Humors They take possession of the body, and are Lord of Misrule, Tbejr are attended by ptmples, bolls, the Itching tetter, salt rbwm, and other cu taneous eruptions; by feelings of weakness, languor, general debility and what not. They csuse more suflering lhaa anything else. Health. Ptrengtn, Peace and Pleasure require their expulsion, and this is posi tively effected, according to thousands of grateful testimonials, by Hood's Sarsaparilla Which radically and permanently drives them out and builds up the whole system. T Continue Th Dispute. "I wonder how they carne to marry each otherT" "They were unable to decide which wa the better ping pong player." Exchange. Prevt It We want yoa to prove onr statement that Monopole Spices ' are the purest and strongest in the world. For sale by all grocers. To enable you to do so, we will send yoa free a 10-cent tin of white pepper or cayenne or ginger or any other variety yoa may prefer, if yoa wilt end as two 2 -cent stamps for postage, and give as the name and ad dress of your grocer. Prise coupons packed with every can. Send to Wad hams A Kerr Bros., Portland, Oregon. la the Hcke. Attorney Did you see the plaintiff Strike the defendant? - ' Witness Oi did, sor. Attorney And was the assault com- j mitted with malice afoiethought? Witness No, aor; it wor committed wid a maliet behind the ear. Judge. A Story el th Prairie. The Century magazine is about to print a serial which will have an espe cial interest to people who are at home on the prairies. It is called "The Biography of a Prairie Girl," and the author, is Eleanor Gates, a young woman who spent her childhood in Dakota and who thus writes from the closest personal observation. The time of Miss Gates' story is bout 25 years ago; it is put in the form of a personal narrative of the life of a little girl, and there is hardly phase or event of prairie life which is not touched upon in these pages the ulizzard, breaking colts, horse stealing by Indians, school days on the frontier, fighting gophers and badgers, cattle raising and other typical phases of hardship or prosperit). It is not a novel, bat the same char acters appear and reappear in the story with a reality which impresses the reader with confidence in the troth of the narrative. "The Biography of a Prairie Girl" will begin in the August number of the Century and it will be illustrated. tie Never Worked and Never Will. There is a Rew York farmer who has lived 70 years and is eound as a dollar, and yet he has never done a stroke of work since he reached the years of dis cretion. What a shocking example for the hired man! It does seem, however, as if he ought to be willing to let them put a tagged coat and a bad hat on him, and then seat him on a high seat in the middle of the cornfield. Cleveland Plain Dealer. We are not to blame because you have rheumatism ; but you are if you do not try Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Waifs Found la St Patrick's. In St. Patrick's cathedral there is said to be found by the pew cleaners an average of 25 babies every twelve month. These babies have been left by Catholic parents, who know that they will be raised, if they live, in Catholic homes. Ainslee's Magazine. Mothers will find Mrs. fflnsiow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their vuuuno uuniig uie teeming penoa. Room In the Procession, Clara Dear Isabel, you are at last a successful artist! Ieabel O, Clara, I don't feel myself a success. I've just moved up a little because a lot of older strugglers have got tired and quit. Detroit Free Press. Ladles Caa Wear Shoes One else smaller after using Allen's Toot-Ease. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spots and is a certain cure tor ingrowing nails, sweating, hot. aching feet. At all Druggists, 25c. Trial package FKEK by mail Address Allen 8. Olm sted, ixaoy. a. x. Candid. A Yoa see that lady over there? She is Mrs. A. I fell in love with her at first sight. What do you think of that? B I think it would have been better had yoa taken a second look. Ex. FITS rmeatlT Cured o fits er nertonrooa) ill after Ant day's neeofDr. Klise'a Greet Nam . SwndforS,RllK'.l.llOtriltwittlBwfrM.t. fas. Ia.E.iUiiie.L.UlArchSL.FtuUdelitue.f " Hard Work Freddy Did you hear that Reggy is working? Cholly Baw Jove; it can't be! Freddy Yes; he's rolling bis own cigarettes. Chicago News. "I have used Ayer'a Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends." J. A. Cruenenfelder, Crantfork, 111. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. $'. a settle. All srsjrltts. If yoar druggist cannot supply yoa, send us one dollar and we win excreta yom a bottle. Be ears and fire the name ce. Address. ox your nearest express o K CO., Lowell, Mass. Hair Splits DANGER IN CHEAP PERFUMES. They Are Said to Have a Bad Effeet oa the IS oat rile. According to a local perfumery deal' er, cheap perfumes are gradually dead' enlng the nostrils of those who come la contact with them, says the Chicago Inter Ocean. The pernimes that were popular a few years ago you would at notice now," he said. "Before long they will have to make violets and rosea strong as onions or pennyroyal before you can smell them." Making due allowance for the hyper bole of an older generation, there may be something In this theory. Violet Is by all odds the most popular perfume of this year. "Clover, ac cording to some, would stand second. Rose, of course. Is perennially popular. "Clover," by the way, la not made from clover blossoms at all. The ordinary white and red clover has very little odor, and what It has would not be par tlcularly agreeable If detached from a landscape and a waving field. So the perfumer makes a combination of es sence resembling remotely the scene of the tail "sweet clover," and calls U "clover." The orange gives four different per fumes, obtained from different parts of the flower and plant Each of the four has been Imitated synthetically, mak tng eight In all. The odors of lilac and the carnation have also been produced with some success by chemical means. Ten years ago the Idea of Imitating the strange and penetrating odor of musk was laughed at, yet now the artificial musk la a regular article of commerce. Sachet powders are again waning in popularity. After their extraordinary vogue about fifteen years ago they were almost forgotten, and a second re vival In the demand for them three years ago has now passed. A novelty from Paris this year la In tended to take the place of the old sachet bag. It goes by the name of "amulet," and consists of a little filigree box of metal containing a compressed scented tablet These are made In a variety of floral odors, and can be dan gled from a watch chain or chatelaine, carried In the pocket, or laid In a closet or bureau drawer. A Lynn firm recently made a shoe in thirteen minutes. The oldest general In the French Army has died, at the age of 95. It Is said that a full-grown bee can draw twenty times Its own weight It can fly about five miles an hour, and it will seek its food at a distance of four miles. Of the thirty-eight Sultans who have ruled the Ottoman Empire since the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, thirty-four have died violent deaths. Scott Is said to have written "Wav erley" in less than six weeks. He wrote very rapidly, seldom revised, and as a consequence his novels are full of blun ders, inaccuracies and anachronisms. Burns committed his poems to mem pry as he composed them, and when he sat down to write he had before him no labor of composition, but only the task of writing down what he had al ready finished. Milan has a curiosity Jn a clock which Is made entirely of bread. The maker Is a native of India and has devoted three years of his life to the construc tion of this curiosity. The clock is of good size and goes welL The Siamese have an instrument which they call the ranat, a species of harmonlcon, with seventeen different wooden keys, united by cords and rest ing npon a stand, each strip of wood giving a different note. The Instru ment Is played with two wooden ham mers. A French explorer has discovered on the west coast of Africa what he re gards as the vainest people on earth. They are the Pahonins, a warlike tribe, whose main employment is personal adornment, chiefly by means of tattoo ing. Great ingenuity Is also exhibited in dressing the hair, which Is arranged In astonishingly elaborate fashion. Guarding the President. "Secretary Cortelyou and the secret service officials arrange all kinds of plans