THE COliDOH CLOBL i ue Allium Kagle geenitt to doubt our rvcaut account of the table moving lit May villa.- The Eagl man intimates that the story was result of th iMidi;Kt tner an iL - I. . ....... I tt uw nor paw the ghnst ot nis DMHner-ui-iaw after partaking of a hearty mid night meaT. If this opinion should rwa.uttUe cars of Carttr, Dukek, Davenport and some of the Uwr Mayville bachelors they will begiu making a practice of midnight feasting in the hope that some mother-in-law, either in the flesh or in spirit, will appear ou. the uceae andsuiopt them. There is only one thing those fellows desite more than a mother-in-law and that ia one of the ld lady's, daugh ters.. ' The orecocious youncsWr bad ar ranged another trap for his mother as. youngsters of all kinds have a way of doing without fully appre ciating the point they are scoring. "Mamma," said the boy, -did you ; tell Liwie to say you were not in when Mrs. Jones called?" "Yes dear," answered the mother. "Is it all ryht to do that?" persisted the boy. "It is customary Willie?" 'Well," eaid the boy. &fter a thoughtful pause, "how would you like-it if God should tell St. Peter to say that to yoa when you get to Hearsa?" Ex LABOR LEARNING FROM MORGAN. Labor unions are going to school to J. Pierpont Morgan. The lesson thev have learned to date is, If you ."are- going to; make' ajjouibine make it a big one. The brakenien, no matter how well organized, are not able to enforce a demand for better pay from a "harmonized" railroad. "The Carpeuters' Uuion is not strong enough of itself to enforce a demand for "fair" condition of the building trades employers. ' Therefore the moral is borne in to them that they must extern! their affiliations, that ,they must becouae industrial com binations instead of merely a class .bf Unions and that it may be possi ble to meet orgauized capital with organized industry;--,.,- --;,r" ? J3oth f of r these manifestations have come to the surface in - Port land in the past few days. One of them is in the form of a movement to get all railroad employes into miA organization which would sup ersede the separate brotherhood of " the engineers, conductors and train men. This idea is not a new one, but it depends for its development upon the conditions introduced by the recent railroad combinations, The other manifestation is in the form of ahimbering projectin which union labor would control the for est and every stage of the timber product to the completed building. This is precisely on the lines of the TVTi-(toi ctl trust. " gnu- " I Will these combinations do what! . i ..!-... t : u H r? JL irtiLmi Ul LUV-S44 " I feared that they will not neither ieareu mat iney i ..- , . ,. . i the capitalistic, nor the industrial . . -i: Tl, nor the -lauor organizations, most that may be hoped for is that they will for a time preserve a sort of balance between the various agencies of production and distri bution. The great financial combina tions that control the railroads and so many of the industrial forces of the country are not on a basis that promises permanence. They are largely underwriters' schemes and when they have paid promotion iirbfitsj' hard times will probably sweat the water out of them and they .will, be ready for a new deal. Hut labor in hardly in a position to be thus exploited at least not with eijual profit. It may be that the coalition of the opposition will serve to press together labor elements that would surely fly 'apart but for such pressure, and from this ar rangement a measure of good may como. Bat at the first opportuni ty the laborer will join the ranks of capital, and until the lot of labor shall be mada desirable for. itself all adjustments are b it temporary. In this manner does human aoete' ty progress, with prodigious wear and tear, but still working out something for the benefit of tl e race Qrezoiiian. . 