A Phonetic S.'mnrfty. "So you are going to take your airship and go home?" "I am," answered the aeronaut "Simply because funds are not forthcoming?" "Precisely. You hare in your own language, if I remember It correctly, a proverb which nays, 'Money make the air blow." Washington Star. For conghs and colds there ia no better medicine than Piso's Cure for Consump tion, rrioe 23 cent. Appropriate. A New York church will group all Its various activities la one big sky scraper. There seems to be some thing appropriate in churches resort ing to skyscrapers. Philadelphia Ledger. Mothers will Bna Mrs. fdnslow's Sooth, far Syrup the best remedy to use tor their nluldren during the teething period. Record Offertory. Australia's biggest offertory was taken up at the consecration of the Bishop of Carpentaria in Sydney ca thedral. It amounted to 8,500, and is perhaps the largest on record. t?ff0 hnmnllt Potto !o Sis r lit) eJWSr lnf tr klieVGra4 Nerva llastnrsr. BmmI fur FK KK J.eotr NxtWiod tn ha. !. U. Kunm.LuL.tM AtchauPhitoaelfhM.ra, A Pteblaa Taint. "No, her father made her break the engagement" "What was the trouble?" The old man discovered that one of the young fellow's ancestors had been a store waiter in a rolling mill. or something." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tbe New Year. If yon don't mind hearing about a good thing more than once, we want to tell yon that tbe most deiicions canned peaches and pears and strawberries and ot er fruits are called Monopole. If yon ask as what Monopole means we'll tell yon "Monopole means the best," and it dees. Many of onr friends tell os the same thing. Get Monopole goods from yoor dealer. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., packers, Portia id, Ore. Sparkling Stones. Husband I don't believe you heard a word of the sermon today. Yon were looking the whole time at the diamonds that woman in front of us wore. Wife Well, there are sermons In stones, you know. Puck. Uke a King. Poms, the Indian prince, had just been taken prisoner when Alexander asked him how he expected . to be treated. "Like a king!" replied the eastern warrior. Pleased by the manliness of the an swer, Alexander immediately made him Janitor of the Flatlron apartment ' house and the two potentates stuck so closely to business as to be dubbed porous plaster. New York Sun. 20 MILLION BOTTLES GOLD EVSRT YZAJL Happiness is the absence of pain, and mil Sons hare been nude happy through being cared by St Jacobs Oil of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. TOOTHACHE. HEAD ACHE, LAMENESS. SCALDS. BURNS. SPRAINS. BRUISES and ail pains for which an external remedy can be applied. It never fails to cure. Thousands who hare been de clared incurable at baths and in hospitals hare thrown away their cratches, beinc cured after usinf St. Jacobs Oil. Directions in eleven atnguages accompany every bottle. CONQUERS PMiCJ J For six year I was vletlm of ys vepala la its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and st times my stomach would ast retain and digest even that. Last March I began taking CASCARETS and since then I have steadily improved, until I am as well as I ever was In my life." Datio H. Munrnr. Newark. O. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. DO Soon, Kever Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. Wc, J6e, 600. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Storks IsMlr ti)m, Cklsw, MsrtrMl. S TatS. Sll affl Tfl Blf Bold snd pisranteed by sll drug Bla I U'BAW clsis vo tlax Tobacco HabU. ' Canada Consumes Much Tea. Canada, with its 5,000,000 inhabi tants, consumes as much India tea as does the United States, with a popu lation fifteen times as great: each used last year 1,075,000 pounds. Coughing "I wis given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health." Chas. E. Hart man, Gibbstown, N. Y. It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be gin early with Ayers Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Tarst alias ! He, He, $1. All sratftsts, - Consult your doctor. If he says take It, then do ss he says. If he tUa you not VO WS II, IOVB uuu x. mMW. Laave it With him. We are willing. 4. 0. ATX& OQ Lowell, Uass. &4 2Tf CANDY If JjT CATHARTIC ys vvtAOf makh assianaip BACKACHE. 1! Backache Is a forerunner and one of the most common symp toms of kidney trouble and womb displacement. READ MISS BGUMifS EXPERIENCE. "Some time ago I was in a Tery weak condition, my work made me nervous and my back ached frightfully all the time, and I had terrible head aches. " My mother got a bottle of Lrdla E. IMnkham's Vegetable Com pound for me, and it seemed to strengthen my back and help me at once, and I did not get so tired as before. I continued to take it and it brought health and strength to me, 1 and I want to thank you for the j good it has done me." Miss Kat bouMAit, 142nd St A Wales Are., New York City. fSCOO forftit fftrlflma of asses ktfrr aro ftWMMll euaot SesraaWrW. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures because It Is ' . . . i uio g ro its k auvHu reuicuy Jiur kidney and womb troubles. Every woman who Is puzzled about her condition should write to Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn, Mass, and tell her all. YOU'LL BE SORRY WHEN IT RAINS IP YOU DONT HAVE TH2 GtNUINB OILED CLrOTQSKG KEEP YOU DRY MASS fOU WET WORK SOLD BY ALL R ELI A LIS DC A LESS ANf eVAX9 Vf OUR CUARANTU. A. J. TOWER CO, RQ3TON. MASS. Women Landowners. One In seven of British land owners are women. In all there are about 88,000 women who own land in Eng land .and Wales. ' Work for Women. In the packing and canning factor ies women have largely taken the places of men, and if trade increases as it has done in the last two or three year thousands more will find em ployment there. Their labor is light being what is termed "kitchen work," which consists of cutting dried beef, stuffing sausages, packing tins, etc. HOW'S THIS? We offer Ons Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Cattarrh thai can not be cured by Hall I Catarrh Care. F. J. CHENEY 4 Co., Prop, Toledo, O. We the undersigned, b ave known F. J. Cheney for the paat IS Tears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all bnaineas tranaactinna and fin ancially able to carry outany obligations made by their firm. Wrrr 4 Tstux, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Waldino Kinm.1 a Marvin, Han'.CatarrtCel. ukelinWrnalltTn, lirectlyontheWood and mucous surf 'tees oH the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all 1 arngirlats. Testimonials free. Bail's Family fills are the best. Real Summer dirt. "Say, old man, what is a summer girl?" "A summer gin is a rack to stretcn shirt waists on; inside is a receptacle for lobster salad and Ice cream, while outside is an attachment for diamond rings." Life. Spanish Railway Schedules. Spanish trains so seldom leave sta tions on time that the time-tables in many cases merely indicate the hour of departure say, eight and "mlnu tos" that is, an indefinite number ot minutes after eight. Dr. August Eoenig's Hamburg Drops. as a blood purifier, strength and health restorer, and a specific for all stomach, liver and kidney troubles, leads all other eimilar medicines in its wonder (ul tales and marvelous confidence ol the people, especially our vast German