THB VrreUL.JlNV'iLNfl PAPER . m OF-OILLUM COUNTY; ' ' I'uUUhwJ Every Thursday bf . S A, PttIon Jailor and Proprietor.-' , UltlCRIfTIOK liATfci. Ons year (In advance) ,......, .;. II nut iii in advance f j oo Hltmoiilhi ,, , 1.00 Three mniithi,,., , ..s', ,M WHlle tuple. , ,06 GLOB vol; XIII. j CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OIIEGON, TIIUKSDAY, AP1UL 2, 1903. NO. 4. CP ANY PAPEX IN TK2 CCLNTY. . AtVECTlSItf EATi. . PTOlBCiioBtl CArO I lOO r mnnl!. On. qura , l.Wpermonta TJne-quwrtereolunin , ,, permoatu One-half column t oo rr ,,, one column 10.00 w ..,. n. L Btiiinen. txIi will becharg.! at lo cpnfs r--r ("" Cn mrtion nd mow per Hue nlvertiwmenu will la Bit eaw cnf(rel to ih party ordering ttiem, at U-imt nu, cad paid for before affidavit 1 f urul.hej. WhiteEland f A Tala cf tha Early Settlers ci Louisiana. I OY AUSTIN C. BURDICK CHAPTER XlVContlnued) "Sluiou Lolol," alia said, in a frcoalai tune, Mar ma from our profession of love, for they ouly mid to my-uilwry. Now anwer me a solemn quetlun; Where U tujr brtthor?' '. "Your brother 7" KImon uttered, start log la spite of himself. -What should I know of himV Mlt do too not know of Mnr ahe kd, ItMiklfif hliu tcndil In iy. "I do not." Hut ha troubled bile b pok; h could nut hnlji It. "Hut you know bo wa nrlxwl by tbt IndiNUi on tb samt night that I waa," "Uow aliould I kiiowT" "Nluion, It U atrnngo tbat you havt ner om-a akix m voucornlng th eveut of ujy abducilim!" "I-kl-a-hava bnd though Mo think of without -that My luva for you bit nroci my.erpry tUougbt, and clalmi-d my whole attention." . . . . "Thin you know nuthlnar of hlmr'-"I-l why, how on earth ehoubj IT" "Nerer tulnd. If you do not, tht-n that la enouj(h. Now, apiiolnt the time for the wedding wk you will." "It ahall be thl very day." "Aa you will. If It mnt be ao. fare not for tlini'. Ili-uvcfurth all Uuioa are alike to me." "Ay, awct Uule, H of Joy. "Ywa-eut-h Jy aa the loat child IMe in tne deep wood; auch Joy aa the poor orphan tnlt when he atonda by the cold corpae of her dead pari'iita!" "NoiucriM"! Hut come; you ahall find butter quartera than theae," So Simon Ixboli led bl promlaed bride forth from the priaou hoimo back to the dwelling from whence alio had been tak en on the prevluua nlKht, and then he went out to bunt up ame more fitting garb for her to wear, lie went to (he (lovcrnnr, and there be eucceedod in pur chairing a aultable habit. It waa a dreaa made after the faahlou of the tltnea, of pale blue allk with acarlot facing, ami worked with allvcr lace and thread. It belonged originally to one of I'cricr'a daughter, but ahe bad nercr yet wmu It, It having been made for her wedding d -en, and her lover dying on the ere of marriage. The dreaa fitted LouUe to a fault, an 1 when thua prepared, ahe auffered herself to ih led to the church, for Simon had determined that there should be no aub amrueiit queatlun about the legality of hil marriage. When they entered the rude thurvh they found quite a nirutbea vl people culltH-led, and the aged prleat waa therei In hla robea. The poor glrl'a head ached, and when ahe atood U'fore the orient kh trmuhlixl violently, and even Simon waa etntllld wnen ue aaw now pale ahe looked. (o on," ahe . wblMpered. "O, go on, and let mo out from here, or I ahnll die:' The prleat commenced the ort:nony, and Simon anawvred the queatlon dla tlnctly. Then the holy may fume J to the bride, and h aaked her the umnl question. She looked up, and in a faint, forced voice, ahe replied: "To tho bt of my abllltica will do all tlila." What more could human law require? . Kven Simon wn aurprised, for he had feared ahe would heaitate. Jtut ho knew not how nick and faint h waa, and that alio might have answered thu promptly In order to hnaten the ceremnuv. fur nht wanted freeh air. Tho ceremony waa tin lhed, and the nuptiul tie had- been form ed, and thu marrlnKe wna registered lu the great parchment book of the cl,-rk. The fee wua (mil, and then. the bride groom turned away.' "In heaven' name, my wife," cried Simon, aa they reached the open air, "what U the niat.'er? What la it that thii ttfTucta ymtJ" "O, I nm all alck aa death! w the faint reply. "Hasten hasten . to our home, or I shall fail and aiuk by the wayaldel" .