HAS THREE Tra TK2 CIRCULATION OP AXY PArER IN TfI2 COUNTY. THE OFFICIAL AND LEADINQ PAPER OP OILUAM COUNTY. OBE; ' ' ' AbVKKTlSlSta liATKS. Proissslofial card l.no pf month One square l.so per month On-q n ar u r eo 1 u m n . .. a. 50 psrinonta On -hail etiluoia...,.. .....,. w jr month On column.....' IO.ijO per nun tit Ha!niK lfcI will b eherjwl at 19 wnti rf lint for firtt loMrtlun and cnii per liut there: tor, Wai advertisements will la .11 ew t chrgal to th parly ordering them, at lesrul rates, sad id fur twfora affidavit is furnished. Published Every Thursday fcy S. A. PtittlHon , ' ; ' ' ' fcdltor aiid Vropt tetur. VBiCltlPTION HATKS. Ont.vssf (Id advene?)..,.,, ,'..,1.S0 it tet KbfU la adv'euct 3.00 Kit months.; .7. : . . T. . .' Thr MiKii mi. .1 .w it)lS ''1,.,V.)V,AV,.,I.,(.A-.' . CONDON, GILLIAM CO., OIUXipN, TUUKSDAY, MA11CII 19, 1003. NO. 2. VOL. XIII. GL :yurN'jy'Uritfi -W l -V I II r , I t X I .... '7TB.' m li d i an i Oili' of tha Early Settlers ! o! Lculslana. BY AUSTIN C,, OUR DICK CnAPTlin XL-fCoittluued.) Comiatla blushed aul buni down liir head when aha saw thu piople gmln upon tt'r. 11111 her rotmiaiilon trembled violently. . Hut they wert not U'ft Ion in eustn'4 rUuna-IWpimt-wa Wut; but Aha (Jrt Hun :iil duM-n iium ttt lrtHl acat tUitt b wt-uiiUd, not fwm oo of tbt ttpnttani bf timk t lo attil rrw, md'i crown of fUira, to wblcb was artlJ an oak twl. Tlia lattar ba plareJ up.iu Wblte Han I bat. ail tbt wpona ba pUwJ In bla band Thru to Couualla tbo old chief (aft laurel twlf ami an oar of corn. "My aiu," then apoko tbt (lrt Hun, la , aolemn and lutirealvt tour-, "I, n tbt tldcat malt rdatlrt of tbt lirl1i, do now btirtow btr upon thi-e. TUdu bat bocn crowned with tbt Humane of tbt aoarlni blrj, wblrh alffiilfloth t IV power of command yon aball rxcrcUe In tbt hou.fhold. lit twig of onk tulla u that th dcj)th of no forcat can prevent th' from procuring food m'tlint of itwd; vt-lille tbt bow and arrow In thy bun I alitnlflnth tbat trvn uuto death thou wilt protect her who la now given uuto tut for wife." Tlii'D the Urcat Hun turned to tbt brldt: "Coqualla, in thy hand thou holdeat tbt twig of laurtl tbt emblem of purity. Ho wilt tbou ctit remain pure and unaullied, that tbt green iaurnj may ba no mo r pur titan art thou. Tbt ear of corn thou baat a Wo aaaumcd. Never let tby bouaebold want for fool whilst tbou art thua provided." Then tbt chieftain reaumetl hit aeat, and the tame old man who had led White Hand to tbt ttmplt stepped forward and delivered a tort of aermon. after wblcb the couplt wert hailed aa man aud wife. In tbt midet of these rejoicing, the en tranc to the house wai darkened, and In moment in or Stnng Ht-rpcnt stood within tbt place. lit looked upon White Hand, and nla brow darkened, but a dost observer could bart aecn that the look waa assumed. ' ' "Who hath dont this?' he demanded, In a loud tone. "I, niy brother," answered the Great Sun. They lovtd etch other well, and I gavt tby child away." Stung Serpent bowel bis bead a few moments, and when b looked up again bla brow wna clear. "Then my promlst Is made void," be aid; "for no man can barm the husband of Ms child. Whits Hand, thou art aafo with us; but remember thin osth!" "Tbt hatband ef tby child will not break bis promise' apukt the Wblto Hand, aolemnly. "It la well. I am In aeason for the fes- tlvitlsa." . And thereupon tbt fettlvltlca coninun--d, and they were kept up till late in His evening, 'aud tben tbt newly married couple were conducted to dwelliutNtbat tht king himself gave them. It was Juslt back of tht bouse of Stung Scrpt ut, and was within tbt ilnt of tht great circle of dwellings, but Ita post of honor waa marked by Ita nearness to tho abode of the Great Sun. After the newly married pair had been conducted to their dwtlllntf, the youth felt band upon hit arm, and on turning be saw tbt Great Sua. "White Hand." he said, 'follow, mt, for tht Great Sun of the Natcbei baa much to say to thee." Full of wonder, the youth followed tbt king from the place, but he did not fear for thert was only kludnesa in tbt tones of i' monarch. On . tbey went until they reached gigantic oak tbat stood in the very center of the village, and bore the Great Sun stopped. r ' "Wbltt Hand," ho said. In a low, sol emn tone, "thou bast sworn to my broth or that thou wilt not betray thyself to tby countrymen, nor leave the village of the Whits Apple without our .conseut. Only six miles from here Is tht fort hnd village of the white man; so thou etcrrt how great la tbt trust we repose In theo." . "Yet I will not break my. word," said tho youth, while t.plrU. of wt crept over him. There wis something grand and sublime In tho scene about him, and he could not, shake off the Impression that a sort pf mystic fate waa being worked out In all thia. The henvena were without a oldiul. and the myriad stars wert twinkling like tiny eyes of fire away off In the dark vault. Tbt