THE COtlOOil GLOBE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, IU02. THE OrriCIAL PAPER OF GILLIAM COUNTY, OHEUQN. LOCAL NEWS, J. L. fill river rottiritoct from lleppner yesterday, J. W. Clarke and John Nelmn were in town Monday. Hob Fi'1'knmp, a pcpnJnr citizen of Al villa was In town Monday. Will Hard Is en nut In from lilt sheep camp on the Joint Day Monday, Wilkinson Whlta, of I'atrck, ! spending a few days visiting friends In town, IUimn Thursday February 13, 19J'. to Mr. mill Mr, (jog. Hchott, of Hock Creek it flue daughter. J. II. Putnam, of Fount I. was here Sun tUy with ft burnl of beef entity which bo U sending to market. ' J. (). 1'ortwood, who Is Batting ready toenjisgs In farming In Furry Canyon, was In for tioppllci Monday. Mri, Man try Downing 'If ft Sunday morn In it to J' In htr Imahand at Walla Wall w here tln'y will reside, nous Saturday, February 15, 1002 to Mr. ami Mrt. II. K. West, of near town bouncinit baby girl. MotheraudeWld urn doinu nlcttly but fpH lUni it itill In it critical condition. Mrs. U. II. Wln will return from Portland in a few davs and open, for tin Njjrlnjr trrt b th (l'lt lin of Mill! iicrv ever displayed in the county. All V the Indies should take notice. The Zlm' Uclllo Literary Society vrasorganlitMd last Similar with Al Moor Pres., Mr. Allia Balding Vlce-Pres., Mrs. O. W. Propst Hi'd. ami Addle Uaaes Tress. It w ill meet Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at w hich time mi Interesting program will be rendered, Dixon Gaunt, of ()!, ha scenred tbe mail contract on tbe Arlington-Fossil roiitH at $2120 pr year; I). Z. It ibiuette retired the Condon Lone llock lino at $1075 par year an I II. 0. Jack ton sec ured the Condon-A Ja line at 273 per year. There contract! take effect July 1. In ft letter to ft friend In thla city Mis Msggia Hawes, who I at Portland learn lti tbe milliner's trade, says the la get ting along nicely and like tbe work first rate, he it at the Wonder Millinery Store at First and Morrison street and wanta any of lierfrleiidii who may chance to be in tbe city to vsll and ace her. Mix Hawei baa many friends who will be glad to know that the la getting along to well. A, S. Ilolleif lufnnna tbo (Il'Hir that he expects to commence work on a well to furnish water (or the boiler of the new flouring mill at once. If the weath er continues favorable be will also com mence work on the excavation for tbe' foundation, lie expects his partner Mr. Marquardsen, to arrive from the East In about three weeks and as soon as lumber ran be secured work will liegin on the building. It la the intention to have the mill ready for operation by July 1st. II. tt. nuffham, who recently settled In Ferry Canyon, was it pleasant caller at this ollieo Friday. Mr. lUifTlmm who was until 4 years ago a resident of North Idaho, lias traveled extensively through the Southwest, California and Western Oregon looking for a location and has finally settled in the best county on earth. lie eavs a petition Is being cir culated and unanimously signed In bis neighborhood aking the county court to open ft road to the mouth of Thirty-mile to connect with a simitar road from the John Day to Kent, on the C.8. Railway. This road he says will place his neigh borhood within between 20 and 25 miles of the railroad and will be it great con venience to them in marketing their grain. The Gloiib will go to him in the future. P. II. Stephenson and Herbert Halstead went to lleppner last week to Juin the lodge of Elks in that city. They screw ed op their conrngn to such a pitch as not to fear the stuffed club which is credited with It prominent pitrt in the initiatory work in that order, only to find that the lleppner club is not stuffed at all. It is the real tiling. The gentlemen report having had a grand time and think the lienevolent I'rotectivo Order of Elks comprise the Best People on Earth. While on their way home Saturday they bad a somewhat thrilling and chilling experience. When they reached Itock creek the stream was on a rampiige, bnt not thinking the water was so deep as it proved to be they drove in. and quicker than they could say scat or rise to their feet the buggy dropped into a deep place - and the water ran about two Inches deep on the seat. They got out all right bnt are not bunting for any creeks to ford during a freshet. George ami Will Hardie are wintering three bands of Bheep on the John Day breaks this winter, one band containing