..HlS.fi THE COHOOil CLOBL THUKyoXv OCTOBER 8, 1903. willriinio t-o-H i.(t -it witj hit j est to wheat grower In othr Katex the waste basket. .Vtoi iwtv, j where tb ntl tui. re smelt that .'" Oie cost of imnhtvtitnt is mviwari- I lv nim'. irrtv.ter tltoti that io.lio.t-, GROIUNG WHEAT CIIEAPL )'j bv I.. Kanea In the northern part of IVrrisi for in8t(ot, it i tocst about valley, in California, two brothers! 40 cvnts to jmnluce ahushel uf are engjijfilm the wheat Wiiiewpj wlieat and in Kastern Oregon it on an extensive fvah. They haveits p-haps half that amount I0,.V)0 acres in cr.p this year ami ; xx h r. t lily -mi t! vt it will be the ybl I, an rep rt I by a IomI pa ) n lM rxnine for the farmers per published in that locality is from 7 to 10 sacks, or almost 2J bushel, per acre, Thw farming ami harvesting is all dine on a lurge ncilo. An oil burning trao lion engine with an indicated horee power of 123 in the motive power employed ami seven barrels of crude oil is consumed each day as fuel. This engine draws a big com- of those states to compete with four cent wheat one there is a considerable hiiiiiIhT of tbewI0. 000 acre farms ojeied up and put under steam power cultivation. It i not altogether unreasonable to si p Me that tlw next few years may witness the rise of a wheat magnate who will produce and control the wheat as absolutely as Rckef ller now produces and con TALK IS CHE A P. ThIU is cheap but it takes money to buy whiskey. Likewise it takes money to build railroad. Gilliam county has had a ifrailrnd propoMiioim lately and et the people are not natistied. Th? people want a railroad, not a whirlwind of uot air. Hut the pe pie are not able to b lil 1 a railroad llmunelves. Neith er aw they able to invest in a large a n mot of railroad securities The people here are mostly far mers, not bond buyers. Neither arc the people willing to tie up a r.gni oi way lor a term oi years nn- bi j harvester through 80 to 100 ! they know absolutely, that j Rcres of whwU evy day during ! trhe, nil. And the independent the people to whom they grant it the h t ,rtvi a lmi, ! ; . . . are ame io ouu-i a roan, mai mey f h . v filleil Uh ol(,ei .,m., grain ready for the market. Only j pletely as the independent oil pro seven men are required to operate !jtt0f.r8 ftmJ refiher8 hare been this ponderous outfit. . When the! pq hed in the years gone by, by threshing season is over the engine; junn ) Rockefeller and his Stan is hitched to a ga ng af 96 disc plows ' tjttrj q,j and later in the season after the ' , ij rains have come 5t regulation to cure a cold in one day WOWS are Used. litis gang turns ; ke Utntlve Br...n. Qnintn TubkU. Alt over about 200 acres a day and is often operated continuously, day and night. But the interesting feature oft this method of farming lies in the! economy with which it is done. It is said that an acre oflandcanbe put in grain with the discs, for? cents and with the plows for 10 cents an acre, exclusive of seed, intend to build and that they will build at once.. Without questioning the sinceri ty of the gentlem in who have been -talking railroad here lately the Itlobe begs to suggest that, so far, none of them have attempted to make it clear to the people that they really mean business that they can and will build the road within a year. The people of this county are all from Missouri on this sort of a project. Railroad promoters must "show them" that they can "promote'' something besides siroccos. The people want a railroad and they are willing. to do anything in reason to secure one. But it is hardly reasonable to ask the peo ple to subscribe for $i50,000 of bonds or to give a 3-year right of way on the bare, bald assertion of one or two strangers that "We will build the road." Anybody can make promises but the promoter needs excellent backing to be able to make good. The railroad propter who will tonij to the citizens of Gilliam county with a clear cut business proposition, who will identity him fiCif Satisfactorily and show the people just what he means to do "and can di, ca-i dj business here. J3ut he must cut out hot air and not think child's talk will fool