Condon globe. (Condon, Gilliam Co., Or.) 189?-1919, January 30, 1902, Image 4

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What arc Humors?
They are vitiated or morbid fluids cours
ing the Tfln and affecting the tissue.
They are commonly due to defective diges
tion but are sometime Inherited.
IIow do they manifest themselves f
In many forms of cutaneous eruption,
salt rheum or ecwma, pimples and bolls,
nd in weakness, languor, general debility.
How are they ejpelled ? By
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which also builds op the system that bat
suffered from them.
It Is the best medicine for all humors.
V'hcr Vanity Rules.
A Standi explorer has discoveml on
the went coawt of Africa what ho repards
as the vainest people on earth. They
are the 1'ahonins, a warlike tribe,
whose main employment is the adorn
ment of their persons, chiefly bv means
of tattooing. Great ingenuity is also
exhibited in dressing their hair, which
in many caws is arranjod in astonish
ingly elaborate fashion.
I am sure Pixo's Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years aro. Mas. Tho.
Kobrikr. Maple street, Norwich, N. Y.,
eo, J7, wuu.
The ManWho-DiuVt-OttOff.
"For deep-laid, underground, double
dyed, contrary meanness, Eire me a
"Goodness!? frhat do you mean?"
"They always go to cleaning house
Just when a man is thinking of going
fishing. Chicago Ilearld.
- . .. i -
Mothers will find Mrs. VTlnslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use lor their
children during the teething period.
Ruuel St$t' lunches.
According to the popular tradition
Russell Sage sustains life when down
town with a cracker, a red apple and a
glass of water. This is as wide of tbe
fact as are many such stories about
prominent men. Mr. Sage is not only
"nice" in regard to w hat he eats, but
a hearty trencherman and an excellent
authority on all that goes to make up a
hearty meal. -New York Press.
The wise ones nee Hamlin's Wizard
Oil for Rheumatism and Pain ; tie fool
ish ones try experiments.
' Employment for Indian Children.
Miss Katherine Hughes, of Ottawa,'
Canada ,is tbe leader of a movement
for providing employment fof Indian
children when they leave the schools.
She is called Kateri Kaidiierenstra by
her Indian proteges, which means "she
makes things go pleasantly."
FITS FerauuienUT CnfM. Ko f.ta or iwwmwi!
I I Id after nrw f' nirof Ir Klietrat Stint
Barton. Soi for F K E E S J.00 tril wid treat
M. Da. B. 11. Klu a. Lul5l A rch St. Ptulitl ptaiv
In Nautical Terms.
Tarson Yes, on one occasion I mar
ried four couples in a quarter of an
hour. Quick work, wasn't it?
Nautical Young Lady Yes, rather.
Sixteen knots an hour. London Punch.
Lucas Cocxty. i "
Fk&kk 1. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior parte r of the firm ot F. J. Chekkt & Co..
doing business in the City of Toledo, Count
nd State aforesaid, and that said firm will pair
tbe Sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLAES for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catabrh Cvk.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this ia day of December, A. D. lsat
IstTf - A. W. GLEASON,
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
tbe system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY fc CO., Toledo, a
Bold by druegists. Toe.
Ball's Family Fills are the best,
A Lawyer's Fine Distinction,
A lawyer was passing along the street
carrying under his arm a law book
when be was accosted by a friend.
"Ha! Mr. Blank, and where are yon
going to preach' today?" "I don't
preach, I practice," replied the lawyer.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 20th : For many years
Garfield Tea, The Herb Cure, has bf-en earnitg
a reputation that is rare it is UNIVERSALLY
praised I This remedy presents unusual at
traction!! to those in search of health; it is
made of HERBS that cure in Nature's war by
removing the cause of disease; it is PC KE: it
cleanses .he system, purines the blood and es
tablishes a perfect action of the digestive or
gans. It is equally good for yonng and old.
Society for Prtventinj Tuberculosis.
A society has leen organized in
Moscow, Ituwia, the members consist
ing of both physicians and laymen, for
the purpose of preventing tuberculosis
by putting into practice those means
which science has indicated as effective.
