THE GOIIDOI! GLOBE. THURSDAY. rRUARV 12, I WO 3 THE OFFICIAL PAPIROF OILLIAM COUNTY, OHECON. t. '. . . ., ..J .JL. LOCALNEWS, Unit from now null I spring at and b- lo oot. Aiijimis iimllutf iiillllnitrjr mmI will flii.l grtrNt bargains kt Mrs. K. ii. Mn.i.u.r. waive iKM out. when yon sea os ik n wlmt you owe ns. 8urittgiVit A Il"i n8 Ki ii.DiNO Matihul Ii Clark A Knurr's spedalt. Car loads coining. (I ft their llgttrea. lUrry Hour Is liutMIng a new rarpen tersliau wvdot llollentxwk's blacksmith ml uiaclilna sho. Ptvplienson A Wiloni bava a change oi ni in this impression, II you wear lliot'i It III llilurmt you. Anum colj water paint. Will taml the weather ami is l the cost ol oil pnlnt. Clarke 4 Prater. Hats, millinery imhIs, toys, fancy Khxis etc. lor mo Holidays, ureal re- l union In prlv on millinery foods on til after the first of tu year. Miss Dura ltawnlng'. c . All things Indicate that Comloo will njy a building boom nest summer audi as the town never before knew Just keep your eye on Condon and watch liar grow. The Kst Orrgonlan says that the portage railroad Is second In importance to Oregon to the Lewis A Clark Fair. If the statement were reversed it would be nearer the truth. Kliler Ooodwln lectured to a well Blled bouse at the Saint's church Sunday evening bis subject being the Image eeen by Nehuchadnesiar la bis dream end Interpreted by Daniel. The ball to be given Friday evening, Feb. 13th, nnder the auspices of Wallula Circle Is for a worthy ohjecb the new school house building fund and all friends of the Condon public school should attend. See large posters. I). M. Klnehart has purchased the Itinehart restaurant from his father, U. V. Rlnehart, and has taken possffaalou of the bonne. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Hine tiart have moved into the property va cated by D, M. near the water tank. The strain well drill completed a well for K. A. May Saturday and moved to (iodfrey S'liilli nic'e place, Monday. Mr. Wat' well is 33 S feet deep with an abundance of good water. Less than three days were required to complete It. Ceo. Earhart returned from Ontario last week where he speut some time lookinK after bis sheep. He says the heavy snow which recently prevailed In that section has mostly disappeared and when be left the sheep were doing nice The services at the Baptist church are (wing continued this week. Kev. Mount of Heppner being still here assisting the laator. Much Intereat Is being ahown and the house is well Blled at each eer vice. Kev. Mount Is a forceful and ileaing speaker. s The Long Creek Light Is the latest Journalistic venture In this part of East ern Oregon, the initial numberof which lias reached our table. The Light is a farlght, newsy, prosperous looking sheet and we wish it success. W. 0. Harry man Is the publisher. The entertainment to be given by members of the Rellgio society tonight in Armory hall will be worth attending. The program will consist of muslo liter ary eierclses Ublenui etc. Doors open at 7:00 p. tu. l'reformance begins at 7:30. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Teacher's eiamtaatiou Is being con ducted this week by Superintendent Neal assisted by Mrs. Lillian Stevens and J. A. McMorrls. The applicants are: Ivan Macy, Mrs. Susie Welle, Miss es Belle Ranney, Augusta Wester, Ber tha Trimble, Mamie Scoggin, Pearl Moore and Belle Wilson. Deputy Sheriff Rogers arrested Taul Schroeder, of Ferry Canyon. Thurday on a warrant eeut here Irom Clackamas, ounty, the charge being seduction. Mr. Itogers took Schroeder to Arlington Sat-' nrday where he was met by Deputy Sheriff Moody, of Clackamas county, Schroeder is a married man and the jirosecutlng witness Is his sister-in-law. The Condon Debating Club threshed out the bachelor tax question last Friday evening end settled U for good that the gay bachelor shall not be taxed, Tomor row evening the club will take up and settle the question of electing United States senators by a direct vote. Visitors are welcome at the club meetings on .Friday evenings. John Madden, of Lone Rock, met with a serious accident last Saturday, lie had started to Condon In a lumber wa gon and while coming up a grade soon after leaving home liU team became frightened and started to run throwing Mr. Madden to the ground. The full rendered him uncoiicioua and when he came to his senses after n couple of hours lie found that the team had stopmil a ehort distance above him. With much difficulty he crawled to the wagon climb ed in and drove home. He has since been confined