'4- f THE GQIIDOM GLOBE. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IS, 1902, THB OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM m COUNTy, OHEOON. LOCAL NEWS, Condon Milliner)' Co. Don't overlook Jolm J:kon' ntiw ltd.. . - ; , A. Uartmnn U doing Jury duty thl week, , ... Frot! AdlsrJ r, li I p from Ajf doln Jury duty. . Dick Uiuct ir.. wm lu town diirln k MuConnull wm In from Alvlllo falurdnv. v LnUttitylimln Imti at Condon Mil Wmtf UV. .. ' tJuo. Martin h nccrpted t poeltlon In Arlington. ..,.. J'trry lUut cmn ever from Lone Rock fenmUv to ntUnil court, K. B, Vhit rlnrnet Rumlay from busiin'M trip to Arlington. 0. V. IVupot A Co. luvo clmiiguof J tUU wk. Ueml It, B. K. taref htu purchnwd four line reidHiic tutt on th Kt Hulo, '. '' It nr your proper? ng-alttat Art In the ' I'lici ul. I-ttii'9fitr A rtiliii, g-iiU, W. F. Allan went out to AJu Kalur day to U,in a term of ediool lher Mon I Mint Crrl pHiineman, of Clmn, Mi Monday for Mt. Tatar, nar I'ortUud, to engngf In teaching. ; School will commence nett Monday All pupil ihould to i)ieeut for tlm opening of Hit tor in. Mn. HiOtt nd Mlw Maggie Swlt, of Portland are. hor viltin the former' v daughter, Mr. John Jackeon, i li. N. Audorton wa In town Satur ... day, He will move hi family lo Lute ltock thl week for the Winter. W. A. Darling relurnej from Portland Hnndity. While In the city he piireltas h! a floe piano for hi daughter. Mr. II. 0. Birfckland and daughter, Haiel and Genevieve, leave today for ! I'ortluud to ipend the Winter. , 'DUtrict Attorney Menefee I here thl veek doing hit utmost to make the way of the alleged traiiMgressor hard. Oliver Ward took lite dnoghter to Ar- linirtnu laot "week Irom where he went to Walla Walla to attend echool. ttube McKlnney ha hi new rldnce In town cotuplfted and fuirilnhvd. 11 , will iniveHU la ult in thl week. C. A. Danneinen, of Cleln, I at Salem title week taking a pout graduate eoure tn bald-faced llerforda at the Btate Fair. Mi Lulu FlUwaU'r and brother ttob left Sunday for Monmouth where they will enter the State Normal School a etodenta. ... f John F, I'lnkham If building a reel - delicti on the Kat bide. Ill eon, Fred 8. rinkham, and hi family will occupy it with him. Pprlngnton & Roger are building a big hay ihed on lot north "of their res idence In which to atore their Winter' aupply of baled hay. f 'Mr; and Mm. W. U. Flett came op from Rock Creek Saturday, Mrs. h lett, who has been lu poor health for eome time, remained here under Dr. Wood treatment. She l Maying with Mr. Downer. ": Fred A. Edwards, of the University of Oregon, has Wen secured as coach by the Albany College foot ball team. Mr. 1 Edwards Is a Uilliam county boy, being son of W, J, Edward, of Mayville. Eldor W. A. Goodwin, who has been absenjiiu seypral . months engaged in mitei3nry-erk, came home Thursday i for a visit with his family. His work, 'during the Summer, has been 'at Port- land, Indepeudeuoe, Albany , aud New- port. ' " "- .-- B.K. Searcy was over from Beecher Saturday. He says that a fatal disease Is nrevalent anionn the cattle in his neigh borhood. Mike Dukek had already lost ten head and had 20 more tick. It is believed to be dry murrain with which , they are affected. Apostle Luff and Bishop Milliard, of the L. D. 8. church, commenced a series of meetings here last .evening. They ". will continue unti 1 Sunday evening and perhaps longer. Mr. Luff is raid to be the greatest preacher lu that church and a roost eloquent speaker. , - - The Condon iviilllaery Co. has Just Jnpened a fine line of Fall and Winter . Millinery In tholr score qii Spring street. Their stock, which has been carefully eelected.ls freBhaod