THE CGMJ3L0BE. t'WsVoVV FEBi-?UAY 20. 1932. , NOIIt'K. . Tfte (.'i.fJ'K ti'Vftvn vi'prmrtPKi,c (mm ft! wnlmn of i 'itliMOR iwmiv. Wet wtnnk Uit vper 11 i!iit jmllnmf t h nniii hihI invito iitr srwivl tw Mit m hy iiciKlli ir In the ni'w ol tln-tr iv t (ii-luiiintrl-nflitn. 'r,mvy ititei;o mt he nitrmtl y the writer, ui ive"piBy for piib itm;nm, rnt in'vi'tpwi?il KMV4itttH.ant the fiiur assumo no wf"tiliHy toropitt lm ?x tkc I ny Mir:Moniviit. , , . ., , r"!i"Mj.!.v .. '!' - (which to act. It is the business of THE MACHINE IX. D.4IfGJtt I theprvas to be vigilant in aseertain The Oregoniati is still wApitg a ment and. publication of all facts Tigorous warfare against the button ! that relate to the action of all pub machine In Multnomah county, . He oQieials. The Oregonian recent Already the good effect may be d- j ly has discovered and reported cer tected in the Barren Jer of the' tain transactions that the people county commissioners on the mat-; had a right know. It believes, and rer or appoini.njjuages an5 :ieriv! me, people generally ueuevu, tuat of election. The commissioners ; there are many more of a similar are Simon men and their recent kind. Indeed the, question lies on outrageously unfair appointment of - the public mind whether transact election oTioers raised such a storm , ions of this nature do not run t( indignant protest that they . were lorcea 10 oacK aown ana re-uae Dimness 01 me county, model tbe list extensively. "Their! This sort of men, this sort of deal- surrender," says the Oregonian. "ia a welcome and timely reminder! tem of polities that has grown up that the boasted power of bosses is, jamong us. it organizes itpelf into after all, a weak thing which will crumble away as at & breath in the hour of aroused public opinion.! First defiant, then sullen, then pre- j public treasury, it seeks to perpetu cipitately retreating, has beeu the ate its power. It often succeeds in course of Commissiones Mack and ; sheltering itself for a time under Showers." Tbe Oregonian is waging j some great question of national hu ll jast war in the interests of a ring I port, as the Spanish war and its ruled people and its work is to- be commended by all who are in favor of purity in politics and in a gov ernment administered for the peo- of Oregon have been "slow to wrath and abundant in goodness" toward ; the ringsters and machine bosses in both State and County politics but the signs of the limes point in the direction of an overturning next June which will make some of the politicians hold their breath and Multnomah county will not be alone in the mixup. Yes! "the boasted power of bosses is, after all, a weak thing which will crumble away as at breath in the hour cf aroused pub lic opi nion." The Oregon political machine, State and County is in danger. The people and part of the press are getting "next" to the situation. , V Bucklen's Arnica Saive Has world-wide fame (or marvellous enres. It surpasses any other enlve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores. Felons, Ulcere, Tet ter, Salt Rheum,' Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Filesi, Cure guaranteed. Onlv 25 cents at Condon Pharmacy. - .r.. "Enquirer" No; the report that the discolored condition of the city water last week was due to the wa ter having been filtered through the new city charter is not correct. The charter was not debigned as a me chanical contrivance or a water fil ter. Its purpose was to 'rid the city of a certain official who was disliked by the ring and it was eminently successful. The bosses (may have) celebrated the adoption of the new charter last week in many a bump er of rich yellow city water and voted unanimously that they liked it. ; .. . , LIBEL SUITS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS. It is the experience of therespon eible newspapers of the country that the common expedient of those whose wrong-doing is exposed by the press is the libel 6uit. ' It is seldom t hat The Oregonian has beeu exempt from , these infestations. But beyond some annoyance, slight and temporary, they are nothing; for though libel suits in countless numbershave been brought against The Oregonia, in no case, during its long career has judgment ever