Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, October 09, 1902, Image 1

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Professional rani . l.flO ixr mouth
J'uMUhtxI r.vry Thunrfay W
S. A. Pottlaon
Kdltur end l'rirlUir,
One jnr 1 .' p,r month
One-quarter column 3 .0 rt m.ui'.tt
Onft-hlLl.f feiluiri!!.. till mnnlfo
On yetr (In advance) II. M
If nut 'IJ In advance 2.o
HI i moii ih. ,. 1.uu
Tbrwe nam tin W
Blli(le CvplM. ....... . ,06
One euluian , , HUM jvf mwitti
Bn.lHeslncl will be rh r)?inl t tomntu rip
line lor Brut JnwrtioH and ttnti j r 1iii
NO. 31. to th pnrtf rlerimc thrm, at ln?!l
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Put Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Moat
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Readers.
A tornado in Tennessee, near Mem
phis, did great damage to projtorty and
eoat one I tie.
It la estimated that there will be ful
ly BOO delegates In attendance at the
irrigation congress,
Bteamnhtp companies have mixed
freight raUa on coal from foreign torts
to the United State.
It is certain that President Roose
velt will make another move towards
settling the coal strike as soon as he
can find a way.
A Southern Pacific through train
was wrecked near Han Antonio, Texas.
A number of passenger were injured,
but none fatally.
Another attempt is to be made to
combine the plow manufacturer of tho
country into one orgsnixation. Tho
new combine will Lave a capitalisation
of 175,000,000.
The Southern Pacific has sold its
large holding of coal fluids in British '
Columbia. This is taken to mean that
it is the company's intention to ui-e oil
for fuel in the f'lturo.
Retail merchants of New Orleans say
that if the street car strike is not sta
lled at once they will close their
stores. Such a move would throw 5,
000 clerks out of employment.
Prince Chun, brother of the emperor
of China, is married.
The national debt shows a decreaso
of f 10,000,000 for September.
Bulgarian bandits have murdered 150
Greeks during the past two months.
President Roooevelt has asked both '
sides to the coal strike to confer with
him at the White House. I
An effort Is being made to effect a
combine of Pacific coast (louring mills
with a capital of 125,000,000,. '
Mrs. B. F. James, mother of Louis
James, the trsgedian, is dead at her
home in l'oughkeepsle, N. Y.
The jury has been completed in the
Bt. Louis legislature boodle case, and
the taking of testimony is in progress.
The state election In Georgia result
ed in the election of the Democratic
ticket. Joseph M. Ferrell, ex-state at- i
torney genoral, waa chosen governor.
A plan has been perfected whereby ,
the coal companies will ship a supply
of fuel to New York, the tenoment dis
tricts to be supplied first, the hospitals
nAxfc Aiwl fcliAn tliA Ipanarmrtatlnn nnm I
. 1 -
Continued heavy rains have stopped
all war maneuvers at Fort Riley, Kan.
Secretary Shaw's order releasing the
reserve, put f 200,000 Into circulation
at Portland.
Savages on the warpath in New
Guinea have massacred many people
and burned whole villages.
The president's condition continues
to improve fast and he is able to attend
to a great deal of business.
The Cuban government has made a
law which provides for Cuban labor in
all kinds of public service.
Miss Alice Hay, daughter of Secie
tary of State Hay, was married to
James W, Wadsworth, of New York.
Two American inventors are experi
menting with flying machines on Long
Island. One ship ascended 1,000 feet
and sailed about two miles and the
other ascended 4,000 feet and made a
flight of nearly five miles.
The senate committee on Pacific is
lands and Porto Rico has finished its
work in the Hawaiian Islands and has
sailed for San Francisco. The com
mittee listened to testimony regarding
the land laws, public improvements
needed, bubonic plague epldemio and
many other matters of lessor import
ance. One thousand people are now be
lieved to have perished in the Sicily
In spite of rain, the full war maneu
vers are being carried out by the trorps
at Fort Riley, Kan.
