Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, September 11, 1902, Image 4

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Genera! Health Greatly Improved by
Mrs, M. J. Danley, Treasurer of tht
Rebecca Lodp, I. O. O. F., writes from
124 First St. X., Minneapolis, Minn.:
"I was afflicted for several rears with
kidney trouble which became quite seri
ous and caiisad me oonmdeiable anxiety.
I spent hundreds of dollars tryint to bo
-fi rA Hut rmthlnr trwvtt mtt anv TVr
manent relief until I tried Peruna. It
took less than three months and only
ten bottles to effect a permanent cure,
but they were worth more than as many
hundred dollars to me. I am fully re
stored to health, know neither ache nor
. pain and enjoy life.' Mrs. M. J.
This experience has been repeated
many times. We hear of such cases
nearly every day.
Mrs. Dan ley had catarrh of the kid
neys. As soon as she took the right rem
edy she made a quick recovery.
A Prominent Southern Lady's Letter.
Miss Laura Hopkins, of Washington,
D. C, niece of Hon. E.O. Hopkins,
one of the largest iron manufacturers of
Birmingham, Ala., writes the following
letter commending Ternna. She says:
! can cheerfully recommend Peru-
na for Indigestion and stomach trouble
and as a good tonic" Laura Hopkins.
Peruna cures catarrh wherever located.
Ferana is a specific for the catarrhal
deraneemeuts of women. Address The
Ferana Medicine Co., Columbus Ohio,
for free book on catarrh wiitten by Dr.
8. B. Haitman.
An Unfortunate Croesus.
"The very rich have their troubles,
"Of course they do. I've got a mul ti
millionaire uncle who has writer's
cramp the worst way"
"How did be get it?"
"Signing checks" Cleveland Plain
Losing Opportunities.
The automobile had broken down and
the cnauffeur was busy trying to dis
cover the trouble. The impatient
owner of the machine at last broke
"Harry op, Felix 1 There are a lot
of people crossing the street that we
are missing I"
A reputation extending over
oiALjr-am. years ona oix
tJutvrarvtee ere back, of
There ar meir imitations.
d sure or me nun
TOWER on the buttons.
Mitchell Wagon,
Qgff-M aiy ,
Best on Earth
Because It to made of the best material ponlble
to buy. The manufacturers absolutely par ii
to per cent above the market price ot beat
pades of wagon timber for the privilege of cul
ling over and akimminir. off the cream of the
wagon stock, which Is carried for t to i veara be
fore making op. which means an Investment i
wood stock of nearly one million dollars.
MITCHELL Wagons are unsurpassed for
quality, proportion, finish, strength aud light
Why take chances on any other?
Why not get the best? A MITCHKTjT
MHchmll, Law In A Strnvmr Co.
Portland, Beattle. Upokana. itoUa.
.agent .Everywhere,
A 1
93 & $359 SHOES H
VV. h. Douglas shoes are the stan
dara f the world. This is the reason
W. L. Douglas makes and sells more
men's 13.00 and $3.50 shoes than any
other two manufacturers.
$1,103,820 1 iS.': $2,340,000
iiJ't J"!Sort ""d American - lekhen, Heul't
y?,intC?'' Enannl- Bo Calf, Calf. Vici Kid, Corona
toft, Hat Kangaroo. Fart Color Eyelets used.
Caution ! Th genuine have W. . DOUGLAS
. na?,ani vtica stamped on bottom.
ahoet iy mail, 25c. extra. Jllut. Catalog frecT
I i CuKl:
f JBestCmin
II In tit
lKIS WHtrtf all RSE fAILS.
t Counb byrup. Tastes Good. Dee I
una. Hold nr flniirirlMs.
. a -
1' ST
1 '
J CK ! k J -
CHAPTER VI Continued.
