1 I rjwfci(Me-ti 4tsmau. a. 1 r TKtlkU. S. MINISTER TO ENGLAND Commends Peruna to All Catarrh Sufferers. , . Mm LORD OF THE DESERT By PAUL de LANEY. ,. , . if ally Jut Mora night, but in th open the Indians had tin adrantaga I from behind tha rock and tVocoi and i th cowboys returned with aom Ion In wounded. tt waa thm that th Lord of Tha I Poae-rt dwlded to send for relief. General Crook had recently arrived I at old Fort Warner and, eipwtlnt that the Indiana would jruard the trail toward thla point, Martin Lyle knew but one man that ha rnui.i trn mere is nothing out of the ordinary 10 prn a rt, and that was wil uv . me novels I used to radl"",u ""wmersipy. ue canea ror a led tn In hniloo v . - I voluntoor to oarrv lunaaair k us, Mr. Hsmmersley. about Iminm w.,. .u...it.i.. i ... trantwr ami Xfotki nii. A u r,vl .'"": out u is ail alike to me. The dally u . " ,n" "appora anode waa the trapper s return after supper was attention to the traps the curing? of hulck t0 volunteer and was more j.w ana ine evening was oerore fura. the passtna band ot Indians, all wiy. aolected to carry the wis. mem. amer, sne conunuea, nas orient .v.- ,.... ..,.. sive. lie had allnmxi thrnuih th told me very much about you, but he nected with yourself and your father ncmy,B ilw wbout mishap and -...j j jh .nv. .i ai v uu- i .r COinmon-n!sr tn mo " " mn iniipvri QUar- CHAPTER XVII. The Trapper'a Story. "Tell der so many obligations to you that I Before the conversation 7 lnlf,teVn f 'y "In- Uewej there wa, poimdln on the fi!?.! lrA ?,eTh.nw.,5 to to wW, uiiuuvu,- juui u"lu"vi outer aoor of the ctructure for It w . " ' "r ",u oc your father and mother, your brothers mih., JJi i-llL. 1 promltilnK him a liberal reward Mr. Hammersley!- The tranDerro. and .11 v i. ... . ... . .I,, . iuu ask Bomcimng mat i anow out i mence or a room behind him wended little about, myself," replied the trap- his way to the place of alarm. it-r. i nave open on inese piams so lnnv that tha vino !l dream. In fact. It la so much like a VIU" 1 6,14 v One TtlH How Reekie. w dream that I sometimes ret It con- News From the Stnn iTmi. "U w.i.p,.n t Kir.t. founded with my dreams and scarcely Oscar Metieer. one of the nri.. "EPrlenft Is certainly a food teach. real and wmcn aim cowboys, and the on h k,i w- obserred a member of the Wanh. oeen trusted with returning to the nnon police force whUe dlscuBslna- ters bringing the trapper a request (To be Continued.) POLICEMAN'S LESSON. is know which dream. "I wb- v. l XT. v v. rut. .!-.. ---- - n I . . w Ha U IU ilFW X (II V i I T . J, I i .rn.. , , aiih. . n , . . III. . , f . . . 15S SSI In Ltorf W ws found at tea door when STSS theses EN'TrSTS Khmt5S me Slat l" was born KKfLSrj;,!:! ' "T1 - in New York, and that we h! consK SuhV PPoiuteee,- he .Med. - absolutely lived in Chicago. My step-father manded it Bwrwwry, ana with the proper sUrt was a Dig coarse fellow, a shin- All waa tumult at th. ef. "penence will do the rest carpenter, and as soon as I was larae Old Ezan and hi. rrinr. v. . ..'1 "I remember bit flint tnn nf At. enough to be in the way he was Tery rounded the place and would accept Wn,cl mny years ago. and I also ".'' -- lr'"ls ot Pce. u was only rememoer that t not only came near my mother were married when f waa through an iufnni k. ,.Li . . wuv -" ouly two rears eld an th.t f.tw Vr rI- r: fJl : .J."" r,u "V came near result- bad died when I Ton?; that h7 .7 w " ' a"l" ,n trously for me. Having been old. I do not even know hi. nam- with htm . w tn-: VT... ,worn d wnt out te do police dut Bronchitis BS6y " I have kept Ay er'a Cherry Psc torsi la my house for a great many yesrs. It Is the best medicine in Ujs world for coughs and colds.' J. C VilUami, Atilci.N. Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. TV i1m i Ik., Ht., tl. Atterattttts. Caaiatt yaar Soolar. he wy take II, it toll, to aui Ula do M ft mt. Lhtka t. Um taka It. lU kmt, .vaUwIUiMm. Waarawminc, JOHN fOOLR. PORTLAND, ORB. Peot at Morrto MrMt. Can tva y.m iha lt trKtnt In fu,nn and JEiifliwi. Windmill.., I'umptamt ral Ma)iiiirr. Wi. Hawtnu MM'hlnei a n.-e n liom buylnt. itf a l l tjf if t t-vt -H't Vim Whpthet jrou kra .mIhIImI nh tdt (3 lep and link Ins l'mlr )iuiiHi.t (g MONOPOLE 1 W ciikt antra Ihrm lotlrr than any othr fclml. Vou van got (hiu Irum i' jrout ilnalnr. g Wd aiiit a Kvrr ro,, Portland Or. I Mi -t.-! ..m fits iilvsl Costs You Nothing Not as Considerate as Me Mliht Be. "Ua'a a good friend ot yoors, Isn' It is unfortunate, too. but I vm so had alwava conai.iAr tk wk. without being instructed aa to rev young and knew not the importance Gristly." as he called htm a man., rights, I started over the beat to h!-h rr rx.v ti u . t-t. . . i oi uarinx my own name, so I took the 1 to tne Indiana welfare and an n. was assiraed irmM with n k. uum uniii n, auuuiuu n ura Euu ui ius lata lisvera? jnnnain h vs. . .. . . i . - i . - ' - :r ,r fc. ' wuv "a "Tjarueu aa urn jlh mucn i learned, out i ao not re- iora or Tne Desert had always been "Th. greateet constitutional lawyer that ever lived. member how I learned it. considered a valuable prise and the t Zl in a recent letter irom luua street, N. W., Mr. Johnson says "So one should longer suffer from Catarrh when Peruna is valuable arise and th. , "T"" .7 uvt nnuea Anyway. my mother died when I was late improved mina and r.volvi IT .pr P'Viwnt i thought and that Still a mere child an1 then T .Bnt about th nlr hmA I 4 u rigbt to use them under inr to a sort of orphanage or place for almost gotten the better of the chiefs ""1 ,l4 c!r"mtances I did not doubt accessible. To my knowledge it has caused relief to so manv of the vcor' and as soon 113 1 ot old Rood intentions: and now that he had 8bou,a 1 wnt to make an arrest for mv friends and acauaintMnm fh.t it t ,.,, . . jnn to ave the place I did so. caugnt uan toilett, the Lord of The "7 TloiaUon or the law and was un- my menas ana acquaintances, that it is humanity to commend its and drifted Into the street-was a Deserts right hand man and henrh. able to overt.k. th- . use to all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the eommon l5treet rab 'or several years mn in the act of making away with satlsOed that I had the rleht to an human svstem "f oic P Jnhnn sold papera. shined shoes and did bis horses, and then trailed him back him with a bullet P Human system. Louis E. Johnson. 8uon thlngi that cIag, of b d t0 the 8tone House, he took it for TZ ,A ath. "" , , .fc I . ..... . .-i i. .. . .. l-'UriUB the evening tti. nAltji.!..... Catarrh rhon Catarrh is capable of changing all the life-giving secretions of the body into scalding fluids, which destroy and in flame every part' they come in contact with. Applications to the places affected by catarrh can do little good save to soothe or quiet disagreeable symptoms. Hence it is that gargles, sprays, atomizers and inhalants only serve as temporary relief. So long as the irritating secretions of catarrh con ticae - to be formed sc long will the membranes continue to be inflamed, no matter what treatment is used. There U bat one remedy that has the desirable effect, and that remedy ig nniil r - f . -i j av. I aanteit ik.i i. . ..... .v . I -'uriuK me eveilins. the nollceman ... , ., ""feu j roi um. in iur iv " am m rune on me .... . ,. - teruna. This remedy Strikes at once tr-eantlme I had been reading cheap P of the "White Oriisly" to rob rontInuw1' wording to the Washing to the roots of catarrh by restoring to , novels I had picked up a smattering blm. and considered all obligations of ton Star- "1 m across a party of iud capuiarv vesseistneir fieaitAr e as-. education