CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. Congressman Geo. H. White's Case. A Noted Sculptress Cured. The world of medicine re cognizes Grip as epidemic Catarrh. Medical Talk. La grippe is epidemic catarrh. It spares no class or nationality. The cultured and the ignorant, the aristo crat and the pauper, the masses and the classes, are alike subject to la grippe. Hone are exempt all are liable. Have yon the grip? Or, rather, has the grip got youT Grip is well named. The original French term, la grippe, has been shortened by the busy Ameri can to read "grip." Without intend ing to do so a new word has been coined that exactly describes the case. As if some hideous giant with awful grip Lad clutched us in its fatal clasp. Men, Liquidity of the German Language. Mr. Casey, under the impression that the perfuming machine was a phonograph, dropped cent in the riot and placed the tube to his ear. "Wow!" he exclaimed, suddenly flinging the tube from him. "It's a wonder someone wouldn't invent water proof reccrda for thim dom German songs!" New York Sun. The Marriage Record. "Why did you decide upon such a sudden marriage?" "Well, yon see, Arthur got one of those French automobiles, and I got to thinking that a husband in the harness might bi worth a good deal more than a lover in the wreck." Chicago Record-Herald. The Victorian Nugget. Not the most valuable, but one of the most beautiful in appearance of Aus tralian gold nuggets wai the Victorian, found in White Horse gully. Eendigo. It was purchased by the parliament of Victoria for $8,250 and presented to the late Queen Victoria. Gladiolus Bulbs. All sladiolus bulbs should be taken op in the fall and saved from frost un til planting time in the spring, and the little bulbs that form at the root of the old bulb are more certain to grow if kept over a whole season before plant ing out. London Ice Cream Venders. Ice cream vendere in London are re quired to display on their pushcarts the name of the manufacturer of the frozen commodity, and the ice cream factories are subject to board of health supervision. dood Profit on Monopoly, Last year the French government made a profit of over $70,000,000 on its monopoly of the sale of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and matches. I mi TO BUY FOR CASH Chicken, Duck and Geese feath- ' era. Address 1 C.C.SMITH. V lOth mnd Dav I Sim., Portland, Or j DO. G. BEE WO WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese doctor la called great because he cures people without opera tion that are glren up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chi neiie herbs, roots, buds. ..J barks and vegetables At4ti that are entirely no 'MnWiiW kuowii to medical sci ence In this country. Through the useof tbose harmless remedies this famous doctor knows the action of over 600 d llfere ul remedies, which he successfully uses la different diseases. He guarantees to cur catarrh, asthma, luii;, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. ; has hundreds of testimon ials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. fatlenu out of the eity write for blanks and circulars. Send 4 cents in stamps, VOUSVlr TATIOJS i'KEit ADDREbS TEE C. GEE WO CHIHESE MEDICINE C3. 131 Third St., Portland, Oregon. rlafl I.U111 no nut mm CuRtS Writhe Ail kit fAILS. Beat UHMtn Byrup. Tastes Uood. Use I in time. oia it drucKintn. r r a--" mIaI-Si Ulaii VHUNL f 1 MBEjafc-gS"'- women, children, whole towns and cities are caught in the baneful grip of a terrible monster. Permit for Grip. Mrs. Theophile Schmitt, wife of the Ex-Secretary of the German consulate, writes the following letter from 3417 Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111. : "I suffered this winter with a severe attack of la grippe. After using three bottles of Perana I found the grip had disappeaerd." Mrs. T. Schmitt. Mrs. Celeste Covell writes frtm 219 N. avenue, Aurora, 111.: "Only those who have suffered with STILL ANOTHER PIANO CLUB Good Pianos