollars Reward. It )n the mad lielween Mayville and Condon, a Bcotcti Tweed roat. Fill- tier will receive above rewa'rd by leaving name at thia office. Halls From Arlington. Accordion to Ihe Telegram "Jim Con ner," who ia in a i'oriliind honpital aa the re!t of a g'ltnahot wound received bile attempting to hold upaf UKAN iraiu ha alxled thiU-hm renl name im (Jay Harsh man and Hint hia former me whh at Arlington. Mix ormer ife, liowMrtJ Miilheat, allll reaiden near that town. Confessions of a Priest. Rev Jiiu ft. Cox, of Wake, AntaiiKaa, rih a: F'e If year t entTered from yellow Jwnndice. I consulted a nomlier f piivNlciiin itnd tiinci all aorta of med- illa but f"t no relief. Then I Ih'hii the ii e of Klectrie bitter and feel that I am now cured of a d'meaae that bad nie in il rnp for 12 yean." If you ant a reltahle oiedii-'nio for Liver and K.dni-y trouhle, aloin.o-h rliaortier or tfcnernl debility get Kledrii! Bitter. Oul . 50c. fc.uia f icti-ui guarantond by Condon l'liariuiii'v. Bowerman-Hoover. Laat eveninn nt the home of the Vide' mother, at Foaail, waa olemnized the narriaiie o Mr. Jay Bowernmn, of thia lace and Mia Un Hoover, of Fossil Uev. Knlirht, of Corvallis, performed eremony. A large number of invited uneata were present among them being a number of Condon people. Mr. am Mre. Huwerman will reside in Condon In the home raecntly purchased by him from II. N. Frazer. May Survey Soon Information from Portland received a dav or two airo is to the effect that the railnad company of which John C. Ainsworth is president, ia rapidly per leetlmr it nlans and experts to put n eorp of atirveyora In the fluid within a few dava. No further Information was !.ta(h!a at this time. We liope, how ver, to be ahle to give onie more defl .,ii Information regarding the tnten jim,nf thiacfltnunav in the near future Notice to Tax Payers. Notice ia hereby given that the Coon- tv Board of Kuualizalion, for Gilliam 'oiinty, will meet at the court bouse In Comlon, Oregon, on Friday. October 30, 15(03, for the purpose of adjusting assess ment. AH persons desiring to enter any protest against their assS-ment shonlil U present at that time and place, A. J. SiultiiN, Assessor Gilliam County, Ore. Condon, Ore., Octolicr 7. IMS. 3M34 Oregon Dally Journal, a Democratic dally newspaper, eight to 20 panes, H a year; 12 for etx mouths. TUB journal is m wapeper- Send In your auoacriptton. Inirrcsi your nelahbor In The Journal. AdJreas The Journal, Cox 121, Portland. Or. Good children plies from Jurvis. buy their school sup- 013S3LUTI3H OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between the ninlerhlirnel under the firm name nf Cantrv A rainier h'aia len this day ilia solved bv nuitnl rnnseiit. All accounts Ins ttie old lino are now due and payn bla to L. E. Palmer who will continue the business and who will also ray all lebla of the old tirm. C. 0". Castuy, L. E. Palmkm. Con Ion, Ore., 8epteinler 23, 1003. LARGEST MAIL ORDER HOUSE IH THE WEST. The new fashion catalogue of Men's Women' and Children a apparel, bouse hold supplies etc. issued by Weinstock (.uMn&Co. Haceuiento, California, is the handsomest honk ever cutout by them. The bisik is free and valuahle to have w hetlier -ote eare to buy or not, WeinsKa-k, Lnbln A Co. do the largest mail order -trade in the West. That is proof t hat t heir goods, prices and service are nf exceptional merit. v 29d30 MEflRlFIELO, ARTIST, formerly of Arlingl-aa, has returned to Condon equipped with a fine, new New York studio