over 1600 head, another almost 2000 and la small band of about S00 buck lambs of their own raising. George, who came in (Saturday, states that these Bheep are be lug wintered without feed other than what they rustle for on the range and that they are in good condition. His loss this winter has been nothing. Mr. Hardie has been experimenting for 0 years on the problem of breeding a tiardy class of sheep that have snllkien t ruHtling propensities to get through an Eastern Oregon winter without hay and the fact that his sheep have been wintered for the last tli roe winters without hay shows how well be has succeeded. This result has been accomplished ' without In the least injuring the quality or weight of the fleece, the averago clip of his flock being about 11 pounds and V be expects them to shear fully that V amount this season. An Electrlo Road for Gilliam County. (CommanlriiM.) That an etc trio railway in Gilliam county is miiong the possibilities and probabilities of the not distant future I am firmly convinced. Hn :l a road is the lt for the county, the cheapest, by far, to construct and would pity a greater dividend on the investment than any other like enterprise In Eastern Oregon. There are parties at the present time nmkinf thorough Investigation of thm proposition, Which is to build an electric railroad from Arlington to Condon. The plan i about a follows: A first-class ituam power plant will he put in at Olex confining of the liiieit Improved com pound Crlls a engine and the hi bid t im proved high pressure water tolie toiler which would furnish more than double the power with the samu amount of fuel that a locomotive would fornlh. Ilock creek would furnish plenty of water for such plant and tbe cost of constructing such a line would nut be greater than lliecot of building ft bridge across Rock creek for a steam road. As a matter of of convenience to the people living along the line an electric iiue Is far superior to a steam road be r ne man could hail a motor at any point on the line and get aboard without taking the trouble to go ft mile or so to station. Condon la something like 2,000 feet higher than Arlington and the heavy freight business of this line would be practically all down hill. What is bet ter than "a down bill pull?" Buch a line could be easily and cheaply construct ed alt along the route. A good motor car would poll 15 tons of freight npany graoe on the line. A 500 horse power plant would be sufficient to handle all the bus iness of the line and In addition would supply lights where wanted along the line. I have secured prices on a complete plant of this kind from George Martin & Co of Seattle, aud have given the infor mation to parties who are now figuring on building the road, but If these parties do not ahead soon, I am ready to affirm that the people of Gilliam county can build this road theinelvea and I ie lieve they will do so in the near future if outside capital does not take hold of it. There are 330,000 acres of tillable land that would be tributary to this road, less than One third of which Is under cultivation, not because the land is not good but it U too far from market to ha possible to get the wheat out but w ith a road of this kind to connect ns with the Columbia river, which must be opened to navigation in the ntar future every foot of this land would aoon le farmed. The electric line is the coming railroad for the Pacific No rthwest. Puch lines are are now in successful operation In the East where there is all kinds of competition' and we don't want to lag b hind the East. There is now a consolida tion of electric lines In the East 1333 miles long operated by a single syndicate with headquarters at Cleavelaml, Ohio, and it will soon lie possible to travel by an electric road, dining and sleeping cars, from New York to St. Louis and Chicago. Cars of that line will make 4.1 miles an hour outside of the cities the entire distance and at this time 00 miles an hour is bting made dal ly over short distances. That should be swift enough for Eastern Oregon. With a road of this kindGllliamconn- ty would In less than one year more than double in population and taxable prop erty. We would have more and better schools more happy prosperous homes and a more pleasant country to live in in many ways. If such roads pay In the East where there is competition on every hand one would certainly pay here where it would handle alt the freight and