Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, January 15, 1903, Image 3

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A.J.Moor I on th slek list Mil
Jm r"os was In from Thirty-mil
Wtt'vt iM oat. Whn yott nt
a a whet you ow us. 8priiigtoo&
A. H. Mullen, of th Conton Milling
Co., left fur Portland yesterday on a lm
Ladiss I yon can nt good 86 Inch Up
measure by calling nt the Ju oflk.
Won't ouat yon a cant.
T. J. Smith, of tha Foul I Flooring
Mlllt, was a rHiirr (n Tottdaj
tag en root to Tortlawl.
J. A. McMorrls and family left Mon
day for Dayton Wash., where they will
wnd a month or to viaitlng.
Ilata from now until spring at and ba
low.eost.' Anyima naadlng millinery
good will And great bargain at Mr a. K.
I.. Madden'.
lavyour nUoription to the Ran
Fraiioiaco Kisiulnsr at thlt offlo and
w will do tti rttt, and ae-yoo post
age, trouble ate.
Will Burns and 8lnton Kaster ere la
Tortland thla waak on a pleasure trip.
Mr. Kattt baa given op visiting tlia
mlnaaat North port.
Tha mambaraof Wellula Clrola art re
quested to ba present at a special meet
lug Thursday, Jan. 02, "03. By order of
lioerdlan Neighbor."'
Miss Mabal Moor has retaroad from
Ogdan whara aha apant sererel waeka
visiting rvlatlvaa. bhs re porta having
had a most delightful visit.
W 8 Conner, of lone, waa In town yea
tarday. While bare Mr. Conner ordered
tha Ulbs sent to bla addreM becene be
wanted tha nawaof 'Jiiliain county.
Hat. mllUnery guoda, toya, fancy
gooda etc. tor tha Uolldaya. , Ureal re
duction In prlcea on millinery gooda nn
til after tha Ural of the year. Mies Dora
A Gun Club waa organised her Toes
day oreolng with 19 member. A coin
inittea on permanent organisation wa
appointed to report at a meeting to be
held neat Wedueaday evening.
Uev. Flower baa retained from The
Dallea where he epent a coo pi of week
amlatiog tha Baptist utlnletar of that
city in a aeries of meeting, There will
ba tha usual eervice la the Baptlat
church thla evening and Sunday morn
ing and evening.
W. F. 8myaer, of tiooaeberry, waa
In town a day or twolait week arranging
for a public aal of personal property at
hla ranch near Uooaeberry which will
take' place Saturday January 24. Mr.
Hmyaer haa aold hla ranch ard will re
move, to Portland. For particular of
aal aee bill printed at tbi office. U.
L. Neal will be the auctioneer.
Stock loapector Duthl waa In town
Tueaday on bia way home from the Johu
Day where he had been for moral day
dipping acabby ahaep. One band be
longed to Barker & Flitar and -tha other
to Caaa 8impaon. Mr. Duthl aaya he
bad a pretty tough etpelenco during the
trip tha weather and hotel accommoda
tion on tha river being none too good.
Thomas H. Tongua Dead.
Representative Thomaa II. Tonga of
lh First Oregon District died at
Washington D. 0., Sunday of heart fail
ure. Ill death was wholly nneipected
and earns as as a sever shock to hi
many friend.
Deceased waa born in Lincolnshire,
England lo 1844; cam to Oregon In
1859; graduated from Pacfie University,
1808; entered politics in 1888 as member
of the State senate, lie baa aerved sis
year in Congress. II was largely in
terested in farming and took particular
Interest in breeding blooded horse. His
remains will be brought to hla old home
at Hlllsboro, Oregon, for Interment.
Arm Fractured.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilildehrant who live on
Cooke Bros.' ranch met with a aerioos
accident Suuday. They, were on their
way to Fete Burton's place on ttock
Creek and when going down a sump
grade the hiigifv left the grade and waa
overturned. Mrs. liildebrant sustained
a fractured of the arm and Mr. liilde
brant received sum ugly cut on the
bead. .'; , .',.'.,.. '!"
, Mr. Wood was called to attend their
injuries and they are uow netting along
all right.
i.i i . i i -j
School Notes.
Ko tardiness in tha 1st grade for the
week ending Jan. 0. ' ; .
Lm Shannon was enrolled in tha 7th
. grade Monday.
Mary White returned to school after
a few days a beence.
The 7th grade is reading "The Lady
oi th Lake this week.
Harold Palmer and 8til brits were en
rolled in the primary room Monday. , .