population. It is not a new and un tried prodnct, but was made and sold more than sixty years ago. Men's Reasons for Marrying. Postal cards having been sent out to married men with the inquiry, "Why did you marry?" a large number of re plies came to hand, from which the following are selected That s what I have been tryine for eleven years to find out." X. "M mIajI in 4. r!.1- Va. -.1. ' er, but never have. W.' "Because Sarah told me that five other young men bad proposed to her. C." "The father thought eight years' courtln' was almost long enough. B." "Please don't stir me up. J" "Because I thought she was one among a thousand; now I sometimes think she is a thousand among one. E." "Because I did not have the experi ence I have now. G," "That's the same question friends ask me. C. H." my "Because I had more money than I knew what to do with. Now I have more to do than I have money with. B. D." "I wanted a companion of the oppo site sex. P. S. She Is still opposite. A." "Because it is Just my luck. P. J." "I yearned for company. We now have It all the time. Karl." "Have exhausted all the figures in the arithmetic to figure out an answer to your question; between multiplica tion and division, in the family, and distraction, in addition, the answer is hard to arrive at. Old Man." "I married to get the best wife In the world. Simon." "Because I asked her if she'd have me. She said she would. She's got me. Blivlns." 'MM'., RESUME OP THE YEAR l80rS RECORD OF PROSPERITY AND DISASTER. Thera Have Been Volcanic Krnptloae, Ware, CoaBagrattona avad Expto alone Large Death Llete-Aad Stilt Tlaaee Have Been Oood. Though most of the civilised world has enjoyed a continuance ot tha reign of mu tual prosperity which began in UK) I, it hi undeniable that the year UHtt has made a woful record in the way of dis aster and destruction of human life. The eruption ot Mount Pelee, Martinique, May 8, may be given pre-emlneuc as the most disastrous occurrence ot several decades, and its destructive work was supplemented by many costly conflagra tions, especially during the early months of the year, and a number of deadly ex plosion a. Many noted persona have passed Into the beyond since Jan. 1, 1003, among them being Cecil Rhodes, Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, Gen. Wade Hampton. Frank It Stockton, J. Sterling Morton. Sol Smith Russell. Bret Uarte, Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Lord Pauncefote, Jen. Frans Sigel, Edward Eggleeton, Justice Horace Gray, Marie Henrietta, Queen ot Belgium; Emile Zola, Elisabeth Cady Stanton, Ilerr Krupp, Thomas D. Reed and Mrs. U. S. Grant Events of the Taar. JANUARY. X, Thomas Estrada Pslma elected Presi dent of Cuba l'resldeut Rooaavtlt holds brilliant reception. 2. Pssaenger steamar Walla Walls sunk eft Cape Mendocino by unknown bark; 27 Uvea lost 8. White Hons ball on occasion of Miss Alice Roosevelt's debut. 4. Nineteen wen lost ta marine collision oS Avelro, Portugal. 6. Congress reassembles. T. Seventeen men killed by care-la ia mine at Necaunee, Mich. 6. Tunnel accident to New Tork Central train In New York City causes 13 deaths. 10. Failure of Euclid Avenue Trust and Savlnfs Co. of Cleveland. 12. Seven Uvea tost la Are la Buffalo, N. X. 14. Second failure of George H. Phillips, formerly called the Chicago "corn king." ...J. B. Poraker elected Senator from Ohio, Arthur P. Gorman from Maryland and J. B. McOeary from Kentucky. 16. A. B. Cummins Inaugurated Govern or of Iowa. ...Earthquake kllla 800 people at Chllpanelngo, Mexico. 15. Death of Sir Kills Ashmead Bartlett, English political leader. 19. Four buildings collapse in Detroit's business center. 