Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 12, 1903, Image 4

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Are impure niitisrs Tvhich the skin,
liTcr, KiJnrrs ami ctl;cr organs ca
cct Ukc can? of without Le!i, there U
uch au acxuuiulaiion et them.
They litter whole system
TiraplcB, boils, eczema atl other
, . , vl
rorttom, lags of ar-pc-to, that tired
feeling, bilious turns,' fits of indigrs- i
tion, dull headaches and many other ,
troubles aro due to theui. , . . j
Hood's Sarscparilla
and Pills
liemore all 'Tumors,'" overcomo all , magnified, and that human nature isn't
their effects, strengthen, tono and had aftei all. That's the way a
invigorate the whola system. j ,w' ij?s ft?. h
? j has had a rse in salary." Washing-
I bad s&U rbcum on ray hands so that I ton Star, ( '
could not work. I took Hood's Sarsapariila j
and It drove out the tumor. X. continued j Rocking Chairs Cause Insanity.
Its nse till the sores disappeared." Mas. The chair insaait. to
la O. Ebowk. Rumford Falls, Me. ,fiti9 Mid In fact, physiciana ar
Hood's Sarsaparitta prorrlaos ta claiming that rocking chairs are the
cur and kesps the promise). : cause of most of the nervous troubles
... , . ... . . i . , ... .. -1 from which women suffer, and are ad
Accounted For. vising their relegation to any place.
"How come yo never see rft cnllnd j yher UTM , f
anpels fljin rotm' in de itorv -books?' ' "
"I dunno-onless is we has a close FITS 3SEZZi: kmsSSSsSr
have gittin' inter heaven we tkeered tk'lttSi
nvss tiv vui ia n ui ii -.iauuv.
Compensations of Pasters.
Tram a open Irtttr in tt February Century.
In the ministry, service and salary
are not equal terms. The high office
was not crested for the ad wutage of
tn noiaer, ana tne eaiiwg is- aegraoea
into a mere profession when it is made 1
the subject of money equivalents. The
work of the niinistty is more especially
in the realm of the moral and spiritual,
and therefore can never be . ".financial
ly compensated in any exhaustive com
mercial sense." Nevertheless, - the
minister a lapted by conduct and learn
ing to his high calling ordinarily does
hate, and should have, alelaary propor
tionate to the demands of the. field be
is tilling, and compensations far, more
satisfying and woithy of -consideration
than salaries.
Bztn o? Ohio, rmr cr tousdo,
Lccas Corrrr. - - -
FViXK J. t hinkt make o!h tht be la ths
senior paner c the firm of F. 1. Chkxbt A Co.,
doiiiK busing in the "itv ot Toledo, Conntr
nd 8imte 'orf a-d. n d that mi l (rnn will pmV
the sum ot ON K H U X 1KK1 IKH.l.AKs tor arn
ami eTerjr cas of Catarra that cannot be cored
by ilieusao(Hiix CATxiiRnCi'Ka. , .
Pworn to before me and turicttbed ra nr
preaence, thi iih day ol Decern tx A. D. U--6.
i'ZZt ' AvW.A80X,
. A'oitiry Public
Ball'i Catarrh Cure is taen Internally and acta
directly on the blood and miu-uns juriaoea of
tbe intern. !aad for testimonials, free.
, P. J. CH EXE V i CO., Toledo, a
Bold by druggist, 7oc -
Hail's Family Fili are tie best.
, The Pc-ru-na Alma sac.
The druggistts have already been
supplied with Pe-ru-na almanacs.
There is sine to be a great demand for
these almanacs on account of the arti
cles on astrology which they contain.
The subject of astrology is a very attrac
tive one to most people. The ai tides
on astrology in the Peruna almanac
have been furnished by a very compe
tent astrologiBt, and the mental char
acferiatics of each Eign is given, consti
tuting almost a complete horoscope. '
A list of questions and answers on
astrology sent free upon request. There
will be a great rush for these ' books.
Ask your druggist for cne early before
they are all gone.
i. ' " DURANCE.
Frank Presto Smart in Ftbruary Century.
When four walls bar me out from her
Who makes the world for me,
'lis I who am the prisoner
And she the one that's free.
As pood candy to a
ehild. .
Queea Bee.
