THE CONDON GLOBE. THURSl DAY, AUOUST 7, T02, THI OFFICIAL PAPER OW GILLIAM COUNTYi-OREOON. t" ' ..' I I LI . LOG Ali NEWS, Mm. 0. H, rainier it illlj wrlwwly III. Mrs, (I. L. N waV on1 the lek hut at wvck. " tl. K. Nearcywaa over fioiu IVeclu r inrly. ' ' '; - I'M !tim returned from IirtImJ Pattmlajr. Mr. Halitem! ltft Tiifsttlny for vlnit lo IWIaint, ' ': " ' ' 7 Mr. 8. A. I, .Hurt m wtrloiuly 111 Ales lUnllt aa In (rum Trull Fork I Work mi Knlm McKltiitey'i new real ItiifM in rotfrHiiitf riliJly, Mlci Carrie lUiineman, of C!in,vlNlt- I liicn U Intro ilarlm wb. ' NirncK-Caiili M far County mid City warranta. kiiiiulra Mt tlilt ofllue. , It. J. rnlinKi'i mother l hr from I'orllauJ vUitlny fritnid nimI refallve. ? iKirgfi Kirhart ami (j, K. IUoona re turned from Portland fcumlay 'evening. Mr. and Mn. Joe Fii were'ln frwn tliflr dome on Tlifrtymile Thursday Mini i'lldHY, .. 7 " ' : - , ,-' Mm, n Searcy returned atardav from vlit with relative lu the Witl-mnt-tie Valley , , ; u Mre (iitinan and futility, of Wlnlivlt, wm iaii,ra on TiifiU)' north. , bound atatr,' . U . , ' Mm. Maddock took tin? (tag for Ar llngtrtti Tuda iiiornlnir. She may vUit Portland before returning. , Mr. T. U. Jolirmon entertained tha young poil of tlte C. K.' society ' at a i!aiit (ua-lnl Monday evening. . . . t Miss Wllmm l.'tt Uit TUurly for 11 vialut hr M home Iti '.Miclilgitn 1 1 lw j tie neon pla of inoiitli. (i. W. K'nlirt, wlio Imt been on the tint for eome tiisi, It Able to be on (lie e(ret Kgitin although ttill qnlte week. s ; vt, ..' i , , .' . Profettor em! Mn. V. R. Neel left Kr!.lny for lone to mih n few deyt vie itlng tl.t-lr (rlHii U Mr. end Mm. W. If. Duliynt, Ikib FiUwnter In from the rencb 11 few iltyt dnrlnn the week. Hob In Kfttitiy to be full blown homy hamltsd ' (nriiier .",. ' . ,'.v Cooke ftroe. exrwrt to , etert their iiig uireaher on the ii'aoii'. mn nest Monday. Thelrelt one of the Urgett outatt in the county. Mm. U. II. Uoiiinson, of Arlington nnd heraiter, Mm. Dunn, of Portia nd, were panaongwe on the atage Bamlay on Ihelr way to Mj vllle to viait relative! ' mill frlenila. ' m Rchott rtiirnol from the Mai lieur country Friday where he hae been looking alter hia cut tic. He eold all of bit rattle intefietlt In that eoantrr be fore returning. Kverett, tlie Infant eon nf Mr and MVt. H A I'littimn, lui been srlonily III thia wpk. Ilia purenla left with htm latt evening for the tea almre hoping tlntf the change will rentore him. "? . . No. 1, Volame 1, of the IUikkton Newehat reache. ua. It It . bright, newiy J column folio ami deterver enccene. 8! (i. Dorrie, late foremah of the Arlington Record It the editor and ublieler. ? Dr. Cole, who rame here tnat week to practice medicine, concluded the country wat too (JistreiIngly jieallhf to ttiittilm ah I ai toik hie d erartnre.' Thia Klorioua climate of oara it a deadener on many medical men who have come and gone from among ua. , - ' - Mm. ftea, of Portlnnd, lister of Mr. fchroder, of Ferry Canyon, who came here recently for her health,- baa been quite tick At the Condon hotel thia week. Dr. Wood hat atTviaed her to return to rnrtUnd amj aijitiiiitt to air op eration at her only hope of relief. . ' Little Mitt Fay Lima entertained a numlier of her yonng friends at an af ternoon party Monday the occasion be ing In honor nfher 6th. -birthday. : the yonngatert had a gwd tliiieiiniltbafi cream, cake, and candy are aald to bi tneited away like a enow ball on Mount J'elce. " v ; In a runaway accident-at The' pallea Inet Saturday, Mn. DJ 0.; Slater had three ril broken, her baby's tknll. waa fractured and Mrth K E, A,rmMtrong had one arm broken and waa otherwiae eerl ouely Injured. Mr. ArniKfotig heard of he accident yesterday hiid Iffllaa? nlirht for The Dulles. All the rmr'tie't were for iner residents here. J.i i ; ',! ,v The quarterly of tUe Oregon llietorij cal Society for June, 1U02. Vol.