March, tril, May An There is a best time for doing ricrj unrig mat is, a time when a Uui can. bo done to the best ad vantapre, most easily and most ef. iecuveiy. jsow 13 the best time lor runfyinff Your blood. Whv I.ecause your system ia now'trying w puiuy n you kjiow mis by the tuipics ana ouier eruptions that ave come on your face and body Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Are the medicines to take they do uie worn thoroughly and agreeably ana never iaa to do It. Hood's are the medicines yoa tave always heard recommended. tli cannot rwomitifnit Hood's Sar'ararili,, too hirhlT a a sprine rorilicine. W hen ara - tn!t it in h pniif wp all feel better through summer. " Mas. S. If. Nkju, JlcCrars. 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. Undoubtedly. Bops I love George from the bottom of my heart. Tew But of course there is plenty 01 room at trie top. GOOD ;SbortQtorie$i , Danger la 'Rational Dress." A woman's Hghta woman, wearing "rational costume," was arrested and roughly handled by a Weimar (Ger many) policeman, who thought her a man ia woman's clothes. Charcoal Eph'a Dally Thought. "I knows er man In de rex' block. said Charcoal Eph, touching op the off muie, oat prance aroun an' mek him self mouty graceful, an' yo cyan't ha'd- ly tell hat fambly he belongs to ontwell yo'-heah him brav. IVv am lots ob diffance 'twixt er jackass an' er fawn, ilistah Jackson." Baltimore INewa. " - ' . . Tenacious' Memory. ' "There goes a man who never forgets a ravot," says our friend, indicating a etern-jawed individual who was crossing me street. ; . .-. . ... "That is a commendable qual " we Dfgin, but our friend wteriUDts with: "Especially when it is a favor he has done for some one else." Judge. Looking In the Wrong Place. "Is he a yonng man of - brains?" in inqnired an old gentleman respecting a eweii youtn. - "Well, really," replied the daughter, i nave naa no opportunity of ludeine, I never met him anywhere except'in society." nu-sits. A CJoIdcn Opportunity. Cobwigger I would prefer a literary life, bnt as I have business ability, 1 owe it to myself to go into trade. Merritt If you have the business instinct yon can make more money at literature than anything else. Judge. Justifiable. "Johnson writes that he has just killed the hero in his new novel." "Wellj he needn't worry over that the jury will acquit him." Atlanta Constitution. Proved. "At any rate," he said, as he mailed a check to a San Francisco cred- itcr, "it can't be denied that I am able to make a little money go a long way." cnicago Evening Journal. The other night an Irishman accost ed a gentleman on the street wlta a request for the time. The gentleman, suspecting that Tat wished to snatch his watch, gave hhu a stinging rap on the nose, with"' the remark: "It has just struck one." ''Be J a be re," re torted Pat, "OVm glad Ol didn't ax yees an ;hour ago!" It ia related that a certain promi nent politician recently left his um brella In the stand at his hotel In Washington, D. O, with the following Inscription attached to It: "This um brella belongs to a man who can deal blow of two hundred and fifty pounds weight I shall be hack In ten minutes," On returnlns to seek his property he found in Its place a card thus inscribed: "This card was loft by a man who can run twelve miles an honr. I shall not be back." During an engagement In the Trans vaal war'General De Wet was amused by n' Jew wIid came up to a burgher who was lying behind a stone ou a piece of ground where bowlders were scarce. "Sell me that stone for half a crown r whined the Jew. "Get outr the Boer cried; "I want It myself." "I will give you fifteen shillings." Insist ed the Jew. De Wet adds that al though the Boer had never before pos sessed anything that had risen In value with such surprising rapidity, at that moment he was anything but ready to of letters are pouring in from grateful An Ideal .ten's IMcteaJ NAMEs ofjn you Preside roowtu h rUcl Check L'naa an Abaurd Practice. One reform In the conduct of the In- alan