Cough Drops
Are made of pure hon
ey and menthol. They
are pleasant and ef
fective as a remedy
for cough! and colds.
Try a package. Sold
by all druggists and
confectioners. Two
packages by mail on
receipt of lw;., stamps.
Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co.
Portland, Ore.
Vegetable Pr eparalionor As
sisu Aing toeFoodandSeula
ling the Stoaacls ar&Bavrels of
Promotes DigeslioaCheerfur
ness and Rest.Con tains neillier
Otoiumforphinc nor1xal.
Not Narcotic.
infiemmt -BiOutamkJmbHi.
g'ailui. Sugar
iahryrH. Ala
A perfect Remedy for Conslipa
Fion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
, iirT" i --p"" ....1T..H.iimi.i ... .t.Tr . . yi
'u... ,u, u A. - -u..h-: :V. U ..i "j, 1
II , I
Modest Worth.
"I d0Tlt
?," Ml J the fDible girl,
'how yoo could bring yourself to
round after that actor; such a conceit
ed stick hi h is."
"You'ra miMnkn," replied the mat
inoegirl. "He'i jut m modeci ho
can to. Whv, hn I aked hitn
horn he cwilerd Uie greatest actor
! in xho worlJ he "ctually blushed, an !
replied that it wasn't (or him to aay."
. JrhiUJI hta Fres8t 7
A Natural Tendency.
j "I guess Rinx has just had a raise in
aalary," raid the confirmed cynic. .
i "Has anybody told yon ?" j
1 "So, but he gnea abont saying he
thinks the world is getting better, and
i that the dancer from trusts is ereatlr
Long Life of a Negro,
Frank Mitchell, a negro born in
slaveiy 10S years ago, is still living at
! Akron. O.. ami ha m. vivlt w!Wtin
of 6Vetns that occurred in the first part
ot thfl U8t n9 b smoktd
and ci,eweti tobacco for over 100
Wis Bros., tbe Portia b4 Dentlats,
Some Original Pulling.
If this item pulls you to our office to
have your tooth polled, it will not hurt
you to have the tooth pulled any more
than it curt you to have your inclina
tions pulled in our favor. If this talk
fails to pnll you in our direction, then
we shall have so much less tooth
pulling to do, but we want lota of it.
We send cut our words urging you to
take immediate care of your teeth. We
try to pull your thoughts to the safe
conclusion that it is best to have bad
teeta pulled oat right away without
any waiting; and when we pull the
testh it does not hurt you. Besides
that, it does not puil much money from
your poccet, ior our cnargoe are very
moderate. This short talk on pulling
we sincerely hope will pull you to onr
o.'bce, and, if you come, yon will find
that not any of these pulls hurt anyone.
On the contrary, each and every one of
them will do both you and us good.
You will see that we tell the truth
when we say that dental work in onr
office is painless and inexpensive, and
when you return to your home satisfied
with our work we hope you will tell
some of your friends about us. Wise
Brothers, Failing Bldg., Third and
Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon.
A Dangerous Tey.
"My boy Sammy," said the neigh
bor, "worries me almost to death with
bis somnambulism."
"You ought to take it away from
him," said Mrs. Lapsling. "He'll kill
himself with it some day.'' ,
Ta Break la.Kaw Bhoei,
- Always shake in Aliens Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures chilblains, damp, sweating, aching,
swollen feet. Cures Corns and Bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FEEl. Address
Aen S. Olmstead, LeRoy, N. Y
Unwelcome Friendship.
"I want to say to yen," roared the
red-faced passenger, "that I am a
friend to the Boers, all the time."
"Well," said the slim passenger,
who was in a corner of the car, where
he couldn't escape, "I hadn't thought
much about it, but if you are with
j them I am sorry for them myself."
Indianapolis Freas.
Mothers will Una Mrs. mnslow's 8ooth.
tne Syrup tbe best remedy to use tor their
3hudien during tne teething period.
The Poor Rule.
Kwoter Well, it's a poor rule
won't work both ways, you know.
Jiggina I say it's a poor rule that
would work any way. K it wasn't
poor, it wouldn't have to work.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
. Always Bought
Bears the
1 iilES f I illl
W$ Use
vP For Over
' Thirty Years
...... Order la the Kitchen ...
