. . win 'i in- . ft I Oif Your Food You don't and cant if your itomach is weak. A weak stomach does not digest ail that in ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to di gest ia wanted. Among the sifrns of a weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner vous headache, and disagreeable belch ing. Hood's Sarsaparilta strengthen and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. A Variety of RtatOM. "Why is she going to the mountains this Tear?" "Oh, she has several reasons. The doctor has ordered her to go, her hus band has ordered her to stay at home, and she is sick of the shore and the country.Jadge. - la a Higher Patitioa. "Me darter Nora is goin' t' marry Casey, that wnrrucks ia the basement of that buildin'. B't Oi do be tillin her that she moight her looked higher." "Indade?" "Vis; she cad hor hod Marphr, that wurrncks on the top story of the same skyscraper." The well-posted drnggist advises you to use Hamlin's Wizard Oil for pain, for he knows what it has done. Cat HI Shara. "I am sorry, doctor, yoa were not able to attend the church supper last night; it would have done you good to be there." "It has already done me good, madam. I have just prescribed for three of theparticipanta. It Cures Wfclle T Walk. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tigt and new shoes tsel easy. It ia a certain cure for sweattnjrcsl lousandswollen.tired.hot, aching feet. Try U oday. AtaUdmreist,25o. Trial package mail ed FREE. Adress Allen 8. Olmsted, LeKoy, M.T. A Compantoav Grandpa I had a fellow out walking yesterday and well I guess I tuckered him out. But then he is old. Bobie Why, grandpa, you "are 82 yourself. Well, maybe lam; but this fellow was at least a year older." riVA PemanentSv Cures- ffo fits er (119 after 6retiaya.r.or Tr. Kliee'eGnet Nans Xeetorer. 8rorFRBE9XMtrialbottiaadtm, H, VSutl.&UIia.uaaM areaaiuriuiHnpiwin Out at First Scftleigh I aw had a most de lightful dweam lawst night, doncher know. Miss Cutting Indeed! "Yaws. I dweamed that we were mawwied doncher know." "Had I dreamed that should have classed it as a horrible nightmare." Mothers will Gna Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Svrup the best remedy to use tor their Bhtldren during the teething period. Wanted Moneys Worth. Mr. G rump That confounded doctor charged me 5 for telling m that there was nothing wrong with me. Mrs. G rump Outrageous 1 Mr. Grump Yes; if he had discov ered dangerous symptoms I shouldn't have minded it in the least. lie Had One. "Do you guarantee a fit," asked the anxious man as he entered the tailor shop. "Oh, yes; you'll have a fit all right," said the obliging person with the tape measure. And when the clothes were delivered and he found that the trousers were cut too short, the anxious man had one as he gur gled: "How true them words was spoke." Taking No Chance. "Doctor," said the fair invalid, ap pealingly, "don't you think you could conscientiously advise my husband to send me to the sea shore for my health?" "Madam," replied the far-sighted physician, "I cannot conscientiously advise him toi ncur any additional ex pense until my bill is paid." An Urgent Necessity. The were on a pleasure trip. Sud denly a thoughtful member of the par ty paused and said: "Surely something is wrong. I feel that something is amiss. O yes! It has been almost two hours since we had Mr. Coe Dakk take a group of as." And immediately the matter was at tended to. BlQBiS Pole an There is no noison so highly contagious, o deceptive and so destructive. Don 't be too sure you are cured because all externa aigns of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well. Many per sons have been dosed with Mercury and Potash for months or vearo. and Tjro- ttounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered tip Uk0 Beget, Uke. ffiZ.KS out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is so surely transmitted from parent to- child as this. Often a bad case ot Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con- life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated and driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate vou afterwards. cures Contagious 2100a Poison in any and all atagea; contains no I mineral to break down your constitution : it is g 00 purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that cleansea the blood and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking a Cure. Send for it IKE SWOT SPECIFIC C. ATLANTA. tls MHMMMMMH I II ill WllVCIllIUIl The new sewage disposal scheme ot a German chemist, Erica sprtngDorn, is the conversion of the solid matter