20. Columbian Insargents win battle la Panama harbor. ...Death ot Camilla Urso, vlollnlate. 24. Treaty ceding Danish West Indies to Cnlted States signed.... Dust explosion kills 29 miners st Lost Creek, Iowa. 28. Peace proposals made to England la BoersVbehalf by Holland. 29. Ten lives lost to tenement house Are la Boston, FEBRCART. L Dust explosion in Hondo, Mexico, mines: 87 men die. 8. S2.fi00.000 fire In Wsterbnry, Conr ... Gale ea Atlantic coast does considerable damage. 4. Keeley liquor enre plant at Dwlght. IIL, burns.. ..Six firemen killed by falling walls In 8t, Louts. ' 9. 110,000,000 fire In Pstersoo, N. J Smaller flees In Jersey City, Brooklyn snd Chicago Eleven lives lost ia lodging house fire In St Louis. 10. Twelve manufacturing plants burned at Springfield, O. 11. Death of Marquis of Dnfferin. 17. Bouse passes wsr tax reduction bill. 18. Miss Ellen Stone's rsnaom paid to Bulgarian brigands. 19. President Roosevelt's decision on Bchley sppesl given out 20. Revolutionary riots In Barcelona, Spain. 22. Park Avenue Hotel and 71st Regi ment Armory In New York burned; fl.OUO, 000 loss and 00 Uvea destroyed. ...Senators Tillman snd McLauren of South Carolina fight In Senate. 23. Miss Ellen Stone released by Bul garian bandits. 24. Philippine bill psssed by Senste. 27. McKJnley memorial services In Con gress. 28. Fourteen miners killed by snowsllds at Teuurtde, CoU MARCH. 2-4. Prince Henry of Prussia visits Chi cago snd other western cities. 7. Wreck on Southern Pacific railway In Texas: IS persons killed snd 80 Injured.... Gen. Methuen captured by Boers. 10. Secretary of Treaeuty Long resigns; W. L. Moody of Msssacbusetts appointed his successor. 12. Death of Former Governor John P. Altgeld of Illinois. ...Psrket overturned In Mississippi River snd 22 persons drowned ....Boers release Gen. Methuen. 13. Strike of Boston teamsters ends. 13. Severe billiard over Canadian North- ifflVbHiatJ1 lb QLl'lfL?R.?",n.'l.t'- 18. Hoboken docks burn, with larire vm. els; loss, 11,000,000 snd two lives. 24. Neely, Rstbbone snd Reeves convict ed of postal frsuds st Hsvsna. 23. Order Issued for evscuatioa of Cuba May 20. 26. Death of Cecil Rhodes. 29-30. Storm and flood canse damage Esst snd Sooth. 8L Mine explosion at Dayton, Tenn., kills 21 men. APRIL. X. Death of Thos. Dunn English. 8. $1,000,000 fire at Atlantic City, N. J, 6. Msny persons killed and Injured by falling grandstand at Glasgow, Scotland. 11. Boers sccept terms of peace.... Desth oi lien, n aae nampton. 12. Death ot Rev. T. De Witt Talmage. 15. Russian Minister of the Interior, M. Slplsgulne, slain by student. 18. House pssses Cuban reciprocity bill ....Great ocean steamship lines merrcr! 20. Sixty lives lost in burning of steamer city ox nttsDurg on umo uiver. ...trank R. Stockton, novelist, dies. 25. Severe windstorm In Missouri Val 27. Desth of ex-Secretary of Agriculture i. sterling Morton. 28. Death of Sol Smith Russell, MAT. 1. Tornsdo destroyed over 400 lives round Dacca, Britisn India Wm. H. Moody becomes secretary or .Navy. 4. Death of Potter Palmer of Chicago. o. Death of Archbishop Corrlgan....Bret xisrie aies in Lionaon. 6. Death of Bear-Admlra William T, BamDSon. 8. Town of St Pierre, Martinique, de stroyed by volcano.. ..Paul Leicester Ford, author, slain by brother, Malcolm Ford, who then kills himself. 6. Bulks ordered in anthracite coal re gion. 11. Death of Lieutenant Governor Stone of Wisconsin, 12. Maria Christina resigns regency of eiDioston nesr I'lttsburg. Spain.. . .Aweniy-nve persons Killed oj oil I 7- Alfonso XIII crowned king of Spain. 18. Hurricane devastated Texas gulf coast, blotting out town of Goliad. 