Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, April 10, 1902, Image 1

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CHAPTER I Continued.
"Ah," ha aald to me, "to you're
come to try ind enlighten our Hotten
tot about thing or two In tlili world
nd the next. Well, you can only" do
jronr beet, jrou know; we'll try to make
you comfortable and hack you up.
Come all the way from London today,
I etipj!C have you got yourself fixed
up yet in the village? what aoie
author chap Matthew or Mark Bum
mat or othercall a 'Lancashire
IleU-hoie.' Well, we're not quit ao
bad a that yet here, but we're Retting
to It. But it can't be helped, you
know; we ha' gone forrard and we mun
go forrarder, aa the rabbit Mid when
he let th' weaael get him into a hole.
Yea, 'Hell-hole;' but It ahould be a
useful change for you ; It may give you
an idea when you want to describe to
your congregation the real "
"Jim, lad," interrupted hla litter,
"you're forgetting yourself!"
"EhT Oh? ah, well I can . remem
ber, you know, when all round about
here waa aa tweet and pretty a place I
waa born back o' th' White Moet" (In
dicating that locality over hla about
der), "Toppleton way."
Thut the full, quaint and ca relent
atream of hit talk flowed on, meander
ing about one person and another, thlt
aubject and that. lie teemed a well of
curloua and fearsome Lancashire lore
lore of the daya when tpinnlng and
weaving were done in the cottage hornet
of remote hamleta and homeateada,
when Lancaahlre energy applied Hcelf
to utefut work and not to useloaa toil,
when ita ftbrica were made to be worn
and not merely to be aold the daya
when the itoam engine waa not yet
with ita all-devouring, all-entlavlng ma
chinery. W had talked thua for about an hour
or, rather, littened to Mr. filrley
talk when he paused and looked round
(he bad been fidgeting lo hla chair for
tome time.)
"What'a got 'Manule?" he aaid, ad
dreaalng hit titter. "It he ttuck till
midnight in hie laboratory again?
Doesn't teem aa if that amoke waa to
come off tonight. In Paul'a houte now
It uaed to be 'Smoke where you please'
drawing room or anywhere. Poor
Paul I"
I waa attonlahed and alarmed to tee
Mite Laciola rite hurriedly, and glide
without a word from the room. Mra.
Steinhardt made aa If ahe would follow
her, but ahe did not. Bhe aank back
in her chair with a aigh.
"Jim I Jim!" ahe exclaimed, re
proachfully. "Why will you tay
thing, when you know the poor- girl
cannot bear alluaiona to it?"
"Ah," aaid Birley, humbly. "Poor
lata! Her father," he explained, turn
ing to me, "haa never come back from
London. Poor Paul!" He wat vicibly
"He had to go to the law courta
there," aaid Mra. Steinhardt, "more
than a year ago, about eotne dreadful
butineet of th chemical works he waa
my hnaband'a partner."
"Hilderaheimer v. Lacrolx and Stein
hard t" (Frank turned on the muaic
l tool to correct hit uncle't pronuncia
tion.) "Well,", aaid he, "that'aall
right; anyway that waa the case.
May b" turning again to me "you
remember it in the papera. It wat
about the Infringement of a chemical
f stent 'Manuel had put them up to in
la eternal laboratory."
"Nav: uncle." interrupted Frank.
flushing up. "It waant' father'a fault
more than anyone else a."
"Ay, lad," aaid Birley, "of courae
you - know all about it. But you're
right to atand up for your father. How
ever, Paul, aa the chief of the firm,
went up to London to fight the case; he
lougtit ana lost to me tune 01 zu.uuu
poundt damagee which, I tuppose,
drove him mad, poor - fellow, lor he'a
never come back made away with
himself, very likely, or, aomehow, got
made awax with."
"But, surely," interrupted Frank
again, "it could hardly be the damagea
did it, uncle? You remember he went
to Paris after the trial about aorae pat
tern businest for the print workt, and
then got back to London again."
"Ay, lad out 20,000 pounds dam
ages can make a man feol very queer all
the way to Paria and back. At any
rate, poor Paul'a gone lost In the great
London wilderness."