broad, amooth nlaln stretched off likt A mystic flake. while tho hut, of tht Natches were dim- 1 visible In the great circle. "White Hand." resumed tht dark monarch, "I do not think that tbt Great Spirit of our people la tht tut me God that mad tht wbltt man. Tbt country way beyond the great suit lake, they tell me, la full of white men, and your God has given them laws not like our laws. They pray to their God for vengeance on tbt Natches, and the dread vengeance cornea. Like the awlft storm at night, and likt tht bound of tbt beaBt of prey, it cornea upon us. My son, thou canst pray?" ' "Yes," murmured tht youth. "Then wilt thou not pray for the Nat ches? Wilt thou not pray that lit will end no more calamities upon us? Thou art good, and true, and noble. What say tt tbOU?" .-"-' '". - A. strange truth now flashed upon tho youth's mind. The Indians, In their sim ple dread of tht White man's- God, had believed that If they could possess one of tht true worshipers of that God, and persuade htm to intercede for. them, tht calamities that resulted from the prayers of their enemies might be averted. Yet White Hand did not wonder, for he knew bow simple wert the ideas , that the red men entertained of their own Deity And, moreover, he knew that the, Indians had often heard the monks praying, and wht n he remembered- how direct aud common were the appeala thus made, he did not question the influence It must have upon those who were wont to regard Deity as being to he propitiated with gifts and outer ahow, , , The . youth'a first thought Was to try and correct the error Into which the chief had fallen; but when he CRiue to refJecttthat In such work lit should have to uproot the prejudices of lifetime, ha resolved to do as was bbr d of him. ' v '. . : , "Great and mighty blig. Mid tht youth, in tnnt tbat gavt tvldenct of bla truth, "I think Gyd will answer my prey on aa quickly as tbost of any of my po pie, and ao far as tbt Nst-hs art In tbt right, will I pray for them." ' "Aud tbou wilt toll hi m all tbt wrongs wt suffer, and all the indlgnhlc that art heaped upon us?" I will," replied White Han i, "Tben tbou aim It b tht well-beloved of tht Natches. I-et us return uuw, an I at wt go, I will tll the mort. The white chief at Uoaalle Is called Chopart. He Is a bad man, end a liar, t dare r"t tell thee all tht eill be ba done. ; Bjt be baa robbed us of our csttle, aul wt can have no redress. Ht hat eneroa.bed upon our lauds, and w cannot drive hliu off. Ilnt OI tbt day iif deekonlng must come, lleware. my ton. that thou It ttest not thy sympathy -tun with tb bad men, for the hour is nign at nana ui hour of vengounct and retribution!' i The king spoke no more, ouly to bid Wblto Hand good -night when they reach ed the ilwelUu.-, and sons t U.. r-"' was with his pritu'vas. Truly bl sltuatl r was a strange o, and that n'ght h prayed loag and fervently, but ht dared not let bl wife kuow all bis prayer. eilAlTElt XII. On the very evening that White Hand reaehed the village of the White Apple a party of Chlekaaaws stepped upon the northern shore of Lake l'ontetuirtra n. They were ten In number, and with tin tu was a prisoner, who now reclined agalust amall hickory tree. Iter aiiken gown is torn and soiled by the thorns and buh a through which she baa been led, hud tbt tblu shoes art worn through till the feet have become sore and bleeding; for the way she has come has been a hard on. aud many aharp bramble has bestrewn rhepath. Kut she rests now. The Ma met dart up from a tire near at hand. Hick and faint, she aiuka down upon rbe soft mossy bed at the foot of the tree, and ere long all her dangers and troubles art forgotten in sleep. The fair prisoner ever and anon atarta up with frightful dreams, until at length, when the night Is far spent, abe la arous ed by straiige'souads near at band, amid which ahe ran distinguish the rush of arms and the hum of angry voicea. Tht Idea of escape breaks upon her mind. A moment she gases around, aud she seca men In conference about her, with weap ons drawn, and voicea ralaed as if In an ger. Hhe moves only a step, and a han.1 Is laid upon ber shoulder. A stout Chick asaw holda her fast snd tells ber she cannot escape. In moment more the Chickasaw is pushed rudely aside, and Ionise looks up into the moon-lit face of Simon Iobale! "Ha!" be crlea. with well-assumed as tonlshment. "and waa my suspicion cor rect? Have I roon my thuovoh inns dragged away by ruthless savages? Esr'y this morning a runner brought the news to New Orleans tbat white glrj wu bc ing carried off by tbe Cblckasaws, and that their trail bent towarda tbt great lake. A mrstlc vol. whispered thy name In my ear. Why It was I know not; but I started, snd I bsvt found thee. l-ooa up. sweet I.ouIho, for tbou art safe. Thou art rescued!" Tbt maiden's first emotion seemed to be to shrink from the white man, but in moment mort she gave him her hand "And am I fret from these