THE CORDON GLOBE' TTHUfiSDAV AUGUST 6,-190?." ?- - I... J -J . VM' 0.- AVZ HIT. ' 'I lu tntu-lt ihfirttl Ftale Pnrtaj;p J sjltMy,LvvL-.',,,l,''n mi iIip 1 1. x us InM Friday ut OMiiff rfnct! Ii'-lil in tUf lluf of ilm iircsiilci.t o!"tli O. ir(N.Co. Jn-uvit'ii thu l;ite ' oiliciarsi who cvn;i (; lSfivi'K1 ro;i I c tm uis si n a'iJ.Mia-";Ji, fl O R. A. N. IVii l ' it M 'W d d thsk un'.k. j jt act by :i d.-ver .mvin which j Uti le-1 flirty o ths Stated wind nit 1 temporarily, if nut li-mllv, put tin' p trtaje o il of business. ' T.t i rtV'ltui w m h j! I fir th urp scf of arraMjjiwg with thj. rail-, roa fiyyf: tot right of way for t'n Sulo projtvt but when Mr. M.ihler, will, a "bland srnihy re nuirkcd that his cnmpait-y bad no iriij topire.aW'ij -ilferOjlitnibia,- . . .' . '3 t l:iV.- I.' :." , ii- , A yMtng humorist over in Sher- turn ..w f... ... ...j. .1 uvit eelmz whioa was i:uewnat asii.- ., ... e . - teams, "report " a wedding, Spi t wotnl, letenbe a fi-e in lurid lan g'.'itg', (ake a dollar go as far as t'i, t-hine Rt a dance, speak in he wwkly pmyer mevtinp, abuse the 1itjor ' traftte, ted and puiTwhis-j key, subscribe to charity, go witl -out meal,, attack free silver, do'eud b:iiictalim, fitter at pnobbery, wear J.iiiucnufcr overlook scandal, print ail the news, tsttrpress every thi ''tf that somb,dy dn't want p'.tWish.tUee Wanty in every baby and c-!ty so, d.'scribtf every gown at a reception in such a way as to maks every woman win was pres ent think that you thought and made the- world believe that she was" the most killing, pplendidest. swellest creature there. He must also delight pumpkin raisers min ister to the aillicted, heal the dis- REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS. Fru.o rortland to The Dalles. Steamers: "Baily GaUert," "Iallet City," "Uegular," Metlako," Steamers buve I'ortlaud and The Dalles daily (except Sunday) at 7 a. in , connecting at l.yle, .Vash.. withC U. & X. Ky. Co. for Paley, Centerville, Goldendale and all Klickitat Valley points. Steamer "Metlako"' leaves Cas cade Locks daily (except Sunday) at C a. m. for The Ialles and way landings; leaves Tlw Dalles at 2 p. m. arrives at lock at 6 xw.i The Quality Store LORD & COMPANY SEMI-ANNUAL SALE FOR CASH. 'vlUilev (at2ert" leaves grnntled, boot all office seekers, ! portilUH ,1,1 v except Monday reum Ins M il reeci ami itvp ; . s 30 a f Cascade Locks and from getlins shot or going broke. in eiuri on a rei'eni sieHiaers ft k li ti f K -rtle MJko i flta a para rnY . lin,ijhtin - fi it lh nrjet lima. I- p r (IMUOIM.III I r,.y .V. ... V . - . A he crosses the Columbia river bar. They felt sick, but it ia probable itby witThave pfenty of tiatP tbget im'ftTiin K.f.r bincr called upon to commence the actu al work of ballUut the portage rjad. . ;. v This eituatlon was to be expect il The 0. TL. & X. Co. has never, been reckoned as a particularly warm friend of the portage road for the reason that the object of the portage is supposed to be the regu lation of freight rates. The 0. R. fe N. Co. has had Considerable ex perience in the freight rate busi ness and therefore, no doubt feels perfectly competent to continue to fix the price which the people of Oregon must pay for trausporta- tion. Innunced that the State will at once '(.immAniv nrrnPf.lint toioiideniii the right of waybut it is altogeth er probable that wbea this is ac complished the. amount of damage awarded the railroad company will be high enotighr to eat'up most of "the appropriation" and leave noth ing with which to build aud equip I the portage road. . - " " " .w to the paople of the Inlaroi Empire but, to quote from the words of the r Jate lamented Jnv - Goufd, 'the I , 1 MM 1 j 1 : - - growers, and other producers, felt quite jubilant over the prospects of cheaper freight rates but their in terests are as nothing -when weigh ed in the balances against" the wishes of the greatest and most powerful corporation iu the state. President Mohler and the other railroad people, are not to be blam-4 : ed, either. They are simply look ing after their own interests as the fariaurs and all other classes of people are supposed to be doing. The only trouble is that in Oregon, as' in all other states, the railroad companies; and other big concerns, are bigger than the State and the people who compose the State and a peculiar