THE COIlDlirCLOBE. THURSDAY, - JULY l, 1003. TMt OFriClAi lABOr QILUAM COUNTY ORKQON. r... LOCAL NEWS, - ' Try Jars urn's Iie Cream. J . M. I nirirf In hnlMiiij idm resi rlsrtrWofi Church lrt et. " Milk Shakes, L"iimalt So I eri4 let (..ream at Jackson's Ive qreem jartorsv Jr lUrr Is imll.lliif a nnl roMase on lit trant fiuruhaseJ Just north of th brirk yard. We have Hi agency f.r the Fairbanks A Mtf piinp, wloiltnill itml gasoline engine. Clarke & Prater Maoris B. Ihtkak and other Mtyvlll Uni went through Mumlsy hound fur Arlington with a cargo l fat lnga. The my- Intent creations In Rprlng millinery.' Iluv your Easter hat early and (i il mt clinic, it Wit Dora iHiwn tog's. ' . , ' Mr. Frnwortli If ft'- yesterday -for Hamilton, Montane, to settle up hli af faire at that ilw iMrrrary To ojn lug 11 no baud etCuwIoiv , . . Condon will cvlrlM-ute, Call and get your hat from Mr. K, L. Madden. Nie lllgiyt great rednt-thm- on trimmed bate (rtnu no autll alter the 4th. ; Head the Invitation to tlt people of (Jllllain eoitnty. In another column to lielp themselves to a tafer and letter It p he .aiuberWs patent lamp burner U the thing. ' Dr. W. T. Hroe. n left Tnesday morn Jng fir JVutlsnd lie he goes to look after bosWes matters and to attend the Woodmen's carnival and the Chtotau qn assembly. V. L. Marker makes specialty, thia eeason of lit IMge Header and e itras. If you ton! header you should rail and eismlue this popular machine. Op wlte Condon Livery lUrn. The progress of Hi Ik age la grand, No more h "takes hit n In hand" Th btlness man, amii hy her rharmi, TakM tha typewriter lit hl arnt. Lipptncott' Mmln. Mra. KUa MlckW ant hrr ann Clanl, ofUoix, Maho, arriftnl Tliurwlay to vlfiv fur aahila with Mr aimer, Mra 8 A. l'Mttiamt. They will apenil the reuiaimler f lha Siiintner at Condon. Itnl A Co, the IrA'Untc nifn ltanli of ArliiiKtrm, havvwrhatiK of ad in thlt Impreaalon which la wll worth your at tention. It tctla of barf aina in Summer droit good and many other thina. Ts J. Mnvllle, of Matnrv, waa laid op (it week with an abaceit on hla ankle which waa eaoaed by toocloae appll ration of hla font to the brake lever on a freight wgn. Dr. Wood attended him. U. C. Dryaon, of Walla Walla, came over Thnreifay to take home hia wife and dii4tUtr -who have been vlaltlng tier paron . Mr. and Mra. J. II. iwn ing f'r a fewdaya. They left fur home i'riy., , .-.... . Iatinn gWert nn violin, guitar, and braM iiiKiriiiueiiir. ).im-iii( tanght. rMrwm ileHrini; iiiMlriH'tinii In nmic u dancing ehiHild i-oniiiieiM-e Mt once a tnv alav herA' umv . W limlled. fall nn IW. Bl A. D tnnev, at F..A. MayV ra. lence,Cuiid"ti, Oregon, , I7d20 Andrew (Jrelner wna over from May. vllle prwlnvl Sunday. Mr. relnraayt the proepecti (or a fine wheat crop are very prondxlng in hia eectinnand thinka the quality of wheat will be utuuh bet ter than for eeveral yeara pakt. . Charlie Carter waa in from ferry Can ton Friday. He repoita everything Itooiningout there and the .wheat crop imineme. The only thing wrong with Charlie latitat Mra. Carter la viaiting her parent at Sylvan Grove, Kanaaa, thia 8u miner and he looka and feeli loneioine. Lon hoore and family left Tuetday morning for Medford in Southern Oreg on. They will make the trip overland with a good outfit for camping. If they find a better con ntry than Gilliam coun ty they will probably locate and make their home there, but it li doubtful if they find inch country. Itert Caeon, one of the brat known pioneera of Gilliam county wni In town tiitinrday from Ida boom in Ferry Can- von. Mr. Caaon that the w heal rop in hia neigh horhood la one of the client ever rained there and everybody !a prospermia and contented with the outlook, llaiug la nrw well under war there and the w heat harvest will be in full hlnrt In from two to three week. ftihool Superintendent Seal ia beliiy ilejaye! In id work of making out hla ntiimai report by tiie , negligence of the district cterk a In reporting to Mm Two or thre ditrjt!ta are