up-to-date andtheir trimmer Is one of the bent to be found. All the ladies should cull and see them. ' 3. W. Clark, of Ferry Canyon, writes the Olohe from Promise, Wallowa Co., ' to have his paper sent to that address. Continalng he lays: "Am here for the Winter to ascertain the depth of snow . and severity of weather before 'moving niy stock. I expect to move nest Spring Tit the weather suits." The dense smoke which drifted in 'from the big foreut tiroa weet of the ' Cascades and settled like a pall over this part of the State lust week, made life other than an unmixed joy. The biting ,f choking smoke wrs a plague to eyes and t nose and temper mid the shifting wind " Sunday evening, which partially cleared the atmosphere, whs hailed ' with de- - light by everyone. , Born Suturday, September 13, 1902, . to the wife of It, E. Cuendet, of this city l n 10 or 15 pound boy. . It is alleged that Henry was obliged to borrow a suit of J clothes from Jean Labous after the ad- vent of his son and hnir, his own "dtKis" having suddenly Ijecome about four sis- y. es too small. Certain it Is that his chin 4'ls tilted np at an astonishing angle and V he is almost too bupy.fo talk washing nliii'hiriM ' ' Circuit Court Proceeding. The regular Fall term of Circuit Com convened here M;imUy morning with Judge W. L. Bradihaw on the IhuicIi District Attorney Me oh foe was also pres ent, The following attorneys were! attendance : Mers Van Vactor, Dr ling, and Bowermau, of Condon, Ourley aud Crass, of Arlington, Hendricks and Bnulling, of Fossil, WMton aud Slunolt of The Halls, Bright, of Moro. and Con iter, of McMinnvllle, Court Btenogra- pher Dufur was aloo on baud aud O. Ncale was In his accutiouifd place as right-hand nmu to the Court while Win Caldwell attended to the duties of jury bailiff. The criminal action against Adolpli llappold, who was charged with ob structing a public highway, was taken op Monday and quickly disposed of. being conclusively shown that the roat in qnetlou was t a legally established highway, the Court Instructed the jury to return a verdict of acquittal which was done accordingly, ee Considerable Interest centered in the criminal action In which Thos. Caine Uuorge, Arthur and John Madden were chargml with the larceny of a mule. A jury was secured for the trial of thl case Monday evening and the semination of wilnenM-e began Tudy morning. The Jury In this esse consisted of the follow lug cltlsen: Lewis Couture, Win, Llv lngton, W, g, Farr, Joe Foa, W. J. tin I on, Ja. Ctdwell, Geo. Earhart, I-e roy Paul, Win. West, Henry' Wilkins, V. Moore and F. C. Duller. The taking of testimony occupied most of the day Tuesday. The Htate of fered evidence to the effect that the mnle la question, alleged to lie the property of F. M. Brown, of Rock creek , was taken from the range, near Lone Rock, last December by Oeorge ami John Mad den and was by them (presumably) turned over to Caine and Arthur Mud deu w ho drove it to Pendleton w ith some other stock where Caine sold it to Chat Cunningham. The defense did not deny the act of selling but introduced evidence to the ffuct that the mule Uuo and John Mad- leu were seen driving on the road was not the same animal which Caine sold to Cunningham and that the mule sold by Caine was secured by him from a man unmed Wlar while on the road to Pen dleton. At the evening session the court room was crowded, the arguments of the at torneys to the jury being the attraction. The State was represented by District Attorney Menefee and Mr. Fuelling and the defendants by Sam E. Van Vector and II. 8. Wilson. The case was sub mitted to the jury at about 10 p. in. sod Iter only a few