i THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Peruna in the House for Catarrhal Diseases. MR. AND MRS. J. 0. ATKINSON, INDEPENDENCE, Ma Under date of January 10, 1S97, Dr. Hsrtman received the following letter: "My wife had been suffering from a complication of diseases for the past 25 years. "Her case had baffled the skill of some of the most noted physicians. One of her worst trembles was chronic constipation of several years' standing, "She also was passing through that most critical period in the life of a woman change of life. In Jane, 1895, 1 wrote to yoa about her case. Yoo advised a coarse of Peruna and Manalin, which we at once commenced, and have to say it completely cared her. She firmly believes that she would have been dead enly for those wonderful remedies. "A boot the same time I wrote yon about my own case of catarrh, which had been of 25 years' standing. At times I was almost past going. I com menced to use Peruna according to your instructions and continued its use foi about a year, and it has completely cared me. "Your remedies do all that you claim ; SnVh- 33 ! rits to give yoa his Ta,a- according to directions. Success to tble advice gTatia you and your remedies." Address Dr. Hartman, president of John 0. Atkinson. 1 the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Energy Is Eternal. - Who is there who dares to Eay that when old age is reached there is not as much laid by in that soul wrapped la its weary body as there was in the Infant full of latent power? We know not where the Infant's forces come from, nor where the dying man's en ergy goes, to, but if nature teaches us anything it teaches us that forces such as these are eternal in the same sense that matter is eternal and space endless, Frank Bolles. . , - (i Immune. Towne It's a shame the way these Dig corporations put the screws on the people. Browne Never mind they'll have a hot time in the next world. Towne If 1 could believe that there'd be somfr consolation in that thought, but corporations, you know have no souls. Philadelphia Press. Just a Small Matter. -N As Morgan and Gat- closer! wttie .i Tnhn onM tn rierp: "'Pears to me I've got iew dolIars coming," mi Pip -aching down in his jeans, hrnut & a handful of checks and "J.lT'the difference right there. It Wasn't much; only eighteen million dollars.'. Their Opinion of the War. The following conversation was overheard in a South African block house near the close of the Boer war: First soldier "Say, d'ye think we shall be home for the coronation?" Second soldier "Coronation be blowed! We shall be lucky if we are home in time for the resurrec tion." OUT PQK When the cold wave flag is up, freezing weather is on the way. Winter Is here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh return blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges from the nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad taste in the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that makes Catarrh the most sickening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feel sag of per sonal defilement and mortification that In the company of others. In spite of all efforts to prevent it, the filthy secretions and mucous mat ter find their way into the Stomach and are distributed by the blood, to every nook and corner of the system;' the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact very organ and part of the body, be come infected with the catarrhal poison. This disease is rarely, if ever, even in itsearliest stages, a purely local disease or simple inflammation of the nose and throat, and this is why sprays, washes, powders and the various in haling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity is sometimes back of it parents have It and so do their children. In the treatment of Catarrh, anti septic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the head and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load of foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has membrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints. , S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure the most delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forms and cases apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us if you have Catarrh' and our physicians will advise you without charge. ' " THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OAs In a tetter dated January 1, 1900, Mr. Atkinson says, after five years' ex pel lence with Peruna: "1 will ever continue to speak a good word