-S, No. 1, has been received. Its coutebtt nre at follows: "Political niMiryol Oretfoii from 1870 to 1895 inclusivei" by J lion. M. C. (leorse.. "The FiMt Oregon Cav airy," by Mrs. Francis Fnller Victor. 'Itecollcctiona ot Horace,, Holden." bv ' 11. 8. Lymitn. All of these are valuable articles and r.o library is complete with out a full set of the -Soeiety'i imblu-a- lions. They, contain mattor of mmih importance to every student, of the. his tory of Oregon. " , . Geo. (illibons jr. returned from Ar lington Friday bringing out a Banollnc ejijcine to be used on liia father'a ram-h, n"ar Mavville for pumping wntr, Mr. Oibbons' well is some distance from .the bniitie and the engine will be uoed to fowe water Into a larifw elevated 1 tank in the yard i Mr (Jibb'ons already has one of the prettiest homes in the coun ty and with plenty of water ,tj Irrigate lawn and irnrden he can' soon mnke i : veritable Eden of his; tanch. - . ." Mr. and Mra Wim' Crnetf' retrtrned from Hood ltiver Satn-rdav where they: spent the last two moirfns on a very plpasant cnmplnir t.ri W. -Ij., Ratker. arid familvf A. WSliarrard and family and aeversil other A'hntrtoii people were also in the party. -All enjoyed the trip immensely and , were-trreatlv- benefited in health. Mr,' BarkorV family Pjlso . n n nut. Snlurdnv and will remain in Condon dnrliig the Sum mer, TnAcyiGiDE 0 Surrounded by a Posso H i Wounded and then j ' Shoots Mimaolf. The career of Harry Traey, the notori- wit outlaw, came to an end ealerday morning, at an early boor, . w ten he committed suicide In a wheat field, near Davenport, Watlilngion, v . . Hunted like a wild beast for week and teemlcgly endowed with a charmed life the outlaw bat made bit last ttaml. lie aa enrrotinded by a mm time Tuesday nlgbt and desperately wonnJed ami find I nit farther renlataiiee fuioiiMible be endud the- whole horrible tragedy by shooting himself,, c Farther dutnllt are unobtainable at thlttime.r ; ":' "; . ,.,7 .. , McMuHen-i,.,...,-,l Mm. Robert McMnllen, of Ferry Can yon, died tuddeiily at an early hour yns- terday niornlng aged alamt 24 yean. Hhe bad lieen alllicted with consump tion for eeveraj wontht and recently tnf fered from an attack of ineasolt from whluli the never fully, recovered. She waa a Hack nd Tuesday afternoon with an acute attack of bronchial pneumonia ami died In leaiMban 20 lioure after taking to her bed. Slie luavet a hue- band and two small children to mourn her loss,' A Convenient Claims Docket. County Clerk I'ortwood and Judge Dunn have just designed a new form of Clalmt Cocket ' for the Comity Court teem to bo a great Improvement over the old form in the way bf convenience and lucidity. The new docket will ehow the name of claimant, date of filing, ac tion of the court, for whot allowed, number and amount of warrant drawn, and date of cancellation of warrant. The new docket will give a complete record of every warrant l.iud be the county from the time the claim It filed until tbe warrant it filially taken np and cancelled, on a etngle page and i per fectly plain lo any one who may have occasion lo refer to the docket for infor mation regarding any claim or war rant. . -s , . 