been given against it. Of the suit brought by County Commissioner Mack, The Oregonian, will say. nothing now beyond the statement that, of all the complaints ever filed against it, this one is the most ridiculous. The man who transacts public bus iness in the way that Mr. Mack has been shown to transact it, is clearly wanting in moral intelligence; but it is a little surprising to find him so stupid, in his treatment of the Something That. Will Do You Good. - We know of no way In v. lii'ch we can be of more service to our readers than to tell them of something that will he of j real pood to them.' For this reason we j want to aquaint them with what we con- i sider one of the very beet remedies on the market for coughs, colds, and that I alarming complaint, croup. ? We refer to ' Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy. - Wc have used it with such good results in j our family so long that it has become 'a i bonsehold necessity. By its prompt use we haven't any doubt hut that it has time and ajruin prevented croup. The testimony in givn O.on our own exper ience, and we suggest 'that on r readers, tperiHy those ho have small chi Idren. ulu-HVH kedpit in their homes a a safe irnard npniiiKtcrtinp. Canuien S. C.) fan. A-u&r. For sale bv Hudson Pharmacy. consequences. The experience of the press is that the people are always disposed j to stand by the newspaper that does j its duty to them. Without the aid of the press, there cau be no proper participation of the people in afiaira of their government, for they will j have no sufficient information upon through a very great proportion of ;ing, is the natural fruit of the sys- a machine, and, through the meth ods H employs, based on theinflu enee secured to it by control of the (consequences, or the necessity of sinking everything else in the con test for taaintenence of the integri ty of the monetary system of the last it is to be called to account. If this is not the situation the present year, The Oregonian makes a great mistake in its diagnosis and fore cast The people want sound ad ministration at home and creditable efficient representation in Wash ington. Jo these results they are entitled. To say they cannot be attained is to proclaim the hope lessness of popular government. Oregonian. When yon want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effect nse Chamberlains Siomach and Liver Tablets. Price 23 cents. Samples free.1 Every box guaranteed. For sale by Hudson Pharmacy. ' School Notes ADDIE HAWE3, Emtoh. . Mamie Donaldson and Cecil. Harrison have returned to echo jI after a few weeks absense. Jennie Neal and Edith Greenfield of the grammar department were absent Tuesday. Charlie Goodwin and Alfred Wise are absent this week. Lulu Keizur and Johnnie Dunn were visitors in the intermediate room Tues day. Charlie Price was absent Monday and Tuesday. The 8th grade is left rather small owing to Grace Balding, Nellie Brown and Ber tha Trimble leaving school, having taken the teachers examination and being suc cessful intend to teach. The Literary Society held a special meeting Tuesday and elected Florence Clarke to take Bertha Trimble's place as secretary. The C. P. S. Literary Society met Feb. 7 and the following program was render ed by the pupils of the 8th grade: Song by Society Recitation... Bert Greenfield ' Grace Luna Reading Nellie Brown Recitation. Annie Cald well Instrumental music Herbert and Nellie Brown. Recitaion Rollo Frazer " Jennie Neal Dialogue A Fortune Teller Song by Society It was decided that the 7tb grade would recite next Friday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bmmo Quinine Tablet. AU drHgxisU refund the money If it full to cure K. W. Grove's signature li on each box. 25c AYENERI0U3 GARBGLINEUM Avenerious Carbolineunt is here to 6tay. Ask those who have used it. It prevents decay in fence posts, water tanks and all wood work and is a guaranteed article. It also exterminates chicken' lice and mites and keeps them away permanently. It is a general pu rifier of mangef , chicken house or pig pen. . it spreads witu a brush and is a nice, nut-brown paint. CLARKE & FRAZER, ACENTS. SPRING MILLINERY- Finest Line ever opened in Gilliam County. All the lat est