into blocks for fueL This fuel Is re ported to be smokeless and to burn without disagreeable odor, and the cost of the process would be covered by the sale of the blocks at a moderate price for burning under steam boilers. The sewage Is so thoroughly sterilised that the liquid portion can be safely dis charged Into any river. Some Interesting additions to our kuowledge, not only of geography but ot anthropology, may be expected from the expedition of W. Fltahugh White house, an American, and Lord Ulndllp, an Englishman, Into Abyssinia and the regions of the Upper Nile. Among the curious places to be explored la the dis trict of W alamo, reputed to be Infested with devlis. Mr. Whltehouse Intends to spend a month In Walanio with the intention of discovering the reason why the natives of the country believe that It Is possessed by demons. Father Schrelber, of the Haynald Ob servatory, at Kalocsa, Hungary, has invented an electric apparatus for recording- distant thunder storms. An electric ware, set In motion by a flash of lightning. Is registered by a detector resembling In Its action that osed in the Marconi telegraph system. The J Impulse ia communicated to a pen con nected with a disk moved by clock work, and when the pen makes Its rec ord a bell Is rang whose vibration re sets the coheher. Storms raging invis ibly twenty miles away are thus re corded, and on one occasion, on a bright day, the apparatus made known the prevalence of a violent storm in Budapest, sixty-eight miles distant An example ot the dramatic effects in which nature seems sometimes to indulge is furnished by Professor Hugo De Vries' description, in a recent lec ture on the mutation of species, of the appearance sometimes presented by the large-flowered eventng primrose In Holland. This plant was Introduced Into Holland from America about a hundred years ago, and has now es caped from cultivation. The plant at tains a height of five feet or more, and Is thickly covered with flowers, whoso size and brilliant color attract Imme diate attention, eren from a distance. The flowers open shortly before sun set, "and this so suddenly," says Pro fessor De Tries, "that it seems as If a magic wand had touched the land and covered It with a golden sheet!" The biological stations of the New England coast has solved the problem of lobster culture. Several thousand of the young fry are put into a cylin drical scrim bag about three feet In diameter and four feet deep, and the water In the submerged bag la con stantly agitated by a dasher driven by gasoline engine. This prevents the fry from smothering or devouring one another, at the same time keeping their food of soft clam fragments within reach. In nine to sixteen days from the eggs the creatures are able to take care of themselves, this stage Detng reached by sixteen to more than forty per cent of the fry, although no pre vious experiment had one per cent of survivors. The fish hatcheries can now save the lobster Industry. STARTING A NEW FAD. Girl Jnst Fetnrned from Europe Car ried a Nutmeg;. She bad just returned from Europe, bedecked with any number of little trinkets she wouldn't have dreamed of wearing before taking a trip abroad. In all this wealth of strange adorn ment there was one ornament that ap pealed with especial force to the curi osity of the visitor. This unique dec oration was a little ball, oblong In shape and grayish-brown In color. It was partially incased in gold fill gree work and was worn suspended from the belt by a tiny gold chain. There was a gold pin at one end 01 this chain, and every little while the girl from Europe would unharness the trinket and apply It to her nostrils with deep whiffs of satisfaction. The vis itor watched this pantomime for sev eral minutes with growing Interest and finally, alter an unusually pro longed inhalation, she said: "I do wish you'd tell me what that thing Is." The girl from Europe laughed. was looking for you to ask that" she said "I was trying to arouse your curiosity. Here, take a whiff yourself and see if you recognize the perfume.' The visitor raised the little ball to the tip of ber own nose and drew sev eral long breaths. "Why," she said, "it smells for all the world like a nut meg." And that's Just what It Is," said the girl from Europe. The visitor sat down In a state of collapse. "You don't mean to say, she Interrogated, "that they are wear ing nutmegs over in Europe?" "Well, no," returned the girl from Europe. "They're not exactly wear ing them In loads, but they do have them. They are rather exclusive as yet The fact is I am reviving an old custom. I always did