THE GOUDOU GLOBE. THUR3DAY. JULY, 3, 1002, THB OFFICIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OREGON. LOCAL NEWS, Toor Willie's rnutcbt th tha msailus," ill minima to lil in nl, Ai WiilliU forlorn ami tick, Wm nestling In till ul. I think you're wrung," tald Willi, "And 1 1 to disagree; 1 didn't catch lli msasles, Out tit" tnoMnlu limy caught m." ; Charles Nut l Douglas, Win 8twart, of Lout Hock, was In town Monday. MIm Elsie Prown la 111 at her home on Hock crrik, ' Boy Price' family ara undergoing a lg of measles. Mrs. Mlllan Uuiveni wai In from Pop ' I Mr Furuf Monday. John BiiU's baby baa bean aerlouily III during lb weak. Alburn Moore's family ara down with an attack of measles. Dr. Comyvll was over from Fossil on business during tb wek. Mrs, Len Searcy, of Reedier Flat, left Monday for a vlalt with friend in tb Valley. Work wa commenced Monday on tbe excavation for Dunn Uro. new brick building. The sale of property advertised In tbe delinquent tai list took place at the court liouea Monday, Tha Mteaea Bowerman, sister (f Jay Ilowerinan. are Iter from Baleui tbe guet of Mr. J. F. Keliacher, Quant A Co.' new mail stagpa went on the rout Tuesday morning and Cn don now baa two flrst-class aUge line. Kd Temple ha rental a thrre-room bouaeandla keeping bia weather eye iwld for a housekeeperFossil Juur nal. Mr. C. W. Whit eold her wool in lleppner last week at 14 cent a pnnnd. Thl I, to far, lb bout at reported In this action. . C. 0. Porlwood l bere from Arling ton to get settled down In Condon pre lratory to taking charge of tha clerk' fflj neat Monday. The entertainment and featlval given by the ladle of the Saint' chnrch last week wa very successful. Between 25 and 30 wa cleared. Meeting are Mm beld at the (Saint's church by Elder Allen and Goodwin. Mr. Allen I latlv on t from tha eaat and I an able and polished epeaker. TheGi-owa office tornetl out a Mid summer Clearance Bale catalogue for P. II. tphenon daring the week which contain torn rare Imrgaln In summer tires good and ladisa wear, Tha weather has been cool and cloudy for tha pait week and the wheat crop I coming out In fine ahap. The Indica tion now are that Uilliam county will liarvent the Inrgett crop of wheat in her history. John McMorrl and L. D. Townsend are pushing the carpenter work on J. J. rortwood'a residence right Hlong. It I commonlou two iory atrnctur and when completed will be on of the best dwelling In town. Work on tha new flouring mill I pro gressing tatiefactorlally. Borne delay fa being caused by th failure of tbe floor Ing to arrive bntit is hoped that will Boon be obviated. The company expect to be ready to ran by about August loth. J,. W. Jack on & Co. will continue to operate their (tags Una after July 1st handling passenger and eipres trafflo exclusively. Messrs. Jsckson have sus tained an excellent service In the past and will no doubt continue to do so in the future. Bee their ad In another col umn. Mis Minerva M. Neel baa been en gaged a th fifth teacher of Fossil pub I'o school, in place of Mine Hershner, who failed to complete her contract with tha board. Mis Neal come highly re commended from Condon, where she taught In the public school last year. Fossil Journal. All of the new county officials will take charge of their respective offices next Monday morning except A9essor-eloct Bhelton who will not take charge of bis office nntil July 1st. Tha change will be a complete one ex cept In the cases of Commissioner Dyer wild Treasurer Stephenson who were re elected. The International Sunshine Society, of Condon, scnda In a supplementary re port which Btates that the Society has eettled the hospital bill and funeral ex pense of the Overlander baby amount ing to 32.20. Theretill remains In the treasury $11.52 of the fund raised at tbe entertainment, given by the society, which will be devoted to other sunshine work. A letter from Uilllam county to the writer on Monday says there is a very good prospect for a large crop of wheat In the Mayvillo country. Twenty years ngo we remember Mayville flat, an un broken plain of waving bnnchgras. It is nil fenced up today, and is as line a body of wheat land as can be found the world over, sadly in need of a railroad. Moro Bulletin. ' W, L. Barker