"It la a very extraordinary affair,"
aaid I. "But I dont' remember teeing
anything of it in the papers."
"It got into the papera, though,"
aaid Birley, "to tome extent not
much. We didn't want a noise about
a private, painful thing like that,."
"But," aaid I, wondering, "I gup-
pose Inquiries were made?"
"They made inquiries high and low,"
aaid Birley; "they laid detectives on,
and everything, but nothing came of it.
Did there, Frank?"
"No," aaid Frank "nothing at alh"
' Did vou try to trace him out of Lon
don?" I asked. "I suppose they did,"
aaid Birley. , ,
"Yes oh yes," eaid Frank. '
I wondered that Birley should keep
using the word "they." Had he borne
no share in the investigation himself?
I had my thought answered at once.
"I wasn't able to go to London my
self," said Birley; "I waa laid up with
a broken leg; and, when I got better, I
didn't think it was any us, my going
There was an end of Paul that was
certain ; fof he wasn't the man to knock
under like, and get lost Just."
In a little while Miss juacroiz re
turned, with apology for her' with'
"X bad a lltUt of htadacha." aaid the.
I now aaw more clearly th encroach-
menta which grief, and what I cannot
deacrib by other words than "anxiout
waiting," had mad on a young I lie
which would, o nop pre Mud, I waa aura,
have been ao full of aplrit and mirth.
I longed there and then with an earneat
desire that I might do toinetblng to
brighten her life, to remove th weight
of uncertainty and grief which burdened
it, and preyed upon it.
But I had little further opportunity
for talk with her that night. In a few
minutes Mr. titeinbardt returned. We
heard then what were th cautaltlea re
sulting from the falling of th bell
tower. A hort had been killed, at,
tlao, had been a tow with her litter:
and two pigt had been ao Injured that
the butcher had to be summoned. We
were now Invited Into the amoking
room ; but Mr. Birley rote, and aaid he
mutt be going; he would amok bia
pipe on th way hom " wi th' parton."
"Parson tmoket, I tupnoae? ' aaid
he, laying hit hind on my shoulder.
is) he and I departed together. Th
valley wat asleep under a white pall of
fog; but the weird tonguet of flame
till flickered on the alope and ridge
behind and beyond ua(frora coke ovens,
my companion explained), and the tall
chimneyt dreamily and intermittently
amoked. Th great chimney of the
chemical workt, however, emitted not
ao much amok aaa thin plnklth vapor,
which atole away Imperceptibly over
the neighborhood : to poison all green
things, and to filter through the cracks
and erevicea of doort and windowt, to
trouble tleepert with lethargy and head
ache. "By George!" exclaimed my compan
ion. "He'll get fined again tome day.
Paul used to be alwaya at him about it.
Poor Paul!"
Bo ended my first evening in Timper
ley a memorable evening for me. I
had made the acquaintance of one
whom I have reason now to call as dear
a friend aa I have ever known, and aa
good a man aa fortune haa ever ne
glected, and of another who ia now the
dearest of all earth'a creatures to me.
I frequently looked in upon the
ladiea atTimperiey Hall, and took a
four-o'clock cup of tea with them (not,
however, to the neglect of other, If lets
pleaaant, parochial viaitationa). Dur
ing theee vUita we talked without that
constraint which aomehow Mr. Stein-
hardt'a presence imposed upon us.
Miaa Lacrolx and ' I agreed in our opin
ion! concerning the ruthlesaneaa with
which Lancashire pushed on ita indus
trial way: we often aitoniihed poor
Mrs. Steinhardt (aometimea even our
selves) by the warmth with which we
would discuss the outrage done to man
and nature.
One afternoon we talked thus. It
was well on in springtime; the stream
waa running full and all nature, in
spite of drawbacks, was striving to look
green. I told them how that morning
I had stood by the little plank bridge
just below Timperley Hall, looking
across at the dreadfully lumbered little
peninsula on which the ruined spinning
mill stood, when theie turned up at my
elbow an old man whom I knew by
tight aa an ex-handloom weaver.