bureau which has been Inaucu ""KsTby President Roosevelt will re ceive universal approval. He has re cently Issued an order regarding the names given to Indiana In school and on th official record. It Is well kuown that the name btistowed upon the Indian on hts entrance Into the vestibule 0f civilisation Is commonly a matter of foolish caprice on the part Of S01US a?tnt or trnrlu-r r nth.r white person. It Is a common trick to call young Indians at school after some famous or notorious persons. The "niggles xf the young aborlirlne are often added to hy the necessity of bearing through life the name of Ottn Van Bismarck or lloorge Francis Train or Belva Lock wood or Carrie Nation or some other equally well-known per son. Often the straggler relapses Into uarnarism under the mere welcht of tills odious Necessity. Still Other vminir Imllan arm 325 SO. ColIeM St, NashviHe, denJ wth false and Ignorant English Terra., of Lydia E Piakham's I?? ,t! 009 of th nau,ea lv - jinruij, line 1'VK-lUlll-WUIUyS- Around or Hole-In-the-Day (this great inuian s name should really have been translated Eclipse), or Old-Man-Afrald- or-ms-ilorses. and so ou. - with nmniw bother and another, the Tnmiir li. ie'S Cultivation of th Orchid. An authority on tho oichld says in amateur cultivator often faila, not so much through want ol attention, but through over attention and a disregard of nature and her laws. 1 1 1 nmuiMi Ilia titer Ant (a ' allw arst !' nwnf r Hll'ii.i N a. a.aU.Kwa.La.taUrtnSt.l'liillluLira So says Airs. Josle Irwin, of Vegetable Compoand. Never In the history of medicine has tne aemana lor one particular remedy tur ii:aiiu diseases eauaiioa that at. i:. PiDkhnm's 4Kljt.l'liiUJltuai Justifiable Hsughtcur. isuuiio Have you nothln t ) i . .. I'muu oir lVllelono Yes. I'm nmml l..f hawn't any false pride. Plso i Cure Ri a remedy for coughs, colds ami oontuniption. Tryk l'rloe -ii muU. at druggists. For This Runaway, JiO. Chief of Police Ansten, o Birmlng- am, Aia., wrote to the im . nf n York offering a reward of 110 for the arrest of 17-year old Charles Verdell, Ik ..... .... I. . K , .. - a.T, wiiotii ne ueserioes as noc-need, having flat nose, bumpy face and black dew arara on t ha snm 01 one leg." t 111IST talned by Lrdia Vegetable Compound, and never during the lifetime of this wonderful meuicine nas me aemana lor it been so great as it is to-tlay, From the Atlantic to the Paoifia. and throughout the length and breadth of this great continent come the clad 111! . . . . p luunirs 01 womana surrerinm rIiinwt by it, and thousands upon thousands drive a bargain with the Jew, and withournny hesitation he positively declined to do business. It Is said that during the civil war W endell rhUlips was spending a day at a hotel in Springfield, Mass., when a "copperhead" guest entered into a con versation with him, not knowing who ne was. After violently anathema Us lng all abolitionists, and especially Mr. rnimps, the gentleman added: "And, by the way, I see that Wendell rhil- Hps name is on the hotel register. "ies," said the latter, with an air of utter unconcern; "I wrote It there." airs. Bowen, wife of Herbert W. Bowen, United States Minister to Ven ezuela, who Is acting as Venezuelan commissioner, was, before she was married, a Galveston glrL Their wed ding took place in Caracas, and soon afterward. It Is said, a revolutionary army and a government army met bv cnanee on a mountain behind the Unit ed States legation, which Is located In the environs of Caaacas. When the Mausers began to pop and the flash of the rifles showed red on the verdant hillside, Mrs. Bowen rushed out to the piazza, where Mr. Bowen, long before Inured to the warfare of the caliber continuously served up In Venezuela, was unconcernedly nufflnor a i.irF n ny. wnat is the matterr she asked. and glanced apprehensively toward the souna or firing. 