THE GOiiOON GLOBE THURSDAY, OCTOBER I. 1003. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF OILUAM. COUNTY, OWEdON. local news; T'jr J .lesson's It t'rram. Outolmr 1 t. An I lu l.ty I "slwaiiisr lay." , ' ; ....... I'. I', ( Ff'rry Canyon Is having a rffl.lfiii vrti tfil on t ! (Cast 8UI. :r, WimmI'i uttw llltrK Is now an- iler war on Wanl Klri't, K. It. lUrialioin U hutUltnf a new rp I lmt.t on tlis Ht ill of town, Uf. Klowsrs will jin-acli at Alvillf I MumUy uuiritiiiK at 11 o't lin k. County Clerk frtMl rHtiriitl from flt-Mar trip to I'wtUml TuttwUjr. Milk IMiakss, liiitnal, Hod and lot Crsam at Jaksiin'a ka errant parlors, KiIiimiI aititit nlla, taldfia, fms Ink. ucll uus He at Jarvls I'liarm .' .... , " ' ' Mr, an. I Mri. I, K. Rolnachar anl Jar Jliwermsii ffturrte.l (rotu I'jrtlatiil Tiies U.v. Welding Ml. ar apt In jlngl within SOmtlfso Uomloii Itrlora another trvk iass, t M. 8rlng.tnn innvad liUfaiiiilr In (nun their Lost Valley ranch Tliurs.Uy fir tli Winter. Work lias iHimmf nrad on wr A J, Klittlioii'g imw eottnjfH mi Oregon ayen (is, north ( the Harry cotUga, 14. tl. MerrlfleM, the rtl, hat open h hlaandiinn Nnrtli Main strvet. ba lit d In annlltcr Itintii. Wa liava tlia agon.' (or tl.a Fairbanks A Mora pumps, arindmllla and gisolins rnicliies. Clarka & Hartshorn Attention Kid I S Jarvla alxnt the thing you ne (ir iool. llnlurs, pen cil, a, tablets, Ink . lr. Wmal was railed to lna KHk" Saturday to see Grani Rtahl who la miflerlng (nun ait attack o( paralysis. ( i Wt have just rerlret and placed on aala an elegant Una atrlutly llrat-flaas tlves. See tlicni. 0. W. I'ropsl A Go John A .JMi-Morrls. proprietor o( the Inter! I'UninK Mill la building a NMiiiiimllMit dwelling to tlia South End of town, 1 Tha Con lon Btaam Laundry la now running full Mart and giving Condon' rolled llnan a going ovr. 8e new ad In thla Impreaaion. The very lateat creation! In fashion hi millinery at Mlaa Dora, Downing', ftrasnnahlfl the year aroond. Call and inspect gotala and price. W, L. 'Barker ha Jnsl received a con aigument o( 1RO0 pounds of bolt, all eli? and kind; lie also ha a fine a ertutetit of ell kinds of wranehea. - tl tl. V. Marvel, the wellknown.Itock creek fruit grower, ha bought property Hiil will hiiild a home In Condon In or der To put hi children in K'hool here. Mlra iKira Downing haa pnrchaned the millinery alw-k of Mr. K, L. Madden and eoimolldiiteti the name wilii her ow n elH'k. Real new ad in thlt paper, Mik l.illa Clarke left Bundav inorif ing (or I'urtlmid w here aha will enter the Porllaud Ruoinei; Ctillega. Mra. Clarke atxouipinied her daughfer to the city. Married Sunday, September 27, at the home of the bride' parents, vn IClghtmite, Mr. Edward Yarbrough ami Minn May Ward, Rev. Ward, an uncle of the bride, oflklaling. I.. W. Darling will hold a aaleof hi farming Implement, household good and live stock at hi home un Hay creek, nest Wednesday, October 7. A large amount of property la to be sold. For terms and parl'votar see ad also bill printed at this office. A baby boy waa born Tuesday of last week to Mr. and Mr. Taut Ureincr, at The Dalle and on Monday of this week the little nue wa called buck to tha spir it land (rum whence it came. The body was brought to Mayville' and interred in the Cathulio burial ground there yes terday, Vis! tondji ii town Invariably speak in the highest terms i f the epleudid ap waraMce of the new court house. And it I an elegant apHiaring building even now in it untlnUlied condition and w hen contractor l'eternou and hi efB -lentorp of workmen get through with It It w ill be a beauty, New Madden has bought the L. W. I)trtiit ranch oil liny creek, the deal to be cOiisuniated and the final transfer nmde next Saturday. The tract contains 1 120 acres and the price paid was an even $10,000. This is an ex eel leu trench mid Mr. Madden is to be congratulated on having secured a