at Wholesale Prices and on Terms Equal to Small Piano Rent Eilers Piano House Has Organized Another Co-operative Club Terms $6 Down and $6 Monthly. Having received another large ship ment of fine pinaos, we are now able to accede to the numerous applications we have received from persons desiring to purchase pianos on the co-operative club plan, which was so popular some time ago. This plan, owing to the ex ceedingly low prices and easy terms it offered, created such a sensation and widespread discussion at the time it was originally inaugurated, that further explanation seems unnecessary. Many maintained then that it was simply im possible for ns to sell such fine pianos at the prices asked. Investigation, nowever, provea me aDsoiuie iruin 01 every one of our statements, and our clubs became so immensely popular that in five weeks, we had a member ship of four hundred. Three delivery teams and six men could not deliver the pianos fast enough to buyers. The present club is organized upon the same principle as the former ones; which is the wholesale principle applied to re tail buyers, who join a club of 100, the club standing in the same relation to us that a wholesale purchaser or large dealer does. The pianos are the finest, high grade, brand new regular $350 instruments, and will go to members of this new club "E" at $167, $196 and $237, according to works, style and design. There are no dues, no extras, nor any liability on the part of members for any possible failure or shortcoming .on the part of the others or any of them. ONLY ONE CLUB. This being, as we have stated, an ac commodation club, ogranized for the purpose of accommodating the many persons who applied f r membership in our former ones after it was too late to secure a piano, we shall have but this one club, so all those desiring to take advantage of this rare opportunity htd better make application at once. We will take especial painn during this sale to see that inquiries reaching us . through the mail or by telephone re ceive immediate attention, in order to give oot-of-town buyers every advantage in securing membership. All instru ments handled by us are fully guaran teed. Money back if not satisfactory. Eilers Paino House, Park and Wash ington Etreets, Portland, Oregon. Oth er large houses at Spokane, San Fran cisco and Sacramento. No dive Away. Father No, John, you can't have another piece of pie. Son O, please, papa; I .won't tell mamma, honest! Detroit Free Prets. Mildewed Leather. Mildew on leather and many other stains may be removed with a little pure vaseline. Rub this into tbe leather until quite absorbed, and then carefully polish with a clean chamois leather. This treatment is suitable for almost every sort ef leather. la grlppo and been cnred can appreciate how grateful I feel that aach a aplenJiU in ilirine a Feruna haa been placed at the door of every Buffering person." Mr, 0. Covell. Neted Sealptreee Caraa ef Grip. Mrs. M. C. Cooper, of the Royal Academy of Arts, of London, Englaud, now residing in Washington, D. C, is one of the greatest living rcupltors and painters of the world. She ears: "I take pleasure in recommending reruns for catarrh and la grippe. I have suffered for months, and after the use of one bottle of Peroxa I am entire ly well." Mrs. M. C. Cooper. D. L. Wallace, a charter nieo,ber of the International Barbers' Union, writes from 15 Western avenue, Min neapolis, Minn. : "Following a severe attack of la grippe I seemed to be affected badly all Over. "One of my customers who waa greatly helped by Perana advised me to try it, and I procured a bottle the same day. Now my head is clear, my nerves are steady, I enjoy food and rest well. Perana has been worth a dollar a dora to me." D. L. Wallace. Lieutenant Clarice Bunt, of the Salt Lake City barracks of the Salvation Army, writes from Ogden, Utah : 'Two months ago I was eufferiing wita so severe a cold that I could hard ly speak. "Our captain advised me to try re runs and