Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, February 12, 1903, Image 1

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    tub ophcial and loading paper
' op oiluam county.
Published Every Thursday hy
S. A. Pattlaon
Editor ami rrtirtvlr.
Professional card.,.,. $ 1.00 per uou Uk
One square l.w per month
One-quartereolumn........ ,. 1.30 pt nonUt
One-bait column.. .oo per month
One column per month
Business local will b chanrrd at 10 eent rr
line for tint lieriloa and ft cent pr liu
IyKl advertlsementa wlU In all eui t
charged to the party ordrin them, at lerl
rates, and paid (or before atliilavit U luruUlu-d.
On year (In advance) ii.w
1( not paid in advance a.uo
Sis Mouth, , , i,u)
Three month , ,., .60
Mnfl copl.,. ,04
NO, 49.
m&i-m globe.
ic 1 1 and
i A Tala of tha Early Settlars I
CUAPTEIl IV-Contlnud.
For some moment Ktinun rhukI upon
thit fair girl In utter natoiiUhment. H
wa t lo to tiifJcmttinJ w bet her sh
wa making- itntne of lilm, or whether alio
wa la fsnicHt, Hut had q rertuered lor
a moment upon tlm elm meter of th
lovely pupil ni hit know It. his would have
known that she could not doaceml to sport
with bla feelliitf. Then he still might
Ilnl to her liHHrt. . ;
"Alas!" lie murmured, choking dow
hi Indignation, "you know not what you
no. ion know not tun. deep low that
dwella ilk a consuming (Ire within. Hu
I will not auk you to marry me now. Duly
promise that, aomo time, you will I
mine, (Jlye me your heart, and pledge
me your nan 1. And then we will l mar
ried when yon are older. 0, do not re-
Tune me thU!"
".My coiixi li iice, Hlinmi, If we wait for
that, your hair will he gray, and you will
hurt to walk with a atnff. Aud thill
what a aorry-lookinic couple w about
imike! Don't, Klinou don't talk o auy
more. It' fnolUh In you to do ao. I do
really begin to think you are In en met. t
Hut I don't want to hetir you apeak o
any moretruly, I dn t."
"Then you will never love me?"
"Why, 1 love you now, rousln. I hav
alway loved you. Why will you be so
rooiuiiT' , ,
"Alua, Louise! ynu have atruck the
dtik'K'T to my aoul. The lump of my life
Ji tin gone out, mid all my hope are sunk
lu utter darkuem! Yon have done thu
iiiurh. Now, In mercy, take niy dauije
and finish tny pnln. Tuke away the life
you have minted, and let my oul escape
the nijoiiy It muttt endure w hile near thee
When thou art not mine!"
"Stop, Hiinon," Interrupted the maid
en. Just aa hu wa put tiujr on the finish
I it If atruke and look of aKny. "I ran'
be your wife; I never ciin. 8o there'a
an end of that matter. Anil now let un
foritet thut we ever bad any audi foolish
"And now long hn thin been your
tnlud?" fairly hled 1-ouuln, a aoou aa
hit could ho fur recover from hi utter
amaxement aa to apeak.
"How loiitf?" repeated IamiIsc, In sur
prise. "Why, you niiuht a well aak me
how loiiu 'twn alnce I bad resolved thut
I would not ninrry with old Tony, Just na
well-exactly. Nature act tip tht barrier
when ahe ninde me your coumIii eighteen
yeara after your birth. Now1"
At till moment IuUe heard her fath
er calling her from the hall, and abe
atarted up.
"You hear?" ahe uttered. "My father
want row. Now you won t think any
thing more of thla will you? Tut off
that unly -look In- fare a aoon aa you cnu
and then come out and join u lu our so-
rhil enjoyment. There he enlla again,
Here I am comluir!" And with these
word, the buoyant, happy-hearted girl
tripped out from the room.
For mime momenta, Simon Lobols atood
like one thuiiderNtruck, and aeetned
watching, with a vacant atare, the place
where the young lady bad been slaudlug,
aa If a lurid gleam of vivid lightning had
made Ita transit. Tlieu ho atarted back
apace and clenched both bla lint. .