at the ornbanaae. and keDt aniuj neiween mem closed. crap auooters on the commona. and 4 a. . . . i ta LI. . ii & a I it at... ukiij. reruns is not a temporary up reading, aiy soul was nred to go ' w" "e mow inai ne naa longimai i tnought waa an ottortun'tv to palliative, but a radical cure. Sendwe8t nd k,u Indians, and be a hunt- desired to strike and he had come distinguish myself. Ileln unable th overtake those who had participated for Dr. Ilartman'a lateat hAv Mnt r and trapper and do such other toy prepared to strike it. tree for a short time. Address The8 t6at 'rontle' lead of Fo tin. r r.to. v4 pureuea wa warm apnnga tAM-,Kl, r Peruna Drug Manufactaring Co.. Co- lumbns, Ohio. If j on do not derive prompt and eat- lsiacxory results irom the use 0f Peru "Well, orie day I met Leonldas LIg- wntll he .had killed or cap- "L"":u i"""1: . oniy P m pett an Englishman, who said he had turM Jonty of them and retaken nen 1 oai1 uptlea my pistol, known my mother and father, and u ot nI borses and several more be- I was concerned the affair tentr a Brest tntereat In me nn that sides, and then returned tO his camn Was fun for me. but I nearlv rfrnmuul na, write at ence to Dr. Hartman, gi?-j count He said that he was going to at th fo 8B Butte. In the dead when a friend Informed me that r ".. . lieraeno your case, and , join an immigrant train to cross the - wrung irom one or I might have been given a penitentiary r,In In. n e n aa.l.. J i A a. a. I I II H W H-iITS Mnr nfB WB TTitfa Ika MVH. I . he will be pleased to give you his vslu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President ol the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. - -y Probabry Trpe.1 . Hix A scientipt says that, in pro- V portion to its size of body, the mos- ; 3 jito has a better developed brain than the average man. Dia Well, I don't doobt it. Even at its present size, the mosquito is al most as big a bore as some men I know. Chicago News. Mothers will Cna Mrs. JTlnsiow's 8ooth. Ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their Shildren during ihe teething period. " ThoughU Unutterable. "And so yon have no swear words in yonr language, Mr. Omokura?" "No, madame," the Japanese travel er replied. "But, of coarse, yoa can think enss thoughts, I suppose, can't you?" Chi cago ttecord-Herald. " . Good for Uttie Folks. Don't torture the children with liquid and pill poisons! The only nafe, agreeable laxative tor little one is Cascareta Candy Cathartic. All druggists, 10c, 25c, 5oc. . Heartless Fellow. Wife -Be sure and advertise for Fido in the morning papers. . Kext day the wife read as follows in the newspapers: "Lost, a mangy lapdog, with one eye and no tail. Too fat to walk. An swers to the name of Fido. If returned stuffed, 2 pounds reward." Tit-Bits. Price ot Victoria Cross. Forty-seven pounds was paid recently in London for a Victorian cross won by Gunner T. Arthur, R. A., at Bebaatopol in 1855. Canned Fruit Perhaps yon have been in the habit of canning your own frnit and think tne kind you buy at the store is not i i . - . . ... ... . I the Warm Snrlnird mmw.Im. . I . I Diams ana asKea me u i aia not want . t ,i 7. 7"V,vl" luf "'" sentence had one of the bullets from iu luuie. n nas me wins I most ae-1 " , , - w "" njy n Stol taken effect a j r .