Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, May 28, 1903, Image 1

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MAS TltttS TLV.C3 TK2 CUCL'Unc.l
I'uUlnhfd Every Thursday by
Sm Am Pattlson
Kdltor tint Proprietor.
Professional erdi 4 l.oo per month
On tqw t.M jwr month
uo-qurMjr ooiumn pr must!!
Que-bM column ( S.OO pennant
cniriiu-riox nxrr.n.
Om year (In advance)..... , . ,l.'ti
II not ti(l In advance , ,,, 'i.ou
Dll mouth , ,00
Three months m
Hlnglo copies I
wn iu.uo per month
f Busineas local will h charged at 10 cent iwf
line (or Dm inaeriion and t can: jr llu
lral KlT.rtUemani will in all euri u,
eharged to 1)1 priT ordttrtHf thena, i legal
rate, and paid lor belor sfndavll U turnkliwl.
NO. 12.
Filtered at tha pntnfllM at ronton, Oregon,
, m aoud elm mail waller.
(Mice corner Main Street and Oregon Avenue
Notary Public anJ Conveyancer.
OKI vt In (ilobs building.
J K. WOOD, M, D.
Pay end Night ("alia Promptly Annwered.
Ciltt.e IHjwiiIiis Building, Hprlng Wrest,
Jjll. 1. K. 1.1. S A.
' Pay n J MgM ('alia Promptly Attended.
OHIoe poomd door south u( Condon I'hsrn.acy
rp L NICK 1,1 N.
ORlre over Wllaon Pharmacy.
Artistic Barber
Razors Honed and Re-Ground
Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tour
1st sleeping tars daily to Onmha, Chi
cago, Spokane; tourist sleeping car daily
to Kansas city ; through rullman tourist
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, St.
Louis ond Memphis ; reclining chair care
veiuits free) to the East dally.
Occnn steamers between Portland and
San Francisco every live days.
Tickets to and from all parts f the
United States, Canada and Europe.
Far particulars call on or address
Arlington, Oregon
No. 2 Chicago Special. ....... 2 :32 P M
No. 4 Spokane Flyer...; 11 :00 P M
No. 0 Mall & Hxpresa. . . . . . .' . 1 :30 A M
No. 1 Portland Special. 11:15 A M
No. 3 Portland Flyer.. 2:18 A M
No. 6 Mail & Express 6:00 A M
D. TIERNEY, Agont,
Arlington, Or.
CHAPTER II.-(Cootlno(Ml.)
"Wry well, Ihen. I went over to lunch
with (anthill, you kuow, and after
luiiili we had a game of billiard,. and
thou went lata the stables to look at the
boraes. And mw-h horses, toot Well, at
i it wt had loft the stable and chatted a
hit, ho ordered th chestnut round, and
we at hi ti'il to come over here. How tho
horse did fret, and prance, and rear!
Hut he took It aa coolly an posnibie, and
aiMiihcd anil qult'ted them, until tlicy w?ut
olt like Innilr. They continued very quid
for about a mile, when we came to a irnto
where a irl wa almidintf, and thou they
ahled and reared attain, until I thought
they would have tiinet n In tho ditch.
Hut II nullum wai not a hit diacoiu-erttHl;
he held the relui with one hand, and with
the other took oft his hat to the girl aa
If alio had been an emjireaa, Kho waa ao
grarcful, and had m-u lovely cyrl I
waa anxloua to know who the could be,
and aaked him. Cueaa, Flo, who It waa."
"How ahuiild I knowV" answered hit
.Inter, pettlahly. "How provoking you
"Well, then, It waa our couain, Mian
Kyre; mil I can tell you he la nothing
to l a!in tned of, either. 1 could ace
h'w much he admired her, and was Jut
eoliiu to tell him of our connection with
her when tho eticatuuts holteil, and. by
llit time he got them In baud again, it
bad gone out of my mind. However, the
iuforuiittion will keep till another time."
. "Jteisluald," cried his alater, white to
the lipa with rage, "you will not dare to
tell him that low-born girl is related to
us? you will not dare?"