likely to loae their organixation becanae of thia care leaxneaa nu the part of their clerkf. It ia at range indeed that so little Interest should be taken in the public achoola by thoae in wlmae care their welfare hat len intruatt'd. Mr. Farm worth iiifornu ni that the l)A,uk w ill lie open for bnnliieaa aa aoon r the under construction, it completed, not later than September Int. The capital stock of 25.00O hae al ready lieen aubacriU-d by the bntineaf men of Condon and himielf and the or ganization complete with the esceptlon of deteriiiining whet her national oratate which will be determined by a vote of the Kockholdera ut their first meeting. Tueiday morning waa something of a record breaker for the 14Mi of July in F- utern Oregon. A healthy froat adorn ed ibe landscape before sunrise and in oo'ine place ice was In evidence, Wi can afford to think of the suffering dnlJSi'"9 f tlie v torrid and swelter ing Kat with pity aud compassion a we inhale the deli&id'ualy cool, invigor ating, life giving, mOe of grnud old Gil liam county. , Ureal U Oregoi) and for tunato art her pcltf"?" :' ' : '' nr. and Mra. B. W. Moore have, re turned from Portland, New Madden returned Tnesday evening from a trip to Arlington aud The Dalies. W.J. Stltt, well known shee'pman of the John Day, waa In town yesterday, J. G, Caven wat hare yest erday front I'loe Creek with ft load of hie one cher rles. The Condon Pharmacy haa a change of ad this week which la of Interest. Head it. J. Q Jarvla hat ft change of ad this week calling attention to iuany season' able goods, ' Mrs. Scoggln, of Grass Vallev, Is visit ing here with her mother Mrs, Martha Armstfong. Focm I threa link pin. 0nerran have same by catbtig at this ollh and paying for this notice. George Karhart went to lone Sunday on ft business trip. e esected to visit lleppuer before returning. Dunn Bros, rail attention In their space this week to the merits of the Mo- Cormiek harvesting machinery. Mr. and Mra. 0. 0. Cantry and Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer left Sunday for the mountains on a ramping trip, Carl Marquardsen of the Coudon Mill' log Co, who has been in Kansas for some time Is es peeled to retnru to Condon in few dayt. . .. ' r W. T. Farntworth has let the contract for the new hank building to S. P. Wat- tenbnrg. The building will lie pushed to completion rapidly as possible. K. T. Hollenhack has bonght the cor ner Jot north of Karhari'e Furniture store and will bnild ft blacksmith and tin shop thereon. The building will be 44 s 48 feet. Mr. and Mr. Win. Cornell, Miss Jean Marker and Miss lieulab Fittwater leave thia morning lor ft visit with relatives in the Willamette valley. Fred (Jornett accnmpanlea the party at far aa Port land. The car loa l of Mitchell wagon will arrive about August 1st. Five wagons already spoken for. Get your order In esrly. Hale your hay. Get a tinier from the Arlington Lumber Co. They lu the work. Tula the young daughter of ley fell from ft horse at the Stephenson ranch in Feiry Canyon Saturday and suffered ft fracture of the ankle. 8he was brought home and i getting along at well a could be ei pec ted. The burning of the first kiln of brick at the Condon Brick Yard was complet ed Sunday morning and brick laying on the court house is in full blast. Con tractor Wattenburg Is also pushing the work on Searcy's new buildiug on Main street. J. B. Crosfleld, the well known travel ing man, is here thia week visiting his too, C. W. Crowfletd, and looking after the interests of hit Arm. Mr. Crualield haa many friend here to esteud him the glad hand as he haa in every town he visits lo Oregon and Idho. .'