Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 17, 1902, Image 3

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APRIL M, 1002.
F. Adlanl was In from Ajt Monday,
This Is his flrit trip to tun fine Init
Mr. and Mm. J. 0. rortwood we rt In
from their Ferry Canyon home Saturday
ithii Bomlay,
Road Ponervlsor Wee It working lln
mad machine ere w on the remit In ferry
Canyon precinct.
II. N. Anderson was In town 8ntartiijr
tapping a round looking promt over that
new baby danfthter,
For"Mlly Bud" whiskey, renowned
for parity eacellenee and maturity go to
Mike floinmere' Model Baloon.
The entertainment last evening was a
ureal success. A large crowd m present.
MraOwerlander will start lor Portland
tlilt morning with Hit tick child.
C. A. Penneman, re publican nomine
for representative, was. In town ft ilty or
two last wnK Jollying hit friend, end
"righting np" lilt politic) fencee.
Thomas Dillon was In from hit cheep
ranch Saturday. H reported the cur
rent eropnf lambc doing well and he ex
- peels to murk an average of BO per cent
Mr. unit Mrs. John Port wood were In
from their Matnev ranch Friday. Mr
1'ortwixxl ei peels to buy lote and build
a fine new residence in town daring tht
W.8. M vera has cone to To-tUnd where
he will undergo a eonrte of treatment
possibly of a aurgicat character. Mr.
Myers health bat bttn very poor for sev
eral montht.
J. M. Cameron, tha wtll known aheep
titan, wtt In Saturday, tin ttyt that In
pit of cold weather tha ynnnglamlai
are doing well and ha tipectt t oiaka a
fairly good average.
I. A. Ilendereon, who with hit wife
hat been in California during the winter
write tha Utt from KprlngfleU! Oreg
on that they art on their way home and
are glad to get bark lo Oregon again.
Jim Couture wat in from Ferry Canyon
Katurdey. Jim wat mlttaken for W. J.
Bryan by a number of bit frlendt on ac
count ol having recently treated hla lot
urlant growth of niattacha to a elote
hair rot. '
Tha Wheeler Connty Newt baa rented
to at let and lit plant and subsctlptton
Hit have pawed lutd tha handt of Jim
Stewart of tha Fool I Journal. That ice
bergetory wat enongh to chill tha life
out of any tmall tiled country weekly.
Wm. Mangrove wat la from hit Ferry
Canyon home Batnrday. He hat lately
finished tow Ing 300 acret of tpring wheat
which with bia tall towing will make
him a bin harvest. He still has 600 sacks
of latt aeatun'a crop to haul to market.
Joah liardia wat In town a abort time
8onday evening on hla way from
hit theep camp in Ferry Canyon to
hit home on Trail Fork. Mr, Hardle
aayt he baa, ao far, made a good average
in the lamb crop having aaved over 00
per cent.
The local Rabekah lodge will give a
May Day dance Friday evening May 2nd
at which tha beat of miiilc ete. will be
furnlthed. Everybody ia invited and a
good time ia aaaared. The Rebekahs
know how to make you feel at borne.
Don't tnltt It.
Mr. and Mrt. Jackson, of Cheney
Washington, came In Saturday on their
way to Lone Rock to are their daughter,
Mrt. Dr. Dodeon, who hat been very ill
for tome lime. James Rogers met the
atage and took tha old people directly
through to Lone Rock.
Latt Tueaday night the atore of Lord
& Co. at Arlington wat robbed of aboul
150 worth of pistols and cutlery. How
the robber gained entrance to the ttore is
not known at all the doora and window
were locked, and no trace could be fonnd
of how the robber got into or out of the
building. Tliiiet-Monntalneer.
Lorn Hawk and Bud Mattingly, two
Beecher Flat yon the, got on a rampage
Nondav afternoon and were g thered in
by Marshal Armstrong and locked up
Later Mattingly paid $7.60 into the
city treasury and Hawk coughed np15
They not off light enough ,!nelderliin
their offenses and teemed satisfied will
the outcome.