"Itegiunld knows better than to do any
thing ao fooliah," interrupted Mrs. Cham
pion. "Kut in cane you ahould be tempt
ed to do ao," she added, turning to her
an, "remember that not a tithe of that
five hundred pound I pivimied you for
your Inst seasou's debts shall pass mto
your hands."
"Oh! very well, that's enough," re
sponded Kcgluuld, sulkily, "lint I can
tell jou one thing, Flo I believe he's tre
nieudoualy cut with that girl, and that
he's gone off after her now."
And having uttered this remark with
the amiable lutentlon of annoying his sis
ter, he proceeded to quit the room.
"I think Itrgittald gets more uuliesra
hi every, day." exclaimed Flora, 'eu-
gci'y. ... , 'v;t;:;: y
"Twenty-one Is not generally a very
agreeable age In a young tnan," remarked
her mother.
And so the fates conspired to keep a
secret from Krrol Hasting, which, as it
turned out, was very Important he should
He called at Hurst Manor the day af
ter Itcglnald lunched with him, and ac
cepted Mrs.-Champiou's invitation to stay
and dine.
"Mrs. Champion," he said, as they sat
together in the drawing room, "I am go
ing to box a favof of you aud Miss Cham
pion." "1 am sure we shall be but too happy
to grant it. If it Is in our power," she re
turned, smiSiiig.
"I think of giving a ball at the Court,"
Mr. Hasting continued, "and before 1
lstme my invitations I want to secure the
promlne of your presence and co-operation."
"A ball at the Court; that will he
chnrndng!" exclaimed Miss Champion,
with unusual animation. "Bachelors al
ways give such charming parties; besides,
which, it will gratify my long-felt dcslra
to go over your house." ,
"If you really have any curiosity to see
my domain, I trust you will not wait for
the hull. Why not tide over this nfter
noon before dinner? Your brother, I have
no doubt, will accompany ua."
Miss Champion looked at her mother in
a dutiful Interrogative manner, and Mra.
Champion replied Immediately:
"Certainly, my love, If you persuade
Reginald. You look a little pale a ride
will do all the good In the world."
Itegiunld being agreeable, the horses
were ordered round, and Miss Champion
left tho room to equip.
"Apropos of the ball," said Errol, "I
am expecting an Indus of visitors to the
Court, and I ahall beg of your charity
to come and help me to entertain them.
Sir Clayton and Lady Grace Farquhar
are coming for a fortnight, until their
place at Eadon Vale la ready, and she
has promised to play hostess for the oc
casion. Lady St. Ego and her daughters
will como up from Hertfordshire. Mr.
and Mrs. Rivers, Lady Marlon Alton and
her niece, and several bachelor friends,
so I shall need some assistance in my
novel part of host."
"When la the ball to take place?" in
quired Mrs. Champion.
"I hardly think I am justified in digni
fying my gathering by the name of a
ball; but I mean to invite every one round
for twelve miles; and as this Is such a
very quiet time of the year, I do not ap
prehend many disappointments. Indeed,
I only Intend giving ten days' notice."
"That will be quite enough," Mra
Champion agreed; "no one thinks of giv
ing parties In the country at this time
of year, and a ball will be quite a boon
to the young people. I prophesy your
entertainment will lie a great success."
"I hope so," said Mr. Hastings. "I as
sure you I shall spare no pains to make
everything go off well."
Flora enmo in at this juncture, looking
very handsome In her perfectly fitting
habit, and they all walked out of the
window to the horses, which were wait
ing at the door. He placed her In the
saddle, mounted himself, and bidding an
revoir to Mrs. Champion, they started
for their ride.
Reginald usurped the greater part of
the conversation on the way,, much to
his sister's 1 annoyance, but she had no
Intention of betraying any 111-humor be
fore Mr. Hastings, When they arrived
at Hazell Court they dismounted, sent
the horses to the stables, and proceeded
to explore the house. Miss Champion not
aiUy expressed herself, but waa In real
ity, delighted with everything she saw.