77 HAVE YOU; THE GRIP OR A COLD? t j; ' ' , ' ' Wo guarantee every box of Lang's Laxative Cold Cure to breakup a cold and euro la grippe. For sale only by . Condon Pharmacy LEADING DUiiOLSTP. t T Bring us your prescriptions. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas On hand this.week. I,. . ' 7'" al0 ,:; 7 j Ice Cream, SodaWater etc ; , Finest Candies, Nuts and Cigars. , ,. , ELGIN MYERS. BARR BUILDING, CONDON, ORE. SometliiiW to the Pie ase Eye A grand dij,lay of Spring and Summer good. Anything you wish in the line of Ladies' Wearing Apimrtl, .Shoes, Glove, Belt, Mraight front Coraet and Girdles. ; In Waists we carry a large assortment of tb Intest style.' When in Condon do not fa.II to ; . , t call and inspect our fine line of ,' Summer Dress Goods : including Lawns, Dimities, Foulard, Zeiihjr, Ginghams, Persians, Organdies, Swiss Etc. . P. H. STEPHENSON, RELIABLE MERCHANT, ajax. . Everybody la dona haying in thli sec tion, . '. ' . . -v 1 Thraaof Ed raliner'a children are down with meaHela. Angna Smith, who hai ticen viaiting liia father, It. L. Smith, .and Other rela tives and fnenda, lift Friday for lilfe home In Linn Countv. f Mint Uaiia Thraaher, of Corvallla, it visiting at the lioma of her uncle, Ed I'almtr. Mrs. UUra Dol, of Wells ft tat ion, Benton ctmniy, a hre visiting her rath er, It, L. Smith, and other relatives and Jrifnds. Walter Furrar has just gut through with a tnaael with the meaauls. 7 lia IPnna t'sirrar visited friends here last week. '. , Mr. and Mrs. Tom 6tott were down to their place Saturday, Owar MaWy and Fret! Farrar t Jok a bunuh ofbeet cattle to Mro Friday. Ueo Ohainbf rlaio and son, of Itork creek wire here riding after horses the first of the week. ? ;.( K. L. Smith and ann (Jeorge started for D'ile, Grant county, last week where their' thuepare summering. , Fred Adlard sr. is visiting on Hovk CLARKE & FRAZER v ;; , Make a specialty of Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Locks, Nails and, all builders' trimmings. Also Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass. Hardware and Furniture, Dishes and Enameled Ware. Get our prices. v; WE WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD. Qondon 51)0 5torc Has just received a full line " of Fine Shoes of all kinds. , tT BICYCLE SHOES A SPECIALTY, Light repair work done free on all shoes sold by ( this store. , Repair work a specialty. Bicycle 'sundries and repairs. Headquarters for - ; . McMorns' Telephone Supplies. . 0. UA pi0pS5 0 J). ;; Dair; $t. iUhoice Stall-fed Beef, f sFinest Mutton and Pork.l 1 New Harness and Saddle Shop. Harness, Saddles Collars, Whips ttnd all horse supplies. Our Harness is all Hand-made. We invite inspection as toHigh Quality and Low Prices FIX ",-. . O. r 1 Pnnrlnn Bunding, vcti 1 Lr y 06 ukxn i rig, 0reg regon. The Condon Meat Market - nd Confectionery, JOHN JACKSON, Proprietor. Mrs. Maley, Mr. Ow-ar Maley and I j & . I. . . r 1 . . . . n ' . 1 nnu mra. vtinra neai viaiien aiinemmtli ranch on the John' Day rivor Saturday and Sunday. , ' -. - t - t'lift Maley and cousin, Mrs. iWal vis ited at Alvillo Monday. - John Smith weut to XforoTaesday on business. - . ' GuKsii Who. , V Monthly;Report I. S. S. , the following is the Jreport .of High land Branch, ,'Internatlonaf Sunshine Society, of Condon for July : Tli aiH'ixlv "nmt Jnlo IH1I1 '- J, - ----- -J .... .J IiiHHfina--S2c;1; for postage j 2 quilt bloeka ; IRk) for writing paper; S One Imaltet li6nght.o( eiuitin ; 7 calls 011 the