Lumber shipments by water from the
Columbia river will this year, for tho
first time on record, exceed 100,000,
000 feet.
Brigadier General Sumner, in charge
of the movement against the Moros,
says the rebels are not 'so unruly as
It is said that Queen Maria Chris
tina, mother of King Alfonso of Spain,
has married Count de Escorura, hor
master of the bouse.
Three desperate prisoners in the
Dillon, Mont., jail sawed their way out.
It la believed they secured aid from the
outside. Oliicers are In close pursuit.
Venezuela plans to cut all the cables
nil an A loan iviinKnat. mnv )u tin.
M V. ... ...U..UMM J
cesaary in those waters.
Cholera still rages in the Island of
Samar. The population of many of
the towns have been heavily leduced
through - death and the flight of the
panic stricken people.
A tidal wave swept Japan, drowning
at least 600 people. Much property
waa destroyed. A Japanese warship
waa driven ashore, but will probably
be floated.
Explosion Near Black Diamond, Washing,
ton, Klila i:ivn Miners,
Seattle, Oct. 4. A special from
Black Diamond, Wanh., to the Post
Intelligencer says:
Eleven men were killed an J throe In
jured in mine explosion on the fourth
level at the Iawton mine, tnllo from
thla place, about 9 o'clock laat night.
The men employed in the working,
or chutes, were Instantly killed. Two
gangway men and a driver, working
further In the level, or gangway, evi
dently escaped tha force of the explo
sion, and Instinctively started toward
the iloH) for safety. The deadly after,
damp swept tiown on them and thoy
auccsmbod, after not more than a few
minute' struggle against the fate their
experience aa minor told them lay in
atore for thein.
Only the bodied of the men In the
workings are burned, allowing that the
about of flume which followed the ex
ploblun did not extend to tiie slope,
though it ii declared by some watcher
to have boon soon from the air ahafta.
Those minora whose bodies were
burned were discovered lying in
cramped positions, their legs closely
drawn up to their bodies and their
hand clinched. Duat covered their
faooa ao they were uniecognixeble when
flrt taken from the mine. Their
clothea were torn and thickly coated
with coal duat. The other bodies were
not disfigured.
Fourteen men we're working on No. 4
south ami four on No. 4 north. Nine
teeiijtmn had been assigned to duty on
No. 3 In vol. Prior to the entrance of
the flrat shift the mine had been in
spotted for gaa, and before the second
shift went on duty the duat waa sprin
kled. Of the 14 men iu tho crew on
No, 4 south, the three who were in
jured were working in the main slope.
rirt Governor of Oregon Under Its State
Constitution Paaaca Away.
Eugene, Or., Oct. 3. Ex-governor
John Whltcaker, the first governor of
the state of Oregon, died at bis home
In Eugene at 7:45 o'clock last eevnlng.
lie lingered in a state of unconscious
ness all day, and the watchers at his
bedside expected his death at any
moment. He had been nuable to take
any nourishment since Wednesday
morning. Yesterday morning . he
seemed to give some Indication of con
sciouanexs by making a slight motion
with his left hand, which waa taken to
mean beckoning to his aged wife, whom
be wanted near him constantly. When
she would take his hand he would be
come calm, which was the only sign of
consciousness. His last moments were
He suffered a stroke of paralysis two
years ago, which occasioned alarm, but
from which he recovered. About three
weeks ago he suffered a second stroke,
from which he never recovered. He
leaves a wife, two sons and one daugh
ter. He was a member of Eugene lodge
A. F. & A. M., under whora auspices
the funeral services will be held, prob
ably Saturday.
Born in Indiana 1820.
Married in 1847.
Came to Oregon in 1853.
Elected probate judge in 1856.
Member of territorial legislature in
Elected governor in 1858.
Elected to legislature in 1866.
Reelected 1858. -Speaker
of house 1870.
President of senate 1876.
Member of congress from Oregon
Collector of internal revenue at Port
land in 1885.