Flora was rather silent as she rode
home. Wis was thinking bow pleasant
It would be to be the wife of a man like
Krrol Haatlnga, and the mlatres of a
.Uc Ilka Hasell Court. Ha waa speak
ing to her In low, earnest tones; and
as he pained the Fsrm did not turn to
look for Winifred. Aud Winifred, sitting
under her favorite clump of beeches,
book In band, looked with wistful eyes
after them; and when ha had panned out
of sight, without ooce turning to look
for her, she hid her face In her banda
and cried bitterly.
Poor Winifred! It was only the dsy
before Hint Errol Hastings bad sst wth
her under those very beeches, and talked
to her In the low, fascinating tones pe
culiar to him when addressing women.
And she had fancied she read love in his
deep blue eyes. They had met more than
once since the adventure In the wood,
aud be had alwaya stopped to speak to
her. And the previous dsy, aa she had
been sitting reading in the garden, aha
had beard the prancing hoofs, and, look
ing up, had seen him pull op his fiery
chestnuts, which hsd frightened ber so
an hour before In the lane, and, throwing
the reins to the groom, jump down and
enter the little Jtate.
Winifred's heart ticat fast as she saw
Mr. Hsstlngs coming np the garden to
ward her.
"I have come to call on Mr. Eyre la
he at home?" Krrol asked. '
"No." replied Winifred; "he hss been
out since two o'clock, and I do not ex
pect hlin until the evening."
"I am sorry," Errol had answered, look
ing In her face, as be alwaya did now;
"but if you will allow me to make his
ahaence to-day an excuse for calling
again, I shsll not regret it too much."
"Can I say anything to him for yon?"
asked Winifred.
"I am afraid not," Mr. Hastings said,
smiling: "it Is on a question of a now
method of fanning, which I fear la too
abstruse for me to discuss with you. But
I am Interrupting your reading Is your
book very engrossing?"
And as he spoke he glanced at the
cover of the book and observed with
some surprise that It was an old French
"Will yon let me scud you soiu books
to resd?" Errol asked, gently. "I mske
a point of collecting all the best works,
both foreign aud English, and it would
lie such a pleasure to me to think some
one besides myself would take an in
terest In reading them."
"Oh, how kind you are!" exclaimed
Winifred, eagerly, blushing with delight;
"it would be such a treat to have some
thing new tOTead."
"What shall It lie?" asked Mr. Hast
ings "history, novels, poetry, or theol
ogy? When yon read Tennyson, look for
my favorite poem, 'Oenone;' I am aure
you will agree with me in admiring that.
Do you sometimes'-Indulge in romance,
Miss Eyre?"
"Sometimes," laughed Winifred. "Do
"Yes," said Errol. "I mnst plead gult
ty, although I am long past the age when
that youthful foible Is permissible. But
when I am alone I like to sit and look
at a beautiful landscape, until my very
power of vision la absorbed in thought;
and I like to go back centuries, and live
In the past ages, that from their wide
distance from us seem golden. ,Do you
ever fancy you would like to have been
one of the celebrities of the olden times?
I should like to have been Alexander, and
conquered the world; or a Iieonldas, dy
ing gloriously In battle; an undaunted'
hero, like Alcihiades; an emperor, like
Caesar; a Mark Antouy, beloved by
Cleopatra; or a Launcelot, if you might
have been Guinevere."
Ilia voice had dropped while he waa
speaking, and as he uttered the last sen
tence In a low, thrilling whisper, his
eyes sought hers with a passionate ex
pression of admiration.
Winifred colored deeply, and the tone
of her voice waa haughty as she made
answer, looking far away into the' woods:
"I would not have, been Guinevere to
the noblest Launcelot who ever breathed.
Had I been chosen by such a godlike
knight as King Arthur, I think I could
have appreciated him too well to requite
hla love with falseness."
"I beg your pardon, I ought to have
remembered; but for the moment I did
not think of her falseness, I only recol
lected that she was beautiful and charm
ing." Errol had never once taken his eyes off
Winifred's face while he had been speak
ing. And as he watched her, he thought
that of all the women he had ever known,
none had such a sweet grace of womanli
ness as this one. He rose suddenly to
flee the temptation. i
"Pardon my Intrusion, Miss Eyre; I
have detained you already too long."