After a very brief pause the deteo
Uce continued'
"Of course, after that there was
nothing more to be done. I found out
where Lieutenant Charpentier was,
took two officers wtth me and arrested
him. When I touched him on the
shoulder and warned him to come
quietly wtth us, he answered us as
bold as brass: I suppose you are
arresting me for being concerned In
the death of that Bcoundrel Drebber,'
he said. We had said nothing; to him
about it, so that his alluding to It had
a most suspicious aspect."
"Very," said Holmes.
"He still carried the heavy stick
which the mother described htm as
having; with him when he followed
Drebber. It was a 6tout oak cudgel."
"What is your theory, then?"
"Well my theory Is that he followed
Drebber as far as the Brixton road.
When there a fresh altercation arose
between them. In the course of wWch
Drebber received a blow from the
stick in the pit of the stomach, per
haps, which killed htm without leav
ing; any mark. The night was so wet
that no one was about, so Charpentier
drssTfcd the body of his victim into
t)if empty house. As to the candle
and tho blood and the writing: on tho
wall and the rinse, they may all be so
many tricks to throw the police on to
the wrong scent.
"Well done!" said Holmes In an en
couraging voice. "Really, Gregson
you are getting along. We shaU make
something of you yet. -"I
flatter myself that I have man
aeed it rather neatly." the detective
answered proudly. -The young man
volunteered a statement in which he
said that after following Drebber
some time, the latter perceived him
and took a cab in order to get away
from him. On his way home he met
an old shipmate and took a long walk
with him. On being asked where this
old shipmate lived, he was unable to
give any satisfactory reply. I thin
the whole case fits together uncom
monly well. What amuses me is to
think of Lestrade, who had started off
upon the wrong scent. I am afraid he
won't make much of it. Why. by Jove
here's the very man himself!"
It was. indeed, Lestrade, who "had
ascended the stairs while we were
talking, and who now entered the
room. The assurance and Jauntlness
which generally marked his demeanor
and dress were, however wanting.
His face was disturbed and trou
bled, while his clothes were disar
ranged and untidy.
He had evidently come with the in
tention of consulting with Sherlock
Holmes., for on perceiving his col
league he appeared to be embarrassed
and put out.
He stood in the center of the roqjn.
fumbling nervously with his hat, and
uncertain what to do.
"This is a most extraordinary case,"
he said, at last "a most incompre
hensible affair."
"Ah. you find it so. Mr. Lestrade?"
cried Gregson. triumphantly.
ihousht you would come to that con
clusion. Have you managed to find the
secretary, Mr. Joseph Stangerson?"
"The secretary, Mr. Joseph Stanger
son, said Lestrade, gravely, wns
murdered at Halliday's Private Hotel
about 6 o'clock this morning."
Light In the Darkness.
The Intelligence with which Lestrade
greeted us was so momentous and so
unexpected that we were all three fair-
ly dumfounded.
ureson sprang out or nis cnair ana
upset the remainder of his whisky and
I stared in silence at Sherlock
Holmes, whose Hps were compressed
and his brows drawn down over his
Stangerson, too!" he muttered
"The plot thickens"
"It was quite thick enough before."
grumbled Lestrade, taking a chair. "I
seem to have dropped into a sort of
council of war.
"Are you are you sure of this piece
of Intelligence? stammered Gregson.
"I have just come from his room.1
said Lestrade. "I was the first to dis
cover what had occurred."
"We have been hearing Gregson's
view of tne matter," Holmes observed
"would you mind letting us know
what you have seen and done?"
"I have no objection," Lestrade an
swered, seating himself. "I freely con
fess that I was of the opinion that
Stangerson was concerned In the death
of Drebber. This fresh development
has shown me that I was completely
mistaken. Full of the one idea. I set
myself to find out what had become
of. the secretary. They had been seen
together at Euston Station about half
past eight on the evening of the third.