1 have usi d Chninlierlaiii's Cough li -meday for a na nl erof yarsand have no hesitancv in waving that it is the best , . . . . . l. r- nAnn T huve evei nsl in mv family. I have not words to express my eonnVence in t'iii itmeby. Mkh. J. A. Moobe, North iar, Mich. Ai i'jy 'CwiiJ-Jit Pharmacy. ' FA t'ORS HE PORTAGE. ' Here t tW way tba portage ap propriatKm bill looks to the Salem Sentinel: Tbe people of Eastern Oregon fa vor an appropriation of f 150,000 by the state for a portage railroad past The Dulles of the Columbia and have compiled a strong state ment to show how the enterprise would benefit the interior produc ers. They say that the railread nior- ger has been hghling ana wiu con tinue to fight the pening of the river by locks or boat railway. They argue that a state portage will solve the problem and Bave the producers $1,500,000 annually and will increase the population of the state more than any other one thing. The country effected by an open river produces 40,000,000 bushels of grain, SO.OOO head of cattle and horses, 521,330 head of sheep and hogs, 3G00 cars of fruit, 16,000.000 pounds of wool, 2,405,000 pounds of hides, 367,000 tons of hay, all valued' at $30,000,000. Iu the above "country there are 1 1000,000 acres of tillable, land and but ooOO- 000 are now under cultivation. An ooen river will save to the producer on the above tonnage $1,500,000, and in five years, double that amount. The comparatively small amount necessary to construct this portage is a mere bagatelle cmupa red with the saving, and the state owning and operating the same will get its money back ia a few years. This is not legislation for the benefit of any particular class or section. Every dollar saved to the products of the soil of Oregon is distributed equally to its entire population and every dollar 6aved in the transportation of Oregon's products, extends the boundaries of its developed territory. The opening to navigation of these eight miles of the Columbia river would give an unbroken length of ahout 450 miles of the Columbia and Snake rivers that could be navigated, and thu3 provide water communication with tidewater and furnish transportation facilities in regions that now have practically none. Mr.Wheler Got Rid of His Rheuma- t Isn. TfariMg tWWtal 1803. Iwun km in mr faints, in fact all over -(by body, that I could hardly hobble around when bought a bottje of Cimn-berliiiiv' Tain fealui. From thefirst application I be gan to get well and vras cared and bave worked steadily all the year. K. Wheeler, Sorthwood, N. Y. For sale by Condon rhannacy. LONE ROCK. Born January 31 to tue wife of Jeff Hayes, a lift girl. all o hnnt thia n(Ub ft' thf woods and the feed is being dealt out to the stock at an extravagant rate. Mr. Win. Scott is working in Matlock Ham's store and from the way he has & straightened and cleaned things op it would seem like he had onght to have been there long ago. Doc Veatch was moved from C. d- Frazers to town this week and Irwin Wilks and Alf Wineland are takiug care of him. lie is in a critical conumon Moat of the sick folks about the eonn- ... , , T try seem to be improving including Jeff . . . h getting along nicely -,- . his broken leg. He was not taken to ileppner but has remained at home all the time. When yon lack energy, do not relish your food, feel dull after eating, all yon need in a dose of Chauiberlaiu't btomach & Liver Tablets. They will make yon fell like a new man and give yoa an ap petite like a bear. ' . Sold bv Condon Pharmacy. Mr. Stnblefield, the Seattle horseboy er fho has' been here for the past week or so bnvinif horses started for Seattle vcwterriav morning with 18 head of horses bought here U. E. Asinutrong went to Arlington to help with the stock. Mr Armstrong will visit his children at The Dalles before returning. Had To Conquer Or Die. 