And Errol Hastings held out his hand
to her. She put her own timidly into it,
and he clasped . It for a moment .with
a strong, passionate clasp, looking into
her eyes the while with a look that
brought the blood rushiug to her face.
Ten he turned slowly, and went back
to his phaeton, her eyes looking dreamily
Into tho distance.. Her reverie, was di
verted by aeelng a young farmer, Mr.
Tom Fenner, sauntering leisurely dowu
the road, hitting off the tops of the grass
viciously with his stick. She had seen
him pass before, when she was talking
with Mr. Hastings, and his presence an
noyed her. Ilecame deliberately in at
the garden gate, and walked up to where
she sat.
"Good afternoon. Miss Eyre," he aaid,
putting out his great coarse hand to her.
"I suppose I may come in now you. are
disengaged?" '
Winifred was compelled to give him her
hand, sorely as it chafed her that his
coarse, heavy touch should brush off the
tender clasp of Mr. Hastings' lithe fin
gers. .
"Certainly yon may com in," she an
swered, coldly; "you might have done ao
when you pleased before. I was not par
ticularly engaged.
"Ob! you did see me, thi? I thought
yon wera too much occuijJed with your
fine new friend to look at me."
Winifred wsa beginning to get angry;
this msn had never presumed to use such
a tone to her before. J
"Do you wsnt to see a t father?" she
asked abruptly. '
"No, I don't; I left b!a not an hour
ago in the turnip field -1 want to sea
you." . '
"Oh, very well." remand Winifred;
"but please let me kuo jst once what
you want of me, it Is tin to go In and
te about the tea,"
"Ob, you weren't in su hurry just
now, when you bad thsf puppy of a
Hastings here," said Mr. fcV-nuer, wrath
fully. !
Winifred rose like , a 1v Juuo, with
snTh an imperial si suissed indigna
tion that her conipauion'quaiVed.
"Mr. Fenner," she said have you
any Idea of what you are tslkinft shout?"
"lAHtk here, Miss Winifred!" tittered
Fenner, with great earnestness it's no
use your pretending not to understsud
me, because you can't have mistaken my
meaning this last month. I've luvi.l you
for this year back. And so to-day, in the
turnip field, I spoke to Mr, Eyre, and
he said be had no objection, provide you
liked me, and I said I wasn't afraid of
that, tor you bad always been so kind
in your ways to me, which you woaldn't
have been If you hadn't meant as I 4 id."
"How dare you sly I know what you
meant or gave you encouragement!" she
exclaimed, passionately. -
"Ik-cause you did!" he returned, with
temper. "If you didn't mean anything
by your smiles, and tricks, and ways,
you must be as false ss fair.
"Enough of this!" cried Winifred, imje
riously, "understand, once for all, that I
never had aud never shall have, the re
motest feeling of love for yon; and if
wish me to entertain the" alightest regard
for you, you will never again adopt surb
a tone to me aa you have done to-day."
"So," he aaid, in an insolent tone, "you
could be all very well to Tom Fenner, the
farmer, until your fine new lover fame
along; but you must turn high atfll mighty
directly you've been seen with a London
swell. But I can tell you oue thing.
Miss Winifred," be sdded, with su in
sulting air that was indescribable, "Hast
ings of Hazel Court don't mute with
farmers' daughters."
"You insolent, mean-spirited cowsrd!"
she cried, stumping her foot; "leave this
place immediately, and never prtsume to
enter it again!" and she turned into the
bouse and shut the door. Then she run
up to her room and, throwing herself on
ber knees by her bedside, she sobbed and
cried passionately.
At last she rose and went to her piano.
She sat there until it grew quite dark,
singing low, aweet songs to herself, un
til at last the cloud was chased away
from ber face, aud brigrht thought be
gan t bring ml'c t? ie or team.
"He must care a little for ne,"he
thought, "or he would not have held my
band so long, and looked into my face
as he did."
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupt
edhy a ring at the bell, and she paused
in her playing.
"Some hooka for Miss Eyre, with Mr.
Hastings' compliments," said a man's
voice, to the servant who answered the
When it was closed again she jumped
up and called:
"Yes, miss."