Keep everything in Its proper place
and have a place for everything. Tre-
'pare beforehand, and wash the dishes
: used In the preparation at once and
get them out of the way before the
meal Is served. Wash each saucepan
( quickly as soon as It Is emptied, and
wnue it is moisr. stcuucry wore is
not an attractive occupation, but It
must be done. If .the cook has two
granite dtshpans, on filled with" hot
soapsuds, the other with clear boiling
water, with a mop she can quickly
clean every utensil, and rinse, dry and
put It away. Ladles' Home Journal
Ore-ana Maffina
Dissolve three-quarters of a cake of
compressed yeast In a quart of blood-
warm mult, into this stir a table- medioai treatment, w uue mo aymp
spconftd of melted butter, a teaspoon-1 erxt to U aliuilar W tiwo of
or mctrea carter, a waitpoou-
In a large bowl mix three cups
ful of sa
sugar. In
of graham flour with one cup of whiter'
flour, make a hollow- In the center and
pour In the liquid mixture.' Mix thor -
oughly. aet to rise over night and
pour Into greased muffin tins. Bake In
a hot oven.
.,. 4 . -oois. ,
Rub to a cream a cup of butter and
a cup of sugar; work in gradually a Thousands of testimonial let
cup of molasses and a small teacupful tors proTO beyond question that
of sour milk or buttermilk. Stir tn an nothing will relieve thts dlstreiw
even teaspoonful of boiling soda dls- Inff comlition so surely ns Lydia
solved in a little boiling water and! .lcie.S?
heat all hard, adding, as you do so.
two teaspoonfuls of ground ginger,
Stir In enough flour to make a dough
that can be rolled out, roll very thin,
cut into rounds and bake In a good
. Mock Tartl Son p.
Boll a calf's liver and heart with a
knuckle. of Teal for four hours, skim
ming well; then strain; chop the meat
fine and add to It a chopped onion,
salt, pepper and ground cloves to
taste. Thicken a little with flour and
cook a few minutes over a hot fire;
when ready to serve, pour the soup
over the yolks of four hard-boiled
eggs.' cut up, and a few, slices of
fouffle of chicken.
Cut the meat from the brenst of an
uncooked chicken, mince, pound and
paas It through a sieve, then mix In
half a pint of very stiffly whipped
cream, salt to taste, pepper; add some
minced mushrooms or truffles; put this
mixture Into a buttered mould and
steam for twenty minutes, then turn
out and serve with supreme sauce
poured over It
Paraoip Fritter.
Wash and scrape them and cut tn
, ..-vi,
cook until tender, niauh them through
a colander, return them to the fire,
add to two large parsnips a tablespoon-
ful of butter, salt and pepper to taste,
nui'HN nil Mr t motti c lrn nrinnr ifotam
ana one egg beaten, well; mix thor-i '
oughly, remove from the fire, and,
when cool, make Into small Oat cake
and fry In a little batter.' Serve hot
Anchovy Appetizer.
Slice buttered bread very thin, re-
move the crust and cut nto long, thin
flTFIrta Knpnorl na stwln w 11. .
chovy paste and serve as the first
course at dinner.
. Brief Suggestion.
Red tablecloths keep their color If a
little borax Is added to the rinse wa
ter and they are dried In the shade.
To take stains out of knives take a
piece of raw potato, dip it Into brick
dust and scour the blades with It
A lump of camphor should be kept In
the plate chest, for It will render the
stored-away silver less liable to tar-1
t .i .ui . m , . ...
If the skin of tow s peels eas ly It Is
B.8u ol fpu a. ii tne spurs or cmc
are over one-fourth nch long don't buy
them-it Indicates old age. !
When soot falls upon the carpet It
may be removed by sprinkling on plen-
ty of finely powdered salt and sweep-
Ing off In the direction of the, fire-
place. Repeat until the marks ara
Grease on wallpaper may be re
moved by covering the stain with pipe
clay mixed with water to the consls
tency of thick cream, leaving It to dry men in Loudon than there are in Dub
and then brushing It off. It Is best lin more Bcotcn than nere ftre in Ed" j
to appiy me pip emy one aay ana to
remove It the next If the stain has
not entirely disappeared the operation
should be repeated.