'I wasjnst abont gone," writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C, "I had Consumption so bad that the best doctors snid I could not live raoru than a month but I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well." It's an unrivaled life-saver in Consumption, Pneumonia La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Cold, Asthma, flay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. (Jnaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00at Con don Pharmacy. Trial bottles free. ; Notice to Creditors. EHMte of John Maddock, docaased. Notice i hereby riven by the andersiKned, dnly appointed Administratrix of theattite of John Maddock, deewwed, to creditors of, and all persons having rk Avhlhlt. thnm with t'ie necessary vonchem, within iix months ' after the fiMtpablicatlon of this notice, the first ' paUlea'tlbn hereof brtBThaHv tea h day cJiniX HlfAlIlBl. BH1U UCliWCi " -f,M.iw lirti- tcmA '.iibh at tha Con loil Hotol l Coil lou the same bain? the place for the transnotioii of the businussjof the said estate, ia the Couuty of Gillian, State of Oregon. Dated tUUUlth day of February I90X 8arK A. MADDOli. SauiE. Van Vuutor, ntturufcy lor Adiainlstrutris, s A Pleasant Party, At thei residence near M-tyUfo M. atuJ.Mit. fc. J, tjulna entertained number of friends nn the evening 'd rVk 2 iheanuiversary of Mr Qninn'a birthdar, tn honor of br ait?, Mrs. Jaiors, of Wimtrar, Ontarhn TKow present were : Mr. and Mrs. Wehrli. Mr. and Mrs. Mctiilvray, Mr. aud Mrs. 'Jbl ns, Mr. and Mr. Ky Mm. J Mice and enn, Mrs. Wt-lls, Mrs Hill, Mr, W. J, Qninn, Mioses McUll ray, A. di ron,.Mry and Alice Wehrli Irwinn, Snrl'Mgc, Agues and Sfellit (ibtati and Hi MiH Lod)n. Mera J?!iw, Nortri.luv, Kortna, Kdeluian WaU lor and llarry Howard, John and Len Uiblmns, Kobt. and Willie Wehrli. A tarliey mpr wrtet at 11 :00 p.m. and the time pawed all too quickly with games and nmsie nntil 2:30 a. m. All present declared it to be on of the aKwt eirjriyftble part ita of the season, Mrs. Quinn received several handsome presents. Mrs. James and son leave for Califor nia neit week accompanied by her sis ter Mr. C, J. Q iinn to visit her brother R.J. Gibbons of Newark, CaU whom she ha not seen for twenty-five years.' Pan RirieharC - has purchased the Rinehart restaurant from his father - Ti ball given by the Rebekah lutlj last Vritlay evefiing"wiia weft attended and a most nccwafut event. Oleij, Ar linginn, Mayville' and other adjoining cotiimnnities were well represented.- It was really the event of the seawm in Condon and all present seemed to' be enjoying themselves to the ntmost. Buckln'a Arnica Sa!ve Has world-wide fame for marvellous enres. It surpasses any other salve lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts Corns, Burn?, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only 25 at Condon Pharmacy. The Bugle Song. Written for the Globk. He went away to the war that day, To the twinging bugle song; All staunch and true in his suit of blue, And sturdy, brave and strong; 'Mid the tramp of feet and the loud drum beat. And the ringing of the cheers, There were none to see such a one as she Who con Id uot see for tears. And back again came the marching men, With the bngle singing still ; Yet the music's surge was a sighing dirge, All sad and s!ow and shrill, For a woman wept and a soldier slept In a dreamless, silent sleep ; And the bngle song had a measure wrong For the bngters sometimes weep: And the bugle's lure while the hills en dure, Will call them to the line, And the musiu's strains on the hills and plains, Still echo far and fine. . Bat the snitof biae nrt th sabers too, And the worn and battered caps Will tell some maid what the bugle played r When it sighed the song of "taps." Matney, Or., Jan. 24, "03. Working Overtime. Eight honr law are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr.. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work night and day caring Indigestion, Bili nnsness, Constipation, Sich Headache, and aft Stomach Liver and. Bowel trou bles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at Condon Pharmacy. Teacher's Examination. Notice ia hereby given that the county superintendent of Gilliam county will bold the regular examination of appli cants for State and county papers at Condones follows: For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February tl, at nine o'clock A. M. and continuing until Saturday, February 14, at four o' clopk. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written Arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, mental arithintic, composition, physical geography. Saturdav Botany, plain geomety, gen eral history, English literature, psychology. ... For county papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 11, at nine o'clock A.M., and continuing nntfl Fridavrfebruarv 13; at 4 o'clock. Vi r irsi, eeconu anu iiuru vro vc,u '. ficates. - ' Wednesday Penmanship.- history, or thography, reading. Tbursdav Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, physiology, civil government. Primary Certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, orthography, reading, arithmetic. . Thursday Art of Questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. . WVR. Nbal, Superintendent of Gilliam Co., Oregon The Condon Pharmacy has all the Vat est np-to-date sheet music at popular prices. Ladies ! you can get a good 36 inch tape measure bv calling at the Globk office. Won't cost you a cent. Leave your subscription to the San Francisco Examiner at this office and we will do the rest, and save you post age, trouble etc. WANTED FAITIIFL'I- PER80S TO TBAVEL for well eetabllahed house Hi a few counties cull Ins on retail merchants and agents. Local terH ritory. Salary 1021 a year and expenses payable 119.70 a week in cash and expenses advanced, inmmi nermaiient. Business successful and resbiim. 8umdard House, 3M Deurborn 6t, Chi caso, IUiuoU. The LORD We are now taking our Annual Inventory and" find a great many ' i v. ; carry, over and therefor will offor thera at a great At 25 per cent off for Cash Ladies' Coats, Jackets, Suits, Skirts and Waists. Furs and Dressing Saques. Men's Youth's and Children's Clothing. At 15 All of our Dress Goods and Silk Waist Pat terns. In fact you can save money in our entire Dry Goods Line. , Take advantage of this offer. For this month only. :) - - . : QUALITY, QUANTITY, PRICE. LORD & CO. LORD & CO. Condon Milling Co. MANUFACTURERS OF " High Grade Flour, CHOP and MILL-FEED STEAM-ROLLED WHEAT AND BARLEY. SCALE OF Steam Rolled Barley. Steam Rolled Wheat. $19.00 ' . 19.00 Prices liable to change at any time. Every sack of our flour ia fully guaranteed or money refunded. TRY 'OUR BEST," . jwn Better than the Best Staple and Fancy Groceries. We are thia week putting in a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries in addition to our former line of. Fine ConfeGtloncru, CIgara &c We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Hartshorn & AAoore. CHARTER OAK A SMALL AMOUNT OF FUEL PRODUCES AN IMMENSE VOLUME OF WARMTH. STOVES AND RANGES. CONDON FURNITURE and HARDWARE GO. . &Jy You make qo mistake SWf. TIME TABU... , , es mil arrive at and depart from , Condon - on the following schedule. . , ' 'arbivefrom -i . Fossil. . . . .'. ....... .9:30 A. M, Arlington.. 2:30 P.M. PEPART FOR Arlington , ......... 9:45 A. M. Fossil............ 2:30 P. M. " J. W. Jackson & Co., Props. Administrator's Notice of Final Set tlement. " ' Notice is hereby given that the under signed has filed, in the Oonntv Court of the mate of Oregon lor uniian county, his final report at administrator of the estate of W.R.Boyer, deceased. That said Court has named 2 o'clock P.M. of Thursday. March 5, 1003, at the Connty Court room, Condon, Gil liam County, Oregon, as thn time and place for hearing Raid final report and all objections thereto. AH persons in terested in sain estate snon in appear ai said time and place and file their ob jectinnf, if any they have, to my said final report. - Jamiftrv U 103. JAMBS LARCH. - 1 Hendrick & tower- . . ' " . . . - man, attys. for estate.- W.R.Boyer ,dec Quality Store & COMPANY per cent Discount. OUR MOTTO ARLINGTON, OREGON. PRICES. Mill Feed ..