. . Another large cuiislgineni tif Shingles Doors, Windows and Moulding just in at the Arlington l.ninlwr Cu.'s yard. Get their prices. Meet all competition and generally get a little ahead of it. M a aim to progress, never stand still. Grow while Condon groHs. Keep your eye on lh Arlington l.trnher Co.. Arlington and OhuK.ii. The C oidoii Comet !Und continues to (Ttiriiie even Iho igli I'm Fourth is pant. This indicate that the lumd is ft per manent tUtnre rather than a passing show aa former organisation of the kind have been. It is ft worthy organisation and merits the support and encourage ment of every god cititen. A town without a ban I it ontof luck. Accident to Dr. Cullette. We learn from the Portland Journal Hint Dr. J. F.Gulhttte, who is now prac ticing medicine In Portland, while at tempting to hoard a street car fell in inch a manner as to crush his foot nee ea'ating Hie amputation of the toes. Dr. Gullette was a former resident of Condon and hla many friends will re gret to bear of this additional misfor tune which has befallen him. A Better and Safer Llghtfor All. A better and safer light Is now within reach of all the poopleof Gilliam county. Lainbersou'a Patent Non-Explosive Safety Lamp Burners with patent wick lithe most important invention ever put on a coal oil lamp. These burners give a lfg bright light from the poor eat quality of coal nil and don't smoke the chimney np like the old style of burners. They have a email lever for eitlngnlshiitg the light and a tube for filling the lamp without removing the burner and if the lamp accidentally up sets the light goes out. The burners with patent wick are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded upon the return of. the burner , to the dealer. , .. .. So don't sit in the dark or stand in your own light by not giving them a trial. - These burners are for sale by Shurte A Weir,' Arlington. - - Wade Bro., Olex. v ; E.T. Holleubock, Condon. Wm. Keys A Son, May vllle. Matlock & Ham, bine Itock. So help yourselves to a better safer light. , 19.120 and A Promising Mine. C. L. Uowe recently received a letter from the president of the Itossland Consolidated Mining Co. which stated that the property la showing excellent increase In values aa development pro tresses. The last assay was very flatter ing. Stockholders or others who wish to purchiise stock before another ad vance in price should see Mr, Uowe at once as he ia the Company's agent here. The stock it now celling at cents a share, ' 1L3 ; A Bank For Condon., Condon Is to have a' bank. After years of walling oa) the part of oar peo ple this long felt want it at last to be sapplled and the builneet io Wrests of the town and surrounding country will not much longer be compelled to endure the Inconvenience of having no Unking institution. . Mr. N. T. Farntworth arrive. I in the city wliie!ay afternoon aud within 24 hours had purchased ft let on Main street and was making arrangements to have building erected. Mr. Farntworth secured a lot 20100 feel ou the east aidu of Main street ad Joining I). K. Searcy' building whicb is now well nnder way. He at once made arrangements with Mr. Searcy for an interest in hla south wall. ' He will erect ft substantial brick building 20i35 feet with an elevation of 18 feet above the foundation, which will be fitted tip In first-class style with all the conven fences neceaiary for modern banking Institution. The building will have a plate glass front the first t the kind to lu be put in in the city and will be pro- vldttd wKli a substantial Ire-proof con crete vault to insure agslntt any lost In case of Ore. Mr. Ferns oth comet from Hamilton Montana. Viitil 15 months ago be was engngttd in the banking business In Cor recUwMvllleV low,, but . on account of ill health cloeed out hla businese and cae west. ' lie believes Condon offers the test inducement of any town be visited in the West and so qnickly de cided to locate here. He will also erect residence In Condon at an early date and bring hi family her to make a permanent home. The town is to be congratulated on this Important acquisition to it bus1- oett circlet. LookOut For Him. School officers and others should be on the look out for one Brown who take orden for school furniture. Brown wat in llil vicinity for some time last Win ter and made a pretty thorough canvass