"Give them to me, and bring the lamp,
please." -
And she began with eager delight -to
examine the handsomely bound volumes.
It waa a happy evening; ber new occu
pation chased all unpleasant memories
away, and when she went to bed she had
even forgotten the existence of Mr. Fen
ner. But the next day poor Winifred was
plunged iuto the depths of sadness again,
for Mr. Hastings passed, bending o-er his
saddle to talk to her stately cousin, and
had never onee turned to look for her.
tVo be continued.)
Yon Cannot Move A boot the Countrj
Without the Document.
The train slows down as it crosses
the frontier,, and creeps gently up to
the platform of the first station on Rus
sian soil. Furtively peeping out of
the window, you behold a number of
stalwart men uniformed lu the Russian
style, and wearing the peculiarly Rus
sian top boots. The polite conductor
comes to the compartment and bids you
get the passport ready. After a few
minutes of waiting, during which anx
iety Is not diminished, an officer in
smart gray-blue uniform comes along,
attended by a soldier with a wallet He
demands the precious document, and,
noting its foreign origin, casta upon Its
possessor a keen, - searching glance.
Then he looks for the all-Important visa
or indorsement of the Russian official
in the country of Issue; and on finding
it he passes coldly on without a word.
All this Is very formal and Impressive;
you feel as a prisoner feels when the
chain of evidence is tightening around
him; your thoughts wander back to the
past, and you wonder whether any In
discretion of your Insignificant youth
may not now be brought up lu testi
mony against you.
The utmost care Is taken In the study
and registration of these documents;
every Russian must have his passport;
every forelguer entering or leaving the
country must have it, too. Whether na
tive or alien, you cannot move about
the country without the document;
when you arrive In a town It must be
submitted to the local police; whet you
leave that town the police must inaorse
the passport with their sanction to the
journey. The system gives the authori
ties the flrmesf hold over the people;
and wise 1s the stranger who complies
carefully with every pnrt of the formal
ity. Chambers Journal. -
St. Vincent's hospital of New York
City has an electrical ambulance. It
can travel at the rate of. ten miles an
hour, and cost over $2,000. It does uot
differ ' materially from the ordinary
horse-drawn ambulancis.
Lay Corner Stone of Lewis ami Clark
Monument at Portland Welcomed to
the SUt by Oovtrnor Chamberlain
at 5alm Pays UlorWua Tribute to
tha Northwest.
Portland, May 22. President Roose
velt waa gloriously welcomed tc this
city yesterday. All Portland made
holiday, put on its bett attire, flocked
everywhere he went and climbed even
tc the roofa and chimneys to ace him
pass. The spirit of the people waa
tirred aa never beore io thia city. 11
it had been a martial thrill that elec
trified the populace, it ccu d not have
moved the thiongs of enthnsiastic
spectators more than the peaceful visit
of the president. ,
Countless thousands crowded the
streets as he rode by. Less numerous
but still unnumbered they e warmed lo
the city park, where the president laid
the base of the Lewis and Clark monu
ment. In the evening they surged
aronnd the hotel, calling for him with
increased clamor, nntil he appeared on
the fire escape and satisfied them with
a brief speech. Then he retnrned to
the banquet from which the people
had called him.
All arrangement for the visit were
carried out successfully. The only
untoward event was the heavy rainfall
which began juet as the president en
tered the city park, and continued dur
ing the ceremonies there. But the rain
could not quench his ardor, ard he
rpoke even the better for it. He knew
the blessing of abundant rain, and paid
tribute to Western Oregon by saying
that here he did not need to talk about
irrigation. I hen, after paying tribnte
to the memory of Lewis and Clark, and
exhorting the people of Oregon to emu
late tlieir predecessors, he sealed the
cavity in the monument where lies the
copper box.
He will leave this morning for Pnget
On Behalf of the State.