$14.00 Flour, per bbL, 3.45 But Better than the Reafr ' AjmnuuinnAiuxruvAuvuxarv jnruwunnssvnnnnm in buying from us. ": jpl LONE ROCK-CONDON STAGE LINE. ; : Lone Rock to Condon and return every day (except Sunday) carry ing U. S. Mail passengers and ex press. First-class teams and rigs and experienced drivers. Special care given to the comfort of passen gers. F. II. Robinson will collect for all packages delivered at Lone Rock and collect fare on out going pass engers. J. B. Ooff, u- Prop. Oregon Dally Journal, a Democratic dally newspaper, eight to 20 pages, $4 a year; 2 for six months. The Journal Is a newspaper. Send In your subscription. Interest vour neighbor In The Journal. Address The Journal, Box 121, Portland, Or. Tcke Laxative Bromo Qtsuii&o Tablets. A Svn Mmion boxes sold in post 12 months. fblS s!g!iatcre( goods we do not wish to sacrifUe. KERR CIFFOR & CO., PROPS. ..GRAIN.. Stored witl as will receive the careful attention of experienced' warehousemen. Barb wire, nails, salt, sugar, lime, content, feed and mill studs always on band in any quantities, (ion eral storage and forwarding. A trial makes yot our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. D. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON $ruvAnuuuuwuuvrtnjwi j Under New IThe Condon Barn Having pnrcnaimd this popular tand we are prepar w v -the wants of tha traveling robllc In a first-class manner. Ple rigs and teams best attention given all stock left In oar care. Yoor patrouage is solicited. Palmer & Armstrong, Proprietors inoruinvinnAnnnruinnnrifuinsvA LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Managed ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. tVe offer a complete stock of Fins Surfaced Lumber, consisting of Flooring, Ced ing, Rustic, Ship-lap and all kinds of Rough Lumber. Careful atten given to bills of special sizes and dimension stuff, MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY. OREGON. Still in Business Though ont of town temporarily I still have, at my resi dence In Condon, a full supply of the incomparable St. Glalre Superior Washer Boston the market. Call and secure one. This will Inform persons who are familiar with the merits of the machine that they can secure one at any time. CONDON. TT . Unb ML A Xi m MM W . THE CELEBRATED . i , ,, . . . COLUMBIA BREWERY . . AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the prodnctof this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for Jane 28, 1900. says: "A more snperior brew never entered th labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of tha slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the beet of malt and and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the highest and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by both old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found.' East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Ranch For Sale. 1120 acres of good l.and. 8 miles from Condon. All fenced. About i of tract is good faro) land ; balance in pasture. Good bouse, barn and other buildings. Plenty of good water on all parts of the farm. Will sell together or In two tracts one of farm land the other of stock range and good garden spot. xor price and terms apply to J. C. Cookey, Condon. Oregon. To Cure a CoM in One Day jr. WOOD. M. D, Physician ana Surgeon ty u4 nlli promptly nwhr ' Oitlo. Vi.ln strtat mr Upting. CONt)OJ, . OK. . a k. una. PMYSICIArJ AND SUROEON. ni(litenti rhmtly tttui. JmliliMir aontk nlt'omton fhartnurf. t!MMlM, Mninati! HIUH. T L.NK-KU DENTIST tIUi ovw WilMft I'h.rmiM'y. ' fOKlKW . . . OBICOO! C. S. PALMER, rtisti Barber, Sleek Shaves and Hair-cuts Razors honed and re-ground, CONDON OBECOH. UaveyourtahacrlpUon to th dally or wwkly OrvifonUn at UU o(Sim ami mv. jourW potUga, tin and trouble. Wa wllldothtrett. rictorei, Fraroea, Rag and many funry honM oWrUoni at Clark A. Vtttor't Hardware ami Furnltnr itore, 11 Clark A Fraaar flitar with yot on ImilJIng material audi a Window,. Door, lxk, lllnge, Nail and mould tog- O. L. Neal, the wall known auction er, wlllglv tli itrlcteit attention to all buainea entruatml to hi ear. If yon have property to eel I conanlt bltn. BRANCH HOUSES: BLALOCX, QUINTS Management A. . -.44- m m -mrm -m- w jxnnnnniuux. txnnsuxnmvuumnnm RENEW YOUR SUBSCIPTION. Subscriptions for all the leading newspapers and periodicals pub lished in the United States or any other country on earth will be re ceived at the Globk office. Save postage, time and trouble by leav ing tho amount with us and we will attend to the business for you. Call when in town and renew your sub sctiptions to your favorites.' Caret Crip ia Two Days. (VLjb SXr on every wt feox. 25c.