all the people all the time. It takes money to build railroads It also requires some judgement and common g jnse. cimimisU rvtmiit tit money if tl UIU torur k. . u-.ivri wutur l on ch box. z-t C3BJ REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS. From Portland to The Dalles. and t.le crop can be harvested tor;gtMmers: .B:liv Gatrert." "Dalles GO cents an acre and when the; City," "Regulator," "Metlako," work stous or is finished there are Steamers leave Portland and The no hungry horses left to eat ! D1,e8 dU' (except Sunday ) at 7 . . , r,., , a. in., connecting at M'le, A ash.. .ucr v, . with C H. A X. Rv. Co. for Palev, . ) : t . . . . reumrkauij vuenji prouuiiiou oi j Centerville, Uoldendale and all wheat less than four cents peri Klickitat Valley points. bushel. i Steamer "Bailey (Satzert" leaves Of coarse to farm in such a man-! '""tland a. m. i uesdays, I hurs- nprit i ne,.eSSfirv t.i have l-., days, Saturdays, rheDalles , . ' , , , , , j.,? Mondavs. Wednesdays, iracui m ievei uuu nuapvea , .. ,.. mllI1(i wheat growing but it is claimed ; eti, .tc t0 any landing betwrenThr by some authonfes that there is, Dalles and Portland on strs. Daily in California alone, sufficient wheat ! Gatzertand Dalles City. land of this character, if placed in ' Excellent meals served on all . E:.... ..AA......i.i ...... r . teams and wagons. a. in Fridays. cultivation umer the most approv ed modern methods to produce enough wheat to supply the entire Call on or address II. C. Campbell, Manager, nation with bread. If this is true A W.Zimmerinan Portland, Or it is a matter of considerable inter- j Agent, The Dalles,Or 60ND0N STBftM LAUNDRY,' T.N. IjOli DERM ILK, Prop. Latest approved process, first-class steam plant, experi enced operators. All Work Guaranteed. Your Work Solicited. Special rates on Family Washing. Terms Cash on Delivery. iTJvvriJTnjin ruxrinrinnjirirLrmruxru ruTXUuinjxruxruxnin Summit Saloon, SEARCY & PALMER, PROPS. CONDON, OREGON. Finest Wines Liquors, Cigars. Lory ."in Ice cold Beer a Healthful Hot Ao a h O r Roooranro WW WMbllva . V V. I LA , lAJTJXTLTUXnJV uuinxurnjij uinju anj-UTJT-n. THE COUNTRY PAPERS kkp THE FAIR. The Tortland Telegram, when it has nothing else to write about, has fitMen into the habit- of taking up "certain country papers" and lam basting them on account of their alleged failure to print gratis, "cer tain" stuff that is being sent out by the state board of the Lewis tmd Clark fair. By so doing the Tele gram is playing the role of a very cheap advocate. If employed by the commissioners it is hanllv earning its money. If not employ ed, for the sake of the fair, it would better save its space. The facts are, the "co intry pa pars" have done and are doing more than all other agencies combined for the 1905 fair. Without the suppirtof the country press th:? half millio i appropriation for the nterprise would not have passed the last legisl iture. B jc; t H3 of tin lriendly disposition shown by the c-Juntry press the board is not war- runted ia still, not only asking space but dictating what shall go into that space. Beg jars cannot bj clnosers. When Lydia Pink h iui asks for space it is sold to her with the privilege of writing her evil copy. The fair hoard has put rthe Lewis and Clark. - fair on the si u plan' with Lydia Pinkhatu's pills and a-i appaal is made to country papers, in sweet charity's name, to advertise their wares. If Ijft alone th cjuntry papers will support the fair but they will do it in their own way. They are doing it now with scarcely an exception. What the papers object to is the stuff sent out and the timeitis Bent. It is the practice with the board to let the Portland papers have anything of a newsy nature that occurs in connection with the fair, and the secretary, who is not a nawspaper man, is instructed to nend the left over trash to the country papers and the country press is showing good judgement in rejecting it. News, not ancient history, ia what the papers want, nod if the etate board of fair com missioner! will furnish the country ress with' real live news at the twine time it is givjn tha metropol itan papers it will beacoepted with fll-ltlkfl Tha I lift t a A tl niitTart iuxtutfit ha.3 been sending out: Ijue pop! dv?rti5e ir; a (jve paper -JfCJipBr; ruanxLTinnrLrm njxnj"Lnj"u The Summit Hotel, D. M. RINErlftRT. Prop. Xew Building and Furnishings. Finest Location in the City. First-class in Every Respect. Well Appointed Bath for use of Guests. Our Table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Commercial Trade a Specialty. 