-. . I warm Rnrlnra amn mtA r,u" laaen eneci. eircu, auu i una no preparations to ' M " v-r ..t,. . .... make, as I had all that I possessed in them .t0. ,n the enterprise ucceed Ing twenty yesrs the world on my back against tne flutes. The old chief OT u,uro Qa not nmi it necessary to "We Joined the Immigrant train early 8U8pefted thls' b8t ne wl8hed to as- discharge my revolver. Experience In the spring and I worked my way by s"r" w? W8m0M Vl ine rct to make proved a good teacher for me. although driving stock, helping about camp and : , the mor "nRnine In the at- proper Instruction at the time of my aomg wnatever reuto my lot We had X-tv . i . many adventures, were attacked by the night of their arrival at Ash the Indians, some of the immigrants Butte KJmri had bea pIaced took sick and died., and the teams plc,r l," ;f? gave out. provisions run short In fact b A iexS TlirmtlTont-tte hoVseB. ww u .n-m w iov veai vUi4j HJl I Bit: 11 that nlghtr Both guards were In structed to keep a vigilant watch, the one to see that their prisoner escaped we had the usual mishaps of a trip across this long stretch of unlnhabit ed country. When we reached the Boise City appointment would have avoided the ooaslbilitr of my being aeut to prisoa.,, ; SUCCEEDS NIS FATHER AS SULTAN Of ZANZIBAR. Prince Ssld All. who visited London as and the other to see that he did not Zanzibar's representative to the core- secure a horse. nation, has been DroclalniPd sultan tn nearly so good. If that is the case we ' SLllf p, m7 Lr,end rseei met r.!Ll W died recently. .ucs vi jraus ur Birawoer ries or other fruits. Only the very finest and largest fruit is used for thi brand and it is put op in the heaviest and sweetest syrep under a beautiful Dine label embossed m letters of anlA There is no other brand a tlite. an irnnd. Ask your dealer for Monopole and ac cept no substitute. Wadhama & Kerr Bros, packers, Portland, Ore. Waste of Material. He (chuckling kettle mending) Maria. I heiiuo there was a good mechanic spoiled when I went into the law biiRin eaa His Wife I don't know about that, but you spoiled a good bachelor when you got married. ":.6 rZul'1" "faked" sleep and the wily French- aim vHiuc tu iu ucouii. A II try I M - - i , a . i .kr-r.? tiriz. -ri w"cr7bdV,K'.S.S nini; t" w r",,i IV. 01 8n kln his laat at- A- trti.rT Z; X 7. B 10 tempt to secure one of the animals come to the desert then, did not want an(1 wh-n ha thought ho aJ to work on a ranch, and remained with the immigrant, train under the protection of the military post An old trapper y the name of and when he thought he was about to be rewarded for his trouble, a war rior shouted the Indian word for coyote, and a dozen arrows whlshed" in close proximity to him. ner- Knew the Effects. "What has put her in such a vous state?" "I can't be sure, but I think it's that he take me along. hearing herself talk." LWEWRMm CANNOT BE RUBBED OUT tftl.,, TT ..I , 7 . I wnao nuue tame jinu noise one aar Then ha uv thom r.oH i vi. with a fine load of furs. He was direction as if to surround him, and dressed In furs and was scarred and he made away through the sa-e rurged, and told of his adventures nil I finish atrflriTiir hilrilv nnf n nn-, the desert. I followed him about the desert, guided by the north star post every day to hear him relate his To add to bis discomfort the In- adventures and when he had finally dians had removed his hat and coat sold his furs at a good price and and boots that night and he was now bought his supplies, among them be a fueitlva on tho dPBort withm.t . Ing a number of large bear traps. I coat, hat or shoes, ventured to approach him and renuest Old Egan had arranged his Diana He sized me and history itself record tho tirt up and after learning from some of that this old chief always laid them the Immigrants with whom I had well. Couriers had already been sent "Oh, only niedlum." "What do you bimii bv nitKliom?" "Oh. he lUtena while I tell blm all of my troubles, but he also wants mo to listen while he tells me all of his.' CASTORIA For Infants tad CMldren. Tki Kind Yoa Han Always Bought Bearathe stf .s Bignatare of (JUtx7l He Had It. "Yes; It's Fnllerton'e hobby Uiat advice it cheap and within the reach ol every person." "What does he mean, anyhow?" "What he says, I suppose. He's a confidential divorce