There is no poison so highly contagious,
so deceptive and so destructive. Don't be
too sure you are cured because all external
signs of the disease have disappeared, and
the doctor says you are well. Many per
sons have been dosed with Mercury and
Potash for months or years, and pro
nounced cured to realize when too late
that the disease was only covered up
like BeSets Uke.
out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi
cation find those nearest and dearest to
them have been infected by this loath
some disease, for no other poison is so
surely transmitted from parent to child
as this. Often a bad case of Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease,
an bid sore or ulcer developing in middle
life, can be traced to blood poison con-
Kriy Tho Sia of Ul Parent.
life, for it remains smoldering in the sys
tem forever, unless projierly' treated and
driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is
the only antidote for this peculiar virus,
the only remedy known that can over
come it and drive it out of the blood, and
it does this so thoroughly and effectually
that there is never a return of the disease
to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards
cures Contagious Blood
.poison in any and all
stages; contains nc
mineral to break down
your constitution : it is
Tiurelv vegetable and the onl v blood tiuri-
er known that cleanses the blood and
at the same time builds up the general
Our little book on contagious blood
poison is the most complete and instruc
tive ever issued; it not only tells all
about this disease, but also bow to cure
yourself at home. It is free and should
be in the hands of everyone seeking a
Cure. Send for it
1 f.HUK WHtWt Ail fIVif f AH ft. 11
I RdM IVumh Kir mm. Tbium ft cm kit. TTlA I
I In timet 8oid hr drtipffltta. IH
fSi T3!
24... . - J
Lie Knives m Quarrels,
In Burma h in Ceylon, and, though
fortunately in a lesser degree, in Ma
dras, quarrels are constantly occurring
in which knives are brought into play
and serious wounds inflicted, re.Nultiisg
more than often not in death. The
knives ued in Ceylon are. sheath
knives, ami for long the law abiding
community has been trying t get the
authorities insist on these knives l-eing
made with a button on the tip. They
would thus bo rendered harmless for
stabbing, while still available for
legitimate nse.
Willie Those gold fish you sent
home are fakes.
Simson How do you know?
"Why, I took them out of the water
and thev turned brown in 15 minutes."
Aalatrviw With t:-rj V. Hammond,
f Taeoma, Wuk., a Man Who
Talks fratu Eiperleitee..
The money lost annually by skilled
workmen of all occupations figures up
to millions of dollars and is becoming
greater every year. This amount of
money represents maiuly time, li?t and
the serious effect upon the social com
fort of the workingnten and their fam
ilies is evident. Mr. George V. Ham
mond, of Taeoma,- Wash., said the
other day:
"I have lost my share of time but I
am thankful to sav that I have not been
losing any of late."
"Yon don't look as if you had lost
much through sickness."
"Xo, and I doVt feel so. But the
fact remains that I w as a very sick
man. I took cold along iu 1889 and
rheumatism settled in my arms and
shoulders. I suffered for three years
and nothing relieved me untill in April,
1S92, upon the recommendation of my
sister, I began the use of lr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People and found
relief in the second box. I txk five
boxes in all and now am entirely cured
and have had no occasion to use them
Mr. Hammond resides at Xo. 610
N. Steele street. Taeoma, Wash., and
at the request of the reporter made affi
davit to his above statement before
James H. l"Hw, a notarv public, on
July 5,1!KM.
There is a popular idea that rheuma
tism is caused by exposure to cold and
that some localities are infected with
it more than others. Such conditions
frequently promote the development of
the disease, but, from the fact that
rheumatism runs in certain families,
it is shown to he lieriditary and, con
sequently a disease of the blood.
Frequently an individual, in whose
familv rheumatism has not occurred,
develops the disease, and when a diag
nosis of the case is made, it is general
ly found that the ailment is due to a
derangement of the blood.