Died 1902.
McKlnley Fund Piling Up.
Cleveland, O., Oct. 4. Colonel
Myron T. Herrick, treasurer of the
National McKlnley Memorial Associa
tion, is receiving hundreds of letters
dally containing small contributions to
the memorial fund. Some time since
unknown persons started a 10-cent, 5-
cent and 2-cent endless chain scheme
in connection with the monument fund.
Up to date fully 50,000 of these letters
have been received by Judge Day,
president of the association, at Canton,
and forwarded to the treasurer's office.
Many letters are from Europe.
Holds Canal Title Oood.
New York, Oct. 4. William Nelson
Cromwell, general counsel for the new
Panama Canal company, who has re
turned from Paris, says he delivered to
Attorney General Knox, In Paris, every
conveyance, decree, concession or other
dooument relating to to the properties
of the new Panama Canal company,
and its unquestionable power to con
vey the canal, the plant, concessions
and other property to the United
States, free and clear of all lions or
claims of any kind.
Reservoirs Qave Way.
Camden, N. J., Oct. 4. The city
reservoir near the Delaware river broke
today, and about 8,000,000 gallons of
water escaped and flowed down Twenty'
seventh street, flooding the cellars of
many houses and doing other damage
A watchman whose duty it is to open a
valve when the water reaches a certain
height neglected to do so, and the water
flowed over the 'embankment, washing
away the earth to such an extent that
the break followed.
rrrns op interest from all parts
op the state.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of
the Past Week-Brief Review of the
Growth and Development of Various
Industries Throughout Our Common
wealth La teat Market Report.
Burglars entered the Wood I -urn poet
ofllc but were scared away before they
had opened the safe.
The construction work on the new
barracks building at Fort Columbia
is practically comidctml.
Extensive preparations are being
made for the dedication of Agricultural
hall at the agricultural college Octo
ber 15.
The medical department of Wil
lamette University opened its 37th an
nual session with an enrollment of 35
The Willamette valley Is filled with
hunters after the Chinese pheasants,
the law against killing them having ex
plied October 1.
Master Fish Warden VanDuson has
just returned from a trip to the new
hatchery at Ontario, Eastern Oregon.
He reports that the prospects there are
exceptionally good.
A Chinaman, who has leased the
Salmon Creek placer mines, in Eastern
Orcgm, has discovered a nugget worth
$15,000. This is by far the largest
nugget ever found in this state.
The prevalence of smallpox, diph
theria, scarlet fever and measles in
r ngene has awakened the authorities
to the need of more vigilant quarantine
regulations, and in the future the
stricteet caution will be observed.
The Indian war veterans of Oregon
held a meeting at Salem and parsed a
resolution acking the legislature to
issue 4 per cent 20-year bonds to the
amount of (300,000 for the purpose of
paying the veterans the balance of f 1.45
per day each for their services in the
Indian wars. At the time of the
trouble the state agreed to pay $2 per
dty, hut the men have never reoeievd
but about 54 cents per day.
Six harvest hands were held np at
The Dalles and relieved of (300.
A cold atnrnira and meatromnanv has
been formed in Ashland with a capital
of (25,000.
The prune crop In Marion county
ill tlA tlMrtw ona.llw MattiarA.1 kv III.
end of the present week.
The board of regents of the state uni
versity, at Eugene, have made arrange
ments to include a music department.
Mrs. Florence At wood, state presi
dent of the Rebekahs, died at her home
in Baker City September 23 of pneu
monia. .
Over one-half of the Washington
county agricultural and horticultural
exhibit, which took the first prise at
the state fair, has been sent East,
where It will have a place in a num
ber of fairs and carnivals.
Pardons have been asked for Con
vlcts Louis Level and H. 8. Warriner,
sentenced from Multnomah county for
The 16th annual fair of the Butte
Creek Agricultural association, held at
Marquam, had a large attendance and
was very successful in every respect.