was in town a day or two last week on business. Mr. Barker is quite enthusiastic over the fine pros pects for a big wheat crop. He say his Khuttler Flat ranch gives promise of giv ing by far the heaviest yield it has ever given. Mr. Barker expects to build a fine modern residence in Condon this summer and bring his family hereto make their permanent home this fall. Mr. Barker and his estimable family are numbered among Gilliam county's best citizens and will mnke a welcome addi tion to our growing city. Congress adj nirned Monday, A One shower fell here Tuesday night Dr. Wood returned from Portland' Mon day much imroved in health. Thoa. Buford I her from Portland organising a fraternal Insurance comps y. Wm, Edden, a former resident of thl section I here thl week from Wai la Walla. Sheriff-elect Johnson baa appointed Ray itogcir a hi deputy. This choice i a good on at Mr. Roger I on of our beat young men and baa th respect and Rood will of all wbo know elm. Con gratulatlon Ray. MltiMyrtl Fltiwater will b con tin ued a deputy In tb clerk' office after C. 0. l'ortwood take charge next Mon day. Mlsa Fllswater bat been deputy under Mr, Fraxer for two or three year and I most efficient and obliging In that capacity. Mr. l'ortwood could bay ruade no better selection. New Enterprises. Th Eastern Oregon Banking Co, through their cashier, F. T. llurlburt ba bought a lot on Main atreet, from J. E. Lancaster upon which wa under stand they will soon erect a building In which to open a bank. Mr llurlburt, at th ara time also mad a deal fur a block of ground for tb Arlington Lumber Co. npon which that company expect to opeu a lumber business. Condon I rapidly coming to th front and w predict that, before mow flies, there ill b atioi big change in this busy burg. x Believes In Grand Old Gilliam. L.0, Ualston, the well known capital ist of Portland wa here Monday attend ing th delinquent tax tale. He secured about 8()0 worth of property. Mr, Rals ton I heavily Interested In real estate In thl county and lose no opportunity to increase bia holding, lie believe th day I not fr distant when Uilliam county wheat land will be worth (30 per acr and he i not afraid to back hi judgement by Investments. While be own an elegant home in Portland and Uvea thereon account of th educational advantage for his children be says be prefer to live in Uilliam county rath r than any place he know of. A Chapter of Accidents, Ed Collin waa seriously injured at his bom in Ferry Canyon last Thursday by hi team rnnnlng away on a ateep hill. Mr. Collin wa thrown from the wagon and received a severe scalp wound. and waa also Injured internally, lie cam to town and wa having the hair trimmed from around the sculp und, In tb barber shop, when be' fainted away. II complained of a sever pain in the region of th heart and had evi dently received a heavy blow there in bia fall. Ocll, the young son of Herbert llal- tead, fell from the porch at hi horn bere Friday and sustained a fractara of hi collar bona. Th little fellow I get ting alona all right, however, and will soon be as good a new. Tom Thorpe, the 14-year-old aon of Mr. and Mrs. 0. F, Thorp, waa enjoy in a horseback ride at Frank Moore's place Sunday when the horse and rider part ed company with the result of a broken arm for the' boy. lie came to town where Dr. Luna reduced the fracture ano the boy is getting along all right. This list Is a pretty good start for the Fourth which is the day of all day in the year when American boy are sup posed to meet with accidents. Trouble In the Mountains. 8ome disquieting minors reached this city during the putt week from the mountaloou regions of Urant county where many thousands of aheep are driven every summer for summer range. The first rumor was brought in Thurs day by Charlie Johnson, who hascharge of Russell's sheep, and was to the effect that Blake Bros, band had been a hot in to on Dixie mountain and that 300 sheep were killed and one of the herders wounded. Sunday a telephone message was re ceived from Monument by 8. B. Barker, which stated that una of his band had also been attacked In the Dixie mount ain and that 300 aheep and three pack horse were killed. ' The report also stated that the men in charge of the