"By henveus!" he uttered, will's hi
ffie turn"! livid with rnffe, "and ehnl! I
bear thla? Kluill I ait calmly by, and aee
another carry off the maiden and pocket
the half of St. Julien'a fortune? Shall I
lee thnt wealth which hna been ao long
In my graap thnt wealth which I have
looked upon as mine, now wreated Trout
me? For yeara I've, cherlahed thla fond
hope thla picture of wealth, and now it
tnunt not lie blown away thus. St, Ju-.
lien I worth thla day Ave hundred thou:
annd crowns, nnd they ahull not' have It
all-they ahnll not!"
i It
A week had pnmtcd wny aincc Simon
had con f eased hi romantic love for
I.ouIhc, and during that time he had
maintained much of hta wonted compos
ure. For a dny or two after the Ttiortl
fying repulao he had bcrd mooily- artd
tncituru, but ho gradually overcame It
und now ho amiled aa usual, and
blmaolf generiftly BKreeaMt. .One, afterj
noon, a aoon na dinner waa over, uou
part and Loula atarted off on a hunting
expedition. Their piatol they concealed
within the bosom of their limiting ahlrta,
ao that they might not cntch lu the
bnslieg, and their knivea were in like man
Tier protected. They both had excefleut
Toledo rillea, and act off In hinh spirits.
With quick atepa they made their way
up the river, uutll they had paascd the
boun lH of the clearing, and then their
atepa became, more emulous, for,, they
hoped there might bo a deer somewhere
at hand. . , .
They had hunted about In the forest
for nearly nn hour, when a movement
among the buahes at some diatnnee at-,
traeted their attention, and upon creep
ing carefully up, they aaw a large deer
drinking at a email brook that emptied
Into the river close by.
"See," whispered Ooupart,' "her are
his tracks." . ;
Jyouln looked nt the spot which his
companion pointed out, and a sudden
stmt cfiuscd Ooupart to ask "him Its
cause.';; .",;,:. v-' -i
"That's the track of a ' nan,,' snld
"Some of the negroes have-, been out
here," suggested Goupart.
"No, no," returned the other. "They
have not been out here to-day,"
"But that may have been mado yes
terday, or several days ago." ,
"No," said Louis, still gaslng upon the
track. "This was made to-day. Just
look, and you will seo that these leaves
are still damp on the upper edges where
the foot has pressed them up. These
other leaves, you. see, are dry where tho
edge Is free of the earth. Then here'
aee this broken twig; see where It has
been pressed dowty Now look I" And as
he spoke, he lifted the twig, and showed
the place -where It laid was perfectly
dry whereas, had It lain there even over
sight, Its bed would have been damp. ,
"Thca there's been an Indian here,
"Tea." . J Jt
"Well, never hilml. Lot's secure this
deer. IU'11 be done drinking" aoon, an
then we may lone him. I-et m lire first,
thl time, Louis." ' r '
"Very will, ltlaie away, and- I'll
ready to follow, In caat jrou don't bring
down." i i ) i vi
Aeconllngly. Ooupart brought hi rillo
to hi ahouI Ja;, and In a moment more he
Bred. Th,fible animal gnv;a bap
tiacKwaru, - ,j while Le stood for a mo
ment aa though about to trtart on, Lou I
Bred, but even a he pulled the trlggi
the deer gave a leap forward jiiiJ plung
ed headlong upon the earth, i i m t '
"Your ball killed him, Uouiiartr tried
riui, a the two started forward to
gether. And It wa found to be even so,
Ooupart' bullet having entered jut bac
of the ahouloVr, and (if coumt jieiyirated
tne near:.
Loul bad made a wound fur the uur
Voaw of bleetfln the animal, aud Ooupart
was kneeling by bla aide, when they wero
startled by the whlvtllug of something
between their hiVidn, followed br n dull
"ehiink" close to theid, and on ralMng
their heads, they saw i long arrow stick
log Into a tree directly in front of thi-m
With a quick cry, (hey started to their
feet, and the next thing that saluted
them wa a low howl clone at hand,
They turned and saw a party of six In
diana coming toward, them, with their
tomahawk rained.
"Here a scrape," ntteerd Ooupart,
atartlng pick, 'Wbat does it mean?"
"J 11 find out," returned Loula, calmly
Kut dont ahow your piitola, for they
know wo va iiaiarged our rlflea. aBf
in nope to mke u at a disadvantage,
Then turning to the red men. he asked
"What now, red brethren? What aok
ye here? '
lne Indians con nu I ted a moment to
gether, and then one of them advanced
a single pace, and replied:
"We Beck the young w hlte chief and bis
friend. We would speak with them kind
ly." , f
"Then why did you aend that arrow at
u 7"
"W e aaw you not then. Only the head
or i no deer.
