THE CQi'DOi! GLOBE. THURSDAY fcEPTEV.BER K), 1903. A MATTER OF BUSINESS. Tl movement tdnrtetl oimulU lu'oolr by the (l)olteaiul the Myr tle. I'ui t KnterpriFO, two week ago, aii.nt he i 1 r Itfertisin, is meut r wii'ii hearty response from tins wide awake country publishers lt vM't the state. The Arlington ll'iil, Moro Observer, Eugene licgiter and several others have lined up and declared theuiselve as U-inj; opposed to longer giving valuable npac to every concern t!i:itaks it, "without money and w ithout pru'e." So strong, however, ! th chains of life lottf habit and veUblislted custom bind that pome of the bovs still "cling to their idols" to the extent of arguing for an exception in the case of the Lewis and Cltrk Fair. At the rifk of being stigmatized as un progressive, unpatriotic and a utossback by some who think differ ently, this paper prefers to stand pat and insist that froaa the coun try publisher's standpoint there should be no exceptions. We are proud of Oregon proud of her hardy pioneers who laid the foun dation upoo which . her . sons and daughters of today are building a plorious commonwealth, and proud f her bright and promising future. roud also of the Lewis and Clark Fair that is destined to bring her varied attractions and resources more prominently before the world. In these things the Globe is as pa triotic as any ol its contemporaries. But patriotism is one thing and business is another and until it is tshown to us that other classes of citizens throughout the state give ' freely of their substance to boom the Fair without recompense of any kind either in filthy lucre, politics or honorable position, we will keep our patriotism and our advertising space in separate pockets; one to be disbursed with a free hand for the asking the other to be sold for cold, hard cash or its equivalent. Suppose the managers of the Fair should send out letters to the merchants, farmers, stockmen, mi tiers and land owners, all over the mate in a form something like this: Please send us at once, compli mentary, without cost to us, 50 kegs of nails, 100 yards calico, 12 cases dried prunes. (Or 100 bushels' of wheat, oO fat steers, 10 ounces gold dust or a deed to 160 acres of land, as the ca?e may be.) Pay all freight and other charges to Portland in- riuuinK cartage 10 me grounds, we will expect this donation to be re peated every week until the close of the Fair. Regretting that no appropriation has been made by the committee to pay for these things and trusting that you can coiufc to the Fair and stay all Sum mer, Yours etc., Committee." Suyl wouldn't they get the horse laugh proper? Such a policy ap plied to other classes of citizens than country publishers would make the Fair a laughing stock all over the country and kill it too dead to skin. It's simply a business proposi tion. Men in other lines of business do not habitually donate to such projects. They would be fools if they did. Then why should the publinher donate everlastingly? Is he the only fool in the neighbor hood? Egad! It looks that way. A Kansas girl who was about to graduate, was given the theme, 'Beyond the Alps Lies Italy," and this is what she bad to say: "I don't care a cent whether Italy lies beyond the Alps or in Missouri. I do not expect to set the river afire in my career. I am glad to have a good, a very good education but 1 am not go'ng to misuse it by writ ing poetry or essays on the future wjman. It will enable me to cor rect the grammar of any lover I may have should he speak of 'dorg' in my presence, or say he 'bad went' somewhere. It will also co mo handy when I want to figure out how much soap I can get for three dozen eggs at the grocery store. I just want to marry a man who can lick any man of his size in the township, who can run an 80 acre farm and who has no female relatives to come around and boss the ranch. And I will agree to cook good meals for him that will not send him to an early grave, and lavish a whole lot of wholesome affection on bim and see that his razor has not been used to cut broom wire when he wants to shave. In view af all this I do not care if I do gat a little rusty on the rule of three as the years go by." The I). 