of the outlying districts for the sate of school furniture and supplies. He re ceived a number of orders and in almost every caee induced the school olfl(rs to Iraw a wairant for the amount of the purchase, he agreeing that' the good would lie delivered in 60 dayt. . He claimed to represent Tbos. Searcy A Co., f Chicago, but op to the present time no good have been delivered. Brown traveled through the country with a rig, carried hit own bed, waa followed by numerous dogs and looked like ft hobo. When in town he kept his hide fall of red liquor and appeared to be the last man on earth who could bilk people on school supptiee but he wasn't. He has divsppeered from thia section and his going hat left an aching void in the treasury of several school districts which it will take some time to replenish. We would advise all school ofQeere to look out for Brown and "pass him op" if he happens to come their way. Change in Well Known Firm. . A deal was closed last Friday morning ly which S. B. Hartshorn became the owner of II. N. Fraier's one-half interest in the Furniture and Hardware busi ness of Clarke A Fraxer. The deal in cludes the real estate now occupied by the Arm's store nn the eat-t side of Main street aa well aa the lot adjoining Dunn Bros.' brick store on the weat tide of the street. Mr. Hartshorn also rented the Fraier residence property on south Main street. Mr. Hartshorn is a well known citixen and we predict for the new firm a successful career. Mr. Fraxer will take hia family to the coast for a mouth or two audit not fully decided just now where be will cast -hit lot in the future. Married. At the Summit hotel, in this city, Sat urday evening, July 11, 11)03, Justice G. L. Neale officiating, Mr. L. . Palmer, of thlscitv and Miss Cecil Frances Har rison, youngest daughter of John Harri son, who resides one mile west of town. Mr. Palmer it a young business man of Condon being engaged In the harness and saddle business while the bride is a well known young lady who hat grown up In thlt section of Gilliam county. The Glorb extends congratulations and wishes the happy couple a lung aud prosperous life. ,' Off to the Mountains. James Dunn,. Jim Borne aud P. M. Hanratty left Thursday (or an outing In the high mountains of Grant county. They will be gone three or tour weeks and expect to return much improved iu health; atrengh' and - weigh 4n couse queiie of the high living whioh they ex pect to enjoy. Jim Duun is the acknowl edged champion sour dough bread mak er of Oregon, and ia also expected to keep the camp supplied with big game while Burns and Hanratty will look af ter the trout, grouse and huckleberry business and arrange the fish and other big stories for publication ou their re turn. Header Box Floors, tanks, aud wagon wheel Felloes are kept from shrinking or warping by painting with CARBO MNEUM. It will double the life of fence post at the cost of one cent per post. Clarke A Fraxer. Dancing Lesons. Prof, and Mrs. B. A. Downey will open a school lor dancing in Armory hall on Wednesday, July, 15. Instructions, will he given on each Wednesday and Satur day as follows : Juvenile class 10 12 m.; ladies class 2 p. m, to 4 p. m. gentlemen's clas 8 p. m. to 10 p. in. Social dance every Saturday . eveniug from 8 to 12 o'clock. Tkkmk Ladies and juveniles, $2.00 per mouth if paid in advance or 25c per lesson. Gentlemen $3.50 per month, if paid in advance, or oOu per lesson. ; All the latest dances correctly taught. . Mueic furuUhcd tor any ocvasiou. d2.t The: f pundation of Good Health 'Isl&id by the ' 5 judicious use of a good SPRING TONIC. Me sell the Best. vGpndon Pharmacy (PBESCKIPTIOX Ik IIARDVAilEt BUILDIUG MATERIAL! Kails, Machine Oil, Lard and Ltnaced OiL - -Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utensils. Agency for the SHEIUV1X & WILLIAMS Heady Mixed ' Oil Paints all Colors. , CLARKE & FRAZER. I Still at the 1 Old Stand; ; . - With the finest line of on-lo-date Candies, Cigars and Tolaicco, Freeh Roasted