Now Iml simply knew that they were
lying to him, and aa this became appar
ent be knew that they meant him harm,
"If you have anything to say to us, aay
It at once, he aaid.
"Let our white brother not fear. If
they will come with na, we will tell them
what shall be to their good." '
"I will apeak with my friend." And
thua saying, Loul turned towards his
companion,- -: - - -
"Ooupart. he iald, apeaklng auickly,
sad in low tone, "those are XhickS'
aaws, and they mean to take na prison
era. In all probability they hope for
a high ransom from my father for us,
w e nave two pistols each. Yon never
mlased your mark yet In my eight. Are
your nerves steady now?"
As steady as ever," returned Goupart,
not a little aurprlsed to see how calm
and fearless hi youthfnt companion was
1 lien have them In remllitmia. and
mind my word, for I know those fellows
well. et keep your rlilo. for you'll need
it for a dut."
Next I-ouU turned to the Indians and
"We haTe concluded not to follow yon
i . . a i m a . . ...
um n you nave anyming to tell us, we
will listen."
Upon thla, the red men conversed to
gether again for a few momenta, and
then, with quick, wild' gesture, and i
low howl, not unlike the voice of a hun
gry wolf, they sprang forward with their
tomahawks uplifted. In all probability
they supposed this would be sufficient to
awe the white youths into immediate sub
mission. The pale boy they thought an
easy prey, and very likely they knew that
tho other was a newcomer Into the coun
try, and hence Imagined that their terri
ble appearance and fearful antics would
strike him with terror.
"Now!" whispered Louis, "You take
the two men on your side,, and I'll take
the two on the other aide. Don't waste
ball." , ' : ,
In an Instant the two companions had
drawn tneir weapons, and at the same
Instant they both Bred. Hour after hour,
and dny after dny, had they practiced
together at pistol shooting, and their
aim was a quick aa If wa sure. The
two ontsiile men staggered, and on the
next instant, the youths firtd again. At
this movement, the savages were thrown
into a stute of alarm. Three of their
number wero shot through the head and
had fallen, while the fourth had received
hall In his neck and was staggering
back. . Jn a ; moment,. Ooupart and Louis
saw tueir advantage, and, .they selxed
their empty fcltlesand; apr'ang forward.
and in a few moments more the six lu
illans lay prostrate. A full minute the
.w victors' 'aWbd 'arid '.trliaVd noon tho
work they had done, aud then Louis turn
ed to his companion and aaid:
"If we'a killed cm all, we shall never
know surely what thla all meant."
Are these two last ones dead, thiuk
you?" returned Ooupart. "They may be
only stunned." , - -r - - ,
"Weil see; but I think you'll find the
one I struck with hta bruins rather dis
And so It proved with both of them,
for upon examination it was found, that
their skulls wero Doth broken In, and
that life was extinct. But while they
were thus engaged they heard a groan
close at hand, and on turning they aaw
that one of the Indians who had been
shot had worked himself almost Into a
sitting posture against. a tree, and was
now trying to work further around, so ns
to get his face towards the west. Both
jouis and Gonport hastened to him at
once, when they round, that he had re
ceived a ball through the neck. .
"Water, water!" he groaned.
"Stop," uttered LouU,aa his compan
ion started towards the brook. And then
turning to the dying Indian, he said:
rr we 11 get you, water and turn your
eyes to the settlug sunh will you tell the
truth?" .i .
"i win-r wiin"
The water was brought in Goupnrt's
anteen, and upon drinking, the poor fel
low seemed to revive. Goupart bound
up his neck, which waa bleeding profuse
ly, and Just as he had finished the job
the Indian put out his weakening arm,
and laid his hand upon. Louis' shoulder.
"The pale boy has the heart of a great
warrior. He would not have escaped us
had we known how brave he waa."