savages? she asked, gazing first into Simon's face and then upon the motley crew about ber, Ay, thou art, Ionise. Do you not see that they are all quelled? Heaven must have directed pie .tojh' PoVt tear no more, for thou shalt be sate witn mo. Under any other clrcnmstsncea, Louisa might hsve been frantic with joy at amh Mutation, but now she was moved by so msny conflicting doubts that the coming of the rescuers seemed to move her but little. By tbe bright moonlight ehe could see tbe crew about her, aud they did not look like deadly 'enemies, o one was Wounded,' nor' did aor one appear to be hurt To be aure. there had been the aound of strife, but it may have only been a mock battle after all. At any rate, so ran the maiden's thoughts, though she kent them to herself. "Come," continued Simon, artef. wait ing some moments for. an answer that ht did not receive "come with me now. The savages will not dare to harm you more, nor will they dare molest us." Louise suffered herself to be led to the short of tbe lake, and there she found two bohta in 'waiting. . Slit had been seat ed In one of them when tho chief of tbt Chickasaw party came down and called Simon back. A utter atnile atole over the maiden's fact as she saw this, and her suspicions wert well c6nfirmed when she saw Lobols, follow th red aian up tho' bank.' But tlje cousin returned in a few momenta, and having sentcd himsolf by the side of Louise, tht boats were manned and ahoved off. - "Tho red dog wanted me to promise that I would not eiposo his crime to the Governor," said Simon, after the boats had got well Into tht lakt. "I would have made them all prlsonera, only that I feared you might bo harmed In the melee. You- did not notice bow we came unan them, and what first occurred, did you?" ; Simon gazed aharplyv into his companion's fact as. he thus spoke, arj though he would read any ausplclon she mtirht hold. "I saw nothing until I waa grasped by the shoulder," she truthfully replied, "for I waa aound asleep when you camo." "So I thought But I will explain: One of the men who accompanied me knew the various trails that lead to the lake, and he guided us here.. .We, landed, and wt found the Indians asleep, an save one: but they were upon their feet by the time we were up with them, and I saw that some of them had guns. ' At that moment I espied you asleep npon the ground. In an instant I forbade my men to fire, for I feared ydtf might bo bit I told the leader of the Indians that he waa discovered, and that If he old not give up his prisoner, I would have tbe whole French fore down upon his peo ple before another sun had set. And I furthermore told him that If he Would quietly deliver op the maiden, we ;Would not harm him. A acuflle ensued between some of the red men and two of my com' paniona, but we quickly stopped it, and the Indians agreed to give you up if we would let them depart In peace. I con aonted, andyou know tho rest Was it not fortunate that I heard the report th'g morning? and waa It not very fortunate that heaven whispered to me that ou mla-ht be the prisoner?". . "It was very fortunate," returned Lou ise. '' A' i, I., v' i,. . "And perhaps you thiuk K It was strange, added Simon. "But yet I had gome ground for, the fear, The runner felil me that tht fiJIiins wert csj toil Tlckfsh trsll. and I could think of no ultra from wbsnct they could nsvt , brought a yotjug white maldtn captivt in that direction ssvt frtm the estate of our fsther. I say our fstber, for surely ht bss been a father to m. - Tlit mort I thought Of tbt matter, thu more con firmed my fears beesme. A French ship luy In the. river, and I easily hired mt of hef men to come with nit.. O, Louise, do you raslixe bow great U tho bleing thus fallen upon you? Wbat must havt Im-cu your fate bad I not found you I iur ; i . .4. ... , ... tltat tht tnalden .dl l not reply. ' nb was thinking bow flimsy and Improbable was the story ber coiopsnloa bad told, snd shit wondered If he thought ber sixh a, simpleton as to believe ell be said. Ih you realize what a ftt pmst bavt . been your.?" Hlmon urged. "A dta;h of torture, or a life of misery." ' "I know tbe Indiana are sometimes re vengeful, but I do cot th:uk they would hsve murdered defenseless girl," ssld L ultev-i - 4 ' ? r Ah, yott do not know them. You do not know tbest .Chickasaw,. Ibey are monsters of croelty!" 