Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, July 02, 1903, Image 3

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T'jr Jaek-oii's Ii- Cream.
Hart (Jason was In towu from Fsrr
Canyon Monday.
tln. C, A. Dantmnsn was In from
C'1mi Tuastlay,
Mr. II. (5. filrlcalaud Kas In from
Hay Cites Toanlay,
Win. Livingston m seriously
Tnsilay moralng but I now Iwttsr,
Milk 8haks, Linonml, Rod anil Io
Cream at Jackaon's icaercam parlors.
W. L. lUrksr has rtmnir of art this
waek. If you are lutersaUi lu liealars
you should rsad It.
K. Da Nunl.of Alvllla, Mt yUrdr
fitrUitimn Clly on a business trip. IU
will rvinrn nsst ek.
J. K. Flular I nursing broken
thumb tltt wk tlir result t( a colt ha
as Itadlug getting too (risky,
Don't miss asalng lit Condon Ping
UgHss on tha Fourth. Thay will con
tltttta nearly tha whole thing. .
The very lalait creations I o Spring
millinery. Buy your Easter 1tat early
u4 get fir tt choice, at Mies Dora Down
Pro,. Downey, of 0..klam.,Calli,ornle,
li hera looking for location, lia glvea
Infraction in Instrumental tousle and
When In need of fence posts give tha
Lost Valley Lumbar 0 . a call. They
have 20,000 first-clan fir and tamaraci
posts for sale, tl
Lessons clean In violin, gnltar, man
dollo.aod Urass lntronint. l)jim:tpe:
taught. Call on Prof. 11. A. Downing,
Palace Hotel, Condon, Oregon. 17120
II. N. Anderson and J. W. Maldment,
of near Lone Rock, rama out from Arl
ington Tuesday loaded with freight.
They loaded doa ri with wool tor Win.
Chaa Joet, of OI, and Fred MnlW,
of California, will give a 15-round glove
contest hera on tha Fourth. Doth men
are ratd a prulusloiiale and are aaid to
lit very elever.
. (1. Merriflald, the photographer,
wiil remain In Condon ontll July 10.
I'artias deatrlng work dona ahonld get
their order In early and avoid tha on
usual ruah of the Fourth.
W. L. Darker makes a specialty, thl
eeaaon of tha llodga Header aod eitra.
If yon need a header yon should call
and eiamina thl popular machine. Op
poalte Condon Livery Barn.
Mr. and Mte.Bam E. Van Vector came
over Iron llcppner Saturday. Mr. Van
Vector returned to Morrow county Mon
day to look after huaineea inaltera but
will return to spend tha Fourth hera.
The voting oonleet for Ooddete of LIU
urty oloaed Saturday evening Miss Lou
I a Morrell being elected. Mia Morrell
I one of Condon' moat charming young
ladle and her choice give general Bat la
faction. The local Odd Fellow lodge at it laat
meeting voted $25 to the lleppner flood
auftVrera. Tha K. of P. lodge voted $40.
These amount bring the total of Con
don' donation to her unfortunate neigh
bor np to nearly 000.
It it reported that range trouble ha
again broken out In tha Mordeter'
Creek country In Grant county. A band
of iheep belonging to Jame La Bret
waa shot Into and 25 head killed, tha
camp an burned and tha herder' hore
( driven off.
Mr. W. R. Neal and daughter left
Sunday morning for Monmouth where
they will reiidefor a year or to while
the daughter are completing the coore
at tha 8tat Normal school. Condon
loses a raot eatlmahla family and many
friend will regret their departure. Prof
Keal accompanied hi family a far a
The Dalle and from there went on a vie
It to hi old horn in Washington.
A recent arrival in Condon ay that
ha baa been in many weatern town of
late year but that he ha never. teen
another place of the aise of Condon with
a much life and business boo tie a this
town lias. It I a fact that Main street
pre lent tfc bnay a scene every day and
evening a might be expected In the
centre of a town of ten time the alte. If
anybody aske yon just tell them that
Condon I on the boom.