"But why did you try to do thia?"
asked Louis. "Remember now, you prom
ised to speak truly."- '
"White man brought gold here, and we
have learned to love it Much gold had
been ours, and we " The Indian
topped, for he was weak, and he made
sign that they should tarn his face to-
wards (he son "And," us littered,' "Tiury
me so,
"lAtuk yet" cried Louis, grasping him
by the arm, and gazing intently into hi
face, blu Goupart stood 1y, rolim.ilng
the rillea, "If you do not tell roe instant
ly what all thl mean, I'll dig a bole lu
lb earth and you hH W btiHM :
your head down. You know very'
n here you u go to then. ow tell me,
wh aeM yoa te IU1 usr? f : ts n
"We didn't mean" to kill the pall boy,"
replied the Indian, apeaking alowly and
with difficulty.
4'I)ut who (ent you to capture him? He.
membertead bi!f t-5 i $ ct '
ira ubii ciowii writer, una yowiar-
ed snother. That man was our chief;
be knew,"
, Jlut you know something. Tell me
all.t r, a sure at I live, you , go la
feet up!" ' " ' ' k ' J -
"'Twas white man's fold. The pale
bof and the- pale' boy's friend tth have
enemies. There's a strange bird in the
eagle's nest."
"flpeakr plainer! ,TII pi4 " K
littls stopped, for 'he' is w that th
death ahade had passed over the red
man's face, and aa ha Ut go the How
heavy baud,-the bedy felt over aidewaya
upon the turf.
"Ia he dead?" asked Goupart.
"Ye; and, the secret of thla strange
scene is dead with blm, ao far as ur
means of arriving at it are concerned.
Ooupart, there'a something here we had
better understand!", - t J ?
But St. Denl knew not what to reply,
for a suspicion had come to him, but he
tared not apeak it too suddenly. Bo the
two hunters atood for some moments
and gated upon the dead men in alienee.
rWcIl," said Iula, after a while, "lot'e
leave these bodies here, snd in the moru,
ing we'll aend our negroes' out to bury
them. Now, let's fix our venison,"' snd
then start for home, for we've had ad
venture enough for one day. You begin
now to aee some of our Louisiana life.
How do you like It?" -
St Denl gated upon his companion
aome moments In silent admiration, and
then he said: ' ,
O, this is much better than nothing,
though once a year would be often enoug)
for such sport." ..,..
$o It would. But now for. our other
gome. . ; .
They went to where the deer still lay,
and having removed the skin from the
bead, neek and fore shoulders, they sep
arated the carcass, and then rolling the
saddle up, they shouldered it and giving
one more look st the fallen Indians, they
jturned their face towards home.
(to be continued.) '
Had Bad Bears la m Hostile Indian
Col. D. C. Caaey, superintendent, of
the Medler mines, waa one of a party
of old-time New Mexicans who bnp-
lened to congregate at Clifton a abort
time ago. aud naturally fell to telling
stories of their early life. At last It
came Casey's turu, and the Clifton Era
reports his version of a thrilling expe
rience with the lndlana. Tbe remlnls
cence was called forth by a comment
upon Caaey'a snow-white hair.
Well, said Cnsoy, I'll tell you how It
happened, boys. It was the year Chat
Judge aicuoniaa ana nis wife were
killed by tho Indians la the .Burro
MountalneV&l or '84, I've5 forgotten
which. It waa some time after that af
fair, however, when things bad quieted
down a bit.' ' "
I had been in the hllla, and waa re
turning to Silver City through the
Burro Mountains, and of course waa on
the lookout for Indiana. My horse fell
sick, and I stopped to let him rest.
pulled oil the Middle, tied him to a tree,
spread out my blankets and lay down.
I was soon fast asleep, bjk! how long
I slept I do not know. I waa awakened
by some one prodding roe tn tbe back.
Aa'soon as my eyes weretpened I saw
that I waa surrounded toy twelve or
fifteen Indians. They all carried weap
ons, and had them In their hands.
Well, sir, I was so badly frightened
that I could not speak or move I was
paralyzed. I wit there and looked at
the Indians, and they looked at me. I
felt my hair stiffen out, and I knew that
It waa standing straight up.
I thought of every mean thing 1 had
done in my life. Tray? No, I couldn't
lft a hand to bless myself.-1 knew they
would kill me, and mf only hope was
that they would shoot me. I could .al
most feel their lances sticking through
iny' body. It seemed to me that they
stood there, an- age and looked at me,
aud I looked at them. 1
Their ugly facea are stamped on my
memory forever. I should recognize
any one of them in & crowd tjo-daj. if X
should meet him. Soon I noticed one
or two other Indians fooling with my
horse, as he was too sick to try to get
away from them.'-' v y - J v i
Presently they began to "go, one at a
time, and soon they were all gone, ex-
ept one wuo seeuieu to oe the leader.
