THE . COIiDOll CLODL TTWU BSBPA vC J WA HY 23, tPQ3. ""notkk. TVWOf rnrtf rw iwpiw1f frr nil krttMuM WSwirMmiy. We tm Utmnke lt yfr lw Irmltoe: m-wa incOiMmof the nm div.' tHir tricntlt 10 u by rerttnc tat Me thvir rtprc Ive MithlnX. rvnevrvwleiioe mut tw tgiied by Ike write. iux nereoMiilT (or pnt noKtlonrMM M rh efMrnoe of x1 htUh. n the me wii im mpnmthtlMy torojio Ion utirannt br eonwpondeitw. . ' The matter of securing an appro f nation for opening th Coluibia river at CeVilo looks pr;tv discoar- . aging. Th chairman? f the Rirer 1 and Harbor committee has put His j fool down on it by saying that the appropriations for this year must' not txceed those of the last session. Congress has millions for war oa the other side of the globe but not ne cent for the relief of the pro ducers of the Inland Empire. And- this is American statesman hip If the people of the Colum bia rhrer basin are wise they will Biakv an issue of river improve ment in thefuturVto the extent of knowing either party nor leader an til they get their just due. The trouble with the people fs that they are too partisan- and too fond of be ing led. If tbe fellow who has been amus ing himself lately by firing his pis tol oo the streets at all sorts of un earthly hours of tbe night will only aim the weapon- at his own head next time be will gain the undying gratitude of a steepy (but oft times sleepless) andlongsuCering public Notices have been posted calling a special meeting of this school dis trict for the purpose of voting a tax lor building a new school louse next Summer. A new school house is an absolute necess ity and there should be a full meet ing and a unanimous vote for the A Cur for Lumbago, ' W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va., Bays: "For more than a jear I suffered from Iamb go. I finally tried Chamber lain's Plain Balm and it gate me entire retail, which all other remedies had tail ed to do. Sold by Hadeon Pharmacy. Claod Clark was absent from school Tuesday. Le Bhnor Vivian Collins and 3Ianr Dqaefeen returned to school Hoodey after aa absense of several weeks. Lou and George Searcy were enrolled a new pupils in the fourth grade Monday. Tbe C. P. 8. Literary Society met last Friday afternoon and the following pro gram was rendered by the pupils of the seventh grade, after which it was deci ded that the sixth grade wonld recite next Friday. . Song by society. Recitation -..Fred Ha wee. Recitation Irene Moore. Reading. Arthur Baker. Song. . .Florence Wilcox and Lillie Neal, Recitation.... ...Sarah LaForgey. Recitation. '. Belle Towneend. Recitation .......Tola Kinsley. Song by Society Recitation ......Pearl Moore. Song by Society It Girdles The Globe. ' The fame of Buckhns Arnica Salve as the best in the world, extends round tbe earth. It is tbe one perfect healer of Co ta, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds Boils, Ulcere, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only 60c at Condon Pharmacy. ARLINGTON. Rev. Baker preached at lone Sunday. Wm. Clark brought in a load ol wheat Monday. , Otis Campbell is under the weather Ibis week. ' Mrs. H. M. Co baa been quite ill tbe past week. Tbe steam chopper is running this week for B. G. & Co. F. C. Doerfer, the P. M. at Oey, paid Arlington a visit Friday. A traveling troupe played1 "Uncle Tom's CabV Monday night. Squire Randall, of Olex, made a bus iness trip to The Dalles this week. Chas. Morris, the popular clerk of the Grand is on the sick list this week. . W. W. Stiewer parsed through, Sat urday from a visit to the metropolis. .. , Mrs. Robert Walkerand Mrs. P Mitch ell were in from the ranch Monday. A. Phillippi and wife, brought their baby up from The Nook (Sunday for treatment. 1 Miss ilurlbiirt bus resumed charge of the primary cUhs in school after a two wwi a a va epen. The Interior Warehouse Co. are tn Isrging and improving their office in the warehouse this week. Geo Murrav arrived Monday from Toppenish Wash, where he ban InBeed some reservation land and is raising al falfa and garden. E. A. Benin, the man who .makes all kind of weber from the Oetronian urer.'was in Arlington Monday looking after f he rrop report for the coming year "! abont the amount -of latt -year's grail till4 tUe tooiiU. 