lawyer." Pointer. The beggar had a notice no. "Heal ana numb," and the passing phllan thropist stopped In front of blm. "I'd like to give this man tome thing," he said, to his companion, "but how am I to know he la deaf and dombT ' "Read the notice." whianered the a ... : neggar cautiously. Chums. The beat way to cure Indigestion Is to remove its cause. This is lest done by the prompt ue of l)rK August Noewa s Hamburg Drops, which reeu- late the stomach In an effectual man ner. Oettlag Back. "Do yon enjoy walking?" "Immensely." "Good. Then I'll Uke von for a ride in the country in my automobile." TMso'a Cnra It a ratul rniinh mxtlrlna It has cured coiiebs and colds for forty years. At drtiRgUu.'ia cents. Ne dive Away. . Father No, Johnnie, you can't have another piece of pie. bon O, please, papal I won't tell mamma, honest! Detroit Free frets. riTfi Fraiutanr duraa Fo flu mt immm tllw auarar.l.1..'. uMnftlr kll..1. i.. w-m. iUwt. Ami Int FUKK Si. 00 trial liotll.aod Inai ha. Pa. a U. au a U4. ku arcti rtiUatUlptUa. Jra Puzzled. a tmr little city boy on a v a t to his grandmother in the country saw her plncking a ben. He looked Into her face and said: "Do you take off meir clothes every night, grandma?" HOW'S THIST To rniit-ren H amiaiiiln fur Kuililua, ur aiiuiiutt. V om mi II If yiiv w.1,1 II. r can ft rid of h u.ibu Uuoa M t aunt. ria, kwp a l.i in tt hmiM. TUwy tmu aica, hmk ir. am iil- Miwla nf honvjr ami mvnUuil, S t'unia a Ik. K..IU lijr aH llflMlM. KtuX WW l.'il.iiri. tj rxxna ' br malt umimii4 rc vt in aianiiM. Pacific Coast tllacult Co. Purltand, Or. SI(1W the: Diiaf ; MPgCW CLOTHING y IN THE WORLD 'nit -tv MAM aiaiiiaii.iM tuiMsiiaTinTo' on jAie cvtRYwnrjtt . aTaiesixtrsct r I If r mi I mm BOWELS6 fTwia bn I a rairnltr, tinallhr amtaam af mU KwU wiwtf d, j.mi ra Uik. or villi ba, kn aoJJ ! H""it. i"1 be wall, turoa. la lh.uai44 fflolatil tht.lo tit bill btiiwui. 1. iinMHiu. t-ft fiUMiht.t, vMl.i. ahwi pmt ft war wF iaajiina 1 sua alt eivar au4 aiaaa IS W toaa pLX CANOV (i Z CATHARTIC jy S. aoi mam www l"f treauaiL a. anil b,K.kUnJ. ti..na lAJZJ?m tkMeaMHa(MMaK)CUMaMMHMwfe KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAIi tV ' I I. . unis KHtNt ti list fAiii r I inia arrun. Tuini (kh4. Daa f In I mi. a..lvl k rf..i... 1 T r" Proved by Its Loss. Church How do you a now voar wife has got a temper? Uotham Iiecaufe she lost it today. But a good liniment or plaster will often give temporary relief because it produce3 counter irritation or reduces the inflammation and sore ness. But no sort of external treatment can have any effect whatever tipon the disease itself, for Rheumatism la not a skin disease, but is due to an over acid condition of the blood, and tie deposit of irritating matter or Uric Acid salts or sediment in the muscles and joints, and - no amount oi raobing or blistering can dislodge these gritty particles or change the acid blood. .-- tt....,.;M f i . i . , lureuiuouaiuuiKu uccomes caromc, ana ine mus- s ciesann minrt nmn.n.ntiir .tiff iu.T..a a I'vMStffi thf nervniio evetom V....... ; l. . 3 - . . . . . wiiu uuusiuc wypiicaiions or aocionng tne 6kin. Loulavllle, Ky., March 27, '02. Gentlemen: I am triad to say that S. S. S. has cured me of Bheumatism. About two yean ag-o I suffered from Khenmatlam in my knees and feet, my ankles swelling- ao that I could not put on my shoes. This continued for several months, daring- which time I was applying- liniments and going by my phyiician's directions, but derived no benefit. I was told of .8. S. S. and tried It. I Immedi ately got relief, and continued thf medicine until I was entirely well. 2108 Floyd St. " D. J. DUANE. Rheumatism must be treated through the blood, and no remedy brings such prompt and lasting relief as S. S. a It attacks the -disease in the blood, neutralizes