outfit and fully prepared lo do the verv latest and best work in Photography. Finest Hue of up-to-date mounts. Permanently located Noith Main St. Cull and see his work at Studio. The Oregon Sorni-Weekly Journal, Democratic newspaper, evur fulr and al waye free; 184 ooples in one year for only $1.C0 to any address. The Journal, O. Box 121, Portland. Or. When In need of fence post give the Lost Valley I.nrntier 0 a call. They have 20.000 first clas Or and tamarack jaista for ea'e. tf ayjAUt HOW kit MAN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oftloe t J. F. flcltacW't Reititenca. CONDON OREGON T. MKUWS it. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON. Day or nlichl calls promptly answered Office In Condon Pharmacy Building, CONDON OREGON STACE TIME TABLE. Stages will arrive at and depart from Condon on the following schedule. ARRIVE FROM FophU 9:30 A.M. Arlington , 2:30 P.M. DEPART FOB Arlington..... 9:45 A. M FoBsil..... .2:30 P. M J. W.Jackson & Co., Psora. The Foundation of Good Health Is laid by the judicious use of a good SPRING TONIC. We sell the Best. Condon Pharmacy ritEHClJIITION DRCUGISTS.) .A HARDWARE! DU'iLDIiiC MATERIAL! Nailfl, Machine Oil, Lard and Linseed Oil. Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utenails. Agency for tie SHERWIX & WILLIAMS Ready Ttixed Oil Paints all Colors. ' . CLARICE & HARTSHORN. Still at the 01d; Stand SPECIAL THIS MONTH, Buck Sole Bicycle Slices. 0. W. PR0PST. & CO; Keep Well by Good i M Irt-i-t lmt-ttnif Tlir port of you rij;ht t rul if t!snl nlijcii Boiiif, jutre ftud fdriiKiAjj 'i ti, j only " ttm iuak it t your Hu vaiiiHgt tu buy.' When Jrou buy hero ' you buy tfght and what we Stll ia aelected from' tfi'e Itit on the niarket. Stephenson k Yilcox. Fine Groceries a specialty at oar sfor.' i WHEAT .INTERIOR WAREHOUSE V7HEAT liigliMit pflca for Grain of atl kin.ia. Rtorai. ami haling r,f tr.W. General Warehouse and Merchandise BALFOUR, CUTKRIS & fa , IfgaS. AgUKS73W, ELAIQSX, D3USLAS, IZM i ruvwruwinswrwrin VuxrxnAnAnnrinjinnnnrinnnijm UkDER kew management.. THE CONDON HOTEL v I BTJUininnnnru ii With the finest line nf up-to-date Candies, Cigara nil Tobacco, Freeh Roa-tetl P-a Nnt, AIihoihIb, Brazil Walnuts, IVrana and Fi Harts, Oranitea, Lein otis, Ajjplfa, Bananaa and all other fruits in acasen. Lunrh Untxta a apialty. Soft Drinks of all kinda. ALBERT DAMS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Our Livery Stock is First class. Best attention to Boarding Stock. Your Patronage Solicited. SP3INC STREET, CONDON. John Jackson. School Days are Here Mrs. R. Ji. Witx, Tbop. Will eater to the wants of tlift trav eling public in it fnanftfir to warrant - eatipftcliorij Ctntrally Located, Corner Main and Spring Sfrnn " CONDON, OREGON', vrul And the : children fbould all remember that we keep the fineBt aelection of School Supplies in the city including Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Ink, Pencil Boxee, Rulers Etc. It wil pay you'vnd please you to call and see our Btock r l of fchool neceppilies. ; " J. Q. JAR VIS, Druggist. C. J. SJUBLING ,The Dalles, Oregon. YOU'LL TAKE HARPER. Sure. When you can pet a Good, Pure, Well Matured Whiskey of exquisite flavor and undoubted medical qualities, you're not going to ask for a cheap mixture 'of Spirits, Glycerine and -Ageing Oil. In fact when you can get HARPER that's the Whiskey for you to' drink. And you can get it too because Jeff Neel & Co., Are Agents for Harper Whiskey. Wholesale Distributor. Ttie PalaCe