Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, December 25, 1902, Image 1

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    PMtMtmtnmtt,, fH i'.TV Ttlv; ' HAS THREE TIMES TH CIRCULATION' "
S. A. Pnttlaon 7 fT U V 7 T X'-X TT - -rr- w , : -w path k tbe corny. '
utld adv.,,,;... ' "7, " II 11 0 W.TlT Umn -rittt
Tbraa month. ......., ' " :::::: - , On. column . mourn -
8ilfSe Oolite. . VrT .' VtT ' "" " i ' . ,owIwi,,b''hrB(.(JtIOcrrit iw.
. tUAUOJi, GILLIAM CO.; OREGON". TiTTmcrw I there. '
- . 1 ' vuu L'O, 1002. vn IrTL
iDtJAIW TA fr"TVri t- t I -
Secretary Now at Work on ltlnorer-A
Word to Entertainment CommltUe..
Washington, Doc. 20. President
Roosevelt In already giving bit atten-
uon co it,. Western trip which be
plan, to take la the Spring, Becre-
nrm op interest from all parts
ant Happening, of the Part Week. JL. 'aJ or rather- th Itfaearle.. ;
PwitflUdli. Comicf r .J k ' . n. "vraL At least
Lik.i- t.. : "Mr'''.V..."PB w,,,...b9 lBl1 and clr-
interesting to Our 1"""'"" win determine which
Many Keaderi. I U be i choaoa. If state affalra are
I uraoni it u ill l. t. ....
An wrthcuak. in . th;Tww.r,,r?-!j" -.h
- . ". i mo bikj property I "". i vuiuaiea lor u
rt1 Relt av, hi. flrat trl?'.? i'L.TL""!4 ,n the h110 """'ou..
fny in ilia rn,.ui.... ..,. . 1 " v
Extensive .App, Canntog EatabHahmtot
Started at Ltnato - Driving Sugar
Mne Loga Dowa Rogue River- Larg
Seppljr of Wood for state latana Aay.
lun-Foreiga VoUra la Aetorfa.
CandlJatea for V. 8. eeniitor are ex-
U ltd SUtaa Admlta War Blockade at
La Ouayra la Valid.
- Waahington, Dec. 19,TLa nil. a.. CASTBO FMPnwro
Darto-M. h.. I """W IAItS
ivj tcu uo raarvvnaM ft, , i .
to the me8s.,e. Mt 7C KE PEACE.
aria JLtUTO
Pin wreiga office, relative to the ,rbl-
Mlddlcmea Oettlag fli to $12 Per Ton j
ior val White Poor Are Fre,!n.
Scranton, Pa.. Dec. IS wiion I BRITISH CiNNnv di-t
foal .mv. " r" nuttS
Vv. .nv vvlJJUJIHHinn TTlfT aa(A. I aBMi.M,......
day Chairman Grar oZ ,nKUlJU!1 VENEZtELAN BOATS.
tration propwitfon. It i. not known Make. No Reatrfctlo.. Wh.f c "ay,Dg that the com- '
bere whether Present CanrowmZ g STJ . atlT.t? ,1 the J Towed Them to Sea fro
eot to apologfae aa a condition prece
dent to arbitration! but
.. .... ' "J'W viiBI
Mmleter Co wen can indue him
0 If till, will h. etiffl..l- . ..
1- :. ---v. w meet ute
ited parly In the "W nomerou.. ZrCL me "'Pointed Wa-hlngton, Dec 22 -The.
Prealdenfg leg ,,J' C-t I line in eereral yean. forta wlil make ao adiuatment Zch h Lnlted Sute Mini
waukee. through The city election, at Monm.h mon calt. Bowen. to whom President Caatm
programme whlt h whs
"""" winnrs tfat fv fn to in mii.w .l" "t ti.- .i ...
trlke. -uuno w,cMi..-T 1 .pologie. .re tender .!.,.. fntru.ted full power to
tiurZ Tei'owatone Id the field. ' " " wpted. then tl, rriui "7 .TJ w th the alliea.
topping ... aituatiaa mill i. ? . "iol Castro desire, that
v-jt iQUJuvMi ind BVma . . r
tiro, may be spent in ZT !""c? D.n.el1 Washington, and the r " . . 1
r., i .v. . ' "era or IWO
. , . . I , . WJC sins who were
. in achmu wrvTUi- oerore the commiaiin ..... .
.... . " I . "tcruay ana
T,-tYM(lc( That They rc"uaea ln they worked all nleht
. luc pe0p,e OI tae community
r ciuzena or the commonwealth
buouio not let the Indent
- WHU"
out taking some steps to have the
Legislature of Ppnnviwat.
if consider the enartmnf -
. - . ... " V A Id Sf
mat will forbid the cranio... .
Cnlldrpn ot nlirt.. . .
Are Worklag with the Powers.