19. Explosion In coal mine at Coal Creek, Tenn., kills 184 miners. hort and Sweet. Mabel Do you think a girl should answer a young man's proposal by letter? Tom Not one letter, but three. Mabel Three letters? Tom Certainly! Y-e-s. " True Happiness. Mrs. Nextdoor I suppose your daughter is happily married? Mrs. Naggsby Indeed she is. Why, her husband's actually afraid to open his mouth in her presence. Beastly. -What a beautiful Mrs. A, parlor floor!" Mrs. Z. Yes, but It would not be so attractive were it not for that hand some tiger skin. Mrs. A. Ah, I see; the beauty Is skin deep. ' In the Closest Analysis. Arthur How would you define friendship? Edgar Well, nowadays, friendship is the patience people have with each other's fads. to, rubs teeomasat tndependent aatloa ,., .waterspout St UaclnnsU sad suburbs kilts sis peraons ajt4 destroys property val ued at SlOOu.000. 81. Deeorah, lows, overwhelmed by Cloudburst. 23. Kiploalon la mine at fernta, B, C kllla low miners, 84. Death ot British Ambassador, Lord Pauncetorte, I. Boer readers slga article ot sue. render.. . .Retelhulea, Uuatemala. over whelmed by volcano, LOOP Uvea loat, JVNB. 5. Teamsters strlks can see riots In CM cage.... Death ot Kef. Dr. J. U. Barrows t Uberlla, U. a. strike rtota la Chicago 4. Teamsters' strike In Chlcsgo settled, a. Street esr riots Is Providence. H. I. 6. Tornado and eleulbursts In Iowa, Ne braska, Kansas, Illinois, South Dakota. V St Luke's Sanitarium ta Chicago burns, 10 Uvea being lost. 10. Tornado eauaes damage and death la Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. IS. President sends to Congress special memage on Cubaa reciprocity. IA Senate passes Panama canal bill.... Death of King Albert of Saxony. 81. Wyeth wins American lerby In Chi cago.... Town Usrshsl ot Jefferson, lows, killed by half-witted man, who la then slsla by mob. W. tano.000 Are In Portlsnd, Ore. 23. Bt James Hotel coilspses at Dallas, TW.Klnt Kdward VII snbmlts to per tlon tor perltyphltitls.... Coronation Is post- PJTl'8enstor Bslley of Tesss mskes vlo. lent sttsck oa Senstor Beverldge ot Indi ana ta Senate. JCLT. L Adjournment ot Congress. 5. President Issues peace and mnesty nrplamatloa for Philippines.... Rock Isl and fast train held up near Dupont - 4. Trolley wreca near uiivnu " k'il" 8wlft's0market In Chicago stockysrds burned. m .... . T. 8,000 tblCSgO rreigm oauuirr. ' , Storms and- Boods la Iowa and the West 10. Explosion ta mine at Johnstown, Ps., kills 126 miners. 11. Lore Bsiisnory resigns ss premier wi Englsnd: succeeded by Mr. Arthur Balfour. 12. Deata or archoisuop reeuan oi voi ces .... . ... is. sir uanf cnene aniwiutea vnmree Minister to L'nited States to succeed Mr. Wu. ...... 14. Express train held up and robbed Dear Marshall's Pass, Colorado. 15. Cyclone destroys Kmersioo ana Thompson. N, D., and Homp, Minn.. Id. End of freight handlers' strike In Chicago. ...Fifty killed In mine explosion st Park City, I'tah. .. .tieneral Jacob II. Smith retired with censure. X Murder ot Mlunle Mitchell la Chi cago. ai. Eartnouase in Santa Barbara coun ty. Cal. AfOVST. 8. Burlington express train robbed near Savanna, ill. 0. Train wrecs near Collins. Iowa, kills 13 people and Injures SO. v. pronation or tvinc r.awsra or Eng land.. ..Body of Mrs. Ann Bartholin found In Chicago. 10. ueatn or senator McMillan or Michi gan.... Seven persons burned to desth la hotel lire at Sao Angelo, Texas. Its. Cullscsn. Mexico, swept by tidal wsre....S2s.000 express robbery st Ford ville, Ky. 20. Autumn nsvsi maneuvers begin os Massachusetts eosst 20. Death of General Frans Slgel. 21. President Roosevelt on trip through New Englsnd. 