I. 0U1BE. 7 H UR8DA Y, V E IBRU A R Yef l6a. THE OFNCIAL PAPER Ot OILLIAM COUNTY. OHEQON.. LOCAL, NEWS, Read Lori A Co,' new ltd. ' Abt Mover wat In town Monday, John Madden, of LoueUuck wee here the first ol th week. Jobn Jaekaon aihI P. II. Stephonaon have change o( ad tula week. ri Morgan Ward and U, M. Johnson came tn Iront Ltit Rock Monday evening. KIln Myeri will open hia nw ureal market and confectionary in day or two. '.ItitaU hie uew ad on this page. A big crowd and good time In antici pated (or the Bcotch gathering tomorrow, Armory hall will no doubt be packed to U utmost capacity at tha concert In the evening. Charlla rinkham cam In Iroin hla Farrjr Canyon horns yesterday to "met a brother who ll eipected (roiu Callfoo nit to vlalt hla relative. He impacted on today 'i atage. Everybody wet elelghtng Sunday and everything on runners waa pressed Inio aorvlce. Cutters alelghe and bob-vied were on the go early and late and the bulla made merry uiutlc. fjcnoul Superintendent Neal'haa au thorlaed School Trustee McKinney of Licust Urove to hold the eighth grade ria initiation in that district thi week. He ia assisted by the lyncher, Mla Flo ra Jones. A large crowd waa In attendance at the aale of Howard J'ropat personal prop rty Katurday and good prlcca were ralixed. Kverything waa void and Mr. l'ropst waa well aatishVd with the result. Ueo. L. Neale waa the auctioneer. , The Condon Society of Belle Letters ia the latest Wotnen'e organisation in the city. The aociely eterta out with 15 members wUb the dual obj'-ct of literary and aoclal advancement. The society met yeaterday tith Mra.C. W.Uroslluld. A. J. Cochran, of Aillngton haa traded hla ranch containing- 600 acrea east of Kock Creek to J. A. Richmond of Ferry Canyon for hie band of burses consisting of about 300 head. Mr. Cochrun com menced gathering theitock Monday. fSyl Palmer recently received a K'tter from hie brother, F. A. Palmer, which elated that he had sold Ida barber busiuese In Portland and located at Ab erdeen, Washington,' where he haa bought the finest shoo in the city. He ordere bla copy of the Ulodb addressed to that place. Jim Cooke haa been viaiting frienda In town for the paat week or eo ieuding the completion of the job of filling Cooke Broa. ice house on the ranch. Hill haa been auperintending the job while Jim haa beeu having a good time. Jim aaya he don't cat moan. Ice anyway. Word reached here Monday that Dr. J. A. Laiuberson, of Lebanon, had been trickeii with peralyaleand waa In a crit ical condition. Ilia mother and hi brother-in-law, 8. 1). Couture, of Ferry Canyon, atarted for hie bedaide Tuesday morning. Mr and Mra. Frank Palmer took them to Arlington. The many frienda of W. 8. Myers will regret to learn that he la again variously ill. Mr. Myera went to 1'ortland last week to consult a phyaician who pro nmnced hia diaeaee a form of liver trou ble with the possibility of ait op eration twing neceaaary later. He waa quite ill Monday but waa aomewhat improved yeaterday. , A jolly party of yoong folka made np bob-aled party Monday evening and went over to J. P. Ureiner'e place in Mayville precinct, where they made mer ry until the we una' houra. All report flue time. The sleighing was good in places and in places the walking was atlll better. They reached home at daylight. A. O. Hawaon writes the Olobk from Urangeville, Idaho, that Byron Murch, who waa almost fatally Injured at that place tome time ago fa now Improving and la ia ft fair way to recover. Hia wife wai notified and at once went to Urangeville and, with the assistance of members of the Woodmen of the Worl d, has given Mr. Murch every attention. Mr. Mdrch was a residont of Ferry Can yon some years ago. L. VV. Darling is on the crippled list this week aa the result of an experience In breaking a festive Oregon cayuae one day Inst week. They were hitching a colt np for the first time, Mr. Darling holding a long rope attached to the ani mal's head when the team atarted to run. He waa thrown down and thu rone be coming fastened around his leg fie was dragged about 300 yards at no slow nor easy pace. It was 'a close call and L. V. anyaiie began to think how tine hia Woodman insurance policy is. ARLINGTON NOTES. Harry Strickland, one of Gilliam's brightest young teachers died nt Arling ton Monday. A large concourse of sor rowing friends were in from Rock Creek to attend