A traveling peddler with a wagon load
of good wended hit way into town Mon
day morning and called at tha clerk' of
fice to tecura a licenae to hawk hi ware
which I reqnired nnder the new law
paaaed laat winter. When Deputy Clerk
Carter (aid "$50 por quarter" the "yew
lah yentlemen" nearly fainted. Carter
had to fan him for ten minute before
ha wa able to move on to mora promis
ing field. Thl Is a good law and ahonld
be rigidly enforced In tha case of all non
resident peddler with special attention
to Iowa boggles and Home Comfort steel
W are In receipt of a copy of the
handsome N. pamphlet, "Oregon
Washington, Idaho and Their Resconrc
es," from the htid of A. L. Cralg, Gener
al l'aaenger and Ticket Agent of the O.
R. St N. Co. It is at once a thing of
beanty and a purveyor of much valuable
Informntlon to all who are interested
in the three greatest status In the point
of natural resonces In tha Union. It
la common to hear many people, in all
walks of life, berate the railroad coin
pnn'eson every pretext, but all, mutt
admit that about all the effective adver
tising the Northwest gets, Is from the
railroad companies. Especially is ' t la t s
true of Ore gon and the O. R. N. and
the lion's share of the credit is due to
energy and push of the head of the pal
enijpn'ppHftrnent, Mr. A. L, Craig. .
A N)w Industry.
An Important new Industry for Condon
ha Jnat been tmnipletud and I no
ready lor operation In the south end of
town. Thl la J. A. M'Morria' planing
mill and frame and moulding factor)
and to say that it ia a moat compia and
up-to-date plant i but to aspress the
truth. Mr. M'Morria ha inve-led
Considerable sum of 000117 In the plant
and ahonld be rewarded by a liberal
Ilia plant consists of a two story
frame building zuoO feet. T110 power
ia furnished iy a lO-hor. power boiler
a li Icli supplies taiu for an 8-horse pow
er vertical engine. These ojwrate 1
combination planer and inoulding iu
chine, rip saw, cutoff eaw, grooving saw
ecrolliew,32 Inch band aaw and a 12
font turning lathe. With this ouitlt it
11 poaaible to turn out all kinds of work
for which there is a detuaud liar and
the plant will no doubt fill a long felt
In this taction.
Mr. M'Morria feels that there i
a large demand here for the pro
duct of such a mill as his and knowing
that he can do tq'ialy a good workat a
low or lower price than the same stock
can be shipped from 1'orilan I ha bellev
es that he I safe in ei petting a liberal
patronage, lie . w III iim only the beat
quality of lumber from the Lost Valley
mill and can 1 11 a are hi patron satis
faction In every res wet. Mr. M'Morrl
will be piWed to have people from the
surrounding country and neighboring
towns call and see his plant when In the
city, lie will bo pleated to show yon
around and if you should favor him with
an order at any time he will no his best
to plras you.
Soma Quiet Towns.
Fred Cornell, of thi place and George
Knot, of Fossil, have retnrned from
Sherman ixmnty where they took fifty
head of the Chapman band of horse,
belonging to Mr. Knox and W. L. Bar
ker, for (ale. They expected to sell tha
entire band at publioauctfon at Graaa
Valley Saturday but after aelling a few
head they called the auction off and
etosed out tha bunch at private sale.
Price ruled very low, below what could
have been realised here at home. Mr.
Cornett says he visited Wasco, Moro,
snd Urast Valley the three principal
town in Sherman county, during hit
trip and as compared to Condon they
are all everlastingly quiet. "Why,"aaya
Mr. Cornett, In speaking of his trip
Monday, "Those Sherman county towns
are as dead and quiet as country church
yards. You may hardly believe it but,
really, Grata Valley, the livlieat town in
Sherman county, it quieter than Fossil.
Such a thing doe not teem possible but
it' a fact. Tha crop around Grass Val
ley and Moro look well," Mr. Cornett
says, "but from Moro north the grain ia
very light. I am glad to be at home
again in a town where things are doing
and people are alive." he concluded.