to prevent President Roosevelt exposing himself In public too much," said a White House policeman, "but he knocks all their plans In the head when they least expect It When be Is about to start away on a trip the White House landau Is always brought up to the door, closed. "President McKlnley generally pre ferred to ride In a closed vehicle. Presi dent Roosevelt won't have It that way on a fine, clear day, and every time he walks out on the portico and sees the landau closed be gives orders to have It opened He waits until that' is done, and then gets In and rides aown the avenue or wherever be Is go-1 ing, without any obstruction whatever to his view. He outwits the detectives' often by getting away for walks or drives without their being any the' wiser or without their being able to' follow him. "He doesn't tell anybody that he Is going out," said the policeman, ac cording to the Washington Star, "and the first the secret-service man around the White House knows Is when he sees the President swinging off down the walks on his way out of the grounds." Incurables. Mr. Clipper-Green I'm going to rent a bed In a private hospital. Miss Daisy Sutter Why so? "I started to learn golf three days ago and I've already crippled six cad- j dies." Fireproof Trains in London. All the new trains on the Central London Railway are to be of fireproof construction, steel and asbestos being largely, used. Other precautions for the safety of passengers are being tak en. ' " . Danes Take to Mormonlsm. Statistics show that one out of every twenty-two Danish emigrants to the United States becomes a Mormon. VERVOUS PROSTRATION CURED BY PE-RU-NA. Hat P.Denton. Mr. Hal. P. Denton, Chief Depart ment Publicity and Promotion of Na tional Export Exposition, writes. Philadelphia. Dec. 20. 1899. The reruns Medicine Co., Columbus, 0. Oentlemen: "Toward the latter part of August I found myself in a very much run-down condition. I suffered particularly irom catarrh of the stom ach, aggravated no doubt by the respon sibilities and worriment incident to the exploitation of a great international exposition. What I ate distressed me and I would lie awake at night 'thresh ing over,' if I may nse that expression, the affairs of the previous day. "My family physician said I had nervous prostration and recommended a sea voyage. I gradually grew worse. A kind friend whom I had known In Ohio recommended Peruru, Though skeptical, I finally yielded to his ad vice. After using one bottle I was much Improved and with the fifth bottle came complete recovery. I am In perfect health today and owe every thing to Parana." Very truly yours, HAL. P. DENTON. If yoa do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hart man, giv ing a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valu able advice free; Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Valuable Timber. "I think a good deal of that cane," remarked Senator Loteome, exhibiting the walking stick with pardonable pride. "What are you giving me?" asked Senator Sweetner. "It's a fact. There was $50,000 ap propriated for the improvement of one of the rivers in my state last year. One snag was pulled out of the rivet and this cane was made from that snag." Viewing With AW "Esmeralda," asaed her father with some sternness, "what was that young congressman's business here last night?" "We were merely holding a caucus. papa," she replied. H i! he rejoined, glancing at something that sparkled on one of her hshapely fingers, "and you adopted a ringing resolution, did you?" Chicago Tribune. All Explained. Mrs. Twickenham (to Mrs. Slimson) Of late we have been having our meals sent in by the various caterers. Willie Slimson (to his mother) Mamma, is that what you meant when you said that Mrs. Twickingham didn't know wheie the next meal was coming from? Exchange. Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching Joints and excited nerves. The blood has been poisoned by the accumulation oi waste matter in the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system feels the effect of this acid poison ; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Kelt, of 707 Ninth street, N. S., Washington, D. C, writes as follows: "A few months ago I had an attack of 6ciatic Rheuma tism in its worst form. The pata was so intense that I Became completely pros, trated. The attack was aa nusually serere one, and my condition was regard ed aa being very danger ns. J was attended by one of the most able doc tors ia Washington, who is also a member of the fac ulty of a leading medical college here. He told me 10 continue nis crescriD.' tions and I would get well. After having It ullee twelve times without receiving the slightest benefit, I declined to continue his treatment aoj longer. Having heard of S. S. S.(8wift's6peeiic) recommended for Rheumatism, I decided, almost ia despair however, to give the medicine a trial, and after I had taken a few bottles I was able tc bobble around on crutches, and very soon there after had no use for them at alt, S. S. S. bavins cured me' sound and well. All the distressing pains have left me, my appetite has returned and I am happy to be again restored to perfect health. tie great vegetable purifier and tome, 11 the ideal remedy in all rheumatic troubles. There are no ooiates 01 minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book, on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent f re; to any one desiring it Write our physi cians fully and freely about your case. We make no charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, 84, Mitchell Wagon. Best on Earth Because It Is made of the best material ponslble to buy. The manufacturers absolutely pay 25 toss per cent above the market price of best grades of wagon timber for the privilege of cul ling over and skimming off the cream of the wagon atock, which in carried for S to 5 years be making np. which means an Investments Wood stock of nearly oue million dollars. MITCHELL Wagons are unsurpassed for quality, proportion, finish, strength aud llglu running. JVhy take chances on any other? Why not get the best? A MITCHELL. mtohmll, Lmwlm X Stmvmr Co. Portland. Seattle. Bpokane. Boise. Agents Everywhere. i - ii-iiii.., 3 f5l .JtMsssjswag 5 PREMONITIONS OF DEATH J - "Premonitions of death are often scouted at," said a well-kuowu vVaso Ington newspaHr ninn. "but there are occasionally authentic Instances aris ing which ralrj uoubts as to whether there may not be, after all, aotne sort of Indefinable spiritual phcuomena la the Incldeuts, "It may be recalled that a well known chief of division In oue of the departments, in apparent perfect health on the last day be appeared at the office, died recently of apoplexy ou that night I have sluce learned that on the evening In question, shortly be fore he retired, a large dog In his household set up suoh a prolonged and dismal howilnf lu his yard that he went out with a revolver, under the supposition that there might be In truders prowling about although the dog howled and did not bark. The dog refused to sto? howling upon the ap pearance of his master, and followed him In the jouse, wMntug and show ing evidences of distress, looking up Into the official's face In such a neou- liar manner that the members of the family at the time thought it exceed ing strange. The dog continued to follow his ouster about the house, act ing strangely In the manner I have de scribed. Ou the following inorninsr the official was found dead lu bis room. "The above Incident Is a curious fact. as Is also the following, and while not of startling ghostly Interest Is also local to Washington, the parties belug members of my own family. "Some time ago my wife's mother started on a journey to California. Sev eral days after her departure an elder ly colored woman, who had been a slave In her family, having been raiaed with my wife"s mother, called at the house. As lu similar Instances In the South, there had been a warm attach ment existing between former mistress an slave, which had continued through life. She declared she had bwn 'warn. ed that my wife's mother had died ut au early hour on that morning ou the train. 