Washington, Dec. 22. The settle-1
the Hnrhnr nt
" Ouayra and Returned Two Hour
Later Without Them - Cannon Shot.
Were Wrtlnctly Heard by Officer. In
Vcnezuclaa Fort.
President Castro baa
bna nr,ir.r.,i f . . telyou bo Included n all nian.
?. inB t-hour bill, the army ,i .1. 100 1 re,"flnt- This rcmln
iiu inn ann rnk nmu ttt.iti. - i iukui itinm tinarniirtiu t..
rency Ui. r- ew. h.. shown that it la not. recent election, aho' . wl",.w. C0.n!n1 V' to . "T, "!.-com.,n o K' .kesbarre, president of
, , iv iiiiuunniililhiBiIil.i.I i luicnur. inn cnatm I. I nrmo in rnai r
... . WaI .tb1 rbitr.Uo. will prevail J ar?l P: !" for the
ence ha. shown that it la not
rriiwui, any or which I. jrood
uingiey rate.
1000 last rpa. .k-
"vi uuk anornop on
presentine an in!.i...i
n rna -nrHnsM
th. . " against
The rer!- - v. 'V'" was "!. C. Had
live fn th i71L o tV; arre, president of
i. . .., uu vasiro isirr .""" v-oai romnanr
f . J
Caracas, Dec. IS. Th l.nvni-nr.- d
Margarita Island reports f',af
and German warghina rn .t.
When the combined iw
the Venezuela shlna at r r.. .u-
me father, of two of " u coraanaer delivered to the
presented. One earned ;enen,e,a captains the following
per cent, of
ma J a"nCh nCr' C,Ut down h'
!nf'i nd th"n bJoned her In i
(ieabled condition. '
the Hay and night, in carriages'
"-rn, a private residence,
may be entrtRned. and
1 ". wmcn are not .
to thl. effect will have to be altered. meU
I aiv v. ft. gw rv. mhiaimt.1.4 in l
. at din- ----"-'. puning
where he :T; rt .T" ,v! inugii train, and ,7 .oetween the allie, and
st nii!,t! r,"'ui w KOB tt thl) fammi. r I twinei. It ia hl -w k firsM.
icatiin ut . I . ... . . i
uuuee a i Meacham tnr ubiit, at least, ia n..t n.i. .i veneiueu
By ordpr tt m ..
. BuvereiEji and at
the command f .v. .
tne German amia i
Z h. tb? comma.nder of the Fan-
nag lmmedlatplT an a tQ ,"
with vnnr z ou.r s,"p
Thla i- Z "nuia ten minutes.
Li" i", measure of war on the
h Dut on,y with the
hopefal that arbitration will prevail arPTndanrlth Ule' by c- 8. Daow for 52 Jfp 5" C.: b only" wi h S
frtf..i...r... , wui prevail, arm. and ammunition have Wn , I miners, said he hni IX. . lDe. object of making r,,i:t . ,
.""""."T 18 aow nub to nished them. bosines. as lue wa' nre of Ton- k7 ""Jl"
. . . -" ra comnariT nn. -z ""'K u uruer 10 nr lea
r in. vrAMA.n.i m
Dec. 22. Lopes
erated the BlacrDiVmonrandDoT th Veneznelan Gore:
Baralt, ?n mnes near Wilkesbarre. He said COgn,e oui" , just demands.
to re
in case
fcJ .8,n.ew.raon',or Nevada was given
ihoJef tr'P 'KPort. Mas.faod
kS contra,t -P'd by 1 it
L Miniate- f '"."? hla rm.- . Ton rf.V, ln "SB
nteraDonthf...., . ' 7.r."" falr..hatra:i7 r. .? " bands of .v." t .XITf vuuu I8n. to "erend your
... . . . ; wisiiHon o,". i " " vmiea Duies ua aiarcn 14, and on Vn. . y 1 ua" ue onugea to
war would . I Minister Bowen a dnmn I vembpr 11 . ft0, from n rffr, .u.
Ian. with tbe loll rlgh f ,1 ir Castro w institutional Property." luOK no,a or the ams. - f-.
a continn.1 r CT, and this might neatlT n,r .h- f.r"1 ? republic, and coun- .. Mr- Haddock then rnTnin .v.. "ECKERMAN. Cm
psrttnent of "V" D" of ?". ton. which runs fro fto Further details of . .;;;:: .