After the others had all gone he ad
dressed me in good English and aaid:
Good dny, Dan Casey!" How he knew
my luune has always been a mystery
to mo. lie may have seen me on the
reservation or possibly my name may
have been on some part of my outfit
and be could read, as many of them
After be had gone I sat still there so
badly scared that I was unable to move
for I don't know how long. Then like
a flash it came to me that they , were
government scouts. I leaped to my
feet, and, though my horse was sick, I
beat nil records to Silver City.
I have been blown up in a mine, and
had my body crushed with dynnmlte-
caps, but i never was scared before or
since. There is no scare on earth like
an Indian scare. Well, . Inside of a
week from tlial time my hair was well
aprinKiea witn gray, ana inside of a
year it was as white as it is now."
What Dream Come,
Bobbs Old Tltewadd Is about dead
from insomnia. Says he is afraid to
go to sleep. ' .
Dobbs Does be fear burglars? ..
'No; but tbe last time he slept he
dreamed of giving away money," Bal
timore American.
Compre.heqlv Rvkw of the Import
' canc rlappcntog4 o' the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Mo
Likely to Prove Interesting- to Our
r Manj Read.
it- - -
The navy ia to have an increase of
tbips, officers and men.
if . ..- .. . , . -, f
Rootuwetftent trainmen bare won an
advance in wages from all roads.
' I'Tsxilian troop (ive rapt a red a Bo
livian fort and SOU prisoners in Acre.
I f h miltan of Turkey il piepsring to
inva: M action i a with a quarter of a
million men.
r t ' '
fenator Clark; of Montana, imys be
is In a pt sit ion to eeenre tbe opening of
the Crow Indian reservation.
i"he Wflfhington. legislature elected
United States seuute, ,i - .
. An old building being torn down at
Buffalo, N. Y., collapsed, killing three
men and injuring four others.
Rocsovelt has again refused to arbi
trate the Venezuelan question and it
will go to The Hague for settlement.
; Frank J. Cannon, jex-IJnited States
senator from Utah, is in a very serious
condition and big recovery is doubtful.
Nearly all bituminous coal miners in
tbe Meyersdale, Pa., district, will re
ceive a material advance in wages
April 1.
Sheriff W. W. Withers, of Lane
county, Oregon, was shot and fatally
wounded while trying to capture Ed
Lyons, an escaped ontlaw. Lyons it
still at liberty, f J r ' '1
..' j -.' j A,
The Dreyfus affair is to be revived
gam. .......
Ex-senator Dawes, of Massachuestts,
is dead. .
Wyoming is .iow in the toils of a
fierce blizzard.
.Forty fishermen on the ice of Saginaw
bay have lost their lives.
& The New York "Flatiron" building
is responsible for the loss c! another
life. .
The employes of all the Chicago sky
scrapers are out! on : Btrika to gam a
recognition of their nnion.
The blame or the ew Jersey Cen
tral wreck, near Graceland, N. J, has
been placed on the engineer.
A head-on collision between two
Rock Island freight trains in New Mex
ico rsnlted in five deaths and the in
jury of several others. , ;
Captain Hobson's resignation from
the navy has been accepted. He says
the refusal to retire him was due to a
senator from his state. I
Chief Justice Alton B. Parker, of tbe
New York court of appeals, la men
tioned as a possible Democratic candi
date for president in 1904.
J. Edward Addicks, candidate for
senator from Delaware, has withdraw n
from the fight, after deadlocking the
legislature for eight yeras. 4
Middlebury. Vt suffered a 1150.000
fire loss.
The senate has passed tha Elkina
anti-trust bilfT , . ,
Canada expects a big immigration
from England this year. '
The Idaho legislature voted down the
measure creating an eight-hour day law.
Frank Maybee, a Chicago postal
clerk, baa been arrested, charged with
rifling the mails.
President Castro's troops are said to
be engaged with revolutionary forces 14
mileasouth of O iracas.
Fire debtroyed the plant of the Chi
cago railway supply foundry company,
at West Harvey, causing a loss esti
mated at $250,000.' ; V ,'-...,.- r
Fcclinf that Germany Will Be Our Next
Enemy Is drowlng.