Mr and Mrt. II. J. House, of Wanroma
Iowa, are visiting their eon, C.H. House,
day and ei pressed himself as being well
pleaied with thin part of the country.
Thev are looking for a climate and loca
tlon that will suit tin m as a place for
permanent home and will be iu no hnr
ry about locating.
Tha case against Tom Kane and the
Madden boye,of Lone Rock on the charge
of stealing a mule wat continue I for the
term on account of it being impossible
for the d ufen e to get certain witnesses
iiera in time to testify. The bondt i
Kane who has been In jail for tome time
were redncad to $750 which he ninat fur
nlsli for hla appearance at the Septeui
ber term of court or remain In jail.
II. R. Bnfftiam wat In town Monday
from hit home In Ferry Canyon. Mr
Hnffhain received a letter that dav from
V. II. Herrin of Eight-mile which stated
that Biiffham'e boy who ran away from
home some time ago bed been at his
place looking for work end eitld he was
heading for Pendleton. Mr. Bnffham
thinks he will let the boy hustle (or him
aelf for awhile and It'Bro thero are hard
knocks and rough placet iu the world
Eii ward Everett Young of Raker City
annonncea that his naoer. The Oregon
Itennhlican. will lioiililiite and go out of Mr. Youuit is one nf the most
brilliant newspaper men In the air te and
nndar - management the RnWlran
wat aeoond to no paper In ti e ttate out
tide at I'ortlntid'. Ucgave Ihb town a
good piper but it wan nnt. ai preciBted
uor retained. ' Ilia motto "Hew to the
Jioe" i not a winner in these dayi of
political to lyisin.
Warren Roberts, of Lone Rock came
over Monday on basineae trip.
Found On the tlreet yesterday a Ian
tern and feed bag, Call at tbit unlet.
Boa Saturday morning, April 12, to
Mr. and Mrt. I'aul Ureiner, of Mayvllla,
a daughter.
The country wat treated to a fine warm
April shower yesterday which wat much
needed by the young grain and grass.
R. K. Wllt'in started for Portland Tues
day, under the advlca of bit physician,
Dr. Wood, for a course of hospital treat
ment for bis crippled foot.
Tha Lost Valley post office hat been
discontinue! bee i use nobody wants to
be postmaster, Subscribers who have
been receiving tha Ouaa it that office
should notify us at one where to tend
their papers.
II. Little, came ont from Arlington
Tuesday to locate In Condon. He bought
tome lots here last Fall and, wa under
stand, also recently purchased of W. L.
Barker, the property now occupied by
W. R. Neal.
U. E. Ranoua, who bnlltthe fine new
scbiMilhouse at Lone Rock, It here with
an eye to some Condon contract! for
tha coming season. He eipects to lo
cate here and will be ready for bust
ness in a week or so.
A move It nn foot for the baslnest men
and producers of the Upper Columbia
tttaln to acq lire possession of the almost
completed porUge road at Celilo and
complete and operate it. It Is claimed
$300,000 will finish the road and provide
a tteamer and barges nn the upper river.
Latest Railroad Rumor.
C. E. Lytle, representing the Columbia
Southern Railway Co., and Mr. Klay,
of Fosil, were In town Tuesday In the
nterest of the Thirtymlle spur of the C.
8. While tha (Stoat is not in the gentle
men's confidence in the matter we pick
ed np a few street rumors to tha effect
that their proposition it something like
thla: They propose to build a "pur
from tneO. 8. to the mouth of Thirty
mile, on the John Dy ami, perhapv, np
Thirty-mile to the croeeinof the Condon
Fossil road. Thla won Id bring the depot
to within five milet of tha business cen
tra of Condon and would prevent the
movement o( trains from Interfering with
traffic in the mora congested districti.