"A fine brook, that, parson," he
"Yea," said I, auiting my reply to
what I thought his persiflage; "what a
pity no trout seem to know of It!"
"Ah, but," aaid he, sadly, "there
were trout in it wonat ; though there's
been none for mony a day. Trout!
Aw defy onything to live in that, bout
gottln' cured first, like a red herrln' or
a tallymander! There was a lad
drowned like as it might be this aprlng,
and he were never found till like aa it
might be next back end, down theer in
that mud; he were not gone at all, but
he were cured thro' and thro'; black,
mon black!"
Thia I told; and then I continued:
"Drowning, they say, is an easy death ;
but to drown in such a stream as that
seems horribly repulsive. I fancy no
one would care to commit suicide in it."
I perceived my stupid blunder as
soon aa I had spoken ; I had not
thought that what I said could be taken
aa "allusive" to the disappearance of
Mr. Lacroix. ,
"Excuse me," said Miss Lacroix, ris
ing hurriedly, "I do not feel very well.
Do not come, Mrs. Steinhardt; I shall
get better by myself."
I of course made apology to Mra.
Steinhardt for my stupidity. .
"Yes," said she; "you see ahe can't
bear any kind of allusion to her
father'a end. She told me soon after
ahe came here (she couldn't, you know,
go on living in that big house up there
all by herself) she' told me a strange
dream she had once or twice when her
father was missing the strangest thing,
but I scolded her ao, she haa never aaid
another word to me about it. Still I
fancy ahe thinks a great deal about her
father, though she does not say much ;
they were rare and fond o' one another."
That very evening I unexpectedly
learned from Miss Lacroix herself what
that atrange dream was. I was return
ing by moonlight from the house of a
parishioner along that same road which
first brought me upon the valley. Pass
ing the pond on my right (which I be
fore mentioned aa reflecting the lighted
windows of the many atoreyed mill), I
observed a figure, cloaked and hooded,
standing on the margin 61 the pond
under one of the trees. I paused a
minute, while my heart beat with ap
prehension, and then I passed through
a gap in the fence and approached.
The Agar turned quickly, as if impa
tient at th intrusion, and in th pal
moonlight I recognized th face of Mist
"Mitt Lacrolx I" I exclaimed.
"You here!"
"Ob, Mr. Unwln," ah began, In
vident tension of feeling, "I could not
rett Indoore, and to I came down to tee
Unci Jaqnet; I could not remain with
him, fend to I came out here to look at
thlt, which alt art fascinate me.
I stood by her aide and looked ; thit
It what I aaw: An inverted reflection
5fth tail chimney of th chemical
workt which waa emitting, as it often
did late in th evening, ita atrang
plnkhth vapor; thia vapor In th reflec
tion looked a if it were slowly rising
from th bottom of the pond, and, aa
ita color blended with th tlnta the
water somehow took as the breez ruf
fled it thia way or that, produced the
impression of a flowly simmering caul
dron of red, green, and copper-brown
flame. Thia waa ao wonderfully weird
a fancy that I confesa I felt my akin
creep. I turned my eye away, and
then looked again, and again, but the
impression waa ever the same.
"If Indeed very strange!" I aaid.
"Is it not?" aaid the. "You see it
alto? Mr. Ufiwin," she went on, turn
ing suddenly to me, and speaking with
a vehemence which Increased aa the
worda came, "I have wished to tell yon.
You are a clergyman, and mutt hear
me make my confession; and you will
keep it secret to yourself. You hav
heard, perhapa, tint my father my
dear father! ia thought to be dead,
now just a year ago?"
"I have," aaid I.
"He went to London and to Parla
on business, and he never came bock.
It happened while he waa away that I
lived all by myself at borne. I slept
sound that night without dreaming,
when suddenly I had a dream. I aaw
vapor or flame slowly rising just like
that I aaw a man plunge into it, and
I knew the man wat my father I felt
he waa. I awoke at once all trembling
and did not go to aleep again. That
waa all my dream."
"Are you sure," I said, "that yon
bad not beard some one Mrs. Stein
hardt, for instance suggest that he had
been drowned, and then you went and
dreamt of the peculiar appearance of
thit pond?"