bargain. The Condon Drilling Co. started to bring their new 800 foot steam traction well drill from Arlington last week un der Its ow n steam but on account of the scarcity of water aud fuel along the road the trip was abandoned after reaching Suhuttler Flat and the big machine will le brought the remainder of the way with horses. An east bound O, K. & N. passenger train whs held up by four marked ban - ilits Wednesday evening 21 miles east o Portland. Kx press messenger Fred Korner shot and seriously wounded one of the bandits and the other three beat ' a hasty " retreat without securing any booty. Engineer Barrett, w ho was nsed us a shield by the robbers In ' their as eiiult on the express car, was also slight ly wounded in the shoulder' by a stray ball from the messenger's gun. The wounded bsuilit is in a Portland hospit al but steadfastly refuses to talk farther than to say that his name is Jim Con ner. The others have not yei been ap prehended, - . v AlnBWorth Perfecting Mans. Thetlluhe learnel yesterday (iiiiu a private letter written from Portland by a gentleman who 1 pr-nnlimnt In biini iie and Hnaiicial circle in this section of Kiuterii Oregon, and who has clone illations with the gotlemn who are at the head ol the Columbia It Her and Central Oregon U. It, t'o,that that i-oiiipany la perfecting it pUus rnp Idly m p.tlhle to build their line of roid to Coiidoii. Our liiforinunt was Hiithnrised by theae gentlemen to make the statement that they are preparing to begin work at as early a date as pos nible. lie add that he believes aurvey will beta the field by the 15th, and that active count met iou work will be under wav ilnring the Winter, Mr, Ainsworth gave our Informant hie per sonal asuraiice that the ro.ol will he huiit and that it will be built as a busi ness proposition and not as a scheme for leisiug Umuaea and snhsldiei and that not a dollar w ill be sksd for for such purfxine. I lie railroad outlook la-iomes more eiKMiuragiug etery week lately and at least three different companies have been showing some signs of getting buy. Rsr. Frank Kimmont w ill preach at the Uaptlst chun-li next HumUy moru Ing at II o'clock, The pastor will preach at the evenlug hour, 7;80.f t-ulJH;t, "In (he Image of Uod." Ht-hool oj-ened Monday with about 130 pupil in attendance. Karring the crowded condition of the rooms the srhiatl starts off. In excellent condition and promise a most successful term. Broke Into His House. 6. Le Quiiin cd Cavendish, Vt. was rubbed id hi customary health by in vasion of Chronic Constipation. When Dr. King' New Lile pill broke luto his house, his trouble was arrested and now be's entlrly cured. They're guaran tor re Ouly 25c. at Condoul'harjjacy. No Race Suicide Here. The attention of Mr, Toeodore RMMie- velt, president of the United States of America, Is respectfully directed to the following record : Horn Sept. 2.'od. to K. R. 8 loan and wife, of Lost Valley, a big Ui boy. Ikirn X pt. 2Jod. to Mr. and Mr. A. 8.Ur"l"e, of Matuey, a handsome eon. IU,rnVedueiUr, Sept. 23, to the wile of P. H. Stephenson, of Condon, a p'tuty little girl. Horn Sept, 23, to Mr. and Mr. Wal ler Over lander, ol Coudou, a charming daughter. ... , , . Born Thursday, Sept," "24, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore, of Condon, a beautiful baby girl. Born Friday, Kept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Moore, of Condon, a tine, big boy. Kow, Mr. President, If title record of au infant Industry In grand old Gilliam countvdoe not fill your heart with prldo ai tha achievement of the loyal and patriotic people yon must he pretty hand to enthuse. Condon and vicinity expert a gold medal and honorable mention in yoor oest annual message on this piopositlon and if w don't get them we may all vote the prohibition ticket in 1001. Meauw hile, w hn'll lie the next happy dad to help awell the list? Leave