2 ... BEETHA TKIXBLE, Edroi 5 The Globe Prospers, TheGioBE'a subscription books bow the following new subscriber and re newal received since January 1st: New Wm. Til!eyr A. 8. Hollen, W.M.Hawea, Richard McMahon, Con don ;Vcu. Ladiget, Croy r A-' E. Moore, Climai, Oregon ; Chireaee Carter, Mon owith, Oregon. Renewals Mrs. Yoonjr, Joe, Whyte, TV. L. Wileox, John Stewart, A. & Sice, Andy McLaren, S. V. Moore, Mrs. Meek, T.G. Jrtheon, A. Hartman, Wiu. IXinlap J. M. Domain. Wm. Cnrnett, CharHe Ctirroniche, J. M. Brown Condon; John Madden, Andrew Keel, Lone Rock 'r J.W. F)yer, Wm. Keya, O. L. Lillie, J. B. Mat urely. 12. P. Weir, May ville ; L. R. Price, Win. Adlard, Alville; Wnx Barker,. Ar HnKton;J.F. Wade, J. L. Paol, O.ei; W. J. Mariner, W. R. Baker, Blalock ; J. B. Pi ice', Hoskins, Oregon; Mr Louie Manning, HiUaboro, Oregon; Harry Halstead Beeetr- Creek Oregon. In addition to this our job department has been crowded with orders tor more than a month and. the- end is not yet. All of which shows that the Glob Is still doing business, and lots of h, at the old stand. We appreciate the patron age of the Gilliam county pnblic and hop in the Spring ts put In some need ed improvement to our plant in order to better eerve ear patrons. Our policy which has always been to treat the pub- lie right and not force the paper on any one ""if you want it you must say so seems to be panning out 0. K. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxattre Bromo Quinine Tableta. AU draggled reiand the money II it fall to core K. W. GroYt'i MKuatsre U on aacb. box. 3c ALV1LLE. A light snow fell here Saturday night bat was all gone Sunday noon. Alville people gave Chas. Richmond's family a surprise party Saturday night. Mies Amy Simmons visited theMc Connell girls Sunday, Alville people young and old were out sleighing while the snow lasted Sonday morning. We believe in "making hay while the son shines." See? Mrs. Al McConnell was on the sick list last week. Robert Seekamp is circulating a peti tion to call a special school meeting for the purpose of issuing $1,000 bonds to build a new school bouse in Alville this coming Spring. Go ahead Bob, we are all anxious to have a school house here. If we don't get it one way we will another. McF "Some time ago my daughter caught a severe cold. She complained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave herChamberlao's Cough Remedy accord ing to directions and in twodays she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail," says James Prendergast, mer chant, Annato Bay, West India Islands. The pains in the chest indicated an ap proaching attach of pneumonia, whiah w as no doubt wared off by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a -.cold toward pneumonia. Sold by Hudson's Pharmacy. May Be Byron Murch. The Oregonian published tbe follow ing dispatch from Grangeville, Idaho, under the date of January 16th, "A man named Burtch, of The Dalles, Or., fruit nursery, was struck today with an ax by J. C. Holsctow, and suffered a fracture of the ekuV). The doctors say he eannot recover. Bur tech had pre sented a bill to Hoeclaw for payment, when a fight ensued, in which the latter used an ax. At tbe preliminary ar raingmentof Holsclaw Bortscb stated that Holsclaw was not to blame." Aa it is known here that Byron Murcb a former resident ef Ferry Canyon, now an agent for the Dalles Nurseries, was re cently at Grangeville, it is thought pos sible that there may be a mistake in the name and Murch may be the man who was injured. A REMRKABLE CURE OF CROUP. A Little Boy's Life Saved. . I have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I can not praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere of Goodwin, S.D. and when 1 got home with it tbe poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten minutes until he "threw up" and then I thought sure he was going to choke V) death; We had to pull the phlegm out of his month in great long strings.' I am posttive that if I bad not got that bottle of cough med icine my boy would not be on earth today. Joel Dkmont, In wood Iowa. For sale by Hndson Pharmacy. WANTED I Reliable man for Manager of a Branch . Ofliee we wish to open in this vicinity. Here is a good open ing for the right man. Kindly give good reference when writing. TKE A T. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE Cincinnati Ohio. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps. Notice of Eighth Grade Exam ination. Notice is hereby giver that the uni form eighth grade examination for Feb ruary w ill take place at Condon on the 5th, 6th, and 7(h cf Februaiy 1902. The proviso of Rn'e 14 for conducting eighth . grade examinations reads as follows: That the comity school Sup erintendent shall not grade papers of any applicant until uuch applicant's teachers has certified, in writing, to the Superintendent that such applicant has completed all the branches prescribed in the State course of study. ' W. R. Neal, Sjierioteokat ofhcoole. County Court Proceedings. (Coatinaei from Kwt week.) CLAIMS AI.IOWKD. Clarke A Ffaser uidM tor county 3V 19' Armory Hall Co rent tor Sept. term of circuit court.. 60 00 H N F rarer caeh ps 0t for Co. 16 86 Dr. 11 M Shaw medical attendant oa Wm. Wiley SO 00 J W Dyer county commissioner January term 1902...., 30' 40 COMMISSION KRS A B Searrv allowed a rebate ef 71c on 1900 tax roll on acct. or wide tire wagon. Ed McKinney allowed a rebate of $2.29 on 1900 ta roll on aectorwlde tire wagon. Matter of collecting raxes on the 1901 roll The sheriff is hereby Instructed' to rate up as delinquent on the 1st day of June 1902t all 1901 taxes that would have been delinquent on tae 1st Monday of April 1902 under the act approved Feb. 27 19CI Session Laws of mi. The pen alty and interest that would have accraed between the 1st day of April and tbe 1st day of June, provided the delinquent period- had not been in effect extended on taaea referei to above, is hereby re bated. The above action is taken for tbe rea son that It appears Impossible, under the law to have the tax roll for 1901 com pleted in time so that any great number ot tax payers wilt be enabled to pay be fore the first Monday in April, if they desire to do so. Ordered that the Sheriff immediatly proceed to advertise and collect all de linquent taxes according to law. Jury list for 1902 drawn. Judges and clerks of election appointed as follows; The first three aamed la each precinct being judges, the first being chairman, and the last three named be ing clerks. Arlington W II CoJwell, W W Weatherford, A WSbarrard, E W Dag gett' CWShurte and J CFowlie. Blalock-C C Clark, W R Baker, J L Blalock, J A Smith, M Ayera and F C Doerfer. Willow Creek G W Montague, WF Settlmire W 11 Herrea.F W White, Wil- ford Cecjl and Wm Welsh. Rock Creek-G T Woodland, T C Mobley H D Randall, Jerry Keily, W L Tobey and Fremont Wade. Ferry Canyon Ralph Froman, Geo, Hanson, J H Carter, S B Couture, U W Dyer and W K Farrar. Condon W 8 Myers, A Hartman,, S S Grider, James Burns, F M Pliter and W Moore. 1 . Matney S D Fletcher, G Schilling, G S Blake, J A McMorris, J E. Downer and A L Dutbie. Idea Harvey Blake, J W Scrivner, W C Brown, L F Davidson, Claus John son and Tim Davidson. Lone Rock P L Ham, R M Johnson W T Matlock, J B Goff, T J Andrews and J R Frazer. TVall Fork F B Stevens, 8 M Van Cleave, Alex Hardie, Josh Hardie, A A Andereon and W F Parks. Msyville E A Stinchfield, A Greiner, W J Edwards, T C Livingston, F B Moore and Ellis Scbotnp. Matter of appointment of road masters tor the ensuing year. S McGilvray appointed for road dis tricts No. 1,6,6,9,10 and II. J A Kize r appointed for road districts No. 2,3,4,7, and S. Bonds of each road master fixed at $2,000 as provided by law compensation of road master to be $2.60 per day for time necessarily employed. AJAX. Walter Adlard and bis sisters Misses Lulu and Minnie visited friends in Sher man county last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Maley visited at the Palmer ranch Sunday. Helen Shannon of Condon is visiting her sister Mrs. Oscar Maley, Silas Coney went to Moro Saturday, John Smith and Silas Coney visited at tbe Maley ranch Friday and Saturday. Jack Gibson and Joe Sanders were vis itors on the ridge Saturday. Clift Maley is on tbe sick list. Harry Palmer visited at the home ol bis aunt Agnes Collins Friday and Sat urday. Ed Palmer who is digging a well for Ed Collins has tbe well 107 feet deep with bnt little water yet. TOP8Y. Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of poor suf ferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not al ways sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings releif. Astounding cures result from president use. Trial bottles free at Condon Pharmacy. Price 60c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that tbe co-partnership heretofore existing between M. E, Soromers, and J. R. Newman has been this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All accounts due the old firm are due and payable to M. E. Summers, who will collect all accounts and assume and pay all debts of the old firm. -Condon Oregon M. E. Summebs. January 6th 1902. J. R. Newman. Notice. I have a ridgeling horse in my pasture on Thirty mile, g miles south of Condon, branded cross with bar beneath on right hip; n ii broke; bay with br.ld face, three white leirn, wire cnt on left front font and left knee large. Weighs about 800, Owner will please write me at Mayville. Oregon ' WMI. Searcy. 13d46 . t plan 3 Administrator' Notice to Creditor. Nolle la hereby airen. that the andenlxned waa, bj the Coanty Court of the State of OrcKon for Gilliam Coantyj on December Mb., 1901. ap pointed U admlulitrator ot the KUU ot W. R. Borer, Deceaaed and has accepted Mid trait and qualified therefor. " AU peraoni having claims ajralntt said Mtate will preient the name to me, dal verified at my home 1 mile West of Clem, Gilliam Coantj, Oregon, within tlx month from the data of the flrat publication of thlt notice. ' Dated at Condon, Oregon, this 9th day ot Dee ember, A. D. 190L ' Jamij LaacR, Admlulitratorot the Ettate of W. B. Boyer, De ceased. Data of lit publication. Dee. 12, 1901.. Beudrivai A Bowwman Altorueyi for tha Ea tate. Q. L. Neal, tbe well known anction eer, will give the strictest attention to all business entrusted to his care. If yon have property to sell consult him. 'vis.t DR. JORDAN'S oiat UUSEUU OF AHATOUY 1011 HARKIT ST., MS FRANCISCO, Cat. fiwna Him tmi Imaaj Tfca hrf Aaalemloal Kowam thaWorl I r9tut tUimhm 0 W CUa. A an ttorM fmr Him I 'II 4dliMM,MtiiUlyar4kr i lb aMiM SMthulat ua tka Pub 1 anUaai ar .ii u, n.taM. ' raiw nwrauaaaapiiMM iMMIIIy.lBa l MMr, Baaa 1h1m4 la all luawalt. caiiaim iimwinM. rrmlawr Tmm, arka, til Ml, WrmmmmT f Vrtmiair. tm. Br a mMBatlaa d rwtia,lrya4all pawar. Ik. !Mtar ' M aaaaaariBaaaaaiaviawraiiBaill UI al , w aair aa-M mawataia MM, kul Mrau mmrw. Mm vmmmt vm mtn ataia I. Hrh mm wm m waH fen.wa U a a fair an! . a. . r i iiiiii. mmm ..rp.n. FTIMiaal 4 la kla fiMlalW' OlaaaaM mt Mam. YrWSI.M IharMfhty anSlaaM fram m tba inaa wllhaal u. mi af Marrmrr. Traim flMad ky aa XxwrX Kaaiaal ' A ear kmtl .alilw ef fclieomplilnt. f Wi wUl b wm mum a troairlVM CVXM m .' aaw wa nmnm f CanaiilMKloa jRBIC m rtrletly vrlTata, Traauaanl raeaallj' ar br l.n.r. Wriia in aak. vaiia.opaT Iff ' 4HAatWIA)C M.iLaaFaaa, (Avaloakiai 0a jeaOAM a CO.. ftSt MarMSt.1 P. Do You Want to Buy fir. I r 1 1 ""M-NrYAT! BlttASIt Fill -- -'Mi' A d Uom the .aim mi viaikJal inaiZ m var ar MpMn. A aelcK ana raul V r-rt It Pilaa, riaasra im4 ral,b A b. ;a'. apaetal paJata mackoda, f IVIBT MAX anatrlna la aiwlll neafra REAL ESTATE? If you do list your property, or make your wants known, to ua Our correspondents in other cities place us in a position to secure purchasers for property on short notice. Live 6tock and all kinds of personal property handled. Office in Globe Building. 1 Correspond with us. Lancaster & Pattison, Condon, - THE INTERIOR WAREHOUSE GO. HIGHEST MAEKET PRICES PAID FOR GRAIN GENERAL WAREHOUSE BU8INE8S CONDUCTED BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.. M'C'RS. ARLINGTON, BLALOCK, DOUGLAS, I0NE RE-OPENED The Model FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. SUMMERS & NEWMAN, Props. When Making: Your Plans for 1902 to buy yottr and tupplUi OUR BIG STORE. Our special ties art Largest stock, Lowest Prices, Beat assortment. All Goods Marled Id Plain Flgnrtsv LORD & CO. Arlington : : Oregon. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers The tourist travel between the East and the Tacific Coast has reached enor mous proportions in the last few years, and calls for a special class of equipment. To meet this demand the Pullman Co. has issued from its shops what it tech nically calls the "Pullman Ordinary Sleeper." These cars appear similar to tbe regular sleepers being built on the same plan, but not furnished with the same eleirance. They are equipped with mattresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases, towels, combs, brushes, ect. , requiring nothing of the kind to be furnished by the passenger. Each car baa a stove tor making tea and coffee and doing "light housekeeping", and each section can befitted with an adjust able table. A uniformed porter accom panies each car, his business being to makeup berths; keep the car clean, and look after tbe wants and comforts of the pasaengers. In each of the trains which are dispatched daily from Portland by the O. R. A N. Co. is to be found one of these "Pullman Ordinary Sleepers". The car attached to the "Chicago-Portland Special" goes through to Chicego without change, and the one in the "Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas City without change. Passengers In this car for Chicago change to a similar carat Granger. Much ot tbe first class trsvel is being csrried in these cars, the rates being lower, and tbe service nearly equal to that in the palace sleepers. For rates stid full information, includ ing folders' write to A. L. Caaio, General Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co. Portland, Oregon. Purely Business. Baths Hot and cold water, clean tow els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Aug. 1, 1900, will be paid upon pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 1, 1001. P. H. STKPIIENSOlf, Treasurer of Gilliam county, Oregon. or Sell - Oregon. CONDON, ORE. al The Arlington Saloon & W. WHITE ft CO., PROPRIETORS Fins domestio and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bil liard and Pool tables run in connection. First-class goods is our pride, Freeh, cool MILWAUKEE BEER kept constantly en draught. Our constantly increasing patronage testifies to the fact that we understand how to- please our customers. MAIN STREET Condon, : ; ? Oregon KERR CIFFOR ft CO., PROPS. ...GRAIN... Stored with us will receire the careful attention of experienced warehousemen. Barb wire, nails, salt, sugar, lime, ctmient, feed and mill stufTs always on band in any quantities. Gen eral storage and forwarding. A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. B. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON The Condon Barn Only first-clan Livery and Fend Stable in the eity. Fine new rigs and good teams. Special attention to all stock left Id oar care.- Large, strong corral in connection. Oar terms art reas onable and we solicit your patronage. Springston & Rogers, Proprietors isuuinnuvwuuiruvwinxmnnruw FOR OUR CUSTOMERS FINEST STEAKS AND CHOICEST BEEF. ALL innnnAAnnAnnuuiruuininnjuinnnr Splendid Specimens of Superior Skill la tbe exprcMlon of aim out eviry pcnwtn who hti examined Mmr of work executed at thin office. Bupertar printing in the kind yon want. Work that I done In a ilovenly manner l the kind that neither nay the buninem man nor tbe printer. Ail tbe printing eeiit oat froin this olttoe Ii neat and attraetiTe. 8. A. PATTISON THE ruauBHaa innnsuuiruwiruwvwuuiJinnnnvw Under New Kentucky Liquor Store COMPLETE STOCK OF FINEST DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE FAMOUS HOP GOLD BEER ON DRAUGHT. REIPLINGER & BATES, PROP'S, ARLINGTON, ORE. Chickens and Eggs Wanted. J. L. Bchriver will pay the highest cash price for fresh eggs and spring: chickens and gnaranteee his customers that he will make this of fer good at all eeasoas'of the year. He has arranged to ship all surplus eggs to Portland whenever the market is over stocked. See him at Cufe De Schrtves. F. WOOD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Pr and btfht saUipfeaarty afetwered Offlee Main itNst aval trtrf COS POM, OMt, ncTsT PALMER, IrtistiV Barber. Sleek Shoves and Hair-cuts. Razor honed and ro-ground. CONDON - - - OBECON. O. S. EBI, , PROPRIETOR OF SODA d 07TZN C W QRK3 , Btanvntrturtr of Soda, Orange and Champagne CKferr Sarsaparllla and Iron and all other faft and Carbonated Prinks. Condon trade Is respect fully solicited. Orders promptly tiled Arlington, Ore. For Sale, One good J4' wagon wita rack . Four sets chain harness. Will be told separ ately or together to suit purchasers on easy terms. K K, StAacv, Mayville, Ore Subscribe for the Glohi. Only 1.50 a year BRANCH HOUSES: BLALOCK, QUIRK'S ROASTS CUT FROM COOD THINCS AT JOHH JACKSOil'S A RIGID SCRUTINY OF OUR SAMPLES RBVBALS NOTHING BUT GOO Bt Bite- CONDON CLOBE PR1NTERY Management T t. KICKUN, DENTIST Office 803 Deknm Bulldlnr Portland, Orvroai Will be In Condon on or about October 2Ut. to remain tor a abort Uiu J.