'Oh. only a battle." air. Bowen replied. "But are we not in danger?" women savin ir that It will and ivkI. lively does cure the worst fnrma lemaie complaints. Mrs. riniham invites all wo men who are puzzled about their health to write her at Lynn, iuttsuh, ior auvice. such corre spoudence Is seen by women only, anu no cnarge is made. Ready to Begin Studying. Mamma," said Resinald. "we had historv today and the teacher said we anJ famUy names-but designation has aians way in civilisation Is likely to be seriously obstructed hr his name. , And even If he la clven a simple and reasonable English name it orten Happens that a different sur name Is given to each one of the ehll. drcn of the same Daren ta a nm.a which results In confusion In matter of Inheritance and paves the way for much litigation. The President now desires that ehll. dren who enter schools or go unon the agents' rolls shall, whenever It Is prac ticable, preserve as alven nam h Indian names that have been riven I them, but shall receive as a surname 1 the name of their father. This intro duces a new principle. The IndlHna have never had patronymics. They have had matronymlcs olan nam., We ftlfw On Hundred boll an toward foran . kskt A Ce Pror , Toledo. O. . . , . - iiaw.'iHiiiH anil ni. aily carry outaur oUliialU.iia mJa should study the Greeks." Then do so, my son," encouraged mamma. Well, mamma, the nearest Greeks keep a candy stall, and if you'll give me a dime I'll go around and study them." Chicago News. seldom run with them In the paternal line. THE LABORER AND HIS HIRE. fc " 'aiwi mad Wist A TarAt. . Wh.laale Pruniita, Toledo, . Hl'ar...I;5??!"a4 Toledo, a "ilrectiyooih blmi.1 and nuauu. ...i . J Tuiam. Prlca ?Se per bia. gM tYJi raajti.ta. Tea II moolah tre. ' Uail'a family Hilt ara tha bs.1. Qreat Saving of Electricity. A novel scheme has recently been evalved by which a train will not only be lighted by electricity, but tho power will be obtained by a rotary fan at tached to the front end of the locomo- t ve. Tests have shown that on an average train five cars can be illuml mted in a night, and that the battery in the morning will have nearly its maximum charge of electricity. Tired Out " I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Then 1 tried Aycr'a Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to make me feel perfectly well." Mn. N. S. Swln ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up. tired &1I the time. Why ?s Your blood is Im- ?ure, that's the reason, ou arc living on the border line of nerve ex haustion. Take Aycr's Sarsaparilla ana be quickly cured. iMinh a.roa. Tiuiat Ouud. tlaa JOHN I00Ln, IHlRTt-AND, 0RU. ... I not Morrt.n btrtat. tan rtva you the heat barRa!tii In Tlotlers ral Mariilliory, Wmt Xawln Mavhluaa paolalir. Ka ti Iwior Uuri'it la,uwl AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS Ail ?or 4ixtttr what ha tltlnkt at Ar.r'i Sr..prni, i. kuitiM all nlmui Hit amid la f.i.ill j mlinua. JTwUua Si adftva aai a i. M. Araa Co., Lawall, ttaas. Mia Insomnia Completely Csrcd. "Thoy tell me you have cured vour. self of chronic inrumnta," es, I'm completely cured." "Jt must be a great relief." "Relief? I si o ihi say it was! Why. lie awake halt the nisht think 1. a how I need to suffer from it." Areild mbjaot to tp. pruval and at a prh that will analila you to make aiwnl profit on a law etiwa. The elaana.t, (alrvat ma etilna In all lha .-...l.l Rtrongvatln ALL theao xluti thai any oihar.vU: Cloae Skltnmlof . flaiy Claana f. Light Running. Dyrablllty, Wrlta for fraa ralalogua. MITCHELL, LEWIS a STIVER 10. PORTLAND. Ora. . SPOKANU, W.h. HOI8B, Idabe Won Medal, farli, jwo, Mothers will Una Mrs. mnsloff's 8ooth. K vruo the baat ranitl ta naa inr ih.,r Shlldrou during Uaa iMthlug pariod. In Squeaky. A littlo three-year-old miss while her X"V IE8TF01TII I011L8 ! If jrm tatun i a rvaular, SfiaHh? woraaiaiit ef M i at d.r, u ta aiofe. i,t will Iw. kw, rwl avwi inn. ami ha watt, t'uroa. In tlwaiiaiwuf ikmmih. l danifv. mother was trvintr to a-xt hr tn al.u.n W""ii. aa.l... wnat hi t. war ul I m Klw, auiat ana waaai wiaaa oecaiue nuereeieu in a peculiar noli and asked what it was. "A cricket, dear," replied ler mother. "Well," remarked the little lady, "he ought tog.4 hlmtelt piled." Young People's Taper, How It May Be Done. 