-. Simon aaw that hla companion spo' e the truth, and with quick atepa he hur ried on, aometimes bearing hij bride in hla arms, mid. mum helping her to walk. At length 'they.' reached their dwelling, and Loppa waa at once acnt for the phy aliliin. The old man came, and at a glance he aw that hi patient had a re lapse of her fever, mid tlila time ho jjhook hi head n he remarked: " ' ' "We can't drive it off thla time, Mon nl.'tir Loboia. It I firmly son ted,, nod must have It run. Hut the lady ha a Bound constitution, so you need, appre hend no danger, Hut alio haa not fol lowed my directions, I nm aure, or eho would not thu have sunk. Una ahe had the nutritious food I ordered'" Ninon Btaiinncred out n reply to the efr feet that the negro woman might .havo neglected It." (, ' . . The phyalelun dealt out hla nqdIcino, and having given directions for the care of hla patient, he retired. Simon pro cured for his wife another attendant, go as to have two of them, and then he In formed Louise that his. business called him up the river. "To the chateau?" asked she, faintly. "Yes. I waa lu hopes that you would have nccompnnlod me, but that Is now Impossible, However, I must go, though I shall return as soon aa nossihln " "And what will you toll my father?" "Simply that you are my wife. Of course I shall explain how I rescued you from the savages, and how, In. return, I claimed your band. . Hut I have prepared the beat of care for yon during my ab sence, and you shall not want for any thing. The physician will beregular in hla visits, and I hope to find you Well when I return." The Invalid betrayed no sorrow at tha departure of her husband, nor did she exhibit any extended signs of deep affec tion at his adieu. She closed her eyes as he spoke the parting words, nor did he open them again until old Loppa came and whispered in her ear that her hus band was gone, ... . i ,t, -I -i CnACXBB XV.-. Up and down the wide walk In the gar den paced Brion St. Jullcn, and Ooupart pt. uems. xne ow mon was pale and wan, and hla atepa were snort and trem ulous. The allrerr atreaka jieemal tA have multiplied themselvca upon hla bead, and surely many, a, deep Hue of care waa added to bis b'row. St. Dmiia looked not so pale, but a sorrowful look waa upon ma race, and in lit dark, N n brown ey dwelt a melancholy light, auch aa could only com from a bruised and bleeding heart Ills hsuds were folded upon hla bosom; his ey, bent upon the ground, wnue witmn fels own ttout arm waa locked tbat of his companion. "W can Btlrch no more." said the marquis, In a broken voice. "They must elthiif have lxwn alatn ap i.I. tmrna awa off to tha far homa of tha Chickasaw." "And do you think old Tony s report can be relied upon?" aaked (Joupart. "lea. lia says h Is sure, and ir ue feel so, then It Is so." "Then our only bop Is la enlisting tha whola Kri'nrh fnrca in our bohalf. for ! thewi uoickasaws ara a powerful, war- lib A tiiiki ilsa at n I aa.. aaatall Aannill "Ah, wa cannot do that" returned tha marnul. aadlv. "Tha Ooveroor. 1'arler. I not a warm friend of mine. Ha had act hi eye upon this place before I bought It Bud be meant to have gained it free of coat He darea not ahow open hostility to me, but ha would not help "Then." aald (Iminart. "I will mvaolf go in acarch, even though I disguise my self lu the outer semblance of tne red man." Hut tha marquis ahook hla bead dull .ously at thla. "o. no ha aaM "V.n wnndl ' throw away your own life, and than I annum bo left an aioua. I could not live, Uoupart, if you, too, were gone. Alas! what of life la left to either of na now! I had lust a-n tha ooenlna of life's promise the budding of my soul's great nope wnen mis a rear naionigni earner1; For a while after thla they walked on In silence. All search bad been made that could tie planned with reason, but in train. )li4 T..n wtin mmm nllik nf wit and who had pot forgotten the wild Ufa or bia youtn, had followed tne trail or the marauder a distance of forty mllea, and there ha lost It upon a branch of tne Ticitran. Thl trail led in a aoutn enaterly direction, so tne bereaved cns hsil not a thailnw nf itnnlit that fillla and I-oulse had been taken to the distant homes of the Chlckasawa. , The day wa drawing near to its close when oua of the female domestics rushed Into the sitting room and announced that Simon Loboi waa coming. Uoth the marqula and Ht Den la started to their reet, ana gated upon eacn oincr earntat Ir. - "0." ottered tha old man. "I wlb. I knew that Simon was Innocent of all crime In thla." Tha worda were spoken with strong, sudden emotion, and show ed that tha speaker had been racked with dark douhta. "I would not Bay that he Is guilty of an una," returned Uoupart; "hut tninga rest moat darkly against him. However. we can easily tell. Ilia face la very apt to reveal the emotlona of the Inner man. and I feel assured be will betray him The marqula took a turn up and down me room to compose ntmseir, and by tba time he had done thla, Simon's footstep aounued in ttie nail, and In