At two in the morning Drebber had
been found In the Brixton Road. The
question which confronted me was to
find out how Stangerson had been em
ployed between 8:30 and the time of
the crime and what had become of him
afterward. I telegraphed to Liverpool,
giving a description of the. man and
warning them to keep a watch upon
the American boats. I then set to work
calling upon all the hotels and lodging
houses In the vicinity of Euston. Yon
see. I argued that if Drebber and his
companion had become separated the
natural course of the latter would be
to put up somewhere In the vicinity for
the night and then hang about the
station again next morning."
"They would he likely to agree on
some meeting-place Derorenana, re
marked Holmes.
"So it proved. I spent the whole of
yesterday evening In making inquiries
entirely without avail. This morning
I began very early, and at eight o'clock
I reached Halliday's Private Hotel, ir
Little George street. On .my Inquiry
as to whether a Mr. Stangerson was
living there, they an once answered me
In the affirmative.
"No doubt you are the gentleman
he was expecting,' they said. 'He had
been waiting for a gentleman for two
" 'Where is he now?' I asked.
" 'He Is upstairs in bed. He wished
to be called at nine.'
"It seemed to me that my sudden
appearance might shake his nerves
and lead him to say something un
guarded. The Boots volunteered to
show me the room; it was on the sec
ond floor, and there was a small cor
ridor leading up to it The Boots
pointed out the door to me, and was
about to go down stairs again, when I
saw something that .made me feel slck
Ish, in spite of my twenty years' ex
perience. From under the door there
curled a little red ribbon of blood.
which had meandered across the pas
sage and formed a little Dool alone
I gave
cry which brought the Boots back.
He nearly fainted when he saw it.
The door was locked on the Inside, but
we put our shoulders to It and knocked
it in. The window of the room was
open, and beside the wtndow, all hud
dled up. lay the body or a man in his
night-dress. He was quite dead, and
had ben for some time, for his limbs
were rigid and cold. when we turned
him over the Boots recognised him, at
once as being the same gentleman
who "had engaged th room under the
name of James Stangerson. The cause
of death was a dee? stab in the left
side, which must hive penetrated the
heart And now comes the strangest
part of the affair. What do yon sup
pose was above the murdered man?"
I felt a creeping or nesti and a pro-
sentiment of comlur horror, even be
fore Sherlock Holnps answered.
'The word Hade, written In let
ters of blood," he ld.
"That was it" sild Lestrade. in an
awstruck voice; vnd we were all
silent for a wh'le. !
There was eomehlng so methodical
and so Incomprehensible about the
deeds of this unktown assassin, that
it imparted a frest ghastliness to his
crimes, "
My nerves, wlich " were steady
enough on the fleldof battle, tingled as
I thought of It j
"The man was aen. continued Les
trade, "A mllkbo passing on his way
to the dairy, happned to walk down
the lane which lads from the mews
at the back of th hotel. He noticed
that a ladder, whttt usually lay there,
was raised agalnstone of the windows
of the second floe, which was wide
open. After passng. he looked back
and saw a man desend the ladder. He
came down so qultly and openly that
the boy imaginedhim to be some car
penter or Joiner i work in the hotel.
He took no partiular notice of him.
beyond thtnklng i his own mind that
it was early for hta to be at work. He
has an impressia that the man was
tall, had a reddtft face, and thought
it was early for fcn to be at work. He
must have stays in the room some
little time afterthe murder, for we
I Oil II Li UlUUU'OUUVU Ai i iu iuq uuoiu, ,
where he had wshed his hands, and ;
maris on the sbet. where he had de-
found blood-staiod water In the basin
HhrolT wlnmti a knife."
t cionop! at fclmea on hearing the
description of th murderer which tal- J
lied so exactly tth his own.
There was, hofever, no trace of exul
tation or satisfstlon upon his face.