"No, no, no!" the protested with
rapid vehemence. "Did I not tay that
I dreamed it the very night on which
all trace of him waa lost from hia hotel
in London? Nobody thought then that
he waa not coming home toon. And I
do not think I had noticed thia pond
then. I have dreamed the same dream
several timea aince. but that may be
nothing at all. I shall very likely
dream it tonight."
I turned away from the pond and
she followed me. We walked along in
silence for tome distance.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, at length,."!
do long so very much to know what has
really happened to my dear father my
poor father!"
"I wish I could holp you to find out,"
I aaid; "indeed I, do. You may be
sure I shall think of all you have told
me, and shall try to discover anything
more. I have friends in London who
may be of use, if I may mention it to
"Oh, certainly ."she answered. "You
are very Kind, Bacon's Hotel, Great
Queen Street, ia whore he waa last
beard of."
At a certain corner where the lane to
Timperley Hall diverged from the way
through the village, she insisted on
parting from me. I let her go with lit
tle hesitation, for I knew there waa no
fear of her being molested.
It may be presumed that while I
smoked my post-coenal pipe I thought
over the atrange scene at the pond, and
all that Miss Lacriox had aaid. ' It waa
certainly very mysterious, but alt the
conclusion I could reach concerning it
that night waa a resolve to go and look
at the pond by day.
(To bt continued)
Where th Mouse Acted Hastily.
The house does funny things tome
times. It passed a bill the other day
establishing a lighthouse on the coast
of North Carolina. The second section
of the bill provided that the "act ap
proved March 3, 1901, be, and th
same ia hereby repealed." The act
thua wiped off the statute books at one
fell swoop was the sundry civil appro
priation bill, which appropriated mill
ions and millions of dollars for the ex
penses of the government. In the sen
ate the bill waa amended ao as" to b
less sweeping in its effect. Washing
ton Post.
Industrial Consumption ef Cold.
The industrial consumption of gold
in the United States in the calendar
year is estimated to have been $16,
667,500, and in the world approxim
ately 175,000,000. Although the
United States led the world last year in
the prodction of gold, our imports of
the metal exceeded our exports by the
aum of 112,866,101. The stock of gold
coin in the. country, Including bullion
in the mints, at the close of the fiscal
year was estimated at $1,124,652,818,
and the stock of silver coin at f 610,
477,025. . :
Worth of a Compliment
Most compliments sound something
like this: "They say he la a thief, but
he never stole anything "from me. It
may be because I have watched him
closely, but so far I have never missed
anything." When you feel that your
friend deserves praioe, why pay tribute
to his enemies in praising him?
So Stupid. '
"Who Was that von inat annlra fnT"
asked the first Chicago woman; "hia
luro was rauier laminar 10 me,
, "I believe," said the other, "his
name Is Jenks Henry Jenks."
"Oh! to be sure. How stupid of
me! He waa my first husband."
rnuaaeSiia Kecord.
K CmpwhstHvt Review f tmeertsal
fttpptahift f th F Presented
la a Cmom1 fena, ".ka It Matt
Ittcfy to Frm f Uttmi t 0or Ky
lUadsr . 5 . 1.
Th bona baa txgun tit considera
tion of the exclusion bill J .
Mitchell made the opening f;wh In
tha senate on th CLini iducion
The laat quarter' importa to. the
United Statea from all Germany
amounted to $23,786,094, an increase
of $1,297,660.
In an all day fight between part of
General Kitchener' force and th
force of General Delarey and Kemp,
the Boers were repulsed. The loet waa
heavy on both sides.
The bulk of Cecil Rhode' property
ia left for education. It provide two
American scholarship at Oxford to
each of the present states and territories
of the United Biatet.
The senate haa passed the oleomar
garine bill.
The house bat - pasted the sundry
civil appropriation bill.
Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock
will soon retire from the cabinet.
Abner McKinley denies that he waa
connected with the Danish We Indies
Twelve hotels and many ama ler
boildinga were burned at Atlantic City,
If. J. Loss, $750,000.
It ia hardly probable that the bill
admitting Oklahoma, Arutona and New
Mexico will be passed by th present
eesion of congress.