the acids, and removes all irritating or poisonous substances from the system. S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it circu lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposits are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer Is happily relieved from the discom forts and misery of Rheumatism. External remedies are all right so far as they go, but they don't go fat enough, and you can't depend upon theni to do the work of a blood purifier, and those who pin.,their faith to liniments and plasters as cures are bound to meet with disappointment, and will be nursing a case of Rheumatism the greater part of their lives. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, does not contain any Potash or mineral of any kind, and can be. taken with safety by old and youn?. Rheumatic sufferers who write tis about their case will receive valuable aid and helpful advice from our physicians, for which no charge is made. Ve will mail free our special book on Rheumatism, which is the result of years of practical experience in treating this disease. It contains in cendeasea form much information about Rheumatism, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC QQ,t ATLANTA, CAa crossed the plains that I was what he considered a true blue, he consented we leu ana came to tnis very place, and while he had prepared a great deal of the improvements here. IS HTQU5E88 SAID ALL l ne new sultan is not yet 20. He was accompanied to London by Gen. Ralkcs, the English officer who is In command of the army and police In Zanzibar. The crowded London streets and the rush of life there according to to other allies of his tribe, while scouts were put on Dan Follett's trail to see that he went to the Stone House. These scouts had followed htm I assisted him in making: more. But cllmblnsr among: the rimrocka hv dav he had found the secret chamber, and and observing him as he picked hla It was always guarded as such ana wy across the plain, and then fol kept prepared as a refuge in case we lowed by night. They had seen him were ever attacked by the Indians, 'sit the trapper's abode, and had fol-! cable dispatches, dazed the prince and though he always treated them rleht lowed him on until he entered thelh M,nfiinci r,.i,.. .1 and often made them presents. On Stone House. In the meantime Ola back to his own eountrv Th ninrnr account of this course we were never EK had mustered his men and, two lg from . ni,ot0rrnh taw'on in i a attacked bv them. ihm,rh wo hundred stron. had tartd for h. 18 rrom a Ptriipa taken In London. met them when they were on the war Stone House, while he expected as path. many more allies to Join him there The second summer after I came sooner or later. There were maraud- poor old Mike left me In charge af er nioug the Wodoe and Klamaths the place and traps and he made an- that De could count on, and be had other trip to Boise. That 1b the last Bent 'or these also. I ever saw of him. He got into a Tne destruction of the power of the game of cards and then a fight and he kora" of The Desert had long been was killed along with several others contemplated and the time had now In the fight. When I finally became come- alarmed I made the trip to Boise and Ean wa8 nt slow to look after his learned the facts of his death. I also own Interests. To arrive first upon learned that he did his part in the tne scene and select a few' of the fight. choicest of the "White Grizzly's" cat- "Left In this manner there waa but tle ftna horses and make way with one thing for me to do. I had learned tDem De"re the arrival of his allies was nis purpose, and tnen besiege the whites until his allies arrived and then crush the enemy and divide the remaining spoils. And he was not slow In action. Dan Follett reached the Stone House just after