styles. Best qualities and values... .. ... MHS. R. H. VALH For Sale Fonf choice residence lots for sale in Condon at a bargain. Enquire at this oflice. Doitnquent Taxes. A petition it being circulated asking the county court U instruct th therid to proceed with the collection ofdcliU' ft teiit taxes, forthwith. According to the iuet aeml-annual state ment ot the ti'UU-ul condition of thA comity the estimated amount of nnpaid taxes September SO, 1901 was $1330. At the January term of court tu fol lowing order was made; 'Ordered that the sheriffiivmiediately proceed to advertise and collect alldoliu ipwnt Uiea Hocurdinjt to law." This not hiviti)t 1h-u don it seem that some of the taxpayer ( are getting impatient at the dflay and want to putdt the matter. Nodliuqtin. list ha been puhl shed in this county for almost four years and it would seem only a matter of justice to the men who pay their tax es promptly for the officials to collect the delinquent tax. Every dollar of de linquent tax maus a like amount of out standing warrants upon which the coun ty must pay interest. Invitations are out for a social dance to be given at Mrs Nelson's new homo in Ferry Canyon tomorrow evening. The Washingtonian is th latest news paper ventnr in Seattle. It is a daily, republican in politics, bright, clean and well edited. AJAX. Mrs. Wm. Curl weut to Condon Thurs day. Freddie Farrar visited relatives here last weak. Miss Bessie Bartmess visited at the Maley ranch last week. Miss Gertie Shannon, of Condon visited her sister Mrs. Oscar Maley lat week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott and family visited at the Palmer ranch Friday and Saturday. Harry Palmer visited his Grandma Maley of near Alvillw Weduesday and Thursday. Walter and Fred Adlard and sisters Misses Lulu and Minnie went to Condon Friday and took in the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Maley in company with the Misses Gertie Shannon and Bessie Bartmess went to the breaks of the Juhu Day to admire the beautiful scenery. ' Torsiy. Hudson Pharmacy will refund yon your money if you are not salistied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness constipation and headache. Price 25 cents. Samples free ALVILLE. C. A. Carter wect to Mayville last week.' Jim Cordell was an Alville visitor Sat urday. Bill Meek s is an Alville visitor this week. Bob 3eekamp is circulating a petition to have another county road near Alville. The school meeting held Saturday was well attended and bonds were voted to the amount of $1000 to build a new school house. Tbe dance given at Andrew Arm strong's Friday was well attended. A few Alvillers were present and all report having a line time. Ray Brownell and Doc Britton started for the mountains yesterday with about 12 bead of horses where they expect to put them in pasture. McF "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in sayjng that it is the best remedy for conghs, colds and croup I have ever had in my family. I have not words to express my faith in this Reme dy. For sale by Hud eon Pharmacy. To Rent. For three months from 1st March 700 acres of deeded land some outside range good place to Iamb band of ewes or run band of yearlings, lambing corrals shede plenty of water. Black Butte ranch. 60dl JofcfcPH Whyte, Condon Oregon. FOR SALE. I have for sale one black and one red roan half Clydesdale stallion, 4 years old, sired by Sir Peter, whose pedigree is on record for 100 years, and was imported from Scotland by . Bennett & Son of Topeka, Kan. Said pedigree can be seen on applica tion. I also have one blank stallion, Clydes dale, whose dam was sired by aforesaid Sir Peter, and he by the i in ported Clydes dale, LnAllen, owned by Wm. Froebe, of Sherman Connty. For further particulars, call on, or ad dress, N. E. Moffit, 49152 ' Monkland, Oregon. Lost Between Condon and Arlington 3 fat steers coming 3-year-old, branded either 71 on hip or box on right stifle. ; Suita ble reward for information leading to their recovery. E. P.Weik, Arlington, Or. Estray Notice. Came to my place about Nov. 1, 1901, strawberry roan steer, coming two rears old. JSo hrano distinguishable. Split right ear onder half crop left ear. Hack in dewlap.. Owner can have same by paying for keep and this notice. II. C. Strickland. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Aug. 1, 1000, will be paid upon pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 1,; 1001. P. II. Stki'henkon, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Casli Clearance Sale We have invoiced and know that we must reduce some lines to make room for our heavy ; Spring purchases. To do this we need your help and we are willing to pay you for it We offer, for this month only, 30 per cent cl i s co ti n t ; on our entire stock of Clothing Skirts, Capes and Jackets. Our store is called the "QUALITY STORE" because we carry no shoddy goods. Yours for price and quality, lord & CO. Administrator's Notlceto Cre-clltors. XotU-e It horrby gtreii Uil the mnlemtKiuNl, waa by th Count j Court of the Statu ot Orvnon tar (illlinm County, on January, '.".nh I'.xir, ap pointed the attiatnistrittor of the vaUte of Sainm'l Laniborwm, d-rvad and hat qtialiliod Ihi'Mor. All pcraona having claim aKaltitt Mid pvtato will pnwnt the nme to ine duly verirttnl at th office of U(mlrk-kti& Borerman,('ondiu0ivvn within tlx tnontht from tin date vl the tint pnblicatlon ot tht notice. IttU) of first publication February t I'M. R B. Coctraa AdminiatratorottheEtatiiof Samuel Ijimbonon Dereatrtl. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Broino-Qiilulue Tablet cure cold In one day. No Cttre. no Pay. rrli-e 25 cent LONE ROCK. The Chinook wind has taken the fcnow all away and the roads are covered with a generous supply of sticky mud which makes navigation pretty slow. We are pleased to note that our Iriend Geo. Terry iselowly recovering his long and severe spell oi sickness, it has Iwen a pretty clone ehave for George and only for his having a constit ution stronger than a 10-strand barbed wire fence would never have pulled through. Billy Brown i netting on nieely with his broken leg and can put his foot and keep time while he rolls forth sweet strains of ninnie from his old violin and makes all his friends who come to v i m i t him feel happy and sociable. Miss Bertha tVilliams and Mrs. GofI are on the sick list this week. Rev. Henderaon commenced revival services iu the M. E. church overa week fto anil is getting church HfF.iir pretty well wound np. He is assisted by Itev. Beightolof IJeppner and V. L. Mallory. rhi afffnature is on every box of titet genuine Laxative ErorntQuiriip. tucu tbe remedy that enrea a eoK la ' T l i"y Do You Want to Buy or Sell REAL ESTATE? If you do list your property, or rrake your wants known, to up. Our correspondents in other cities place us in a position to secure purchasers for property on short notice. Live stock and all kinds of personal property handled. Office in Globe Building. Lancaster Condon, - RE-OPENED Th e Mode l FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. M. E. .SUMMERS Prop. LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Managerl t ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. VVe offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lumber, consisting of Flooring, Ceil ' t- ing, Rustic, Ship-Jap and all kinds of Rough Lumber. Careful atten , given to bills of special sisses and dimension stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, OREGON. Ladies' Pullman Ordinary Sleopors The tourist travel btween the East and the Pacific Coast has reached enor mous proportions in the lust few years, and calls for a special classof equipment. To meet this demand the Pullman Co. has Issued from its shops what it tech nically rails the 'Tnilman Ordinary Sleeper," These cars appear similar to the regular sleepers being built on the same plan, but not furnished with the same eletianco. They are equipped with mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-eases, towels, combs, brushes, ect. , requiring nothing of the kind to be furnished by the passenger. Kach car has a stove for making tea and cotl'ee and doing "light housekeeping", and each section can helltted with an adjust able table. A uniformed porter accom panies each cur, his business U-iiitf to make np berths; keep the car clean, ami look after the wants and comforts of the passengers. In each of the trains which j are