. Diamonds that Explode. -
It has long been known that dia
monds, especially the class known as
"rose diamonds," are Likely to explode
If subjected only to what would seem
a - very ordinary ? degree of heat
It Is now believed that the explosions
are the result of the rapid expansion
of certain volatile liquids Inclosed In
cavities near the center of these pre
cious stones. A great many diamonds,
even though cut, mounted and worn as
gems of perfection, are still in an unfin
ished condition that Is, the liquid
drop from which the stone Is being
formed has not as yet deposited all of
Its "pure crystals of carbon." These
movable drops may occasionally be seen
with the naked eye.
When this is the case, a strong mi
croscope will give the drop the appear
ance of a bubble lu the fluid In a car
penter's level. It Is also highly prob
able that besides the liquid mentioned
these cavities may contain gases under
great tension. This being the case, one
may readily comprehend how a very
small amount of heat would cause tbe
liquid and the gas to expand to such
a degree that the diamond would give
way with an explosion. London An
What He Stood On.
When M, Disraeli made his entry into
public life he contested High Wycombe,
and then, as ever, his ready wit helped
him to success. ' '
J ;.
Mrs. E. B. Bradshaw, of
Guthrie, Okla., cured of a severe
case i by Lydia E IMnkham's
Vegetable Compound. '!
A great many women suffer with a
form of ladlgeationor dyspepsia which
does not seen to yield to ordinary .
medioal treatment, 'hlle the aymp-
t " , -
m (J patient's normal
Mrs. IMa-ham claims that there
' U a kind of dyspepala that ta caused
br derangement of the female organ
ism, and which, while It causes dis
turbance similar to ordinary Indiges
tion, cannot be relieved without a
medicine which not only acta as a
I stomach tonic, but has wiculiar uterine-
' .
pound. It always works In har
mony with the female system.
Mrs Pln-hata adTlses slck
women free. Ad dres Lynn, Mass.
The Inventor's Triumph.
"You say that Arbeiter's inventions
have made several men millionaires,
but did Le ever make anvthing out of
themr. ' ' . . 'I ,,; v .. -
Oh, yea he was singularly success-
ful with his devices in that tespect,
He made enough
to periect all or
Do you like olives? Yon have to
learn to like them, of course, but you
will be sorry you did not cultivate a
taste for them before particularly if
you let your grocer send you a bottle
0f the Monopole r variety. Monopolo
olives are the largeet which come to
this country. They are also the most
luscious and tenderest which the far
famed olive growers of Spain produce,
Be sure you secure this brand from
your dealer. Wadbams & Kerr Bros.,
Monopole Grocers and Dry Coffee Roast-
ah Portland, Oregon.
Collisions to Avoid.
-We live in a wonderfully free
. . .
jonas on, 1 don't know: our an-
0,, -ere afraid of Indians and
bears, but we go around town in mortal
fer of electric cars and automobiles.
Detroit Free Press.
Color In the Arctic.
The leading color v pictures in the
February Century the most novel and
curious In subject of any that magazine
has yet published are from interest
ing and beautiful studies of the aurora
made b Frank WUber, Boka-
while in the Arctic in the fall of 1892,
and are richly worthy the subject.
They reproduce in print for the first
time in a popular magazine the wonder
ful effects of the aurora. Mr. Stokes,
probably the first real colorist to visit
the Arctic regions, was with the Peary
and relief expeditions on the Kite when
he was urivileeed to see some color dis-
plays worth all the dangers and priva-
tions of tbe trip. His word painting is
as vivid and interesting as his color
work' v
'r-',Zr Z 7TZ
. . . The Term Spinster.
Among our industrial and frugal
English forefathers it was a maxim
that , yoong woman Bhould never be1
married until she had spun herself a!
Kt o( bodT ubie and M ,inen rrom
this custom all unmarried women were
termed spinsters, an appellation they
still retain in all our law proceedings, i
" '
rr coffrhs and colds there is no better
tion. Price 25 cents.
London's Mixture.
It is said that there are more Irish
French and the whole of
8affron hill
. Breathing.
Persons breathe less when they are
concentrating their minds on , study or
work and also when nnder the influ
ence of depressing emotion. On the
other hand, we breathe more when ex
hiliarated by pleasure and amusements.