All tha gentlemen ask In the way nf
bonnt it the paltry sum ol $75,000 which
can be raised in Condon at any time on
short notice for a, railroad proposition.
Tha tact that tha iron horse will not
need a franchise over the atreett of tha
ineinest district will appeal strongtv to
Condon people and will no doubt he a
great help toward raising the bmns.
The outlook lust now ia encouraging
for an open river within fhe next few
yeare and perhaps of the completion of
ha portage road in much shorter time.
Such being the case the most feasible
route for a railroad to tap this section of
country Is the moat direct route and the
heat grade to the Columbia river. That
route Is from Arlington to Condon - and
that it where the flint Gilliam county
road it likely to lie built.
We guarantee every box of
Lang's Laxative Cold Cure to
break up a cold and cure la
For sale only by .
Condon Pharmacy
Bring us your prescriptions.
Oranges, Lemons, Bananas
On hand this week.
Beef, Pork, Poultry etc.
Finest Candies, Nuts and Cigars.
Make a specialty of Doors, Windows,
Mouldings, Locks, Nails and all builders
trimmings. Also Wall Paper, Paints, Oils
and Glass. Hardware and Furniture, Dishes
and Enameled Ware.
Get our prices.
The Stlllwell Case.
The Stillwell case was ended Thursday
(leriition, the lurv returninii a verdict
of nut guilt? within 15 miontes after re-
tiring. Hut one ballot was taken which
reunited in every one uf the jurors voting
for acquittal.
the witnesses for the State failed to
enbetantiate the serious charge hroimhr
agnlnet the defendant the teslimonv of
at least three of them being sadly con-
radictnry ami even savoring at times of
the charge being a put np job.
Mrt. Millwell. the wile uf the defend
ant, and a sister of the girl on whom
the the crime had been perpetrated, was
he only it tiers introduced hy the de
fense and her straightforward ttory and
the manner in which aim gave it left no
doubt in the minds of the jury and the
amtience that her hnftham! was Innocent.
Much criticism was heard of the action
of the girl's father, Leonard Reelier, for
having drayged his three daughter into
court nn such a nastv case, ami while
sympathy was freely expreseeil for the
little girl who has nn donht been wrong
ed hy somebody, the condemnation oft he
old man was general and apparentlv well
merited. B. b. Van Vector, nf this
place and II. 8. Wilson, of The Palles.
conducted the defena In an a hi manner
and District Attorney Menefee and W.A.
Rohbina, did their best nnder the cir
cumstances lor the ft ate.
Choice Stall-fed Beef,
2 -
IFinest Mutton and POrk.i
The Condon Meat Market
and Confectionery,
JOHN JACKSON, Proprietor.
We now have
Drugs, Patent Medicines and
Toilet Art inles. Our Goods are
Fresb and New and our Prices
are Right.
Wilson's Pharmacy:
Good For Rheumatism.
Last fall I was taken with a verv severe
attaca of muscular rheumatism which
caused me great pain and annoyance.
After trying eeveral prescrlptiona and
rheumatic cures I decided to ore Cham
herlain'a Pain Halm, which I had seen
advertised In the SenA Jerttyman. After
two application. ol tnia Kemeilv 1 was
much Iwtter. and after najng one bottle
was comnletelv cn red. Sail lt Harris.
saiem ft. j
li. O. Randall, of Olet, was in town
Tuesday on business.
Miss iimel Strickland who has been
in Portland attending school all winter
returned home Saturday.
"A neighhor ran in with a bottle of
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and liarr
hoea Remedy w hen mv eon was suffering
with severe cramps and was given np ni
bevond bone bv my 'regular physician.
who stands high in his profession. Af
ter administering three doses of it, my
son regained consciousness and recovered
entirely within twentv-fonr hui'S." savs
Mrs. Marv Haller, of Mt. Crawford, Va.
For sale hy ilndaon Pharmacy.
