TiiE GQiiDDil GLOBE. 1 Thursday. June 2g. eo2. Uie thattWir masters, the cap- ;,i I, l. .. " . i italics, have secured (Wir advair- It ia reported that a-.Wi iiWK ' ! past throng!, political v.if La discovered a method bv . iflneoe andf they reason that r Web he ft cabled to drairclcctrW ; thir oT hnw th niv directly from tliP air, without , hox- rV iiitrrniflittH'iMivi. t.wer bo Jeftrs withouti.y Jastrns result itTg !, a it np.M. il directly h workers are learning that iitrirmiip uiaihi.rv.- If thin 1 ' theironly recourse ftthe ballot The trur. (a..l if Lac Imi. pmlnttd , P"9 dispatches state that already by eiHinent pfretririan f.r veral applications for charters are .pour month?) it will nttwe-n, tunch great- "'g ' th "w Denw organita or revolution in the industrial xvorW i lio,, fro, n Y h from than tliedipcovny'i)fi:iiniorthe,ui,iu,,alh1 ar? tirtd of lhe oKi nmMiiL aniu-l form .f eItriclconRemuive WRftnwatwns and are Bower. Truly this old world is moving at a rapid pace these days. The senate last week adopted, the Spooner amendment to the isth main canal hill thereby ' approving the' Panama route. It is signtS- rant thnl miwt f llirt RtMiatnr who hate been opposed to any isthmian canal voted for the Panama route without any protest which would peem to indicate that they figure as did Senator Mitchell that the most effective way to fight the canal would be by supporting the Spoon er amendment. If the Panama eanal is ever completed it will b at the cost of hundreds of thou&, ands of American lives for that cli mate is known to be deadly to men raised in a more temperate latitude. It has often been said that the Pa nama railroad cost in its building a human life for every cross-tie in its entire length' Aiini while-thas state ment is perhaps exaggerated it is known that the mortality rate was something terrible. - A billion dollor meat trust is now projected and, reports say, will no doubt be consumated. The new concern will not only monop olize the packing house and fresh meat business of the country but will also proceed to take over the cattle raising industry. In other wards it will control both ends of the business. Perhaps the monop olization of no other branch of in dustry will do so much to biing ,about a big overturningof things generally in these United States than will that of the meat business. All classes of Americans have been accustomed to beefsteak too long to submit calmly to having it taken away, and the announcement has already been made'that uneUr the new regime it will only be a short time until the price of steak will be entirely beyond the reach of the working classes. r . The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. has issued an . order prohibiting kissing on its depot platforms and trains on the ground that it inter feres with traffic. It is a pretty sure thing that if the order is not speedily rescinded the company will lose the patron age of many people. The sweet girl graduate, newly married people people who soon expect to be married, proud "parents cf pretty progeny, preachers, editors and all nersons who believe in eniovine the 4- - - - ti y j good things of life on all possible occasions, will'prefer to take some other line. The Pennsylvania Co. may soon have its passenger list reduced to sour visaged old maids and crusty, grumpy old bachelors; but vvould'nt it be a joke on the the company if these classes would warm up to each other, when there was no one else present to see the performance and begin to taste the sweets of osculatory bliss. That railroad company has tackled a big job. The American Labor Union, re cently organized in Denver, promi-' ees to bring about a sweeping change in the methods of labor or ganizations all over the country. eration rf Labor and all other lead ing old line labor unions has been to keep out of . politics while the new organization proposes to carry the fight'directly into politics and Y Read It In His Newspaper.. ' tieorge Suhaub, a well known German citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con stant reader of the Dayton Volkszritung. He knows that this paper aims to adver tise only the beet its coin inns, and when be saw Chamtwrlain's Puin Balm adver tised therein tor laine hack, be