sheep returned the fife and wounded one of the attacking party. The band which Is supposed to have been attacked is In charge of Charlie tadiges, packer and Antona ' ', herder. It is also reported that an invitation has been sent to sheep owners of this county to attend a conference at Canyon City on Jolv 7, to try to arrange some plan by which plashes of this kind may be avoided. At thl writing these report lack confirma tion. Since the above was put In type we are informed that Mr. Barker has receiv ed a letter from Charlie Ladigea which stated that IS or 20 sheep were killed and about the tame number wounded, Tbe letter made no mention of any man being shot, however, so that part of the former story was probably a canard. HAVE YOU THE GRIP OR A COLD? We guarantee every box of Lang's Laxative Cold Cure to break up a cold and cure la grippe. For sale only by Condon Pharmacy LEADING DUUUI8T8. '' t J . Bring us your prescriptions. Demand for Normal Graduates. The State Normal School at Monmouth reports that the demand for Us graduates during the past year has been much be yond the supply. Uradnati n from tbe Normal practically assures a place worth from (40 to $100 per month. The stu dents take tha State examination during the regular course and are easily able to pass on all subjects required for State papers before graduation. The school has a well eqnipped Training Depart ment consisting of a Nwe grade town school and a typical country school. Stop the Cough and worka off the Cold. Laxative Brnmo-QHlnine Tablets cure a eold p one any, No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 conta nnwinrmnjumnjuwinjvruir Oranges, Lemons, Bananas On hand this week. also Beef, fork, Poultry etc. Firf?st Candies, Nuts and Cigars. unnnnnnnnnn 5 ffuvvnuutruvu BARR BUILDING, CONDON, ORE. 5 uvuutnnnnnnnnnnnnuiruxnjwi ELGIN MYERS. CLARKE & FRAZER Make a specialty of Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Locks, Nails and all builders' trimmings. Also Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Glass. Hardware and Furniture, Dishes and Enameled Ware. Get our prices. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Something to Please the Eye A grand display of Spring and Summer goods. Anything jou wish io the line of Ladies' Wearing Apparel. Shoes, Gloves, Belts, straight front Corsets and Girdles. In Waists we carry a large assortment of the latest styles. Whftii in Condon do not fail to call and inspect our fine line of Summer Dress Goods including Lawns, Dimities, Foulards, Zephyrs, Ginghams, Persians, Organdies, Swiss Etc. P. H. STEPHENSON, RELIABLE MERCHANT, 1 IChoice Stall-fed Beef, Finest Mutton and Pork.! The Condon Meat Market ' and Confectionery, JOHN JACKSON, Proprietor, g We now haver A LARGE STOCK OF. h Drugs, Patent Medicines, and Toilet Articles. We have lately added a Complete Line of Paints, Oils and Stationery. Our Goods are Fresh and our Prices are Right. , Wilson's Pharmacy. Spring and Summer, 1902. We l'g to announce to our numerous friends and patrons that we soon expect to open, for t their innpection and approval, tbe finest line of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever offered in Gilliam County. We handle -General Merchandise which means that we can supply you with any article needed, from the finest fabrics in Dry Goods, Clothing and Furnishing Goods to the most substantial and latest improved gang plow, freight wagon or other farm implement or machine. Our gro cery department is Blocked with a complete line of the finest brands of Staple and Fancy Groceries and our line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware is up-to-date. WADE) BROS. OLEX, THE BIO STORE - OREDON THE f s P0?ULAR H0STELBY 1 CONDON HOTEL Ha I teen thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cater to the w ants of the traveling public. Com- . niercia! travelereand others desiring the comforts of a firet-elasB hotel will find this boune sailed to their wants. Mrs. S. A. Maddock, Propr. ,r ' g J. . Lancaster returned from Fort land Monday. The Same Old Story J. A. Kelly relates an experience sim ilar to that which has happned in almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told and re-told by thous ands of othe'8. "Last sn aimer I bad an attack of dysentery and purchased a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which I used accord ing to directions and with entirely satis fiictry results. The trouble was controll ed much quicker than former attacks when 1 used other remedies." Mr. Kel ler is a well known citiien of Henderson N. O. For sale by C'ndm Pharmac?. John Madden was over from Lone Rock Monday. - Ii.Bure your propery against fire in the Foenis. Lancaster & Pattison, agents. Get Clarke & Fraser's prices on Doors, Windows and Trimmings bt fore buying elsewhere. -ForSale. 