for Peruna. In my rounds as a traveling man I am a walking adver tisement tor Peruna and have Induced many people during the past year to use Peruna with the most satisfactory results. I am still cured of catarrh.' John O. Atkinson, Box 27a. Independence, Mo, When old age comes on, catarrhal diseases come also. Systemic catarrh is almost universal in old people. This explains why Peruna has become so indispensable to old people. Peruna is their safeguard. Peruna is the only remedy yet devised that meets these cases exactly. Bach cases cannot be treated locally: nothing but an effective systemic reme dy could care them. This is exactly what Peruna is. If you do not receive prompt and satsifactory results from the use of Pe runa, write at once to Dr. Hratman. a UUa nil iv et vuw J ASIe il 1 flk I UJ KUt 0,ma . fii -t.t-mt Language of Parrot. Do parrots understand what they say? A scientist relates that he has a Brazilian parrot which is a fluent and accomplished speaker. A gray parrot was introduced on day, but the Brazilian hautily declined to have anything to say to the gray. Then a neighbor who has Just been given a newly Imported green Brazilian brought the newcomer to call. The moment the parrots caught sight of Mh-ether -they-broke Into a torrent of apparently articulate language, consisting, as it seemed, of questions and answers, but what the language was no one present could tell. The owner of the first parrot had never during the years it had lived with him heard it speak the strange tongue. The two parrots talked to each other without ceasing all the time they were together, and a few days later, when they rot again, ei actly the same thin nappened. Was the first parrot. ng exiled from its native tare, asking eagerly for news 01 its people? As to the Manner of HI doing. And must I walk the planks?" falt ered the captive. "Certainly," replied the smart Cor sair, wun a rrown. "xou don't sup pose I m going to supply you with an automobile, do you? ' Piracy is essentially, an unprogres- sive industry. It does not respond .to the modern spirit. Automobile Mag azine. Banking Rule of Paris, The Bank of France can compel its customers to receive one-fifth of money drawn in gold. FOR keeps one nervous and anxious while If aaoheater, Va., If arch 6, 1901. Gentleman: I had all the symptoms that accompany thia disease, such as maoni dropping- in the throat, a con stant deaire to hawk and apit, feeling" of dryness in the throat, cough and spitting: upon rising: in the morning:, cabs forming in the nose, which re quired muoh effort to blow ont, some times causing- the nose to bleed and leaving: me with a sick headache. X had thus suffered for five years. X commenced to take S. S. 8. and after I had taken three large bottles, I noticed a change .for the better. Thus encouraged, I continued to take it and in a short while was entirely cured. JTJDSON A. EELLAM. Main and Vine Sts., Richmond, Va, 10 no equal as a blood purifier. It restores the blood to a natural, healthy state and the catarrhal poison and effete matter are carried out of the system through the proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the brbod all its good qualities, and when rich, pure blood reaches the inflamed The first scientific society was estab lished by Dr. Franklin. ' Yarn from wood pulp ts now an ar ticle of commerce tn Germauy. India rubber and gutta pereha tree have been discovered In Gorman New Guinea. The first woman telegraphic opera tor was Sarah C Bagley, of Lowell, Mass., 1S4G. The Chinese government has taken the first steps toward the organisation of a pateut system. Financial students In the Treasury predict that there will be $1,000,000,000 tn gold tu the Treasury within the next five years. Her puppy having died, I fox terrier at Twlekeuhani is now contentedly act tng as foster mother to a couple of young kittens. Kidder The proverb, "Every dog has Its day," doesu't go In Algters. Kasly Why? Kidder For the very good rea son that there every dey has his dog. Two Roman coins, one a silver token of Domltlan. A. D. 81 SW, aud the other a brass piece of Trajan, A. D. OS, have been unearthed In Dowgate UM, Lon don. The Mexican Government has pur chased the major part of the recent Issue of Interoceanlc Railroad Com pany's bonds, thus obtaining the con trolling interest in the road. Since 1S30 the population of the world has doubled; Its Indebtedness, chiefly for war purposes, has quadru pled. It was eight billions fifty years ago; It la thirty-two billions to-day. Prince Frederick