did not hesitate in baying a little of it for hif wife, who for eight weeks hail suffered with the lunet tenihle pains iu her Iwck and could get no relief. He savs: "Af ter ning the Pain Balm for a few days my w ife said to me, 'I feel as though i. , i i . i '. . t ' iHiru niiew, mm iM'iure ning ine enure 'intents of the bottle the unbearable tun) entirely vsnished and she -ruiiiii Mguiii note u tier iioupenoiu Jii tiei-,' He is very thankful and hopes all ; t-utf -ring likewise will hear of her Won- .1 Tt ! . I LI if . f urnm mmcii, i iiih vamame 11 U I lien I is for by Condon Pharmacy 1' kwp it -thiirrt to a ftrii-iL The htborii& M'D a t are bo-niumig to ' anxious to affiliate with the newone. The near future is sure to see some radical changes in the labor world. For bilioii'iiKss use Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tahleta. They cleanse the boelg effecting a quick and perma nent core for rate by Condon Pharmacy. IXDI VIDUA LIS Af3. CEN TRALISM. No observing person has failed to note that the trend of the day is toward centralization. Individual ism is too rapidly becoming a thing of the past. This is not to express a wish that such be the case. It is but to record a fact that is patent I to every one who thinks and cor rectly interprets the tendencies of the times. We hear frequently utterances by statesmen deploring this tact, and calling upon political parties to stem a tide that is running away from the old landmarks out in to a 6ea of socialism. Would that such appeals might be granted, But political parties areas helpless as the school boy to stop the flow of a tide that moves onward with resistless force of consonance with the eternal law of evolution. This is not to endorse socialism. It is, indeed, to deplore it. It is to pon der the situation with grave fore bodings of what shall come when the present tendencies have wrought their full effects, t However it is not wise to ignore the inevitabe. It is not wise to make the wish' the father of the thought. There be certain facts that 6tare people iu the face. They force themselves upon our observa tion. They compel attention. The day of individual enterprise has passed. The day of small shops has gone. The times when men ran corner groceries is become a part of history. Nowadays, we have department stores, great sys tems of railroads, combinations, trusts and a few gigantic organiza tions that control what the people use and produce. Imagine the puerility of him who might attempt to Btem such a tide. We may as well agree to acknowl edge the truth, then proceed to ad just things social and industrial and political to it. We must face what must be We shall not accept socialism as forced upon us. Weehall resist it to what extent is possible. We shall try to avoid what 6eems to us now approaching social shoals. But we shall be honest. We shall apply ourselves to the problems of the day in a spirit of proper concession of obvi ous truth. What shall be the out come no man can now say. But every one should know that indl vidualism as it once was is no more; that centralization has absorbed the energies of the times, and soci ety must adjust itself to the newer conditions. Portland Journal How to avoid Trouble. Now. is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over, and if procured now may save yon a trip to town in the night or in your basieet season. It is every where admitted to be the most success ful medicine in nse for bowel complaints both for children and adnlts. No family can afford to lie without if. For sale by Condon Pharmacy, Monthly Report I. S. S. The following is the report of Hieh land Branch, International Sunshine .Society, of Condon for June: Sent out 5 bundles of clothing to a Hhutin for herself and children and five letters of cheer. Donated $2 88 in stamps to send letters And clothing to shutins. Birthday presents, one. New members Mr. Elia Scott, Mrs. Isaac Pryor, Mrs. Agnes Rogers. July birthdays Mr, Louis Flanders, 2, Clem; Mrs. Ellen Palmer, 12, Ajai ; Miss Nettie lltiges, 12, Condon. Adjourned to inpet the second Satur day of July at Mrs. Florence Keizur's in Condon. g Members are requested to send in an account of their donations to the secre tary by the 20th of each month so