'When asked whether she had received a telegram to that effect she replied that she had not but that at the hour la question she had been awakened by the ringing of the front door bell. In responding to the call she bad found no one on the steps lu each instance, the bell having been pulled three successive times. Her house, by the way, was ou a down town street and wg. recently raxed to make room for a business structure. "At about 10 o'clock on the' inorutng of the day when the former slave hud communicated the intelligence of my wife's mother's death we received a telgram from the officials of the mil road, dated from a far Western State, announcing her sudden death at about lue hour when the colored companion of her early childhood bad heard the pulls at the bell. Uad the bell been rung during the ordinary hours of the day we would have attached no Impor tance to the former slave's positive as sertion of a spiritual visitation from the deceased lady, but as It was at about 3 o'clock In the morning the In cident has ever been one of more than usual Interest In our family. If the pulls at the bell were not supernatural, they were assuredly a strange coinci dence." Washington Star. Volcanic I)ut. ' The Barbadoes Agricultural Reporter has sent to this office n specimen of the volcanic dust which fell ou that island on May 7, 8 and 9. "liorue from St Vincent" It says, "In the upper strata of the air, and there suspended, this stuff obscured the sunlight, and pro duced the phenomenon of darkness. In color and consistency it resembles Port land cement." It quotes the following description of the dust by W. G. Free man of the local department of agricul ture: "From the calculated results of a series of observations made In Strath Clyde on the fall of volcanic 'ash,' it would seem that, at a low estimate, about thirteen ounces fell per square foot between the hours of 5 p. m. ou Wednesday and 5 a. m. on Thursday. This, perhaps, may not appear a large amount; but look at it from another point of view. Thirteen ounces per square foot means 117 ounces per square yard, or, to express It in famil iar terms in an agricultural community, no less than 10.2 tons per acre. "Leaving for the while minor units, such as acres, we find that 10,240 tons of volcanic 'ash' were rained onto every square mile of this Island during the last twelve hours of darkness". Suppos ing the fall to have been approximately equal In depth over the whole Island, the almost incredible amount of 1,099, 840 tons of solid matter was added to Barbadoes last night" New York Tribune. Depew's Explanation Failed. About a month ago a constituent of Senator Depew came to him to seek Jhli Influence In gettiug an office. , "You write a letter telling what yu want and I will forward It with my in dorsement," said the Senator when h had beard the man's story. Yesterday the man met the Senator In the capltol lobby. "You remember telling me to write you a letter," be said. "O, yes," was Mr. Depew's reply, as he cordially grasped bis visitor by the nand. "Let me see. You sent me the letter, didn't you, and If I remember rightly, I Indorsed It strongly."' "No," said the man, ."I never wrote the letter. I've been sick." Washing ton Post John Jacob Aator'a Heavy Lose. The original John Jacob Astor was once asked what was the largest amount of money he ever made in a single transaction. ' Be declined to an swer the question, but voluntenreu to tell the largest sum that he failed to make. He related how be, De Witt Clinton and Gov. Morris had planned to buy Louisiana from France and sell It again to the United States govern ment retaining the public domain and charging 2Vi per cent commission. They changed their minds, .and, Mr. Astor said, he lost $30,000,000 by falling to go into the deal ' A girl Is not the real thing unless she has a beau out of town, . - Almost Universally Vaod. The tomato baa a curious history, After the revolution of San Douilugo, many Freucb families came from there to Philadelphia, where they Introduced their favorite pomuie d' amour. Al though Introduced early at 1.MK1 from South America Into England, It was looked upon with suspicion, and Its specific name, "Lycoperslcum," de rived from lykoa, "wolf," and perslkon, "peachy," referring to Ui beautiful but deceptive appearance of Its rrult, Intimates pretty clearly the kind of es timation In which It was held. It la now, however, all but universally used. Value et Wolf Scalps. A hunter and trapper who hat been operating in North' Park this past winter, bat brought in the pelts of four gray wolves. The stockmen of North Park are paying