have a knack you know, of doing odd things. When I go Into strange places 1 don't go mooning around In a sleepy kind of way, but I keep my eyes and ears open, and the consequence Is I see and hear a good many things In the course of a week that other people wouldn' find out in a lifetime. One of the things I discovered In England was the old nutmeg custom. There are number of them In museums that were used by fine ladles of past genera tions. Those nutmegs were Incased In gold, just like this, but the casings were set with jewels and were natural ly very expensive. "I haven't the Jewels, but I've got the nutmeg and the gold filigree for starter, and when I go around taking refreshing whiffs at this fragrant lit tie knob I feel as If I had been just resurrected from a seventeenth-cea tury mausoleum and was tickling my senses with the odor of a nutmeg of long ago. I always did like the smell of nutmeg, anyway, even In custards and apple pie. I knew a number of people in England this summer who followed my lead by coming with gold nutmegs." The visitor returned the gold case with Its 5-cent ball of perfume. "WelU she said, "of alt the fada I ever heard ot that Is the most ridicu lous. Do you suppose it will take?" "Quite likely," said the girl from Europe, according to the New York Times. "History has already repeat ed herself In all other customs, and I'm doing all I can to push the nut meg erase along." ANECDOTES OF CARLYLE. Ho Did Mot Look with raver oa Kr vloioa of tao Bci-tptarea, la a paper la the Century James D. Hague records these recollections of a visit to Thomas Carlyle In company with Professor Tyndall and Rear-Admiral Raymond Rogers. The talk touched mainly upon topics of the day. I remember that there was some discussion concerning the Revised Version of the Scriptures, In which work a commission of eminent scholars and theologians was at that time engaged. Carlyle seemed to re gard the undertaking with but little favor. He thought It useless, and said he believed the old familiar version would retain Its place with the com mon people. Little good was to be hoped for from the new. "One thing Is certain," he aald: "every man who helped to make the old version be lieved that unless he did his whole duty he would be eternally damned. while not a single one of the new lot believes anything of the sort" Early la the conversation Carlyle ap parently, Interested in the personality of his visitors, turned to me with an Inquiry touching my vocation and ca reer. I told him I was a practical ge ologist especially concerned In mining pursuits. "What do you mine forr he asked. "Gold and silver." I replied. "Gold!" he exclaimed. "You mine for gold! That's a good-for-nothing pur suit The biggest gold nugget ever found was never half so useful to the world as one good, mealy potato." I sought to defend my position by saying that many a good, mealy pota to and many other things of equal val ue had since grown In California and elsewhere, which never would have grown at all If the way had not been opened by those who went there first to seek for gold. This did not seem to change his mind; but when we came away he went with us to the door. asking after Beveral friends In Amerl ca and sending personal greetings; and at last turning to me and placing his hand on my shoulder, he said, as nearly aa I can now recall his words. Young man, don't let anything I have said to you to-night change your mind about your work. Do your work In dustriously and stick to it faithfully, and all will be well In the end." UPTON'S FAITHFUL SALESMAN. Hie Persistency la Making a Bale Wit Bnltably Rewarded. Sir Thomas Lipton, the famous yachtsman, and bead of what Is prob ably the largest retail provision bus! ness in Great Britaain, Is. one of those men who believe In personally keeping an eye on their employes. To this end, when in London, be oft en pays a surprise visit to one or an other of his large establishments, and departments, noticing everything but saying very little. As might be expected, among the many thousands or men ana women whom he employs there are some who, never having seen the bead of the firm, possess but a very hazy notion of his personal appearance. Sir Thomas chanced upon one of these a week or two ago, and for few minutes the bystanders enjoyed little quiet fun. This particular clerk was In charge of one of the cheese-counters at one of LIpton'a huge establishments in the city. Seeing a gentleman about to leave the shop without having made a purchase, he immediately seized upon the supposed customer and began to extol the virtues of "LIpton'a