Leopold, who mar ried a sister of the German Empress, and Is known as a strong pro-Boer, has fitted all his men servants at his pal ace near Potsdam with Boer uniforms and slouch hats. Postmaster Hubbard, of Boston, fur nishes good evidence that the recent political campaign aroused consider able Interest In Masachusetts. Nearly twice as much campaign literature was handled as was ever before known In his office, A million dollar bills packed solidly like leaves In a book made a pile 275 feet high. One thousand million dol lars, the price which Europe annually pays for armaments in time of peace, equal a pile of dollar bills over fifty two miles high. Cornell's entry of a crew for the Henley regatta has inspired the organ ization of the Cornell Club of London. Seventy-five former students of Cornell University have Joined. They are most ly, electrical or mechanical engineers employed by Charles T. Yerkcs and the new electrical establishments there. W. J. Chapelle, who died recently In Leavenworth, Kan., was manager of Ford's Theater at Washington when President Lincoln was assassinated, and was one of the first to reach the side of the wounded President He was 73 year old, and bad been In the show business for fifty years. He was burled at Great Bend, Pa., where his daughter resides. Duncan Gillies, who has been chosen Speaker of the newly elected Victorian Parliament, In Australia, was first elected to that body in 1859 as a mln ers' candidate, he being then but 25 years old. Ever since that time he has been a leading parliamentary figure. Mr. Gillies, who was born In Glasgow sixty-nine years ago. Is the first Scotch man to occupy the Speaker's chair. He has declined to be knighted. "Vanumanutangi," which Is Samoan for the "home of the singing bird," Is the name given to her new residence in the Santa Cruz mountains of Call fornla by Mrs. Robert Louis Steven son. The spot Is In one of the quietest pants of the great blue mountains and much like the old home In Vaillma Mrs. Stevenson had a house-warming party at Vanumanutangi recently, where she made welcome all the lead Ing social and literary lights of San Francisco. Reports from Italy state that the phylloxera Is working ravages among the vineyards of that country, and that there will be an unprecedented de mand for American vines with which to graft the old ones. It Is reported that 908 provinces In Italy have been lnvad ed by this Insect, and that not less than 750,000 acres of vlneland have been en tirely destroyed. The phylloxera Invad ed Italy In 1879, nine years after Its first Incursion Into France. When dis covered in France it was noticed that It did not Injure American vines that had been planted there. RINGS WITH EVIL POWERa Bnperstltlon Attached to ManyThlnss Apparently Borne Out Some of the most weird and curious romances are associated with possess ions which appear to have no other purpose than to bring misfortune and trouble on those who own them. A tragic instance of this is related in con nection with the Llndsey family. According to the legend, Colin LInd eey, a iormer eon or uaicarres, was quietly eating his breakfast when he should have been awaiting his bride at the altar. When reminded of the fact he hurried oft to the church and, for getting the Indispensable ring, borrow ed one from a friend which he duly placed on tne bride s finger. at. me conclusion or tne ceremony the newly made countess took a glance at the ring and on seeing that It bore grinning death's head, suddenly fainted away. The Incident affected her to such an extent that on recover ing conclousness, she expressed her conviction that she was destined to die within twelve months. And sure enough in less than that period her life came to an end. Napoleon III. was the possessor of two rings, which be constantly wore. and which had belonged to his prede cessor, Napoleon I., who was a fatalist In the fullest meaning of the term. When Napoleon III. died It was pro posed that these rings should be re moved from his finger, but the Prince Imperial refused to have them. They were accordingly buried with his father at Chtselhurst, and, so far from regarding them from the same point of view a the prince, the Eiu peror'a domestic retatnere firmly be lieved that he would come to an un timely end for discarding the rings. And when, tn 1S79, the uufortunate young man met his death at the hatuU of the Zulus, against whom he wa fighting for England, thoy saw In this deplorable event the realisation of their fears. One of the best-known public men in New