"Did you flnonothlng In the room
which could furjsh a clew to the mur
derer?" he aske
"Nothing. Sttgerson had" Drebbers
nurse in his poet, hut it seems that
this was usual, is he did all the pay
ing. There waselghty-odd pounds In
It. but nothing nd been taken. What
ever the motlvesSf these extraordinary
crimes, robbery s certainly not one of
them. There wre no papers or mem
oranda In the wrdered man's pockets.
except a singly telegram, dated from
Cleveland aDOUia momn afro, ana con-
talnlng the wore. 'J. H. Is In Europe ' j
There was no ame appended to thU i
There was no ame appended
"And there was nothing else?"
Holmes asked.
"Nothing oftny Importance. The
man's novel, vth which he had read
himself to sle. was lying upon the
bed. and his re was on a chair be
side him. The) was a glass of water
on the ta"ble. ai on the window sill a
small chip oinhent box containing a
connle of pills." ,
Sherlock HoVs sprang from his
chair with nn ef-lamatlon of delight.
''The last Hn." he cried, exultantly.
"Mv case Is comlete."
The two detetives stared at him In
amazement i
"I have nowin my hands." my com
panion said condently, "all the threads
which have formed such a tangle.
There are, of curse, details to be filled
In, but I am ertain of all the main
facts, from thaime that Drebber part
ed from Stangrson at the station, up
to the discovry of the body of the
latter, as if I ad seen them with my
own eyes. I u give you prooi or. my
knowledge, tould you lay your hands
upon those pis?"
I have thm. said Lestrade. pro
ducing a sma white box: "I took them
and the purt and the telegram. In
tending to hre them put In a place
of safety at te police station. It was
the merest oance my taking these
pills, for I at bound to say that I do
not attach ay importance to them."
Give thai here.' said Holmes.
"Now, doctoj" turning to .me. "are
those ordinar pills?"
They certanly were not They were
of a pearly iray color, small, round.
and almost ransparent against the
From ther lightness and transpar
ency, I Bhond Imagine that they are
soluble in witter," I remarked.
Precisely so. answered Holmes.
"Now, would you mind going down and
fetching that poor little devil of a ter
rier which has been bad so long, and
which the landlady wanted you to put
out of Its I a yesterday?'! .
I went downstairs and carried the
dog upstairs In my arms, Its labored
breathing ani glazing eye showed that
it was not far from its end.
Indeed. Its snow white muzzle pro
claimed that it had already exceeded
the usual term, of canine existence. I
placed It upon a cushion on the rug.
"I will now cut one of these pills In
two," said Holmes, and drawing his
penknife, he stited the action to the
word. "One half we return Into the
box for future purposes. The other half
I will place In this wine glass, In which
13 a teaspoonul of water. You per
ceive that our friend, the doctor, is
right, and that It readily dissolves."
"This may be very interesting," said
Lestrade, In the injured tone of one
who suspects that he is being laughed
at. "I can not see, however, what It
has to do with the death of Mr. Joseph
"Patience, my friend, patience. You
will find in time that is has everything
to do with it. I shall now add a little
milk to make the mixture palatable.
and on presenting it to the dog you will
find that he laps It up readily enough."
As he spoke he turned the contents
of the wine glass Into a saucer and
placed It In front of the terrlor, who
speedily licked It dry.
Sherlock Holmes' earnest demeanor
had so far convinced us that we all sat
In silence, watching the animal Intent
ly and expecting some startling effect
None such appeared, however. The
dog continued to He stretched upon the
cushion, breathing In a labored way,
but apparently neither the better nor
the worse for Its draught
Holmes had taken out his watch, and
as minute followed minute without re
sult, an expression of the utmost cha-
the skirting at the other side,
grin and disappointment appeared nv
on nis roaturei.
He cnawed his Hp, drummed his An
Iters upon the table and showed every
other symptom of acute Impatience.