cheese. Sir Thomas, for it was no other than he, listened with well-concealed amusement for a few moments and even went the length of tasting sev eral samples. Then he tried to shake off the assistant by saying that he was not requiring any cheese "just at pres ent" But the clerk was not to be got rid of so easily; and, before bis employer quite realized what had happened, he bad paid for a pound of his own cheese, and the assistant was inquir ing to what address It should be sent The young man's amazement when be realized the Identity of bis customer, made his fellow assistants roar with laughter. But a few days later the laugh was on the other side, for Sir Thomas, ever quick to recognize and reward merit Instructed the cashier to give the persistent clerk a substan tial Increase in salary. Saturday even lng Post Honest Mistake. The story is told of a little New Eng land girl the workings of whose Pur itan conscience involved her in dlfticul ties on one occasion. She was studying mental arith metic at school, and took no pleasure in it One day she told her mother with much depression of spirit that she had "failed again in mental arlthme-. tic," and on being asked what problem had proved her undoing she sorrowful ly mentioned the request for the addl tion of "nine and four." "And didn't you know the answer, dear?" asked ber mother. " "Yes'm," said the little maid, "but you know we are to write the answers on our slates, and before I thought made four marks and counted up, 'ten 'leven, twelve, thirteen;' and then of course I knew that wasn't mental, so I wrote twelve for the answer, to be fair." The Place to Show It. TesB I suppose she'll go to the moun tains this summer, as usual? Jess Oh, no. She has become quite plump and has developed a good figure, Tess Well? Jess Well, she'll go to the seashore, of course. Philadelphia Press. A man told three lies this morning to save a dollar, and then put up the money. INVESTIGATING "WATER CURE. How Sac a Case Wo old B Ha ad 14 Before, a J ltd a aad Jary. If the "water cure," aa practiced la the Philippines, were Investigated la open court by our Judge, Jury and wit- ( neaa ayatem here at home, aaya to Ohio State Journal wt might expect dialogue between the plaintiff and his attorney, who begins the couversatloa something Uke the following: "What is your Daniel" "Joae Emllio de Songtaslmo." (Of course the defendant would at once object to the wltuesa having a name like this and the objection would be noted.) "What la your nationality r "I am a Filipino," "What la your business T" "I am eugaged In the Insurgent busi ness." How long have you worked at that trader "About three years." "Did you ever hear of the remedy known aa the 'water cure 7 " "Yea, air." "From whom?" "The United States soldiers." "Did they recommend it highly T "Very." "For what maladies?" "Insurgentltls," ; t "Did they prevail on you to take the water cureT" ,- 1 . "Yea, sir; six or seven of them pre vailed on me." Will you state plainly, Jose, to the Jury Just how this water cure' wa administered?" "The soldiers bound me securely ant while five held me the sixth Inserted a hose nosxle Into my mouth and turned on the water." Ton mean to say, then, that this 'water cure' Is an Internal remedy?" "Both Internal and external, sir; you aee, when my capacity was taxed to its utmost the water overflowed and ran down my neck and over my person." "Why did you not protest?" "I was too full for utterance." "Will you please state, for the benefit of the jury, how much water you awal lowed, as near as you can Judge?" "I should say about two barrels." (At this point the defendant would object and an expert specialist ou the capacity ot the human stomach would be called on to testify.) "Will you kindly atate to the Jury what discomfort this caused you, It any?" 'I experienced a moist sensation and feeling of fullness that seemed to border on the point ot explosion. This was probably due to the fact that I am not accustomed to taking water In such large quantities." "Did the soldiers hold any con versa tlon with you while they were admin istering the 'water cure?" "Yes. they asked me to tell all the secrets I knew." "Did you do It?" "Certainly; I told tbem all 1 knew, and more, too." "Did the operation impair your thirst for water?" Yes, I drank enough water on that occasion to Isst me all summer." "That is all Call the next witness." The Carp Nuisance. An Influence that seems to have 1 very material effect upon the bass fish lng in Lake Erie is that of the German carp, it is very generally oeiievea among sportsmen and fishermen allka that the carp