1 ' ' And yet they bavt been very kind to me. "Kind, Louise? Tben wby are you to pale and wau? and wby so fee bit V "Becsuse I am not well. I am sick. Last nlgbt I had a severe fever, but my csptors prepared somt medicine front roots that they found in tht eurlh, and it relieved me at onct." "Ah, tbat was but to hold you up on your Journey. Hut you are sica, evn now. Ia'I me fix a plat t for repose." Hlmon spread blanket upon the boat bottom In the stern sheets, an I fixed It ao that Louise could lay ber bead upon on of tbe thwarts, and when thia waa fixed, she availed herself of the oppor tunity for rest thus afforded, for she was in truth sick and faint, and hercead ached. It was not all the result of mert ratigue or rright, but disease had abso lutely fastened upon her a slight cold, perhsps at first, but now verging to fever. Yet Louise slept, and when she awoke. she found the sun shining down full up on her, and tbt boat bad reached the southern short. Slit was assisted to Isnd, but she could not walk. However. horses were at hand, and when she W,as sested In tbe saddle, the party atarted across the land towarda New Orleana, which they reached before noon. The tilae contained not more than hnnlred dwellings, aud those were humble and primitive In foam. The territory of the town had been laid out Into - squarue, sixty-six in number, of thret "hundred feet each. These sou a res were eleven in number upon the river, and six In depth; so that with all the obstacles of the nst nral state of tbe land, its geographical position had msrked It out la the mind of Its founder as the nucleus of a mighty city. His quick and comprehensive mind understood the advantages of the posiucn In commercial point of view, for he saw tbat here was ths natursl point between ocean and Inland navigation. To a low, wooden bouse on Bourbon street was Louise conducted, end at ncr own request she was at once shown to t bed, and a physician sent for. Ah o'd negro woman, named Loppa, came to wait unon her. and in a little while tn nhvslcisn came. He whs an old man, and well Skilled in drugs. He examined the patUnfa pnlse, her tongue, and ask; ed numerous auestlons, snd then an nounced that with care ahe might be well In a very, few days. .. - Durlaa- the reat of that day na tut following night Ionise ssw no more of Simon Ixibois. Her head ached much, but finally the old doctor.'s potions qniet ed the nervous aetidtu and late In tht evenlnir she sank into a gentle slumber. On the following morning she felt mnch better, so that the doctor smilMt when he came. In three days from that time b was falrlv recovered from her dis ease, though she was very weak, partly from tho aevere ahock she had received, and partly from the effecta of the medi cines she bad taken. At an evenia, me nhvslclan deemed It not necessary to can again, and only ordered now tbat hla pa- tienfa diet should be strictly attended to. Aa Louise thus began to regain her strength, she wondered when Simon Io- b.,U would take her home, one nan bbk- ed hlra once, but had gained no direct an swer. (To be continued.) RIVE CONTINUES TO RA1S8. NEWS OF; OREGON Flood Situation la MUs?alppl Vaibry art , t , ( .,v Oauftr,Pl. Memtjhli, 'ttua.f Hrch 14. There la little change in the river altoaUon tonight, and, altLougH the rise today has been alight, the r.tuation la con sidered grave and the tge ol more than 84 feet is fit ti I expected. Tbe gauge tonight ahowa 35.8. Tbe levee two niiU-s eonth of ' Cam- themille, la caving badly, and the f rttet danger is' Sooi&d (or at thia point. . The coufitry for 60 miles around Caruthersv ii'e U flooded, and railway traffle it tnependod. Another weak spot in the ievoe system apparent now it at Vanclow, Arte., near Ureen vllle, Mies. A "sand toil" appeared (here last back of the levee between tbe horns of a 1-ond In tbe river west of Lake Chicot. Tbe "boii" wai prompt ly suppressed, bet appearances indicate as underground fisrare that nay prove dangerous. Private diapetcbea from Caratbers- ville say the eituatlon there ia practl callv unchanged, fisd that tbe embank mente will bold a stage three feet great er than at present. Captain Lucas, In charge of the tlret and becoud districts, left bere today for Helena to personally investigate conditions ia the White river district. Bupplies and men were also aent there to strengthen the levee. Supplies and men also have been sent to Cat island, where the roan of the watera through the 17 mile gap in the levee ia causing uueusinesa, and to fekan point, where tbe strengthening work is in progress on the embankments. No news baa been received today from the area in Mississippi county. Arkansas, which was reported flooded yesterday by water percolating through tbe embankments, , , Th anirinMira hers ear the creat o tbe rise probably will reach Memphis Sunday, .onleM there are farther heavy rains general over thia area. They pre dict a record breaking stage of water on account of the fact tbat tbe levees are holding againat the flood. AUTHORITY WITH A STR1NO. mm OP tNTESEST FROM ALL PASTS CP TK2 STATS. Session Laws will Soon fee Rf ady for D- Ovtry New Mining Corporation Bad Boys Punished Mining Ms tt Fight New Corporatloa Tax Law Pendleton Painters Go Into Business. Chinese Diplomats Not Allowed to Make Final Bargain. . , Washington, March H. The pleni potentiariea of the powera who are en gaged at 6bangbai ia negotiating trade treaties with tbe Chinese commission era have discovered what they regard as