- "I had a bsd cough for six
weeks and could find no relief
until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle
cured me." .;
L. Havn, Newington, Ont.
Neglected colds always
lead to something serious.
They run into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
asthma, or consumption.
Don't wait, but take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
just as soon as your cough
begins. A few doses will
cure you then.
. Tins suMi Uc, ffc. II. All infflstt. '
Consalt roar doctor. U be ssrs take it,
taoe it as ks If tolls tob not
to taks It, t,a .jia't take it. Ho knows.
t It will t. Wo ore w. Illlnf.
t, o. AYK- CO., Lowell, Hut.
The Shopper Woe Very SrMctiUrt
V ' ltd U Or.
A decorous h" "icnf crowd ot wo
men was e''ed round a counter
where -Hrtcd candles were on sal
st Mduced prices, when a piercing vole
rroui the edge of the crowd mad kuowa
a wish. '
"I want a pink caudlef cam th
plaint. "I have to catch a train. Can't
you show me a pink candur
At first th saleswoman paid no heed,
but as th demand was repeated again
and again, sh finally said, "As soon
as I can I will look, madam. I think
th pink candle are all gone."
"Oh," walled the woman on th dgo
of th crowd, "ar you surer I don't
want a white one! 1 want a pink cau
dlel j
"Can't you find me a pink candlsT
I bar to catch a train," cam two
minute later from th vole, which
wa now nearer th counter. "You
don't seem to hav anything but whit
ones." ;
"In a minute, madam,' said th sales
woman; and at last, by virtue of two
women volunteering to wait until th
Insistent customer wa served, th
applicant for the pink candl reached
th counter.
-."You wouldn't wish on of the
whit ona with th ptuk rose!" asked
th saleswoman, rummaging la her
"I said I wished a pink candle," cam
tn aa Injured touv "I dou't know how
many time I need to say It"
"Would this one dor Th saleawo
man at last produced a pluk candle,
somewhat Jammed at th lower end.
"That! No, of course not! I must
hav a perfect one."
I There was another interval during
which th saleswoman was out of sight
under th counter. When sh rose
again, flushed but triumphant, ahe dis
closed a little package still tn tts wrap
pings; It proved to b a candl of pal
pink, fresh and unmarred In any way.
. "There, madam!" ahe said, wearily.
"I've found this one candle that had
been overlooked. Twenty-flv cents,
"Waltf satd th woman, Imperative
ly. "I I think I'd rather have a whit
one, after all, now that I've seen both.
You know you never can tell what you
don't want until you'v seen It. Yes,
I'll take one of tbe white candles, and
please hurry, for I have to catch a
At present th proportion of working
time la smaller In Britain than lu any
other nation. The assertion is true
alike In respect of agriculture, of In
dustry, of shopkceplng, of commerce
and of the professions.
Statistics of the fatal accidents in
tbe Alps for the last ten years show a
total of 275. Of the 321 deaths which
resulted from the 273 fatal accidents,
100 were Germans or Austrian, 4$
Swiss. 23 Italians. 18 Englishmen, 13
Frenchmen and 27 of other nationali
ties. Seven of those killed were wom
en, 73 were guides and 14 porter.
Prof. Woodward has gon over th
calculations of Leplace by the aid of
modern data, and concludes that
though in theory the length of the day
ou earth must be increasing, owlug to
th increasing mass of the planet due
to th constant deposit of meteors, etc.,
yet the change Is so Infinitesimal' that
there has not been a half second of dif
ference In ten million years.
. An Improved machine for sealing en
velopes has been Invented by a man In
Topeka, Knn. "In operation," says the
Scientific American, "the envelopes are
fed into the machine, tbe flaps moist
ened, turned, and finally pressed tight
ly to sealing position. Tbe machine, It
Is claimed, will seal froi eight thou
sand to fifteen thousand envelopes per
hour of any ordinary bulk, mixed sixes,
and especially adjusted will seal at
about the same rat up to one-half
inch In thickness."
A veteran of the Spanish war re
cently appealed to the Secretary of the
Interior a case in which he claimed n
pension on account1 of corns that he
had contracted by wearing army shoes.
Th department, after an exhaustive
course of reasoning, comes to the con
clusion that corns are not a pensiona
ble disability. The decision says:
"Corn are Inconvenient, but aro sel
dom Incapacitating, and when they are
the remedy is simple and within th
reach of any one. The soldier's pat
riotism ought not to terminate with his
military service. It should prompt him
to go to a chiropodist rather than to
the pension bureau."