160 acres of good land 9 miles east of Condon, 150 Acres good plow land; 35 acres broke. Good house and never fail ing well of water. All fenced. For price and terms apply to M. M. Mitchell, ' .- Condon, Oregon. 1 -MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c. IMEHART'S RESTAURANT , The public will find that no better accom modations can be found in this county than this place. Good meals, clean beds. trm4 . ma' I mutirr. Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Convsysnctr, Calaa, Or. 1 0n-Hetiiri!(nnrim!". Trmi rlJb, Ode ia tmml ul IhaWOio ttulldinf , Uiu UH( 8. A. FATTISOW SO TAUT PUBLia Dfllofl la OlctM Ju!ld!r.j. CO BOW, . . . . ORSaOK. ATIOaSET-AT-Utf. flea wracr Sprtaf trat a4 Ortfaa suae eoHDow, OKBOOW. The Regulator Lino. to Mte, Pcrtfcl i Zstrts NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH TREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... Daffy Line of Steamers Between Portland Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood Rive aai t& Points oa tht "Wuimgloa siis; Tt itMnw tUTT.i City ana Kcvnlator rn rrtU;d Trr naming irpi SunUT)t', nd Tk PullM t m., airtTlac at ob ib asiyla una lor eotgolDf trains. Fialgat SMat 6rtiy KadoeaC W. C. iLUt WAT, GB. Art., foot at Court iuaat, Tha Cail4M, Or. 2 , yoliL 0P,EG0N Short LinU uaVmonPAcmc TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, KAUSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS. IIEVYOHK. Ocean Steamers be tween Tortland and Ban Francisco every five days. HEADQ UARTERS FOR TRA VELING MEN GEO. W. RINEHART. Pron. COTnnT OHTrrinxr JANCASTER 4 PATTI30N. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Farm and Town property for sale. Correspond ence solicited. CONDON, OREGON . Buy a b i McCormick This Header has stood every test for years and all who are fam'liar with its ' STTfVjTdc'lt, rjy- vf'tut't " tnenta admit its Biipenori- mmmm -mSj FT Hf ty ovef all competitors. W?r .Light' running, easily 1 mMl$mhMwfU X ed,builttowear are a few Notce of Final Settlement. Notice is faerebr Riven that the Huderstgned bat filed his final accoHnt as administrator of the estate of James Nixon, deceased, with the County Coart of Gilliam Comity, Oregon, and that laid Conrt has appointed Monday, July 7. I902, at 2 o'clock p. m, at Condon. Oregon, as the time and place for homing objections to mid fiual account and lor the final settlement thereof. All heirs, creditor or others interested In said estate, should file their objectinns, if any they have, on or before the day and hour above nam od. C. J. Ql'INN. Dated June 8, 1902. Administrator. CHIEF B DUNN BROS., Agents, 3 iiiaiiuaaaauiuaauiiiaiiuiuuaiiaauuauauuaaiiuFb LOW RATES Tickets to and from all parts of the Unit ed States, Canada aud Europe. For partic ulars call on or address, H. R. BRIGGS, y ACbNT. ARLINGTON, OREG. r")i Will niHke tlie eunii t l'MVi Ht my rnnch at Coniton. This is undoubtedly the finest ji k in the emmty aud horsemen who desire the bct should call ami we him. Pediokke Nsme. ( heif; color blue; a"e 8 years j bred by Smith Eckels, of Crliforma; sire Stem Vinder(tJlck Mammoth J.wk)i (fniiid sire, im ported Kentucky Jiickj 1st dam, Mnlta Jennie (imported). For terms, etc., enquire of the undersigned F. Ward, t'omioM, Or. CONDON SHOE SHOP All kinds of repair work neatly done; I tinvo put in a (fen&rsi stork of Men's Wonen's and Children's enstom made shoes. Also carry the Waterman Ideal Fountain Pen. My goods are strictly first-class. Call tnd In spect my stock befor buying else W here. O. W.TROrST & Co. Props. Main Street, Condon, Oregon. Ilendqtiarters For McMorris' Telephone Supplies. Condon, Oregon. Subscribe for the Gf.o.i,