Washington, Feb. 7. There is ori
miatakable feeling in East, and
particularly in . Washington, anUgon
istic to Germany, a feeling that has
teen somewhat intensified by the atti
tude of Germany in the Venezuelan
incident. Nowhere ia this sentiment
so strong aa at the war and nary de
partments, where army and navy ofR.
ceri are fiee to declare in private con
versation that the next war of tbe
United States wiU bo with Germany.
On thia point they are agreed. In
these two departments there has been
mocb ill-feeling towards Germany aa
a direct outgrowth of tbe action of the
German admiral at Manila and tbe sub
sequent attitude of Von Waldersee In
China. j.!-4
Without exception, all members of
the' administration; when consulted,
deny the existence of any antagonism
towards Germany, and they only dis
credit report to that effect. Yet it is
known that among .themselves and in
private discussions more than one
Mr. Ankeny to represent his state in the
member of the cabinet has not only
admitted the prevalence, ol this senti
ment, bnt given indication that be him
self shares it to some degree. . -
In New York the anti-German senti
ment grows largely out of unsatisfactory
trade relations with that country, the
port of New Ycrk getting the bulk of
German trade. In congressional cir
cles here there is a . feeling of distrust
of Germany in the Vv&ezeia negotia
tions. There is a general suspicion
that Emperor William is looking for
something more than a mere present
ment of the German claims, and to
aome extent this distrust has spread in
other directions.
Summed , np, there is nndeniably a
feeling toward Germany that ' is not
entertained towards any other foreign
power, a feeling that is very generally
experienced but seldom openly acknow
ledged. In some quarters it is believed
that Germany at this time Eeeks only
to see bow far the United States will
go in insisting upon observance of the
Monroe doctrine. Elsewhere it is sus
pected that Germany is desirons of ob
taining a coaling station in Venezuela
in defiance cf the Monroe doctrine. ' It
is felt that there is something material
behind the ' demand for a payment of
German claims. -- -
WIU Occupy Acre. '
Bio Janeiro, Feb. 7. The Brazilian
government has decided on the military
occupation of Acre. Diplomatic rela
tions with Bolivia, however, are not
interrupted. Brazil decided to act in
the Acre question because President
Pando of Bolivia proposes to continue
negotiations while at the same time
marching upon Acre. The Brazilian
government has ordered General Cal
labao, with troops stationed in the
northern portion, to start immediately
for Acre. - , .1
New Postal Regulation.
Washington, Feb. 7. The postofEce
appropriation bill, passed today by the
house contains an important provision
that has not attracted much attention.
It pro ides that hereafter postoffices
shall accept for transmission in the
mails, in quantities of . not less than
2,000 identical pieces of third or
fourth class matter without postage
stamps affixed, ptovided that the post
age Is fully prepaid. Ibis action was
recommended strongly by Third Assist
ant Postmaster General Madden in
the interest of economy. - '
After Fifty-One Days. .
Philadelphia, Feb.. 7. After a sit
ting of 51 days, the Anthracite Coal
Strike commission concluded the hear
ing of witnesses at 5 o'clock this after
noon and adjourned until next Monday,
when it will begin to hear the argu
ments of counsel representing the sev
eral sides. The arguments will take
up five and one half days, the operators
having been assigned three days and
the miners will take the remaindor of
the time. - ? '
Bills of Importance That are Being Intro
duce and Acted t'poa In Both Houses
Meares Signed by tbe Govern-
Progress of tbe Balloting for United
States Senator, v
; ' . Friday.' ' -
The voteFalton 34, Geer 16, Wood
17, Mills 13, scattering 7, absent 3- It
was agreed to hold no joint conven
tion Saturday . ,
Tbe Senate To tbange boundary be
tween Douglas and Lane -countief,
passed. To provide lor the relocation
of Colombia county, passed. A bill
was introduced to amend Australian
ballot law so as to pat constitutional
amendments at top of ballot.
The House Senate joint resolution
to amend the constitution to abrogate
tbe Negro rectjon of the constitution,
adopted. Tbe greater part of tbe ses
sion was taken op in passing and
amending city charters. A bill was
introduced to repeal tbe law allowing
rebate of taxes fcr wide tired wagons.
The vote Folton 34, Geer 16, Wood
17, Mills 12, scattering 8, absent 3.