The eminent French scientists, Flum
marlon and Berbet have, by permis
sion of the French government, been
repeating Foucault's famous experi
ments with th pendulum to the I'an
theon In Paris. Foucault's original
pendulum was used. It consists of a
lead ball weighing fifty-six pounds on
th end of a wire 210 feet long. It
takes th pendulum eight seconds to
swing on way, or sixteen seconds to
make a, complete beat Its apparent
path changes constantly, at a rate
which would cause its plane of vibra
tion to pass through a complete circle
in twenty-four hours thus verlfybig
tbe rotation of the earth.
"Nebulous stars probably represent
the earliest phase of stellar evolution,"
says Agries M. Clerke, In Knowledge.
"They irresistibly suggest incipience;
they have seemingly not yet fully ap
propriated the material allotted for
their construction. In the course of
a fw or of many millenniums, they
will, it is reasonable to suppose, have
absorbed the outstanding supply and
will shine as finished suns."
There Is at present no reason to sup
pose, however, Miss Clorke thinks, that
the stars that appear as nuclei of plan
etary and annular nebulae emit gase
ous radiations. "Those that do-HiiuI
they are very few are palpably not
stars, but condensed wisps of cosmic
Spiritual Adjustment.
Mrs. Chic Our now rector Is not at
all worldly.
Mr. Chic Well, he will have to tone
our parish down. : . -
Mrs. Chic Oh, no; our purlth will
have to toue him up. Life -' 1
a 'luiusj wsm sRtt PAM Jk i iitt y
I IIM 10 BUI run Mia
Chicken, Duct and Qecao feath
ers. Address
'ftAaCAWKT do sll oUImoS fW thee
et4 ore e umr wonderful mwicino I bote uli.o
wlshod tor oiotflome lo use no et ll
klood ku kooo ouriawi end mt ooni
. roona II m or pine usins ini mr
i two bo.
eroved wonuorruu
nr end I fl much but to ot art
iXia M. uua, LaiuoU.lvuu.
PleasMt fotolaht. Potent, Tests OonS, Its
ood, Hoor tlotea. Weaken, or Urii. toe,,.
Siiibil ! , eblwso. Saatnoh Vwe. lit If! Sold end nHMoe4 slldrof
I U-6AU iie W til MB iutwooo Uebifc.
S2i XfEP Y0- CRT KOTiiS Ei5t WIL
omowino rua UNe orAWMf nt anphat
CRKN nAni- 25 center
,KrtrL perJONf!
Ortst Chimp. t Food
on Barth tor Shp, ftwtnot
Cattle. to
fill lb worth '.m s r4 vlMl
1MT UhfJ
M . . S-t-ll aft . .
i uiiiian Liaiiar rjii
f vy ui hiti- rt'M likM
JU ml bay tiU Ui aiiur f t tVr,
ioe ssrv is, i veMMi, r mmw.t
hl fif t4. kt S"U. i but. bt
ftt. tJ t'fetsiry Oat, i b. ft
Tasini, Um
lima r4Mr it .
ForthlsNotlewsinl 1 0a.
!l l.d HUUl I 10 f"m Hl SEED
StntUM, foil; nia t M $yt .uit.
rar-n wan fl
S vwAet suss ssswrisitjs
McCAULEY t5c BURBANK, General Machinists
Mine, Hill end Marine wgrk. General repair,. I'tlnling Mai hlmry repaired ami rebuilt
Poole Bldg;., Foot of Morrison St. PORTLAND, ORDJON
NOThihq so Qooo fou CHicx run as thk
K nukes Hens Ly end Ksept Ihrm tiying. ;i cures Roup, Cho'ars snd Alt
Dltesies. It itronulhMii young chicks, snd nu'am thsm gww. Price 25c and SOc.