news item at this onVe. Confessions of a Priest. Rev J uo 8. Cx, of Wake, Arnanvas, writes: "rorlJjear I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a nnmtier of physicians and tried ail sorts of med icines but got no relief. Then I began the use of Klectric bitter and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me In its grasp (or 12 years." If you want a reliable medicine (or Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility get Electric Bitters. Onlv 50o. Satl (action guaranteed by Condou Pharmacy. Good children boy their school sup- plies from Jarvi. LARGEST MAIL ORDER HOUSE IN THE WEST. The new fashion catalogue of Men', Women's and Children apparel, house hold supplies etc. Issued by Welnstock, Lubin & Co. Sao'emento, California, Is tha haudsntuest book ever sent out by them. The book I free and valuable to have whether one care to buy or not, Welnstock, Lu bin A Co. do the largest mail onler trade In the West. That is proof that their goods, prices and service are of exceptional merit, ;29d30 t.lERRIFIELQ, ARTIST, formerly of Arlington, has returned to Condon equipped with a fine, new New York studio outfit aud fully prepared to do the verv latest and best work in Photography. Finest line of up-to-date mounts. Permanently located Noith Main St. Call and see hi work at Studio. Fall and Winter Mlillneru Largest and .Finest" t Assortment Ever Of , fered iu Condon. t Call and be Suited in, . Style, Quality, Price. Miss Dora Downing The Oregon Stml-VVeekly Journal. Democratic newspaper, ever fair and al ways 'ree; 304 copies In one year, for only 11.60 to any addresa. - The Journal, P. O. Box 1?!, rortlnnfl, Or., , A Railroad Meeting. x , A -er announcement made in tbli paper last week, a mini meeting ol.citl tens was held In Armory hall la-t Ht nrdai- afternoon at which rrpreneuta tlves o( the K-tolcso Oiegi.n Railway C. submitted a proposition to the people of GllliHiu county the eeceptam-eof wliich will, i he railroad people declare, resu in the completion of a road from Arling to Condon w ithin the next Ivw moiiihw. W. A. Campbell, the well knowu Imh na grower, of Ferry Canyon, tailed (lie mo ling to order and in the hupp) and gracidul manner iH cnliar to him staled the ohji'ct of the meeting and Introduc ed Mr, liosford, tl.o Moro attorney, who appeared in the capacity of an attorney for the company and who made a few preliminary remarks touching on the urgent necesvlty lor better tran'po na tion frtt-i lilies in thl comity and the manifold Messing and benefit which well accrue to the people upon the com pleiion ( ia-h a project a the one then iiniler couihk-tatlon. e cited the la'iiellcial effects of the Columbia tooth em on con.lltions in Sherman connty, and predicied the same rapid transition in material things in this county opon the completion of this road. . C. McDonald, of Hpokmie, a repre sentative of th Trust Company of the Republic, d Mew York, was lb nest seker hi remark being partly along the am line that Mr. Uosford follow ed ami partly on the Cnuucial aspect of the propoaion, . , Mr. Motris, prealdeut of the company was then introduced aud proceeded to sobmlt 111 proposition. He staled, what would appear to lie a self evident fact, that the proportion of building this road is something more than plowing a 10 acre field or nutlding a few miles of wagon road ; that it is, iu fact, a gigan tic undertaking the evlimated cost being $750,000. l'hla vast amount d money must be eeenred by the sale of bonds of the company ' in New York and, the speaker staled, the men who put money into such railroad projects muet first be shown that the people of the country through which the propueed road la to run, want a road, that thev will appre ciate t, be friendly to It and patronixe it with their freight and patseuger bu ni nes when completed. Thl aaturaiice can beat be giveo the the New York iete