Zealand, a wealthy resident of Hoklnngl, North Island, recently trav elde all the way to St. Louis In a fruit less eudeavor to have an Idol cremated which had cast an. evil spell over hltn. The heathen Idol had come to him as part of a legacy from his grandfather, to whom It had been presented by a Maori chief. Said Its owner: "I have traveled 10.000 miles with the Imago, and It has brought disaster after disas ter upon me. I have often endeavor ed to destroy It, but without avail. "I once threw It under a train, and. In running to get out of the way, fell and broke oue of my fingers. Then 1 was arrested for endangering the live of passengers. When In Ixmdon three months ago I threw It Into the Thames, and a drunken sailor who fished It out brought It back to my rooms, and In his rage at not receiving a reward al most beat me to death. "While In San- Francisco I tried to chop It to pieces with an ax, when the ax, rebounding, struck me on the fore head with almost fatal effect The wood Is so hard that an ordinary fire will not destroy It, and I am afraid to get rid of It otherwise because of the evil results.' The image was a crude figure tn rose wood and ebouy, and about two feet long. Falling to get It cremated In St Louis, Its owner started for New York, ; where he was determined to have It destroyed at whatever cost Burled In the shadow of Diamond Head volcano, at Honolulu, Is a violin known as the "violin of death." in the space of a few months two persons who had owned It took their own lives and a third mysteriously disappeared. The last victim of this weird Instru ment says the London Tit-Bits, wss George H. Scott a sergeant of United States army, Sixty-sixth Coast Artillery. This victim killed himself at the barracks at Camp McKlntey, but a few days before doing so he real ized the evil Influence of the violin and buried It as above stated. OWED LOTS TO LAZY MAN Old Jon'' Was Family Spur that Kept Him Hustling-. The theory as expressed by Tenny son that "nothing walks with aimless feet" Is now and then curiously corrob orated. "Looking back over my life," re marked a man who would probably be an ethical professor If he were not an Insurance agent "I flud that one of the strongest Influences for good that I was subjected to in my character- molding years emanated from the most worthless citizen In our village. Every body called him the lazy man' or 'Old Jones.' He seemed to have always been old and to have always been lazy. Not that he waa a dissipated man be was simply lazy, and sponged his way through life without labor, nis wife's people helped him; his own people helped him; the neighbors and the townspeople helped him; somebody al ways helped 'Old Jones.' Occasional ly he would fish a little or go off into the woods and hunt a little, but gener ally he Just sat around at home, at the village grocery or at the postofflce. Sometimes he would sit on a rail fence along the road for half a day at a time doing nothing. "Well, sir, 'Old Jones' regulated my childhood. My father and mother kept him constantly before uie and my brothers. Every tendency to Idleness or shirking was thus commented on: 'Look out, now; you are getting Just like old Jones.' The boy w ho was In clined to sleep late was accosted: 'Come, Old Jones, get right up break fast Is ready.' Old Jones was the fam ily spur, and It worked like a charm. AH of my father's four boys are ener getic, Industrious, successful men. "Now I'm past 40." continued the In surance agent, acordlng to the Detroit Free Press, "but 'Old Jones Is still with me the poor old fellow died not long ago, my sister wrote me. Wherf ever I feel a trifle lazy or find myself dawdling at my day's toll some inward monitor says clearly, 'Look out, now; you're getting Just like Old Jones,' and then I buckle to with a will.. Really I owe lazy Old Jones a great debt he helped me to success. Next time I go back to the old town, If Old Jones hasn't a respectable tombstone I'm go ing to see that he has one. Yes, sir, I owe It to him." Celestial Wonder. The appearance of a new star In the constellation Perseus and Its rapid ex pansion into a nebula, which has been going on for some time past, have revived among astronomers the the ory that some nebulae may be formed by explosion, writes a contributor to Success. About 1870 Professor Bicker ton, of Canterbury College, New Zea land, showed that If two stars should graze one another the abraded parts, If relatively small, would have so high a temperature that they would at once become nebulous, and that