she will have time to have them published the last of each month. A GINKS PAI.MEB, Secretary. Ellen Palmer, President. Subscribe for The Globe AJAX. A jus aill not celebrate th yea. C. II, lion wa a caller at the Palmer ranch tMimUy. Mil's Minnie AlUrd went to Condon Friday, K I Palmer went to Alvitl Sunday. The Kly Bros, from WiHVtw creek were riding in thia country the firs-t of last week for horses. (Tift Maley ia cutting bay. Charley Marvel came over from Rock Creek the (bet of last week to look alter his crop here, Harry Palmer went to Altrille Sunday to play ball with the Alville nine. Miss Minnie Adtard wilrgotoMittttler Flat this week to assist her sister Mrs. Frank Marvel through harvest. Torsv. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and bron chilis,' writes Mrs. W. K. Havlland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but when all other remedies foiled, we laved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who bad Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she Is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Diseovery as to no other uediciueon earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guaran teed by Condou Pharmacy. Trial bot tles free. ARLINGTON NOTES. Burnett Bros, show exhibited here Saturday. V. A. Rnssel and son were la with wool Tuesday. Arlington was visited by a fine shower Monday afternoon. Mrs. C. Obereither has accepted a po sition at the Grande. Jasmine chapter O. . S. installed their offieeaa last Friday night. Miss A. Cardinell is ahead at present jn the contest tor Goddes of Liberty. JoeTaft was op from Blalock shaking hands with bis old tillicums Monday. Miss Florence Irvine and brother, El mer, left Saturday for a visit to Spokane. Earl Weatherford was la from Shutt' ler Monday and be reports crops doing fine. ' A. R. Collins, of Dot, has purchased a lot and will erect a dwelling thereon at once. Miss Pearl Ward, of the Dalles, is vis iting with the family of A. L. fluff this week, Mrs. C. Burnham is down from Wtl lows v;siting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, R.E.Wilson. Barker & Pliter shipped a train load of sheep east which they had sold to a party from North Dakota. Miss Ella Robinson, of Independence, has relieved her sister, Eva, at the tele phone for a short while. Mrs. S. Fairfield was in from the ranch Saturday. She says they will have a fine crop this year. Jackson Bros, will still ran their Arlington-Fossil stage line after July 1st and carry passengers and freight only. We understand the band is to import four professional players so as to be able to furnish first-class music here the 4th. An effort is being made to get a minis ter for the Baptist church. This church has been without a minister about six months. U. S. Inspectors Fuller and Edwards inspected the ferry boat at this place Monday and gave ber a certificate for an other year. C. T. Peters' bouse accross the river was destroyed by fire Saturday morning. They were able to save the organ and range. The origin of the fire is a mys tery as the fines were of brick. Seven Years In Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous pros tration and general debility ; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, and in three months I felt like a new person." Women who suffer from Headache, Backache, Nerv ousness, Bleepness, Melancholy, Faint ing and Dizzy Spells will find it. a price less blessing. Try it. Satisfaction guar anteed at Condon Pharmacy. Only 50c. Ed Mc Kinney has left for the high mountains where be will summer listen ing to the tinkle of the bell on the bell wether which leads his band of sheep to the spots where the best and greenest grass grows. Didn't Marry For Money. The Bowton man, who lately married a sickly rich young woman, is happy now, for begot Dr. King's New Life Pills which restored her to perfect health. Infallible for Jaundice, Bilioueneao, Malaria, Fe ver, and agne and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Oentle but effective. Only 25c at Condon Pharmacy. TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LnxAtlve Bnmn Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure K. W. (irore'i luiiatore Is on each box. 25c C.E.RAN0US CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans and Specifications on application. Job work neatly done on short notice and at reasonable rates. Condon Oregon. LORD & CO Have Opened the Door to Success. Here are Three Reasons Why. tst fiecaust it has always bt cur aim to keej a tat, elf an, p-fo-ddtt shvk ef $wJt, ...... J.vi. IV always givt our customtrs Just what thty ask for, jrJ, AditiM dtalittg A.ts always Ive cur mottp. Yon art assured that what yen hy from us A right so far as quality and frict is (euttrutd. Now if you want to keep in tho front rank, if you want to stretch your I I out and make them go a little farther than usual, just come in and see what you can exchango them for. Don't be afraid of coming too early or too late; we are open from 0:00 A. M. to 8:00 P.M. Anything in Groceries? WE CARRY TEA, COKFEK, SVCIAK, DEANS. RICE, ROILED OAT9, 8ACO, J v TAHOCA, MACIKONI, COD . FISH, SALMON, SARDINE, . pf , SHRIMP, 8YRVP, SOAP, BACON. I.AKD, KLOl'R, SALT, SPl.'DS, CST V SPICKS, PICKLES, DRIED FRt IT, CANNED KRCIT, CANNED VEGETABLES," ORANOES. LEMONS, BANANAS, KITS, CAN ' - . DIES, TOBACCO, PIPES, CIOAR3, QUEEN8WARE, OLAHSWAUK. EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE , If you are not already one of our customers don't be afraid to come in and get acquainted. We have put many a man ou the road to prosperity. Why not give us a show at you? QUALITY, QUANTITY, PRICE. LORD & GO. LORD & CO. ARLINGTON, OREGON. LONE ROCK. Mrs. D. Z. R ibinettehas been eeriom ly ill several days. Manley Downing bought a few heitd of moles here last week. Mrs. Jessie Morgan of Lost Valley was visiting friends here Saturday. . Some of the farmers are rutting alfal fa. The rye crop ia also readv to cnt. Rev. Fredinhnrg has been holding a few night's meetings in the lhtptist church. Tlios. McPherson has sold bis ranch and stock and ia about to bant another location. J. B. (Joff has been nursing a lame shoulder tire past week on account of a horse falling with him. Some strangers from Pendleton were here a few days thia week wanting to buy a stock much but the Inn. I owners about here seem well satisfied with their possessions , i . A big blowout jis expected here on the fourth and we understand that a good supply of the blowing will he furnished by a neighboring town. "'Hall for the fourth." Everybody come and w e '1 I drink the creek drv. A Terrible Explosion 'Of a gasoline stove burned a lady here frightfully," writes N. E. Palmer, of Kirkland, Ia. "The beat doctors couldn't heal the running sore that fol lowed, but Buck ten's Arnica Salve en tirely cured her." Infallible for Cute, Corns. Sores, Boils, Bruises, Skin Dis eases and Piles. 25c at Condon Pharmacv. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to June 1, 1901, will be paid upon pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after June 11, 1002. P. fl. Stepiikshon, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Subscribe for the Globe. JOHN W, KERN, Painter and Paper Hanger. First-class Work Executed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Leave orders at Clarke & Frazer's Store, THE INTERIOR WAREHOUSE GO. WILL HAVE ITS NEW WOOL BALE ft IN OPERATION HY MAY 1ST. HIGHEST PRICE FOR GRAIN. GENERAL WAREHOUSE BUSINESS. BALFOUR, CUTHRIE & CO , M'C'RS. ARLINCTQN, BLALOCK, DOUGLAS, I0NE Arlington-Fossil Stage Line. (DIXON GUANT & CO., Proprietors.) U. S, MAIL COACHES New stock and new wagons. FirBt-cIass service assured. Quick time. Comfortable coaches. Experienced drivers. gj- J, Passenger and f.eigbt business solicited. ,firJ Office &t Condon Pharmacy. Service begins July 1, 1902. finest Job prii?tir;$ for CONDON SHOE SHOP All kinds of repair work neatly done; I hav put in a irtneral stock of Men's Wonen'n nnd Children1! CiHtoio niadt xhoes. AImi crrv ih Waterman ideal Fountain IVn. Mr good are strictly lirit-clni. Call tnd In spect my ftock Iwfor buying elee where. 0. W. PKOPST A Co. Props. Main Street, Condon, Oregon. Headquarters For McMorriV Telephone Supplies. Condon, Oregon. CHEAT REDUCTION IN MILLINERY COODS Having purchased the Mil linery buineR8iof Mrs. II. II. Wain we have made sweeping reductions in prices. Call and eee us. First-class trimmer in charge. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. E. L. Madden ) . Pnop's. Miss Maggie Uawes,) LATEST DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER I have just received a large invoice of wall paper in Int ent Htyles and pattern". About a ton of it on hand and must he sold hv June 1. PrlceHjwonderfully low. Es timates furnitdted. j W. A. DARLINC. , fill at tye OCOBE Office. KERR CIFFQR & CO., PROPS. BRANCH HOUSES: BLALOCK, QUIRM ..GRAIN.. Stored with os win rercire the careful attention of experienced warehotit-eineii. IJarb wire, nails, aalt, augur, lime, cement, feed and mill atulTd always on band in any quantities. Uen eral storage and forwarding. A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D, B. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON The Condon Barn Only first-class Livery and rigs and good teams. 8cial rare. Lare, strong corrals In connection. Our Urrnis art reas onable and we solicit your patronage. Springston & Rogers, Proprietors ttrtumruuuinnninnruvvnnjuuiru LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Managed ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lumber, consisting or Flooring, Cell ing, Rustic, Ship-lap and all kinds of Rough Lnniber. Careful atten given to bills of special sizes and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, OREGON. r i f i ----- i THE CELEBRATED . .. COLUMBIA. BREWERY . . AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thin well-known brewerv the United Statea Health LciHirt for .him- 28, 10(H) cays; "A more nperinr brew never entered the lnl.raiorv nf the United Statea Health report. It Ih absolutely devoid of the Hlitfhtcst trace of adulteration, hut on the other i. and Ih cmiipo'sed of the best of malt and and ohoicem of Imps. Ita tonic qmlitieu are of the highest and it can be lined with the jtreateRt benefit and BHtiKhiction by both old and yonnir It one can conscientiously be prescribed br the phyaiciana with the certaintv that a bcttciV pureror more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. AVENERIOUS CARBOLINEUM Avenerious Carbolineum is here to stay. Ask those who have used it. It prevents decay in fence pofds, water tanks and all wood work and is a guaranteed article. It also exterminates chicken lice 'and tnltes and keeps them away permanently. It is a general pu rifier of manger, chicken house or pig pen. it spreads with a brush and is a nice, nut-brown paint. CLARKE & FRAZLR, AGENTS. Jf. WOOD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Imyamt ntitht cU promptly aiitwsr! Offirt Mittti trwt near Sprmg. ' wsnoy. . . . . on. Artistic; Barber. Sleek Shaves nnd Hnir-cut. Razors honod ami re-ground CONDON ORECON, O. S. EBI, PR0PK1KT0H OF SODA .ttd .'07TZ7N O II OKA'S MnnnfiM'turer of fvxla. Orange and Champmine Cider, Parsaparllla and Irm and all other Holland Carbonated Drinks. Condon trade is respeet fully solicited. Orders promptly fillet) Arlington, Ore. U. L. N1, the wttt known auction eer, wllltlv the strictest attention to all btisiupss entrusted to hit rata. If yon hara property to fll consult hire.- HEW STOHEi NEW COODSII J nut opened an elgnnt lint of LADIES' FURNISHINGS AND MODERN MILLINERY ChII today and Inxpect my atock, MISS DORA DOWNING. CONOCN. OREGON. Feed Stable In the clt? . Flna new attention to all stock left In our The Dalles Marble Works L COMINI, PROP. Lnnl mill dan an eie for bosinesi In the iiinnnnient and tnmbotiine line' and coniiiinea to guarantee tatUfuo tion in all kind of the finest MARBLE AND CRANITE WORK. He lice only the beta Vermont and Iiailan Mhi b'e and Scotch, Harre and YVeKierlyJJranltce and the work done in bin eHtahliHhment ia unsurpassed anywhere on the Pacific coat. HOLD YOUR ORDER FOR HIM. WRITE FOR PRICES AND.OESICHS L COMM. THE DALLES, ORE. JUMBO. v Thia tine bay stallion will be found during the season of 190? at Cooke Broa. ranch 4,lf miles east of Condon. I'eworke. -Age years ; sire Usurper, (the II. C. Strickland horse) No. 3888; grandeire Ganrtobar No.686. First dam Snze by Belmont; 2nd dam, name un known, trotting stock M English Draft. Terms Season $4.00 with priviledge of returning next season v If mare la not with foal, payable at end of season. In surance $10 payable when mare is know a to be with foHl. ' Cookb Bros., 10J13 Condon, Oregon,