dispatched daily from Portland by the U. K. A N. Co. is to be found one of these "Pullman Ordinary Sleepers", The car attached to the "Chicago-Portland Special" goes through to Chicego without change, and the one in the "Atlantic Kx press" runs to Kansas City without change. Passengers in this car I for Chicago change to a similar carat 'Granger. Much of the first class travel is being carried in these cars, the rates leing lower, and the service . nearly equal to that in the palace sleepers. For rates snd full information, includ ing folders' write to A. L. Craw, General Passenger Agent, O. H. A N. Co. Portia ud, Oregon. Purely Business. j Baths Hot and cold water, clean tow- els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel. Correspond with us. & Pattison, - Oregon. CONDON, ORE. Suits The Arlington Saloon C. W. WHITE & CO., PROPRIETORS Fine domostio and imported Winen, Liquors and Cigars. Bil liard and Pool tubleti run in connection. Firtft-cltt goods is our pride. Fresh, cool MILWAUKEE BEEU kept constantly on draught. Our constantly increasing patronago teatitle to tho fact that we understand how to please our customers. MAIN Condon, KERR CIFFOR & C0 PROPS. ...GRAIN... Stored with ns will receive the careful attention of exjieriencetl warehousemen. Barb wire, nails, salt, sugar, lime, cement, fml and mill stuff always on hand in any quantities. Gen eral storage and forwarding. A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. B. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON; - - OREGON The Condon Barn Only first-class Livery and Feed Stable In tho city. Fins new rigs snd (rood teams, Special attention to all stock left In our ' care. Large, strong corrals In connection. Our terms are reas onable and we solicit yoar patronage. ' SprinKSton & Rogers, Proprietors rinnnnuvumrurnnnnjuvwuvinjuvr THE INTERIOR WAREHOUSE GO. HIGHEST MARKET TKiCEH PAID FOR GKAIN GENERAL WAItEHOL'SE BUSINESS CONDUCTED BALFOUR, CUTKRIE & CO., M'C'RS. ARLINGTON, BLALOCK, D0UCLAS, I0NE Splendid Specimens of Superior Skill la the cxprfitolon of alrnrmt eory perenn who hn examlnvrl aamiili-n of work executed tit till (ill)cu. Huerlor iirlnttnn la tlic klml you want. Work thut U done In a hIovciiIv tnunnr la the Kinit Hint nctlhcr imya the Umliicm mini nor the printer. AU the prlntliiK X'lit ont'Irom tlila olllce la nent and nttmutlve. 8, A. PATTISON hUHI.IBllKK 1 THE uiruruuiuxrusmjjnnnjvxrisiruuv nnruxriruvxiisirvuinnnrinjv Drink Star Famous Hop An Exhiliarating and Nutritious Beverage .... ALBERT-REIPLINQER Manager of Star Brewery Co's Cold Storage S ARLINGTON dxruuionjvinnjLruxaruTJutruuanjuinnn Owner Wanted. For dark brown mafe 4-year-old weight ,T KI(;K,'I1 about 1000 pounds, halter broke, brand ed D H with diagonal bar forming figure 4 in upper part of II. Came to my place DENTIST 4 miles sonth of Condon about Dec. 15. Ow ner can have animal by paying costs ' otherwise she will be sold according to offleo 3M Pekum Building, Portland, Oregow 'aw ' - , Will be In Condon on or about October , I'.iMoitKKTT, jlal. to remain lor tt sliott lluw oUul Condon Ur't'i;. F. WOOD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dnyautl lull I tn)li promptly nwfwl 0 ITI i' MtOu iHtvi nut! fpilnij. WNDON, OKIE, C. S. PALMER, rtisth; Barber. Sleek Shaves and Hnir-cuta. Rarora honoct And re-ground. CONDON - - - - OREGON. O. S. EBI, ruorRiKTim of SODA nd HOTTLIS G U OKA'S Jianiifrtcturrr of Hod a, Orange and Champagne Cldpr, Hrparlll and Imn and all other Holt and Carbonnteit prinks. Condon trade la repct fully volifitvd. Orders promptly filUkl Arlington, Ore. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of a liranoh Ofllew w wish to open in tlii vicinity. Here i a roo1 open ing for the right man. Kimlly givo Kwil reference when writing. THE A T MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE Cincinnati Ohio. Ulutttrftteil catalogue 4 ct. stumps. 1. L. Ntnl, the well known unction for, will give the itrlcteitt attention to all bushiest entrusted to hie rata. If you have property to t)l connult lijui. STREET Oregon BRANCH HOUSES: BLALOCK, QUINM A MOID SCRUTINY OF OUR SAMPLES REVEALS NOT!! INO BUT OOODNB8S CONDON GLOBE PRINTERY Brewery Co's Gold Beer OREGON j.