External applications may afford tem
porary relief, but to cure the disease it
is necessary to treat it through the
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People go directly to the seat of the dis
order, pruifying and enriching the
blood by eliminating poisonous ele
ments and renewing health giving
forces. They are a positive specific
not only for rheumatism, but for such
diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neu
ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache
the aftereffects of grip or fevers, and of
other acute diseases, palpitation of the
heart, pale and sallow complexions and
all forma of weakness, either in male or
female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People are sold by all dealers or
will be sent postpaid on receipt of
price, fifty cents a box; six boxes, two
dollars and fifty cents, by addresisng
Dr. Williams Medicine Company,
Schenectady, N. Y. Be sure to get the
genuine; substitutes never cured any
body. Indian Territory Coal Deposits.
Some idea of the value of the coal
deposits in Indian territory can be
gained when it is known the average
thickness of the vein is four feet, which
will produce 4,000 tons to the acre.
These lands are leased in lots of 900
acres each, which means that 3,500,000
to 4,000,000 tons can be produced by
those leasing the land. On this output
the lessees pay a royalty of eight cents
a ton. The output during the last year
was 1,900,127, as against 1,400,441
tons the previuos year.
General Bulltr's Wife.
Lady Audrey Buller, the wife of Gen.
Sir Eedvers Buller, is the daughter of
the fourth marquis of Townsend, and
was the widow of the Hon. G. T. How
ard when the famous general won her
hand. She is an exceedingly popular
' Surely Not "
Mrs. Unchurch Maud. I wish vou
wouldn't have so much to do with that
young Hinningside. I am told he is a
confirmed agnostic.
Miss Maud W hv. mamma. the
agnostics don't confirm people, do thev?
Chicago Tribune.
The Real Thing.
She You don't mean to say pro
fessor, that you have given up all your
studies in the higher mathematics in
order to play golf?
Professor Yes; I have. I wanted
something to discipline my mind.
Wind-Up of Mourning Period.
The year's court mourning for the
Uate Queen Victoria will come to an
end on January 22. If the opening of
parliament should take place, as is ex
pected, on the following day, it will ba
the first full state cercmoniial function
of the new reign. On the opening day
ot tne season tho king will be acconi
panied by the queen and by all the
members of the royal family who may
oe men in Jtingiand.
His Voted Many Years.
John Strunk, of Btroudsburg, Pa.,
93 years old, failed to vote at the fall
election for the first time since he be
came of age, and then only because 1 is
son was unable to drive with him cn
election day to the polling place, which
Remember that the most essential
thing to a child's appearance la com
fort. Unless, the little fellow la at ens
In his garments he will not look well,
and. aa a general rule, the more simply
children are clothed the better will be
tbe result It Is such a mistake to put
a healthy, frolicking young chap Into
a stiff, ill fitting suit of clothes, with a
collar that plnchea and shoes that are
uncomfortable, In the attempt to make
the proper appearance. How much
better an easy-fitting, simple little suit,
with shoes that are neat and comfort
able, and well-made waists and linen
collars. For. after all style does not
consist ao much In the garment as the
way they are made, and the manner of
wearing them. One of the rrettlest lit
tle overcoats for a youusster of 6 to 8
years Is made or tan or browu kersey,
with a double-breasted front nd pret
ty belt of patent leather, fastening
with a heavy brass harness buckle.
Turn-over velvet collar, forming a
small hood In the back of the coat.
Brass buttons and Tarn O'Shanter cap
of tan leather.
The secoud lad shows a very popular
suit of Scotch goods In a uilxed brown.
The trousers have a alight bloomer ef
fect, and are very loose and comfort
able. Norfolk coat with yoke In frout
and back. Single-breasted, and belt of
same material
The last suit Is made of the ever pop
ular uavy blue serge, which never
wears out. The little single-breasted
vest and cutaway coat make a very
swell little suit with short trousers,
which are pressed with a slight crease
in front The white vests are effective
with this style of coat
In spite of its capacity for hard work,
tbe elephant seldom sleeps more than
four, or occasionally five, hours a day.
There are eight hundred public baths
in Toklo, which are patronized dally by
three hundred thousand persons. The
charge is about half a cent
The New Hampshire Historical Soci
ety has the original pateut on a procesi
for the use of steam in propelling boats.