The president haa appointed Brig
adier General Hughes a major general
and Colonels Burt, De Russy and 8her
idan to be brigadier generate.
Six persona were burned to death in
a fire at Johnstown, Pa.
The senate will vote on th oleomar
garine bill in few daya.
The Northern Pacific blockade in
North Dakota ia being raised.
The senate considered th Danish
purchase scandal in eecretlession.
bitty thousand .umneae are in re
bellion in southern China province.
The German emperor's American
built yacht Meteor III hat Bailed for
Acting President Schalkburger will
meet the Boer leaders soon and discuss
peace terma.
Reonblicana and Democrats each
gained one alderman in the Chicago
city election.
The transport Sheridan haa Bailed
from San Francisco for Manila with
1,285 soldiers f th Twenty-ninth in
Flood stiuation ' in Mississippi . is
again becoming serious. '
Twenty-two men were'killed in an
explosion in Tennessee coal mine.
A six story building In Philadelphia
waa entirely destroyed by fire. Loss,
Dr. Thomaa Dunn English ia alive,
but his physicians say he may die at
any moment.
Since the outbreak of - cholera at
Manila there have been 90 cases and 70
deaths reported.
The house committee favorably re
ported the bill for 20 per cent Cuban
tariff reduction. "
The plague aituation in India ia grow
ing worse. - Over 70,000 deaths are re
ported monthly; '
The senate will takai nn th Nicara
gua canal bill aa aeon as it hat disposed
of the Chinese exclusion measure.
Floods in the South caused immense
damage to property.
The loss in Tennessee by the recent
flood ia estimated at $4,000,000.
' Roosevelt declares himself in favor
of a more stringent Chinee exclusion
law. v ':
A general uprising is being planned
in Macedonia to throw off th Turkish
Fire partially destroyed a Cincinnati
theater, but the audience escaped ' un
Pension Commissioner Evana has
been given to understand that his resig
nation was desired.
High wind at Pittsourg resulted In
injuries to many persons in' churohes
and a heavy property loss.
James R. Garfield, son of th late
President Garfield, has accepted ; the
position of civil service commissioner.
The house has passed the army ap
propriation bill..
Germany will not oppose Russia's
policy in the far East. . ,
Joshua Wilbour, United States consul
at Dublin, Ireland, died at Rutherford,
N. J.
The postofflce department has stopped
the fraudulent scheme of a swindler
who advertised a way to open cash
registers without keys. " 1
Mrs. Catherine Soffel, wife of the
Pittbsburg warden, has been indicted
on three counts, charged with aiding
the Biddlea to'escape fiom jail January
Ctcil Rhodes' rrtua WIR rad a Larjt
Number f Scholarship.
London, April 7. Th will of Cecil
Rhodea provide for the establishment
of colonial scholarships and two Amer
ican scholarships to each of the present
states and territories of the United
State. Th will of Mr. Rhode also
provide for f v acolanhipa for stu
dents of German birth at Oxford, to be
nominated by Emperor William, and
commenting on the bequest, Mr.
Rhode, In codicil telgraphed from
South Africa, eaid:
"For a good understanding between
England, Germany and the United
State will secure the peace of the
world, and educational relations form
the strongest ties."
Mr. Rhodes' will ia a remarkable
and volominona document of more than
3,500 worda. Even thia la not the en
tire will, aa the executors only gave out
the portions which they consider to be
of public interest. It was executed in
1899. There ia a codicil attached on
the day of the deceased's last departure
from England, and another cabled from
Cape Town, which leave 4,000 pounds
yearly to keep up the spot in the Ma-
toppo hills where his remains are to be
buried." The will further directs that
a railroad extension be made into the
Matoppo bills, so that visitors may go
there at the week end to inspect the
"encs thortw at rA tvlnvw ff 4 Vtcat a till rvftn
Mr. Rhodea explicitly sava he is to be
buried in an aperture cut in the solid
rock, surmounted by a brass tablet
bearing the words: "Here lie the re
mans of Cecil John Rhodes." No one
else ia to be buried there who has not
deserved well of bis country.