1. & A. Nav, Co. will mil re d iie1 rain round trip ticket to Port I unl from nil landings Befit 14 to 26 in elusive Hwowit VI. A. . (', Oarnivnl. KOTICK FOR PUBLICATION; Lard Ornrt At Tft( Pa, 0, Ami. 1 ISOfc Nntlr hereby circa that the faUnwImxtaM' td wttlrf h Iie4 notlrw iii lit iteMtMn to Btk Bnl pnM in tntpirt o till claim, anil tual whl prtmt mill fcc tnmte befow Jay Koww mmd. I'.ri. Cntnmlmtonvr, t Cmxtou, OregvHi, tmaalnriUr, jot-ml W, iwB, via: RuBKKT MrMl'LLKX, AhtU. OwRun, H. t. No. TXU for th Lt I J 1 and 7 ot Sc. , Tp. 8., Kant JO K.. W. M. He the following wltmwca to pmv hLi nmttitiMm nwitlvueo upon ul cultivation of mH land, via: w. a Mnk-jr. Wasamt. C. C. Srhroedur, and Frank Khvt, all ol Aivlllv, Otvtttm. MrrJUtLT. Noi.aK KrtMer. NOTICE rOi PUBLICATION." I-MD orrtcs AT Tut IUU.I, Ob.. ACO. 1903. Notirc I brehv ctv.n that tht fallowing-named actiler baa fll'-J nIW ol hit tutriitiua to ntakr nual fnl In ('Wirt t hta Jnim. and that aald pniol wiii he mwta before Jav Mower man, t. s. Xmmlim'r at foutlou, Otvgun, on tuiUy. October 3. 1. via: JAMKd McSCU.ES. ol Alvtlle, Oregon, 11. K K. 34 for th Lou 7, S, U and U Sac, IS, r.JK. auK. W. St. 11 nn me the following wttneate to rov hi oiiUniioH rettdencw uuu and culUvatlou of aaid land, via: George K. Wasaon. William Holmea and Mari on Latuberaou, of Alvtlla, Ut"t, and Martin Van lUarkitaa, i Conooo. Onegoa. Mu baklT. Kolah, KegUter. STAGE TIUE TABU. Stages will arrive at and depart from Condon on the following schedule. ARRIVE FROM Fossil;.;....,.. 9:30 A.M. Arlington.. 2:30 P.M. DEPART FOR Arlington..... 9:45 A. M. Fossil.... 2:30 P. M. J. W. Jackson fc Co., Props.; REGULATOR LIKE STEAMERS. From Portland to The Dalles. Steamers: "IWdy Gattert." "Hallos City," "Uegul?," "Metlako," Steamers have Portland tnd The Dallfs dailv (exceivt Sunday) at 7 a, nu comn-cting at I.yle, .Vash., with C R. A KT. r iJaiev, Centerville, Uoldendale and all Klickitat Valley points. Steamer "Metlako" leaves Caa Ae 1a)cV dailv fexceDt Sunday) !at 6 a. m. for The Dalles and way landings; leaves 1 he IJalles at p. m. arrives at locks at 6 p.m. Steamer "Bailey Gatiert" leaves Portland 7 a.m. Tuesdays, Thurs days, Saturdays, The Dalle 7 a. m Mondays, WedoefHlaye, Fridays. Until further notice round trip tick ets .50c between The Dallen and Partlandon str. Baily Ganiertonly Excellent meals served on all steamers. Fine accomodations for teams and wagons. Call on or address II. C. Campbell, Manager, A V.Zimmerman Portland, Or. Agent, The Dalles.Or. T. BROWN X. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day or ntrht ealla promptly aniwered OOloa tu Condon Pbarmaej Balldlng, CONDON OREGON yjART BOWERS AS X. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offlca at J. F. Relaaebcr'i Realdane. -CONDON - . OREOON FoidD A Maeoulc pla. Call at this office. ' s ' ' : f . ' Fonml A Rebekah pin. Owner call at this offilce. Ask thoee who have nsed Avanerions CarbolineoiD. It Is good for 100 purpos es. Clarkt & Kraxer. When in need of fenco posts give the Lost Valley Lauiber Ck a call. They have 20.000 first-class fir and Umarart posts for sale. tf For the Labor Day Celebration at Pendleton, 8ptemlr 7th. the O. R. & N. will sll tickets at one and one-tbirl tare for the ronnd trip. Tickets on sale September 6th. and 7tb. Good return ing Septeniher 8th. BUCK rlORFi BILLIARD flflbb B K. SEARCY. Propr. SEW BUILDING. FURNITURE AND FIXTURES FINEST RESORT IN THE CITY Finest Liquid Refreshments and Cigars Elegant Billiard Table for Use of Patrons. nnrintriJinjTriTurinnntxuxr Summit Saloon, jj SEARCY & PALMER, PROPS. CO NDON, OREGON. Finest Wines Liquors, Cigars. Ice cold Beer a Healthful Hot v v can ic;i ucvciagc, p When you build that house And want the best of Mouldings, Moulded