the nebula so formed would under certain condl tions, continue to expand until dissi pated In space. The present expanding neDuia nas Deen growing at the ex traordinary rate of several thousand miles a second, and Is, In many ways. one of the greatest celestial wonders of the time. What Really Happens. A new definition of absent-minded ness, which is humor if not psychology, appears in the Indianapolis News In this dialogue: Pa, what does 'absent-minded' mean?" "My boy, that's easy. Did you ever stop to think?" "Yes." "And your thoughts ran on?" "Yes." "Well, tint's it" Embarrassed. "Are they lovers?" "Yes; didn't you notice how hard it was to get them to talk to each oth er at dinner?" Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society woman o! Jacksonville, Ha., daughter of Recorder ol Deeds, West, says : "There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times en dured apmiea and such pain as only women know of. I wish auoh women knew the value of Lydlrt 1 Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It la a remarkable medicine, different la action from any other I ever, know and thoroughly reliable. "I have seen cases where women doctored for years without permanent benefit who were cured In leas than three months after taking your Vego Uble Compound, while others who were chronic and tnourablo came out cured, happy, and In perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine, I have never used It myself without gaining great benefit A few dosca restores my strength and appetite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fullv endorse it" Mrs. It A. Axtikrsox, i:i Wash ington St., Jacksonville, Fla. 5000 brrtt Iftrlqlml of on tw tlmtmltl pnttmg y mmm MMst fra4m The'experlene and testimony of some of tho most noted women of America ao to prove, bevond n question, that I.ydliv I! lNnk h sun's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at onco by removing tho cause, and re forlnif the org-nti to a health aud normal coudttlou. Bacteria of the Mouth. Prof. Miller, of Berlin, has Isolated more thnn 100 different species of bac- theiterla that grow In the mouth. Six of these find the conditions so favorable that they usually crowd out the others. Science. MOTTO FOR NEW YEAR. Eat Whatever Yoa Want, But Be Sure and Have Oood Teeth. Now that the holiday spirit is preva lent everywhere it is a gcod time to be a little selfish and think what would be the best Dresent to give to oneself. Why isn't a good sot of teeth one ol the beet things you can have in thia life? Wise Bros., the famous dentists Ic the Failing building, Portland, Oregon, have had a large run of business during ( these holidays, probably somewhat in consequence of the people's special de- sire just now to make themselves sensi ble presents. Why don't you go to this firm before the new year and have your teeth look ed after? When you come to think of it, there is nothing we want more than a sound set of teeth. Our health and all our happiness depend much upon what we eat. If we cannot masticate our food properly we are restricted to only a few eatables, and even in their case we can not properly chew and digest our food. Not long ago the fear of pain the and great expense of dental work kept near ly all the ma ces away from dentists. Now it is all different. There is posi tively no pain when such dentists as Wise Brothers do yonr work. Wi-e Brothers' charges, also, are in reality very moderate. If your teeth are ap parently in good order the best way is to go sntl have them looked over so as to be sure that they are all right anfl in sound condition. If your teeth are decayed, then the best way is not to lose any more time but go immediately and have the bad teeth taken out. Even if you have to get an entire new set the expenee will be trifling in com parison with the great and lasting bene fits you will detive from having a set of teeth that look for all the world like the natural ones, and which will serve you in every respect nearly as well as your own that grew in your mouth. The popularity of this great dental firm, Wise Brothers, whose signal suc cess we have from time to time noted in these columns, is much to be desired. They have proved to everbyody that we need not suffer any longer with bad teeth and poor food. We can all eat what is good for us, and we all can afford to have the best teeth in the world. Extracting teeth without pain was a short time ago a myth. Now it is a grand reality. Explained. "But there' one good point about those flats. I understand