a moment mora' ha entered. He moved quickly -up to t Jullcn and caught him by the hand. ad, my good, kind father, he uttered, aa a 4 . . . . . i nave neon detained longer than I ex pected. But I am hupy to find you well." k . Then the' black-hearted man turned to Ooupart, and with a stiff, formal bow, he a: ...... "Monsieur. St, Denis, I hope you are wen." -Itut the noble youth spoke not in re ply. He could not He detected in Si mon's eye a look of triumph that waa not to be mistaken, and from that moment uis suspnions were all alive again. "Hut I do not see Louis. Where is be?" asked Lobols, after he had' taken a seat. ' ' ' Ihe marqula gased fixedly Into the speaker' eye, but he could detect to:h Ing there out of the wit. ' ' - "Louis It Is gone!" the olj nwui uttered. "How? Have vou not found him retT "Then you knew ha was con?" anid tne marquis, with a quick glance of fear. "Yes 1 knew that both "your children TWrtvr fUllT IIUIII UtTTi "How?" the old man askp.l "Louise herself has told me the story,? waa the calm response. Hoth the old man and the young start eu to tneir rect. "Louise! Louise told you?" gasped Ooupart . . ' ' "Yes, monsieur," returned Simon, gas- ing upon the youth with a look of malts nnnt triuinnh. "I had tha imnii to rescue the loved damsel from the hands of the Indians." Atjhls Juncture the marquis sank back to nis scat and Uoupart followed his ex ample. "And where Is she now?" tha stricken tin rent asked. In a whlsnnr. "She is at New Orleans. I should have brought her with me, but the state of her health would not permit . She haa a iiver; but you need not fear, for I have terr, tne best or core for her." v"But how where did von find hor?" t ''It yvas most strange," answered Si mon, assuming a devout look. "While In New Orleans, I heard that a small party of Oblckasaws were on their way to wards Lake Pontchartraln with a white girl a prisoner. I knew, of course, that tne red Villains hail hoan Inrklno. ahnn here; and, moreover, I knew of no other point from whence they could have brought auch a prisoner, short of the fort at ."atenes. The fear became so firmly fixed that I resolved tn aAt A1I- an I nn. gaged the aervlces of one who knew the region round about tho lake, and having hired some men who belonged to a ship then lying In the river, I obtained two small boats and set out We crossed the lake, 'and landed as near as we could to the opening of the trail that I had been Informed the Indians were . upon. We mounted the bank, and almost the first thing that met my eye was the form of an Indian pacing up and down by tho side of an open space in the woods. I knocked the sentinel down, and in a mo ment -the whole party were upon their feet. At a little distance I saw the form of ji female asleep upon the ground, I demanded that the prisoner should be given up to me, but I had to use some heavy threats before they would yield. At length, however, upon my . promise that I would hot cause them to be mo lested further, they gave the prisoner up, and you can Imagine my deep joy when I knew that I had saved Louise St Jullcn." -i tor soma moment tbere waa In tba room, Uoupart who was very pais, but whose lips were fi roily com pressed, wss tba first to break It - "How long ago was it that yon found tha ladyf ha aaked, . "About two weeks," wss the rply. l . ala a, . s a. . a . . 9 Aua nas sue wen iek ever ueeT" "No. J had nteaut to brlnz h,.t with ma, but aha was taken down with a fever on the very day before I started" "Ht. Jullcn," cried the youih, torn ng to tha old man. "I will awav at tn,a and seek her, and as soon as she is able she shall be with you. Tony shall go with me." A sataulc amlla features as Ooupsrt ceased apeallng, and In a tone of tha same nature be aaid: "You need not tn.i.i.u m. sleur St Deo I. 1 iunr, I ',,. M not have left Louise, had I not seen her in the care of those who will be faithful. Bna haa ner own servant to attend ber." "Her own aervanta'" hiluJ !,..., changing color. Yes, monsieur,... - But Ooupart had bettor tnn kl. mon, and come borne with her," suggested me oiu men. "Excuse me." iniwomt fhnia -i i object to thst Mon.i nr Rt I. ttnt just ma man that I ahou d ..