Mr. Rnodes bequeaths all his landed
property near Buluwayo and Salisbury,
both in Matabeleland, to trustees, whom
he direct to cultivate the land for the
instruction of the people of Rhodesia.
His celebrated country place at Groot
achuur, not far from Cape Town, Mr.
Rhodea leaves aa a residence for the
"Prime minister of the federal govern
ment of South Africa," with 1,000
pounds yearly lor ita maintenance.
Orjatized Rebcllta Among the Servian In-
habitant' r Northern THUy."?-'-;r
London, April 5. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph Company, from
Sofia, save:
It ia reported that 14 revolutionary
bands crossed the frontier into Mace
donia during the past few days. They
were well armed and provisioned.
A party of Turks recently ambushed
200 Bulgarian outlawa in the mountains
of Kirzu, killing several of the band
and capturing the remainder.
The Macedonians are accused of hor
rible atrocities, of which it is hard to
obtain confirmation. It is reported
that they ekinned one Turk alive and
Stuffed the akin and carried it about as
atrophy. .
Servians Again Up in Arms. '
Vienna, April 5. The Neu Frie
Press reports a serious and organized
rebellion among the Servian inhabit
ants of the northern villges of Turkey.
The insurgents are known as the old
Servian rebels. They are well armed
and well supplied with ammunition.
A sanguinary encounter haa occurred
between them and the Albanians at
Kolaahin. Encounters have been re
ported from other places, concludes the
paper, in which several men were
killed or wounded.
Fire Burned for Twenty Years.
Carbon, Wyo., April 5.-The fire
that has been smouldering in the old
No. 2 coal mine of the Union Pacific
here haa broken out afresh, and a force
of men is now engaged in walling up
the mouth of the fan shaft, through
which the smoke and flames are issu
ing. About 20 years ago a fire started
in No. 2, and, being unable to get con
trol of it, the company walled up the
shaft. At intervals of - two or three
years the fire haa broken out in new
places, and for .five consecutive years it
burned steadily. The fire has under
mined the country for a radius of half
a mile.
. Anti-Anarchist BIIL
Albany. N. Y.. Anril 5. A bill de
signed to stamp out anarchy in this
state was signed by Governor Odell dur
ing the day. . It imposes a penalty of
not more than 10 years' imprisonment
or more than $5,000 fine, or both, on
persons who advocate anarchistic doc
trines by speech, writings or other
wise. "
' Barbed Wirt Boundary.
Great Falls, Mont., April 7. Word
haa reached this city to the effect that
the Canadian government has appropri
ated $10,000 to- build a barbed wire
fence along the boundary between Mon
tana and the Dominion, extending from
St. Mary's lake to the Sweet Grass
Cabinet Takes It Up.
.Washington, April 7. The time of
the cabinet today was taken up almost
entirely with a communication which
the president has received from the gov
ernor of Louisiana, protesting against
the camp alleged to be maintained in
that state by agents of the British gov
ernment for the purpose of supplying
mules and teams to the British army
in South Africa. The president has
directed an investigation into the facts
and the law bearing upon the question
Ciawwty end Fiatficlal flapptam ef ha
aertaact A Brief Review of the Grewth
ad ImprovtmeftU of the liuy ladustrte
Thrawgheut Our Ihrivlnj CawMaeawealOi
Lite Market Reperi.
Salem baa taken theT preliminary
steps to installation of city light plant.
The farmers' co-operative telephone
line from Echo to Pendleton will be
completed about May 1.
About half the teleDhone fa Oregon
City are out of business aa the result of
a live electric Ibjhtjrir dropping en
The receipts of state land 'office for
March were $39,885.44, or the largest
amoant received by th present clerk
for any one month.
A contract for 12,000 pounds f th
1902 hop crop ia the top record in con
tracts at Salem. Quite a number are
reported at 12 centa.
Marion Cunningham, an Oregon
pioneer of 1853, and one of the most
prominent citizens of Harrison rg, haa
paseed away, aged 69 years.
While no price has yet bees fixed by
eitbei the fishermen or cannerymen it
is generally understood that the price
will open the same aa hut year 5 centa
per pound for the smaller fish and 6
centa per pound for all over 25 pounds.