It was issued to Samuel Morley. March
2o. 1795, and was signed by George
Twenty years ago hardly 20 per cent
of our man-of-war's men were native
born, and not 50 per cent even natural
ized citizens. To-day fully 90 per cent
are American citizens, and nearly 7)
per cent are American born.
Texas is the largest State in tbe
Union, with an area of 2G6011 square
miles, and Rhode Island the smallest,
with 1.247 square miles. Texas would
make 213 States as large as Ilbode Isl
and, and have four hundred square
miles left over, or more than twice as
much as in tbe District of Columbia.
The Department of Agrlcuture is anx
lous to encourage the growing of flow
ers for perfume-making In this country,
and attention is called to the fact that
conditions in tbe Southern States, and
particularly In Southern California, nre
exceptionally favorable for Industries
of this kind. It Is believed that In Cali
fornia the essential oil or attar of roses,
might be produced on an extensive
scale to great advantage.
During the burning of the Standard
Oil Company's tanks at Bayonne, N. J..
July, 1900, an immense column of
smoke, shaped at the top like an um
brella, rose into the air. where very
little wind was stirring, to an elevation,
measured by triangulation, of 13.411
feet or more than two miles and a half.
Above the column white clouds formed
in an otherwise cloudless sky, and re
mained visible for two days, the fire
continuing to burn and the smoke to
rise. After the exploslou of a gas oil
tank flames shot up to a height of 3.000
feet, and the beat radiated from them
was felt at a distance of a mile and
three-quarters, where it was more no
ticeable than close to the tire.
To Cure Stammerers.
It Is said that stammerers rarely, if
ever, show any impediment of speech
when speaking in whispers. On this
fact a new method of treatment has
been advocated, which is as follows:
For the first ten days speaking is pro
hibited. This will allow rest to the
voice and constitutes the preliminary
stage of treatment During tbe next
ten days speaking is permissible in the
whispering voice, and, iu the course of
the next fifteen days, the ordinary con
versational tone may be gradually em
An Old Timepiece.
An interesting exhibit at the Smith
sonian Institution Is an old German
clock that was ticking about fifteen
years before the birth of the great
American republic. It keeps good time
and is 140 years old. It Is made of
hard wood and the work was all done
by hand. Every piece of the mechan
ism Is highly polished, and it Is put to
gether with hand-wrought rivets of
brass. Tbe parts show very little wear
and the time piece is so carefully con
structed that it does not vary a second
in time during twenty-four hours.
The Great Food Staple.
Rico forms a larger part of human
food than tbe product of any other one
plant, being the diet of India, China,
and tbe Malayan Islands and occupy
ing a place on the tables of 00 per cent
of the inhabitants of the civilized
world. One may safely venture the as-
lertton that 800.000,000 people eat rice
every day in tho year. New York
Ever remark bow a dog admires the
boy who owns him?
fill 5WEJ
Slfcfr Women
. Vstlontlttp Tell How
Ijftila Cm Plnkham' Voire fa
bla Compound Cured Uor.
Happiness will go out of your lift
fort-rer, my sister, if yu n ,DT
of tho symptom mentioned in Mrs.
Valentine's letter, tmlew von act
promptly. Procure Lydia E. Pink
ham's Yegetabio Compound at once.
It la absolutely sure t help you, Thca
write- for advleo if there is anything
about your case you do not under
stand. i You need not be afraid to tell the
things you could not explain to tho
doctor your letter will be seen only by
women. All the persons who see priv
ate letters at Mrs. lnkham'a Labora
tory, at Lynn. Mass., are women. All
letters are confidential and advice abso
lutely free,
11 ore is the letter: "It la with
pleasure that I add my testimony to
your list, hop
ing it may in
duce others to
avail them
elves of tho
benefit of your
valuable re ra
id y. Before
takin? Lydia
Compound I
felt very bad
ly.was terribly
nervous, and
tired, had sick
headaches, no
Cawing pain in stomach, pain in my
ck and right side, and so weak I
could scarcely stand. 1 was not able
to do anythisg. Had sharp pains all
through my ody. Before I had taken
half a bottle of your medicine, I found
myself improving. I continued its use
until I bad taken four bottbs, and felt
ao well that I did not need to take any
mora, I an like a new person, and
your medicine shall always have my
prais." Mrs. W. P. Vai kxtink, 6M
Ferry Avesue, Camden. N.J.
hjudiciouily Chosen Text
A church was a considerable time
without a pastor. A great number of
persons of varied talents preached to
them with a view of obtaining the post.