Preparations are well advanced for
the district fair to be held at Roseburg
during the five days beginning October
7. A splendid livestock exhibit is ex
Wheat Walla Walla, 62c; blues tem
65c; valley, 63c.
Barley Feed, (19.50 per ton; brew
ing, (20.50.
Flour Best grade, 3.303.65: grah
am, (2 853.20.
Mlllstuffs Bran, (18.50 per ton;
middlinss, (23.50; shorts, (19.50;
chop, (17.
Oats No. 1 white, (11.02M ;gray,
P5ctg(l per cental.
Hay Tirnotnyr f loan ! clover,
(7.50; cheat, (8 per ton.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, (4.505;
per pound, 11c; hens, (55.50 per
dozen; per pound, 12c; springs, (3.50
4 per dozen; fryers, (33.50; broil
ers, (2.503; ducks, (4.505 per doz
en; turkeys, young, 1415c; geese,
(6(30.50 per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13c; Young America, 1314$;
factory prices, llMu less..
Jiutter Fancy creamery, 2527Kc
per pound; extras, 27c; dairy, 176
20c; store, 12K15.
Egss 22K26o per dozen.
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 60 65c
per sack; ordinary, 6055o per cental.
growers' prices; (Merced sweets, (2
'i.'ib per cental.
Hops New crop, 20 21c per pound
Wool-Valley, 12X15c; Eastern
Oregon, 814c; mohair, 2628c.
ueei urosa, cows, , 33c per
pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 67c.
- Veal-7J8Hc
Mutton Gross, 3c per pound;
dressed, 6c.
Lambs' Gross, 3)c per pound;
d reaped, 66C.
Hogs Gross, 6?7c per pound;
dressed, 77 Ho.
The Santiago, a Nicaraguan volcano.
threatens an eruption. It towers above
the town of San Fernando de Massaya,
whoso 20,000 people are greatly
alarmed. s
Natives Lose 29 Men, but There are No
Casualties Among Blue Coats.
Manila, Oct. S. The Matin Moros
in Mindanao have offered but slight re
sistance to the column under Captain
Pershing, of the liftentsh cavalry.
After a series of skirmishes the Moros
retreated Into six hrln on the shores of
the lake. W hen a courier left Matin
yesterday for Camp Vkars, Captain
Pershing was preparing to assault the
last Moro stronghold.
The American column reached the
former camp at Macin Sunday night.
On Monday the Moros ojx-ned fire on
them with a bras caanon and rifle
from a erls of i f .' forts which had
been erected since Captain Pershing's
flrt visit to the place. The batter?
under Captain William 8. McNair
scaled a ridge commanding the position
of the Moros and shelled them out.
The engineers under Captain J. J. Mor
row bad constructed a trail over the
swamp, flanking the Morof' position.
me men ol Captain Pershiig's column
crossed the swamp by tie trail and
captured and dewtroyed three of the
Moro forts. The Moros stood but a
short while, and ran as sn as the
artillery opened on them; Captain
Pershing has orders to destroy the forts
unless the Moros make peace. Twenty
Moros were killed. There were no
casualties among the Americans. The
letter of General fcumner, iti command
of Mindanao, to' the Maira Sultans.
has been delivered.
Receipts for September $4,040,000 More
Than Same Month Laat, Year.
Washington, Oct. 3. The monthly
comparative statement of government
receipts and expenditures shbw that for
the month of September, 1902, the
total receipts were (48,580,381, an
increase of over (40,00,000 as com
pared with September, 1901, The ex
penditures for September were (37,-
654,798, leaving a surplus for the
month of (11,000,000. Th receipts
from the several sources of revenue am
given as follows:
Customa, (26,255,777; increase,
(7.000,000. Internal revenue, (19,-
789,808; decrease, (2,700,000. Mis
cellaneous, (2,564,89$; decrease, (250,-
000. The expenditures on account of
the war department weie about (250,
000 in excess of those in September,
iyui, and on account of the navy there
waa an increase of abtmt (1,500,000. , ,
" i "'
Payne Senda Out an Order Telling Postal
Employes Their Rights.