Is to our native fish as the English sparrow to our birds. No one accuses the carp of having suf ficient enterprise to eat other fish even mall fry but It roots among the spawning beds and Is believed to de vour eggs by the million. I have heard this complaint about Lake Erie, at the St. Clair flats and along the bays of Wisconsin, showing that everywhere In the lake region the carp Is held in the same disrepute. How much truth there Is In the stories of his spawn eating would be bard to say, but it is certain mat carp are to be found by thousands all about the great lakes. Some of them are mon sters In size and all root about the banka of bay and bayou and the bot tom of every shallow place. Many small lakes have been entered. says a writer in unting, ana their wa ters turned from crystal to mud color by the rooting. There Is no doubt that they disturb spawn beds and do an lm- mense amount of barm, whether they are egg-lovers or not Office Honrs of Reed. Hon. Thomas B. Reed goes to Maine occasionally and occupies his summer home near Old Orchard Beach during the warm months. He has become so much in demand In New York that be la often asked If he Intends to become a permanent resident of the city. The way he parries the question Is Inter esting. "I find," be said to a group of friends, "that the financial Importance of a New Yorker Is gauged by the earll.- ness with which be leaves the city o. the lateness of his return; his riches are measured by the length of time he stays away." y "But how about yourself?" asked one. "Well, he said, slowly, "I am still keeping office hours." Pbilaaelpnla Post An Efficient Officer. A man who was -"wanted" in Russia had been photographed In six different positions and the pictures were duly circulated among the police depart ments. The chief of one of these wrote to headquarters a few days after the issue of the set of portraits and stated: "Sir, I have duly received tne portrait of the six miscreants whose capture Is desired. I have arrested five of them and the sixth is under observa tion and will be secured shortly." Photography In Business. The camera promises to become as indispensable In business affairs as the typewriter. It Is now being used in the reproduction of documents, statis tical tables and other papers whose duplication by hand would be laborious and expensive. In a very brief period the camera reproduces these with ab solute correctness and with much labor saved. '.. : - 1 ' ' About six weeks after the wolf ap pears at a man's door, It looks to him as If It were holding a family reunion. People shake bands on mighty small provocation. PELVIC CATARRH CAUSES Palpitation of the heart, cold hand and feet, sinking feelings Pa-ru-na cures catarrh wherever located. a k-lM-. oifto Thi-tv. .ftaSST' tSSf 1 Mrs. X. seventh Place, Chicago, 111., writes After taking several remedies without result, I begaa la January, 1 9oa, to Uke your valuabt remedy, Parana. I waa a complete wreck. Nasi palpitation ot tha heart, cold heads and foot, female weakness, no appotita, trembling, sinking foe Sing serlnVwith ryst.mkT.UrrV.nd I w.u 7t.. --.i.-t vnur hein la eanv au ine time, voei mu 1 wm tho nick of time. I followed your HVOfT ... . . ww - w - r directlooa carefully ana can say to-oay that I an well again. I cannot thank you enough for my cure. 1 will always la your debtor. I have already recom- sadoded Parana to my friends ana Mlghbora and they ail praise It. I whA that all suft.ririg women would tn m 1 tiHfv this accordina- to tna w truth." Mrs. X. Schneider. If you do not derive prompt and satis-' factory results from the use of reruns write at ones to Dr. llartman, giving a full statement of your case, and lie will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- vice gratis. ' Address Dr. llartman, President of the llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Perfection. God endowed humanity with Its Infinite capacity tor Improve ment in order that at last It may attain perfection. I do not believe any human being can be perfectly happy aa long as we aee men condemned to suffer with out a single moral thought without 1 perception ot the noble meaning of life. Rev. K. C Worcester, Epslcopallan, Philadelphia, Pa. The Mystery ot Life. Constantly ! men ana women or me most serious nature and of the most devout spirit are asking, "Who can solve for us the mystery of life?" Some killing experi ence cornea Into life; some sharp up heaval of conditions unexpected; some sorrow wa did not procure and so have no means of knowing Its remedy, be cause we had no preparation for Its coming; some unnatural