..w.c,6U Auaira. m wcirh Mr Rn... io o:uu Donnrfd wo. a j ... . . .6 ui
... .. M recognized as the onlr .rr." ao that th. .Si" ".,1 ag0 veelan Bhip. have been ob-
w niKn rewwaa UUvTh-m laniriir. .u . . . I vaairo. Ii " air. BOWen I -rv" uuuu. was DXPd Tca . I tha 1
n.,..,. .' . r"!-:- "wa.ingaesBionof tbe If ir.,,.L. .. recognized a. the only renrBnta. o that the emnWe- -6" -to acn
Pral.i.n n..... .... .. . . ?ni1. i.Zr,'' ''. wee. K....-. V a- Venezuela in the matter of ef. r me ton 2240 noun. r -- ' irum an entry made In th
tuelan rebel, ar. h;;; eromeBt ln.;7r .n9. v: Adriveof lOO.OOO f and fJniiBt .1." : aetueinet of the difficulty 8 Rov? the size of pea. Pea'roal 1 ot the signal men of the fort.
Powers; .III... want . ."."'T here have no a v k i"I, on it. w down th ch a- "ec,.ewr and " Pwers. u te. below that was waste. Thla ress at La Guam. It ia , fn " .
:.i:,;Zn:rrf 'V. refuses- ? "-u.w ",co can insider. as were is a vast quantity I aut department, forwardin. t iu-iT: ont restriction, and he la to nH . i Haddock said the'mii" r ""JUU1711 aaea me to see if
J M.a. .iijiirinii nun. I . . .. .1.. ... i uljnh . 1 1 m . ... r. . ... 1 1 una n. . . i . .. - . 4 . .... .v wi .... 1 h. a... ... w.. 1 uuuiciiicu in fv u? 1 . w na oraamm. . . r 1
. r i .... m ... . . . 1 mirsn. nnojini. . . . . . . v n. i. ... . 1 . -. v. .. v. 1 1 1 1 m:r An
lnmrmat I fvmie w uroiert in. mi... m are uaTins- ill bj eta . i.t.. u . ........ m
Cnatro. In
ryn. ,. i, ,, . I j , " v ronsiaer-i ; i " UD,o is a vast Quantity
:rL'S W'n'1 'h' H2i. in Upper cj
ed by German auuor " vuuuuj,
cfAa wwla W.',h ih9 mur,,r ttwin "WOO, ?ottlniV?o" Aa, Mteni'" and profluble apple-
bltma eJnan W,"M Ala- d machinery destroyed. a7 the f;nn n ,nJry ha, bLn .Urid ffj a
if h V. . p. 8eni co,re rop. , luere aa almost aolJm.
I the total llMlrnct i of .t I I(kI tnnn .. 1 .. . .
,,., . , , --wm vi ui.u; wneri: -i-i-v iu iruit gooa lor cook.
KSJ'Sn nomaet
ni. . i , ,B nuueu to I uaiurai Slate.
his amount, the actual losse. ascend Bix Alhan.
to a fantastic sum. " L b,Jt A.,bany boys are under arrest for
A cousin of King Alfonio of Spain
ho '.erre,tt0tl 10 M "U',a, ""SI
The Imperial
n 1. . . 1
vuunc 1. urnor ni
lessly " 0Pe" n V0,CV? U u 'wllvlty and " Z 1 Chinese swiJl-gatherer,
y uanar ipt. a new eruption I. feared at any time f?d flna"r "ultinf him and striking
hnl&r W,h0 5le! ,n a N'ow York f-f ?nri indeacrlbable, for, besides J m oa th with a rack, rendering
Hospital WSB frtunil n lie lOsa of COfTon uhl,., I. ..j him innnnwK.lo ri .. ' .. . .
wcriim. ,, ik.t .mn " coumsiuu i. , iuot are name to
'11 BDOlit 300. OOD nn Intoi. .k. Iterma fn k t..l., . u"!
000 In h DoaapKjiInn
Cermany will demand some sort of
spology from Venectieta In addition
to payment of her claims.
Conflicting political Interest. In
Congress threaten to prevent the ad
mission of any new states at all this
session. . .
The United States 8teel Corpora
tlon, by a recent purchade of two Im
mense plants, acquires a practical
monopoly of Its line.
Venezuela has given Minister Bow
en, United State. Minister, full pow
er to effect a settlement with Eng
land, Germany and Italy.
Owing to the Unusually hlirh rata
of exchange, business Is entirely par
alyzed, for all Imported articles have
-cached such price, that very Few 1 abViifc V aVln . T
person, can .fiord to bur them, and P50' 4? ' k at 3-80' ,or the
person, can aflord to buy them, Rnd
most of the merchant. . .ell Just
enougn to cover their expenses.
The board of trustees for the state
insane asylnm accepted 2,160 cord, of
Dig nr woou at from 11.93 H to $3 pr
main buildinss. and 6S0 cnria
second-growth fir at from 2.25
"miru iu vuvrr iueir expenses. i " m f.;v w
TV,. . . . i... IHAitwiu-J . .1 Inn i .
un uii ymi ui 1110 preseni una k" wm, .uu iuu nuui vi oiu nr
.nnlltl la tk.t -. ... I I In. Ik. (.. 1.. f 1 .1!
ur T.a uwu cnange. ana n ia ai- TKa Knrtn , vt. Jt
most unenduauHj Just now. Articles , - ' uiuipi aic
of first necessity have reached Inac- tr,ct Jut outh of Waldo, Josephine
cesslble prices, and the' poor class of "tj. becoming one of the moat ac-
nnnnl. .ivn.lHM u . llva hnlnln. K.l.lnl. Ml k : . : ..