-Iw .a .it eacort for my wife!" " " ' Ooupart St. Dcnla atarted half np from hla aeat and then sank back like a man who baa received a ahnt th heart. Hi face was deadly pH, and ma osmis were clutched upon bia knee. "Your Wl I lfe!" rjISIieJ tha nl,1 ma. atartiiig np and taking a step towsrd his ui'tinew. Yes. my dear father" 'Lnhnfa i'ihi "I am the baonv man. Th irut r-hiM has accepted ma aa ber husband. And wnr snouid aha not? 8he owed hr r Ufa to roe, and In gratitude she rewarded me with her hand." . "Hut not Vet Simon! Yon ara nm miiH. riod?" :'.Mot aasuredlv Wa are." "No. no: that la hnnosail.M rnl would never have done-5" "Hold, air! We will ha C hA aririlman about It Hera is the document that will satisfy you." Thus speaking-. Simon took a nil ftp r from hla Docket, which h handed to the marqula. ' It was a legal cunincate an attested copy of the rec ordbearing thi seal and signature of the Colonial clerk, and vouching far tha legal marriage of Simon Loboi . and Louise Bt Juiien. The old man read it and then, with a deep groan, the paper fell from hla hand. Qui .k aa thought Ooupart picked It np. The hope had flashed upon hla mind that tha document mtsht be a foraerv: but as hla ara na!i1 upon It the hope passed away, for. he knew It wa a leiral tranarrint nf tha iwa. ord. ' The paper dropped from hla hand, too, and he sank back into bia chair. Tha thing had come with a thunder-crash up on him. and for tha moment he waa nn. able to aneak. But one look Into tha far a of Loboi started his heart to life again. (To be continued.) EVENTS OF THE DAY I 00LD GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE - TWO tJD'JSTKEREl Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings tt tha Past Week, Presented la Condensed Form, Mot Likely to Prove lnttiUng to Our Many Reader. '' A sew ivstem ol searching far min eral ores hr the u of the telephone is uoing triea a. toe icieacaa ad mine, na xortn aie. James McNeill .Wli !f lav i i can artist, will recelvefUbe degree of doctor of laws at-Uie forthcoming Glas gow university graduation ceremonies Tbe Mills & Wright company, of Boston, one of the oldest printing and book bouses in New England, has mad an taslgnnwnt. Liabilities $91,279, witn assets nominally th9 same Alfred 0. Vanderbilt " has visited Commissioner Strasboarger, of New York, to whom be explained that most of bis securities were invested in non- talThble properties not liable for nr. tonal asaeiBtnent. He showed tbat he was liable for asseasmsnt on only f 190,- uuu out fie agreed to an aaetfssment on fWU,UUU. Jot'ge P. B. Wilfe, of the-' Seventh lowa judicial district, ha just rendered an important decision regarding tbe power of assessor to assesss taxes on property in tne uauag ol a trust com pany aa trustee. The court holds "such property is liable to assessment both a i w tor county ana city taxes. Siquro, Mexico, is now the only piagtie spot in tne aJazatlan district. Russia is trying to negotiate a -loan oi 1 100,000,000 with a Jranco-Belgiao syndicate. Owing to freight congestion, it is re ported tbat fires will be put ont in 2,000 or more coke ovens in the New Klver, w. Va., field. Four men were drowned at Bass lake, nine miles from Owen sound, Ontario, Iney were fishimr in a leakv. flat Douomeu boat, wnen it sank. Claims against the city of New York for 1500,000 haye been filed by per sons injured by exploding bombs last election night in Madison tquare, Montana Collection Will Be Feature of Portland Exposrtloa. Helena. Montana M pfh 9(ai . V n Coorada Of the b&nklntr f) Bfoe., who waa named by Governor XOOie as One Of the honors r mmml,. sionere for Montana at the Louisiana rurciiase exDOsition and th lla Clark exposition, in fet Louis and Port- iana, reepectlvely, bag made a most in teresting announcementthat, U win send what is supposed to be the largest ana oesi collection of gold nuggets in the World to St. Lonia anil PnrtlaAl f. exhibition during tbe expositiofi's. ine extiiDlt la owned by Conrad Bros., and waa formerly th the ffirst National bank In llekena. The collection waa purchased bf the Conrad from the receivey of. lh bank several years ago, upon the failure of that institution, and has ai added to. The collection was esthpro h Governor Haoser, when president of the First National bank, and waa the result of man veara' effort. Kvn in days when placer mining waa being uone in nundreda of claims throughout uie State, me Collection waa roanlaH as magnificent. Amonc th nmit in the collection, is one found in Nelson guicn, above Ileleni, which ia said to do me largest sinele nnpi'et vor frnnrt in the Northwest. atjout 1300,000 if melted down, but in ita natural abate, aa coming from . the earth, it ia worth more. I. nnmhar nf gema being WOrth Several timna thai. weigni value bscause of their peculiar lormauons. It should Drove one of thi. ftnraa nf the exposition. It will be caWnli. guarded day and night from the time ii leaves Montana until its return from St. Louis and Portland. NEWS OF OREGON nXtlS OP LNTE2EST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE. RECIPROCITY