to his bed unable to move but at lust accounts was Improving slow- Jy. At a meeting of those interested in the Blue Mountain reserve, held at Canyon City lust week, Forest Super visor tl. D. Langille explained that the government ratine would be u I lotted first to those living wittiiu tne reserve lines, then to those who own hind tliereii', next to those wh are adjacent to the reserve, and lastly to those living at distance, the farthest uway getting the last and least allotment. No charge is : to be made this year for range w ithin the reserve. the allotment as ex plained bv Mr. Lmigillu will lie some' what hard on Wheeler county sheepmen mid will almost tint Gilliam and Sher man counties out of the sheep business. -Fil Journal, A Thrilling Rv-i. A gentleman -utt is spending the win ter in Oondwi had a Somewhat thrilling experience last Monday evening of which this story Is a. correct Record, He la a gallant gentleman and when be learned that two ladies of the house at which he Is staying wished to attend church that evening and had no escort he gladly proffered bis services In that capacity which the ladies as gladly ac cepted. It will be remembered that I full grown chlnook had been doing In si ness In Condon that day and when the party sailed forth the mod and slush on the sldewalkless streets in the southwest part ol town was most abominable. Carefully picking their way along the fences and over the Inprovised stepping stones they Anally reached the covered sewer which crosses the street diagonal ly at the Klnehart restaurant corner and cheered by the Arm footing which the planking gave them they made for port, which in Hits ease was the sidewalk. At that point the sidewalk is a couple of feet above the sewer and as the beau of the party attempted to make the ascent bis feet suddenly parted coin panyand with a yell of dismay "ker plunk" he went into the yawning abyss, (At the particular point where be laud- the sewer was uncovered.) Fortunately there was only about a foot and a ball of water running in the eewer at the time and by strenous efforts the ladles, aided by two other ladles who happened along, pulled and tugged ontli they sue ceeded In rescuing their escort from bis perilous and uncomfortable position. It was a narrow escape for it Is said that the gentleman, whole of portly boild, fitted Into the sewer's month like a plug and thus literally dammed the water so that It must have soon overwhelmed him. The Record does not state wheth er he dammed anything else or not. The Record says that the gentleman stated that be did not know which one of tbe ladies pushed bitu into tbe eewer but that If either of them did so be thinks it Is a poor way to induce strangers eith er to locate in Condon or to attend church. It may also be made a matter of Record that the gentleman will not be a candidate for eewer Inspector at tbe next city election. Something That Will Do You Good. We know of no way lo which we can he of more service to our readers than to tell theui of something that will be of real good to them. For this reason we want to acquaint them with what we consider one of tbe very best remedies in the market for coughs, cold and that alarming complaint, croup. We refer to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it witb such good results in our family so long that It has become a household necessity. By its prompt nse we haven't any doubt but that it has time and again prevented croup. The testimony is given upon our own experi ence, and we suggest that our readers, especially those who have small children always ksep it in their homes as a safe guard against croup. CmLn (S.C.)Aff itngrr. Only 25c at Condon, Pharmacy. Loaded Shot Gun Shells and cartridges. Large ebFoitn.ent at Claike & Fraxer'e Hardware and Furniture store. Grain Sacks Contracted. Frank Moore has been canvassing the Condon and Ferry Canyon section dur ing tho past week taking orders for grain sacks for the Arlington Warehouse Co. Tbe company contracts the sacks to the farmers at 6J cents apiece and agrees to give the farmers tbe benefit of tbe fall in price should there be any before de livery. Mr. Moore contracted 70,000 sacks Sn this section and we understand that the Warehouse people have already contracted about 250,000 in the county. This indicates that tbe farmers of Gil liam county expect to raise some wheat this year. When you lack energy, do not relish your food, (eel dull after eating, all you need is a dose of Chamberlaiu't Stomach it Liver Tablets. They will make you fell like a new man and give yon an ap petite like a bear. Sold bv Condon Pharmacy. J. Q. Jarvie baa a change of ad this week. . . The portago railway bill hat passed the House. There la no change in the senatorial situation. 