Washington, Oct. 8. Tcstmaster
General Payne today addressed a cir
cular letter to the officers and employes
of the postofBce department and others
concerned regarding the extent of the
prohibition put by the department cs
the political activity of postofSce em
poyes. The letter says:
"Postmasters or others having un
classified positions are merely prohib
ited from using their offices to control
political movements, from neglecting
their duties or causing public scandal
by political activity."
A person in the classified Bervice
has an entire right to vote as he
pleases and to express privately his
opinions oa all political subjects, but
he should take no active patt in politi
cal management or in political cam
Jury Promptly Returna a Verdict of Mur
der In the Second Degree.
Seattle, Oct. 3. Paul Underwood,
accused, with his wife, of drowning
their infant child in Salmon Bay, hss
been adjuded guilty of murder in the
second degree, the jury being out
scarcely half an hour. Through the
several days of the trial the young man
has maintained the greatest stolidity,
though he was surrounded by his sor
rowing parents and friends. Scenes
in his early married life, and events
connected with the closest and usutfMv
dearest memories of his child, were
constantly recalled.
The crime was committed on the last
day of May, and Underwood was cap
tured after a chase of two weeks
through the southwestern part of the
state. The penalty is from 10 to 20
years' imprisonment.
For Governor of Vermont.
Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 3. The legiala.
ture today elected as governor John G.
McCulloch, Rep., of Bennington. At
the polls General McCulloch failed to
receive a majority of votes, although
receiving the largest number of popular
votes cast. Today, however, he re
ceived his majority, having the support
of 104 members of tno convention. Z.
Stanton, Rep., was elected lieutenant
governor, receiving 181 votes. This
continues Republican control.
American Settlers in British Columbia
Vancouver. B. C. Oct. 8. .It is nnti.
mated that 27,000 Americans alone
have come in this year as bona fide
settleis, and of these over 20,000 have
been antnAllv recorded. Sixtv.flvn
thousand immigrants from different
countries will be recorded by the end of
the year.
Street Cars StiU Tied Un.
New Orleans. Oct. 3. The aitnnUnn
in the street railway strike remains
unchanged. Not a car is moving ex
cepting two mail cars, although this is
tne lourtn aay oi uie seme.
Miners are Willing to Submit Their Griev
ances to aa Arbitration Board Oper
ator Squarely Refuse Such a Move,
but Want Men to go to Work With
out Union Being Recognized.
Washington, Oct. 4. The great coal
conference between the president and
the representatives of the operators
and miners came to an end at the tem
porary White House at 4:55 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, with failure to
reach an agreement, and, apparently,
the rock upon which the conference
split was the recognition of the miners'
union. The president had nrged the
contending parties to cease strife in the
interest of the public welfare; the
miners, through the president of their
nnion, had expressed a willingness to
submit their grievances to arbitration
trial to be named by the president, and
to enter into an agreement to abide by
the terms fixed by the arbitration for
a period of one to fire years; and the
employers, through the presidents of
the railroad companies and a promi
nent mine operator, had squarely re
fused arbitration, had denounced the
miners' labor organization as a lawless
and anarchistic body, with which they
could and would have no dealings; bad
demanded federal troops to insure com
plete protection to workers and their
families in the mining region, and
court proceedings against the miners'
union, and had offered, if the men re
turned to work, to submit grievances at
individual collieries to the decision of
the judges of the court of common pleas
for the district of Pennsylvania in
which the colliery was located. There
the matter closed. Last night both the
miners and the operators remained in
the city, but today they returned to
their several localities, saying that the
struggle will continue.
Address of the President.