The 6h grade have finished the year's
work in Mental a run met ic.
will build counr
County Court Orders Building
Building to be Completed Dur
ing the Present Year.
Gilliam connty Is to have a courthouse.
No longer will this county aland at the
sstreme foot of th class among ail tha
coootlrs of Oregon in th matter of a
modern building In which to transact
county business and a safe place to keep
valuable pobllc records.
During the recant term of tha eoanty
court It became known that tb court
would consider favorably a pro posit) on
to bo I Id a courthouse If the people of
Condon would donate 11,000 .0 to. that
purpose. Within an boar after It was
known that th court wa disposed to
Impoa thla condition n the propoauios
the city officials promptly drew a war
rant for 8500.00 and '. subscription . pa
per which waa olrcalated speedily mad
p the other $500 00. The bona we
offered on the condition that the build'
Ing must cost not less than 110,000.00,
A delegation of cltlaena waited on tb
court and presented th offer of the eit y
and at the same time presented a nun
bar of affidavit signed by leading citi
lenaand heavy fas payer stating that
the affiant wer absent from th eoanty
at the lime of the last state election
and that, bad thy Ittn here, they
would have voted "ye" on the
proposition of building a court house.
The uumber of these affidavit waa con
siderably In sieves of th slight majority
which wa returned against the coart
house at th Jons election."
Th proposition wa then cOBsldsred
by th court and waa duly accepted the
vote standing f
Ye Dunn, Frotnsn,
It ia generally understood that Com
missioner Dyer realises th great need
for a cunty building and sals deposi
tory for- the records and I not very
strongly opposed to to tb erection of a
building at this time. It however,
bad given a pledge before election' that
he would abide by the popular vote on
the question and felt that any other
action on his part would be a violation
of that pledge. . . . .
The order of the court call for th eon-
stroctlon of the building during th pre.
ntyear. It is the Intention to adver
tise for bids soon so that a contract cm
ba let at Ibe nest Urn of court lo
Alvllle School Notes.
This term of school will close on Fri
day, Feb. 6.
Jennie McMullen visited the school
Friday of last week.
Evervone did well In the examination
held Thursday and Friday.
Arbry Wesson, Viv Collins and Murl
Myers visited the school on Monday of
last week. . ,
The 8th grade has completed th
course in Mental Arithmetic and ia now
reviewing. ,
We. are all much Interested In the
book. Black Beauty, our teacher Is rend
iug to us. I think it is a good hook lor
ixiys ani girls to read. I- worn J espa
dally aJviBfi boys to read it.
, It Girdles the Globe. ,
The fame of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve as
tha best in the world eitende round the
earth. It's the on perfect healer of
Cats, Corns, Barns, Bruiess, Sores, Boils
Scalds, Ulcers, Felon, Ache, Pain and
all Skin eruption.
Only 25fl at Condon. Pharmacy.
Some Good Shooting
The shooting match Saturday waa at
tended by a Urge and enthusiastic crowd
of sportsmen. f Oles waa ably represent-
by Messrs. Wade and McPbearaon and
B. K. Hearcy held up th colore for
Beecher Flat ." ' v. . ' : v:
Thr wa all kind of things to shoot
at including live pigeon, clay pigeon,
th earth, the air and the sky. There
wa no casualties ' except among' jibe
pigeon although there waa cloee ceil
er two at .tha reault of accidents. -. No
one waa shot, however, although eon
wer said to be half shot. . .
E. J. Moor took first prise in the five
pigeon shoot and in tba rifle target shoot
B. K. Searcy , took, first prise, A. J.
Ilawes second, Harvey Blake third, and
Will Stevens fourth. ' Sherman . Wade
of Olex, and his partner Mr. McPbear
aon, gave a Una exhibition of trap ebooV
ing. Wade broke - ten clay pigeon
straight and McFheron broke nine
out of ten double shooting.
In th live bird shoot each man bad
five birds turned loose.
, Following is th scor:
Moore killed t 5
B. K. Searcy " ; ' ' 1
McPhearson " 4
W. II. Searcy M ,
Al Searcy, , , v 4
Wade v . v -.?-.'
Shea ?J " " "! -
The tie between McPhearaon Searcy,
and A Searcy was decided by a single
bird each, McPhearaon Winning second
money. ., a v .
I In the rifle shoot each man had three
shots and the shortest string measure
took the first prise. The score follow :
Searcy ...i .;..v..'..
Ha we . . . ; . , ......... ... ........ .!
Blak A.7...V.i..,.:;.ZX
Steven . ;. M. . . M 1 . . t . .V,' ...e.,.4X
Al Searcy; . .'.U . ... . .. . ..... . . . . v.4tf
Londermilk . .... .5 .