The clam eannery' at "Skfpanon "naa
started up for the season and will be
kept in operation until late in the fall,
packing about 50 case per day. Indi
cations are that the clams on Clatsop
beach are as plentiful a ever before, if
not more so.
Rogue river valley orchardista have
begun a united and determined cam
paign against the codling moth.
Thousands of gallons of poison hav
been sprayed upon Southern Oregon
trees with the hope of destroying the
much dreaded disease, or at least pre
venting it from doing so much harm
thia year aa it baa in the past.
The supreme lodge of Oregon, A. O.
U. W.. will meet in Portland June 10
to 20.
Oliver Grace, a pioneer of 184$, died
atiia home at Bilvertoa Jast week.
He waa bora in 1829.
The Western Union Telegrspn Com
pany haa subscribed 1 1,000 to th Lewis
and Clark exposition.
The Prohibitionists of Portland and
Multnomah county have nominated a
city and county ticket. .
About 70 teachers from all parte ef
Clackamas county attended the teach
ers' institute in Oregon City last week.
The Tillamook County Bank, Of Till
amook, haa filed article of incorpora
tion with the secretary of state. Capi
tal, liU.UUU.
Preparation! are beintr made to in
crease the water supply of The Dalle.
During the summer months' the reser
voirs teach a very low stage.
The retail clerks of Baker City are
trying to secure an agreement among
the merchants to close their places ef
business on Sunday. Most of th
merchants are willing to agree to such
a proposition, provided it ia generally
Wheat Walla Walla, 64c; blueatem,
65c; Valley, 6465c
Barley Feed, $20(321.; brewing,
IZ121.50 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.151.22X;
gray, $1.101.20.
Flour Best grades, $2.803.40 per
barrel; graham, I2.61N32.80.
Millstuffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid'
dlings, $20; shorts, $20; chop,
Hay Timothy, $1213; clover,
$7.50(38; Oregon wild hay, $5(36 per
Potatoes Best Burbanks, $1.10(31.25
per cental ; ordinary, 70(3 80c per cen
tal; Early Rose, $1.25(3150 per cen
tal, growers' prices ;sweeta, l2.2oi32.59
per cental.
Butter Creamery, 22 4 !5c; dairy,
1820c; store, 13316c.
Eggs 13(314c for Oregon.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13(9
13c; Young America, 1415c; fac
tory prices, l(31)ie less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60(3
4.50; hens, $4.50(35.50 per dozen, 11(3
HKo per pound; springs,ll(31lKc per
pound. $3(34 perdosen; ducks, $5(37
per dozen; turkeys, live, 12(3 13c,
dressed, 1416c per pound; geese, $6j
(37 per dozen.
Mutton Gross, 4c per pound; dress
ed, 7(37c per pound.
Hogs Gross, 5Xc; dressed, 6i(37e
per pound.
Veal 8(38i for small; 77X for
Beef Gross, cows, 34c; steers,
4(34c; dressed, 6K7ic per pound.
Hops 1213c per pound.
Wool Valley, 1315c; Eastern Ore
gon, 812c; mohair, 2121Ko per
' A health resort for invalid soldiers of
the regular army is to be established at
Fort Niobrara, in Nebraska.
Overland limited trains . are to be
provided with telephone service while
standing in depots at Chicago, Omaha
and Ban Francisco.
The owner of a Chicago tenement
has been sued for $25,000 damages by
Mrs. John McGinms, whose two chu
dren were killed by sewer gas and her
own health impaired.
rire at Atieatlc dry Oeriroyt Over $759,609
Werth ef Property.
Atlantic City, N. J., April 4 Twelve
hotels and more than a score of small
boildinga adjoining th board walk,
which ia built along the ocean edge,
were destroyed by a fir which twept
th beach front for two long blocks.
The loss It is believed, wilt exceed
$760,000.- In thia respect th confla
gration is th most disastroua that haa
ver visited thit city. The lost will be
only partly covered by insurance, at th
rat of 5 per cent chaiged by inpurance
companies on property here la regarded
at a!mot prohibitive.