'Do you think it is really possible to support a family on 110 a week?" said the woman with a worried look i her eye. 'Certainly," answered the business. like fiiend. "The experiment may te maue quite remunerative if one unlj bas the knack of writing magazine ar ucies arwut it." Washington Star. A Good Description. Speaking of a fat man, George Eliot earn: "At first glance he appeared consist of two rpheres, bearing abmt tha same relation to each other as the Mr. Bowen assured her SUQ anl the moon, the lower one being ABSOLUTE SpiTY, Genuine arter s I4ttle Liver Pills. GSust Bear Signature of ee Facsimile Wrapper Below. Tcary a stall amd aa easy lelake as aagaa. FCS HEADACHE. rca dizziness rCS BlUOUSSESla F03 TC3P13 LIVER. FOR CCXSTIPATI3S. rca sallow skix. rORTKECOSSPLLXlCa i ijm catKLVCB iiuatawityDaAmiit. J its canti I Irely.VeyetaWfiia CARTERS W 1 Juuujjiiueuiiuju CURE SICK HEADACHE. or me mna nature of the battles, and. hoot thirteen times larger than the aitnougn it was the first time she had other, which naturally performed the oeen unaer nre," she returned com- lQnctI0n satellite.." plaeently to her needlework and never arter allowed the scarps nhnnt v.,.. wu. a ezueian "wars and "battles" turb her. to per- SL'CCEEDINJ IN LIFE. What Maw Sava. Maw aay I'll never 'mount to much. An gen'rally maw'a riirht. I Dever seem to eit in toui'h With things, jest like I mW.h Maw eays to me the other dar: -, (Maw's sixty in her Drimel "U'K.l r . muaea juu iooi your tiuie away A-fitiliin' all tha flmoVi Maw says to me: "How old be youi" I sorter hune my head. Von know I'm nearly fortv-two. An' Maw knows, too. She'a fed An' clothed me now for quite a swlL I never earned a dime. A felier can't-do uothin' well. A-fishin' all the time. Some day I'm goln' to go to work. An' make a lot o' money. Well, say, you needn't smile an' smirks It ain't so gol denied funny. Worre folks than me has made their nile, ing, save it be unsightly holes calline attention 10 ine aosence ol teeth. This Wise Bros., of Portland, Say Good Teetl ' are Most Important. fkever before has there been so much attention paid to personal appearance as now The universal prosperity of the na tion at large seems to emphas;ze the importance of success, and the appear ance of success. Pleasing dress, im maculate linen, being well Broomed and above all showing; a fine set ni white teeth, are absolutely essential tc tee man or woman who desires to be considered anybody. betting aside the great Question of the convenience and utility of good teeth, and the pain always involved when tbey are neglected, it is better bv far to take good care of the teeth mere ly as a wise policy in life helping you to succeed. What look worse than yel low, amy or misshapen teeth? Noth An loafin am t no crime. An when I'm rich I'll rest awhile. An' fish the whole denied time. Leslie's Monthly. practical consideration of good looks in man, and beauty in woman, is the chief cause why modern dentists are increas ing their practice a thousand fold. To meet the awakening of people to Might Have Been Worse. An Enelishmnn was travelling fmm London to Edinburgh In a first-class im 8rowin& necessity of keeping the I These two great Hardiflsf Fnnwa Farmer and Deal- ......... er M Brome TlfinTUV GraM 18 wonderful in a I I f I II I H I d country. My Timo I I til U I II I thy la simply nnequaled Finest in II. S quallt?