22. Earthquakes In East Turkestsa kill 1.0U0 persons. 2d, Death of ea-aovernor George uosd- lev of Ohio. SO. Eruption of Mont Pelee destroys Morne Kouge. with 200 lives. 8KPTEMBER, 1. Thirty killed and 70 wounded In train wreck near berry, Ala. 8. President Roosevelt hurt In trolley sccldent nesr Plttstteld, Mass Death ot Edward tgrieston. novelist. .. .Third great eruption of Uont Pelee, Martinique. . Body of Wm. J. Bartholin found near Lowther, Iowa. 7. Haytlan sunboat Crete a Pierrot sunk by German gunbost Panther. li. Bstticshin Wisconsin snd cruiser Cin cinnati ordered to Psoams. 12. Great fire la Beaumont, Texss. oil fields.... Killing frost In Northwest. ...Mrs. Senator Stewart of Nevada killed In auto mobile accident. 15. Death of ex-Snpreme Court Justice Horace Ursy, IS. Pesry Arctic expedition returns. 10. Psnte In negro baptist convention st Birmingham, Ala., causes desth of 80 per rons snd Injury of 100 Death of alar Is Uenrlette. queen of tbe Belgians. 23. Operation for sbscess on President Roosevelt's leg st Indianapolis. 20. Four hundred persons killed by cy clone snd waterspout In Esstern Slclllty. 28. Second operation on President Roose velt's leg. ...Tidal wsve on const of Japan. 29. Death of Emile Zola. OCTOBER. 8. Conference ot coal operators snd min ers st White House In Washington. i. Oreat Ore at Atnoy China. 6. Governor Btone of Pennsylvsnla orders 8tsts Mllltla to coal fields. 11. Burlington train, held np near Lin coln, Neb. 12. Street railway strike In New Orleans ends. 13. Cosl operators ssk President to end strike. 16. President appoints commission to ar bitrate coal strike. 21. Anthracite workers vote to sccept ar bitration. 23. Work In anthracite coal mines re sumed. 24. Earthquakes in Italy. 24. Death of Elisabeth Cady Stanton. 21). "Mitchell" day In anthracite regions. ' NOVEMBER. l. ore. Bt. Pierre, Mlquclon, destroyed by 4. General election. .. .Fire works explo sion In New Xork kills 12 persons snd In jures 80. 10. Fire does great damage on new Esst River bridge In New York. 11. Roland Alolineus acquitted In New York. 16. Armour & Co.'s packing plant la Sioux City burns Death of U. A. Hcnty. 19. Buiclde of James Younger. 20. James Moore, colored, hauged by mob near Sullivan, Ind. 21. Rock Inland train held np by express robbers at Davenport, Iowa. 22. Death of Krledrlch Krupp, German gunmaker...Blg ore dock at Ashland, Wis., tinrns. 23. Desth of Sep. Winner, composer. 2ft. Death of Colonel Thos. P. Ochiltree. 29. Fourteen killed by boiler explosion In Chlcsgo stockyards.... Several vessels snd 29 lives lost In gale on Great Lakes. . DECEMBER. L Congress convenes for short session. 4. Fourteen lives lost In fire In Lincoln Hotel, Chicago. ...Naval maneuvers In Ca ribbean Sea begin. 8. Cleveland's great water tunnel com pleted. I. Desth of Thomas B. Reed In Washing, ton.. ..Cartoonist Thomas Nasi dies at Guayaquil, Ecuador. 8. Great Nile dam st Assonsn opened. 9. German and English fleets seize Ven esuelan warship In bsrbor of Ls Ounlra. II. President Castro of Venezuela Issues appeal to arms. ..Cuban Reciprocity Tresty I signed In Havana. I 13.' 11,000,000 fire In steel plant st Canal Dover. Ohio.... English and German wnr. ships reduce defenses of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. "14. Death of Mrs. TJ. 8. Grant. 15. 