' uie west. Mace the rich copper die-
KtmuULLtO A CLUB FOOT. coveries maue mere last spring a num-
oer of miners have aone into th dia.
uch m.tter. of information tooVhing -stso'f I?" theTnter! Tork are paying" 9llthirSgSS Na'vTwaf
f...uB rBl8 01 Venezuela. The State Denart. Judge Gray "Do thT
coming from Mr.BoTe;:"",'1 ' .1 TtTlVt
It la rteOniteiv it,., 1 ' ' miners nave gone into the dU-
dent Roo"; a'nf a Sy oS- Sur,ftt,n LortBI CraM The hr,cta?d ".any claims have been uken
.a. . ... . I " ia - avt a I Hit ain.l mra Km nas 1analAivA.I
guinea men win make a tour of the
Northwest in the Spring.
Orders for the dlspoBal of Dewey',
fleet during the holidays show plainly
that they are not to threaten Vene
zuelan troubles In any way.
Formed It as Nature Should. P nd ra being developed
New York. Dec. 20. Dr. Loren has Commissioner Hermann ba. recom
-' ' t v,i v . v. li, iA;iriiai uiib --bis4vjv aivi uiauu uwu Tecum
for the first time since he arrived in mended the repeal of the lieu land law.
Jl&tyPKULM fDr Th Multnomah club of Portland has
SrtaitUa anlZated thecSl- commen "rangemenf for holding
hin,i . ...n i. ... i a Bireet lair.
I pT. WL UUtlt 1L .LIB BB BU1L Bnfl nil- I
Miners continue to snrlnir damaclnir I nhio . a ninn. n. t-i l.I r inn n i .
teatlmnnT atrnlnat th rnnl nnnninr. I nhi . .... ' I.... . 1 ..
" i-v..w... uvu,, uiuiuBu ii iiuo us proper lorra, acnyo measure. 10 secure the enact
A rruit company w th a canital of "uu,,ll-n uii iub operation was men. 01 oetter srame laws. All mnmr
0.080 ha. been organized In Cal- " 7 . 'r8lf casi wa ni" in the, opinion that hunting for the
i .in. r .u" .ii "rn"r.vI.. . " vi"lmre anouia be entirely prohibited
i-iiv . i i i in nil w u in un niiuw f 11 ill linn 11 tr .
John TV Prtplfnfnllr hna nnnfrDmtnrl I M. . . . . .
. Mu.iiuu iu me uuivcioiiy ui or nve aaya. and that it would be
necessary to keep the cast on for six
or seven months, after which she
could walk.
Four operations for congenital dis
locations were performed and at their
Germany approve, of the
States' protest against the
elan blockade.
.... ...... ii"iiiuiio were periormea ana at meir
Ohio. River rose 12 feet In 24 hours close Dr. Loreni showed that he was
fenn anrnn. ant.w nnl U.I.. V. ...... I . .
b.uu .ncin ."c; iuui-iuui.'u uni ties i a tired, man.
vaiuea i stu,uuu.
Tralnwrecker. removed a rail from I THIS IS SANTA'S BUSIEST YEAR.
an Aiaoama road ana cnuaod a had
wrecK. No fatalities. Prosperity Has Enabled Him to Break All
a curouer s jury uuriuea mat Mrs. previous Records In Liberality.
Marv Collins, of Seattle was mnr. I . . .
dered by strangulation. LItVDe20,rl1 TIP
order records have been broken in the
ine nouse nas passed the senate central poBtoillce, Wednesday' trans
11 at ntaAP.Hl.l IQ AAA - (I I. A I.. .If . x I a. aAa... a. .
bill appropriating $22,000 for a light
nouse at MUKiiteo roint, vvasn.
A noted Umatilla chief named Five
Crows was found dead near Athena,
Ore. Ue wag drunk when last seen
Secretary of War has sent to con
gress an estimate of $60,000 for a new
hospital at Vancouver barracks,
actions amounting to $1,168,741. This
Included money order. Issued, both
domestic and foreign, the certificates
oi uepoait issued to out-of-town post
masters, money orders paid and
money order drafts. European ad
vices brought the Information that
the incoming Chrlntm&a mall wnnlit
bo much larger this year than ever
oeiore. Tne uymjic, bound for New
York, ia said to have on board 2600
The Etrurla is alBo
. . . , ... . , nncra nr man
a company or cracK rme snots is i " , " T .
being organized among mountaineers Koml"K with 1805, the Kaiser Wilhelm
i . . ... . . I rtep (lrnssn with ftfin inil Ih.fil Innl.
a Montana io go 10 tne am oi rresi
dent Castro.