Salem, Or., May 22. Ten thousand
cit:zena of Oregon welcomed President
Roosevelt to the state capital yesterday
morning. On behalf of the people of
this commonwealth. Governor George
E. Chamberlain voiced the state's
greeting and with vociferous cheers the
people manifested their hearty concur
rence io all that was said. For an
hour the president addressed the assem
bled multitude trom tho west steps of
tne capitol, and that ttiey wera highly
pleased with the ideas he expressed was
demonstrated by frequent interruption
of applause and cheers.
The reception here was the formal
welcome on behalf of the state. Noth
ing was left undone which could con
tribute to the comfort of the president
or add strength to the expression of re-
s pact and admiration for the nation s
Postal Department Must Ask Congress
tor Appropriation.
Washington, May 23. Congress will
be asked at the opening of its next ses
sion to make an appropriation to cover
the deficiencies in both the regular de
livery service and the 'rural free deliv
ery service of the postoffice department.
Postmaster General Payne announced
today that this deficiency now aggre
gates exactly 1227,300, of which $105,
000 is in the free delivery branch. The
postmaster general said he very much
regretted the existence of the deficit,
and (or the first time publicly criticised
the administration of A. W. Machen,
the general superintendent of the free
delivery system, who is now on indefi
nite leave of absence.
"Ibis is not the first time that a de
ficit has occurred in the free delivery
service," said Mr. Payne. "I regret
ita existence. At the opening of the
last congress Mr. Machen pointed out
that without additional appropriations
no more routes could be established be
yond those ready to be installed Janu
ary 1. He maintained, however, that
if congress appropriated (500,000 for
the purpoee the work could be contin
ued during the rest of the fiscal year.
This appropriation was promptly made,
but it was exhausted. Despite this
fact, the office (free delivery) was going
on increasing the deficiency, aud if we
had not taken steps to curtail the ex
penditures and suspend the establishing
of routes until the beginning of the
next fiscal year the deficit would have
been much larger. It was not gcod ad
Turkey Would Exile Bulgarians.
Constantinople, May 23. Ililma
Pasha, the inspector general under the
reform movement in European Turkey,
is credited with having formulated a
plan for the colonization of Anatoila
and the islands of the archipelago, by
Bulgarians, whom he proposes to deport
wholesale from Macedonia.. It is
doubtful, however, if the powers will
permit -this. Meanwhile, Ililma has
planned to summarily exile to Anatcila
the Macedonian prisoners who were
Buspected of complicity in the recent
events in European Turkey.
Government Subsidy Doubtful.
Vancouver, B. C, May 23. If any
cash subsidy is granted by the Domin
ion government to the transcontinental
railroad to he built by the Grand
Trunk, it will be very small. It is
doubtful if any financial aid will be
given by the government to the enter
prise. As for land grants, it is defi
nitely announced that there will be
none. All that the. government pro
poses to do is to guarantee the bonds of
the company, taking a first mortgige
President Rtcelve Hearty 'Ovation In
Western Washington.
Olympla, Wash, May 23. President
Roosevelt caught his first glimpse of
fuget sound at 1:20 yesterday after
noon as big train entered Olympla. the
capital city of Washington. Although
other stops had been made in Wash
ington, it was in Olympla that the
official reception to the state was ac
corded the President.
The Governor's staff, ex-Governors
of the state, state officers and reception
committees appointed by the Legis
lature, in addition to WOO people from
out of the city, were gathered here
to greet the President From the Nor
thern Pacific depot to the State capitol
building, long lines of troops from the
National guard of the state were de
ployed, and the President and party
entered carriage at tht depot end
were driven through arches of. ever
green and flowers and between long
lines or soldiers to the office of Gov
ernor McBrlde.
The President's carriage was escort
ed by a platoon of cavalry. Governor
McBrlde and Mayor C. J. Lord occu
pied seats in the President's carriage,
which had been decorated with the
atate flower, rhododendron and ever
green. At the office of Governor Mc
Brlde an informal reception of ten
mniuted was held, and distinguished
men of the Evergreen State were pre
sented to the President
From the main entrance of the Cap
itol building a platform had been con
structed reaching out CO feet A se
ries of arches increasing in size start
ed at the Capitol doorway and ended
at the end of the platform. One hun
dred and fifty people were seated on
the platform and from its outer edge
the President addressed briefly the
people gathered in Capitol Park.