The Senate The joint resolution to
amend tbe coentitution so aa to make
the term of office of county officers foor
years was adopted. Tbe bill to fix tbe
salary of state printer at $3,500 after
1906, pasted. The fellow servant" bill
pres.d unanimously.
The House The fellow servant bill
passed unanimously. To limit.l lability
ot counties lor personal injuries re
ceived from defective highways, lojt
to prevent blacklisting of employee,
passed. The house will bold its first
night session tomorrow night, owing
to tbe large amount of business to die
pose of.
Wedncaday. 1
Tbe vote Fnlton 34. Geer 16. Wood
17. Mills 12 scattering 9. absent 2.
Hume, one of the absent members, has
returned, but did not cast bis vote for
Fulton as expected.
The Senate The inheritance tax bill
has been passed. Sean tor Maya has a
bill to -compel circuit judges to render
decisions within 90 days in all cases
submitted to them. A Lill has also
been introduced prohibit'ng the sale of
explosives other than ordinary fire
crackers to children nnder 14.
The House The fellow servant bill
was reponea lavoraoiy. Tbe bill re
locating the coanty seat of Union coun
ty passed. Bill amending constitution,
(banging time of state election, lost.
Bill amending constitution so as to au
thorize state institutions elsewhere
than at SaTem, indefinitely postponed.
The vote Fulton 34, Geer 16, Wood
17, Mills 12, scattering 8, absent 3.
The Senate Among the bills passed
was one to authorize the employment
of convict labor on the pnblic highways
and one to make state officers and em
ployes subject to garnishmsnt. A joint
resolution to abrogate section 35, article
1, of the 6tate constitution, relative to
negroes and mulattoes, was adopted. ' '
The House A bill to amend the code
relating to marl luge iicenaea was pawed.
A bill to fix the maximum rates per
mile charged by railroad companies
was introduced. ....
Monday. .
The vote Fulton 34, Geer 16, Wood
14, Mlila 12, scattering 6, absent 8.
The Senate The bill to reapportion
the state into senatorial and represent
ative districts was passed. - The Smith
bill for the creation of a board of health
passed with only one dissenting vote.
The House The bill to commit ine
briates to the insane asylum, was lost.
A bill to regulate and limit the hours
of employment Of females was passed.
A resolution was adopted by both
branches asking the president to visit
Oregon on bis trip to the coast.
Wheat Walla Walla, 75c; "blue
stem, 86c; valley, 78c.
Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton; brew
ing, $24.
Flour Best grade, $4.30(34.85 ; grah
am, $3.453.85.
Millstuffs Bran, $18(819 per ton;
middlings, $23 24; shorts, $1920.
cbop, $18. i ,. ,
Oats No. 1 white, $1.15 1.20;
gray, $1.1Z1.15 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $1112; clover,
i3y; cneat, iuiu per ton.
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 60 75c per
sacK; ordinary, 4UoUc per cental.
growers' prices; Merced sweets, $2
2.25 per cental. , , .'....,
Poultry Chickens,. mixed, HKc;
young, ll12c;hens, Il12c; turkeys,
live, 1516c; dressed, 1820c; ducks,
$77.50 per dozen; geese, $78.50.
Cheese Full cream,' twins, 163(3
17Kcj Young America, 17M18c:
factory prices, ll)c less.
Butter Fancy creamery, 3032c
per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 20
22c; store, 1518c.
Eggs 25 per dozen.
Hops Choice, 2526c per pound.
Wool-Valley, 12&15c; Eastern
Oregon, 814)c; mohair, 2628c.
Beef GroBS, cows, 33Jc per
pound; steers, 44c; dressed, 7Jc.
Veal 78c.
Mutton Gross, 4c per
dressed, 7Kc '
Lambs Gross, 4c per
dressed, 7)c.
Hogs Gross, Go per
dressed, 77ic.
Land to tbe Extent of 4,500 Square Miles
to Bo Withdrawn la Washington.
Waahington, Feb. 6.In- tho course
of time the Waahington and Mount
P.ainier forest reserves of Washington
are to be considerably enlarged, and. a
new forest reserve ia to be created in
tho Cascade mountain region, between
these two reserves, to Include all public
land there remaining outside of the
Northern Pacific grant and private
holdings. On recommendation of
Commissioner Hermann, Chfef Forester
Pinchot and the geological survey, tho
secretary of tho interior recently or
dered tho temporary withdrawal from
further entry of lands proposed to be
added to the reserve system in Wash- .
ingtoa, aggregating in all nearly 4,500
square miles.