procured a bottle for me, and truly it woiked wonders. Within two weeks I waa entirely well." Clarice Hunt. CttirtuniM Whlta'a teller. Tarboro, N. C. Gentlemen: I am more than satis fled with reruna and find It to be an excellent remedy for the Grip and ca tarrh. I have used It in my family and they all Join me In recommending it as an excellent remedy." George H. White, Member of Congress. Mrs. T. W. Collins, treasurer Inde pendent Order Good Templars, of Everett, Wash., writes: ' "After having a severe at tact" of la grippe I continued in a feeble condition even after the doctors called me cured. Mr blood seemed poisoned. Perana cured me." Mrs. T. W. Collins. If yon do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. tlartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. The Dangerotfs Blue Eye. My observation has been that most of the bad men of tbe border were blue sdLJUmauwitb. ... BoftJblueeye will always be selected by a bully as a victim in preference to these snapping black, brown or cold gray eyes. On the average, men possess about the same amount of courage, and when the blue eyed man has been imposed on suffi ciently be resents it; one combat pre cipitates another, till he gets np a rep utation which he feels he must live up to. There if your fighting man. Everybody's Magazine. PROGRESSIVE DENTISTS. Wise Brothers Always on the Alert to Have the Latest In Dental Science. Dr. Thomas P. Wise, junior member of the firm of Wise Bros., has been in t. e East for the purpose of informing himself regarding the latest discoveries in dental science, and has made him self familiar with all details of the most up-to-date methods. He has vis ited the factories of dental goods and the laboratories ot advanced practition ers. It has been his purpose to be come familiar with all that is best in American dentistry, which is the recog nized standard of tbe world. Wise Bros, realize that new discoveries are constantly being made in dentistry, and, in order to give their patrons the beet attention they could receive any where in the world, they have adpoted the policy of sending a member of the firm East each year. Moral : Go to Wise Bros., dentists, Failing building, Portland, Oregon, for the best dental work. His Unlucky Choice. "Miss Ginx," began young "or may I call you Ginevra Gaboy, "Call ma what you like," eh'e said, with a bright smile. "Well, I like Gin," he whispered. And then he realized, as she turned her phiz from him, that he had blun dered. Chicago Tribune. Nature Improved. That looks like an extravagant state ment, but we believe you will agree with us that it can be done after yon have tried in your home a can of Mon opole peaches, or pears or cherries or other fruits. Monopole frnits all re tain their natural flavor and are packed where grown in tbe heaviest and sweet est of sryups. If ou want to be con vinced that all we say of them is true, buy a can from your dealer." Most dealers carry Monopole. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., Monopole grocers, Portland. Might Kot Bother Him. "Well," said the cheerful wife, who thought she had a soprano voice, "if tbe worst comes to the worst I could keep the wolf Irom the door by sing ing." "I don't doubt that would do it," re pliel her pessimistic husband, "but suppose the wolf should be deaf?" Philadelphia Press. Pain relieved, sickness prevented, by the timely nse of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Keep it always in the house. Standing Up for His Rights. "Get out of here," growled the larvae i'n the cheese rind as the weevil sought to make an entrance. "But why," protested the weevil, "There is plenty of room for both." "But where's your skipper's license?" asked the larvae haughtily. Judge. A BAR iUHOUS PEOPLE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE IN. HABITANTS OF MOROCCO. Stagnant In4 of Northern Africa Torn by Kovolt Naturally n Garden Ppot, but Cnreed by Mlstfoverniuent ul Wild Fanaticism. The revolt In