IDEA 15 KILLED. Other Treaties Will Share Same Fate ' President Ofvea Up. A Question of Dllla. A traveller In Eucland rested at noon at a wayside lun and took luncheon, ne landlord waa a social person and after presenting hla bill eat down and chatted with his guest "By the way." the latter said after a while, "what la your name?" "My name," replied the landlord "la Partridge." "Ah," returned the traveller, with a humorous twinkle In his eyes, i:by the length of your bill I 'should hnve thought It was Woodcock'!" ' This story, as It aitocnrs In a recent book by a distinguished English dlplo- Everv Lutheran ia to be asked tn give one cent a yday for a period of one year tor a benevolence fund lor all objects of the church. From the 250.. 000 Lutherans in the s'nod it is expect ed to raise nearly i,UBO,ooo. A broken rail wrecked eastbonnd Santa Fe passenger train No. 2 at Lakin, Can., every car except one leav ing the tracK., Conductor Pond was injured badly, but the passengers escaped witn a severe shaking up. Ambassador Choate haa informed the state department that a sanitary con gress, which 'will consider matters of international importance, will be -held at Bradford, England, irom July 7 to 11, and United States representatives are invited. i . ... , ... . . " l ai muuii uiu isominion express " -"Sr:; - uulMac,u eompany, at Detroit. Mich., has in- Bisniiircky-.-.s, .. . . v . , v K crea9ed the reward offered for the 123.. 500 gold bar stolen last week. The re ward ia now $2,000 for the recovery of the bar and 1,000 additional for the arrest and conviction cf the thief. The Joke on th Jnlrn.. ' i - . 'A lAtuf Island - Justice' haa decided that to Bcud 'a worthless bflckaive - t express to- a person, reaulrlnir the r- clplent to pay charges, comes under the nena or petty larceny and Is punishable as Buch. in tbe case the justice decid ed one man had sent by express a worthless package to another as a Joke. The express charge waa 35 cents. The ninn who got the package couldn't see anything funny In the business and complained to the magistrate, who en tered a charge of petty larceny and ex- tortlon and fined the Joker $3 and costs. Sy Mr. Me4-tara;raa . "As to this here plan to kill uioskee ters with coal oil," said Mr. Medder grnss, while the grocer waa filling his can, "I don't know thnt It Is fatal to them Insects, but If they are nny thing like about a dozen hired girls that has started the breakfast fire In thla town and subsequently gone out through the roor, it, win do nara time8 Tor them Jer sey biters when the coal oil cnmnnii?n aets In In dead earnest" Baltimore American, f ' ' Wabhington. March 28. Th an. nouhcement in the Jamaican legis lature regarding the failure of the re ciprocity treaty with the United States fa but a forerunner of what may bo ex pected in the CaM of all avroamonta nt a similar character which failed . to se cure action by the United States ann ate. It waa evident from theattitude of tbat body that the members were op posed to the reciprocity idea, as out lined in the reciprocity treaties that were sent to it by the president, and all efforts alons that li ns hava luan abandoned by the administration. ine rejected treaties, amomr vhinh ia tbat with the French republic, are not, it ia autnoritativelv stated, tn am submitted to the senate in December next, and, because of tbe attitude of tbe senate, the Dresident is dismnrio. isg the formation of new treatiM. fciugar formed an important item nf reciprocal exebantre in some of th treat. iea, noticeably those in the West Indies, and so far aa that article nf lm port is concerned the adminii.trat.inn ia estopped from agreeing to any reduc tion of duty by reason of tbe terms of tne wo nan reciprocity agreement. This specifically provides that no ansae nrn. duced by any country other than Cuba snail -be, admitted into the United States aa hv trnatv tne fuuban treaty is in force, at a lower rate oi duty tnan is imposed by .exist tog taw. RIVER IS STATIONARY. Va ? Reformed. "Willie, didn't I s"ee vou matchin pennies with Willie Bllniiuer V" X-yes, mammal" "Well, don't you know ifa verv wicKeu 7' " 'Deed I do, mamma!" "Then don't you do so, again." "I w-won't. mnmma I'm busted!"-. San Francisco Bulletin. The Mag-net. 