All went well until be gave out tho
text:- "See that ye refuse not him that
speaketh." Imagine the consternation
the people experienced when he read
out tho text in a lofty and commanding
manner. Ho was unaware of tho feel
ing he created. The peoplo did tho op
posite from the text. The young man
was not called.
Best Monument io McKlnlty. '
There has been much planning for
suitable memoriutls to William Mc
Kinley. There could be no more ap
propriate tribute paid to his memory
than the completion of a trans-isthmian
canal, which in his last public utter
ance he advocated as a project essential
to the full success of trade expansion.
The canal when built should stand as a
monument to the far sighted president
who did more than any other man to
make its coutsruction necessary.
National Magazine for December.
Not Lost Entirely.
Miss Maude Xo, Mr. Smith, I can
never be your wife, but I will always
be yonr sister.
Mr. Smith I'm afraid, Miss Maude,
that you will not long accord me even
that comfort.
Miss Maude Oh, don't worry about
that. I have just promised to marry
your brother.
A Bad Break in Society.
Jack Fortune-Hunt Yes, she reject
ed me and all because of a bad break I
made when I was proposing.
Dick Adams What was that?
Jack Fortune-Hunter Oh I told her
she was one in a thousand. She thinks
she's one of the Four Hundred. Cath
olic Standard.
When the labor organizations turned
out the other day several well known
politicians were seen in their ranks.
"Didn't know those fellows be
longed," said a querolous onlooker.
"Oh yes," said a man of informa
tion, "they're members of the Wire
workers' Union." Indianapolis News.
His One Chance.
"Goodness! I do hope our young
minister won't marry that Miss Strong
mind." "I didn't think you took so much
interest in him as to care very much."
"I'm thinking of myself, that's all.
If he marries her he'll never have a
chance to talk except from the pulpit,
and f'on we'll suffer." Philadel
pl ia Press.
Tim Kirwl Y',... Ilovn Alwnva
ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR. A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothtnjr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .
substance. Its apre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrisbness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Tcethinjr Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Slothcr's Friend.
The Kind You HaYe Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Vears.
in ii n rr
Carl Cdon's Immense Estate.
Soma Idea of Karl Cadogan'a wealth
may be gathered from tho fact that
soma 13 or 14 years ago ho expended a
quarter million pound on the purchase
of ti e Cul ford estate, in Suffolk, and
tho rebuilding of tho bones. Shortly
after this he presented an extensive, site
in Chelsea, known as Vlocklnnda, to the
Guinness trust, for tho erection of
workmen's dwellings. It is probnbto
tkat during tho next fuw years his
wealth will bo doubled.
Love Idealists.
All active love idealises that Is. sees
and lows tho Weal of tho loved one.
Often, indeed, the absorption in the
ideal is so complete that the outer lifts
is mistakenly supposed to bo identical
with it, thus opening the way to shock
and bitter disappointment.
Craft la Our Ports.
There are about $30,000,000 worth of
craft in our Atlantic and gulf port any
day in the year. The weather bureau
can reach every vessel master in very
port of material size within an hour in
caso of danger.
UsMhoust Bells Under Wittr.
The Rev. John M. Bacon, tho Eng
lish balloon expert, insists that light
houses should have warning Ih11 under
as well as altove water, because in a
storm sound travels further underwater
than through the air.
And They Muvettd.
"And what are you making?" we
asked of tho Intelligent Arisan, as we
admired tho flay qt his brawny mus
cles. "Makin'coweatehors for milk trains,"
ho replied without looking up from bis
Whereat we passed on, marveling
greatly at tbe intricacies of modem sci
ence. Halt imore American.