' II. M. Britton ia bare thi week can
vaaalng for tha aale of kitchen otenaiK
books, etc.
Finest itrawberria and ic cream at
Little' confectionary and let cream
All repairing except half soling dona
Absolutely Free 00 shoe sold by as. O.
W, Propst AC.
Ask those who have nsed Avanerloos
Carbolineum, It ia good for 100 purpos
es. Clarke & Fraxer.
We have the agency for the Fairbanka
c Morse pnmpa, windmills and gasoline
engines. Clarke A Fraxer.
Condon will celebrate. Call and get
your hat from Mrs. E. L. Madden. She
will give great reduction on trimmed
hats from now uutil after the 4th.
Header Box Floors, tanks, and wagon
wheel Felloes are kept from shrinking
or warping by painting with CARBO
LINEUM. It will double tha Ufa of a
fence post at the cost of on cent per
post. Clarke it Fraxer.
Tha people of Heppner will rebuild
their town at once and declare that they
will build a better and more substantial
class of building than those dea royed
by the flood. Soma precautions will be
taken against getting in the path of the
next flood should another ever occur.
A lump of gold weighing 24 pounds
and valued at $525 waa thrown to the
surface one day laat week by the"giant"
In Cannon fc Johnton't mine in Spanish
Gulch. It fell at the feet of Al Fobs, one
of the workmen, and as he picked it np
hi eye bulged out like diamonds in a
shirt front. Journal.
J. G, Stevenson has retnrned from
Portland where he attended theQ.A.R.
reunion. He report having had a fine
time there being about 800 of the old
Civil war veteran present and it is well
known that when these old boys get to
gether they enjoy themselves. The
state encampment will meet at Hood
River uext June. -
In the published list of donations re
ceived by the relief committee from va
rious towns and individuals, both llepp
ner papers credit Condon willt only $-108
when the amount should have been 508
In one list Fossil ia credited with only
$2tt.50. These must have ben typo
graphical errors. Fossil certaiuly did
better than that.
Mahkibd At the home of the bride's
mother, in thia city, Sunday evening,
June 28, 1903, Miss Grace Balding to
Mr. Ira D. Phillips, of Olex. The bride
was one of Condon's most popular young
ladies and was well known all over the
county as a successful teacher and the
groom Is a highly esteemed young far
mer of Olox. . We extend hearty
congratulations. ,
The Department of the Interior ban
prepared a fine wall map of the United
States 6n7 feet In alae which will be sold
for 80 cents per copy. Mapt of the
atataa and territories on separate sheet
2x3 feet will be sold for 12 cents each
Only one copy of each map will sold to
an individual. Bend remittances to the
Financial Clerk, Department of the In
I tLMior Washington, D. C.
Acknow lodgement from
County Judge Dunn has received the
following letter from Mayor Gilliam of
llppner, acknowledging the receipt of
Condon's donations
lleppner, Oregon, June 21, 1903
Hon, Edward Dunn,
County Judge Gilliam Co., Or,
Dear Sir:
Wa are In receipt of ynnr let
ter of th 2Ut Inxt inclosing (503.00 do-
natad by tha citizens of Condon for ra
lief of Heppner Sufferer.
rieaae accept lor yourself ami convey
to th good people of Condon oursincerw
thank lur their kind remembrance and
ubetantial aid rendered our people in
thl tad boor.
Vry respectfully,
Fmamk Gilliam,
Sunday's Came.