Hotel, ELGIN MYERS; Wo'pi Most com mo lions hotel in the city. Table mippjieit with the best the market affords. " Sfiecial "attention given to the comfort of guests. Headquarters for Traveling Men. condon, Oregon; jtruinnnjinxixmnrmrinniviAriArtj-u onrumrutnnnnruuuutnnnjmnjvn t 2 mi i TT YT - inai wew nouse Yo'i are baildinj will require some neat new Furniture, Stoves, Range Etc. Call an I examine our stock and let ns quote jou prices that will please you. We are proud of our stock and when it is trftnsfef- red to )vour new houge of your old homa you will be as proud of it 5 ' as we are now. 5 I Condon Furniture and. Hardwares Co. rknjvruxrtrtJrim J! finest Job priQti forf II at tf?s (JC0BE Office. WALL PAPER LATEST DES1CHS FASHIONABLE PATTERNS Largest and best select- t ... i - .1 n ed stocs in me ouniy. Estimates furnished- on jobsas to mateaial and labor. V. A. DARLIKC. For Sale. , A good M section of lam! in Ferry Canyon, 12 tnilea froni Condon..-. Al fenced ; 110 acres in wheat this season tlnnse barn and otlier fair improvements Tlentv of living water. Pr'ue reasoniible This is a snan. For price a nd terras ad dress th'.s office. OLEKFDBAllll, II. D. RAHDALL, PROP. Careful attention given to stock en trusted c to our care. Transient I trade solicited. IdLEX - OrlL! -i Fall and Winter Mllllncru Largest and - Finest Assortment Ever Of fered in Condon. Call ami be Suited in Style, Quality, Price. Miss Dora Downing. The Oregon Weekly Journal, a Demo cratic newspaper, is pages, fuil ot news- all of It! Jl a year to anyattli-cs3. The Joiinml. P. O. Hox 121. Portlnnd. Or. IfHITB BRONZE MONUMENTS " MflDE BY THE MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO., BRID0BP0RT, CONNBTTIGUT. S.fl. PflTTISON, flgent, An Ad in the Globr brings results ...... -'fallanSoungement in visit DR.' JORDAN'S cmarK OOSEUQ OF ..AHATOarJ lOSf KARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAU r Blwin8Utkuila.nuk. T ""ft Anatomical Maseuai . tlllun Uor.J. ... . . ... . , t Urfalttt attraction n th City. A woioUrftd Htihtfor visitor d di.seuiii,p4MiSl rmriy $f tlio oldest Hjri:iJi9i,ii tii l'm&&t j J 03. JCnDAH-PSlYATE DISEASES V T.vbs nrit and nlrtdl lnun tltecu of youthful inlt- ' W yeanu Kervotit i)(l phvBioai ttofcllily, Int- w J chIIoiik; KatmatorrlMMt, rmlalvr f rbwa, SoiorrlieM, Uleei, l'rt.anir,T r VrliintT, . ny couniiimnoii or J romedlwi, of gri-t curativii po r, the Doc". Iim h nrrnniod Ills trnttinrut that It will nut I only rror(l Immediaio rvilef, bIA OKi-inAnlit cure. Ttaa Doctor doea Imt claim lo pet furm rolmoleo, but t weil annwn to b fair ami ' tqnxre fiivslcian ana nrgmi, prv-muiui 4 iu h!.r laity Dlaraan I Men. .. , il l1f PJIII.I4 thomughly emdlratM trim at ayatciu nitnout in win 01 ntrrar;. , Tru.H-a ntttd by aa Kxnrrt. Kaineaii nr tir Iulnr. A quick ami rmtictii f ncrctor Pltva, Kinr and ri' Pr. Jordan's kcmk:Iu1 palnleas matbwla. J EVEBT MAS applying to us wliirecalvv aur uxfH opinUm .it Liao-aT'lalnt. I wfli ftimrniifei! a KXilTlVX CVMStA I Omviltatlim FI1KK anfl .frietty p.' (' Trealiumit personally or by teller. nr.... ... Onolr piljllHUlMrf Vf lMRKUK. Mailed Fmul CAyini ' 1 boiik for men.) Call or wilt OH JORDAN ft CO.. 1 0Bt Marital St.. S. F. DUNN BROS, UP-TO-DATE MERCHANTS. (j. ii. Neil,-the well known am'Jtt eer, will give the strictest ttsvt ii all business eflitrtidteit t his rftte on hiive property to sell fc'on'sS!! ' ' 1 mm .Subscribe' for The Gidhi: end hope it will be of i afttlsfactory na itjre. . - nONDOM. : : OREGON.