Morocco, led by re ligious fanatic and pretender, Omar Zarahunl, against the nioderu-tuluded Sultan. Mulal Abdul Ail, haa assum ed such proportions as to alarm the powers of Em-ope aud haa brought about a revival of iutorvst la this ever-turbulent country. The sultanate of Morocco, at "the galea of Europe," Is the moat north- weaternly ot the African kingdoms and covers an area about equal to that of the State of Texas. Ita north ern and western coasts are washed by the Mediterranean and the Atlantic ocean, while on the east It Is hem med In by Algeria aud on the south by the desert of -Sahara. The niouot- ony of Ita surface Is broken by the Atlas Mouutalna, an Irregular range extendlug through the country from the northeast to the southwest, afford ing a barrier against the hot winds from the great desert. Several smaller chains break up tbe country between the main range and the Atlantic Into fertile valleys and plains. Many of the most elevated peaks of North Africa are found Id the Atlas Moun tains, and the summits of these are always capped with snow, the chilling winds that blow from them down Into the valleys, oftttmes making bitter cold the nights that follow upon days of extreme heat. In these mountains are the sources of many rivers streams that are as wild and unman ageable as the tribes that drink from item "mw . 'V'i, ;.T. ..,,jW' MOORS DEFY TUB AUTHORITY OF THEIR SULTAN. them. Many of these torrents spend their fury In the spring and early sum mer and are then lost sight oT In the sand. 6tagnant Land and People. Agriculture In Morocco Is In a very primitive state and but a small part of the arable land Is cultivated, owing to the innate Indolence of the people and tha lackof enoourairement from the government. Famines are hot uncom mon and during the best times the production Is scarcely enough to sup ply the wants of tbe people. Yet, un der proper conditions of education and government, Morocco could be come one of the most productive re- glons In tbe world. Domestic animals are numerous and the wealth of many of the tribes consists entirely In their flocks and herds. From tbe skin of the native goats the celebrated Mo rocco leather la made, and this forms the chief occupation of the country. The people of Morocco may be di vided Into five races, Berbers, Arabs, Moors, Jews and negroes. The Ber bers, who are the aborigines, live In the mountains, and are a race of ex cellent physical development They are courageous, resolute and temper ate, making the best of warriors and hunters. Tbe Arabs, who compose the greater part of tbe rural popula tion, are also of fine physical build but are fanatics of Jealous deposition They are not prosperous and are fre quently at variance with the govern ment. The Moors, who are largely of SDanlsb. extraction. Inhabit the cities and towns. Neither In body nor mind are they strong, and tbey occupy their time In pleasure and Idleness. The Jews are more Ignorant than their brethren In other countries, but are shrewd and enterprising, many of them possessing great wealth. The majority of them are engaged In com merce. The negroes are slaves, or de scendants of slaves brought from Cen tral Africa. They are fairly Intelli gent, but are more stubborn and ma liclous than the Moors and Arabs, with which two races they Intermarry to a great extent In general the people of Morocco are barbarous and fierce. Outlawry Is common among those who live on the plains, but they do not assassinate strangers and trav elerB and theft Is seldom accompanied by murder. Bnled by the Koran, Morocco Is divided Into a number of provinces, In each of which are from two to fifteen small tribes. Each of these tribes has its representatives who, when united form the council for the province. AH governmental law comes from the precepts of the Ko ran, through the guiding hand of the I Sultan. The rollerlon of Morocco Is Mohammedanism. Christian mission' ' arles havlnz made no great Inroads j there as yet SULTA.T