flaws in the credentials of the Chinese agents which may make it impossible for them to bind their government treaty form. ' Tbe matter already has been brongbt to the attention ot the state department, and Mr. Conger asking for advice, be. too, being en gaged in tbe negotiations. It appears tbat the Chinese commis sioners must - memorialize toe tnrone before the treaties will have force, and the powers object to thia lack of au thority on tbe part of the' commission ers. Because Mr, Conger will have to refer any treaty be may draw np to his government bere for approval, preciee- ly as the Chinese commlsionera most do on their aide, the United States government is. not in a position to pro test very strongly against the sunicien- cy of the Chinese, cedent ials, so tbat Mr. Conger will go on with this treaty makings, while doing his best to bave the Chinese credentials enlarged. PRESIDENT'S TRIP WEST. WILL BEAT RECORD. "Hit Moj I'm Big Enough." ne wasn't very big, but be -was a sturdy Httle chap with a face that bora the marks of much thinking and pre mature responsibility.' I learned after ward that he was supporting a crippled mother and an Invalid sister vcho hod been left helpless In the world by the death of her father. He mlgnt have run away from home' and evaded the responsibility, but he didn't thinlt of It il Just sold papers. At the loop on 15th street a -crowa was gathered, waiting for the evening cars. A ragged little gin was seuing flowers at the 15th street eud of the waiting station when a man, rushing to catch his car, knocked her against the side of the building. Without stopping, probably not having noticed wnnt he had done he continued his rash, when the boy stepped ' In front of nlm, de fiantly. "-- "Say, what do you want to knock a girl down for? Hit me; I'm big enough." . The man paused In surprise, and then glanced around. He .saw the flower girl picking 'up her wares, and undewtood, Without ft momont'a hesitation he went back to her, gave her money enough to niak her eyes sparkle, with Joy, and said: ,' ; . ' "I'm sorry, my dear, that I hurt you I didn't see." ' Then, turning to the boy, tie continued: ""You said you -were big enough, young man, but youVe a great deal bigger than you think.' Men like you will have a lot to. do with koepjng this old world In a condition of self mpoet." . : f ' Then he might his car and tho boy and. the girl , stood there , wondering what he meant. IeaiYr Times. . i . ' Memory. ". .; . From 123 answers to questions pub lished two or three years ngo, Messrs. V. and C. Henri Had that a person's first memory pwy be of an, extent occurring as early as the age of 8 months or as late as 8 years--2 to. 4 years being the usual age. p.- . ;y...v.r. ;., ..... .. Will Leave Washington About: April 1st and Not Return. Until June. Washington, March 14. President Rosevelt's contemplated western trip was a subiect of some discussion at me white honse today. Senators Long, of Kansas, and Hopkins, of Illinois, and Fonrth Assistant Postmaster General Brisow. of KansasI talked with the president about his tour. ' Tbe Kansas people are urging tbe president to make some stops in tbeir state after ' the de dication of the exposition grounds on April 30. Only one stop has thus far been arranged. The president has ac cepted an invitation to attend a meet ing of the railway branch of tbe -Y..M C. A., to be held at To nek a ' May 1 Few other details of tbe itinerary bave been worked out. It has been decided with practical definiteness that only one trip will be made. v Wbile no date for tne beginning of the trip can be fixed definitely until the senate shall bave adjourned, it Is expected now that it will not be far from April 1. After leaving Washing ton the president will not return to Washington until some time in ' June. It is likely tbat the first two or three weeks of the trip will be passed prin cipally in the Yellowstone park. There the president wilt seek rest and recre ation, but it is understood tbat be will do little bunting, - v ' ; ' Wholesale Mall Robbery. " Boston, March 14. The -city police, acting with postoffice inspectors, have arrested five young men who, it-"is charged, have in the last six months robbed the mails .of $.50,000, Some ot the prisoners, all of whom were' em ployed aa mail wagon drivers, have ad mitted to the inspectors that , they rip- ced ooen the mail hags in broad day light in places no less conspicuous than the North-Union and South Terminal railway stations. ITheir plunder con siated of .gold wstches, rings, silver ware, revolvers, knives, books, etc. v Two Men Killed In Snow Slide. Redding, Cal., March 14. An im mense snow slide occurred yesterday on the La Grange hydraulic ditch in Trin ity county. Con McLaughlin, a ditch tender, waa swept down in the -mighty rush of snow and killed. " Today, while rescuers were at work looking for tbe body, another big slide came down and