a bounty of 150 for each wolf scalp. The necessity for ex terminating the animal it growing gieater every year, at the loss to owners of cattle by their depredations it a seri ous matter, as it is generally estimated that each wolf dee troys f 500 worth of rattle during hit life time. Ranch and Range. Wsltlnj for an Order. Col. Abraham G ruber entered a taurant recently, and. after waiting half an hour to be served, called the i waiter, and inquired how long be had been there. "Two weeks," was the reply. "Oh, then you're not our waiter," replied Col. Umber. "We gave onr order at least throe weeks ago." New York Times. Ptjiiui flu tilt Opportunity. "His poetrf," the public complained, "smells of the lamp." At this Tegasus reverted to his quins tide and indulged in a horse laugh. "I suppose it's the odor of that gaso line vehicle he tied up to after I bucked and threw him," whinnlexi the fabled ateed. -Automobile Magatine. 17L IsTe ,TY AVfc getable Preparalionror As similating tlicFoodandRcCula Img the S toiaacis cmd Bowvta of Promotes Digcstion.Chcerfur ness and Rcst.Contains neither Chiim.Morphine nor Itinera!. Not "Narcotic. jayv tfoujysAMiTLPirastfi hajminil - AWsanuMatS ffeVaeJM. HaatarWeaMBl aM Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa Tlon , So ur S tornach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvensh rtess ami Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOTIK. ,'f""J"l!P""" mBm, m EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Met- 4X .jBSeSS." "to" A, ready for the summer's trials with clean, clear blood, body, brain free from bile. Force is dangerous and destructive unless used in a gentle persuasive way, and the right plan is to give new strength to the muscular walls of the bowels, and stir up the liver to new life and work with CASCARETS, the great spring cleaner, disinfectant and bowel tonic Get a 50c box to-day a whole month's treatment and see how quickly you will be tOc 25c 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS. Alinrs all bowel tronblee. - 1 1 1 1 II L. lou'snesa. bad brea enth, - I II I III on the etomacli. blaatad hnw.iL cnni W Villas month, headache. Indirection, pliuplee, pains after eating, liver trouble, eallow complexion , find dizziness. When your bowels don't move rega arly yon are getUng slek. Constipation killa nor people than all other dleeaeea together. It la at tarter for the cbronle aliments and long; yvar of atreriDK that eosne afterwards. No matter what lie you, start taking CAftCARKTS to-dav, for too will never got well and be well all the time until you pat ronr bowels right. Take oar advleet start with CASCAKKTS to-day, nnder an absolute guar. : ante to core or money refunded. , . Uappy glomes of Poor. Bom of the happiest aud most Ideal homes where peace, coutoiitmunt and harmony dwell have been the abodes of poor people. No rich carpets covered the floors, no costly paiutlugs were ou the walls, aud there were uo pianos, uo works of art; but there were contented mluda and unselfish aud devoied Uvea Each member of the family contributed aa much at possible to the bapplueaa of all, endeavoring to couiHuNte by kludneas and intelligence for the pov erty of their aurrouudliiga. yf W. L. DOUGLAS $3 & $352 SHOES S" W. li. bouirliis shoes are the stan dard of the world This ia the reason W. L. Douglas mrtkes and sells more men's 94.00 and ta.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers. . W. L. DOUCLAS 84 SHOES CANNOT BK EXCELLED. ltt fetawrfea' mm4 Jawfrae leaMen. Mx'e Petsitr Clt. ImamtL tM Calf. Cmlt. Hid Siat. CvnwM CWt, (. (esfwee. faet f lor ryelela need. Caution f rmutne W. L. DOUOI AST Shot sy smJ, Mr. jrtnt. JUu. t afuJce-.rtve. W. U DOilOLAS. BROCKTON. MASS. rpi hiii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ; In Use For Over Thirty Years P 111 A weans, nsw vena am. mm m mm w 0' JbMMU tms eenrawa ee He thinks he lives, but heV a dead one. No person is really alive whose liver fa dead. During the winter most people spend nearly all their time In warm, stuffy houses or offices or workshops. Many don't get as much exercise as they ought, and everybody, knows that people gain weight in winter. As a rule it fa not sound weight, but means a lot of flabby fat ftelXW UOtltOO, .Vlllllg eeiatlt HIAJ UIK the body when it ought to have been driven out. But the liver was over burdened, deadenedstopped uork. There you are, with a dead liver, and right now is the time for resurrection. Wake up the dead! Get all the filth out of vour svstem. and ret BROUGHT BACK TO HEW LIFE BY appendlettla. HI- GUARANTEED illp? elallar aaedlclaa la the world. 