The president's appeal to the mine
operators and the miners was short and
to the point. He said in part :
"I wish to call your attention to the
fact that there are three parties affected
by the situation in the anthracite trade
the opeiators, the miners, and the
general public. I speak for neither
the miners nor the operators, but
for the general public. The ques
tions at issue which led to the sit
uation affect immediately the parties
concerned the operators and the min
ers; bat the situation itself vitally
sheets the public.
"I disclaim any right or duty to in
tervene in this way upon legal grounds
or upon any omcial relations that J
bear to the situation, but the nigency
and the terrible nature of the catastro
phe immediately impending over a
large portion of out people in the shape
of a wjnter fuel famine impel me, after
much anxious thought, to believe that
mv dnty requires me to nse whatever
influence I personally can bring to
effect a settlement of the situation
which has become literally intolerable.
"I do not invite a discussion of your
respective claims and positions. I ap
peal to your partiotism, to the spirit
that sinks personal considerations, and
makes individual sacrifices for the gen
eral good."
Mitchell on-the Result.
Following is the text of President
Mitchell's statement, made after the
conference had failed :
"As a consequence of this refusal of
the operators, either to grant conces
sions or to refer to individual arbitra
tion, the coal strike will go on. I am
firmly convinced that the miners will
win, although we deeply regret the re
fusal of the railroad presidents to defer
to the wishes of the chief executive of
the United States. The president ex
pressed the hope that there would be no
lawlessness in the coal fields, and the
representatives of the miners assured
him that their every effort would be
exerted to maintain peace."
Vice-President Wilcox's Views.
David Wilcox, vice-president and
general counsel of the Delaware & Hud
son railroad, in his statement to the
president, said in part:
"The United Mine workers is the
most extensive combination and monop
oly which the country has ever known.
It habitually enforces its orders and
directions by whatever means may be
most effectual, including strikes, boy
cotts, picketing, besetting and the like,
not confined to its own members alone,
but in wnlcn are compelled to loin, as
far as possible, all other persons simil
arly employed. Its violent methods
have already received the condemnation
of the circuit court of the United States.
"The question at present is merely
whether an unlawful association shall
be permitted in this country by means
which are illegal to decide who shall be
allowed to work; what shall be his
hours of work, and what he shall be
paid. This is contrary to the spirit
and letter of our laws. If they are en
forced, such an effort will cease at
The statements made by the other
operators present at the conference were
along the same lines as tbat of Mr
Ordered to Suspend Work.
Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 6. Presi
dent Flynn, of the United Mineworkors
of America, district of Alabama, stated
today that be had issued orders for all
the miners of the Tennessee Coal &
Iron Railroad company, at the Blue
Creek and Blocton mines to Biispend
work. About 1,600 men will be in
volved. The strike grows out of the
refusal of the company to withhold
assessments made by the miners'
nnion for the anthracite strikers.
Preildcnt Will See What May be Done la
the Coal Fields.
Washington, Oct. 2. The president
yesterday took initiative steps to ascer
tain what, if anything, could be done
by the federal authority to settle the
coal strike. The result was a general
expression of opinion by the advisors
of the president, who were present, to
the effect that the federal laws and con
stitution do not afford means of federal
interference to end the strike, bat
another conference will be held today,
and the president will do all he can
properly and legally to bring ahont a
eettk-roent. At the temporary White
I loose a conference waa held with the
three cabinet officers Attorney Gene
ral Knox, Secretary. Moody and Post
master General Payne. Governor
Crane, of Massachusetts, was also
present, ThebO gentlemen met with
President Roosevelt, and after the sub
ject bad been considered for some time,
tttey adjourned to another room and
conferred together for an hour. They
all returned later in the day and held
another conference with the president,
and the strike situation waa discussed
President Roosevelt is deeply con
cerned over the situation. The ap
proach of winter, with a coal famine
imminent, and the dutrees znd suffer
ing that must ensue unless coal be
comes available, present a situation
which, he thinks, should receive the
attention oi the administration if there
is anything that can be done by the
government. Many appeals have been
made to him, and many suggestions
have been received by him, and it was
with a view to ascertain what power
tbe federal authority could evoke that
ears aed the conference to be held.