Henry Gentry was killed. All of the men have been called off the ditch, as slides are occurring, right along, and there is great danger. Six' Albany boys bave been fined for stoning a Chinaman. .. Sheriff Brown and Deputies Hem pie and Lachner. of Caker county, are all confined at tbeir hornet with smallpox Foreman J. E. Godfrey, of. the state printing office, esvs that work is pto rreasine raoidlv on tbe session laws of 1903, and that if nothing, unexpected happens tbe laws will be out by April 1, which is much earlier tnan-trtttai. Fifty men are working on tbe Lewis and Clark fair site. Ten of these are surveyors who are preparing a contour meD. Twenty other men are clearing away fallen trees, logs, and dead under brush, and tbe reet are planting trees and sbrnbi and doing nursery work. Tbe members of the Painter's anion, of Pendleton, w bom tbe bosses locked oat last week, bave formed a corpora tion and will become combined bosses and union painters. The bostes re fused to grant any raise in wages and 20 painters become their own managers. T The I.nckv Boy mining. .company, a eorrjoration. has been organized unden tbe laws of the state, and has succeed ed to the ownership of tbe mining prop erty in tbe Blue Kiver district hereto fore owned by the private partnersnip consisting of L. Zimmerman, Frank and Fred Sharkey and N. B. 8andish. Game Warden Quimby ia in receipt of a copy of a report the commission ers of fish and game of the state of Maine have just published, thowicg the amount of money expended by tbe state for the preservation of game and also tbe amount of money brought into that state by outside sportsmen. The local game warden thinks it would be a good thing if Oregon followed a similar plan and appropriated earn cient money for tbe biring ot deputy wardens q entorce tne game taws. ' The mining men of Eastern Oregon have decided to invoke the referendum aeainst the Eddy bill, which waa en acted hv tbe last legislature, xne law which it is the purpose to repeal im noses a tax on all corporations doing bnalneea in thia state in proportion to the amount of the" capital stock. The minine-men insist that it will retard the growth aud the progress of the min- irg industry in this state. Petitions are now in course of preparation to be circulated for signatures. It will re-' quire over 4.000 names in order, to set the referendum machinery in motion. A creamery association has been or ganized at Pleasant Hill, Lane county. Tbe destruction' of a large barn on the Theodore Btaiger farm, two miles from 6aiem, resulted ; in a i loss of $6,000. Eight valaable horses were burned. Tramps are supposed to" bhve started, the fire. '. Tne fruitarowera of the vicinity of Medford held a mass meeting there and perfected an organization, which is known as the Rogue River Fruitgrow ers' union. They.adopted a constitu tion and by-laws. '" Flood Im Mississippi Valley Threatens tn- ' totd Damage to Property. New Orleans, March 13. It Is gen erally admitted by government, state and city authorities tbat the Missis sippi river will in all probability break all records before the present flood be gins to recede. Tbe gauge here tonight chows the river to be just one foot be low tbe high water record, and every precaution $s being taken to prevent serious damage and to prepare for emer gencies. ' , T All the levee lines are being inspect ed and large force of men are at work day and night. Though all the aa thorities admit that a record stage ' Is probable, they maintala tbat tbe levee system is higher and stronger than ever beforehand that the banks are pre pared to withstand the extra strain. The most unfortunate condition at present ia the continuance of the rainy weather. Thia ia having tbe effect of softening the levees and all Louisiana is praying for a return of sunshine. Six hundred men are at work today at various points sacking weak points and raising tbe line of embankments. Thousands of sacks of sand -are being distributed along the river. The engi neers report the levees between South Port and Carrollton. in excellent con dition. The - United States engineer officials have promised their co operation with the authorities in carry ing on tbe fight against, the flood, au (he levee boards of the state may be in continucus session' and every foot of levee on the river is nnder surveillance of armed guards. , . . - OTHER DEADBEAT NATIONS. PAY TWICE IN 1904 NEW OREGON LAW MAKES TAXES PAYABLE BY DECEMBER 21. Qott Into Effect Next Year Assessors Begin Work oa First Monday In Jan uary An naaJ Levy by County Courts Will Be Made at September Term Other changes. , For the first time in the past four months Eugene is entirely free of every, contagious disease. . The stockmen' a convention, held at Medford' last ' Saturday, was attended by 60 of the most prominent cattlemen Jackson - county. -. Addresses were a number of . well known A temporary organization Another