So great was his emotion that I felt
sincerely sorry for him. while the two
detectives smiled derisively, by no
means displeased at this check which
he had met
"It cant be coincidence," he cried
at last, springing from his chair and
pacing wildly up and down the room:
i "it Is Impossible that Is should be a
mere coincidence. The very plus
which 1 auapectxt In the case of Druh
ber are actually found after the death
of Stangerson. And yet they are Inert
What can It mean? Surely my whole
chain or reasoning cannot have been
false. It la Impossible? And yet this
wretched dog Is none the worse. Ah,
I have It I have It!"
With a perfect shriek of deltght
he rushed to the hot, cut the other pill
In two. dissolved It. added milk, and
presented it to the terrier.
The unfortunate creature's tongue
hardly seemed to have been moistened
In It before It gave a convulsive shiver
In every limb, and lay as rigid and life
less as If It had been struck by lightning-.
Sherlock Holmes drew a long breath
and wiped the perspiration from his
"I should have more faith he said:
"I ought to know by this time that
when a fact appears to be opposed to
a long train of deductions It invariably
proves to be capable of bearing some
other Interpretation. Of the two pills
In that hot one was the most deadly
poison and the other was entirely
harmless. I ought to have known thai
before ever 1 saw the box at all."
This last statement appeared to me
to be so startling that I could hardly
believe that he was In his sober senses.
There was the dead dog. however, to
prove that his conjecture had been cor
rect It seemed to me that the mists In
my own mind were gradually clearing
away, and I began to have a dim,
vague perception of the truth.
"All this seems strange to you." con
tinued Holmes, "because you failed at
the beginning of the Inquiry to grasp
the Importance of the single real clew
which was presented to you. I had
the good fortune to seise upon that,
and everything which has occurred
since then has served to confirm my
original supposition, and. Indeed was
the logical sequence of It Hence,
things which have perplexed you and
made the case more obscure have
served to enlighten me and to strength
en .my conclusions. It Is a mistake to
confound strangeness with mystery,
- f
The most commonplace crime is often
the most mysterious tet.Mltjn;
8ems no new or i-v.. iiu.
which deductions may be drawn
murder uld have
more difficult to unravel had the body
of the victim been simply found lying
In the roadway without any or tnose
outer and sensations! accompaniments
which have rendered it remarkable.
These strange details, far from mak
ing the case more difficult, have really
had the effect of making it less so."
(To be Continued.)
Things That May
td Interest You.
Ovnr at milium rtnrannn die vnJLrlv in
u 0, congnmption.
Five hundreda nd eighty-seven dis
tinct languages are spoken la Europe.
Forty-five hours constitute a week's
work for women and girls in New Zea
land. Seventy-eight profit sharing schemes,
affecting 53,626 workpeople, were in
operation last year in this country.
Madame Ieacescu, the Vienene lady
swimmer, is training for another at
tempt to swim the English channel.
Out of 2,599 murders of Christians
in Turkey last year there were only 61
cases in which the murderers were pun
iehad. The longest railway run in the world
without changing is on the Canadian
Pacific, from Halifax to Vancouver,
3,662 miles.
The biggest orchard in the world is
near Santa Barbara, Cal. It covers
1,700 acres and contains 31,000 fruit
and nut trees.
The amount of heat generated by a
man's body in a day's work is sufficient
to raise 63 pounds of water from freez
bing to oiling point.
Lord Kelvin, who is now 78 years of
age, is entitled to place no less than 26
letters, indicating various titles of hon
or, after his name.
Geraniums bloom most satisfactorily
when grown in comparatively small
pots and soil which is termed rich, but
not rank with excessive manure.
In Portugal if the wife publishes
literary works without the husband's
consent, tbe law frees him at once from
all further matrimonial obligations.
During the past ten years immigra
tion to America from Germany, Ireland
and England has decreased, while that
from Italy, Aentria aud Russia has in
creased. '
Three are 6,000 mouks on the prom
ontory of Athos. They pay to the sul
tatn 2,000 pounds a year for the privi
lege of being allowed to govern them
The nnmber of ships In the Ameri
can whaling fleet has fallen off in the
last twelve years from 97 fo to 40, and
much the same is the case with the
Scotch whaling industry.