During the conference every phase of
the situation! was discussed. The
general opinion of the advisers was that
the situation did not present a rage in
which there could be federal interfer
ence by any warrant of law. There
has been no interference with federal
authority in the mining region, either
by stoppage of the mails or resistance
of the United States court process. It
w as pointed out thtt there was no occa
sion for the use of federal troops, as
Governor Stone, of Pennsylvania, bad
not called on the government for assist
ance, nor had be even exhausted the
resources of the state by calling out the
lull strength of the state militia.
Geological Survey Party Returns From
Wttda of Alaska.
Seattle, Oct. 2. Alter traversing a
wilderness where white men have never
before ventured, the United States
geological survey has completed a pre
liminary examination of the country
lying between Cook inlet and the
A party of seven, under the leader
ship of Alfred H. Brooks, made the
trip from Tynook to the Tanana, and
later leahed Ramp trt, on the Ynkon,
after several months' hard work. The
entire country was carefully mapped,
and tbe reports have been sent on to
Washington by Mr. Brooks, now in
Several new details were discovered
which will greatly aid future pros
pectors. .
The trip was snch a hard one that,
out of 20 carefully selected horses, only
11 survived. For hundreds of miles
the party never saw a white man, and,
indeed, were the majority of the time
in a totally uninhabited land. They
passed closer to Mount Mc Kin ley than
any other white man. Many new
streams were located and named, and
another party will probably be sent in
next year to continue the work.
People Fleeing to the Mountains, Leaving
the Dead Unboiled.
Manila, Oct. 2. It is understood
that 5,124 cases of cholera and 2,740
deaths from tbat disease were reported
in the province of Ho Ilo, Island of
Panay, on Monday. This is the high
est record for any district since the out
break of the disease occurred, and ex
ceeds the total of Manila and many of
the provinces since the commencement.
The town of Miago, in the province of
Ilo Ilo, was the worst sufferer, 1,173
cases being reported there Monday.
At Cabettaun there were 899 cases,
and at Dumangea 395 cases were re
ported on Monday. The people aie
fleeing to the mountains, leaving the
dead unburied and the dying uncared
for. The government has ordered ad
ditional . doctors and medicines to be
sent to Ilo Ilo. The number of vic
tims makes ordinary sanitary measures
impossible. The total of all the pro
vinces Monday waa 5,390 cases and
3,091 deaths.
Croker on Trial.
New York, Oct. 2. Edward F. Crok
er, chief of the New York fire depart
ment, was placed on trial today . before
Fire Commissioner Sturgis, who pre
ferred charges against the chief. The
charges are seven in all, and they In
clude accusations of incompetency,
sending in false reports, violation of
the constitution of the state of New
York, conversion of public property to
private use, conduct prejudicial to good
order and discipline.
Salt Company Falls. .
Trenton, N. J., Oct. 2. Chancellor
Magio has appointed Frank P. McDer
mott, of Jersey City, and Nathan S.
Beardslee, of Warsaw, N. Y., receivers
for the National salt company. The
application for a receiver was made by
Chauncey H. Strickland, of New York.
The company's liabilities are given at
(1,150,000 and quick assets at (858,
000. "
Start Will be Made in Number of Placet
In the Spring Funds How on Hand
Will Build at Least Ten Irrigation
Systems Complete No Contracts Wiit
be Let L'ntSI Cash is on Hand.
Washington, Oct. 2. There is today
In the trc-asory between (7,6;O,0rt ntul
(8,000,00i, which, nnUr U;e atof tl.e
last tewion of conare, ia to ttttiptitM
the reclamation frH, an J w!.h:!t U
now availah'o for -li- o-r i.-'i
irrigation project as will Lo H.'.retcd
by the secretary of the interior next
spring; for construction. About 3,
000,000 of this was derived from the net
revenue from th9 sale and di.-nocition
of public lands in the fiscal year 1001,
and about (4,600,000 as the net reve
nue for the last fiscal year. The gross
revenues for the past year ex eed thoo
of any proceeding fh-ca! year, amonnt-
tng to about (6,200,000. The fund is
made up not only from fees and com
missions, bnt fines and foifeiturea for
abuses of public land laws. The de
duction of total expenditures for main
taining the public land service, together
with the allowances for agricultural
colleges, leaves the amount stated.