5 Snrino Strftfit.. Drift Rinr.k Fast, fpnm Main - - viia ivtuiiia oinuannjiuuiinjinnri THE DALLES, ORE., SEPT. 29 TO 0CTI3, 1903. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION SECOND EASTERN ORE. DIST. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY and THE DALLES CARNIVAL ASSOCIATION. 84,009 IN PURSES AMD PREMIUMS. Liberal awards for Live Stock and Agricultural Exhibits. trance Fee on Articles Contesting for Premiums. No En- RACES EVERY DAY. 0RECJ0N PACIFIC AND ORIENTAL STIIEET CARNIVAL The Greatest Show of the Age, will give two Grand Performance Daily Afternoon and Evening. MUSIC BY VANCOUVER MILITARY BAND Reduced rate on all Steamboat and R. R. lines. Write for Premium List and Speed Program. 11. J. JdAIKK, Vret. f'arnivttl. MAX A. YOnT.Son. J, 8. FISH, Trei. Dint, fair C.K. BAYAKI). tiiHi The Quality Store LORD & COMPANY Advance Shipments of Out" NEW FALL STOCK ARRIVING DAILY AND NOW ON DISPLAY. NEW DRESS GOODS IN Silks, Sackings, Prunellias, Zebelines and Chevoits. New Outings and Flanneletts, New Wraps for Ladies, Misses and Children. Men's, Youth's and Children's New Clothing. New Portieres I Curtains, Couch and Cushion covers. COME WHERE YO'J HAVE THE Q'JAMTIT AS WELL AS THE QUALITY TOCH39SE1FR0M THE QUALITY STORE, LORD & CO. ' LORD & CO. ARLINGTON, OREGON. NOTICE fOIt ftltf.IC.lfh3 . t.tKOOWl'l AT TMk IMI.I.M. oh.; t, 3, HMC Nll hhcrvl'f 'uli'tiii tliHt (Iiq lollhwliiji num. l wilier Iim. IlliM nollip Itf til. Itlti'tilluu ui timkv nii.l pt(il lit ii)nl tit hi. rllm, nl IUhI mI-1 uh( will I IiimiIh lwur Jx Ituwif. Hinii, l'. M. 'mimlliMH'r ft ('mulull, Orrgou, uil MciinUy, NohmiiIht M. luTU, tMUKI. A. 1 ATT I. HON, nl Cumliiti, Onuon. II. K, No. ti4 M II Ki ir,p, II, mid Wir .. l.n-.iX.. H. it K. W. M. P IIHiiit' Ihrt filloirlii wHiti'Kl lu fniv. Itt i l,tlMl flul.UMM'll llmll .lilt Cll,ijMllln' nl nl I lmi I, tit; , II.C. -Uf. kU'iJ.J U WVH. II. W, If vrtmli't' miJ l. it 1'uat.uu, nil t ilitim, Ony ft. MU Mim T NoUN, . .. TVeAaurer"' ftit)o4. .VII I'tnmiy nnil ri'iflBlfml jirlor' lo (VI. 1, IU0. will Ih hi).I of-ii ri H-iiiniloti at in; oltli. li!tt-rtt crutch lir Si'.t. 10, wm. f, II. RrilriiiciiKONV Trmnrf r of'iillllrtm nmnty, Orr umi. All 'rnu .Ic.lrliiK to Mttl tlirlr Hi" nntnl vr I lit u. during unr hImiiiiuh from' (ih ii i'nii (Tit i ry mllliiK nl t)i Oumloii' riiiirinHcy whiTB out IkmiK Imvt U eu' WU. tOil Pmimiktmn A lt'ioicnii. Threshing Outfits for Sale. W. liNva (or naif lx or f veil Urtcw nnl mull lliriilili)t oiUllu, iMtiiii iltlml wltlr' liiriirowr, iWm with iipiuii. W inn H'll h k"'I r lor 1-lW or fftUO. W lmv on rig which tin. tn run only 10 ilnvi w lili'h urn will trl lor horn. I'urlii. In ih'ii of thrriihlntf 'oil t lil mllf fiiul It to tliclr hiIvhhIhiii to invciitiirHUr our tin ot bargain, ('nil on or mtlrM , Itf 0'i'g'in Tr-liiiij Co., VTiout), ot: BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES. IVi-noti'lntf wrvicf. on tlir 1'irnt, Thlnl r.tl Fourth HuihUti of tht uiontli Nt 1 1 A. M. Hti.t 8 t. M. ; I'.tnr liotil ncrvli-c nt MnjvlIU tli 8coul SumUy in nth month. Siinitjr School, 10 o'cltwd evr Piindny mornlnit. Tmrrr nn-ttln, Tliumlny etnin(. t BuVlur. Kvrrylxxly rvrIlnll,v lnvili-il to nltftul tlien. service.. F. 0. Flowkmi, rtnr Advertiso itt Tur. Glcbk. Condon Milling Co. MANUFACTUHERS OF 1 High Patent Flour, Graham Flour, Germ Meal, Chop, Feed. STEAM-ROLLED WHEAT AND R All LEY. SCALE OP PRICES. Steam Rolled Rarly. .$23.(X) Steam Rolled Wheat.. 23 (X) Mill Feed $15.00 Flour, per bbl....'. ... 4.00 Prices liable to change at any time. Every pack of our Hour is fully guaranteed or money refunded. INSURE fl OOOD CROP BY USING Superior and Monitor Drills, tioe and Disc Carload of Each. W. L. BARKER, Agent, CONDON .... OREGON. , ' Lttf l5t lM f tW? VC , i iRJ 4 tf.VlOa y vf UM I .wV. tf ""w "u "'aui'Si. k-Kftfau aSw f. m-tM tou m -j. juuu.MKo.yiiun.i-o'.