Fwrtunsteijf,in' Uvea' were ' fcierlflce!,
loooga prooawy a cioztia persons were
slightly injured and burned during th
progress of the fir.
The origin of the fire is unknown. '
The city tonight la guarded by a com
any of militia, which was requested by
the municipal authorities to aid th
police in the prevention of looting.
About a dozen men were arrested dur
ing the day for robbery.
The fire was discovered shortly after
9 o'clock this morning, and for nearly
five hours the flames raged with such
violence as to threaten the city with
destruction. All of the burned build
ings were frame structure, and the
flame, fanned by a strong west wind,
swept along the beach front with ama
ing rapidity. The Tarlton was toon a
pile of smoldering debris, and the
flames fed on the small store and
booths between Illinois and Kentnrkv
avenues, until they reached,, tkwa-etrat-
lord hotel, which waa soon enveloped.
The fiery tongues leaped to the Berk
eley, adjoining, and in a few minute
the New Holland, the Bryn Mawr, the
Evard and the Stickney, all located on
Kentucky avenue, near the beach, were
doomed. The local fire department
worked well and willingly, but were
unable to cope with the flames, and it
waa found necessary to send to Phila-,
delphia and Camden lor aid." The for
mer city sent three engines, and two
came down from Camden. The engines
were brought here on two special trains
and they made the run of nearly 60
miles in 65 minutes. Their presence
here was of vast assistance to the local
firemen, but it was not until an hour
after their arrival that the fire could be
said to be thoroughly under control.
The local board of insurance under- .
writers after a meeting tonight, an
nounced that the total loes would not
ea-ceea i tav,uw, ua rno torn to insur
ance companies would be about f 155,-
Representatives of Labor at the Hearin j ef the
House Committee.
Washington, April 3. -The plan of
building warships in government yards
was considered by the house committee
on naval affairs during the day, a large
delegation of labor representatives be
ing present in support of it. The dele
gation included James O'Connell, pres
ident of the .Machinists' association.
and several shipbuilding experts from
Norfolk, Brooklyn and other points
having government yards.
Mr. O'Connell made the main pres
entation, urging - that the government
had millions inverted in plants which
should be Ufed for construction as well
aa for repair of warships. When Rep
resentative Dayton suggested that A
miral Bowles, chief of the navaL bu
reau of construction, bad ptated that he
would not recommend the building of
ships in eovernment yards unless the
navy yard wages were equalized with
those of private yards. Mr. O'Connell
said the idea of lower wages could not
have been made seriously, at a time
when the tendencies were toward higher
wages. He argued that in the interest
of the public government construction
would be beneficial and that inciden
tally the labor interests would be much
benefitted. '
So (ht Governor of that State Reports to the
Department at Washington.
Chicflpn. Anril 3 -A bt-am1 tn th
- r g ('.---- ..v
Tribune from New Orleans mye'. .
Governor Heard, of Louisiana, haa
reported to the state department at
Washington that, in hia opinion, the
British government is maintaining a
military camp within the territory of
the United States. The camp in ques
tion is the one located a few miles be
low this city for the trans-shipment of
horses and mules to South Africa, there
to be used by British soldiers in the
war against the Boers.
Several weeks ago General Pierson,
the Boer leader, visited the city and
held a conference with the Louisiana
state officials. He created no little
comment by his public declaration that
he was ready to lead a force of armed
men to attack the camp. He waa de
nied permission to do this.
Several months ago a British steamer
was badly damaged by an explosion
while it was being loaded with supplies
for the British army in South Africa.
It was declared in many quarters at
the time that the explosion was the
work of Boer sympathizers, but the
matter was never investigated.
Boers Did Not Cause Trainwreck.
London, April 3. It has been sug
gested that the train wreck near Bar-
berton, Transvaal Colony, March 30,
resulting in the death of 39 soldiers
and the injury of 45 others, nearly all
of whom belonged to the Hampshire
regiment, was caused by the Boers, but
Lord Kitchener reports that it was ac
cidental. The train was descending a
steep grade when the engine and five
trucks jumped the track and turned