Admiral Dewey has been ordered to
keep his fleet together near Venezu
ela, presumably to escort American
ships through the "peaceful blockade"
of La Guayra. ; .
President Compere, of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, testifies be
fore strike' commission that operators
are directly responsible for importa
tion of ignorant foreigners. -
The Japanese government had or
dered several large X-ray .machines to
tier Grosse with 6C0 and the St. Louis
wun sw, a total or 636&.
., . Warning to Westerners.
Washington, Dec. 20. The Secre
tary of the Treasury went to the Har
!em . dinner in a Tuxedo coat That
was a sin a violation of the law of
etiquette almost inexcusable. . For
the President of the United States
was there, and where the President
of the United States is, It is a full-
rtreRa fnnnflnn Thla mlcrlif ha o .Ann
uerea several large A-ray .macnines to I " 1 o -
be used In the mint for photographing thing to remember when the Presi-
oiuijiujcb nuu .m Buajjuvieu oi nwai-1 Hem is on cis visitation, or tne west
.. I .. mt i .i . i i i . 1 . . .
luwuig cuuih. cuing snow piainiy
on the photographic plate.
Severe cold weather in Austria is
causing' acute suffering. '
The Alaska salmon pack for 1902
next Spring. If you have a long-tailed
coat get it out.
. Fodnd 1100,000 on a Beggar.
Tnrnntn. IIbp ' 5(ffl. Wimon a
nuiumu JUjlW 1U1 XtfV. ... .... , - J . u
will amount to 2,470,000 cases or more Jew, who begged for admision to the
lk. .ko ...k.l 1(111 I
than the pack of 1901.
Martin Tower of Marshfleld, has
been appointed collector of customs
for the Coos Bay district.
Hon. Solomon Hlrsch, a pioneer
merchant of Portland, legislator and
ex-minister to Turkey, Is dead.
A Columbian steamer, carrying a
large number of soldiers, was wreck
ed and nearly all on board drowned.
general hospital here on Saturday, Is
lead. An examination of his cloth
ing resulted In finding script worth
$31,000. Other papers showed him to
be worth nrnhnhlv 1100 000. Pnr
twenty years he has slept in sheds
and stables. He sold papers and beg
ced. His heirs are his wife and
daughter, living, it is thought, in San
The present session of concrrean will
not be asked for a government appro
priation ior the iuuo fair.
There is a petition beintr circulated
in the eattern part ot the state asking
me legislature to enact a law nmh K i
ing the herding of sheep within a dis
tance OI tWO miles Of anv hah iatfnn
It is being pressed by cattlemen in the
main although a great many business
men wno are not interested in stock are
signing. Idaho and California have
such laws.
Wheat Walla Walla. 70(ft 7 1 Ki
stem 78079c; valley, 75J76o. ,s;
Barley Feed. 123.50 ner tnm h-.
ing, $24.00.
Flour Beat grade. 3.6004 10; mh.
am, $3.20(33.60.
Millstaffs Bran. 119.00 BAP ton
middlings. 123.50: ahorta. tin nn-
chop, $18.
Oats No. 1 white. ll.lRrai 17V.
gray, $1.121,15 per cental.
.Hay Timothy. Iluvan. .inv
$9.00; cheat, $89 per ton. '
Potatoes Best Bnrnanka An7An
per sack : ordinary. BCvaoDn Mr Mnl.l
growers' prioea; Merced sweets, $1.76(3
per cenwi.
Poultry Chickens. wiItmI
young, 10c; hens, llllc; turkeys,
live, 13 14c; dressed, 15 17;
duck., $56 per doaen; geese, $6.5 d
Cheese Fnll cream, twin, i a ua?
17c: Yonnc America. 17 Wmiaiz .
factory price., 11 Jo less.
Butter Fancy creamery. 97UAQfti.
per pound: extras. S0c ; Hai, on
22,c; .tore, 15Q18.
Egga 2535o per doeen.
Hop New crop, 2328e per poond.
Wool Valley. lSWriMK. p.
Oregon, 814Mc; mohair, 2628c.
Beef Gross, cows. Su
pound; .teers, 4c; dretsed, 67o.
veai iw&tftt.
Mutton Groaa. -u . j .
drsBsed, 6c (
.Grosa, S).c per pound;
Ho29 Grou. BViaa V .... j .
dreBBed,77c. T
Jue navy deoartment h "r.r.""""OB,on r "'a mstru
nouncement to n,.ir " T' 1? ",T".r'w- .
j . . . ---..r"o or-1 cuia nere are dependent nnon
ft . -ta,tol,WT,hiP.Bd tha receipt, through the State De
It was repeated that tl, .u ..... rartment r f- UCr
and aim of the department is so to I eramamtai of Great BriUin. Germany
-v 'virniB. am im isr at i. mm rn imtuvM- v lu rr uhiimiuui nr a v t-f m
ant port, that the mn m.. tion advanced by Venecneia Tk...