1,000 killed by earthquake at An- dljan, Asiatic Russia. I 18. Venezuels asks for arbitration. At the Minstrels. Bones Yeas, sah; Ah kin prove dflt Noah didn't take enuf to eat on dat voyage. ' Tambo How kin yo' prove It? Bones Don't de good book say he only took one Ham? Appropriate Expression. Reginald Miss, Wose, don't you think my Imported Egyptian cigarettes are fine? Miss Rose Yea, they are perfectly killing. On a Bhelf. "Mamma," asked little 3-year-old Margie, "do people go to heaven when they die?" "Yes, dear, If they are good," replied her mother. "Then I guess grandpa wasn't any good," rejoined the little miss. " 'Cause when he died they Just put him on a shelf in a big stone house and locked the door." Chicago News. Grandpa-Willie, why do you study fgrammar? Willie So I can laugu when people make ruistanes. PROMINENT PHYSICIANS USE. AND ENDORSE PE-RU-NA. (A CB.CHAMBERUNsM.D. Of WASHINGTON. PC. 0. B. Chamberlin, M. D., writea from 1 4th and P Sta., Washington, D., O.t "Many cases have come under my observation, where Peruna has benefitted and cured. Therefore, I cheerfully recommend It tor catarrh and a general tonic" C D. CHAMBERLIN, M. D. Medloat Ksatnlaer V. B. Treasnry. Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Ex aminer of U. 8. Troaeory Department, graduate of Columbia College, and rlA Ul t rAA VM Sk WamI Point, hat the following to say of Peruna: "Allow me to exprera m grati tude to you for the benefit derived from your wonder ful remedy. One short month has brought forth a vast change and I now consider my self a well man, and after months of Buffering. Fel 7 Ir. L. Jonlan. low aufforera, Pe - PAINLESS M3 nswe"i. . wibl. . "twww ! s . I u ? - The discovery of new agents snd nen nethoda of sitmlnUtorltig the old egentx ised In dtntiatry (or ellinlustlng pain, aa rvYolullniiUcd prartiiw. PAlM.hJ' HKNT1H1KY with ua Is not an experi ment, but an at solute certainty, a' i uudreda can teatiijr. IHtn't you ta'e ny rlaka W guarantee "No 1'AIN." Both 'phone : Oregon Kouth 7M. olmnbla KM. Oneu evenings till todays (ruin V to IX WlfiP! RRflS nPtltlt 2M.209.II'. '.11. aiVil-l. falling Bldg. - -ww --w rouTLaMD. Settlers on Public Lands. Twenty one million acres of the pub lic lands of the. United States arc yearly taken up by settlers. One Barrel Not Enough. Irate Customer Look here, you said this gun would shoot 100 yards. I've tried It and it only carries fifty. Isaac Veil, but mine friend, there are two barrels! Glasgow Times. A Family Jar. Mrs. Tlmmlns John, I must say you are the narrowest minded man I ever saw. You have an Idea that nobody U ever right but yourself. Mr. Tlmmlns Better look to borne. Were you ever willing to admit that anybody was right who differed from you? Mrs. Tlmmlns That's an entirely different thing, and you know It, John Tlmmlns. Boston Transcript. :-.v yv ?5t " - par- 'V AT. 1 i ir TfV A !!'.' Mm la? I J V ..TS A-, V- c;a i -waH:vJS runa will cure yon. "Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. Goo. 0. Havener, M. D., of Anacoa tla. D. C. writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, ' Ohio: Gentlemen "In my practice I have . had oc-aion to frequently rresx-ribe your valuable medicine, and have fonud tta of beneficial, especially in rasoa of catarrh." Oeorge C. Havener, M. D. If nn da tinL reeelva nronnit and satisfactory results from the use ofr Peruna, write at once to Dr. llartnian, giving a full statement of your caw, and be will be pleared to give you hia valuable advice gratia. Address Dr. Harlman, President of the Uartman Sanitarium, Columbus, .Ohlo. DENTISTRY i,or, inira ana naauingion 'ia oniaos, Guide Books Are Barred. i A guide book Is gonernlly regarded ns harmless. Not so In Turkey, as a I German traveler has learned to hia ! grief. Officials found In his trunk "a guide through Turkey" and confluent-' ed It. -The next morning the book was returned to the German, but with more i than a hundred pagea torn out. The traveler went to the censor's office to