One of Milton's biographers pays that
nearly twenty years elapsed between
the time he sketched out the plan of
"Paradise Lost" and the completion of
that work. The actual labor of compo
sition was condensed into two or three
Farmer Jones I am a-going tew take
my son Hiram to a phrenolygist tew
find out what he's beet suited fer.
Farmer Honk An' s'posin' he tells
yew the boy ain't suited ler farmin' at
Farmer Jones That's Just what I
want tew find out, bo's I kin lick it out
nv him before he gits tew big.
Yonnghub There's nothing like mat
rimony for teaching a young man the
value of money.
Old wed -That's right. A dollar a
man gives to his wife looks twice as big
as the dollar he blew in on her during
Courtship. .
Packing t'p.
Locklt Why are you packing op
Mrs. Locklt Y must hurry and
get out of town, or people will not
think we have gone to the coronation-
Exchange. ,
FITA ISrawMan Puna Ha fits er MrreneMa
119 aite .( iimoT vr HllaVstlnwt Nana
jseskvar. Send far rMRKflteetrU) h.4UaMM
M. ya. H. u. urn. a. m..m aiyaatrMia.WQUiia.rti
Then and New.
Mrs. G rowelle The idea of your call
Ing me a goose. When you were court
ing me you said I was an angel.
G rowel Is Well, suppose I did?
What is the use of twitting a man
about the Ilea he told three yean agoT
Chicago news.
Mothers will find Mrs. rYlnaiow's Sooth
Iiir 8yrup th beat rmd to us tor their
ehilUrwu during tbe teething period.
Didn't HarmoaUe.
"flaven't you read that lovely new
noveir asked the first summer girl.
"No" reidied the other. "The only
edition of it I've teen has a horrid
yellow cover that doesn't accord with
any" of my gowns." Philadelphia
Full Weight Coffee.
Some coffee roasters think it neces
sary to put water on their coffers when
they roast them. We don't think so.
The result is that when you buy our
Monopole Mocha and Java coffee you
don't pay tor any water weight. It's
til coffee and better than any other
yon bavt used. You'll think so If you
know good coffee when you drink it.
Sold in one and one-half pound car
tons. It your dealer doesn't handle
Monopole groceries, tend us his name.
Wadhama & Kerr Bros., Portland, Ore.
Tbe Appropriate Vehicle.
"She seems to be a stickler for doing
everything appropriately."
"I should say so; she always does
hei marketing in a basket phaeton.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Automobile for Doctor.
The largest automobile in the world
is being const) ueted for a Parsian doc
tor. In it, accompanied by two medical
students, he inten s to make a trip
around the world. It will have two
sleeping apartments, a large work
room, and lour big tanks for storing oil.
Wanted to Sample Him.
"Do you take this man for better or
for worse?" asked the parson of the
widow who was taking unto herself No.
3. "Only time can tell," replied the
female whose wisdom was born of ex
perience. "I can't give you the infor
mation asked for until
I have had him
for a few weeks."
nn niwwaiwimwiiwwiini iumi t iiiwumwi twewn utm ininnp
The Kind You Have Always Voaght has borne the signa
ture of Cbas. H- Fletcher, aud hna been made under his
personal supervision for over HO years. Allow no ono
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-os-gnod" are but Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
frorlc, Drops and Soothing: Byrtins. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVomis
and allays Fcverihness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves. Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For
tmc etNrau eoeteanr. tt
Portland, Oregon. Founded MM
1 Homt Schsol for Boys.
Military an! Muoal TnlnlGj.
Writ (or Illustrated Catalogue.
ARTHUR C. NEW1LL, Principal
St Helen's School for Girls.
Thirty-third year. Commodious build
infra. Modern equipment. Academle
and college preparatory courses. H pe
dal courses in muslo and art. Illns.
trateri catalogue. All department! will
reopen September 16.