A practice game of ball wa pulled off
laat Sunday afternoon on th Condon
diamond between th home nine and
picked op nine known a th Condon
Scrub. In the first Inning it looked
good to the scrub th score being about
S to 2 In their favor but In the other inn
Ing it wa different. When Jarvl got
hit arm limbered op he tent In tome
hot onet and the scrubs, some ot them
struck about SO seconds after th ball
passed the bat. J. W. Snover acted as
umpire and the absence of kicking indi
cated that hi decision! gave good aatu
faction or per ha pi it wa hi aize and
husky appearance that made the boy
be good. The acore atood 9 to 81 in fa
vor 01 the Condon but It it had not
been that Jim Burn hurt bia finger,
Shorty nobbed hi toe, Koster fell down
Britt White wa out of practice batting
and could not find Jarvlt' straight Tbal I
and several of th Scrubs got disgusted
and quit when Britt got fanned it mi ght
have been different. A good sized crowd
turned out to tee the fun and the weath
er wa floe for a game.
Races For th Fourth.
Lover of horse racing should be able
to And plenty of sport to their liking in
Condon 00 the Fourth a there will be
plenty of good horse here and the races
promise to be full of iu teres t.
Charlie Earhart ia here from lone with
two horses, and Frank Griffith, of Hepp
ner, is also here with a couple of good
one. The old reliable Condon mare.
Daisy Downer, owned by Al Downer, ia
on the turf again and i being trained
for the occasion by Jim Cordell who is
also training oue for Dave Burnett, of
Thirty-mile. In addition to these ani
mals which are on the ground at thi
writing, Jack Gibson Is expected here
from John Day with a horse and another
I expected from Moro. Keenej, of Long
Creek, I aleo expected with a couple
and Billy Hamilton, of Hamilton, will
be here with a speeder. Oeorge Madden
of Lone Rock, it also expected to bring
one over which will make an even doxen
of horses on which the boys may bet
their money. The racing may be ex
pected to be a first-class feature of the
occasion as the new race track is being
rapidly rushed to completion and will
be in good condition fot a new track.
Flood at Wagner.
Mrs. Ira tlarUell, of Fossil, had a
thrilling experience in the storms of
last week. She had Just arrived at her
mother' home at Wagner on Sunday
evening when the atorm broke, and it
wa only by a desperate effort that they
succeeded in reaching high ground im
mediately above the house. In a mo
ment three feet of water swept through
the bouse and in Kahler Creek on the
bank of which the house standi the wa
ter was 20 feet deep. On Monday even
ing another atorm came on which was
even worse than the first, the water
rising eight inches higher. Mr. Hart
tell brought hia wife home on the 18th,
when she was still suffering from nerv
ous excltment resulting from the fright
she had received. The storms did much
damage to the ha? crops and gardens
of Fred Hale, Frank Templeton, Grant
Bros, and other in the Spray section.
Several feet of gravel waa left by the
flood on a very fine garden owned by
the Grant boys, permanently ruining it.
Fossil Journal.
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light that fur persistent
and unmerciful torture has perhaps
never been equaled. Joe Golobick, of
Colusa, Calif., write: "For 15 year I
endured insufferable pain from Rheu-
rtmilsui and uutilng relieved me though
I tried everything known, I came across
Electric Bittera and it' the greatest
medicine on earth for that trouble. A few
bottles of it completely relieved and
cured me." Jnst as good for Liver and
Kidney troubles and general debility.
Only 50c. Satis tactiou guaranteed by
Condon Pharmacy,
Attention Threshermen.
We have four second hand engine for
sale CHEAP. There is one 12, one 14,
and two 20 horse power, all straw burn
ers and traction, these engines are all in
first-class fix and will be sold for about
what a new one of the same size
would cost.
We also have a nnmlier ot second
hand separator we will sell dirt cheap.
Call on or address, Moork Brob. AGinn,
Moro, Ore,
Public Sale.
At my ranch one mile east of Alville,
Thursday, July 9, 1903, 1 will sell the
following described property : Twenty
five head of horses broke and nnbroke,
25 head cattle mostly heifers and cows,
wagons, harness, header, thresher,
household goods, etc.
Terms All sum under 10cagh. Over
that amount one year's time on approv
ed security at 10 per cent.
A. J. Mvers.
Goto the
Condon Phar
macy for Drugs,
Patent Medi
cines, &c.
Large assortment of
Nails, Machine Oil, Lard and Linseed OIL "
Stoves, Ranges, Cooking ytensils.