minutes detileration a verdict of uol guilty was rendered The case of John Nelson vs W. L. Wilcox, sheriff, was on trial yesterday loifore a jury. The case grew out of a squabble over some attached property nd, among other thing, an effort was made to impeach the testimony of two of the plaiiititTs witnesses. The case come from the south end of Furry Can yon precinct, a bailiwick which never fails to furnUh racy and Interesting court cases and this one was no excep tion to the rule. Even the Court , for the time being, wooed away from his nsnal stern at teutlon to the business In hand. One witness, after giving the usual Impeachment testimony, volun teered the information that there was a ring" down there whose 30 or 40 mem bers "stood In together to help each oth er out" but that he did not belong to it. Some pretty tough people down there Isn't there ? queried Attorney Van Vac tor, who was conducting the cross exam ination. "Ian" your homestead some where down that way?" put in the udge to the lawyer ; and in the general laugh that followed the answer of the line's was-loet, Van saved .an excep tion and Judge Bradshaw forgot to rap for order. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff. , r Following, given in brief, !s a report of the disposition of the docket (so far as reached up to the hour of going to press: " CRIMINAL. State vs Thomas Caine, Geo Madden, Arthur Madden and John Madden. Larceny of a mule, Not guilty. State vs Adolpli Ha ppold Obstruct ing public highway. Not guilty. tAW. August Seekamp vs J G Stevenson. Continued tor term. " Ida F Dennieon by her guardian at li tumjay Uowerman, vs Dixon Guunt and Dick 'Juant. Continued for term. Perkins Windmill Co. vs L W Darling. Settled and dismissed. Lost Valley Lumber Co vsR LGlmlin et as.-Default and lodgement. Order to sell attached property. S B Barker vs R L Glmlin et ux. Default and judgement. Order to sell attached property. A H Reudy vs Walter Dickie. Con firmation granted. Wm Kevs & Son vs D M Walton. Settled and dismissed. Wm Keys & Son vs Mary J Walton. Settled and dismissed. Rolhchild Bros vs M E Summers. Settled and dismissed. : equity . J N Hart vs E llidgway Wingateetal. Confirmation granted. , Sarah A Bradfleld vs Wm J BradGeld. Default and decree. , (Continued, on 2nd, page.) A Shooklng Calamity "Lately befell a railroad laborer," writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Williford, Ark. "His foot wsb badly crushed, but Buck leu's Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It's simply wonderful for Burns, Boils, Piles and all. skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer. Cure guaran teed, 25.'. For Bale by Con;lon Pharmacy. Jewelry and Wo have arMed to our 'immense- tock of fine wRfchrs and jewelry an extensive linn of 'fine roh'i and filled gold watch cits'H and an assortment f ft'l the brands of standard movements micli as IClgin, Wallheni. Ham ilton and Coluu.bua movement. Thfj rnt-c and movement have jiint b;eii selected hy our practicing jeweler, while in Chicago, and are the very bct grade made. All watchea bought of u are cared for and fully guaranteed. Call and see this fine line of gwds. AH OPTICAL GRADUATE IH ATTENDANCE. Condon Pharmacy (PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS.) Itemeniber us when in net-d of Drugs, Paint, Oil,. Oka or anything that may be found in an up-to-date 'drug store. . r Dainty Sweets '..' . , ' " '' ELGIN Best Lunch Goods juTAnnmruumniuiuirunxnuuinrutinnrui CLARKE & FRAZER Make a specialty of Doors, ; Windows, Mouldings, Locks, Nails and all builders' trimmings. Also Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass. Hardware and