Jleve. Chritsmas week without overtax- rSIm!," art exPected tomorrow,
ing the facilities ,t any one f'u,!he' 06 '"orable. the Venezu-
Sccretary MoaiIt . ' i I F . c,au soernment strongly desires that
F na-tUB am ar at al 1 nu rw ai at
the day before the hcn, rT.i Z Z'? n "".ul?c.e " lne Ambassadors of
"- t-n.Muuaiwiir HlVjy Vy mm t MWi,'fih.yi. uu-ni-iFare i.a
in hi. annual report for the betterment 0uajrra December 23 for the United
of the navy, I States on board the Steamer Caracas,
wuiiu ib uue iu rraco new lorx we-
iAnm I. TI-. . 1. 1 . . . ., ..
m BBuiuuion. no meeting to
Swarming Around Two Cities Regular, discus terms of settlement is to be
I Tm.KI. . - .t I k.lj ir .
uciu uu Venezuelan sou. .
El MochO" Hernandez the re.
leased revolutionary leader, called at
the American Legation thla mnrnlnt
for the purpose of paying his respects
to Minister uowen. This afternoon
President Castro, accompanied by his
wife, also called at the Legation,
where be stayed for three-quarters of
an nour.
Leiutenant Van Duzen, of the gun
boat Marietta, has been sent bere
from La Guayra to act as secretary to
wr. isowen.
Merchants of all nationalities here
hope that the arbitration proposal
will be accepted, and that, as a result
Of the nresent effort a in ronrh a nn.
clfic settlement, the proposed block-
aae or la uuayra. Puerto Cabello
Maracaibo. Cora Carnnann and nar.
celona. announced for Deeemher SO
will not become effective.
British and German ships of war
are paying daily visits to Marearita
Island. Pearl-fishing boats from Mar
garita report the presence of three
men-oi-war near juan uriego
Unable to Disperse Them.
Victoria. B. C, Dec. 19. Mail ad
vice, received from Chanvirinir in th
Szechuan province of China, report
inai Dotn the cities of Meichon and
Kaitinsfu have had their catea clnvl
and a state of seige declared, owing to
me numerous bodies of armed Boxers
in their vicinity, it being feared by the
official, that the insurgents may take
the cities by surprise. Troops were
sent to raise tbe siege of the two cities,
but failed.
It is reported from Fekin that Yung
Ln, first irrand secretary of China, who.
since Li Hung Chang died, is the most
powerful man in China, is anxioas to
resign. The empress dowager proposes
to abdicate next vear. and Y nnir f.n
wishes to anticipate the event by plac
ing himself bevond the ranire nf mnu.
quent complications. '
Favorable Report Made on Moody's Land
urant Llea Bill.
Washington. Dee. 19Th unit.
public lands committee tmlay faonrahl-
reported Representative Moody', bill
proposing to give to settlers on The
Dalles military wasron mad landa' and !
upon railroad lands, whose entries were
erroneously allowed by the interior de
partment, nnder the mistaken idea that
tbe lands lettled ppon were a part of
tne puDiio aomain, but which were af
terwards held by the superior court to
be DrivatO lands, the rieht In eredit fn-
residence upon a new homestead for a
time eqnal to the time they resided on
their original tract, excebt that each
such settler must live at least one year
on bis new homestead. There is now
little doubt that the bill ill flr.all
pass and be signed by the president.
Whole Family Wiped Out.
Fort Lee. N. J.. Dee. 19. By the at.
plosion of a small gas tank today, the
residence of John Fuglughli was demol
ished, hi. five children instantly killed
and his wife so seriously injured that
she died later. The tank that explod
ed was in the cellar, and supplied the
illuminating gas for the building. The
body of the eldest daughter, Clorinda,
aged 22 years, who was Burnnsed tn
have gone to New York, was found to-
fi. ...
mgnt in tne rums oc the bouse.
Ohio River on the Rampage.
Cincinnati ft TW 18.-The rlcn Iti
the Ohio River in the 24 hours end
ing With 8 a. m was 12 feet. The
swift curj-ent today swept 80 coal
oarges rrom their moorings and most
of them sunk. All the harbor boats
went in nursult hut only ahnnt 30
barges were recovered. Several men
were on the floating barges and one
la rennrtari mlaalnor . Tha Inea nn fh.
" " f WW. ... .... 1 ( . .. U ....... v. V.. V
barges Ib estimated at $50,000.
China Will Pay In Silver.