Agency for the 8IIERWIN & WILLIAMS Read Mixed
Oil Paints all Colors.
Still at the
Old Stand
With the finest line of np-to-date Candiea, Cigar
and Tobacco, Fresh Roated Pea Note, Almonds,
Braxil Walnuts, Pecan and Filberts, Orange. Lem
ons, Apples, Bananas and all other fruit in sea sen.
lunch Goods a specialty. Soft Drink of all kind.
C. J. STUBLIRG.The Dalles, Oregon
Will make you a heap HEALTHIER and much
HAPPIER, The quality of HARPER Whiskey is
backed by Gold Medals received from every Exposi
tion since 1885. Harper is America's finest blend
and just to "show you" go to Jeff Nkei, & Co.'s for
a . taste, After that taste you'll drink HARPER.
Jeff Nee 1 & Co.,
Are Agents for Harper Whiskey.
pQest Job prlrjtlp? for
John Jackson.
III at tl?e QCOBE Office.
he 4th of July
Will soon be here and Dunn Bros.' store is the place for the ladies
to buy their Dresses and Dress Trimmings. We have a large line of
Appliques, Allcver Lace, Embroideries, Silks and Shirt Waists and
one of the largest and finest lines of Ladies' Foot Wear ever handled in
Gents' Summer Hats, Silk Front Shirts and Custom Made
Garments. ! . . .' . '
51?0831 S1?083' Styossi
fry a pair of our Q3fC7 J.ocs, tf?ey t;ar't
be beat for bard wear. Weal scarry aro!iij)Iitlieuf LadaV
Children' and Gcnl'a bocierr. Oive u a rail
0. UA prjOpSS 0 QO. laii) 5t
Keep Well by
Good Living.
Th wort of food yon ought in cat is thnt wbu h is whoV
aouie, pure and pleasing. V w only the Iw-ht and :
make it to your advantage to buy. .
When you buy here
you buy right
and what we ncll ia selected from the best 011 the market.
Stephenson & Wilcox.
' Fine Groceries a speqiiity al our atpre.
Highest price paid for Grain of all kind. Storage and baling of Wool.
General Warehouse and Herchandiso
The Palace Hotel,
Most commodious hotel in the city. Table supplied
with the best the market affords. Special attention
given to the comfort of guests.
Headquarters for Traveling Men.
I That NOW
You are building will require some
neat new Furniture, Stoves, Range
Etc: Co.Il and examine our stock
and let us quote you prices that
will please you. We are proud of.
our stock and when it is transfer
red to your new house or your old
home you will be as proud of it
as we are now.
I Condon Furniture
Largest and best select
ed stock in the County.
Estimates furnished on
jobs as to niateaial and labor.
For Sale.
A good section of land in Ferry
Canyon, 12 uiilea from Condon. Al
fenced; 110 acres in wheat this season
House barn and other fair improvements
Plenty of living water. Price, reasonable
This is a snap. For price a nd terms ad
dress thia office.
An Ad in the Globk brings results
Mas. R. II. Waln, Paop. : '
Will cater to the want of the tray
eling public in a manner to warrant
Centrally Located, Corner Main and
" Spring Streets,
and Hardware Co.
Careful attention
given to stock en- .
trusted to our
care. Transient
trade solicited.
Oaies one floor north ot Dunn Bros.' Store.
y T. BROWS If. D, '
Cay or night ealla promptly answered
Office in Condon Pharmacy Balldlof,
Stages will arrive at and depart
from Condon on the following
Fossil. ......... , . ,0;30 M.
Arlington ......2:30 P.M.
Arlington ............ .9:45 A. M.
Fossil...... .2:30 P. M.
J. W.Jackson & Co., Psora.
G. L. Neal, the welt known auction
eer, will give the strictest attention U.
all buainpaa ontmto.! tn htm 11
. nw.nti. WW ...g LI . ,
you have property to sail consslt blm.
Advertise ia Thk Globe.