In making these additions to the
Washington reserves the denartment -
wishes it to be plainly understood that
no lien base is to be created, either
with railroad lands or the land nr
in private ownership. ;The Yaalma
reserve will therefore! be a neennrf '
checkerboard reserve, with the alter-
nate sections ia the forest reserve, and
the others either beloneins to tho rail.
road company or to nrivate onwi
While no arrangement baa vet been
made for a transfer, it is expected in
ino department that in time tho rail-
road company may come forward with
a proposal to sell its lands within this
reserve to the government for a fair
consideration. Ting, however, is mere
ly speculative, and there has been no
such intimation from the railroad
itself. The assumption is based merely
on the action of the Southern Pacific
with regard to its grant, which was
checkerboarded ort of the San Frang
Cisco mountain reserve in Arizona in
the same manner that is to be adopted
in Washington. The recent withdraw- -als
in Washington are made under tho
same conditions and are subject to the
same course of treatment as tho lands
withdrawn in Eastern Oregon last sum
mer, with a view to their inclusion in
tho Blue mountain foiest reserve. Con
siderable complaint is looked for from
various quarters, bnt Secretry Hitchcock
has determined that the reserves of
Washington shall be enlarged, in ac
cordance with the 'policy of President
Roosevelt, ana, moreover, it is asserted
that the president is personally inter
ested in the Washington project, and
favors the carrying out of Secretary
Hitchcock's plan. '
Qrat Northern Crew and Passengers
Have Serious Trouble.
Seattle, Feb. 6. A special to the
Post Intelligencer from Everett says:
Great Northern passenger train No.
4, known as the eastbound overland,
stucc in the Cascade tunnel last night
about midnight and 10 passengers in
the sleepers and five members of the
train crew were more or less seriously
affected by the gas. No deaths have
been reported at the division superin
tendent's office here.
The train left this citv at 9:15. on
time, last night. A helper is used to
nnll . - .V'. IV. ........ . -
i. uivuiu luo jttecjitie tn I rifi .
On the western slope of the tunnel,
from some cause or another, the train
stuck, and the helping engine broke
away. It was run back, reconnfad and
broke away a second and a third ti me.
On the third breakaway.
Freeman ran the helper through to the
east end of the tunnel. Conductor
Weston and the fireman were both un
conscious when the moutb of the tun
nel was reached. When it was found
that the helper was not going to re
turn, the train waa backed out and run
to Wellington. ; , ,
Engineer Sheerer, of the main crew.
his fireman and head brakeman and
ten passengers were more or less.
though not dangerously, overcome by ,
gas. The whole time the overland waa
in the tunnel, as stated by the Great
northern officers here, was about SO
minutes. The helper later returned
and the train was pulled through the
tunnel all right by the same crew.
' Warships doing South. ,
San Francisco, Feb. 6. The warships
in commission in the harbor will be
on the way to Amapala, a port on the
racinc coast ot Honduras, early next
week. Tho New York, the Boston and
the Banger are how in the baj ready to
start on short notice. In view of the
orders, Admiral Glass relieved Admiral
Casey in ' the command of the Pacific
fleet this afternoon. It had been ar
ranged that the flags of the Admirals
should be changed on February 10, but
the hurry orders to the fleet to set into
Southern waters prompted the change.
Cuban Flag Hauled Down.
"Havana, Feb." 6. A cablegram has
been published here to the effect that
the Cuban flag which was placed over
the Hotel de la Paz in Madrid by the
Cuban minister has been taken down
by order of the Spanish authorities.
The house this afternoon passed a reso
lution asking President Palma to ascer
tain the facts regarding this alleged in
cident. The senate has drafted a reso
lution in favor of the ratification of
the reciprocity treaty.
Big Fire in Oklahoma. '
Oklahoma, Feb. 6. Fire that started
in the Lion store, dealers in ceneral
merchandise, here tbis mornine. caused
a loss of $250,000. Insurance, about
one-third the loss. Another fir In
frame buildings on Broadway at the
same time, caused an additional loss.
Fire annnrarnn waa eanf n tin VI pnnA
, X wv M fj A-J 4 4.V1IV,
and Guthrie and at 11:30 the lire,
which for a time threatened the city,
was under control