OF HOBOCCO. Ot the cities, Fes, Morocco and Me qulnea are the most important The Sultnn 1ms pnhecs lu the first two and spends part of hla time In each. The cities are enclosed by walla, the gates of which are closed at night The streets have no names and the house are without numliers. Sultan Mulal Abdul Asia Is young man of great physical strength, lie Is a good horseman, a keen huntsman, and Is fond of manly sports. Ho ta well educated and speaks French flu ently. CURE FOR A KICKING. COW. There Are Many rreacrlptlonu, bnt the Subjoined I Kacoia mended. An old fanner old enough to know botterwsnye that the way to cure a cow of kicking la to catch her by the leg Just as she Is about to kick. She should be grasped firmly, as close to the hoof as possible, and the grip must not relax until the kicking ImpuUe Is over. Of - course the ktck must be ( headed off, as It were, aud not met ' half way, nor even three-quarters way. It Is a good Idea to get the hired man ' to accustom himself to this simple fact, but at the same time It muttt not be forgotten that k good hired man can easily be spoiled by careless inat tention to directions. At first it might be well to use a cowcatcher or possibly an ordinary fender, together with catcher's mask and padded gloves. Naturally It will he well to conceal your appearance from the cow aa much as possible, be cause so many cows are timid aud easily scared by strange objects. Then when the cow slightly raises her hoof and shivers apprehensively along the ankle don't wait for further develop ments, but grasp tbe lower leg firmly aud hang ou for dear life. I A man named Mulllus bad a kicking cow of fourteen borne power aud some body told him about the grab the-leg curt1. Mulllns told It to his hired mnn. TTT F"T - ri -L- .1 - 7 .. . "TW.-."?'-.... ... ..... . The hired tnnn had had the milking stool kicked from under him several times and tbe milk pall battered Into scrap tin and he said he would be glad to try the recipe. So he put on a pil low for a chest protector aud Jumped for the leg as soon as he saw the pre monitory symptoms. "Well, sir. he went through the sta ble window as neat as you pleaae, tak ing the sash along with htm. When Mulllns reached him he was as dazed as a mudlark. " 'Xearthqunke?" he feebly muttered. "No." said Mulllns, "the cow kicked i you." "Cow kicked met" the hired men re peated. "I wonder how it happened'' "I wonder?" said Mulllns. Dut Mulllns thought he knew, though he hesitated about saying so for fear of hurting the victim's feel ingsand he was hurt enough already. The trouble was that the hired man was so awfully cross-eyed that ho had grabbed the wrong leg! Cleveland Plain Dealer. Had a Rough Experience. Thomas J. English news paper man, sought glory by Imitating the old-time American reporter's trick of having himself locked up In a Bel gian madhouse to secure a sensation. The doctors, however, "got on" to Thomas and to teach him a lesson dosed him with vomiting powders. Next he was put on a diet of sour her rings and no water; at night he wasn't allowed to sleep and when he com plained he was told that he had a tumor In his brain and was Imagining 111 treatment. lie would feel better as soon as the tumor was cut out When finally the doctors tried to chloroform him and made preparations to operate upon him Thomas disclosed his Identi ty. But the doctors would not let him off. They sent him under guard to the police station, where he was booked as an Impostor and for obtaining the county's charity under false pretenses HEIGHT OF THE SEASON. f it Old Gentleman (to boy playing foot ball on' Sunday) Ah, my lad, what would your father say If he saw you playing football on the Sabbath? The Boy Ye'd better ask hlmscl'. That's him keepln goal. Imports to America. - One-half of the Imports Into this country are of materials for inanu facture. What has become of the old fash ioned woman who explained her pov erty by saying an elephant stepped on her pocketbook? ... A