meeting, will be 21 and organize per ma-. in made by peakers. . was made. held March nently. B attain May "Next Collect from Guatemala and Costa Rica. New York, March 13. English in vestors in SpaniEh-American loana and enterprises are now looking for a sequel to tbe Venezuelan an air in some otner quarter of the Western hemisphere, says the Tribune's representative in London. The only other countries where defaults of interest and repudi ation of financial obligations are fla grant are Costa Rica and Guatemala. The external debt of tosta Kica was scaled down to lower rates of interest, bnt the defaults bave occurred on both tbe interest and the sinking-, fund. Guatemala's debt was also rearranged for at 4 per cent, but the - interest has not been paid. " These count! ies are exposing them selves to foreign coercion in the interest of Euroean creditors. - It k not proba ble that England will joiff'Germany in another naval campaign against either republic, since the British investors in tbe two main Veneznelan loans com plain that tbe effect of the alliance bss been to establish preference for interior German claims and to create a prejudice against the-legitimata claims of bond holders. ' '. ..(''. --. PLACED IN NAVY'S CARE. Midway Islands Will Be Protected' from . Roving Japanese Sailors. -' Washington, March 13, The presi dent by executive order has turned. the Midway islands over to the navy de partment. This was done at the in stance the Pacific cable company, which has asked for the protection of its prop erty outhe isjajod.8... Roving Japanese sailors are ia the habit, of landing on the islands for tbe plumage of sea fowl nd foj guano. 1 It is prpbable that the navy will estapuan a email station on the islands and A merican warships will make a practice of touching there much more frequently than they bave done in the past.' The islands are two in number, Sand island, having 633 acres, and Eastern island, 245 acres. There is a harbor afffording about 18 feet Of water. The-islands are deemed essen tial to the operation- of the Pacific cable, which will touch there on its western route from Hawaii.; , i PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7475c; blue- stem, 86c; valley; 7880o. ' Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton; brew ing, $24. ; . v -. Flour Best grade, $4.104.60 ; grah. am, i3.40(S3.oo., - Millstuffs -t Bran, $19 per ton; middlings, $24; Bhorts, $19.60920, chop, $18. . : Oats No. 1 white, $1.15 1.20; gray, $1.12)1.15 percental. Hay Timothy, $1112; clover, $89; cheat, $910 per ton. v Potatoes Best Burbanks, 60 75c per sack: ordinary. 4050c per cental, growers prices; . Jlerced jNj$etoi$$. 2.2o per cental. - wit.' Poultry Chickens; mixecL 12 13t!j TOUXR.1-L&l2c; bens, 12e; xturkeyk live, 1516cC dressed, I820o.; dnoks, $77.50 per dozen ; geeee, $78.50.V Cheese-Full cream-.twintv I6 17&c; Young America; 1718Kct factory prices, 1160 less; i ; Butter Fancy cream'ey s032J6c per pound; extras, S0c;',;dairy,,20 tSHci store, 15 1 8c. - : -U' Egga-i-lSc per dozen.; v.-' ' ' Hops-Choice, 2325c per Tpound, Wool-Valiev, 12tf15c; Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, 26(8 28c :- -; ' Beef Gross,- tomnfj 83Mef j, pound; steers, 44c', dressed lc., , -Mutton Gross, 4c per pound; - Lanibs Gross, Ud ; per pound ; toga, .Gross, ' 6tfa, "pet ; pontadj dreseed,77Ko. ' ,.v Red Tape ia the Way. u; New tYork, March 13.-The-state ment that the postoffice department has acceded to Maioonia reouest for talo- graph communication ; through Fal mouth 'with' 'the wireless station at Foldhu ia understood to- oe suDstanuai lv true, ildvs a London dispatch to the Tribune. -The concession,5 however, does A6t improve much the prospects of an early establishment ot a commercial wireless' system between England and America. Marconi has not been able to nersuade the postmaster general to allow messages destined for transmis sion across the ocean by wireless system to be handed in as cable messages at any telegraph office in the United King; dom. .- : - ' - : Salem, Oregon, March 16. Taxpay erg in Oregon will pay taxes twice in 1904. They will pay tbe taxes levied upon the tax roll of 1903 and also tho taxes levied upon tbe roll of 1904.' This is due to a change in the law i y which taxes- are. to be paid in . tbe fait of the same year tbe assessmsnet is made. In order to effect this change it waa necessary to make the taxes pay able three months .earlier or nine, months later. The collection, of taxes -is already three months later than it should be, so the legislature decided to , make tbe taxes payable in the preced ing fall rather than in tbe succeeding fan. ' ' ' ; . v Under the present law tLe assessment ia made after the first Monday in March, the ascessment roll being filed in September, the levy thereon made tbe following January and the taxes collected by the .first Monday in April. Thus the taxes on th assessment of 