nitlr, sewing 4doue lor orphan children, 75 ..j t ' 7 Heut to hIuUiiib 3 rolls scrape, 2 rolls f papers; 8 birthday presenrii tent. We now have A LARGE STOCK OF ; " Drugs, Patent Medicines, and Toilet Articles. We have lately added a Complete Line of Paints, Oils and , Stationery. Our Goods are Fre$h and, our Prices are Right. Wilson's P h ar macy . Condon Meat'Co. ' WM. C. EDDEN, MnnairPir. r "Will serve the people of Condon and vicinity with the fin- est Fresh and -Salt -Meats, Sausage, Bologna etc. First-class Cutter at the Block. Our wagon will supnly meats to harvesting And -threshing . crews during the season as' follows: Ferry Canyon -Mon- " days and Thursdays. Mayville Tuesdays am Fridays. Matney Flat and Hay Creek Wednesday and Saturday. v 1 THE IHTERIOR WAREHOUSE CO. WILL HAVE ITS NEW WOOL BALER IS OPERATION BY MAY 18T. HIGHEST PEICE FOR.GUAIJf. GENERAL WAREHOUSE BUsrjfESS. BALFOUR, CUTKRIE & CO , M'C'BS, AJ5LINCTCM, BLALCCX, E3U21AS, mi THE GOHDOn HOTEL THIS POPULAR HOSTELRY Has been thoroughly renovated and ia now prepared to cater to the wants of the travuling public. C0111- lnercial travelers and others desiring the comforts of a first-class hotel will find this house soiled tu their wants. ruxruinAruvininjirxnnuirinnnjxru! Mrs. S. A. Maddock, Propr. Juuuuinjrijijmnjxrinjinjx finest Jor;prii7tii)5 for f 1 1 at tle CCD BE Office. -MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c INEHABT'S RESTAURANT The public will find that no better accom modationa can be found in this county than this place. Good meals, clean beds. , HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN GEO. W. RINEHART. Prop. ' COXDON, OR EGO N JANCASTER PATTISOS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Farm and Town property tor sale. Correspond ence solicited. CONDON, OREGON. mini Mtb;E. E..B()yer,28rd, ,? ' "'TU ' ' ''"' ' ' .' - Membefi arjeq nested to aend in an lJ '' CL ' ' ' ar account of their donations lo the eecre- y1' ' - J v f - 1 tarv bv the 20th of each month" ao ahe . ' , : . .i; V "2 account of their donations lo the secre tary by the 20th of each month" so she will have tline to havejluuu published the lHt of each' month. , ' X 1 Kl I.EN Talmkr, AONKH 1'AI.MER, 5 Secretary. E M cCorm i c k: rresident. iZ i?- " .. .Vj-...- ...... , ' m3 . ' . - J$L( This Header has stood ZZ t - a every ieso lor years anu an TZ f" " ' " :'w;:"i ; -" r2XXi)( ir-aj? . who are fauvliar with its ., . - . n" "T '?rT- f iTr'w.trr5;VtAjf,L.j -j- iVJl v niprits ariniit its snneriori- zZ. Low McMorris, a nrotfier.of J. A, Mc- " ty over all competitors. Morris, had a le broken bv a liorse fall- ZZ " ' ' ' 1 35 inn with him at lone Tuesday. .. running, easily O i. .. mtyM4t :aWV m N operated, simply construct- roinfriitlitfuldistiirornieiitMrs.'Nan. hi-- - - "VAV V iWur'V.kViMT. V 1 V t 1 I . U u V ecf, built to wear are a teVY Gnlleger; of L Grange, a.. aPr,li,. tr . , fi MP M ?H " ntnnnAn ' 'H Arnica 8alve to urea t sores on I 7- W W '.'f If , - r J. C, Cooney is laving the rock, work for Dunn's new, building this wi'ck. If anybody asks you just 'tll them that news is scarce in - Condon these .1-... ... ",:' The brick kiln has henn fired 'and is now smoking. It con tains over 200,000 bricks hie Bucklcn hrr iieait nd face, and writes its attic cure exceeded all her hopes. ' It works wonda'S in Sores, . Bruises, ; Skin Emp lions, Cuts Corns, Scalds and riles,' 25c. Cute giiHrauteed Ij.v Coiulpn .J'liHriiiiu y - .DUNN BROS., Agents, auuuiuuauiuiiuiiaiuiiiitauiiiaiuuiaiiUiiuuiiiiiiiii