passenger traffic and all the mail and express bus iness and if one man can manage 1333 miles in the East 3 or 6 men should cer tainly manage a 40 mile line herein Gil liam county, This proposed road would pay all the cost of building in addition to the operating expenses in less than one year. I have had years of experience in handling electric machinery and heavy power plants. Have had 10 years expe rience as manager of a large electric railway jiower system and I know that this is the railway for this country. I desire to state that Taut a resident of Gilliam County and consequently am in terested in the development of the coun ty and in the welfare of every law abid ing citizen In the county, and will ever QF HU i I 8 lM t jab rtc , tv si : rr - mm. Seer Seel See! ' Call at the Condon For Drugs, Patent Medici nca, Paints and Oil?, Window Okas, Gaaolin Etc., Itubk'r Good, Druggiui'a Sundries. Condon LEADING We Have What You Want Fine, Fresh, Fat Mutton On the block this week BARR BUILDING. CLARK & FRAZER Curry In ht.xk at frojwr Builder's Hardware and Building Material. Moulding. Plinths ami IMocks, Windows and Doors. Furniture and Carpets, Itug, Peda and Hedding. Stoves, Tin aud En ameled Ware. Avenerions Carbolinenm the great ent preervative of of Fence Posts, Water Tanks and all wood work. A snre shot on Chicken Lice and all Vermin. But this is. ; t The inilk of human kindness Js seldom rich with cream. ' In fact, of earthly things, bnt few 7 Are what they really fcetu. And these few things can be found at The Condon Meat Market and Confectionery, JOHN JACKSON, Proprietor. J I : be found ready to ascist in any enterprise which promises to he a benefit to the county and its people. I write this let ter to bring this matter before the peo ple of this county and I believe that once the people understand this matter and see the advantage oiit, an electric line will be assured and completed in less than one year. Talk this matter over neighbors; investigate it; write to any of the electric supply companies or to the correspondence schools which teach electric and steam engineering and you will find that I am not mistaken. I have cast my lot among you and am here to stay, and my desire is to help my neighbors, in any way in my power tq lighten the burden of the Oil liam county farmer, to help educate the children and to make it possible for my self and all my neighbors to establish happy, prosperous homes.: , Addison Hollek Of Condon Flouring Mills t'o. Lost Between Mrs. Malay's and J G Stevenson's gale, on the Ajax road , a leather satchel. Please return to this office and recieve suitable reward. Li4L'aifL I U 'MrT.f'X-.: .Tvl- 'f '1 DC DUNN BROS. Pharmacy Perfumes, Toilet Articles. Jewelry, Watches, Musical , IiiHtrumentH, Ktc. Etc. Pharmacy DRUGGIST?, Y J nAAorvo also Beef, Tork, Poultry etc. Finest Candies, Nuts and Cigars. ELGIN MYERS. CONDON OREGON. jriswsnnnnruvvuwjvirLnjnrvuv Pricts HOUSE FURNISHERS. s 1 ARLINGTON. An Eastern Star Chapter was organiz ed here Tjesday night by Grand Worthy Matron Clara Mart-den, of Burns, assist ed by the following members from Con don: Mesdamsa Frazer, Barker, Reis acher, riiter, Halstead Jobnron, Darling Neale, Stevens an IJBrown ; Miss Dora Downing; D. S. Brown and F, B.Stev ens and Jay P. Lucas, of The D.illes. After the institution and initiation cere monies all partook of a bountiful lunch. Mrs. Pearl Robinson, post mistress at Lone Uock, is visiting her mother Mrs. Wood. : ; Tobey Bros, have bought the Miller bankrupt stoca. C. C. Wilson, left Sunday for 'Frisco. Mr, Wheeler Cot Rid of His Rheuma tism. During the winter of 189SIwas8olame in my joints, in fact all over my body, that I could hardly walk when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm From the first application I iegan to get well, and wns cured and have worked steadily all the year." It. Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. For sale by Hudson Pharmacy. 51 Made by CHICAGO 1 j Bargains? 