1902 are not paid until 1903. The new law provides that tbe assess- -or shall on tbe first Monday of January procure blank assessment rolls and pro ceed forthwith to make bis assessment, and return the roll bv the first Monday in July, showing all the property owned in his coounty on the first Mon day in January. Section 360 of the code baa been amended so as to pro vide that the county bard of equaliza tion shall sit on the first Monday of July, instead of on the last Monday of August, as heretofore. Section 3082 was 'amended so as to limit the time for correcting the assesemsent rolls by the board of equalization of the county court to 20 days. ' , , Under tbe new Jaw county courts ' must make the annual tax levy in Sep . tern ber following the assessment. In order that the county cocrts may bave information as to tbe amount required, -it is provided that the state board of . apportionment shall make ita estimate of statejexpenses in July, instead of in January, : as at present. Cities and school districts mast notij the county cleiks of their annual tax levies by the first day of -September, instead of by the first day of February, as under the old law. Ibis gives the .county courts full information for the levying of taxes at the September term of court. . All taxes are payable by the 31st day of - December of the same year, section 3106 of the code having been amended , so as to make that provision. All taxes not paid by the 31st day of De- f comber become delinquent on that day; provided, however j that if one-half of the taxes due on any parcel of land are paid by the 31st of December, the prop erty-owner may have nntil the follow ing first Monday in April, and if the remainder be not then paid, it becomes delinquent, ami, besides tne penalty, interest at tbe rate of 12 per cent will , be charged on such remainder from the 31st day of December. On all dehn- qnent taxes 'interest ia to be charged at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from the date of the delinquency; and if the taxeB remain delinquent 30 days," a penalty of 5 per cent will be added. On all taxes paid on. or before the 31st day of December, a rebate of 2 per, cent will be allowed. Under the present . jaw the rebate is 3 per cent. ' Qn'the first Monday in February4 the sheriff. must begin the collection Of 'delinquent taxs by levying upon rwsonal property, ' and on the nrst Monday in-April xlose tbe delinquent roll and return it to the county oourt. -,. ' , '-. County treasurers aie .required to pay one-half the state taxes by January. 15, and the other half by July 15, but. the provisions of this act do not apply to any taxes heretofore levied. Delinquent sales are to take place by October 1. The new law -shortens the entire time for making an - assessment and collecting the taxes one month; Taxpayers will pay their 1903 taxes in March, 1904, and their 1904 taxes in December, 1904. . : ' . : . v Chamberlain Sick but Hopeful. New York; March 13, Mr-' -Cham herhiiii'i '"Who. has 'arrive, at: Maderia, was received thereTfith much ceremony, Ueccrdlng-to the Tribune's London cor- rcsnfendant.4 '-lie has suffered "severely Irott-rais old eserny,. goat, i; during: -tne. p'8S9geAV sa vs that Ahfr colon ial scvetary" is per-; aonaliy satisfied witft tls'emU'tr tour.. The GP is Sat least as satralactorvas he expWd: ani he -as still hopefuiof the' future, provided the Dutch promises oN,oy alty and concilia Uonar Kept. v v. . -. Wireless ''telerap 'Bethwrn FortSv New orkiIarrlhisj tests of a w, irelesa? telegraph flstem he-. tveeb the parw forts; were, maae toqay under the direction jf Lientenaot-. fjoti bnel -Dun woody, i chief signal officer United States army, and m future .the wireless telegraph Jwill be, used regu- larlv for c6mmunicating "between Fort Wadsworth, on Staten island, apd. Fort Hancock,' at Sandy Hook, across about 15 miles of the lower bay . Status of Isle of Plnei. ..-Havana, March 16. Minister Squiers has returned here from r a four days' Visit to the Isle of Pines, during which he mad? note of the reason the Ameri can residents have for urging United States sovereignity over the island, lie. will report'Jto ' Washington on tte gitrjation. He found the Americans to be extremely, anxious for American sov ereignity, as .they purchased land or stock in the four American land com panies there in the full belief that the United States would, assume sovereign ity' Over the Isle of Pines. ., X, . Drowned In a Mine, , t jron MountalnVMich., March 16. Fbur men are known to have lost their lives and four others are' missing today, the result of an accident in the Milhs mine. The men were drowned1 by "a rush of water 'which .flooded the north level of a cross-put in the :mlne. ' The accident was caused by the men working through the wall of Weir level into another level.'whlch Ba,d been flooded, the water escaping through tho break and overwhelming the miners.' .;