THE GOIiDOil GLOBE. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13 I8Q2, TMS OFFICIAL PAPER OF OILLIAM COUNTY, OKEOON. i LOCAL NEWS, Work on Vm Wilson' atone building It trtj(iili)g rapidly. i Ir. Wmh1 wa railed to Lone Rock Monday morning to prescribe for Mr, , JSlK'llltlw, ' Work on the Ofidon Meat Company's new lmlUHiit Commenced Monday uioriiliif, , ;" Obituary. Jottli. Matlock, oim of the early plo ner of Ullliain county paasvdaway at lilt home In tM r,lt after an l!ln ol only 24 hour. JJ III l'ulay af ternoon and evening; but it was not on- til Wednesday riiorni.) thit pneumonia i at In to which he niucurobed. I)ufaed m born near Chicago. III.. alxwt 68 year ago end grew to manhood In that city. With hla wife ha cam to Oregon morn than 25 year ago and alnce that time baa lwn a resident of this I county. Ilawaabiaown worat enemy and all the early icttlnn of this section MfllreinemWhlra for hla many itor line qualities In the old days,, while they oover with a mantle of tharitr the shortcoming and weakueaaei of hi I later year. Ill, . I I ii a . . ' ' " . I Theliwm,tnt .HI. .,.. u.s wmow , u.ree uaogmer. and one w.. ..i aon anrvive nun ana in inelr hoor oil ornliV w,.rw"K"' W ww the, will receive the .ympathy of a boot of frienda. : morn lit e ; Kd MdClnney and D. K. Sarpy re turned irom Mir gum hni Saturday Ith about 40 geese. Elgin Myer haa remcxleled the Interi or of hu con lectlonery More and luitalled a new ittH k of good. Madden & llawee have nt received i new line of fail and winter beta. Latett etyiita In trimmed and street bate. Call o them. - Ueo Karhart returned Friday from Malheur county where he haa Item for everal week looking after ble sheep in tercet. A (hooting match and dance will be given at Lone Rock November 2d which promise to be a very enjoyable affair. See Mile. f Loaveyonr eoWription to the San Francisco Examiner at thie office and we will do thereat, thereby eavlng you floatage etc. . A. . Rlca'e family are all down with meaael. lira. Klce la In town with ble mother and eotne of the children are sick t the ranch , Marahal Armstrong and Recorder May areaomge land uRlce business thene day. The city treasury ie about $150 ahead daring the week. Cooke Broe. have rerentW loat !i head of cattle from llaualog. They bave vacolnated the rest of their herd and liope to check the diaeuie. ; r Cooke and W. ft Myer returned Friday from a loose hnnnt on tahnttlar Fiat. They bagged 40 fowl and brought iiome a hack load. The Uwm force wai lauteubered with a fine fat one. frank Moore never doe thlngt by lialvee. When be kill wild geie he pick on the foatherlet kind that don't have to be picked. At leaat the one he left at tbiaOfQce Saturday wae all ready lor the ivn-Dne, fat and (eattierlee. E. A. War waa clrculaUn notkinn during the week asking the city council to take step In the matter of enforcing me city ordinance againat gambling and against telling liquor to minora, to men or intemperate habit and ou 8nuday Tbe petition wat numerously algned. A Herman and ST.' VS. Rtau.Tcr, who have been here the peat , week looking ver the country with a view to tmrclia log eeveral thousand acres of wheat land, returned to Spokane Tuesday. They were enoceaiful In tecuring optione on about 2,500 acrea of choice wheat land W.J Vandervlute, of Lainonl, Iowa la here looking over the country with a -view to locating, lie ie pleased with the country and will probably aecore a borne and bring he family here. Gilllaia county la getting a large Immigration of excellent citizen from that aection of Iowa. ! .. The grandeat of the grand event at Condon the coming holidava will be the grand masquerade ball to be given by Waimi Circle Thankrglving and don't forget it. (Jet you ticket now at 6te fihenaon & Wilcox 'a, Elgin Mayer or the tirug atorea. Maakt cu be bad at Jar f .... s piHSi PT'N5 When bronght to ui are filled at ' the doctor preecriboi them. "We donotaubstituta." Aak your doctor If e do." Gondon Pharmacy PBE8CBIPTIO DBU(iOIST8.) ' The