'Look here, Dunwell, how do von manage to bring out all your a bait. ment hoube debtors? When I ring the bell no one shows up." "It's dead easy I I go down disguised as a health-food sample distributer. In two minutes every occupaut of the house Is In the hall." Chicago News. Not BUtert, Mrs. Passay (who Imagines she la youthful) I understand Mr. Brown whom we met yesterday, said he would never take me and my May for mother and daughter. ... Mrs,, Popprey-Yea. I believe he mil.l you looked like mother and grandmoth er. Philadelphia Tress. Hope is a lure. There Is no hani that can retain a wave or a shadow, Victor Hugo. The United States cruiser Albany has arrived at Palermo, Sicily, from Algiers The United States steel enrnoratinn has put in operation more than 1,500 new coae ovens on Tug- Kiver, Wis., as many more win be completed with in 30 dayB. f Baron Mumm von Schwaxatein. who was for a number of years secretary i eiiiu88v at vvasnington, is to relieve Count Vodel as imperial -German am bassador at ttome. The report of Lieutenant General Miles on nis observations in tbe Philip pines and on his trin around the world has been submitted to the 'seiretarv of war, dui it win not be made public, as it ia regarded as an inspection repoit. Two men entered the jewelry store of a. d. miberman, ,.at Omaha, apd walsed out with two trays containing diamonds of the value of $5,000, the clerk's attention being directed to Jhe wiepiione wnue tney were looking at tne gems. Tbe Illinois appellate court for. the rourtu district baa decided that when a man is sent to orison for mnrrW of his wife he is Judicially dead, and his children are entitled to the insurance on the life of the murdered woman, even if it was taken out in favor 'of her husband. General William Thomas Clark, of Washington. D. O.. waa knocked rinm by a cab while attempting to cross C i 1. . 1 . . 'Haw otrcnii. unicseo. sou several o ta- jured. He is 73 years old, and, hits sustained, it Is Baid, two fractures of the skull and internal Iniurina recovery ia said to be doubtful. Gen eral Clark has the distinction of being the only surviving adjutant and chief of staff of Grant's army of the Tennes see."! He served two terms in conoron from Texas. Luis Carlo Rio has been appointed I minister oi loreign anairs tor Uolom- , White blackberries and areen rnaoa have been propagated In Louisiana. bia, succeeding Dr. Paul. . Nearly all Cripple Creek mines have been shut down. ;! " "s y. Scarlet fevor still rages at . Lake For est, near Chicago, and all public places are cloeed. : 1 - . .In a' fire at Shelton, Neb., a man named Cotton was fatally injured by the fall of a wait. A number of other firemen were si ightlyin jured. Swift Current and Favorable Winds Keep Mississippi Down. ' New Orleans. March 28. With ti river nracticailv station uajr, wuorw una . peen niKe cnange in tne nood conditions. The phenomenal speed at which the current . in and favorable windp have doubtless re- fitrainprl tlila viainc lant.... k .uiugiiLj, a.. VlH- ant eye is being kept on every foot .of ievee irom ited river landing to ' New urieans. . Members of the state board nf . o' eera are at various nointa alnno tifa Mississippi, the Red river and 'La Fouchiere. On the latter stream ther are now three crevasses, but planters not immediately within - range of the breags nave bad time in which to con struct temoorarv embankmnnta. MnrK damage will be done to the oyster in dustry by tbe present flood. To Pay Honolulu Plague Claims. Washington, March 28 W. J?. Mc- Lennon. chief of the warrant division of .. the treasurv deDartmnt. " tna started for Honolulu, charged with the duty ot disbursing the 11,000,000 ap propriated by congreBs to satisfy in part the judgments rendered on. account of tae destruction of property in Honolulu in suppressing the bubonic nlasno dnr. ing the years 1899 and 1900. The Ter ritory of Hawaii was also authorized by the same act to issue bonds not to ex coed $500,000 in amount, to be used in paying its share of the judgments. V 1 Japs and Mexicans Unionized. Los Anseles. March 2S Tha In, Antreles countv council of Inhnr haa adopted resolutions indnrnini? thnatinn of the state organiser in effecting the unionizing of Japanese and Mexican laborers at Oxnard. The cnnncil nrlnnt. ed a further resolution favoring the unionizing of all unskilled Asiatic and other alien laborers in Los Angeles. Local labor leaders state that this is the first time a union labor organizer haa in any way favored Asiatic- labor. L San Francisco Sandbaggers. " San Francisco. "Mai-ch 2R .Pnnr men. armed with sandbasra. secreted themselvea inside the entrance to Greenwich street wharf No. 1 yesterday morning and robbed every person who passed through the gate. The place was absolute) v dark and hnfora thnv ceased their operations the robbers suc ceeded in holding up eight men. Contracting for 1903 Hops Fruit Trees In Bloom In Josephine County Med lord Creamery Nearly Ready Sheep Dying obi tha Ranges Governor