-iv m ten m m m m tfM BUCK HORN BILLIARD HALL B. K. SEARCY, Tropr. SEW Bni lUNU. FUUNlTURi: AND FIXTCRK3 FIX EM RESOirr IN TIIK CITY Finest Liquid Refreshments and Clears Elegant Billiard Table for Use of Patrons. (iia..o(.py oYvoyi 4.Jio.jiJili ie ip1;' 1 ioi J' v t4 !) i feu vvvuuvvvnnrrurunruvurunru nivxnjnsiniuvwnnjinnnruwjvv&s Fred Wilson. Frank Wilson. THE BANK. THE COIIDOII LIVERY COMPANY. ii BALED HAY AND CHOI' FEED FOR SALE. CONDON, OREGON. innnnruvuuwuvnuvuuinjvvvwuvvww FperUI olti'iitlnn lo trnm tt-r'i trili. Firni-fliiKt turk null in re fill ilrlvrti. WILSON BROS., PROP'S. Everything new and A CENTLEMEN'S Finest quality of Ci- Btrictly firs t-c 1 ass RESORT. gft" Wines, Liquors New Stone Building, West Side Main St., CONDON, - - OREGON. svwririnnivrvvjunruirvnnirvvw QnLnrurnjirinAniAnxinnnuiruinA aaru umnn ruwuuum r n wm m otv mm m n mm mm. Bat , A K Y L A It! U U LU oi mt PURE RYE WHISKEY Made by ,Cahn, Belt & Co., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Jeff Nesl & Co., 5 UUINUUll - - - ituuiinruxnnuiuxnHivw flDC innAnjuinanrurnjvinra If you uaitquKI( returns adurtise ir; tr) Moore & Golden, GASH GROCERS. Our ptock is now arriving and is fresh, clean and up-to-date. GROCERIES : FRUIT : VEGETABLES All fresb and good to eat. Cull and get our prices. SPRING STREET, .,, CONDON, ORECON: ! WANTED FAITHFUL PKKSOK TO TRAVEL lor well entabliHhed bmw in a few counting cull ,liifon retiill miirclmnti and axenUi. IK'al ter ritory. Halary 1024 a year and expeimoN payable 119.70 a week In criIi and expennei advanced, FoMtlon )ennHueiit. Bualneaa mcceofiil and mliliiif. Ktandard House, 334 Dearborn 8t, Chi fiigo, Illlnnla. LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager! ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer n complete itock of Fine finrfaco.1 I,iiuitr, ooiKiilln of Flooring, Call Ing, Rustic, Ship-Up nnil nil kimla ol Kiili Lmnltcr. Cnrt-ful atten given to bills of pen! a I mt hihI liiiiieinion MtnfT. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OP POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, OREGON. THE CELEBRATED . . COLUMBIA BREWERY . . AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the protlurt of thin well-known brewery the United State Health Report for June 28, 11MK). any: "A more enperior brew never entered the lahratory of the United States Health reports. It in RbcoliiMy devoid of tho slitflitent trace of adulteration, but on the other liend i. compoaed of the test of mult flixl and idioicent of hiis. Its tonic qualities are of the highest ami it ran he used with the arentet tieneflt and siitinfiirtlnn by IhiDi old and younir. Its nee ran conseientioiiHly lm prescrilied by the physii lans with the rerlaintv ItitttB belter, purer or more wholesome leverage could tint ponsibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, ORECON. Condon Meat Co. WM. C. EDDKN, Mntmirer. Now Occupying Our Own New Building Main Street. Finest Beef, Pork, Mutton, We recommend and gtiarantoa our own nmke of Bugar-cured Hams, Break fant Bacon, lard tfau- sage and Bologna ' Try them once and be convinced. STATE NORMAL SGHOOL, Monmouth, Oregon. Training Reboot for leaciier Courses a r ranged pppeeinlly for training tenulieri for nil branches of the profession. Moet npprnv methods for grailel and ungraded woik ttiiitfht in nrtnal district school. The de mand for grndtintes of tiiii school as leach era far exceeds the supply. The 'fiaiiiing Department, which consists of n nine grado public school, of about 50 pupils, well e rq nipped In all brn tidies inclodinit Music, diiawingr, and I'liy eicii I, training. The Nor mat course the best end Quickest wavlon RtateCeitiflca'e. Fall term opens Sept. 22. For catalogue or Information address, E. I). REBSLKR,- Presinent, or J. B. V. BUTLER, Sec.,' Monmouth, Oregon. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. (VLjfr Seven MUHon boze sold In past 1 2 month. Tti3 SlgnaturO, Sf&yr Caret Crip In Two Dy. onevcrv yrmrt box. 25c p