the funeral which took place from the M. K. Church Tuesday. The school attended in a body. Mlaa Lena Snell returned Satnrday from Baker City where she has been engaged in teaching. Poor health was the cause of her home-coming. Miss Lora Nelson is visiting with Mand Reed this week. They are now at Stnrbuck Washington where "Cap" ia working in tha railroad shops. A number of Arlington K. P.a attend ed the convention at The Dallea Satur day and report a grand time. . U, W. Beatty and bride arrived Mon day and are stopping at Mrs. Carlisle's for the winter. Train No. 2 broke down about 3 miles below Arlington Tuesday and was delay ed 3 hours. (leo. Miller went to Heppner Monday. Mis Lucy Hurllmrt has been quite ill lately. Chai Gllworo is surlously til with pnuumonia. It. Wood li bore from SBlaloek working for D. C. &Co. Miss Byron ! convtilcsccnt after a spell of typhoid. . Henry Crass 1ms been appointed a I', a. Cora gilssionor. V K. P. Weir returned Tucwiuy from Troutdulu Where he sold 3 cars of fut cuttle. Jonus Uvermoru. an old resident of ArIltou, Charged With Horsestealing. Tom Kane was arrested at Pendleton Inst Thursday on ft warrant sworn oat by K. M. Johnson, of Lone Rock, charg ed with horserlonling. He was brought to Condon Saturday by Bpenlal Constable Geo. Tatotn, . w ho waa rent after hiui, ami lodgud In jail, Saturday morning warrants were issued by Justice of the peace Neale, for the arrest of George Mad leu, Arthur Madden and John Mad den Jr., of Lnue Rock, on the aaiue elmrge. Rundle Palmer, was deputized ami sent after the Madden boys returning to town with them Sunday afternoon. The lioys were held in the custody of the Sheriff until Monday morning when they were arralnged. They exited for a continu ance 'until February 12th and were placed under 500 bail each for their ap pearance on that date for preliminary hearing. The Madden boy gave the re quired bonds but, at this writing Kane is still In jail. i The bone which are alleged to have been stolen were taken from the range near Lone Rock and driven to Pendleton where they are said to have been sold, A Serious Charge. Win. Htlllwell, of Mayville precinct was arrested last Thursday on a charge of rape preferred by his sister-in-law, a 13-year-old girl named Beeber who, a few days before, gave premature birth to ft child, till 1 1 well was held In the sum of $1,000 bail for hi appearance for a preliminary hearing in the justice court March 4th. Ram E. Van Vector represented the defend ant ai d Deputy District Attorney Robbius, of Fossil, appeared for the hits te. r Seel See! Seel Call at tho Condon Pharmacy For Prugi, Patent Medicine, Paints and Oil, Window Glass, Gaaoline Etc., . Rubber Ooodn, Druggist'- Sundries. We Have What You Want Perfumes, ... Toilet Article. -Jewelry, " Watcliea, Musical Inutrument. Etc. Etc, Condon Pharmacy LEADING DRUOGI3T8. When you want a physic that is mild and geu tie, eaxy to take and pleasant In effect use Chamberlains Bioiuach and Liver Tablets, Price 23 cent. Samples free. Ever box guaranteed. For sale by Hudaon Pharmacy. Democrats Confer. At a meeting of democratic leaders In Portland last week a prolonged discus- cion of the coming campaign a as Indul ged in, ideas were eichanwed and much advice waa given to Chairman White and Ills associate. Boiled down the sense of the meeting may be given abuot as follows: Maintain the fundamental principle of Democracy. No fusion, aa a matter of prine pie, eicept in tome counties where it may m necessary to get votes as a matter of policy. Ptinciple firnt, olllce afterwards. A constructive rather than a destruct ive policy. Thurongh club organization in every precinct. Vote-getters as such were declared against. By vote-getters was nsant men who are toadies and grafters ; men w ho boost themselves into office with out rais ing the party along with them. Such men, it was declared, were never recom mended for office by Thomas Jefferson. gvruumuuvrin, aHiinuuiiutJiutJiiu I wish to announce to the public that I have fitted up the Harr building and will open in a day or two with a com plete line of cotifVctionerie, cigars etc., aUoa well stocked Meat Market. I will carry the best quality of beef, pork and veal obtainable and and will make a specialty of dreaHcd poultry, game, and fish in neaaon, I respectfully solicit a f hare of your patronage. ELGIN