Par dons a Forger. A creamerr wiil in nuniinn Medfoid in aboot 30 days. The plant will be capable of handling the milk of 9fft - . Contracts for hooa for th 1903 are beinit made in the Willametta valley at from 15 to 16 cents, the for mer price being generajjj recognized as iue prevailing sgure. Almonds are now in fnlf hlnnm In tne orchards of Josephine county, and no nippea by frost the cron of thee nuts wiil be Jarre here thla Mr ; ..... reacnea are also beginning to bloom A postoffice hae .been established at Lost Valley, Wheeler countv, to be supplied by special service from Lone tvqea. ine postoflice at Thurston, i-ane county, nas been re-established. . Seventeen canneries and 1ft wit storage plants at Aetnria reaay ior ine nsbing season, which opens April is. a heavier run than that of last year ia anticipated on ac count of the returns from artificial propagation. .-. ' , . Architect W. II. Xnhrhtnn hna Iran appointed by the state hoard of asylum trustees to draw np plans and specifica tions for a modern hnraa and ma turn to replace the preeent diianiitat ant unsanitary building, the cost of the new Biructure not to exceed f; 0,000. , Governor Chamberlain haa Tn1nnui John Gates, who two years ago forged me name ot H. VV . Corbett to a check at Eugene. Gatea had served half hi. three years' sentence. The psrdon was granted upon the petition of a. large number of prominent citizens of Marion county. " Hundreds of sheen are dvinir nn tho ranees in Grant and Harnev for want of feed. The long, cold win ter, togemer with the deep snow and scarcity of ha v. ia reanonfiihln tar tha heavy loss among the herds. Sheep owners are trying to move their flocks to better ranges, but the sheep are too weax to be moved. - Linn COUntV real estate aeonta rnm; plain that mott of the paiUee from -the .East who are seeking hom panied bv an Eastern "acrant " arhn demands at least 50 per cent of the local agent's Commission before the bomeseekers are allowed to locate. If the Linn county people refuse to be bled the agent moves his nartv !nn .... - j i looting ior greener pastures. Seven thousand dollar fn pish has just been paid as part of the hnni nrir oi tne ucboco mines, near Prinevilie. Friday. April 10. at 12:30- P. M. at Independence, ia set for the aala nf tha pooi oi tne roik county mohair associa uon.. GWEAT SALES OF LAND. An eniovabla two 7flVAv farirtAra in. stitute was held at La Grande, last week unoer tne auspices of the agricultural couege. . Fire at Portland Pnndav . mnrntner destroyed tne Pareliua- pulley manu facturine plant and badlv wrwknrl tha Enterprise planing mill. The loss is placed at f 15,000. A number of other buildings had close calls. r ' k Water bailiffs at 'Astoria and ftn City are leading a strennOna Ufa r present Irvine to caDtnra men hn am catching salmon during the closed sea - eon. The Rogue River Packinir & 1 'Cavita tion company, of Grants Pass) is spend ing a large amount of money in the de velopment of the Lower Rocue from the mouth of the Illinois down. The company is now at work building two steamers to take the 'nlace ol th two lost last year; ' . PORTLAND A1ARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla. 72c s bine, stesa, 7778c; valley, 77c st Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton r brew- ing, $24, -; . ; i-. .;'v:.-j Flohr Best trade. $3.95af.25 : orah. am, $3.45(83.85. . . " - Millstnffa Bran. 119 tmv tan- middlinn. t 24: shorts. tl9.fi020. cnop, $18. . .;, Oats No. 1 white. 11.15 lit 1.2ft- gray, $1.1201.15 per cental. Hay Timothy. $11312: clover. 89; cheat, $9il0 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbaaks. 60(3 60o sar sack; ordinary, 40 50c per cental, growers' priees; Merced sweets, $2(3 2.25 per cental. Poultrv Chickens, mixed. lmiZc: young, 11 K12c; hens, 12c; turkeys, live, 1616c; dressed, 1820c; ducks; 7(87.50 per dozen; geese, $78.B0. Cheese Full cream, twins. ItUta 17 Uc: Yoens? America. -17UyS18U- factory pricee, llc less. Butter Fancy creamery, 8082)c per pound; extras, 80c; dairy, 20 S2ac; store, I5l8c. ; ESS H15"c per dozen. ' . " Hops Choice, 212$3"per pound." . Wool-Valley, 12 15c; Eastern Oregon, 814Kc; mehair, 2828o. : .; Beef Gross, cows, 83o per .pound; steers, 44?c; dressed, 73ie. I Mutton Gross, - 4c per , poonfj; dressed, 7o. j .Lambs Gross, .'i 4c per pound; : dressed, 7Je. - Hogs Qrora, 6)40 per pound; dreBsed,77Kr Last Half of 1902 Far Exceeds Any Half Vear Previous. Washington, ilarch 27. Land Cm. missioner Richards today gave out a statement showing the phenomenal in creases in sales of public land in the first half of the present fiscal year as compared