Profits In Attar of Roses,
One of the most profitable products
of Bulgaria is the oil or attar of roses,
which amounts to more than $1,000,000
annually. The town of Skipka, where
was fought tho decisive battle of tho
Turko-Russian war, on the 7th of
July, 1S77, is tho center of the rose
. vuaiu rum vai us no
im inc
Portland, Oregon. Founded 17U
k Koma School for Boys.
Military and Manual Training.
Write for Illustrated Catalogue.
For Church, Store,
Hofl. Hall, Ktrvet
Light! ii . Dieim
Lamps are safe, eco
nomical and relia
ble. Uef what tisrra
think ol them by
Itminrlit. hnu hnrnn ttiA 1 nTiil.
Signature of
9 .
jss- nr
m ' W C. W. LORD,
Portland, Or.
Knohm and solvit
I bhereber good crops 1
I are grobn. I j
I Sold everywhere.'
1902 Annual FREE. I
iiX Detroit, r
For Colds
m I It
a m i t a.
I ; ; . '.- - ! I :,
atatt 'IV1 ;---- '-'Tit.'" 1 - -
A Letter From tho Executive Office ot Oregon.
Pe-rtt-na is known from the Atlantic
to tho Pacific Letters of congratula
tion and commendation testifying to the
merit of Pe-ru-na as a catarrh remedy
are pouring in from every state In the
union. Dr. llartman is receiving hun
dreds of such letters dally. All classes
writ Uuwe letters, from tho highest to
tho lowest.
The outdoor laborer, tho indoor arti
san, tho clerk, the editor, tho states
man, the preacher all agree that Pe-ru-na
is the catarrh remedy of the age.
The stage and rostrum, rccognlxing
catarrh as their greatest enemy, are
especially enthusiastic in their praise
and testimony.
Any man who wishes perfect lieslth
must b entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh is well-nigh universal; almost
omnipresent. Pe-ru-na is tho only
absolute safeguard known. A cold is
the beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to euro colds, is to cheat catarrh
out of its victims. Pe-ru-na not only
cure catarrh, but prevent. Every
household should bo supplied with this
great remedy for coughs, colds and so
Tho governor of Oregon is an ardent
admirer of Po-ru-na. lie keeps it con
Motors for Fire Enj n s
Tho first town in England to do away
w ith horse at the lire stations is Ec
eles. Mayor E. Smith ha supplied the
engine houses with powerful little mo
tors, which were proved successful in
every wiy. Tho cn.ino carries five
men, four ladders, 300 yard of hose,
two standplj-e and other appliances,
It is driven by a seven horse power
double cylinder water cooler englno
fitted with variable ignition.
ttni.i i.t u IhmsUt Slorrsamit!ihti)iMii1r!itri
vrywlern. lilTiosi 'I h. a"niu Ita. V, 1-.
Hotiet tartrate of flu in ttla'
lsimrH'm.iS'3 rmra.
1900: 1,250,754 Pairs.
1901 rl,5(0,720 Pairs.
Si(n, nr Than Duubhd In four Cora
tf .Humnffimrn's SUA) and
txui .liu. limn ariy niluT two ni.n'f 'r In lh wotM.
VV. I. ItoiiRlu n"'l t't.h) sIiom plaml lulc l'
.i.i- M.4ih i.i .mi aiuu .inn, at othnr tusk?, arr
flHIIUl IO l llWt M K('l. TIl'T "I" OUlWMI lU
pair, ol onunarj n. " j.iiu
Had ot tut btst ImUhtrt. IncludliiQ Pattnt
Corona Kk, Cornna Coif, and National Kanqaroo.
r.M I'.Kr k,.i.i. i.t. ai..s shu mm.
ar l..u.iiu.00"tiiit (!. LIm"m.. k.M4
liunlir mi.ll ;lr. t'usnlog freo.
V. I.. Ii"ln.. Itroa"". ..
3.S0. Yf . W- l
shoes y r?tM-f2
IN THC I , &.JV ,'7 I!
mW-w wa aw e m Mm
PeveTIold gbs
" something just as good" when Cascarets are called
for, and furnish evidence upon wbidi ws can convict All correspondeocs confidential.
in His Family
! and Grip.
tinually In tho house. In a recent let
tcr to Dr. llartman he says :
State of Oregon,
Executive Department,
Balom, May 9, 18U8.