they do not object to children there. They lay special stress on that In their adver tisement." "No wonder. They realize that any couple with a child would have to move out and find more room." Phil adelphia Press. Mocha and Java. Not very much pure Mocha and Java coffee is brought to this coast. In fact we don't believe there is another brand in the market,, besides Monopole, which is ail pure Mocha and Java. But we know Monopole. As a matter of fact not every lady likes pure Mocha and Java, but if you do and are willing, like yonr Eaetern friends, to pay a little extra for the pure unadulterated article, you'll find it in Monopole. Your dealer handles it or knows where to get it for you. Wadbams & Kerr Bros., coffee roasters, Portland, Oregon Misfits at the Bargain Sale. . Nell I stopped in at a bargain sale today. Belle did you see anything that looked real cheap? Nell Yes; several men waiting for their wives. Health and Beauty. No beaut? with cimDlr ikln. dull eve, hail breath. Clean your iyHtom and keep (t cleen with Caocaretii Candy Cathartic, gists, too, 20c, 600. All drug- Willing to Oblige. Servant There's a gentleman at the door who says he knew you when you were a boy. Master Tell him he waa very kind to call. Should I ever happen to be a boy again I'll let him know! Boston Transcript, THO BLOOD, The blond Is life. We derive from the blood life, power, beauty, and rea son, as the doctors have been raying from time Immemorial. A healthy body, a fresh appearance, and generally all Uie abilities we possess depend on that source of life. It Is therefore the duty of every sensible man to keep tin blood as pure and normal as possible. Nature, in its infinite wisdom, has given us a thermometer indictaing the state of the blood, which appeals to our reason by giving notice of its Impurity. Small eruptions of the skin, to which we scarcely pay any attention, head ache, ringing noise In the ears, lassi tude, sleeplessness, are generally a sign that the blood is not In It normal state, but is filled with noxious sub stances. These symptoms deserve our full attention, it more attention weie paid to those symptoms, and steps taken to remove them, then many illnesses from which we suffer would become un known, and the human body would be come stronger and healthier. Atten tion therefor should be paid to those warning signs, and the blood can be purified and poisonous substances re moved from it by the use of Dr. Augutt Koenlg'e Hamburg Drops, discovered more than til) year ago. Fixing th Blame. Magistrate Well, Uncle Itastus, what brought you here? Uncle ltastua Dent two blir norllee- men by de ratlin', yo honner. "Yes. but didn't liquor have any- thing tO dO With It?" "Yedsah: day wut bofe drunk, yo' honner. Chicago Dally New. Tea Can Got Allen's Foot Kaaa mKK. Writ Allen 8. Olnnlrd. IRot, K. Y., for a fnw aampla of AUwtt'a Koot Kae. It eiirva chil blain", iwoatlns, damp, twollrn, aching fret. It niakei nw or tight ahoo y. A rvrialn cure lur IVrni and HunUma. All drugging MU lk U. Jkm't awt any uUlltulu, arowth of Electrical Work. In 20 years, the number of estab lishments In tho United State mak ing electrical machinery and supplies, ha Increased from 6 to 680. The annual output has Increased from f2.600.000 to S91.3O0.0O0. The capital Invested In the business ts 1S3.000.000. Success, Mothers will find Mrs. mnslow's Sooth Ing tiyrup the beat remedy to use lor tbeir Shildreu during the teething period. A Strong Box. "Your father ha a strong box at home, hasn't ho, Willie?" said the teacher. "Ycs'm," replied Willie, "the one he keep the limburger In." Yonker Statesman. For bronchial troubles try Piao's Cur for Cimumjtion. It la a gil rough medicine. At tlrttgKlftta, price 'ii cents. A Simple Explanation. A man In public life noted for his brusqueness of speech was under In formal discussion in cabinet circles. "There's one thing to be said In his favor, however," said Secretary Wil son, "and that Is he never Importunes the department to get promotions or positions for his friends. "That' readily explained," commented Secre tary Root; "he hasn't any." now-s TIIIT W erTarOns Hundred liollar Reward tor an v eaa ol C'atiarrh that cau not beaured br Mail Catarrh Care. f. J. CHENEY A Co., Prop. Toli-do, O. W the undarlnd. hay k now n K. J . Chrncr forth pant l.' yearn, and believe, him perfect: honorable In ail bulur traneacili.nn ami fin. anclallr able to carry outanjr obligations mad by their Ann. WswtA Tarax. Wboleaale Drum lata, Toledo, Wii.i'ixo Ki.vkanA MaaviM, Wholesale