This signature is on every box of Cie pemulna Laxative Drcmo'Qaiiya Tatiet the remedy that etirvs a colt im . n tty Treasurers Notice. Ail county warrants registered prior to June 1,' 1901, will be paid npon pre sentation at my oHko. "Interest ccasep after Jane 11, 1902. - - : t P. H. Stepuknson, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon.' visit DR. JORDAN'S oucatI BySEOU OF IHHTOMY I0BI MARKET ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL : h The lnrtt Aaatemlml Uimum in lb Wur'4. niM attmetitm In IIU CU&. A mpondmrful ttyhtur vititmrm. WracMMM-WMirmiine i mA ILttM,nlliTely t.i r' by m f 63. J08SA.1 PEIYATE DISEASES i B Tun.f bi and anldrfl mitra mil vm ki .mit-ruif hum hm -lTMf ol youthful lndl. W erctluaa or xunxnx l inlurr 1 ' ftmn. Smrrutim and fhrnlcHi Oeblllty, Im- r , mMmv, Irftat Manhood tuill It.compll- 1 I cation.; Rwrnl.rrhM, lrtlr- merit, aaorriH, WIM, m r(ij.T of t: rlaalina-,. !. I! a cumbliiHtlon o' a nmedlea, ol grwt ooratWe powr, the Doctor ' A liu ao rrKMl hi. trntBfnt that It will uol A W only airnrd liomnilnt. rellrl, bill permanent W euro. Tb Doulor do, ant ialm tuprlriii k a bur mtm w ana eitrgeon, premuteat tharonrnly fKrllfrntrd bom niraclw, but la wtlt known to bm tqaiiro. PhTsldan and Bureeon, pr Ui bit .penlaltr Sl.-e uf tit rrHH.t thoronihly rdi 0 til anuaa without t)i. una ol Mmi car for Ratar. A oulck ami radtoif m cr for nie; riaanr and t'llnla, by T . I Or. Jordan's apodal palnleac motiioos. n ETcRT MJT anplj-lngtouswiureoaivo 1 01 ma IRfM I awry Cfue tr wfertnfc. coniplal'tr. .1 H'a mill a POSITIVE CVSS tn I our honrtf opinion c a Cnaimat!a FRKB aiidstrlctlP''TataSi - ciiaroks rxttr xeahoxjhilk . Treatment personally or by teller, ' ft wnra Tor hook. rHiioriii rr Aaaiiflk. Mili: . tAvaltttU. bouKlor mo.) fan or writ 03. JORDAN a CO., 1051 Harkel St.. 5. jau.a t f. ' f ymi .'& mm Attornej at La. Notarjf Pubtle end Convayncsf . doaflna, 0 rMlivrlnntafid Tfttrni. Trtn pn"iK raw ol poatottlc bulldicf, Mala ati s. A, fATTISO.1 raiiEi rutiia Ce im G'oU Ssi'.dittf. rOiCDOJI, . a . .' OKKQOW. gAM B. TA VACTOa 1TI0I5ET-AT-UV. '' ' 0Se orar Sprtnf strset and Orefoa arenu COKDOJT. OKEOOW. The Regulator Line, 02b, FiiEd a Ltrls NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT ' AND PASSENGER LINE.... Daily Lme of Stuimi Betveca Portlaadi Vancouver, Cuadt Locks, Hood Rjve and aU Points os Uic asMngtoa tiit. Tti ataaiaara DiITm City aafl Rrrntarnr faaav rortlMid ery Btrnlnf rexcopi gumtar) at', an Tao Dallas at t a. at., arrtvlnt; at daaUnaa Hoa ia ample tlma lor outgoing iialaa, Fralght Bate Greatly Reduced. W. C. AI.tAWAT. Cen. Agt., ' foot of Coort Streal, Tit Dallea,Of, Oregon Snoir Like axdUaiom Pacific ;. to . nil'' SALT LAKE, DEIiVE!?, KAI1SAS CITY, . ST. LOUIS. HEW vonic Ocean Steamers be tween Portland ant San Francisco every 1 4 " five Juvef, ' -j LOW RATES Tickets to and from , all parts of the Unit " ' "ed States, Canada and . Europe. For partie- ulars call on or adducssi, H. R. BRIGGS, . AGlNT. ARLINGTON OREG Qlt. S. K. 1.1'NA.. , , . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON' . Duyaati night otH prompt!; atlondftf. OflUe 2nd door soth of Condon rhi u-.n.. CONDOS Maln-otrect-.- VKISUON. Summer Sale v y ' 'i f t f. Of Millinery Good .at ; Cireafly lied need Prices. Mrs. K L. Maddo Miss Marcir Hawks, WALL PAFZn latest DESic:;r; FA8!!S0:iACLS FATTECSIS Lnrpiesf rend ed h iok in Jjfst rdrct fhr? (.'oimtv. Kf-fiindfc furidhheif ' un ji?,sa.-i Vi tniite.val and ta?wr. ... It.iiiLiiiUi