1 Columbia University
Boarding School for Young Mm
nnHt .ttnatlon on Pacific Coast E&
S) cellent Faculty. Largest Indoor college
athletic Held in tne wona. wrer nau
an acre under an arched root
Catalogues Free.
University Park, Oregon
One Recond Hand Nichols & Bhepard
separator, siz w-wt wjm wmu
only run 40 days; a bargain. Inquire of
Foot Morrison St., Portland, Or.
Apply to Nathan Bickford,
ArroRNir, W akhihutom, D. C.
jr. r. w. v.
We. S7-i0.
TTrHElf writny to Mvortiaors ploae
IT aaei
entloa tbla paper.
Cholly May Gabble tells ma you
said GuiHle Gay boy and I would never
find any glrla to marry us because we
are too fastidious.
MIsj 1'epperey There was a slight
miaundernUndlng thore. I said you
were "two fast IdloU." Philadelphia
U your home tippll! with the great
en of pain rollovers? llamlu'i V Uard remedy fo.- emerg m-loa.
jenks Haven't vou and that neigh
boring farmer settled your dlftoreucet
Farmer Akers No; but our lawyers
have settled.
Jenks-Settled? How?
Farmer Akers On our farms.
Catholic Standard.
toa'l Oct rootaorel Get Foot-Kate.
It la a certain eure tor sweating-, eeiloui and
not, Uret, rhlnf teet, Nakva new or lliihl
luieaeaajr. Try II hxlar. HUt by all lmiria.
PrleeSfte. Don't accept a iuttuute. rtample
Mill ruEK. Addreaa Alien o. Oliu.UJ, UiWy
A. I.
Beat His Wife.
Mrs. Crlmsonbeak You aav he beat
his wife with a club?
Mr. Crimao'nbeak Several clubs.
Mrs. Crimsoubeak The mon-ter.
Mr. Crlmsonbeak Oh. I don't know.
Yon see. he boat her at irolf. Youkeri
The treatment o! Catarrh with antiseptic and
astringent washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco
and cigarettes or any external or local application, is
just aa senseless as would be kindling a hre on top ot
the pot to make it boil. True, these give temporary
relief, but the cavities and passages of the head aud the
bronchial tubes Boon fill up again with mucus.
Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh, for it
checks perspiration, and the poisonous acids and
vanors which should nasa off thrmiirh the akin, are
thrown back upon the mucous membrane or inner akiu, e V, p. Llxvl"!
producing' inflammation and excessive flow of mucus, -
much of which is absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation
reaches every part of the system, involving- the Stomach, Kidneys and other
parts of the body. When the disease assumes the dry form, the breath
becomes exceedingly foul, blinding headaches arc frequent, the eves red,
hearing affected and a constant ringing in the cars. No remedy that tWa
sot reach the polluted blood ran cure Catarrh. S. 8. 8. expels from the
S. S. S. being a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the
Stomach and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve
under its tonic effects. Write tin alut your cose and get the liest medical
advice free. Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application.
Tilt SWIFT SPKCiriC CO., Atlent. Ca,
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
atuaea aranr. Maw err.
ft U AM a!
m r mw Ti m m a
WrliWWwwi g
I CANDY i Ci&saMa
I j LIVER TONIC j bcQ3lg
S aaaaaaaaaaa -'ssssawsassea
& raaiirfiraa.aa'
1 5UKt I w
I aV AlliAP M mL. MsIssTHekSji TaVTase7WBl
I aaaaaaa)jaafc
I j constipation
'' - -.
I A A D rV A l n ""H PW to ny reader of this paper who will ra.
4IUl IVLYlVlAU port to na any attempt of substitution, or sal of
' " something just a good" when Cascareta are called
for, and furnish trideoc upon which w tea convict. All correspondenca confidential.