- for iilt!Vil ?rices Md unples de livered in your town. . G. S. MANNf the SEEDMAN. J84 Front St., Portland, Oregon Will alao send yon at itm time aam plea and prioea of my great epecialtiea. IOKir.d3fsr 16c. It Is a fact thatualzer'a seeds ara found In vragtuucusBuu on moremrms than- ruiy inner in Am.rica. There is T reason for this. We own .nil nrX rate ovr 6000 acres for the produo- tlon of our choice seeds. In order to , mauce yoa 10 ir j tnem we make I , the following unprecedented, olierf i l: For 16 Cents Postpaid Ai i". w.oa.n bi .mom, , ', fU : tiVMrlM.lrtUnrut.UM, ti nrm Inielou rl, Jf S.f K0.ple.ilM bmt Hrti7 ' i f i.n.o.i, HWIIil lower md, V hi all 10 kinds positively furnishiiur ',. buslmln of ciiarmuijf flower, and loU i-, and lots o( choi rentable., toc!a-rf! er with our great eauiogue telling all if H about Miaroni Wlieat'uilll.Vnol. tHp i?' "rfi1 Tenslnie, Bromu., Spelti,"! f i;'11 ,or 0BlT lit' la stamps and ' to IUUV. . . Oulo. eed at kat 60s. a poa.4. . yunn v salzer SEED C0 'S La Croiss, Wit. I v ,,,vivj j p compartment, which he was fortunate in having all to himself. In the bliss of perfect privacy he had spread his belongings out all over the carriage bags, coat, hat, umbrella, luncheon basket occupying every inch of the sitting accommodation. Just as the i train was leaving the station at New castle a big, broad-shouldered, well-to-do cattle salesman, panting hard after a race to the station, opened the car riage door and Jumped in. He flopped ; down on the seat opposite to the Eng- nsnman, ana immediately, feeling that there was something between him and the cushion, pulled out from under him a silk hat, crushed flat A look of an guish was on the Englishman's face. : "I'm sure," he said, "you might have been a little more careful! You might have looked before you sat down." ' - ' , "Ay, I'm rale sorry," said the burly cattleman, "but It mlcht ha' been waurl" i "How could It possibly have been worse?" retorted the Englishman, gaz ing ruefully at his headgear. "It micht hnbeen ma aln hat!" was : the reply ; Not' Quite What He Meant. The man who thought he had the knack of saying pleasant things calcu lated to warm the cockles of the oldest . iieart was revisiting the town In which I he bad spent a summer twenty years , ueiore. "I'm Miss Mears. I didn't know, as ; you recall me," sall a coquettish eld ! erly spinster, approaching him In the ! post office the day after his arrival. j The ready heart-warmer turned with , his most beaming smile and wrung her nana. , "Recall yon!" he echoed, reproachful ly. "As if one could help it. Miss Mears! Why, you are one of the land marks of the town!" teeth in good order, dental surgery has taken great strides in advance. No better example of the completely equip- pej nignest-graae aentai onice could be cited than that of the famous Wiee Bros., in the Failing Building, Port- tend, Oregon. A visit to this establish ment the next time you are in Portland will show you the truth of what is here said. Wise Brothers receive callers and tell them what is necessary to do to their teeth, and the expense, before you start tne work. All dental work done by this firm is absolutely painless, and the charges are extremely moder ate. It costs nothing to investigate the matter ior yourself, anyway. Yoa can rest assured, at all events j . i . uuw-a-uayrj, wiai a woman, or a man, wuu anuwB ma, or ner, teem to be an eyesore to everyone they meet, will not nave nan a cnance to succeed in life.. After all, peace is about the only thing worth fighting for. Join the Pretzel VarnUhers' Union. Hanover I never see you at work nowadays, Milletr? -. JHHieti ro, l was thrown out of employment when the fashion of col oring meerschaums went out. Boston .transcript. .... World's Largest Organ. ." The largest organ is in Sydney 'own hall. It has 10,000 pipes, 126 speak ing stops ana is blown by a 15-horse power gas engine. Not Well Received. Sunday School Teacher (poetically) Yes, heaven sends the beautiful snow and the crystal ice. . Tommy Yes, I told pa dat when he supped down de ntber mornin' an' he licked me. Definite. Two colored women met on the cor ner, and the following dialogue took place: "Hullo, Lize! Whar yo' gwin-j?" "I ain't gtfine nowha; 1'i-e jes bin wha'.I'se givine." -Co'umbia Jester. Millionaire Who Alwore Par. Wk.. Work la Hone. "Never allow a workuian-to co awav without his pay when it Is due' waa the motto of a millionaire, one of the members of a firm of Jewelers. Th Philadelphia Evening Teleirrayh ex- plains in the Jeweler's own words how