MYERS. unjiruumruxnuvnjtriAnnnAAnuuintnnnnrutJ CLARK & FRAZER Carry In bu k at fiopur Prices Builder's Hardware and Building Material. Moulding. Plinths and Blocks, Windows and Doors. , , Furniture and Carpets, Rugs, P.ede and Bedding. Stoves, Tin and Ku ameled Ware. Avenerions Carbolineom the great eat preservative of of Fence Posts, Water Tanks and all wo.d work. A sure shot on Chicken Lice and all Vermin. i Jl S HOUSE FURNISHERS a Hudson I'hnrmaey will refund yon your money if you aie not satisfied after using Chamherlatu's Sumach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness constipation and headache. Price 25 cents. Samples free, LONE ROCK. Riley Hillings got back from a two weeks trip to the valley. llo I) Johnson, Horace Dennett and Henry Nee I went to Condon Monday us witnesses (or the State iu thu horse steal ing case. Bonn At the M. E. parsonage Febru ary 1 to tint wife ot Uev. Henry Hender son a 12 pound boy, and the saying goes tint on Sunday morning our beloved parson to ik his test from the first chap ter of tie nexes "And Uml said 'be faith ful and multiply and replenish the earth.' " Deputy Sheriff Palmer came op fromJ Condon Saturday and arretted Ueo-ge Arthur ana John Madden Jr. and took thetu to Condon where they will answer to the charge of horse stealing along with Tom Kane. This business lias grown to large proportions in this vicinity and the stock owners are deter mined to tench the guilty parties that the way of the transgressor is hard. I Bucklen's Arnica Salve Has w orld wide .fame for marvellous cures. It snrpiiHBes any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Cornst Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions;' Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only "5 cents at Condon Pharmacy. . But this is. The milk of human kindness Is seldom rich with cream. ! In fact, of earthly things, but few Are what they really seem. And these few . things can be found at The Condon ivieat Market . . . if and Confectionery, JOHN JACKSON, Proprietor. 8 ii "THE CILUAM COUNTf Caledonian Club will give a Scotch Concert and Dance at CONDON, FRIDAY, FEB. 7, '02. Worthy Chief J. M, Cameron will preside at the meeting and Judge (ieo. J. Cameron, of Portland, will deliver the annual address. Dancers from Portland will dance the Scotch Keel, Reel o' 1'nlloch, Highland Fliug, 1 Sword Dance, IriBh Jig, Shean Trews and bailor's Horn pipe. . Quartetts, Duets, Solos etc by the beft local talent. - Hear Jamie Moon's pipe music. See bills and programs for particu lars. Doors open at 7:30. Concert be gins at 8:00. Wm Chkiptik, J. M. Camkron. Secretary. Worthy Chief. OTIS W. PBOPST. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. SHOES MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Caledo nians and all others who visit Condon tomorrow are invited to ' make onr store their l)ca(liuarrs). Come in and see us and be sociable1. If you appreciate 'Way up Merchandise 'Way down Prices You will trade with us. P H. STEPHENSON, RELIABLE MERCHANT, FALL AND WINTER GOODS. LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY. Largest and best line in Gilliam county. Win ter Underwear, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Ul sters, Etc. We also carry a select line of Uni versal Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Hard ware, Iron Bedsteads, Spring Matreeses, Chairs, Extension Tables. Orders taken for Furniture and Wall Paper not kept in stock. In fact we carry a full assortment of general merchandise. WADE BROS. THE BIG STORE OLEX, - OREGON. I nnnnnnjiruirvnnnjuuuxr ? T " : ' i AY r- 1 5 THE f CONDON ; HOTEL J , I , : ! r i pinnnuinjinnjxnnruinnnjxriJiAnArumr THIS POPULAR HOSTELRY Has been thoroughly renovated and. is now prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public. Com mercial travelers and others desiring the comforts of a Hrst-class hotel will find tbis bouse suited to tbeir wauta. Mas. S. A. Maddock, Prop ifuuuiruuuirull vrmrtnnjuirinrt Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Aug. 1, 1900, will be paid upon pre sentation at my olllce. Interest ceases after Nov. 1, 1901. P. H. Stephenson, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. Fine line of custom made MEN'S AND BOY'S SHOES kept in stock. II UADQUARTERS FOR M MORRIS TELEPHONE SUPPLIES. - MAIN STREET- - - CONDON : : : OREGON- FertilUer in concentrated form for lawns, garden