Furniture, Dishes and Enameled Ware. Get our prices. WE WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD. i lit; uunuun g and carries .the it Fresh and " Salt Meats, andCigars, Ice Cream and Ice Cold Drinks to be found in the city. . Call and see us. JOHN JACKSON. Proprietor. We now have i LARGE STOCK OF Drugs, Patent Medicines, and Toilet Articles. We have lately added a Complete Line of Paints, Oils and Stationery. Our Goods are Fresh and our Prices are Right. . Wilson's Pharmacy Condon Meat Co. WM. C. EDDEN, Manssrer. Will eerve the people of Condon and vicinity with the tin iest Fresh and Suit Meats, Sausage, Bologna etc., , First-class Cutter at the Block. Our wagon will Biipuly meats to harvesting and threshing . j crews during the season as follows: Ferry Canyon Mon days and Thursdays. .Mayville Tuesdays and Fridays. Matney Flat and Hay Creek Wednesday and Saturday. iijest Job priijtiij? for ' uiuiiuiaiiiiiiaiiiiiuuutiiaiiaiiiaiaiiiauuuuiuiiiiuii Eyeglasses. Ice Cold Drinks : .' ., f ," 1, MYERS. Finest Cigars ' " lvieciL lvictrKUt Confectionery, finest line of Candies, Nuts 1 fill at tl?e dC0"BE Office. JinnnnnnnnnnTinrtri rfi DUNN BROS Fall Shoes! ! We have just rwwved a fine line of Full RJks whfrh htvo been carefully selected and an etriclly li re tela a. IigJit repair work (liftfrre on all thovn sold; by this store. Repair Work a Specialty. 0. U. piOpSS 0 ;0. Tair; 5t. Iloadquarters for McMorris' Telephone Supplies. We Carry A complete flock of Dry Coodo, Grocorics, Furnishing Goods, " Boot and Shoes, Hat Cap, Hnrdare, Queensware etc. We lake orders for - Strauss Bros. Tailor-made Suits. Stephenson & Wilcox. New Harness and Saddle Shop. Harness, Saddles Collars, Whips and all horse supplies. Our Harness is all Hand-made. We invite inspection as to High Quality and Low Prices Fix n8. Cantry & Build! WHEAT INTERIOR WAREHOUSE WHEAT Iligheiit price fmid tor Grain of ll kin-ls. StOMije na.l baling of Woil. General Warehouse and Merchandise Business. BALFOUR, CUTKHIE & C3 , M'C'ES. CONDON HOTEL rinjinjmnxuuvjirunjinurinjin - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuinnnnannjiruTnnui THE IKEHART'S RESTAURANT - The public will find that no better accom4 modations can, be found in this county than this place. Good meals, clean beds. HEADQUARTERS GEO. W. RIXEH ART, Prop. UNIVERSITY OF ORECOH, Eugene, Oregon. The first Semester Session 1902:3 opens Wednesday, September 17. The following Schools" and Colleges are Comprised in the University. Graduate School College of Literature Science and Arts College of Science and Engineering University Academy School of Music School of Medicine School of Law. Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law Medicine and Music. (Incidental fee $1.00, Student-Body $2.50 per year.) Cost of living from $100 to $200 per year. For catalogue, address Registrar of the University, Eugene, Oregon. UNIVERSITY SCIIOOLOF MUSIC, Irving M. Glen, A. -M., Dean. Piano; Mrs. Roe MidRley Hollenbeck (Jiwfry.C.ortatewskt.Schwarenskti) Piano; Mr. A. I Fraicr (Five yearn with W. O. Nah.) Voice; Min Eva Vinson (Kiim Conservatory Treblli Music School.) Violin: Mrs. John L Pipes (Spitrner, Spiering.) Theory; Mists Eva tinsuu, Mrs. KuseM.Holleubot'k, Term on application to Dean. ' JAKCASTER & PATTI30N, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Farm and Town property for sale. Correspond ence solicited. CONDON, OREGON. Darling, ASUNSTOM, BLA13CX, DOUSUS. ICKE jvnrunnj THIS POPULAR HOSTELRY Has bwn tlioronghly renovated and U now prepnred to cter to the want of th traveling public. Com- . -. mercial travelersnnil othera desiring , the comforts of a Erst-clasH hotel