11. 11. Little will serve supper for tbe dance tomorrow night. Foa Sale No 8 cook stove in good re pair. Enqnire of Roy Price. , J. A. McMorrls and family returned last week from a pleasant visit witb friends at Dayton Wash. Win. Eddon, of the Oondon Meat Co. almost sawed his left thumb off Tuesday while working at the block. Fob Rknt In the town of Mayville store and rooms, apply to Mrs. Byrne, 40 Laid ley St., San FrHiici8co,California. Harrison Ebbert, of Walla 'Walla, a former resident of this place, is here vis iting his brother, J. W. Ebbert, and other friends. Mrs. M. E. Summers aud Mrs. B. II. Bour returned from Pendleton Tuesday where they went to attend the funeral of their relative, Mrs. llolen Stockdule, which was held Sunday. Wastbd An energetic manager for ollioe to be opened in this city for large manufacturing concern. Salary One uunoerd Dollars per montn extra com miRHlon and exnensea Five Hundred Dollars cash security required. Best of references. Addree Manager P. O Box 2124 Sun FianciHco, Calif. 49162. For Stomaoh Troubles. "I have taken a great many different medicines for stomach troubles aud con Btipation," writes Mrs. S. Uelger, of Dunkerton, Iowa,"but never had as good results from any as from Chamberlain's Stomach A Liver Tablet.'? For sale bv Condon Pharmacy. . IT uoU need a New Watch' loan aupplu UOU with thl beet makes at reasona ble prices. 1 EpU R E D . -r Before Spring opens. In a few weeks you will be at work and will need a reliable time piece. Bring' in your watch today that I may hate time to y aj' it in first-class condition before you need to nee it. E. B. MI E A.J., -at Condon Pharmacy . .(PRESCRIPTION j. i r ' GREETING!! To atl those who have I have purchased Elgin Myers' Confectionery, in the Barr bond ing, and am making many improvements in the same. My stock will consist of only the po rest and beat articles, including CANDIES, NUTS, CIGARS, J i LUNCH GOODS, SOFT DRINKS &C, H H T a ii m. mm . m-m a YE SOLD 8 TONS OF HAILS LASHEAR Because oar prices were right; ?v r wm.o HAILS AND LET US QUOTE YOU CLARKE & Still at the Old Stand With the finest line of up-to-date Candies, Cigars and Tobacco, Fresh Roaeted Pea Nuts, A I moods, Braiil Walnuts,. Pecans and Filberts, Oranges, Ln . ope, Apples, B insnss and a4l" other frnite ) aeaeen. Lunch Goods a specialty. Soft Drinks ofall kiode. -W- Woman A troe The She wsa a good woman. He loved be. She was his wife. The pie was good ; his wife made it; he ate it. Dot the pie disagreed witb him, and he disagreed with his wife. Now he takes a pili after" pie and is happy. So is bis wife. Moral: Avoid dyspepsia by using CATHARTIC PILLS from J. Q. JARVIS, Druggist. LARCE ASSORTMENT OF VALENTINES III STOCK. Condon ffM. C. EDDEN, Manager. Now Occupying Our Own Finest Beef, Pork, Mutton. We recommend and guarantee our own make of Sugar-cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard Sau v sage and Bologna Try them once and be convinced. finest job printing for 0 THAT MAIS TO H0USANDS OF ASTY0HESSE S ; :' UP-TO-DATE MERCHANTS. auiiuiiiiuiiiiiaiiuuiuaiiiiiiiiaiuiaiaauaiuaiuuiau Diamonds, : Jewelry, i Silverware Only First class Goods. DRUGGIST8.) ....... i nvuvLrwtvuwuttrnnAftiWut a "sweet tooth." ITT TP- a a a-m m J inruvuwuvvvvvuu BARB WIRE TTS ARRIVE. OUR BEST PRICES. FRAZER. ' .-1:1 5 1 John Jackson. Man story. Pill. and the Meat-0o. New' Building Main Street pil at tr;e (JC0BE Office. DUNN -BR OS 10 PER CENT DISGOUrST On Boys' and Misses' Orershoee while- aock lasts", BIG BARGAINS III Mens' and Boys Shoes that have" been in stock for sometime. ' We can get anything y ouwant in the W Yum. not in tiucit on short notice. o. u. piopss 0 (p. THE WEARING O'lT. Stephenson & Wilcox Growing? Of course we're growing. Our btmnes is growing, onf stock is growing and oar ability to serve jou in the best . . possible manner is also growing. When you need First-class Hand Made Harness and Saddles Call on Cantry & WHEAT INTERIOR WAREHOUSE WHEAT Highest price paid (or Grain of all kinds. Storage and baling of Wool. General Warehouse and Merchandise Business. 8AU0UI, CDTXRIE A CO., ITCW. ruinxuvvruuinnjvuviuinuirvtr INEHART'S RESTAURANT s The pnblie will find that no better acconi modatious can be found in this county , than this place. Good meal a, clean beds. .. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN GEO. V. RINEHART, Prop. ljue pop!durti$e Id TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bruno Qnlnlne Tablet. AU dragglRU refsnd tbe money if It lalli to cure K. W. Grove' t Mjrnature is on each box. 25c Subscribe for the Globb. NCASTER a PATTISON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Farm and Town property for sal. . Correaponi euce aoliclted. , - d CONDON, . OREOOJI Jl'illMlil "The road ain't half so hardaome If you wear an easy ahoo." We sell (t .too boy it; result two sat isfied, well pfeaed persons. Our Shoes for Men 'e n-n-iti" w ei-nr action ntt f.tess in(f to tilt rvtt and ar drvliitrtl, in theatrical parlsnde. to have a Ion mid snt'iwsKfitl raft, Palmer, -g AIUXSTCN, BLAIOCX, DSUCLAS, ICXE THIS POPULAR HOSTELRY Has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to eater to the wants of the traveling pnblie. Com mercial travelers and others desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel will find this bouse soiled to their wants. , Mas. S. A- Maddock, Propr. -MEALS 25c. BEOS 25c CONDON, OREGO N aljue paper JCJipB Notice To Creditors. Estate of Charles W. White, deceaaed. Notice Is hereby gtven by the andersigned, duly ap pointed Executrix of the esUte of Chariea W. White, deceased, to creditors of, and all persona baring claims against, the said deceased, to ex Mbit them, with the necessary TOHCbem, with in six months after the drst publicatioa of thi notice, the first pttbllcation hereof being Thurs day the 5th day of February A.D. 1903, to the said Executrix at her rt sidence 12 miles doatheast of Condon or at the offlce of Sam K. Van Vactor in Condon the same being the place for the trans action of the business of said estate, In the Conn' ty of Gilliam, State of Oregon. Dated this alth day of February 190S, Kxllis Whits. Sam K. Van Vactor attorney tor Executrix. , vteir DR. JORDAN'S amarl fQUSEOO OF i!iIT0UY IMt MARKET ST SAN MANCltCQ, CAL Thtry A lamleal Knstam htUeWgr'i. . Wi mm, or y enntract- i SdlMMaa.MalMTalrarmlfty m tha aitt BpcWJIat ua tfa faslAa Ooaak K.lablliatiiaiywa. M. JOBQAS-niVATf DISEASES a TMMff mum aad snMdt aa waa are auffrrlnf A froai tha Stela af yoathlul lnSI- r arUMka ar mcmm Ih aaaturar faara, KammawiShniclafclllSy,lM SMttmay, iiwl BaakMS la all I u cum pi I- ataa w ealy mSot4 iiaaMdlata mart, hut aanuaiiant A kuaimmrt ale traatawntlbatll wui oal . aara. Taa uocaar acaa ihi aiaim to pcirnria mtnOf, bat m waU feiwwa a a talr aud I Caaia Phntalaa aas aifn. pw snalueal Bbaawfalty-laMaa mt Um. IhaaTSSaaa without Utauaaol Hmrrmry. m iraibii laornoaniT arwaicawairam a Trwaaaa UM 7 aa Kxawr. ataaiiail an aaant awinim) of blscnniplaliit. A ' W wl tammfM a eOSITiyM CC3J a W wril ivrf , .... Voomitaiita fhkk aon atnciiTpnTBta. Tnataaant aaraaaall r or b J kllar. I KABtBtl AS)a. HtcuiFua (ATaloaala aawnraaoa.) wimwiw Ca JORDAN a C04 lOtt Market ..$,. IrI air Sar StaptMr. A 0,0 K aim radicoi turatM Mln, riaaair aud ruialaa,by Tn. Jatdaa'a spaolal palalas matawla. A 0ttrt 1 if-r fit'! ., evfnSt Sf jrw.iauxf Attorney at Law", Notary f ubltc art CenveyancetV S4. V Crtet1iitft4fairaAr. furaif t41nAt Otirt la rem si poaWSlc building, Main ilmi 8. L t ATTMO raiAET mud ee im ! Bafldiae. coifBoir, 4 4 OMaaoM. 1 - " I l mt gist a. va vactoS ATTOSIET-IT-Lltf, . ettes etfasr Iprtaa sWsef aa Oregoa eveaff I otow, ortcao. Tho Regulator. Lino, KATIGATIOH CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER UNEmm Oafiy Line ef Stamen Bctwcea PorfliA Vaacoimr. Gucads Lacks, rlcod Rhrcf saJaaPniais ea the Vaifatagtoa aUav f ttar Sams City aae RtfYiTater fMss flinS tf airalD( (ueayt Sunday) tt', ' M tm m a. imniii m nullum a la MBfis Msm let eats.lng tnOaA fkatfM aans Sntltr a4M4. W. C aUAWAT. Oca. Aft. 9 ef Strwl, Tae Biim, Of. CREGOn Snorrr hmfL Union Pacific ; : J-." TO ... .. SALT LAKE, DENVER, KAHSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS. NEW YORK. Ocean Steamers be tween Portland and San Francisco every five days. LOW RATES Tickets to and from all parts of the Unit ed States, Canada and Europe. For partic - ulars call on or address, " H. R. BRIGGS, ACfcNT. ARLINGTON, OREG. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants rjjiiteret prior to jMn. 1, 1902, will l pnid upon jire- 8entation at my office. Interest ihs, !u;i Nov. 11, 1JI02. P. II Stephenson, Treasurer of Gilliam inmntv, Orfji..ii. Alt PAPER LATEST DESIGNS FASHIONABLE PATTERNS Largest and bet pellet ed stock in the County. Estimates . furnished on jobs as toniateaialaivl labor. JPI i i