Casings, Base Blocks, Corner Blocks, Brackets, Porch Columns and all kinds of turned work you should call at The Interior Planing Mill, J. A. McMorris, Prop. Condon, - - - Oregon. qjinjuuxruvinnnrijiannruxnju The Summit Hotel D. At. RINEHflRT. Prop. 5 New Building and Furnishings; Finest Location in the City. First-class in Every Respect. Well c Appointed Bath for use of Guests. Our Table is c Supplied with the Best the. Market Affords. Commercial Trade a Specialty. ? h Knrlnn jtPMt An Putt fnnm MMn M w v. wwt a.vwn aw ii va.a iiiuuii THE DALLES, ORE., SEPT. 29 T0 0CTI3, 1903. FIFTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION SECOND EASTERN ORE. DIST. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY and THE DALLES CARNIVAL ASSOCIATION : $4,000 IN PURSES AND PREMIUMS. Liberal awards for Live Stock and Agricultural Exhibits. No En trance Fee on Articles Contesting for Premiums. RACES EVERY DAY. OREGON PACIFIC AND ORIENTAL STREET CARNIVAL The Greatest Show of the Age, will give two Grand Performance Daily Afternoon and Evening. MUSIC BY VANCOUVER MILITARY BAND Reduced rate on all Steamboat and R. R. lines. Write for Premium List and Speed Program. J, e. FI8H, Pre. Dtat Fair C. K. BAYAIID, Hcc a. J. MAIER, Pres. Carnival. MAX A. VOCT.o, The Quality Store LORD & COMPANY SEHI-ANNUAL SALE FOR CASH. OUREHTIRE LI13E0F SUMMER GOODS AT FROM 10 TO 25 PER CEHT DJSOOUHT. Included in this Sale are Men's Youth's and Children's Cloth 1 ing, Ladies' Shirt Waists, Dress Skirts and Suits. 1 Also our entire Line of Sum mer Dress Goods. COME EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS., Notlco. To whom It may rum-trni ' Nutlet U hrijr kIvmi that n raon vt mon tiuitiit guilty ol Ion Vl im iintiurlcd tlia earcAMt o( nu doail nnlind of which Ihry am thtf owinr or liava tha car ul within i milf olany mnmtr roml, a 111 lm rupi't tiUl to tlu lull ' tt vt the lw, 8. MoCiII VNAY, 14128 HdiidinnatiT Trenaurer'a Nolle. Allruunly warrant! r,isil'f,l irlor o Oct. , IVVl, will l upon pre wntMtlttn at ny ufllee. Ititrreat cuaaei aftor t. . 10, l'J03. I II. SritrnKNHON, . Trnaanror ff (lllllitm county, OrrU"ii. All iwratut tllrlii tu at tlto lhttr t'iMUiii with 4 1 url iitx uur ahaino from tiivui ran lt to hy (nlllntf at tho Cutiiluit I'haruinoy wlmre our liuuki lmv wan left. lOlf Sl UINOrToN A UiUIKHH. T h r oa hi n K Outfits for Salo. VVh Ihivm fur aitln all or ovtn larna and aiuall tliri'l.liif tmlltla, aumo IliU'd with hor.iiMiwtr. oiVmra "wllh atttani. ran mII a aoixl rl fur IIV0 or 500. We havt one rii whli li Ima ttn run only 40 day which w will trails tor hone. I'artloa in iioimI ola ihreahlng ouinl will llnd It tu llu-lr ailvautniTM lt iiivuktlnat our lmof Lark-ulna, (.'all on or aMm , . ... . n...kt.... Ill vrvgon trnuing vo., Wasco, t)r. OUR MOTTO QUALITY, QUANTITY, PRICE. LORD & CO. LORD & CO. ARLINGTON, OREGON. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notiif la hvrehy ulvfii that the part nuMp hrvlolor l"lloK laitwvvn Hi uiitltrljfini umlvr ' lh Uren naaio ul The Comlon Milling Co., hat lawn thla tiny dinmilveJ hy iimtnnl fonnfiit. All aHtmti (lu the ohl Arm art) now dim anil ayahl to A. H. Ilolk-n, who will continu th hualnvaa anil who wlllaUo pay nil df hta ol the ohl firm. Condon. Or. A. 8. llm.i n, Aug. 4, IW3. Carl MRui'Ar)HkH. Advertise in The Globe. Condon Milling Co. KERR CIFFOR A CO., PROPS. MANUFACTUWERS OF High Patent Flour, Graham Flour, Germ Meal, Chop, Feed. STEAM-ROLLED WHEAT AND BAULKY. SCALE OF PRICES. Steam Rolled Barley. .$23.00 Steam Rolled Wheat.. 23.00 Mill Feed 115.00 Flour, per bbi 4.00 Prices liable to chance at any time. Every Back of our flour iB fully guaranteed or money refunded. INSURE ft GOOD PROP BY USING Superior and Monitor Drills, floe and Disc. Carload of Earth W. L. BARKER, Agent, CONDON - - - - -r OREGON. BRANCH HOUSES: BIAIOCK, QUIKN'S ..GRAIN.. Stored with us will receive the careful attention of experienced warehousemen. Barb wire, tialla, alt, luipir, lime, cement, feed and mill stuffrt always on baud in any (iimntitieH, Gen eral etoragu and forwarding. A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. D. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON lAruinnAnuvnAnAAAnnnnrj' nnnnmvxruinnn S Fred Wilson. Frank Wilton. THE BANK. WILSON BROS., PROP'S. Everything new and A CENTLEMEN'S Finest quality of Ci Btrictly fi r e t-c 1 a 8 8 RESORT. gars, Wines, Liquors New Stone Building, West Side Main St., CONDON, jniMumnntnnnnrLnfu iruvinnnru OREGON. inuuuvuuvf! OAAnnnjinriAriJxrLanimnAmin 2 n n m n n m. S A K Y L A 1(1 U ULUB PURE RYE WHISKEY Made by Cahn, Belt & Co., . - 4 - t Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Jeff Neal & Co. CONDON - - - - UVUlAAruu ORE. I umrminniAtruinnJirS If you uaptquKK returns advertise in tr; (JC0BE. LONE ROCK-CONDON STACE Lone Rock to Condon and return every day (except Sunday) carry ing U. S. Mail passengers and ex press. First-class teams and rigs and experienced drivers. Special care given to the comfort of passen gers. F. II. Robinson will collect for all packages delivered at Lone Rock and collect fare on out going pass engers, J. B.jGofk. Prop. WANTED FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established bonne in a few conntle chII lug on retail merchant, and agent. Local ter ritory. Salary $1021 year and expenses payable $19.70 a week In caih and expeniea advanced. Position permanent. Btuineu aiieoenufnl and mbliiK. Standard Home, 334 Dearborn St, (Jhl cgn. lUlnnii. THE CONDOM LIVERY COMPANY. I w mm bv t j Vihr'WMjK- Ppcclul attention to tram- i it"! r-T ifciamm fc-m Dtrn k ami carfful tlrlvvrt. 2 BALED HAY AND CHOP' FEED F0H SALE. CONDON, OREGON. I LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Managed ROUGH AND DRESSED LUM3ER. We offer a complete stock of Fine Surdire.l I,nmlxr, ciwitin o( Flooring, Ceil log, Uustic, Ship-lap ami all kimla of Hoiitth Linintr. Careful alien given to bill of special lints anf (liinensiun HtnfT. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, ' LOST VALLEY, OREGON. . THE CELEBRATED . . COLUMBIA BREWERY . . AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the prodnrtof this ttfll-known brewery the United Rtatea Health Report for Jane 28, 1000. nays: "A more superior brew rnver entered the labratory of the United Ktateti Health reportH. It if almoluiely devoid of the alilfhtPBt trace of adnlterHlion, but on the other l.Riid I.' cmnpoHed of the bent of malt and and choiceat of hope. It tonic qunlitie are of the hirhet and It ran be need with the greatest benefit and UHtiHfaeiion by ImiiIi old and voting. Its ime ran conwienliously be prencrihed by the phyNii Ihiim with the ceftalntr that a Ixitter, purer or more h holeuiiie beverage iiinld nut pocHibly be found.", East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Condon Meat Co. WM. C. EDDKN, Mannuer. Now Occupying Our Own New Building Main Street. Finest Beef, Pork, Mutton. '; We rccointneiKl and guarantee our own tun ice of Sugar-cured Hams, Breakfast Jiucon, Lard Suu- Bngo and liologna . , Try them once and be convinced. STATE NORMAL SGHOOL, Monmouth, Oregon. Traininu School for tenehera Con rses ar ranged eapeeially for training teachers for nil braneheH of the profeaaion. Most approv methoda for trradj-d and nr;graded work tniiiihtln ncliial district m-honl. The de liiHtid for graduate of this school a teaclf er fur exceed the tuipply. The Training department, whirh ronaiHti of a nine grade public school, of about 250 pupil, well equipped in all branchea including Mnaic, daawintf, and l'hvsicHl. traiiiinff. The Nnr. 0lnll ,,,. , ' wwlnonrae the beat -and qnickeat wav toai 8'ate ICertflcRte 1-all term open Pept. 22. For catalogue or information addre, K. I) 11ES8LKK. I'reHinent. or J. H.-Vr BUTLER, Sec,, Monmouth, Oregon. mi To Cure a Cold in One Day tciio iaxauvG uromo quinine tsMqu.js j Seven MffiSon boxes sold b past 12 months. This sifinatlirfi. Sf?jyy Cam Crip la Two Dry, on every tvi box. 25c.