WaRhinctnn. Ttae. 19. Unofficial ad.
vice, have leached here that China in
tends to pay tbe next Installment of
the Boxer indemnity in silvrr. Tha
reports indicate that China is driven to
ims course oy me iaci mat an ot ner
revonnes are navable in silver and the
great Internal financial strain make, it
impossiDie to ootain goia.
Allied Powers Helping Rebels.
Caracas. Dec. 22. Dnrumentn and
letters which have heen Beeiire hv
the Venezuelan authorities are said
to prove the connection of the Matos
revolutionists witn tne recent demon
stration ot the allies against Vene
It is reported that, since the cap
ture of the Venezuelan fleet, muni
tions of war have been shipped open
ly from Willemstad to ports on the
Venezuelan coast, and steamers are
said to have sailed from Port of
Spain, Trinidad, with the knowledge.
It Is alleged, of the British authorities
there, bearing arms and ammunition
to the Venezuelan revolutionists at
Cindad Baliver, on the Orinoco River.
St. Louis Exposition Stamps.
Washington, Dec. 22. The Post
office Department is just about to
take up the subject of the special is
sue of stamps to be designed for the
St Louis Exposition. Even so early
it is understood that George H. Dan
iels, that enterprising publicity ex
pert of the New York Central, Is to
have on one stamp a picture of his
91.finn. flvA- T.Dat ttfriA If waa tha
Empire State Express which served
as a moaei ior rapia railway transit,
and Mr. Daniels again claims the dis
tinction of furnishing the speediest
model. . ' -
Another Industry for Washington.
Chehalls, Wash.. Dec. 22. John W.
Reynolds and Murphy & Stuchell
have completed arrangements for put
ting in a new factory at Chehalls.
The new plant will manufacture bed
spring, and mattresses, make mold
ings and do upholstering as well as
doing a general planing-mill business.
The site chosen adjoins the railway
a hundred yards nortn or the stocK-
yards. This is the fourth factory es
tablished in Chehalls within a year.
' . . I
Earthquake in Costa Rica.
San Jose. Costa Rica. Dec. 22.
Two violent earthquakes were ex
perienced here at 4 o clock this morn
ing. The people were greatly alarm
ed, -but there were no casualities.
Several other shocks followed at in
tervals. These, however, were of di
minishing severity.
Oscar Bradahaw Must Suffer Death -
Muett Oct. 2d Years.
Walla Walla tv.oi. r- .
der sentence of denth .TT. ..n; L e. fact that the Retribution re-
out, at the state penitentiary Oscar . i r Guam a,oae two fours
Bradshaw. a younV TiSl af ?ri!avin the captured ves-
the city yesterdaT in,in- l .l.'" . was connrmed
North Yakima, for the mnrder of
Peter Nelson, at Pasco, last July. 1 Germany Accepts America's Protest.
i ne aeain penalty la to be inflicted Berlin, Dec. 18. Secretary Hay's
SZl'c?1 t0 tbe ote cePS American ships from
, . . . . - - " 1 ium iiiitea
north. I had heard Inn on
and Baw the two steamers had disap
peared and understood they had
Ibeen sunk by the Vineta and Retri
bution. At (ha l v... . ..
., " a" our tne
alone " returned t0 the. harbor
The fact that the Retribution re-
by English res-
Supreme Court Is nerferted
with Bradshaw came William Wot
lett. a much Older man. under can.
tence of 20 years at hard labor, for
the part he took in the murder of
iseison. Bradshaw was tried Decem
ber 3 and 4. and a verdict nf niin
or mumer m the first degree waa en-
terea Dy tne jury after a strong ef
fort for a liehter verdict. TTnnn th
action of the jury being announced o
Keiiett be asked to be allowed to
plead guilty to murder In the second
certain restrictions of the Venezuelan
blockade is favorably received by the ,
German Government. , The Vnroivn '
Office treats the matter as not rais
ing any essential difficulty as being
without precedent, since Germany
made a similar reservation in the
Cretan blockade. The precise status of
American vessels under the blockade
will be defined in an official notifica
Minister Bowen's communication to
Vccu gum LLI 1UUIUVT in me Second I . . " o v-vmuiumctiuuil iu
degree. After the state had advised Germany through the United States
1. .U . .. . l . . . I nnv.nnn.nt In nKnl. . n : 1
in the matter the plea was accepted.
and the sentence of 20 years inflicted
ny judge Kudkln yesterday.
Government in behalf of PreaMonr
Castro, received here yesterday, was
a simpie proposal to arbitrate the
question in disDute. and waa nnt ac
companled by any conditions.
England Will Oo After Castro,
London. Dec. 18. Renlvintr tn n
I question in the House of Lorcl3 to
day, Lord Lansdowne. the Foreien
Secretary, said that if the seizure of
Crack Shot, and Old Mountain Men from
Montana Will Join Venezuelans.