Sheep shears, ahetrocks and lamp
Bold by Hudson Pharmacy., black "best quality at Clarke &'a.
A. M. Smith was over from Mnyville
precinct Tuesday. '
Misses Lenna Farrar and Florence
Clarke, and Carl Froman successfully
passed the eighth grade examination
held latt week.
TIs Easy To Feel Good.
Countless thousands' havi found a
blessing to the hodv in Dr king's New
Life Pills, which positively core Consti
tution. Sick Headache. Duxiness, Jaun
dice. Malaria. Fever and Ague and all
Liver and Stomach troubles. Purely
vegetable : never gripe or weaken. Only
25c at Condon Pharmacy,
' Get Clarke & Frager's prices on Doors,
Windows and Trimmings before buying
elsewhere. ... . . -'
Of Interest to Bargain Hunters.
Prepare for Spring by treating yourself to some of our new
style shirts.
Hats of all kinds, in all shades, at all prices
School Lunch Boxes Fold up and put in your pocket.
Tablets of every description Good, smooth paper.
Eggs freehly layed by eggat-Uent bens.
Percales Fine line of the newest styles and shade.
Have you seen our Linen, Crash and Duck suite? AH new.
Elegant waists Fashionable styles and colors. All sizes.
Novelties in bair ornaments, combs, lock pins, hair pins etc.
Shoes These bargains melt before the glare of public favor.
0'ly place ou earth where you get full value for your" money.
Hew goods arrining daily Gloves, shoes, skirts waists, no
tions etc. Call and see tbeui.
, We are selling what is left of our Winter stock at greatly
frvmi tin mtil mtlifr.
r w.tuaiiKw
Spring and
We beg to announce to our numerous friends
and patrons that we soon expect to open, for
their inspection and approval, the finest line of
ever offered in Gilliam County. We handle
General Merchandise which means that we
can supply you with any article needed, from
the finest fabrics in Dry Goods, Clothing and
Furnishing Goods to the most substantial and
latest improved gang plow, freight wagon or
other farm implement or machine. Our gro
cery department is stocked with a complete
line of the finest brands of Staple and Fancy
Groceries and our line of Shelf and Ileavjr
Hardware is up-to-date. .
- I Hi- IA
Baa been thoroughly renovated and
ia now prepared to cater to the
wants of the traveling pnblic. Com
mercial traveler and others desiring
the comfort, of a first-clasa hotel mill
find this noose suited t tbelr wants.
Mrs S. A. Maddock, Propr.
Attorney ftt law.
Notary Public ana Conveyancer,
- C.lo Oe ' .,
ri?1tl.itim tniTnr. Terms rnrnM
Oatnt la r.r ol ikmiuIIh- aUdiC(, M.w um4
a. rATTtaon
Oflle. ta Glebe Salldtng. '
eon mm, ... . oncaow. -
' ' ' . ,
OSes eornsr Spring- ttrtet mat Or(oa avtawa
cow dow. oar eon.
The Regulator Lino.
Its Dalle!, PcrDaci S'l&di
Daffy Line ef Steamer Brtwreea Tosi'oAi,
Vaneotnrer, Ctacadt Locks, Hood Rivet
aad all Points a Ifca Ywhiogtoa bJ.
t. nHaw PartH rrty ana Rtrtstor rw
rrUnd .T.rj wnrninf (nxcrpl Similar) st'.
oit Tl. DI.i .IS a. m., arrfrtnc ti aitaa
rtoa mmp trin. lor outaolog trains.
gNlgbt RaMa Greatly Radneed.
W. C. ALLA WAT. Oca. Art,
FMt of Cart Straat, Th. Pallas, Of.
' xinnruxruvinnjvnnnxviAAruxnnminjuinAxinnnn
s ummit Saloon
FRED WILSON, Proprietor
Finest brands of pure domestic and imported Wines,
Liquors and Cigars. Fine Billiard and Pool tables in"
connection. A model resort enjoying the patronage
of a quiet, orderly trade. Customers always pleased.
gjj We offer this week the 3
E largest and best line of 2
i Boots and Shoes I
ever on sale
in Condon.