feature of the whole matter is that the people who do the kicking about the railroads doing as they please with their own property, charging what they please for hauling passengers and freight and successfully opposing any project which is calculated to interfere with their business or curtail their profits are the same people who have permitted, and are still permitting, such a condition of affairs to exist Je ate "ke tout J.ns at j,lly, Jan went to lei with a pain ia her Now toti'tTft exeiu-d, ; ' Don't Ik? misled, For tiat Jane tiai was a pain in hei heal. .The outcome of the story was so different from what was expected halfway through, that the boy didu'tget licked. return affording an excellent op portunity to view the scenery of . the Columbia River. Excellent meals served on all Fine accomodations for teams and wagons. Call on or address II. C. Campusix, Mannger, j A W.Zimmerman Portland, Or. Agent, The Dalles.Or. To an ordinary outside observer it begins to look as though the Portland holdups have formed a trust which in turn has gone into a merger with the police force. The two thugs who thrashed the cop the other night must have beeu scabs. Soule liars are born. Others get there by long continued practice. "I.vqcireb" No; Quong, the Chinese murderer who hanged him--feelf mpneVlaVr'weiSir'-w aanoV iiisane.,. He had bgen told that it would, be necesaary to put him in jail at Fossil for a short time until. 'the Gilliam county jail was made ready and rather than attempt to endurcthe ennui of existence in such a notoriously quiet town he chose a speedy death. Quong had been in the mountains herding eheep for a year or so and after the excitement and bustle of that sort of life he feared a sudden transition to a pjrfeetly quiet, peaceful, mon otonous existence would be more than he could bear. A drummer Just from Fossil says Quopg show ed remarkable judgement. , - "Teachers' Examination Notice U hereby given that the coun ty snperinu-n lent of Uilliam county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for 8ttte ant county papers at Condon aa follows : ' P.B STATE PAPERS. Comniencinx Wednesday, August 12, at 9 oVIiK.'k" A. M., and continuing until Satardav, August 15, at- four o'clucfc P. M. - ., , ..... ' Weilnesday Penmanship, histo ry , spelling, algebra, reading, school Jaw. Thursday Written arithmetic, theo ry of teaching, grammar, Ivook-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physica geography. F.'t su A Masonic pit. Cull at this office. Found- A Rabvkfth pin. Owner t-aii at this ctBU-e. All repairing except half soling done AKilutely Free on shoes sold by Us. 0. W. Propsi & Co. Ask those who have used Avanerious Carbolineum, U is good for 103 purpos es. Clarke t Fraier. When in need of fince posts give the Lost Valley Lnmlier C. a call. They have 20,0;X) first-class fir and tamarack posts for sale. if Header Box Floors, tanks, and wagon wheel Felloes are kept fro:u shrinking or warping by painting with CAHtiO UNKUM. It ttill donhle the life ..f a fence post at tlie cost of one cent per post. Clarke A Frajer. Attention Threshermen. We have four second hand engines for sale CHEAP. There is one 12, one 14, and two 20 horse power, all straw hom ers and traction, these engines are all in first-class fix and will l sold for ahont tjwhatn uew one of the same size would cost. We also have a numlier of ser.ond hand seperators we ill sell dirt cheap. Call ou or address, Mookk Br's. & Uinn, Mom, Ore, The Oregon Wevkly Journal, u iHimq- cratio newspaper, 10 p,'igis, full or newn all of It! $1 a ypar to any address. The Journal. P. O. Eox 121. Portland, Or. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, j general history, English literature, psychology. POB CJCXTY TAPKRS. Commencing Wednesday, August 12, at nine o'efock A. M., and continuing until Friday, August 14, at four o'clock, P. M. First, Second and Third Grade Cer tificates. Wednesday Penmansh!p, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theo ry of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic, school laiv, civil government. pkimary certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, oithogra phy, reading, h ri t h me tic. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. W. R. N.eal, School Snpt. Gilliam County, Oregon. JAKV BOWiKMAS M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at J. F. Reifsaeher's Kesidenee. CONDON - - OREGON The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal, a Democratic newspaper, ever fair and a!- , j ways 'ree: 164 copies in one year for only $1.50 to any address. The Journal, P. O. Bos 121. Portland, Or. visit DR. JORDAN'S great K UUSEUH OF ANATQUY? I0tl MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL T thvmm Sink mai Smmit.) A . . . . . in ill WurU. Ortattti attrneftsm In ttt CUf. A wonderui tight jot viiitors. t -, or any con t met. x rl lisriiv,plilTl; rurrrf th oldet HpcUllton to Pacific ComU aUtiiilicd36rara M D3. JORDAN-PRIVATE DISEASES A Tomf Bra and middle Med men who ar BntrHrin Irom Hi i-irect of youtblul India- f ' years. Nervous an1phvicui Itrbluty, Im. 9 , tVUlttHCT. LMI 9imullMftal ill all lfB,mr.ll . I cations; prmatrrli(ra, Prmlaiar- 9 rltcm. QonarrtKca, tilcct, I'rrqarnr, I lrrlllas;, rle. Hy a eonibinmlnn of O rrmctlieo, of r-at cnmllv pon r, the Dortur iia au arraniKi ma irumit that It win ani , only afford lmmlta.t rWlef, but permanent I kuiv. iu, ijocwr uuem not ciaim to perrorfii ' miracles, but la well known to b a fair and , quant Phynlolan and Murgpon, juvmlnaal r iu insKpijriaicy afiaaa or nn. arviir, tu , ,; j . i ------ ,iMruianiy frnuicaiwi ,roffl - I th syitcm without thv use of JI error.,. A Truwa fitted by an Expert. Rajdleal earf fur Rimlnr. A rmilr an. I f.-..f -i ewefor Pliv. I lnnre aud Fi Inlie, by I f- niri:iat jminirTta uieilJOMfl. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF SUMMER GOODS ATFittM I0 TO 25 PER CEMT DISCOUNT. Included in this Sale are Men's Youth's and Children's Cloth- in Ladies' Shirt Waists- Dress Skirts and Suits. : Also our entire Line of Sum . mer Dress Goods. COME EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. OUR MOTTO QUALITY, QUANTITY, PRICE. LORD & CO. LORD & CO. V ARLINGTON. OREGON. v. City Lots and Aorag. I will Im (Wilt from lh city for tf ml rmk( mpl tlttrliijf hit it)MNRf itr tlei ialrlnf In parchiu hilt or tvrtug prorty will ttml Hi lnU VU. uttliv Iihh In vliurg of H, A. I'altlioM, lt will Rtlritil lo tli ol loll mtil m r ritt, ' J, K. LAai'ATiiiit Notice. T whom ll my tMiiif rn Nntlrv It firlty (flveii llmt any frrn or ffriMiiif fmitcl unlit n rrrif nnbttrlml tliw ercai of any ileaif Mrihnl of wMctt tliey nr Hi nw hit or hf lh ram nf I tltl n Mitt f any nmnfr rrl, U rovuU'l Iu th full ilti or th law, S WKlfi,Bir, 14125 Rumlmaittr For Salt. CniitfirUltltlw0tlliiH ami four tUilr alilt lt In t'trmlon, A bargain. yUf jttlr at (iunts ufili', 14II7. ' Trturr't Notlc. Allfmiint ar a rra rt I a ilaia,eaul i . p . w , , I'rivr In AlJie. 1. 1003. Will La) (kll niwa ntiillon Ml mjr offltt, Inttrttf cttao afitr June 1, im. r. It. FTKNtinaow, TrfMttrcr of (illllaiu wmntr, Orfgon. All nortMta ilealrin la Mill ilmi m ruuntt with it Jurlni our itliHintt fn town cm dtt (w bf calling ( th Cuniton nurttmry whart onr bmki hv Immm left. lOll BmiNunTnn A Uv,m. Threshing Outfits for Saf. V Ka for Mia all or wvn ant mall thretlilnj ontSia, Mna fittva with liurtowar, ot'wra wlih ateanr. War can anil a food rl fur HSO or W0. W liava onarlg wblelt ! Ian run only 40 daya aliU h wa will trade (ur Itorava. far tie in ntHMl of a thraalilngontlil will flnl It to thalr al antir to invaaligatw our Una ol bargalna. Calton nr adtfrvaa, lit Oregon Trailing Co., Waaco, Ora. Condon Milling Co. MANUFACTURERS OF - High Patent Flour, Graham Flour, Germ Meal, Chop, Feed. STEAM-ROLLED WHEAT AND HA II LEY. SCALE OFPJilCES. Steam Rolled Rarlay. .$23.00 " Mill Feed $15.00 Steam Rolled Wheat. .,23.00 Flour, per bbl 4.00 Tricea liable to chance at anv time. Every stick of our Hour is fully guaranteed" or money refunded. "KtagjoT the WheaFlcId." TH WdoTS Efl D E R . REST ALL AROUND HEADER ON THE MARKET. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HODGE EXTRAS. Let us a) tow yoa the many good points of this machine. It will pay you W. b. BARKER, flgent, CONDON - - - OREGON. kerb cirroa & co., props. I RANCH ROUSES: IUL0CK. QUlXMt A EVKItr If It annlvlrtniiawill rerohra V I "r nrnvni opinion nj Jim coadTjillHtr. H'uiH (iuurnnttt a I'OtiUIVE CUBE tvtry cote nn unnrrtnke. l lun!niai.n FHKK anri utrlctly private. V CHARfiF.H VRiiY REASOAIL& Treituuent perariiiRllv or by letter. fi i no ... r.ig,, m .. . .... . wm m p w llfARRIAUE. JfAiLKD FaKB. (AaJnab)e book tor mn.) Call or writ v DS. JORDAN 4 CO.. 1 03 1 Market SL. 8. F. 0 When you build that house And want the best of 'Mouldings, Moulded Casings, Base . - Blocks, Corner Blockfi, Brackets, Porch Columns and all kinds - of turned work you should call at The Interior Planing Mill, J. A. McMorris, Prop. Condon, - - - Oregon. A FIRST-CLASH SNAP. : If anybody asks youjusttell 'etn that runiiinja country .newspaper is the. only strictly.: first' class snap what .aiu. All a fellow has to do is to be able to write poetry, discuss the" tariff and. muke hir lieve to understand it umpire's ball game satisfactorily to both WHITS BRONZE MONUMENTS MADE BY THE MONUMENTAL BRONZE 00., BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT. More lasting than marble or granite, cheaper and better in every respect. Have been thoroughly tested in leading Eastern cemeteries for 25 years and give perfect satisfaction. For filll information call on . S. fl. PflTTISON, Agent, CONDON, : : OREGON. onn ruuuimmn nnruxrumnnnruvinuxruxrijtjv 1 Fred Wilson. Frank Wilson. T HE BANK. WILSOH BROS., PROP'S. Everything new and A GENTLEMEN'S Finest quality of Ci strictly first class RESORT. gars, Wines, Liquors New Stone Building, West Side Main St., CONDON. - - OREGON. S nnnnuinnnimaannnnnriuinxinriruTj uvwnnnsmnnnnr A RY LAN D GLU PURE RYE WHISKEY Made by Cahn, Belt & Co., ; r?; ; .Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Jeff Neal & Co., CONDON - - - - - ORE. If you uantquKK returns adurtise in tt) (JC0BE. ..GRAIN.. Stoml with ua will receive the direful attention of experienced wftrehotmemen. Barb wire, nail, unit, lugar, lime, cement, feed and mill fttifTit always on hand in any quantities. Uen eral eloraga and forwarding. A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. B. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON Under New Management The Condon Barn Having porch naod tlila popular BUnd ws r prep ml lociUr to the warn of tli trar.lini ialli la a flral-cla.a marner. Fine rigs and teaan; brat attention alvrn atl tv left In our Cart. ' Your patrouuge ii Ktlicited. Barker & Armstrong, Proprietors rinorumnnnnwvnArunjnu LOST VALLEY LUMBER, CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager! : ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lumber, euniliting ol Floorfnr. (Mh ing, Itualic, Ship-lap and all klndaof RongH Liinbr, Cawful Btteif given to bills of special sima and dimension staff. , MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY; OREGON. THE CELEBRATED . . COLUMBIA BREWERY . . AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the prodnct of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports forJ one 28, 1900. says: "A more superior brew never entered the labrntory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest trace of adulteration, bnt on the other hand I composed of the best of nmlt and and choicest of hops. Its tonio qualities are of the highest and il ran be need with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by both old and young. Its nse can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street. THE DALLES, OREGON. Condon Meat Co. WM. C. EMiEN, Manager. Now Occupying Our Own New Building Main Street. Finest Beef, Pork, Mutton. . We recommend and guarantee our own make of Sugar-cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard Sau sage and Bologna ' 7 , ,J Try them once and be convinced. LQHE ROCK-CONDON STAGE Lone Rock to Condon and return every day (except Sunday) carry ing U. S. Mail passengers and ex preHH. First-class teams and rigs and experienced drivers. Special care given to the comfort of passen gers. F. II. Robinson will collect for all packages delivered at Lone Rock and collect fare on out going pass engers. J. B. GoiT, Prop. WANTKD FAITHFUL PKH30S TO TRAVEL for well etRl)lnherl home in a few conntle cull lug on rt'tiill merchant and agent.. Local ter ritory. Salary 10!1 a year and expcnuc payable $19.70 a week tn eaah and expemc. advanced, l'onitlnn pprinanent. BiihIiic. incpeH(ul and iihhliifr.' SUindiird House, XA Dcurboru St, Clil gn, Illinois. Ijuepopldurtise iij a fjue paper JJtpBF To Cure a Cold in One Day m r k, Toko uaxauve uromo jUinmo Tablets, js Seven Million boxes told tn past 13 months. TbiS dgHatCTe, Cores Crip fa To Daya. csi every