death. These are things before which we stand. There la no explanation. The gate la shut And it Is wtse and good. Such experiences of life are a part of the discipline of life, In which we gather power and strength, not to explore, but to believe. Rev. T. R. Si leer, Uni tarian, New York. Hit Question of Faith. A religious old darky had his faith badly shaken not long ago. He Is sex ton for a white church In a Fayette County town, and one afternoon as he waa In front sweeping the pavement a strong wind arose, tearing a piece ot the cornice off and taking a few bricks out of tha wall Realising that a good run waa better than a bad stand, the old man sought shelter In the station house on the opposite side of the street Several minutes later a member of the church ot which Uncle Ishsm Is sexton came by, and noticing him In his retreat remarked that be thought tha station bouse a strange place for man of faith to seek shelter In a storm when a house of worship was near. "Daf so, but wbut's a man gwlae ter do when de Lord begins to frow bricks at 1m r Memphis Scimitar. la Pralts of the Mosquito. Mrs. Crimsonbeak 1 see by the pa- p, that tha mosquito eggs are hatched j fnm f01ir to seven days according to the warmht of the weathei. Mr. Crimsonbeak Well there is one thins- to be said in favor of the mosqni- 1 to. She does'nt go about making quite aa tnneh noise as the hen after laying an egg. Can't Dodg Them, First Credit Man Does he meet his bills? Second Ditto At every turn. sjaji hi' iP The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Gastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The EM You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For TMt etNT.ua eoaiMri. tt v9 w r i. 1 11 rti wish echoed. "I would like something with a check in It" said the alow-paying customer to the tailor. "So would I" replied the tailor coldly with an unmistakable meauiug In the words. When it comes to baking powder, every manufacturer says what ho makes is the best. The reason we say it ia that an analysis of all well known brand, including the Monopole, made by Jas. II. Flak, Portland, proves that Monopole is the strongest and pure of ail those whose Ingredients have been put on record. Our custom Is not to put up goods under this brand unions we can produce better goods than any others on the market. Ask for them from your grocer. WAD1IAMS & KERR BROS., Portland. Reform Movement w England. "Tha Girls Letter Guild" is the name of a unique reform movement in England. Women ot cultuie pledge themselves to write letters of friendly tone to the girls ot the lower classes, to aid them in their mental and moral uplifting. The object is to win the tlrls friendship, encourage them, and dtebsu.. them" of falsa notion, and class prejudices. Good results are said to be already noticeable. , OatUng Rtckitss, She I am surprised at Jane'a star log out in the boat, all this time with a comparative stranger. A woman of 80 I. old enough to know better, He Aren't vou afraid alia la toe old . to know oetterr Born Wtlcomtd to tht Northwui The arrival ot a little party of Boars in the city in quest of homes in tho '"'" thm Northwest gives ground lor tle that there will be more to follow. hope Of ,. ,v ...t. t the sturtiv mannoou 01 me i-uu-n isrm- era ot South Africa the world has had ample evidence in the last three years, and aa many of them as may come to the Northwest will be gladly welcomed, .Minneapolis Times, Took No Chsncu. Mr. Grimes" said the rector to the vestrvtnan "we had better take up the collection before the sermon this morn ing." "Indeed?" "Yes. I am going to preach on eoonom y." DR. 0. BEE ViO WONDI-.RFUL HOME TREATMINT TtaU wotuWfU) Cbl HM doctor ' esllwl r-l Ihkkum h rut iwopl without owr. tlon Uist wt lvn MP Iodic U our wllb lltuM wondrrml till 11 w brrtM, root-, hud. itf-ST Drs ua iitii Jkt iut r rnllrrljr urt-""- known t aimllrsl l- nuc In lh country. Through lh uwol mom biu-mlMi. rvtunllm thht ftuuous dw-utr know trw actlou of ovw SOS di"rnt t-mtl. whli'h hriuamafully umrm In dilftrvnl diMnwu. guarantr- to rura rauarrb, aathina, lunjl, throat, rhoumatlam. nroun , atouiwh. Ilr, lttiir.to. ; baahundrMta of tl!moi la Is. Chant, modaraia. tall and him. fatlanta out of lb our wrlia fur blank, and ctrrulara. Hond i cent in "tainpa. CUfiHt ! TATIO.N fKILK. AODltKHti THE C.6EE WO CBiSESE KED1CIXE CO. tilH Third St.. Portland, Ont eeMnttoi pa par. FOR SALE. One Second Hand Klrhola A Hhepsnt Separator, alM 0-u, with wind alaokof. only run 40 dajri; a bargain. Inquire of JOHN POOl.B. Fast Morrlaoa St., Portland, Or. ITWB eeley lire Alcohol, 420 wiiiiame aeaito ! Opiums PORTLAND QRI60R) Tkear 00 Third Sta loiUppar Al blna. Pnona, flak UM Oregon. 