Department officials are highly grati
fied to find over (1,000,000 more than
was contemplated with w hich to begin
work on irrigation systems next ytar.
This total will build at leatt ten pro
jects of medium size and probably
more, depending upon coft. No work
is to be undertaken to cost more than
the amount available in the reclama
tion fund at the time contracts are let.
People la New York are Now Tearing Up
iictewalks for Fuel.
New York, Oct. 2 Not a ton of
anthracite coal can be had here at any
price, says a Kochester, I. Y., dispatch
to the Times. Sidewalk inspectors
report that in the ontlvinz districts
residents are tearing up the sidewalks
and using them for fuel. Altogether
several miles of plank walks have been
pried np with crowbars and carried off.
In some sections, canal bridres have
been stripped of planking. Piles of
new lumber left on the streets for re
pairs also have disappeared.
Hospitals of New York city are
threatened with being seriously affect
ed by the scarcity of coal. The J.
Hood Wright hospital has only enough
to last this week, while St. Luke' waa
so fortunate as to obtain a caigo of 240
tons about a week ago enough to last
tao months. St. Mary's hospital for
children has practically no supply of
steam coal, and is using furnace coal.
of whhh it has about 25 tons. This
condition prevails at many other in
It was said at the office of the chari
ties department that no real distress
has been experienced in any of the
city's charitable institutions.
The price of anthracite has reached
(21, but some retailers are peddling
out their small supply at (15 or (16
to old cuptomers. Importation of
Welsh anthracite and French bitumin
ous can in no way relieve the situation,
for the few cargoes that have been
landed are of little account. There are
only about 8,000 tons of this coal now
on the way, but orders have been placed
tins week for over 25,000 tons. At
least a month is required, however, to
fill the orders. The cost of importing
W elsh coal under normal conditions is
abont (7.
Irrigation Congress Is Interesting Great
est Minds of the Nation.
Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. 2.
The committees in charge of the ar
rangements for the 10th National irri
gation congress, which convenes here
October 6. have received encouraging
reports which promise a large attend
ance of noted men from all parts of the
country. Large delegations from the
commercial clubs of Omaha and St.
Paul will come in private cars. New
Mexico. Texas, Wyoming, Kansas and
Nebraska cities will also send large
delegations. The subjects to be hand
led, affecting as they do the proper ex
penditure of (8,000,000 of public
money now available, and the pioceeda
from future land sales for the reclam
ation of millions of arid acres, and the
making of homes for millions of people
now crowded in the cities, have attract
ed the highest minds of the nation,
from captains of industry to the leaders
of labor organizations. Letter3 of in
dorsement of the possibilities of the con
gress are pouring in every day from
these peoplo.
Fast Train Wrecked.
Des Moines, Oct. 2. The Eoe.k
Island fast mail, west bound, was
wrecked this morning at Newton, 40
miies east oi nere. JNo Iosb of life oc
curred. Three, cars left the track.
The accident occurred while the train
was attempting to get around the wreck
of a freight train which went through a
bridge across Skunk river vestenlav.
Three tramps were reported" to have
Deen Killed in the latter wreck. The
bridge is completely demolished.
The Wisconsin at Panama.
Washington, Oct. 2. The navy de
partment has received a cablegram
announcing the arrival of Rear Ad
miral Silas Casey aboard his flagship,
the Wisconsin, at Panama, after an
almost nnequaled run down the Pacific
coast of 3,270 miles in one day less
than two weeks. Rear Admiral Casey
will assume general command of the
American naval fcrces on the isthmus.