At the close of the Preident's ad
dress the party entered carriages
again and were driven for ten minu
tes through the residence portion of
the city to the Masonic Temple. The
Masonfc Temple in Olympia was built
over 50 years ago and was the cradle
of Masonry in the Northwest Within
its walls the first Masonic lodge or
ganized in territory west of the Mis
sissippi river and north of the Colum
bia river, held its sessions. When
the Temple was reached only the Pres
idential party entered. Within they
were greeted by John Arthur, of Se
attle, Grand Master Mason of the State
of Washington, and werepresented to
officers of the Grand Lodge.
Crowd at Tacoma.
Tacama. May 23. The President
called Tacoma the "City tsf Destiny"
yesterday afternoon at Wright Park,
and captured the hearts of 30,000 peo
ple assembled there. Probably not
more than two or three In the 30,000
expected to hear Tacoma's pet name.
The cheering at all time during the
f resident, a BDeecn was inn rt ami nm
longed, but when he reft-rrtnl-to Taco
ma oy tne name dear to the hearts of
ail. true lacomans, the women waved
handkerchiefs frantically, the men
swung their hats and the vonnpstr
screamed with delight The President
was plainly pleased with the hit and
he smiled broadly, causing another
round of vociferous applause.
Piatt Amendment Has Been Accepted in
Its Entirety.
Havana, May 25. The permanent
treaty between the United States and
Cuba, in which is. incorporated all the
provisions of the Piatt amendment,
was signed this afternoon.
The act of signing the treaty took
place at 4:30 o'clock this 'afternoon at
the office of the Secretary of State.
The signers were Secretary of State
Zaldi and United States Minister
Squiers, who were constituted special
plenipotentaries for that purpose.
Senor Zaldo and Mr. Squiers simply
met, accompanied by their secretaries,
and the signing was accomplished,
and copies of the treaty exchanged
within a few minutes.
The permanent treaty contains no
provision for its abrogation, and no
extraneous conditions of any kind. It
simply incorporates the entire Piatt
amendment into the form of a treaty.
The length of time consumed by the
negotiations was principally due to
the fact that Cuban Government de
sired to include in the treaty various
extraneous conditions, especially one
to the effect that there should be no In
tervention in Cuban affairs by trie
United States, except through the ini
tiative of the President of Cuba. All
these conditions were rejected.
Hail Breaks In Roofs.
Salina, Kan., May 25. The worst
hail storm in the history of Salina
visited this place tonight Nearly
every window in the town was broken.
The hail broke through corrugated iron
roofs on the business houses, and the
rain pouring In damaged thousands of
dollars worth of property. After the
hail a severe wind storm came up, tak
ing the roof off the Methodist Church
and doing damage to other small build
ings. A bad storm is reported from the
vicinity of Niles and Pennington,
northwest of Salina. :
Damage by Cloudburst In Ohio.
Cincinnati, 0.,-May 25. Reports to
day show that much damage was done
last night in different parts of the Ohio
Valley by cloud bursts and lightning.
No lives were lost and none was seri
ously injured, but many people were
shocked by lighntlng. The interban
electric lines are still badly disabled.
A car on the Mill Creek Valley line
was struck by lightning and set on fire
at Carthage, and the passengers nar
rowly escaped death, all being un
conscious for a short time.
- Catholics Look to Emperor.
London, May 23. An address te
Emperor William is Deing widely
signed here expressing the hope of the
British Catholics that Germany may
bo entrusted with the protection of
Catholic interests in tha East, and as
suring the emperor that the British
Catholics will labor to remove the mis
understandings between Great Britain
and Germany, and the promotion of
the friendliness of the two countries.
Blaze which Started In a Shoe Factory
Works Destruction of Ons Fourth of
the Town Wind Blowing a Ga!
Less Will Reach $400,000 Origin ol
Fire a Mystery..
St. Hyacinths, Quebec, May 22. A
fire today in the shoo iactory of Cote
Bros, destroyed that and half a dozen
other industries and 250 houses, leav
ing nearly a qnattor of the city's
placed at 1 400,000.