l)rifKin, Toledo. O. nan avaiarrnare u taken nurrnallT.eotmir llrectly on tbo blood and ninooin urfaeeaol i mo Tiein. rric7.v per buttla. buld by all lrnKl.ti. Testimonial free. Htli't Family Nil aro the beat. Nothing In It. "Here's an account of a poet who committed suicide after having his verses rejected." Buld Klndart. "That should be a lesson to you editors. "Nonsenso:" replied the editor, "It won't always work. You surely can't hope to kill off all the poet by reject ing their verses. That's too much to expect." Philadelphia Press. riTft Prmannnr fiurea 50 fits e nerronnme I IIO aAcrnret UT'xiirnrpr. Kllaa'iOriiat Nona Bettnrer. Sxnd for FK K It t'i.OO trial holtl and tren Im. Da.R.U.KuNaUU.MlAnbdt.PbUaiklsbia.i'a Thought Unutterable. "And so you have no swear words In your language, Mr. Omokura?" "No, madame," the Japanese travel er replied. "But, of course, you can think cuss thoughts, I suppose, can't you?" Chi cago Record-Herald. The Kind You Havo Alwavs b I I I S d r I ture of Clins. II. Fletcher, ond has been marie under his personal supervision for over 80 years. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiment, and endanger tho licaltu of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A 1 Castoria is a harmless substitute- for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing" Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic substance. Its afro is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Pcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt etMT.Uft OOKeN. TT .UMH aTHT, MCW 0K OITY. Cure Your Horses PRU8SIAN HEAVE P AT DEALtRS. 6oei BY MAIL. 60o. CUBED THIKTY-FOUK 1IOUSES. Fbdssian Rhmbdy Co., St. Panl, Minn. - Gbktlbmsm: I have been uaing the Pkursum Hbavr Pow cb the pat eight month, and in that time haveenred 1 1 home of heave, 14 of dl temper and 9 of chronic conga. Your Prmnlan Kcmedies have gained great re potation in thia section. Kkrt Bitnm-fcR. Newark. N.Y. JOHN POOLO. PORTLAND, ORB. Toot ! MorrUoa Ktrt. Can jrlY you h tt Urtnt In nntlvrs and Kiiilno, Wludmlil. I'd m t am! (in. rat Maoiiliirry. W.J Hawlna MavhluM a Po!ltjr. H' us twlora buying. tfvliIvIll 1 I WAIT TO BUY FOB CASH Chicken, Duck and Uoeae fuath- l S er. Addrvs $ o. o. smith. z FIL1PL MMf wife had plrnpl on hr far, but She ha Immb CA.HCAUKTti aud llir kar all dlatrrd. I bud twwa troubled with suoatipaiiua lor sow niua. but attar tak ing th Brat t'aaoaret 1 iao had no troMl wit thia all man t, W cannot rk too high ly of CancartiU " FMBU WaHiaaM, S7US Uaroiaatowa At., I'hUedaliiel, Pa Ptaaunl lalaiaii, Tail Ann. w'n. . ttnt. i. s.a I CURB CONSTIPATION. -... "" - ftwaxMiwi, -1. kin TA BIS S-.ld and n.ranll kt alldraa- , witrsaw xkcVuktmwh luu. An Improvement. "I hear that Cactus Tlmi had his legs cut .off" suUl Alkiilt Ike. "Yes." said Tarantula Tom: "rail road did It -nipped his foot off clean and sure. ' Ho atumpin' 'round on wooden pin now." "How doe he llko It?" "Pust rate. He say he can't got snakes in hi boot now." Judge, Tl SL EKE IS NO forty ywra 6$o and after &wy yt&ra of us on the east rn coeiaLTower a Wolnproof 0ild Coots were Introducf d in the West orvd were called ihcicra by the pioneer and cowboys. Thia jraphic rune has rone Into juch e&eral um that it is frequenty though wrongfully applied to inhny wbstitutes You want the ccur . a mm , a at sT 1 . Look tor tne ajn or uve rwienc the rme Twer on the buttons. ham m a ar e vtuow ate 1 aOLO tVr BtPHf StNTATIVt TRAD ft TMC WORLD OVfcB. A. I TOWW CO. 603TOH. MA33 r . -" it costs You Nothing Tuoat. h i-ol.l-yoil get niieihliK fur no.liliig, aure enough. uit ran aieii It II' .von waul II, tiut you ru i-l nil or it by lining tluren life t oiiitli lri. Kvp a Ihi lit tin boiiae, liny tnate nle. Iuk ttlrt, are Hire. Mmla of honi-y and menthol. A Oni a hot. Holtl hy all IrinrutpiU and eon fntltoiter. 't w boxr i-iil lr mall Xalil on receipt of luu. In atnmiM. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Ore. P. X. V. m. l-ieos. w II EN writing to Bd vertUer ple mention tuia papr D ill lioutrht has bnrnn thn ui-ma. Signature of Of Heaves, CotiRh or Distemper with O WD ERS. CANDY , T" MANN eseisTsase Hm euisNtriift:k 1 J Dart liunb Bjruo. TcUi4, 1 tu " lma- " ilfriM. f f ij'llMBlsBtaS"",a""''' I I CL For nearly ZD J y hall & century Vr U Seeds V bate been irmwrnR ranwrnalnemry M -J a AlmlM Miit.er-rjrttlH-r. Nolil li 7 " X ell ili-elwe. I VO M A nnual I i puMixUdlreetoaUawitii-ajila. 4 1 I I . m. rmiHV ace. II .r7!l ,sJ',, m' ITU Wm U Waat'lW.tg twie const mmq roniXAND 8JCKO CO, Portland, Or., Coast Agent.