Moore......... 6?,
Crowley ...... l.VA
t? g9 ftttel a
Ksw 19 at
Isae vappl
tee Cit
eesi' aaekss
at rsMene
bta' rrtoss.
mi fi T 9 H
- ali.w.fl's
efewc!2U '
' SllyerlVcre'
r ' we -
On!a Fin
till OCCde.
J. Ai
Before Spring opens, In s few weeki you will be
st work snd will neexl s reliable time piece Bring
' in jroar watch today that I may have lima to put
it in firit-claas condition before 70a need to use it
- t. B. U E i J i' st
Condon Pharmacy
. I J - 'tfgSSCftiniOIl DBCOGISTS.) 1
. v - r- - - - - , -f v
10 PEfl GE3T D1S00UI3T -
' On BojY and Hiim Oyarhoi while stock lasts.
UZ Dn'niBo7a'Bhoethathsve
been la stock for aotoe time.
We can get anything j ouwaat in the shoe line, not in itock.
on short notiee.
O. MJ. piJ0pS5 0 (J).
w. alXlirs
Attorney at law,
Sfetary Public end Cenveyanceri
eas. es
rnrfliMa4liMriM. wmkmWh
0M la mm f fuatvClM baildlkg. Mm mltwrh
A comfilete stock of Dry tlooda, Oroeeriea,
Furnishing Ooode, Boots and Shoe, Hats
Caps, Hard ware, Queensware etc We Uke
orders for
Strauss Bro3. Tailor-mado Suits.
lenson &, Wilcox.
all ki:::3 if
Ca rr
T i Everythinff ln tho f ' . . .
Confectioneiy Lin v
K .r
"When the days begin tolengbthen
Tb old begins to strengthen." ,
Then's when ytt need a'
Fir.3T-CLA03 !!E17 STOVE
Call and examine ouawbig stock of
i:EAT-r2c:icis Bia eavees
Hardware, Furniture, Building Material, House Furnishings.
J Christmas is Oyer
But we are still doing business at the old stand
with the finest btock of goods in town.
i Confactioriery; VLunch 7 Goods.
- i.-.i.vl- .4-,-.v V.. ' :" -v-te-... tk. .4.w w..-l
" Cigarsr Nothing but the best it
John Jackson's.
"I have noticed that the aale on Cham
berlaln'a Stomach A" Liver Tablets is al
most invariably to those who have once
used them," says Mr. J. H. Weber, a
prominent druggist of Cascade, Iowa.
What better recommendation could any
medicine have than to have people call
for it when again In need of such a rem
edy? Try them when yon feel doll af
ter eating, when voa have e bad taste in
your mouth, feel billions, havno appe
tite or when you are troubled with con
stipation, and you are certain to be de
lighted with, the "prompt relief which
they afford. '
For sale by Con Jon Pharassey. -
Dr. Hoffman's
New and Reliable Remedies
including V-v V." A ' ' ' "
- " hirer Pills, Headache Cure,Corn Core,
,", . . " Pile Ointment and Suppositories, Eye Salve
and Cold Cure to cure a cold, Jn 24 houra .
T J. Q. JARVIS, Druggist
Condon Meat 'Co.
WM. Q. EOPEI?, Manam.
Now Occupying Our 6wh New . Buildings-Main Street
Finest Beef, Pork, Mutton,
-: We. recommend and guarantee our own make of
fiugar-cared Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Lard Sau- 1
sage and Bologna
-Try; them once and be convinced.
finest job prir)r foi; pil at tr;e (1C0BE Office.
Ofejwirse we're growing. vOnr basines is growing, oar
aoc i. growing ana oar ability to serreyoa in the best
possible manner is also growing. When yon need .
Fir$t-c!as3 Hand Made Harness and Saddles
n Gantry h Paimenfts
Hlf best Bfice pid far Grata ef all kind, fltorag and balinj of Wool.
-vGcnea'Warchoaso and Ilerchandiso
i Business ' . ,;"
tos Kmm csTasr
- Baa been thoroughly renovated and
:, ie bow prepared to cater to the
, vanuof the traveling public; Cona
. merctal travelers and others desiring
"the eotnfertsof a fireglass hotel will ;
find Uil boeae suited to their wajits.
' ' ' Jfas, S. X. Maddoci:, Propr.
MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c
The public will find that no better accom- r
- modatioim can be found n this county 1 '
- than this place. Good mfeals, clean beds.
a. raTTiaoa
OB la eieae BalVHae.
eexaeir, .... onzeea.
esies esraer Svttnf sitscs aaS Ov avtasa
, k eesow. oi.'
Th3 Regulator Lino."
awd PAtzztiQzn ;
ntis ef Slamtn Ecfwwca Fwfiu,.
aacswm, Caseaas Uda, Hse4 Rtvs
ssaf alrckej th Tailissia slis'
taesi)MSa.av, artivia at tau
ati iim fcjt Miaiac Iveiask .
l IUM fat Miiiia(
ltsisi Utm Or sty Krt 4. ,
W. C ALL WAY, Ota. Aft.
Sm el Cean Stfset. Tk aitoa Oa
(jue popltj pdut;rti50 in a Ijve paper JpiQlpB
Take Utsttve Bmbi QwIbIm TabMsT AO
drn1stsrraa4 th mm; a It ffeUstoccre
a, W.QwvsstsBtMta m sack box. Ke
Subscribe for the Globe.
X CASTOR a TATTOOS. ..- . ..
Sara an4 Tewa property for sale. Cerrct pend
eae MUaltee. v. . ' '"" ' f ""
COHOOir, j V S " ' OBKKKt
1 Open for Biisi ness
Oar big store, in the new brick building, is now open for business and our shelves
and counters are loaded with by far the largest and most complete stock of Gener
al Merchandise ever brought to Condon. We extend a cordial invitation to our
patrons, and the public generally, to call and inspect our new store, bur big stock
and our low prices. v We can show you why you should trade with us.
f-y We invite special attention to the following lines:
Fur Collarettes, Silk: and Flannel Waists
; Ready Made Skirts, Rainy Day Skirts,
' Flannelette Wrappers, Clothing, Shoes.
Executor Notio.
Xatats t CbrMmlMr H. ads. deceased. No-
ItesiahsNbjrelVMitlMttt aadentffMd, John
Arthar Si, bat been dy poiDted exceatnr
ltaMvrmandletUBiiitelCartstopaer H.
Beta, deeesMd, lata of OlUUua County, Oregon
All persona turin elairaa kf&iiut tb said d
or ed i hrby sotiflod to preseat the asm
daly verified as by law required, t tb said ex
rotor at bis bom near. Oits, GlUiam Coaaty,
Orgxi,erat thaeAeaot his attorney Saat E
Van Victor In Condon, Gilliam eoanty, Oregon,
within sla months from the flnt day of Jan airy
A. D ISO, the urn beine the date hereof, and
the date of the first publication of this no tic In
Use CukdoH Olcsb, ef Condon, Oregon.
; . ........... ., AaTjica aws
.. .....- : J; v. ... i.r Eaeewtor.
Uttt DR. JOnOAtl'O wsav(
scat Qatsor ea eaa rasaeact. cm.
a k wfsj i
tx Ksm-nR m miaia
Inxa Ika ae) cf fMCMai Ml
kuul d mIi hi mmmt
fm .a Vm acS wliMr, ha-1
l innir. S.n fc. laait he .
ubiLtmM. ana mr a aaaMeaiiM m
aw t bae gm aaS TaM at Ma
axfraSlaeTVat i b afcto as
mww. riildM aa S rttvn. l
k. .MrJtMP StwantM M4a. I
StrsiUf UaraagSiy esiead tram
feaW'H eiMa tlia aeaaaai.
i SMa be a Inat Staattntl 1
Mfat fa. !. a4 ri.lfilaa.b '
bm, JaMaa'a aanial panuaai lawaaaa.
vaua; A aiiraaeaaeotT
ffbawi 'aWa-za. JSSm5 CKtS
. aanaaallr f hNiae.
wri a . wmivmmmwwrtm '
SSAIkmI a Slot. Ml vaeaiaaau
baWiMB.) OaUaterrtm - ;
M jaaoasi a Ctwistt amVfl V
; Union pwinc--r
UEA7 Yon;c.
Ocean Steamers be
tween Portland and.
San Francisco every
five days.
9 aV
af Hf
Tickets to and from .
all parts of the Unit- . f,
ed States, Can&da and' 1
Europe. For par tic- . ., ...
ulars call on or address, :
. Treasurer's Notice.
All county warrants registered prior
to Jan. 1, 1002, will be paid npon pre
sentation at my office. Interest ceases
alter inov. u, iwz.
Treasurer of Gilliam eoanty, Oregun.
Largest and best selwt '
ed stock in the Count v.
Estimates furnished on .
.jobs as to mateaial and labor.
7 w. . darli:::.
- .