pie, the speaker enlcl, by the ciiilud thla county pulling their own money in the project to start it going, tie therefore proposed tu make a temporary issue of bonds to run (or live tears and, to start the ball rolling, asks the people of Gilliam comity to ubicribe for $160, 000 worth of IherO bonds. With tin. substantial evidence of the good feeling and friendly spirit exlating in Hie miul of the Jieople of this county towards the project, Mr. Morris felt confident that he could ko to New York and readiiv persuade the laind buyers there that the people here want a road and will appre ciate and patronise it when built, lie would then, he believed, experience no illlculty iu having tne remaiulug 000, 000 i'i bunds taken. II the. people ol this county accept Mr. Morris' proportion by sutMcritiing (or sufficient amount f bond, ttiat gen tleman, (or his com petty, agree to begin work on the grade within 30 day, It be ing further fell pointed that within 30 ay after work on the grade commence the money tor Hie bond must be paid over to the company Its reprem-ut live This inonev is to he placed in some auk with the onderlandiiig that It is to be drawn out only (or the purpose of pay'ng for construction work on the imposed road. A the expiration of Ave years, if the road is completed and n successful operation, a new Ixu'id itue wilt be made and the temporary bonds will be redeemed Iheholdersgetting their money back with six per cent, interest. When Mr. Morris had finished the meeting was Immediately adjourned there being no opportunity given the citixens to ask questions or discus the matter. Mr. Morris has stated, how ever, that the amount of bomls asked to be taken Is the maximum and that rather than let the project drop they might accept a somewhat smaller amount. . r.efore leaving for Arlington yesterday Mr. Morris asked the Glohe to say tl at perhaps bis statement at the iin eung Satuniay was not quite clear. His in tention was to say that the money snb kcribed for bonds here shall be placed in escrow in a bank to be designated by the snbecriber to remain there nnlil the road Is completed to Condon, the sub scribers then to ree.ieve their bonds and Mr. Morris to take down the money. Provided that if the road is not complet ed to Condon by December 31, 1904, the money to be returned to the subscribers. STAGE TIME TASLL Stages will arrive at and depart from Condon on the following schedule. ARRIVE FROM Fossil 9:30 A.M. Arlington,..., 2:30 P. M DEPART FOR Arlington. . ......... .9:45 A. M. Fossil.............. . .2:30 P. M. J. W. Jackson ik-Co., Props. ALBERT DAMS LIVERY i AND FEED STABLE Our Livery Stock is First . class. Best attention to Boarding Stock. Your Patronage Solicited. SPRING STREET, CONDON. .The Oregon Weekly Journal, a Demo cratic newnpaper. 16 pagrn, full of news all of It! " 1 a year to any adJresa. The Jojiinul, 1 O. Box 121, loitlttiidt Or.' . The Foundation of Good Health Is laid by the iudicio of a SPRING We sell the Best. Gondon Pharmacy , (PRESCRIPTION DBUtiGISTS.) HARDWARE! BUILDIJIG MATERIAL! Kails, Machine Oil, Lard and Linseed Oil. Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utensils. Agency for the SHERWIX & WILLIAMS Read Miied Oil Paints all Colors. CLARKE & HARTSHORN. : Still at the Old Stand With th finest line of np-toxlate Cnlles, Cigars ml Torwcco, Fresh Bom-Usi Pe Nots, AluionJs, Brniil Wslunts, IWns mid Fillx-rts, Oranges, Lew ons. Apples, Bnnanas and all other frnits in aeasen. Lunch UmxIs a sptcialty. Soft Drinks ol all kinds. John School Days are.Here And lh hUdren should all remember that we keep the finest eloJtion f School Supplies in. the city including TabMs, i ciiciU, Pens, Ink, Pencil Boxes, Rulers Etc, It will pay yotf and 4pliaeyou to call and see our Btock: of school necessities. C. J. STUBL1NG YOU'LL TAKE HARPER. Sure. Yhen you can get a Good, Pure, Well Matured Whiskey of exquisite flavor and undoubted medical qualities, you're not going to ask for a cheap mixture of Spirits, Glycerine and Ageing Oil. In fact when you can get HARPER that's the Whiskey for you to drink. And you can get it too because Jeff Neel & Co., Are Agents for Harper Whiskey. Wholesale p9est Job prii79 forf H at tr;e COBE Office. DUNN UP - us use good TONIC. Jackson. J. Q. JAR VIS, Druggist. ,The Dalles, Oregon. Distributor. H FOR OUR FALL AfJfJOUfJCEEfJT BROS TO - DATE MERCHANTS. -SE5CIAL THIS IIOtlTuT Buck' Sole Bicycle ShoGs. 