1 ... t Of course we have BARGAINS 1 in ail lines of goods. We I tnak a K;cialt of BAH- I GAIN'S because it pays onr I customers to secure BAR- ' t GAIN'S and what pays pur customers paya X If you are from Missouri come in and we will Show P. H. STEPHENSON, RELIABLE 1 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. LARGEST STOCK Largest and best line in Gilliam county. Win ter Underwear, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Ul sters, Etc. We also carry a select line of Uni versal Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Hard ware, Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mafresses, Chairs, Extension Tables. Orders taken for Furniture and Wall Paper not kept in stock. In fact we carry a full assortment of general merchandise. WADE THE BIG OLEX, urrimit tuu THE f CONDON I HOTEL J s FRED WILSON, Proprietor Finest brands of pure domestic and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Fine Billiard and Pool tables in connection. A model resort enjoying the patronage of a quiet, orderly trade. Customers always pleased. CONDON, -3- INEHART'S RESTAURANT The public will find that no better accom-. nnxlations can be found in this country than at this place. Good meals, clean beds. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN GEO. W. RINEIIART, Prop. A new .'afternoon paper to be called thejonrual is soon to be started in Tort- land. ' - 'At the teacher's 'esarnination held here last week all but two of the appli cants passed and secured certificates. Miss Dora Downing (joes to Portland this week to learn the milliner's business. We understand she expects to open a store here on her ret nrn1, . Had To Conquer Or Die. "I was just about gone," writes Mrs, Rosa Riuhardaon. of Laurel Springs. N. C, "I had Consumption so bad that the best doctors said I conld not live more than a month, bnt I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven buttles and am now stont and well." It's an unrivaled life-saver in Consumption, Pneumonia, La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, .''Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough-. Guaranteed bottles BO cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Condon Pharmacy. . ., 1 I You." MERCHANT, IH THE COUNTY. BROS. STORE OREGON. II THIS POPULAR HOSTELRY Has been thoroughly renovated and is now. prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public. Com mercial travelers and others desiiing ' the comforts of a first-class hotel will find this house suited to their wants. Mrs 3. A. Maddock, Prop. ixuuinjuirtnnjl o a loo n OREGON MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c CONDON, OREGON Merldttn Revised. We may live without poetry, music and art, ... We may live without conscience, we may live without heart; We may live without love, we may live witiiout fads, Cut the up-to-date business man cannot live witiiout ads. ' . We may live without books, what is know ledge bnt grieving? ' s We may live without hope, what is hope but deceiving? , - We may live vvithout schemes, what are schemes hut devising? i But we cannot do business without advertising. . - , , Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those, tireless little workers Dr.- King's New Life l"ills. Millions are always at wnrk night and day, coring Indigestion, B:li onsness. Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach Liver and Bowel trem bles. . Easy, pleasant; safe, snre. Only cents at Condon Pharmacy . faint can na.l iwlf, k w.DjtRmu Attorney at lnvr, Notary Public and ConayenceF Cerxlna, Of. ' CoIiWtlrfnnil tnturnnm. Ttmt rKirif OCicn in ru ul loaiumc tulidm, iUalu it-t s. A. fATTtSOy I0TAUI PUBLia COf ImV, ORGOW. ATTOEHET-AT-LA. 08e wrner Spring street and Orejoa reCS C05D0W. ORIOOH. The Regulator Line. Its Dalfei; Pcrfer i S Isfcrt NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... DiCy Line of Stumers Between Portka4 Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hosd Rive asi ail Points oo Uie VaJtingtoa tkU. TT tttnr tTT CTtr Itjirnraf or ft PartiAiid rrry Tnnmioi (except &uttiJr) at' nd Th riif t S . m., rr1r'.ne t dttUllk lion ib Mp tuns lor outgoing viini. rrcight Kates Greatly Reduced. , W. C. ALU WAT, Get. Aft, Toot of Court Sunt, Tb. Cailet, Or. V Shoit like AH3 U'JION RiCIFIC TO SALT LAKE, ; DEISVER, KAIISAS CITY, ClilOAGO, ST. LOUIS. EAST EVERYWHERE. Ocean Steamers be tween Portland and San Francisco every five days. LOW RATES For ticket rates and particulars write to agent O. R. & N. Co. at Arlington, Oregon, or to the undersigned, A. L. CRAIG, G. P. & T. A. Portland, Oregon. OTIS W. PROPST. -Manufacturer of and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, SHOES WADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING IIEATLY DQIIE Fine line of custom made MEM'S AMD D3Y'S SHOES kept 10 StOCSl II SADQUARTKUS FOR , noonnis telep!h::h -.'.:.r.lAlM STREET- COKCCH : : CTimiU m mm