Lateststyles in Hats and Gent's Furnishings. 2
-MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c.
ak3 Union Pacific
Ocean Steamers be
tween Portland and
San Francisco every
five days.
The pnbPc will find that no better accom
modations can be found in this county
than this place. Good meals, clean beds.
For ticket rates and
particulars write to
agent O. R. & N. Co.
at Arlington, Oregon,
r to the undersigned,
G. P. & T. A.
Portland Oregon.
For Sale.
920 acres of fine land milea north
of Condon, 800 of which i in cultivation.
275 acres miles east of town, 113
anree of which is in cultivation, balance
of w hich ia In pasture. Flcnly fgtad
water for stock on Iwith places. Alo 19
head of horses, 15 of which are good he a
vy work horses. Harness for 14 head.
3tood wajrona, header, header lada,
ganif plows, walking plows, drills, har
rows, hack, hnggy andnll other necessary
sary iinp'einents for comlnotitig a
first-clasa ranch. All under three wire
fence. Good orchard, three large gran
aries w ill hold S"00 sacks tf grain, shed
harns for over 20 head of horses, dwelling
house etc. For pnc and Won enquire
of Pathick Skkixy -
tf Condon, Oregon.
Subscribe for the Globe.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is herehy given that the nnder
signed, V. L. Wilcox, has been duly ap
pointed adminit-trntnr of the estate of K.
A. Nelson, deceased, by the Honnrahle
Connty Conn nf Gilliam County, State
of Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate are herehy uotified to
present the same to the undersigned ad
ministrator, duly verified as required by
law, at the office of Sam E. Van Vector,
at Condon, Gilliam County, Oregon
within six month fr'.ni the sixth day of
March A. 1). 1902, the same Wing the
(late hereof and the date of the first pub
lication of t iiia notice iu the Condon
Globe. . r
V. T. Wilcox,
Administrator of the eatate of E. A.
Nelson, deceased.
Subscribe for .The Globk,
it-' VI
oosEOo of mmm
m hi w r
mmtett ttrmtttmt x On CUM. A
irondtrful Uuhi far mlttlmr.
lb aldwt BpwUilM un Ih faata
. as til.
.... MM h kr. UtAHn.
trufa Ih. MM .1 Tulhtiil IndM-
f m ltT.HiniJt.brici IttblllirJa.
B raiioii.; mprn.i.Mrrliara, traiMit.
rmm, eoa.rrhWL rnw.n
mt l'rli.Ktl(t. M. h oautittiMiioa t
rvmerlt, f on(lT. p .r, ht Itootmr
! M rmu.l hi. traatm.M tint II UI !
nly tlt'iti Imntrdlnl rJlrf, but rwmnHoit
eur. Tb. DuoWr do, nnt liMrtm
alrmolM. but t. w.ll known to b a llr ana
iHi'inr rn.ici.n una ura4n, pr.2uia.M
ia liialIr l)lu, mt nm.
irnibii in.miiffniy vrwncwirTrora
tb. tytmm "lid mil Uo n.of Iterrar,,
TraM fiitoi bf aa Bxsr. mm4fmt
emr fur S.rl.ra. A qnlrk taul rwU-u
nrt tnt Itl.. rinr. 4 Tltmim, hf
Dr. Jr4aa's tp-clal -wlnlM u.tb'iiil.
KTBHT MAS anplylng Ituwtlimlri
Mir hM'Mi oMiaA iA bt.cnri''.
Cnieit.tlMa FKKB . rtTMl prlrale.
Tr.tmMlfnaiMll!r or bjr leiiw.
writ, i. Book, rii.rfnr ei
kuvktarm.s.) CtllM.iM
OX JORDAN CO., I0B1 Kurttt tut. e; '