"My mother wis troubled with
consumption for many years. At
laat aha waa given up to die. Then
aha tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral,
and waa apeedily cured. '
u. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how Ion;;
you have had It, Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until vou have consume-
I tlon. If you are couching
toaay. per a Dome 01
Cherry Pectoral at once.
Tare attet l lit., Hi, II. Alt frttflrft,
CmmbII J nor doctor. If h ? take It,
than 4a ta ha t. It be tell jmt aot
to lake It. than Wt take It. Ha hauwa.
Uae it with hlia. W. are wlllln.
J. U. AT BR DO., Maa.
first American Hoy My papa Uvea
like a prince,
tiecond American Poy That's noth
ing. My pupa Uvea like the president
of a trust. Detroit Free Preat,
T'yw !T"V
J -
I." ' 1
TWa am4
circulation nil offensive matter, and when rich, pure
blood is again coursing through the body the
mucous membranes become healthy and the skia
active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms dinap
tear. and a permanent thorough cure is effected.
f '
Thla wun.lprful I'M
tim. diH'lur la eallnl
nal iMTaitae lia I'Urra
i,roil without nitra
tion lliat are tlv.n no
to din. II nin with
lllim. Wniiltrrflll i'bl
nr, rtnt, butt,
hark anil vnantaliln
Dial ar. entirely on
known to mrdlral arr
ant hi (li!Biumr)'. Th rough 111. ttwnf inn,
harinlffwi rrinmllra thin faiiiiiiiii dm'to know.
In. aiMluu of nn-r too illffi'rt'iil rrnmlim, which
Ur aiMweaafulljf Ba III illlM-anl dlM-ax. II
giiaranlwa to cur. raiarih, aniliuia. Iuii(,
throat, n.rvoutunu, intiiarli.
llvrr, kidii.ya, tr. ; liaa uuudrrd. of tratiuiou
lala. t'liarani modi'ral.. all and him,
l .tlrnta out of th niT writ for blank, and
fln-ulani. 8-m! i cenU In mampa. CONHl
ISVi Third St., Partlaml, Ortge
iMntloii uaiwr.
I Opium
Take car na Third
Itmt lmUl'lr Al
bin. PnD, Pink
IM4 Oregon.
, Using
taste sjrood. Eat them like candy. They
remove any bad taste In the mouth, leay.
ing the breath sweet and perfumed. It la
J pleasure to take thrm. nd they are
Iksd especlslly by children.
sweeten the stomach by cleansing th
mouth, throat and food channel. That
means, they stop undigested food from
souring in th stomach, prevent gas form-
Ing In the bowels, and kill disease rerma
ot any kind that breed and feed la the an
I n
tire system.
re purely vegetable and contain no mer
curlal or other mineral poison. They con
slst of the latest discoveries In medicine,
and form a combination of remedlea un
equaled to make the blood pure and rich,
and make clean akin and ueautllul com.
ton the stomach and bowels and stir up
the laay liver. They do not merely soften
the stools and cause their discharge, but
strengthen the bowels and put them Into)
lively, healthy condition, malting their ao-
uon natural.
never grip nor gi-lpe. They act quietly, pos
itlvehr and never cause any kind of uncom.
. fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make
i tne liver act reguiariy ana naturally as it
hould. They keep the sewer iro of the body
properly moving and keep the system clean.
Increase the flow of milk In nursing moth,
ers. If the mother eats a tablet, It makes
her milk mildly purgative and has a mild
but oertaln effect on the baby. In thla way
they are the only safe laxative for the
nursing infant. ,
taken patiently,' persistently, will cure any
form of constipation, no matter how old or
now onen otner remeaies nave railed. They
are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case,
or purchase money will be cheerfully re.
funded. -
cost 10c, 28o, 60c a box. Samples pent free
for the asking. We publish no testimonials
but sell Caecareta on their merit under ab
solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a
box to-day, or write, us for free sample
and booklet.