funeral will take place tomorrow. The hour la undecided but will probably be iu tbe lorenoon. II. T. Mclntyre, Ht. l'anl. Minn., who baa beea troubled with a disordered ! tomauh, aaya, "Chamberlain' Btotnach and Liver Tablet do me more good tban anvthlng I have ever taken." For aale by Condon Pharmaur. .... . f-r n nni Ma,m . w (BYBLSf RINUSTOM, Eortoa.) During the preeent term there have been reg-lntered In the Condon public I cbool 160 poplla, ol which 48 are in the principal' room, 62 in tbe Intermediate room and 62 in tbe primary room. We flud the following are ab-l - - i eeut from the prlncipal'a room thia week : Arthur Farrlah, Arthur Klce, (iuaaie Darling, Eiitti Ureendeld. Jennie Poaa. ! France Brown and Myrtle Rice. Mott of these pupil are ebeeut on account of i tneaeel. There are a good many pnpile abeent from the lotermediathe room on account of aickoeet. The achool, thia year, ha been much uruer inno Diuai w gftt 1010 work I nil . "SJTSSirS: CLARKE & FRAZER achool. Rauieruber oa when . in need of Drug, Paints, Oils, Glass or anything that may be found in an up to-date ,'dru store, ,. . '.. ; ', . - t ui- rs inign uraae.uigars Owl, Lillian Russell Rothchild, Feifer's Union ! Finest of Fresh ' r r Candies, Oranges, Bananas. elgin Myers j I 5 Canned Coods a Soclalrv. V To Thw Ptiblla. Allow ui to a a few word In praiee of Chamberlain' Congh Remedy. I bad a very eevere cough and cold and feared I would get pneumonia, but after taking the eecond doee of thia medicine I felt better, three bottle of it cured mv cold I and the pain In my cheat disappeared entirely. I am moat respectfully your for health, Ralph 8. Miyies. 64 Thir-1 ty eveuth St., Wheeling, W. Va. For nle by Condon Pharmacy. LONE ROCK. A heavy rain etorm ha been vlatlm tbe foot-hill conntry oil and on for the laat ten dayi and over an Inch of rain baa fallen in thl month. Teaming haa been enspended and the ground la Inline condition for plowing. Otho Ward haa eeld his farm near town to Mr. E. Ylebril a new comer In the country. Tbe ranch contained about 290 acre and tbe price about $2,000. Mr. ward will atay on the place until next spring. . John Madden has no trouble In dii poalngofhi line winter apple at an advanced rale. Jim William our town hog rateer ear that the price of boga la on the de cline and beef is retting blither and tougher everjr day. t oiaioea are in good demand here es pecially among thoae who are out there being none for aale. Tbe fonny folk about here aav that few day aince a woman of our nelgbor- hood went into the city "fire-water die- penary"and proceeded to opeet the ta ble accordidg to Holy Writ or eoine other good book. Make a specialty of Doors, Windows. Mouldings, Locks, Nails and alii builders trimmings. Also Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and Glass. Hardware and Furniture, Dishes and Enameled Ware. j Get our prices.! 7E WILL HOT BE UHDERSOLD. Finest Line of CANDIES, CIGARS, FRUIT AND LUNCH GOODS IN TOWN AT I Fall'Stfbes!! ' " " A' We have just feceivftd a fine line of Fall Shos which have been carefully selected and are strictly firt ciM. Light repair work done fret on all shoes sold by this store. Repair Work a Specialty. 0. U. PH0PS5 0 .QD. nair5t. ; Headquarters for McMorris' Telephone Supplies. rsm6 ma. I mm.??. We Carry A complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, , Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats Caps, Hardware, Queeosware etc. We take orders for Strauss Bros. Tailor-made Suits. Stephenson & Wiled JW. t)ASL!K3 Attorney at ttwt Notary Public and Cortveyaticsv C.Od.JB, Of. ' Oflir. la reu of Htuflie battA.i t, Men 8- PATTIBOS Growing? Of coarse we're growmg. Our basines is growing, our stock is growing and our ability to serveyou in the best possible manner is also growing. Wheo you oeed First-class Hand Made Harness and Saddles Call . o! r"k i-- oaiiLry raimer. on Condon, Oregon. WHEAT SE INTERIOR 17AREH0U Highest price paid for Grain of all kinds. Storage and baling of