Uf youne; eblckan, rumm.nrfl trlnir. anrl afirr l'i,ne fmir doi.n 1 pitf
ehawd a cackan uf ruur I'll) CHIAN I'ul.'LTUV ro.Xi. lili h .toi nnl them
ST' "
from drlne anil 1 bav. ron.tantly k.fil It "A band evar ,n(-a I can i r.'um m.fid
Ita. Ju.i wUall, n.olwl n r.i.mi-I'uiillrr. I) II KliliilS, I a'ah, Waab,
Delivered at any Railroad Station
or Boat landing in Oregon
rti.?i!PKt.Mroo'0,ieiH,thn,V0,,!t P8''0'' lloliheil orKaiis now ininiiifHritiirml.
It Is the Pex'lllc yueen, made eclally lor tilers Hami Hounu. ( holwi i,f uncv wbI.
SSlsl M:m.V b"Vel0d P'UVh ',at0 "",r"r' ''(0l!t"r
. nm.n1??.? 'j" I'r?v"inU are embodied In Oils nriraii, inaHui? It
at o one oMhe lst and mos . durable organs muiiufacturud In the Unllud H.ttlcs.
Huilt with special reward to l'acillc, :oant fllinalB.
Besides the resular reed tone, this limtrnmotit also has several octaves of the rcau
lar pipe etlects, to be found In no othor make.
Special Introductory
will deliver a perfect and fully guaranteed Organ, f relit ht paid I
or boat landing In the State ot Oregon for H), on payment of fa d
The fancier styles $B, I., et!., on same terms. Write us today, s
y only to the first 100 Instruments.
Portland, Oregon.
Largest, Leading- and Most Responsible Western Dealers,
3S1 Washington St.,
Portland, Or.
608 Sprague Ave.,
fepolcano, Wash.
Ninth and J Sts., Sacramento.
l oot ol Morr lon r-trret.
Con miwn you the best bergitlns tn
'''"'. vklii.lmllU, riniiHiii
fl MrUlnr, ikiiI Mowtii M(
SclUy. Nva us twitiro Imrltio.
nil done-
nine a
I r For ne-rlv
half ft ren-tirv
nam loan stow tne rammjs I n mntf
t (tokimuu irao to atl atiHwnb).
! i, m. rrttux are, M
-4 ,r,s---''"-
Well Machinery
Oil or Water any
rile ltr cetelugue.
I31IALL ft CO.,
tWn'l Agts.
SIS t'umuier
clal UUk
Tin oiiilorlil I'ht
nr ilmtiif I rati,
r fat l tui )) car)
ril) Wttltuttt OfXTtV
tldit that r Blvfti ittt
lod. 1U rnrrt wnti
k v
t ,3tVS
i b J' " v Ut t nUf!f un
tt t il ill MHHf ) f. i tttutlt Hit uf tM lh
tmruilvia rriiitHliri ttt futiwua. tiuMor k)iuw
Utv mi'ttuu ii ur duutliflt-rvitt fnu (., wttu-h
bf sutrnlut ly u-n III tl i fTriil tjtriwi, Its)
(uaraulrri lu i-urs) tmiarth, MMilitim, Uni,
lit runt. rltruttiAiiwtu, nvrvt'iiotit-M. atitmu.
llVrf, ktUu. , U Mlttttltitlsl uf liMUltuu
im. t linrtr. ht til t '. i nil mitt him,
I'NIirtlU t Ul t'f (h CIV rltD lur Uiftuka hh
rirt'ittAr. Ht4 4 vttl in tmmMt, iUNnll
lit'. Third SI., IHwiloiid, UrogoA.
r. k. v.
Xo. 7-1003.
! w11!
lTfrllsore please
J I i 1 1 i
JtU GO, fortland, Ure., Coaol A(auU.
To Introduce this O rtrnfi wa nra
makhiK moHt exceptional conces
sions in our prices and lnns, and
10 any station
down and ft a mouth
today, as this oiler is limited
683 Market St.,
San Francisco.
1 1 RivpfiTnpe $2,801
l l u I il I UL.U Dbi.S
(i m l.PrMil re,feW ltrlti 4t, ff
," I. ii fcit J r i sff m. t.i.
4 4lM Am MamiBwtbat4kNoiMttM
' 1-li, iirVi. Marri Kmle ffft rr
i1 w II N A. S I.K t: U I IHI. l o i t, W la. 2
I . -r -
oa . islsat4 a let a . si . Mtiotek OMBiitt etl I a mMUm. m
v J
if w
WW u.tii 'UJH
- i i .. i T