1 bl I. nb.elnt p?oor or reaS mertt, and one best te.tlmonlel. Ve have fetlh and will sell rilHAUETS absolately soaranteed to cor. or mooerrernnded. Uo buy today, two Oo boxes, elv them a fair, honeal trial, as perslmolo dlreotlon, and tfvoo or not aatl.Hed, after uelns oue SOo box, rrluca the nnuaed So. boa and the empty box to us by mail, or Ilia druscut Iran whom yati purchased It, and set your nioner back for botb 5". Take onr advice oa matter wkat all yon-atart to. day. Health will quickly follow and von will bleu the dor . ronarttartediheutroACAKK'rlt. Kaok freeby matf Iddressi bliKU.NU UEIUilllt CO., WW YOUM nluillSS! bad blood, wind To lXepeal Woman Raffr. Colorado politicians are uulvtly ma turlug plant to repeal the constitution al amendment relating to equal suff rage, and at the neit teeslon of the Legislature will introduce a bill to that effecL The movement wilt htvt back ing In both parties and will undoubted ly pass If put to a vote of the people, JOHN I'OOLn, PORTLAND, ORB. res at Merries Street. Tan give you (ha besi bargains In Hollers autl f nsliiM, Windmills, l'umaiid tune rs I Machinery. WimhI taln Machines a specially. Kee us before bur ins. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY fuiUaad, Oregee, rous4llM - it Kfiici Scbsol for Bars. Unitary to. Kanaal Tralnlai. Wrlie for lllumrsted. Catalogue. ARTHUR C. MI WILL. Principal HOITT'S SCHOOL rarentaHealrlng home liiueie, besntltul urroundlns. lrfen vllmale, careful suer vision, anl thorough mental, moral end. thye lial training tor their boys, will Hnd all these reoiilremenis fully net at lloUl's School, Mania lark, fan Mate Oouaty, Cat hend tut Catalogue. VwelU year beg Ins August Ihh. isU U. MWllf. la. D frtaolpal. THE IE FEKS1CI LAWS SEflT FREE Al'I'ly l fiSTMSR nicamaD, ArruaNsv, W iitiiiim, . C. Hurvlvere r laaian Ware ar Wldasre mt Sill aa are leeeeeiti fir recent art ef rensree yea have a claim R twiwlmt ml the re ler a.ta ner month, neiul to me u .i.i.lUelluu. A dleea Y. W,, Weeh. IDtftuu. v, u, e rensiea tiurne m iikv J Old Indian War Pensions Congrees has Just pa! a law granting pen sions to the eurvtvnrs and la the wtitnws of lie resjwd enUllere of the Oregon. Washington and I altturnla lixtlan wars nl IstT to 1, full in toroiailun lll he sent by Pytneton A Wilson, No. hevehteenih. Street, V) eehlnstou, l. C, or Branch olttre No, U 1'erroil building, San Kraiiclswi., Cat. fees limited by law. DR. C. GEE WO WONDERFUL HUM! TRIIATMLNT This wonderful Chi Mee (tiia'lii la netted k . ye. 7 greet herauM he eures V Mm enile wlihiMtt onere- llen that are eiven op to die. He euree with Ihuee wiHioerrut I'ht neee herhe, roots, butt, berks and vegetables that are entirely un known le medlrel art. ewe In thle country, Thrnuch the nee ot Ihoee hermli-ee remedies iht f aiuoue dut-tor S imw the action of over sue dlnVrenl remedies, which he auwvful ly ear In digerent dieMiem, He Siiarsnleee to euro raierrh, aeltima, !ui, throat, rheumatism, nervooaueea, emmarh. liver, kldneya, etc.; baa hundred of leaiiinvn lata, t'haraee moderate, t all and see hint. I'ailenia out of the city wrtie lor blank and circular. Hend Scent In iainp. CU.NHll TATHOI AUl'HsjtM THE 6. SEE WO CH1XESE KEOrCIKE CO. Ul's Third St., Portland, Oregon. Si Mention paper. 'THB eeley we Alcohol, 420 Aeenoe PORTLAND OR160 Take car oa Third Sir 101 Upper as fetna. Pnoae, flak IM Oregon. I opium, Tobacco i Using Cripples, We guarantee to help vnil. We Ii.t te rir.Mt I nrtL Hprpl factory wetof t'hlcaco LArUIV HCIfct nmkliii-ertliMal 1 1 ml hraces, deftirniltyapparaina and all klndacrlp plre' supplies. 11 cm iota!, beet niaile. Write ua sud we'll show you latest appliance for your vnee. Western Aluminum Artificial Umb Ce, tSlii Washington HI. I lot Hecoud Hi. Portland, Oregon. ST. P. M. O. st-iaoa. ITTTHlUr wrtt'ng Vt naeasMeathl to advertiser please this paper. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. r