he came to adopt the rule. When I first lived In Philadelphia many years ago, he said,. It was a dreadful struggle to keep myself and wife and five children. We lived In one room, the seven of us. Once In a while I got work to do at home nights, i and finally we rented two rooms on a! first floor down the street We lived la the rear room. The front room was a shop, which my wife tended In the daytime, and where I did such repair work as I could eet t( fill nliriif a Tf was a hard struggle. There wasu't much to eut sometimes, and paying the rent was always a fearful eff.u-t One time during this period a mill. ionaire dropped luto my shop and ask- oe to go to uia nouse, get a certain French clock, and repnlf .it. - The n ut was due in three days, with six !ol- lars still laekinz of the sum necessary to pay It. I tramped out and trot tho clock, and spent most of the u.'xt two nights in repairing it. On the eveninz or tne tnird day I tramped back to his House, carrying the thirty -pound clock, which I delivered safely to the but'er. in apout a quarter of an hour he re turned and handed me a twenty-dollar Din, rrom wiilch I was expected to give him thirteen dollars chanire. mv bill being seven dollars. I'had to return it, as I had no money. He left the room again, and shortly returned and told me that his master would call next morning and pay the bill. I was shown out The millionaire didn't call for a week, but the landlord wasn't behind minute. We gave him all the nionev we had, but still owed him three dol- j lars. It was a week before any of us ' seven had a square meal again. I shall ' never forget the dreadful unhapplness experienced during my return from1 the millionaire's house; and I never let a workman whom I owe r?n imnaiit single hour after his money Is due. A Haaty-Lunch Education, There Is much discussion nowadays of the proposition to shorten the course in our colleges to three or even to two years. To those who know that the benefit of a college course !s uot so much in passing a certain number of subjects, as In living a certain length of time In a university atmosphere, tho idea of cutting anything off from the regular four years, except for a few eager and brilliant students. Is suner. ficlal and unconvincing. r-resiaent woodrow Wilson of Princeton Is credited with the wittv remark, "I cannot imagine how nnv. body who ever saw a sophomore could ever thing of graduating one in that condition." . , , That Is a way of pnttlnir It that will appeal to college men. The president of Oberlln College hit the mark with a different sort of projectile, but he hit it in the center. A student asked him If he could not advantageously take a shorter than that prescribed by the currlcfilum. i nil o,-. j .. ouswereu me preHlui'ilt "That depends on what you. want to make of yourself. When God wants to make an oak, He tikes a hundred years; but when He wants to in;ike a squasn He takes but six monthH." Profit In Fxr Tre, A few years ago the balaam fir tree was considered one of the most worth less of forest trees, but since the growth of the Christmas tree Industry it nas taaen on an added value. The contractors pry from three to four cents apiece for the larger ones. This price seems Insignificant, when taken alone, but when It is considered that from 3,000 to 4,000 trees will grow on an acre and (hut the trees can be raised on land worthless for anything else, it is a different story. When some people want to praise a baby, they say, "Why, you wouldn't know there was a baby In the house!" With th old auretr St. Jacobs Oil to cure Lumbago and Sciatica There la no ch word fait. Pricai, 95. and JOo. rmm'.T'rTTTTW"t""'""TT a r Shoes ; wa w ivuiiu Jack Knife Ak your d.'aWr for the Jack 4 Knife Shot. Every boy gets a j pocket knife with his pair of 2 snon. ixu weald? mi ci. ruior 4 tied knives. 