'Tobacco i Using Old Indian War Pensions ConrrcM has lint psaied a Uw granting pen eeaaed soldiart ol tha Oregon, Washington and sions to the lurrlvors sod to tha widows ot da- , California inq lan wars 01 miw ibui. Kull In Wilson. Ho. 728 tfevsntoenth Street, Waahlngton, I). 0., or Branch oltteo No. 42 Parrot! building, Han Francisco., CaL Fees limited bjr law. THE IEW PEISIOI LAWS Apply to Nathan Bicaronn, ATTOSHSV, WASHINUTOH. D. C. SEHT FREE Signature of Over 30 Years. MuaaM oracrr, errv. My Hair "I had vary severe stcktttii that took off all my hair. I pur chased a bottle of Aytr'e Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." ir. D. Qulnn, Marseilles, lit. One thing is certain, Ayer's Hair Vigor maici the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair. too. and al ways restores color to gray hair. ti.tt status, an If your droiritl canitol inpptf yoa, aml us m dollar and) wo will aiprwao yoa a bottt. m aura and rtra tha uaino Ot your DMiroat exrtrwaa oalra. Addraas. J. C A kit CO., I4atl, atass. Provsa. Aunt Hannah But how do you know you love him Carrie? Carrie Whenever he says some thing nice about ma I am willing to lei him believe I think be is saying just what ha meant. Clara Was it a case ot love on hor part, do you think? Maude U certainly was. wny, she gave up a position paying a salary ot lift a week to marry him, and ha ia only getting ten. ' Follow! laatructtuaa. "Now, Mr. FlnulNhtxide," aald Prof Teachom, "I hope you have selected your graduation subject In accordance with my suggestion that It deal with something that has helped to uplift hu manity." "I have, sir," answered the graduate. "I have prepared an elaborate theala on the 'Rise and Fall of the Elevator.' " UaUtniore American. "We are making you lota of trouble," and "This Is the beat I ever ate," con stitute tho sole CinvtTHMtliu of tho sveraite giienu wt n SCHOOLS UNO COLLEGES, BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY roitlaud, Oregon. FotiadeUla'A i Hotni Scbool (or Bon. Military tod Mmatl Tnhhj. Writ lot lllmtralrd falalofae. ARTHUR C. NCWILL, Principal Si. Helen's a!i PORTLAHO, ORFOOK. A Hoarding Mini ly xrhi.nl tor Ol' la. !la a Nntmal k Imlnruurrn Training m-narl-went, which ha ae-i'teii rvahlrnra lor Kin dergarten ctauaa. I'be Hoarding lartnrot firovlde rhetrt"! and writ arranged hmne or jroiing led If.. For Catalogue or oilier lu formal ion amilr lo MIKrt tU ANOIl TKBBRTTS, lrlndal. HOITT'S SCHOOL I'areril ileatrlng hnnie Inrhienrre, heatitllttt turrnundlnga, perfact climate, rereful uttper vision, and thorough mental, moral ami ihr. leal training lor their bora, will flud all lhea wqulrementa tull met at Haiti's School. Meulo fan, Kan nawo louoij, .a. MM lor vawiogim. TweJia rr begins August 12th. " IRA U. HOirr. fh. I). Prlnolpei. I Columbia University 1 ; Boarding School for Toon: Mas I Finest situation on 1'aclllc Coast. Kg- i) cellent Faculty. I-argont Indoor college il) ' sthletio Qell In tha world. Over half J an sera under an arched root. j Catalogues F ree. j Address g REV. M. A. QUINLAN, C. S. C. University Park, Oregon Mitchoil Wagon, Dost on Earth Serauae II la made of the beat material poaalMe to tin j. The meniifarturer arwolutely par S to 14 per cent above the market price ot brat grailea of wagon timber tut the privilege of cul ling over and skimming off the rream of the wagon itm-k, whlrh la carried for I to I yeara be fore malting tip, which mean, en Inveatmeutla wood .took of nearly one million doltara. Ml Till KM. Wagon, are un.urueeaed for quality, proportion, Hnlah, alrenglh and light running. Why take chances on any ntherf Why-nolgetthebeRiT-A MITOHKM. , Mttohmll, lewat 4 Strnvr Oa. Portland. Seattle. Spokane, Agents Everywhere. "VV .1 W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $3.23 SHOES SS W, L. Douglas shoes are worn by more men in all stations of life than any other make, because they are the only shoes that in every way equal those costing A00 and $0.00. W. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. XA $1,103,8201 SKSSL, J2.840.000 Bttt Impnrtid ami American leathtrt, Htyl'i Pattnt Calf, innmtl, Box Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kid, Corona Colt, Mat, Kannaroo. Feat Color Eyelets used. Caution I Tt anulne hare W. T,. DOUQIiAS' , nilrne .nd price atamped on bottom. Shnei by mail, 25c. extra. Jllut. Catalog rt. W, U DOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. v. r. ST. V. S3-4SOS. Iw BBK writing; to advertisers pleas BBgnuosi sow paper. r