Nobody knows how the fire ttttted.
When it was first noticed, it had ae.
cured a firm grip upon the Cote factory.
ifie wind was blowing hair gale at
the time, and the bnildinea in tha Im.
mediate vicinity were of such a char
acter as to fall easy prey to the flames.
The burned district ia practically the
same as that destroyed in 1878. The
river Yamasaka flows through the town
in the thape of a letter V. St. Antninn
street tuns a ions the ton of the V and
practicaly everything south of that
street was burned.
Thermometer Below Zero, with Killing
Frosts Prevailing.
Butte, Mont, May 22. Ten feet of
snow is reported from Contte, Mont.,
near the international boundary, today.
and the thermometer is ranging from 4
to tt degrees below zero. Traffic on the
Great Northern is seriously interfered
with, and the trains are being operated
only nnder the greatest difficulty. The
cuts of the road are filled with drifted
Conservative estimates tonight place
the loss of atock at about $2,000,000.
and the number of head of stock lost is
figured at abont 90,000. This loss will
be swelled by the ruination of the fruit
crop throughout Northern Montana,
which it is understood, is a total fail
ure. The storm was followed by frost of
the most damaging kind, and all garden
stuffs have felt its effects. The Mis
souri river is rising rapidly, and the
ranchers are leaving the lowlands in
anticipation of a disastrous flood.
France Said to Ba Planning Coup "White
. Attention la Dhttracte4 t North. -
Victoria, B. C, May 22. Alfred
Cunningham, manager of the Hong
Kong Daily Press, a passenger on the
Kaga Maru, which anived last night,
said in an interview here that Japanese
journalists do not regard Russia's action
in fliancnuria as surprising cr unantici
pated. Mr. Cunningham says that
while attention is being maintained in
the north by Russian aggreesion, a mat
ter of far greater importance to Ameri
ca, Britain and Japan is being over
looked in the south ; that is the aggres
sion of France in the Southern prov
inces. Mr. Cunningham is of the opinion
that France and Russia are acting in
concert, the former in the north and
the latter in the south. He says
France has bribed the officials of
Kwaiigsi and is waiting the opportunity
to ponr troops into that province. The
south, said Mr. Cunningham, is now
on the verge of a far greater interna
tional crisis than that now on n the
north. At present the rebellion in
Kwangsi is practically brigandage on a
large scale.
The rebellion in South China, he
said, is another factor. Thero is no
doubt but that the reformers have or
ganized the brigands and a rebellion
which will be far greater than the Tai-
ping lebellion ever was will break ont
before long in South China. Large
quantities of arms are being shipped
in to the rebels, chiefly from the United
States, and headed by the reformers a
movement will break out pro-foieign in
its nature, to overthrow the empress
dowager and reinstate Kwang Su.
Let Lighted Lamp Fall.
Lincoln, Neb., May 22. Fire that
broke out shortly before noon in the
Biownell block, a four story office
buildinggutted that etruoture, . caur
ing a loss estimated at $125,000, and
lor a time threatened surrounding prop
erty. The fire Etarted in the cellar of
a grocery store by a clerk dropping a
lighted lamp which caught a large pile
of straw used for packing. Fifteen
firemen were overcome temporarily by
smoke and the intense heat and taken
to the hospital, but it is not believed
the condition of any of them ia serious.
Umpire Is Named.
Northfield. Vt.. May 22. Frank
Plumley has received notice from the
secretary of state of his appointment
as umpire of the British-Venezuelan
and Holland-Venezuelan claims com
missions, to sit in Caracas June 1. Mr.
Plumley has accepted the position. He
will leave for Washington this morn
ing, and will Bail for Venezuela Satur
day. He was formerly United States
attorney tor this district. He is the
judge of the court of claims.
New Folder of Northern Pacific.
The Northern Pacific hag just issued
a handsome Yellowstone park folder,
descriptive of the trip through that
park, and also dealing with Alaska and
coast excursion points. The folder is
designed" to answer some questions
that always arise during the excursion
season. The Yellowstone park season
is formally opened on June 1, and the
first train for the park will leave coast
terminals on the day previous.