4 I KRAUSE & PRINCE, Wholesalers, 87-5? First St., Portland, Or. t V-f 1 ..Scarcely a Day.. raaaeTtMit we ara railed upon to rfortn ' some illilli'iilt denial operation that Is the direct rratiltof iii'iclcctlii tr.e teeth. Wee limit urire too eimtiKly the binetlt and ecoiiiiiiiy uf coiisuIHiik a ilntitlst at It e very llrxt ultfii of tiM.tb trouble. At the start thcaa trouble, are inrrerteit quick! v ami at small eimt. tur methods aie am lets ami our work iruaraiiteeil Both 'phones: Oregon .Sititti 'J."J1 Cdlii hi 1)1 a aw. )pn uvenlnas till v. Huuila) 1 1 rum 9 to li. Or. W. A. Wine Faasant. P.lntnMa, t1Mnt TuteOoor tVf pewrMicaea Weaken, or Urliv mo, S Wflt i"i iiv. Mnii . wn pMumia BMiia Auaraaa awrtfaa Swsi rsaaa, ialwaa. lum, Sea laia. Mat KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAO 5 I Oouefaa auAii. mm pi mmlr Uooivmr W,H (llmnjl mmwH Vooeaai aioaia Ihmn auty mitm mmmtfmott'mf in ihm w3. 525,000 EEWAED rill h pnl t to n,nn. who caa atspruve una .lulaiiMul. Hooausia W. I.. IVwglas jHtlielttrgiHtuiamificturr ho ran buy cheaper and pnxlmo liU Ihhs at a Uwr riwt than othnr con cerus. wlili lt crmMia him to anil sliiH'i fr f 3.50 and saw cwiutw in every way to thiMA aol1 e!. wlniruforftanl ?3.J0, The Domrlaa nmi w,.. Umwr lima any oiler t ma. . In th. wcld. ! - ' " " mnr tha doulnwl tha it Am. iwi hi i "i2 erooa It. auperUiHty. nut ' ,W' h !uUa aha a U tal aud aaa awr! ?i r." "aoriialeai ai'.aori,a.rt,ai Alnnte.H,,aa.TlnKoarVaAt. orth 1M0 OomiMirad wltn Othar Makaa. ' M Immr.m ami Am,,lcan IratHtH, AWa Jwaal Calf. Inamtl, 0 Calf, Coif, rf eV CugM Wt, and National Kangaroo, fatt Color t ttlrta. ly3UUUU turn, aud prtca aouutmt ea UdfiSa, Bktti ( mail, V. ttira, lt!u$. fataloa rtr. 17. I Juuiuiva. uuock.-1'wa, at Aa. Iff WISE BROS., Dentists. ''9,VVk!'u,,,,w ' ur. IhlrJ auJ W ashluijUiu at. POltTLANO. OREGON. The Difference. '91 What are yon running for, Wally? You muet be training for a sprint. '93 Nope; jutt sprinting fora train. -Cornell Widow. Identified by Tattoo Marks. Tell-tale tattoo marks recording their i cunHiany in love luentinea two prison ers in North London recently as desert ers. "I love Lottie Carton," confessed the left arm of one, while the other man bore the initial letters of the name of the object of his affections. With a Little Whlakey. Lemon juice may do to destroy ty phoid fever germs in water until some scientist rises to tell us what sort of deadly germs infest lemon juice. For Monument to Zola. The Emile Zola literary and benevo lent association ol New York, organized with the consent of the French novelet.. four years ago at the time of his de-; fnno. f T I - 1.. in I . j viibo ui uyi. Areyiuo, Will glVO a . P. N. U, weea's lair at tne urand Centtal palace Jj. in iMovemoer to raise funds fora monu ment to Zola. InicoholJ V,;omrrr8u Q WpIUlTJl PORTLAND, OR. 1 f Tobacco 1 I ; h Using r-- ra-T??,.! No. Mtvo.t. Y'IIKN wrltlns; to advertisers plaaea) If tnentloa tula papar. . ' L ii I? l-,.,, ..,, n,.!.i!i . Agelablc Prcparallonfor As similating IlieFoodflndBegula ling ihe Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.CheerPur ness andReshContains neilher Opum.Morphine nor Mineral, ISor Narcotic. Jbafie afOUVt&MUELFtTQm Amptut Sent' MxJmnu AmteSatt hfrmSrxd Cfnnfud Aimr hinmyrmn Haw. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa lion, Sour StoinachiDiarrhoea Worms .Convulr.ions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YD17K. ,.i,.- exact copy or wrapper. J Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over 30 yearsl has borne tha rmntnr and has been made under Ills ncr MTtZfa oonal Bupervlslon slnco Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jast-as-pood" are bat Experiments that trifle vlih and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What is CASTOR8A Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Faro- f goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Xarcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, rcrnilates the A Stomach and Bowels, glvinir healthy and natural slocm. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CEWUiriE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM( osntaub eoMMH. r uuBaaT araicT, New voaa orrr.