and pot plants at Clarke & Frazer'8. Subscribe for The Globe n;f7n.Toinnn.f?a U m mm THAT ALI1S TO H0USANDS of "Ky EOT (fT T "ill.. 41 it IP" l. .m.Vtm kj.'"H"lU'U' L. ,J L eynmu v CHICAGO, ?rsCT-5rt sw DUNN BROS Summ it Saloon FRED WILSON, Proprietor Finest brands of pure domestic and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Fine Billiard and Pool tables in connection. A model resort enjoying the patronage of a quiet, orderly trade. Customers always pleased. CONDON, OREGON MEALS 25c. BEDS 25c INEHART'S RESTAURANT The public will find that no better accom-v modations can be found in this country , I than at this place. Good meals, clean beds. . HEADQ UARTERS FOR TRA VELING MEN GEO. W. RINEIIART, Prop. CONDON, OREGON LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Managed ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Renew Ypur Subscriptions. Subscriptions for all tbe leading news papers and periodicals published in the United States or any other country on earth will be received at the Gi.os olijue. Save postage, time and trouble by leav ing the amount with na and we will attend to tbe business for yon.' Call when in town and renew yonr subscrip tions to vonr favorites for 1901. tf Bubacribo for the Gi.onp, mHi ( ON ma, I MuKtr, f W. KAMJNO li. Attorney at Law, N4ary Public and Coiwsysncer, CSnt Or, VB.ti in rer ul ntuiUv itulliloig, Mmm )!, A. f ATTIHOS I0TAEI PHELIX Offles t Globe Baildins;. rmrnoM, . . - . orbooit. JJR. W. VOOEI. Specialist for Rffraclfon and Pdttts ef the Eje. W1H TSsIt CobAm tltrj Xhtf atootba. ' ' W:ch Lcl Colnvrs for DattT 1TI0MET-AT-IA. QBt sorner Eprtng; strsat aa4 Ottfoa aTcnas) COHDOIT, OREOOK. The Regulator Line. Its Dalles, Pcrlland & Istoria NAVIGATION CO. THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE.... DaUy Line of Steamers Between PotiUaSi, ; Vancouver, Cuoulc Locks, Hood Rivt and ill Points oa the Vaibiugtoa side Tk. nHnrn Dnt citr na RfnIt(or Ittn Portlitnd crcrf mnrnlng (eicrpi Siinrt.r) at', na Tn Unllrs t t . m arriving at oaitiaa. tion ia anpla urn lor outgoing trains. Frolfhl Kata Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALU WAT. Gen. Alt., Foot of Court Street. Too Dalles, Ot. mm. iioirr hint akd Union Pacific We offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lumber, consisting of Flooring, Ceil ing, Rustic, Ship-lap and all kinds of Rough Lumber. Careful atten given to bill of special sizes and dimension 'stuff. MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, OREGON. PE,AT rilnStow Or. ChiMfro Bait lAke, Denrer, U 05a.au r.irnaiid Ft. Wortli.Omaha, Special Kansas City, St. I:je. m. Loais,Cbicagoaiil via Hunt- last. li.gtou. ; Allan tie talt take. Denver, !:lim. Kxpreta Ft. Worth.Omaha, :ita. m. Kansas City, 8t. via Hunt- Louii.Cdicagoaud tngtem ast. ft. Pul Walla Walla Iwls- 1.40 a.m. Tfl Wail ton.apokane.Min 11.17 f. in. neapoha,St. faul. . T Dululh. Slilwan- Spokane kee.CbicagoKast i . ? OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE JTBOU POBTLANIJ. IMp.m. . All sailing date 4:00 p. BL subject to change . r For San Franclseo bail every s days. - Dully Celumbla Rlvtr 4:00 p.m. Ex. euixlaj ' St.im.rs. Ex. buudaf B:i n.m. . F.turdar To Astoria and Way lt): p. m. Lauding. . ..... (00 a m Willamette River. 4:30 p.m. . Sunday : ax. bunds Oreftoa City. Keer berg, Salem, Inde- rendence & W&j andings. . 7:00a.m. Willamette and Tm- J:S)p.m. Tucs.. Tliur. , . bill niters. Won., tted and Eat. a-dFri. Oregon City,-Pay. . tou,.b Way Laud - , ' iug. . :00a. m. Willamette ler. 4:S0p.m. Toes., Tliur Blon., Vted, and Bab Portland to Corral- , and Fri. :, lis Way Laud- ' logs. I.t. Rluarla tasks River. 1.t.Iw1s :a"a.m. ltly Dai f Rinaria to Iwisloo i n. u). Notice of Dissolution. Sotice is hereby given thattheco-partnership heretofore existing lietween M. K. Sinn niers, and J. R. Newman lias been this day dissolved by lontnal consent.- All accounts due the -old firm art" due and payable to M. E. Summers, who will collect all accounts and assume and pay all debts of the old firm. ; Condon Oregon . - M. K. Scmmeijm. JaonarT-Sth J!)2. . J H. Ni:wmn. A. L. CRAIG. General Passenger Agent, Portland. Or. MlliltlERY GOODS. Latest styles in Millinery and Fancy Goods. Toys, Dolls, No tions and ninny other pretty thing", for ladies and children for sule hv. MISS LOU ELLA F..AE3CCX tUtd Ja?t Frjdnv nod w8 buried-Saturday