Cough "I have made a most thorough trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to say that for all dis eases of tb lung it nsvsr dliap points." J. Early Flnley, Ironton, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral r won t cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; wc never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. Wc first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Tart alien Uc.Mc.,11. AHSmrWa. ' Consult year aetoe. If tie says take It. than o a he ses. It ae tella ta lake It. thea don't take tt. lie kaows. Leave It vita aire. We ate ertlllai. J. O. AT KR CO. leelt. Mete, Prof. Ootbear'a Career. Prof. A.E. Dolbear of Tufts college, haa just celebrated bis sixty-fifth birthday. For over twentj-elght years he has been a profuasor at Tufts. He was born in the same house in which Benedict Arnold was born. Tan Can Gel Allen's Foot Knee FltKB. Write Allen 8. Ctmilea, IUojr, N. Y., tr a tree laini'le ol Allen's Foot Kaae. It euree chil blain , ewealins, ttanip, iwullrn, arhlns (eel. It makee new of tieht enove eauy, A rertalit eure lor tvrnt ami Hiinluiii. All lru,gln eell IU X'0. Dun't arcept any miUtltule. The Main Question. . Bramble My wlfo and I were play ing ping pong last night and the ball flew into a gas flame and eiploded, set Ore to the window curtains and nearly burned tbe house down. Thorne Who won the'game? Balti more Sun. riTO fermamnny euraa Se But er nernHunaa) II I W eftar firai l.t'imnl lr kliaa'alinal firm atinr. Boo.) (or rMKKi.OOiriWIiil..n.lli toe. Pa.B.U.KuMa,LU.u AnbsUruuatlllila.t,a Memory Freaks. It is Instanced as one of the curiotd ties of the memory that people who know long pieces of verse by heart f rt quently cannot remember their tele phone number. Plao's Cure U eoud couch meilivtne. for forty Ithaacuml ruiiL-ha and culds year. AtaniKKIntB, Jicente. Clcctrkal Manufacturing Widespread. While electrical manufaituring is1 shown to be chiefly concentratt d in ! some sis Eastern and two Middle j states, the industry is fairly wide-! spread, Its data being furnished by no; fewer than nineteen states. 10O UEVf AltD 10O. The readere o! thie paper will be pleaied to kern tuat there U at lent oue drratleil dikeaM that eeienre hu been able to cure in all Ua aiaiee, auj Ibat licaiarrb. llaU'el'atairb t'uro in the only poeltlvecure known to the tumlical fraternity. Catarrh beltif aeouetitutlonal dis ease, rrqtllrra a comiituiluoal trcalmi'iil. llail'i Catarrh Cure Is taltm Internally, anlii directly upon the blood and mucous iunaci-t ol the syslrur, thereby de.troylng the (omnia tlon of the di.ra.i-. and living the patient trenath by bulliline up the eonattlut'ou ami existing nattire in doing Its work. The pro prietors hare so much faith In Its curstivt powers, that they offer Cue Hundred IHillart for any Cane thai It fells toouru, build lor list ol U-stinioulals. Ad'lress r. J. ( II KNEY A CO., Toledo, O Bold by druggists, 73c. Hall's Femllf Tills are the best Congestion In British City. Birmingham, England, has upward of 40,000 back-to-bark bonnes and 6,000 cuurts, which are entered by tun-1 nels from the street, states the city's medical officer. Mothers will tlnd Mrs. rVlnslow's Sooth. Ine Bvrup the best remedy to use lor their children during the teething; period. Fattening Foods. Sugar, cocoa, chocolate, pastry, maize, milk, fat meat, nuts, potatoes, eggs, oysters, lobsters, jams and honey are a few of the many articles of diet that fatten. The Kind You Have Alwav.s UfM loJh rrynl n 7. ture of Chas. II. Fletchers and has been mado tinder hi perMonal supervision lor over CO yenrs. Allow no ono to deceive you iu tills. CotintcrfcitH, Iinltatloiis and JiiMt-as-pood " aro butExperimontfi, antl cnda;rer tho licalth of Children Uxpcrlenco ngrainst Jlxpcrlnicnt. What is CASTORIA Castorla i a liarmless substitute for Castor Oil, raro goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Plcasitnt. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphhio nor other Narcotic substance. Its apro is Its guarantee. It destroys Worinsi . and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea und vVInd Colic. It relieves Tccthlnfir Troubles, cures CoiiHtipatlon and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and liowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tito Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought ) Bears tho thc ecNTaun eoMeaav. tt pwnn'1'i i SI In Use For Over McCAULEY & BURBANK, General Machinists Mlno, Mill and Marine work. General rcpalrn. i'rlntlng Machinery repaired and rebuilt PROMPT ATTENTION TO OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS. Poole Bide., Foot of Morrison St. PORTLAND, OREGON irk v.vSi f.T.. " tn .nnt.ltj. And tn&kpfl the I tory nsults-r. W. UUOOMG, Klvla, Nub. FREEl 68-page sOUTLANU JOHN POOLn. PORTLAND, OREL root f momioii treat, n five you the"Wt bara-slns In Rollers ml F.niliwi, Windmills, 'uuiie and Ueua. il Machinery. Wood Haw I lie Machine a Cei an ral specially, Kea ui Iwiore buying, DELICIOUS AND TEMPTING thlUi, Queen floe Cough Drops Are maile ot mire hun. y ami meniliul. Thry re lvaant ami ef- leotlve) a a remeity " rvmni ami ciUiia, Try .a'kali. Hold ty all ill nullum ami VllftM'tilltll, I'WO lai'agim by mall un reeltul lt.,lempe. Pacific Coast Biacuit Co. Portland, Or. 210 Kinds fer 16c. !tliarcitlMiiHiMr'aea.laare fmiiij ' V ItwreKanivneaiiiion niurerarmniuen nnyoilirrin Aiuerh'a. increaiaj M.lH t..r llll. Wm .iWtl Mlltl tit. ermor6oiOT for llnmtui tlvu of nnrehnli'eei' In unlor w , ttvttti-eyoa lu try tiwn r llw l J In Hi uii xerMlMild ttm t f or to conra roaipaM tlHfetawiM eMea, tft mrtm eve. e t mrUm Kin lM .rWito-f It ItiUrtowll kMUIl In all tn klii.U MiMUnly himuhitm imuhitwt f '. l"te Jr., t.Wria tf III.. 6.1-ta ua. ii.HWtS' anilli.i.uf cli..i.- TrwoiaMn, m with (Kir emblitiaiitfti. alaxil U kiimiI Iml. UIIIIm Ur i-ak Thuii, llruutiu, ilia.. ., all (r wily ten. lu eutuve au4 f UU. a.ll . U.I. letfceH eeeea. JOHN . HUM IEE0 CO., La Croete, Wit. wet mm C0H.G1 There b no satisfaction Keener than being dry and comfortable when out in the hardest atornv you are suit orTiiia If YOU VycAB WATEBPBOOF ILED CLOTHIN MADE IN SUCK OS YCUOW D BACKED UY. OUR OUARAKTC J.TOWER CO, BOSTON. M ASK YOUU DtiAt-UU, If he t not sueerr yev for eie trr mlifie nt flamnnfa aad KM a 'lloth my wife and nieeelr bare bees aetu Cam. AltfcTS and tbey are the the beat niedlvlne we have eror bad In the bouse. Last weok my wife was franlio with headache for two1ae, alio tried souioof yom CASt'AKKTS, and tliny rnlletrnd the pain In ber head almost Immediately. We both rrromnirndCascareta.'' Oiua. SimisriiHii. ritUburg Sufe A Deposit Co, l'ltteburg. Ta. CANDY CATHARTIC TADt MAUN ttSaieTtejfD PlaaaanL. PalntAttl. Intent. faate firwxl TV flood, Heer Hii'ken. Weaken, or Urine. We. IjC, sue. ! ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... tiarilat Hwsr raar, rale. Mirei, tare. UT MO-TO-BAC Hold nnrt snnrsitteed by all dreg- lata to t:lUKi'obaoi.'0 Uablk. F. X. C. Ko. B-1V03. writing mention tbl to ad et Users pleas tbla paper. llouzlit has liorno tlio Minia Signature of 30 Years. mumnni eraser. nw roaa oitt. j-iiii IIMWHISI . it ifalrOiaS. 'TKrt- kf 9 gAjant nee m i Seeds eo BUhlx! tie femur f f ana Mikim wl luu eu(.iia e(MiiBimMii. it 1 r Jl,,uf Inue Oiofe I f (""'wry anil MMpMf 1 1 3 filmutrttt tlrtherrwl Ail 1 I awlwe. two! 4 AeeMl 1 f puMiMlilfVMloaUawainuMai CM. HftftY CO V Detroit, atluh. itfi t H 1 efTI r AH r S ak eaaawW PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD, the Greatest Conditioner and (Stock Fattener known. HORSES do more work on less feed. COWS K've more and richer milk. HOGS grow and fatten quicker if given this food. MAKEA PlOft GROW. GOOD FOR STUNTED CALVES. ih han rnnllim I'maalan Hiock Fond to mr thoroughbred awlno. It iilre. then n its irrow. aiao wina in on abuuvou vaivua Wlbu saiiursft- Hand Book. Pruttlsn Bemedy Co., SL Paul, Hlna. SKKU GO, 1'ortUad, Ore., Coast Ageute,