will End this house soiled I ) their wants. Mrs. S. A. Maddock, Propr. .vuxruiri 'MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c. FOR TRAVELING MEN CONDON, OREGO N This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Broaio-Quiwa xatieta fa remedy that wrw a eoK la ' t Jty ' Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to June 1, 1901, will be paid n pon pre sentation at my office Interest censer after June It, 1902. P. H. Stepiiesbon, Treasurer oi Gilliam county, Oregon. vitiT DR. JORDAN'S great UUSEUH OF AKATGHY ICS! ISARKET ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAI II f m Bint mt Btnail.) rT Tke lrgt Anatomical tluMum n Uie wor'4. t'.f Smile attrmtim tn thl City. A Hrakieim. or n r eontrnct. d dies.BOllTl J cui crt hy l the uldeHt Bnectniist un Va 1'itoiiw . CouU EnUblUhfd M yeaii, i d PflVATE DISEASES and anltldt roiKlilnl indln-1 mrt aiitieriiiir . cicUuna er In tuaturor ' yeara, Karvoiitundphvilwl liability, I m- , mimmt, 1oh4 jiKiifaotMi lu !! lncomp',1- ! entloim; MtrintttrrhwH, Fnuimiir. j rk, ooaorrra, umi, rnqaoiir,? ' mt I'rlua! In?, lo. Iiy couiMiiHtlan c( , nmedlts, o grant eurallvs power, tl Onctitr 1 liuioarmiirxtl bl trOHtcarnt Hint it will not ' only afford immnllat relief, but permKuent , cure. Th Doctor djea not elalm topprturin 1 mlrwilw, but hi well known to b a lulr nrt . gquHr PhVKlctftn nd 0urfoii, pr-niutul I lu special ly Ii- if lien. j i MTrHIi.IW tharonrhly erti(tlcttd(rom I tha .rUui without Uit ueot Momry, , i TniMf fitted by na ir(. Radlenl I ere tor Rapture, A quick and rnde.il nrtnr Pile, I'lnara and ri'lnlat, b 1 I lr. Jordan ' tpeciol plnlv malbinls. EVKItT MAN BDPlrlna tool will recalve ' ournonutuclnionuf lilacnniplnlnf. ' WvtU Swmtnttt tQMTXVM CUSJtin tvery east w wirtertnki. Coniniintiiia kkb ana mnciiT private i CHARGES VJSltr XSAHONABUi Treatmeiit paraenalljr er by letter. Write lor Book. PHIIOIOHHT book lor mea.) Call r write ' OH. JORDAN CO.. 1051 K.rket 81., S.f. j gtt'r't-K r- it i. , 0 fi,mt m '.ond tla)i mnl metier. Attorney at Law, ' Not.ry Public and Convey.riCtr, t'oiidn.. Or, rnlli'i-flnri.n'l lnnrnr. Term, rMKori.b! OCii' in ra.I el (iuluai' building, .ti.iu uui s. A. PATTISO.1 iotaey rucLia OSlc.la Glot Bn!Utlri(. COSDOS, . . OltCGO. gAM t. VA VACTO ATT0BSi:i-AT-LAT7. Ofie. oratr Spring tirct and Oregon rna CORDOIT. OBKGOIT. Tlie Regufator Line. lb Me?, PurtlanliJslsrii NAVIGATION CO, THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... ; Oil? Line of Stamen Betw een PortUo4 Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood Riva aaJ ztt Points oa tLc Vukingtoa lidt. TK treemen DeHei Dmnn it.niini ru "ortland erery morning (eicepu HutKlar) t'. nd Tte !!! et a. m., arriving et detiue tton id ample is ne tor uutgoiag treioe. freight Kates Oieatl; Placed. W. C. AU.AWAY,es Ajt., JTeot oi Court Street, Th ilailes, O?. Snci LiriH axo Vmon Pacific - - TO SALT LAKE, DEIiVEn, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS. I1E.W YORK- Ocean Steamers be tween Portland and San Francisco every five days. LOW RATES Tickets to and from : all parts of the Unit ed States, Canada and Europe. , For partic ulars call on or address, H. R. BRIGGS, AGfc.NT OR EG. ARLINGTON, QK. S. K. LISA ... - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Day and night culls promptly attended. Ofiiie 2nd door Bonth of Condon Pharmacy. CONOOX, Main Street OKEGOM. Summer Sale Of Millinery '..Goods, at " Greatly Reduced Prices. Mus. E L. Madden Pnor's. Miss Maggie Uawes, ) WALL PAPER LATEST DESIGNS FASHIONABLE PATTERNS m mm Largest and best select ed stock in the County. Estimates furnished cd jobs as to mateaialand labor. W. A. OABLinO.