dark one night, and the fol lowing morning found Old Egan's the trapping business and liked it There was money in It, and I return ed and took charge of the place as my own. In a short time after my re turn I found your father under the circumstances doubtless that he has already explained to you and since that time I have had no occasion to get lonesome or give up the plains, as I have made his cause my cause and AN UP-COUNTRY SOLOMON. Ue Rendered a Very Wlaa and Eqnlt apie ueciaioa. In a small town In one of the central counties of New York State lives an old German, who, because of the high esteem In which be Is held In the com munity, was elected justice of the peace. The old gentleman was once called upon, says the New York Times, to decide a most perplexing question. one or nia fellow citizens owned a dog which, although not very vicious, had a bad hab.t of barking at passers by. A neighbor vowed vengeance. His chance came when he was returning from a shooting trip, gun in band. The dog ran out and barked savagely at Inn? tn ao film rou.in o-od Bmlni.i .v. terrible deed of his brother and his1?1 hls men nal driven away select companion, Dan Follett." I Da"as or horses ad cattle. "But did you ever meet your friend 1 , , fir8t cowbov 10 8 without the Llee-ett, again." Inquired Bertha I enclosure hat morning received an "xmo. not to talk with him. r oni -""D.MM"""" """'"s a lue lo,ul l him, and be fired at the animal. As warrior, a TUr. nT-. ' bad. the dog escaped, yelp- at a safe distance from the loop-holes ! ,n& w,th nothing more serious than a or the outer wal s. while a detachment , wounaea urn, saw him ence, but I do not think he recognized me. I stopped at the Stone House once for water and saw him there. I do not think he would know me now," said the trapper. "But you say he seemed to know my uncle?" replied Bertha. "No, I did not mean that," said the trapper. "They appeared to know something in common, or to un derstand one another in some way. But that la also like a dream and I may nave Deen mistaken." a feathered arrow which was battered against the wall near his heffd. Then he saw the war bonnets of the Piutes protruding above the rocks and boul ders in every direction and rushed back Into the enclosure, followed by 1 ed the dictum: The owner of the dog bad bis neigh; bor brought before the old justice on a charge of cruelty to animals, and the court-room was crowded with the par tisans ot both men. The Justice heard the charge, and then the defense that the dog was a dangerous animal and a menace to the neighborhood. The old German cleared his throat and dellver- a shower of arrows, and gave the alarm. There were about 50 of the inmates all told and all owned revolvers, but there were not more than half that number of rifles. They were well prepared for defense against an or dinary Indian attack, but it was not thought safe to go into the open After a few moments of silence th KstorVLnfl; a"SrVhat ,? J oM.tt.t nS'K whole story, so far as I know It, and I fore them In ambuth. They made a "Der man he has been guilty of cru elty to animals." And one side of the court-room applauded the Justice of the decision. "But der tog he vas a vicious tog." And the other side voiced its approval "I vlll fine der man five tollars." An other murmur In the court-room. "But I rill gif him anoder shot at r toa" . 1. .i .r . l. . ""iar nawara reran taurth Care B botua- 7 HaUl . J,AVaJ7 C" ProP. Toledo, 0. We th.nnderdgned.hara knownr. J. Chanef ra Lilts net art I vua and lllu a. i - . . hoanrabT: in , ill bs MnmuZAZF.XlTI-J IVl SH 10 c,rrJr ouUnJr "W'SaUons madi a w i um v .. . Wholwala Urngiitii, Toledo. O. ueiratem. Price 7Sc per bout. Bold brail Uall'i Family Pllli are the beit. An Unfailing Sign. 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