Pe Nnte, Almonds, BraiU Walnuts, Pecans and Filberts, Oranges, Lem ons, Apples, Bananas and all other Traits in seasen. . Lnnch Goods a specialty. Soft Drinks of all kinds. ' i John Jackson. If You're in need of Face Cf eajm, Tooth Washes, Toilet SoafcS:iand Hair Tonics C. J. STUBLIN.G,The Dalles, Oregon A LITTLE HARPER Will make you a heap HEALTHIER and much HAPPIER. iThe quality of HARPER Whiskey is backed by flold Medals received from every Exposi tion since 185. Harper is America's finest blend and just to "show you" go to Jeff Xeel & Co!'s for a taste. After tbat taste you'll drink HARPER. JefNeel .& Co., Are Agents for Harper Whiskey. Wholesale finest Job printig$ for "1 I 1. 1 DUN N BROS iiuiiiiiiaiUiiiiiiiaiiiiuuiuuiiiiiUiiaiiiiaiaiuiiiuuuiu pttUGGISTSM w A - ';. : Go to J. Q. JARVIS, Druggist. Distributor. flll at tfCOB Offie BUY THE W0RM1G "Tlffefr VMomf' Mf I iUkw ! I I'D... ; UP-TO-DATE MERCHANTS. u oesl 5083! tyoesl . Jry a pair of our ape? Jrjoes, tl;ey ai)t b beat, for bard wenr Wealirrrr arotih t-linof l.Jiea' Cbildren'a ami firntV boaieri Give tn rail s ' o. u. pfjopss o qo. ' . . iW5t. . Keep Well by Good Living. , The aort of f.m.1 roil ought in mt ie I lint srbi b i wIh'uW- aotiie;, j.uro niirl plenaiiig. Wf Ml only the hot nod niake it to) oir ml vantage to bur. When you buy here . you buy right : - and wbat we sell ia eclec ted from the best rut the market. Stephenson & Wilcox. . Fine Groceries - afpccialtjr at our etore. , ;KITERl0limnBI0U8O!: ' ' 'ghesl pai-1 for tirabf'pf U kinds. Stora and'bailng nf tVo.iV.' - General:; Warehouse - and Ilerchandis'dr IAtFCS.C3TKglj A C3 . HTTES. - Annnnnnruinniuirtnivin i Winnnrmjwwmin THE If con DO. b' HOTEL I n juiruvuvwnnnnnnnnt The Palace Hotel, ELGIN MYERS, Prop. . Most commodious hotel in the city. Table supplied - with the best the market affords. Special attention '- given to the comfort of guests. Headquarters for Traveling Men. CONDON, , OREGON. uuuuuuuuuuuyuyuuuuuuuuuuumnmvinUVUUUiniUUUiniUUlnil mi - TkT . ' i nai ew Yott are building will require some : neat new Furniture, Stoves, Range Etc. Cxll art I examine our stock and let us quote you prices that will please you. We are proud of our stock and when it is transfer red to your new house or j'our old home you will be as proud of it as we are now. I Condon Furniture &iAjvvuruuuuuvinArutAfuuvuvn WALL PAPER LATEST DES1GHS FASHIONABLE PATTERNS . Largest and best selects ed stock in the County. , Estimates furnished on ' jobsas to mateaial and labor. Y. A. DARL1HG. V ' ; For Sale. - " : . A good J4 section ot lanJ-inTerry Canyon, 12 miles from Condon; At fenced; 110 acres in wheat this season Honse barn and other fairiinprovenients Plenty of living water. Frie reasonable This is a enar.- For price an J terms ad dress th:a office. . , An Ad in the Olobb brings results HEADER S I ASLISSTM. BLALCCX. tVJZULi. I22f UKDER KEV7 MAHACEMEHT; Mes. R. H. Waij, IW. Will cater to the want of th trav eling public in a manner to warrant . eatiafaction. Centrally LtKattdy Corner Main and Spring Utrttts, COXDOX, OREGON. vnnnnniuxiuuinnnjuuvuw nouse and Hardware Co. OLEX FEED BAR!, H. D. RANDALL, PHOP. Careful attention given to stock en trusted to our care. Transient trade solicited. OLEX, - ORE. J w vsNovca ;attorney-at-law Office one door north of Dunn Bra.' Store, " CONDON, - - OREGON T, BROWS U.D . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dj 0 eight calls promptly aaswsrsd Office I u Condon Fbirmacy BttUdfnf , CONDON OREQON : STAGE TIME TA21E. Stages will arrive at aud depart from Condon on the followini schedule. . . ; ; ... arrive rnoM. C,:i n.nn r ................ ,u;ou A. M, Arlington,. ... . . : . . . .2:30 P. M. DEPART FOR ' Arlington....; .......0:45 A. M. Fossil,....,.;-...... .2:30 V. it. . - J. V. JacKsox & Co., Pboi'. i. 1 Neal, the well kimwii ancii-.n per, will give the strictpst attention 14 all business etilrnflted to his t-ai. if you have nirty to sell eoni-nlt him, 'Advort'iec in 'tut (Ji.oEt.