0. W. PR0PST &C0. Keep Well by Good Living. The sort of food you ought l ntis ih.u which aouie, pure and pleasing. We sell only the make it t yyur advantage to buy. When you buy here you buy right and what we sell it selected from the best on the market. Stephenson & Wilcox. Fine Groceries a specialty at oar store. WKEAT ItJJERlOR VlARESlOUSE xim Iliglisvt prl pml4 tor Grin of all kinds. Storsgt i,o1 Uling of Wool. General Varehouso and Uefchandiso Business, BALfCClt, CUTKXIf & C3 . UTIS. THE COHDOIjV HOTEL j tuiruxntuvuxninnnruu Jhe Palace Hotel, i ELGIN MYERS, Prop. Most com tuodioua hotel in the city. Table supplied -with the best the market affords Special attention -given to the comfort of guests. Headquarters for Traveling Men. CONDON, V OREGON: qnruutJxnnnruxnnnxuinnniArinntL mat wew You are building neat new Furniture, Stoves, Range Eto. Call aud and let us quote will please you. We are proud of our stock and when it is transfer : red to your new home you will as we 5 1 Condon Furniture dinxuinnnivinjiinjtnjinjuuinnnjxniu WALL PAPER LATEST DES1CHS FASHIONABLE PATTERHS Largest and best select ed stock in the County. Estimates furnished on jobs as to mateaialand labor. W. A. DARLING. For Sale. A good J section of lnl In Ferry Canyon. 12 miles from Condon. Ai fenced ; 110 acres In whest this season Honse barn and other fiiir improvement rientv of living water. Price reasonable This in snap. For price a nd terms ad dress tlr.s office. An Ad in the Globf brings results i wholft bext and A3UMCTCH, EULOSIC, C2'JSLA3. ISU unutn htu f.lAllAtitf.ltlil. Mrs. R. H. VValw, Prop. Will cater to the wants of the trav eling public in a manner to warrant satisfaction. Centrally Located, Corner Main and Spring Streets, CONDON, j OREGON. vrtAnjuviniinAnnJxitr ' uiiAAnuvuirixiniuvuvnuirtnn 1 nouse will require some examine our stock you prices that house or your old be ' as proud of it" are now. and Hardware Co. 1 nnnnnnJinnnonivvimvuimuuvuD 0 LEX FEED B Aft !!. D. RAKD ALL, PROP. Careful attention, given to stock en trusted to our 3 care, trade Transient solicited. - OR; OLEX, 'visit DR. JORDAN'S sit UOSEUO OF JWATOHY'. ISIt MARKET ST.. tAN FRANCISCO, CAL Y 0.1M ttott uU Sm ft Tti.lrMtAAatoiBlealXBMua ill lb. Wwf.S. V SfM'M ultntrtltm 61 (to dry; A , 1 dhMMi., troir . v fr toil. MMmtmttuHt fmtn, f XX, JCSCAJh-rSIVATEOISEAStt j mc wii Br. .iiffitruiy I from lb .Uacta at youthful tncu riiou. or tuMMM lu mturri k mf& WarrtMi.iuiSptarcllMvMIBAy.IiHi- nitmmmr, Im MhHniiiil;oiinl. . 'Mm. rrMljilAr- j r S)rlsil. .Mk Mr eoBiMimlioa t kuKtrauinl i trMttmoat thai II will aut aly Trd Tinnvdlnl. nM, but ralntelOT, but In well known to b fair ni ' aaafw FhTMan .nd 8urrii, rr-uiiumt , tB"bl.ptilty IHw. 9t J TPHII.IO thoroughly rdirtl ttom . tb. .yMa without th.UM el Nrwry. ' Trviuc Sttcd by u KxprV KsAtim mr fnr Hwytwrw. oalck mn& radial. cur for Piles. riHn .nd Dr. jordMi'i .okIbI p.inww w.uio-j BTSCSIT SSAW applrlnf to.wWlT I ur hmtrrt opinion of IMMMIII bMO-Winilll. ' WvM i .wry enM w mnrt"-rnk CHARGES VSKV BSASOSABlM. lr.atm.ut panouaUy or by lu. wf. t..r Hrw.k. .HII4NSPHT ' BtHlt. UiiudFiU. iIBi. book for m.n.) Call or writ D. JORDAN ft CO.. I0SI MariMtSUt. F. G. L. Neal, the well known and eer, will give the strictest attuti all business entrusted to his can; yon have propertv to sell consult Subscribe for Tue GtoiiE f