Butte. Mont;. Dec. 1 it io stated
w w uoi Buueara lu un a?nnn Hiirnnr- i ---i;, nam iua. ia iuo stiiiirH 01
ity that a filibustering party is being I the Venezuelan gunboats did not pro-
nrtv-aniTol In Ruff avv I dlice th A dpirH ofToo fnvtVaK
-"0v a-ubw Kf MJ 1 CUCSUcta. I ' w u.v,bt iui 1
It is said, at least, that an alleged erc,ve .measures would be employed.
juou eiory m tae inter-Mountain, i "" "u uwu cuiismerea m
concerning a party of Montana fili- consultation witn Germany, and it
busters, who are organizing to go to I had Deen decided to resort to a block-
VcTlOVllAla l r-Anllv V.aJAj nn, fn.i I &dA Of tllP TOrt3 It XUia tint Intetnlr.
a Cttllj Mas-JLl UUVIU AaUL. I " - mn uucu
A number of Butte men have to land a British force, and still less
.1...J. , ! i . im . . I trt fr Tt-wr . t.
urauj enuaiea. ine men conduct-1 "''"W icurauciim lermury.
Ine the Rchemo are Vpenlno- It nnlet I
but It is said at least one well-armed . New York, Dec. 18. Secretary Hay.
company, all crack-shots, and old nas cao'a to Amcassabor Tower, at
mountain men, will go South In a few Keriln. says the world s correspond
days. A number of Spanish war vet- ent at Washington, to ask the Ger-
... i , . . .. I man (vnuni-n . . . .A.. . . .
eraua ana several veterans or tnei"" 6inucui iu ueuuo ior mid
Fenian invasion of Canada are among country exactly what is meant by a
ik .ii. j I "neacefnl hlnctn?o "
Ludington Advising House Committee
Against Contract System.
Washington. Dec. 17. Quarter.
master-General Ludington of the
Army, before the House committee on
military affairs, today advocated con
tinuing the transport service under
the control of the War Department.
He said the cost of the service as now
conducted is about . $3000 less than
any of the estimates submitted by
Drivate concerns, but nafd that in. hla
opinion It would be in the interest of
tne soldier ana service for the War
Denartment to onerate ita own linn.
General Ludington, speaking of mat
ter of carrying private parties on the
Government transports, said the num
ber waa Insignificant and that where
abuses had occurred in that direction
tney already had been corrected.
A Western Philanthropist. .
Louisville, Ky., Dec. 18. A deed
was recorded yesterday, whereby
South Park, formerly a Summer re
sort, situated 13 miles from Louis
ville, passed into the hands of Wil
liam H. Beach, a Los Angeles, Cal.,
capitalist. It is, stated that he will
convert part of the property into a
Rummer reanrt and another nart Into
a children's home, where abandoned
waifs will be given every care and
attention. The place contains about
300 acres of land and a 25-acre lake.
Russians Raised Wheat In Alaska.
Taenma Tleo. Ifi. That wheat waa
crown In Alaska by tha Russians a
century ago is proved by the discov
ery oi two oia nour mms ouut Dy
the subjects of the Czar. One of
these is on Wood Island, in South
eastern Alaska, and the other in the
interior. The iormer mill has just
heen Inveetlcftted hv 1? R Tavloa
He says the old flour mill was built
eariy in tne last century.
'peaceful blockade."
Although it has not been nut Into
public expression, this government
contends tnat there is no such thin?
as a "peaceful blockade." If a state
of war does not exist this government
will contend, at the proper time, that
United States ships must be allowed
to pass.1 v
The test will come when the Red D
Line steamer Caracas arrives at La
Guayra. probably next Saturday. If
that ship goes through, as it is ex
pected it will, other ships from other
nations will also demand to go
through, and the "peaceful blockade"
will become a farce.
If Germany insists on its right to
blockade peaceably and refuse to let
American ships through, then Ad
miral Dewev'a fleet, will ho sent tn
Venezuela to convoy the American
ships through the German and English
lines. Admiral Dewev has heen told
to keep his fleet together. The rea
son this government makes this de
mand of Germany is because it hns
in writina- In hlaclr and wliite the
fullest statement of Germany's inten
tions in Venezuela. It has no such
statement from England. The diplo
mats of that country were shrewd '
enough to make only a verbal state
ment of intent.
The Administration is awaitine Ger
many's answer with same anxiety.
1 ne situation Is now more critical
than it has heen since the trouble be
gan. .
Italians Gladly Join In Blockade.
London Tlec 18 News has been
received in London that all the em
ployes o the La Guayra-Uaracas ana
Puerto Cabello-Valencia Railroads
are safe. Telegrams received here
from Berlin confirm the statement
that it has been arranged for Italy
to join the blockade, and say that ,
the German Government will ask
consent of the Bundersrath to a pro
posal to make the Venezuelan block
ade more stringent.