The To-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus,
IHtar Sirs l have had occaalon to
nso your Po-ru-na modlclno In my fam
ily (or colds, and it proved to bo an ex-'
eel lout remedy. I have not had occa
sion to use it for other ailment.
Yours very truly, V. M. Lord
It will lw noticed that tho governor
says ho has not hail occasion to use IV
ru-nu for other ailments. The
reason (or this is, most other ailment
begin with a cold. Using Pe-ru-na to
promptly euro cold, ho protects his
family against other ailment. This is
exactly what every other family in tho
United States should do. Keep Pe-ru-na
in the house. Use It (or coughs,
colds, la grippe, and other climatic
affections of winter, and there will Iks
no other ailment in tho house. Such
families should provide themselves with
a copv of Dr. Ilartman's free book, en
titled" "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr.
llartman, Columbus, Ohio.
President RooMvtli'i hortts.
rrosldont KnuMivolt's new liors,
Admirsl and Gvimral, wigh toother
2,350 jxiutnls. The coachman ami ftxt
nmn car rod, hit and hM cockndiMi
which was tho bsdgo worn by Joflcr
iKniiun llculUcsns until 17ls.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Ortgoa,
ltat Uorrlwa Stra
Can ftva oa ths bast bsrvalnt In
Ptigtrif. Hows, Hoilvri and Knoiia.
Win 'mills snd l'limns an I Osnsrsi
Machlnerf. m us bslura buying,
The.Farmer's First Profit
It mail In Mi solution of taj.
Siitl lor
Our Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1002, FREEI
II roniatn lull rl'rmhin for far.n
vrk ami many usxiiil iti. ti.r tli
tarmar. No nuv sm II U'tlur
CrU than
UMBERSON - Portland, Oregon
A'triv Year Resolutions
iv? ifeetey Curo
Suxa rallal bom Unaor, opium and titaaMS
fcablia, SaoJ lor partloalars m
rieifly iDstitute,
Selling toy goods nnlr new plan. A
trlHl article thst sells on its merit. Write
quick for particulars and exclusive ter
ritory. Lock Box 000, Portland, Or.
n. r. n. v.
5-1 W01.
WMKN wrltln t adTertlaars pleaaa
niaUvD tills paper.
tsits rood. Est them Ilka candy. They
remove any bad taste In the mouth, Key
ing the breath awret and perfumed. It Is
a pleasure to take thfm, and they are
liked especially by children,
sweeten the stomach by elesnolnff the
mouth, throat and food channel. That
means, they atop undigested food from
enuring In the stomach, prevent gas form
ing In the bowels, and kill diaeaaa germs
of any kind thst breed and feed In tne en
tire system.
are purely veretable snd contsln no mer
curial or other mineral poison. They con
sist of the latest dlscoverlea In medicine,
and form a combination of remedies un
cqualed to make the blood pure and rich
and make clean tkln snd beautiful com
plexion. tone ths stomach and boweli snd stir up
the lniy liver. They do not merely soften
the stools snd cautte their discharge, but
strengthen the bowels and put them into
lively, healthy condition, making their ac
tion natural.
never trip nor irrlpe. They set quietly, pos
itively and never cause any kind of uncom
fortable feeling. Taken regularly they maks
the liver act regularly and naturally as It
Should. They keep the sewerage of the body
properly moving and keep the system clean.
Increase the flow of milk In nursing moth
ers. If the mother eats a tablet. It makes
her milk mildly purgative and has a mild
but certain effect on the baby. In this way
they are the only safe laxstlvs for ths
nursing Infant.
taken patiently, persistently, will curs sny
form of constipation, no matter how old or
how often other remedies have fa fled. They
are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case,
or purchase money will be cheerfully re
funded. cost lOo, 25c, 60c a box. Samples sent fres
for the asking. We publish no testimonials
but sell Cascarets on their merit under ab
solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a
box to-day, or write us for free samples
and booklet,
will bs paid t any reader of this paper who will re
port to us any attempt of substitution, or sals of
is 14 miles from his home.