with the corresponding por. Uon of the previous year. In the ai montln ending December 31, 1901,' there were 7,476 cash sales made in the United States, represeotina: 787.002 " acres, from which $2,719,3S4 was real- iaed. Daring tbe correspond ins mnntha of 1902 there were 23,015 sales, of 1,. oJ,t5l3 acres, from which was realized $4,747,563. ......... Inasmnch sa tliese sales were princi pally under the timber and stone act, there seems to be fnsti Scat inn i president's course in extendi tha tn,l est reservation system before the tim ber lands are all taken nn. lTl,a r - lo ol the past Quarters exceed thnfaa nf.n. corresponding period in the past hie- iv w we government; CUBANS GROW SUSPICIOUS. Bungling of Treaty Creates Fear of Fur. tner Amendment. Havana, March 27. Although there is much complaint here on the part of the Cubans that the United States did not give the reciprocity treaty a fni deal, the publication of the text of the amendments haa shown them tbat the treaty has not been materially damaged from a Cuban standpoint, except inrouga the delay and uncertainty en. tailed by the action at Washington. The present feeling of suspicion ia due principally to thA 1 - -wa, v mac UI ncea thi the ire&tv runnnf K la. ed in the United SUtee bouse of repre- wnunives and tbat President Roosevelt will call a special Session rTnr tn ) m. regular meeting of congress. The presidents of all and- commercial associations today re ceived a list of ina uiries from tha ann ate committee cn foreign relatione jrg.u 10 me enects 01 the amend ments. It is reo. nested thnt ti.a senlations be sent in tomorrow. The report on tbe treaty will be completed today. BIO SMELTER BURNED. Company Whose Employes are Striking aimers Heavy Loas. Canyon City, Colo.. March 27. At midnight the main portien cf th smelting works of the United' States Reduction and Refining comnanv at this place was destroyed by fire, the ioes being $200,000. Immense new buildings, 200 by 80 feet in area. wr destroyed. The company owning tha plant is the same which owns the Standard gold mill at Colorado City, whose enlploves axe on at rib a . Th . .uU UID broke out in the refinery from an uh- known cause, and WAR rfiruvivarat Km the watchman, but .could not be sub dued, and BOOn tha rar-antlv additions, which hav Un ;n of erection for the past year, were a mass of flames. The plant is not a ' total loss, ac its entira valnawo. txnn . " nrtrt 1 . - . . HU ,wW(- 000, but it cannot be learned that there ' was any insurance. One hundred and fifty men are made idle. . . . Salvador Most Pay Up. Washington. March 27 n department has taken measures to col lect the award assessed against the gov ernment of San Salvador by the arbi tration in the case of an American nr. poration-amounting to $534,000. The secretary has accorded the Salvadoreans a full opportunity to nraRnt kuua,.. why the judgment should not be paid.. uu wwr pauentiy considering theee representations the department has juat informed the Salvadorean that it cannot reopen the case without suowing gross disrespect for the arbi trators, and that it sees no Teasnn h the money should not be paid. ; Up Capitol SUpa In Automobile., Washington. March 27. Th- mon - in an automobile attemnted th steps of tbe east front of th today. They reached the second land ing, 16 steps from the Btreet, when the . chain of the vehicle broke, and it ran " oaexward without accident. The man who acted as chaffeur gave the J. D. Hurlbut. and said he waa frmri ' Detroit, JUich. , Hia comnanions dM not give ineir names, but one of them said he was a police commissioner of Hartford, Conn. The chaffeur was ar rested, but later released on bail. Fire In South Dakota Mine. Leads, S. D., March 27. The Bing ham hoist of the Hisrcen Fm-tnna min. ing company was destroyed by fire ear ly today. The loss is 150.000. narti. insured. Four miners were at work at the bottom of the scaffold and slightly injured. They escaped by Imost a miracle. The mine is tim bered with heavy timbers and is still burning. The fire haa raachivt n . distance of 75 feet below the surface. The fire started in a drying room. Heavv Loss hv F)m. ' Rochester, N. Y., March 27. Fire of unknown origin which broke out in the Hayden building tonight complete ry gutted that structure -and eaue4 heavy damage to the adjoining build ings; The total loss is estimated at $258,000. The building was seven stories high in one part and five in oth ers. The flames started on the fifth floor, and rapidly ate their way through the structure, the greater portions of the three walls falling before it was under control. No one "was hurt, 1