Wool. General Warehouse and Ilerehandise Business. ALFCUR, CUTKSIE AC3 , SITES. AnUXSTCS, EULCCX, CC'JCLAS, Kill THE coriDor HOTEL THIS POFULAR HOSTELRY Ha been thorooghlj renovated and Is now prepared to cater to the nants of the traveling public. Com- . ruercial travelers and others desiring the comfort of a first-class hotel will find this bonae suited to their wsnts. Mrs. S. A Maddock, Propr. '"uwuinruiaruwuuw V John Jackson s Is your face rough? Do your hands chap? via drag store. The Oreijnn State Bar Association and "Last winter at infant child of mine the Oregon Irrigation Association meet nB(1 Cr00P l violent lorra," aays Elder in Portland November 18 and 19. Re-I Jonn Kogers, a Christian Evaugelist duoed rates on all railroads. Free thea-l0' i'ley, Mo. "I gave her a few doses ter ticket : a ball orconcert: a steamboat ol Chamberlain's Coiitch Hemedy and In ride on the Willamette and Colnmbla anort time all danger was past and the rivers; a visit to the Portland Creruato-1 child recovered." This remedy not only rium and many other places of interest CQre crouP bat when given as enon aa are offered as attractione to visitors. A tne &tHi symptoms appear will prevent ordial Invitation is extended to all to tne " contains do opium or visit Portland Irrigation week. other harmful substance and may be given aa confidently to a baby as to an n., vummiogs, oi tne tsauaer dult. For sale by Condon Tharmacy. n;iiniuii, is iiuro mis wee a writ ing business for that company. The Banker' Life offera a straight Insurance proposition and one that any man can afford to carry. It is organised on con -eervatjve lines, recognised by leading bankers and financiers everywhere and may be relied upon nsa snfo am! Inei teueive insurance proposition. Mr. 3uiumings i doing a tlue business here for the company. These chilling wintry winds bring much discomfort to face and hands but you can prevent it by using uoniegood FACE CREAM OR TOILET WATER. Just the thing for these cold, raw winds; keep your skin soft and smooth. : We have a full li Ilfi ff thft Komi hrarifla WILSON'S PHARMACY J. Q. JARVIS,, Proprietor. -MEALS 25c. IHEHARTS RESTAURAf, -BEDS 25c. The public will find that no better accom modations can be found in this county v than this place. " Good meals, clean beds. t HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN GEO. W. RI.N'EHART, Prop. CONDON, OREGO N James Lavigne will give a boing eit bibition in :th Armory hall Saturday evening, consisting of an eight ronnd eparring match and three rounds of fancy bag punching. This is the first eshibitinn of the kind ever given inCon rlon and Mr. Lavigne wishes to ay that it will not be a rough and tumble fight but a scientific sparring match that will offend no one. Ladies are specially' in vited.' Money. bak If not satisfied. A dance will be given aftar the petfrmance. VVni Scholtji, known as Young Smith Is Mr. Lavigne's sparring partner. Jim Boyer met with rathor a eerious ei'i'ident w hile hauling hay from Steve "Van Cleve's ranch on trail Fork to tbe Lout Valley euw mill last week, Hip tuani became frightened Rt something in the road and started to run throwing Jim who was riding one of the horses, to the gronatl rendering hini uncdnclous. When be regained ennciousness he found that the wagon hnd paswd over him and the team bad tangled p In the harness and stopped. Mr, Cioyer then . eeenred the tain to the wagon and went to Dave ' II ardie's place. His Injuries are not thought to be twk'UB. - Joe Boyer was in town during the week. He ha Just recovered from an attack of tueasela. See onr clubbing offer with the Salem Capital journal. It Is your chance to gt two good papers for tha nrloe of ona. The Globe will give you all tbe homo and county news and the Capital Jour nal will give you all the state and gener al new and a full account of the legisla tive proceedings This is just what you want for the news of the coming ses&loo of the legislature. Thi offer applies on ly to paid in-advance subscriptions. . mm . Jumped on a 10-Penny Nail The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Powell jam pod on an Inverted rake made of ten penny nails, and thrust one nail entirely through her foot and a second one way through. Chamberlain's Pain Balm was promptly applied and five minutes later the pain had disappeared and more suffering was experienced three davs the child was wearing shoe as usual with absolutely nodiscom lort. Mr. Powell is a well known mer chant of Forkland, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic and heals such injuries out uiaturiation and in one-third time required by the usual treatment. Sold by1 Condon Pharmacy. Condon Meat' Co. ,. WM. C. EDDEN, Manager. W ill Serve the neonla nf Onnrlnn an est Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausage, Bologna etc. First-class Cutter at the Block. Our wagon will supply meats to harvesting and threshing crews during the season as follows: Ferry Canyon Mon days and Thursdays. Mayville Tuesdays and Fridays. Matney Flat and Hay Creek Wednesday and Saturday. finest Job priDtinf for JRII at tf?e ;C0BsE Office. Fine Painting ' House, Sign and Carriage Painting promptly executed. Paper Hanging, Graining and Interior Decorating. We Make a Specialty, of Fine Pictorial Work. We invite inspection of our work and prices. Yours to please BOLEUS & GENGLER. CONDON (FIX BUILDING) OREGON tbla aignataie Is on evry box ot tit (toatn Laxative BrotncHQuirjia rrMta tba remedj tbat ewraa a oM ta t r ly jANCASTEE 4 PATT1SON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Farm and Town property tor tala. Correepond ence solicited, JCONDON, OREGON Open for Business.! no I In her with- the Our big store, in the new briclc building, is now open for business and our shelves and counters are loaded with by far the largest and most complete stock of Gener Al Merchandise ever brought to Condon. We extend a cordial invitation to our patrons, and the public generally, to call and insp5ct our new store, our big stock , and our low prices. We can Bhowyou why you sliould trade with us. Z We iovite epecial attention to the following lines: " Fur Collarettes, Silk: and Flannel Waists Ready Made Skirts, Rainy Day Skirts, Flannelette Wrappers, Clothing, Shoes. WHEAT! VHEATl! Don't sell your wheat un til you see B. T. Snell, Ar- lington. Contracts made on future delivery. Mon- v ey advanced on warehouse receipts. Highest cash . price paid for wheat AIllNSTGS, . - ELL Icsure your propery agninat fire in the Fhcenix. Lancaater & ratueon agents vitiT DR. JORDAN'S aacsr 1811 KABKSt ST MS ASQSSSQ, ViL. P tatkaVwe'4. I com to, . . . . oataof. " 1 " ' "nM CS o asratf Sjrtng atnt es of sa im The Rcsulatcr Lma KAVICATICIJ CO. I iM )HriipiMr'iHM, tf :: Mmrfttn (! MWI Treasurers Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Jan. 1, 1002, will be paid npon pre eentation at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 11, 1002. P. II. STEl'HKNSON. Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon, DUNN BROS. UP-TO-DATE MERCHANTS. UlUUUUUUUUUl!il!!(a!ii!UUi!lU!l IT" umiiununuHuuiaiur mt-f Dootar " lM i i i ttttmtttm, ka M lw l h a Inlr lblrw A THROUGH FIlciGHT AND PASSENGER RiSt tine el tUzmmZetmm tscouva, Kj&ut&t Loci, I food Rlnt tad aS Poiats en tit Tyjf-to mk. In imfi tima lot eutoi uela. riaifhl BMW GicMly IUJsw.4. W. C. AtlAWAT.O.o. igt, ol id Coart tumt, Tka ttimt, C. TO SALT LA! IE, ICAIISA8 G1TY, CHICAGO, Oil v. . . . Ocean Steamers be tween Portland and Eau Francisco every five days. LOW RATI Ami Kw Hcltets to and from all parta of the Unit ed States, Canada an J Europe, Forpartic . ulars call on or address, H. R. BRIGGS, ARLINGTON, OH2G. ' TtlH LAT$T CsEATIw"3 III LATu s A fine line of Fall and ; Winter Hats just in. Something new in Street Hats 'liYERYTIlESG rOIlTlIE LADIES. 1 f ! Prices ReasoQab'e. if . MOM rh?-..-i nrtm. fr4iaukl V WYWJMV UAH to ai fmi mat hMu4 trine -m, M hwnnt A i;J .. , ... , . . .... Larefet and e-1 ft- ed stocY iu t' i Qo: .S jclsaa tociatt -lac ' 1 Vr " "if