complain of this Inexplicable treat ment of bis book. But the censor ex plained to him with Irresistible logic that an accurate description of Con stantinople could not be suffered, since a knowlodKe of the locality was calculated to facilitate an attempt on the sultan'a life. Diplomacy. Whether he needs It or not, every wi!n should try to borrow money so as to learn who his friends aren't, and uiso uevcr to lend. New York Press. A THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoy tnent which they receive and the efforts which they make, cornea the greater part of that healthful development which is ao essential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative ia needed the remedy which ia given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physiciana would aanction, because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itnelf free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little Ones enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, ita gentle action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and for the aame reason it la the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of the old-time cathartlca and modern imitations, and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic ayrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and aa you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cettta per bottle. Please to remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYR-UP the front of every pack age. In order to get its lY rXT' beneficial effects it is al- t"i A flLr ways necessary w ouy fvfl.CVA, tne genuine oniy. a;w Gut- .. V"''"iiWii:i.f,i Mrt-Qns I. ir.54 w CI JMa. At. T '. r -n fi" H-rtsttv I J BestUmsh sdizSS tush Sjruo. TMlua IMipL DsS I 1 In lime. SMit )v rtrmfiri.i. t I JOHN IK)0Ln. PORTLAND, ORll. I wot at MorrlsM Btreet. r,3 f1 y he bsat baralni In Boilers and Knglnes, M lndmllls, l ump and Mene ral klsi-hlnery, Vtmt Hawing Msvhlues a spsolalty. Ht'4 Us be lore buying. . WAY ABOVE alt the rt la the quality ot MONOPOI H Canned Krulta ami Vegelalilia. YU won't 1st saiiatled with anything else alter you ones try them. From your t WADHAMS A KlikH HK0S. Packers t It costs YOU IN 0111 lllff Te catch roMres ft SuiieihliiS lor neihlns. attre etiuiiBh. en tMa It If yua want II, hut you ran tl r4 of It by uaias Uaws He ouah lraia. S )Ha In lite house. Thsv twite nice, !' aire, see sU. Made uf honev ant menthni, A Ceiua not. ftuld by all dnissiata and rnif iM'tlunrra. l w- boaea srnt hv mail nmiI mi rrcwipt af loa la aiamu, Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. PartUod, Ore. r. n. v. K. a-ites. w HKM writing to ad vertlsars plaasa suanUoa tuts paper. Showed Oood Sense. A tawlatun, Mo.. Infant, asked by his Sunday school teacher what be should have done first of all If bo had been miraculously cast out of the whale, b.'lly like Jonah, nld: "I fink I'd Kono home and got aome clean clothes on." ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genulno Carter's Little Over Pills. ftluat Bear Signature of fee Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Belew. Tory assail mm aa eaey ta take as sagma. rOIlUOACREs FOX DIZZINESS roi tiuousiEtr FOR TORPID LIVEX. FOI COMJTIfATlOI. FOB SALLOW SKI I. FOXTOECOMrLtXIOsM rHeaa I rarely Teptalls.c CURE SICK HEADACHE. taaiHaWaaUii V OH r' Atj CO. - i printed oa JWeJ .Vj' Seeds s planied by rumar V f ana. ,niw Iki has f MeilwutxHiuiia. it 1 Miia to My s uiue tuurs i I V W S Will Hfiiml I 1 I I plirel tlMlskrmL All I f aWW. tSS Sanval 1 I SuMtid tWa to all aeWkvuaii I 1 O.M.PIKRV at CO- Petrolt, Mluh. "Vy&rWai'-. it ISw Ta jfeff CARTER'S i tgj j m 'V-.... I "V. Z. X. I 1