Disfigured Skin Wasted muscles and decaying bones, , What b roc 1 fKrnhiia, let alone, Is capable of all that, and more. It i commonly marked by bunches In the neck. Inflammations In the eyes, dys lunula, catarrh, and freneral debility. It is always radically and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilta Which expels all humors, cures all erup tions, and builds up the uole system, whether young or old. YlA"nTriT7TwerJll :jh noajxTiutlnt nn only fi)i"rttg to Uke Uh Hood's SrprlllI . .. Tolstoy Independent ol Doctors. Count Tolstoy is not an obedient pa tient. Some time ago his physicians told him not to walk or ride on horse back, but he did what he pleased, re marking, "I know better than all phy sicians what is good for me." DKAFNES3 CANSOT B CntI By local applications, as they cannot reach the eieeaned portion ottba ear. There isoniy one. way tocura clearness, ami that ia by constitu tional remed ies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition ft the mucous lining of ths Eustachian Tube. When this tuba ets in flamed tou have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed 1cint-ss is ill result, and unless the inflamma tion cau be taken out and this tube nwtnred to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed ioreTer; nine cases out ot tea are caused by catarrh, which is nothing bat an inflamed conditionol the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred IHVllars for any easeolIeaineiM(enaed by catarrh) that can . not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send foe tircul". "F. J. CHEKKT A CO, Toledo. 0, fold be ProggiMs. 7sc Hail's FamUy Pills are the bast. Oil-Burning Locomotives. Locomotives to ourn ou are appear ing in the Pacific states. They are built with the cab and furnace in front and the smokestack behind. The ten ' der la discarded, and the oil and water are conducted In pipes. f" YO Pernwwntly Cured. No Ba ar riwroiiwe I 1 1 O ilk lit )t n.rfif Pr. klie.'tGreat Sm Kwtorer. ent for FK EKSJ.00 trial bottle uxt Bt. it. l)a.B.U.KuM.Ut..v3t ArchSUFIuiMlvlplua.rai ' j Wirt Gauze for Hay Ftvtr. The newest Idea for mitigating hay fever a disease which seems to claim more victims every year, In propor tion to the population is embodied In a small disc covered with wire gauze, which is inserted In the nostril. ta Grippe conquers life Wizard Oil conquers La Grippe. Your druggist sells Wizard Oil. An Independent American Gtizen, While riding in a Maine country road a traveler observed a field of corn which was overrun with rank weeds, and midway of the place was a large, consicuously displayed sign with the following: "Notiss! None of Your Business If This Cora Ain't Hoed." . Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Clean Persons Among the Lepers. In the leper settlement in the island of Molakai, there were 909 lepers and 164 "clean" persons. The general opinion was that the "clean" would in time become leprous. Nearly 1,100 people are housed, fed and clothed for about $80,000 a year. . J, . AJUw.. Billiard; Bali Trick. v An entirely new performance with cue and billiard ball has been given by the famous billiard player, Robert de j Bremont, says the Peoria Herald. Mr. Bremont calls his trick "William Tell." He performs it on an ordinary billiard table, upon which a lighted candle has been placed. By hitting a ball with his cue he sends the former over the flame, describing an arc. The holder or candle is not touched by the ball, but its motion extinguishes the light. PLso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a couph cure. J. W. O'Bkikk. 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. ,6,1900. Water Power is Mighty. . Gigantic water power developments are projected in the Alps. There are now in the French Alps 48 factories supplied by 250,000 horse power, elec trically generated. Engineers estimate that 3,000,000 horse power is now run ning to waste in the Alps. Freddie would Have Hit Way. Little Freddie Mamma, doesn't Uncle Bob like plum pudding? Mamma Yes; but the doctor won't let him eat it. Little Freddie Well, if I was as big as him there wouldn't be any doctor big enough to stop me. Boston Her ald. . S&REB AMD Sores aad Ulcers never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition is sluggish, weak and unable to throw oS the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans . ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from BySwT CONSTANT DRAIN effetemItte7. UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no matter now apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. B. Talbert, Lock Box 245, Winona, Miss, says: " Six years ago my leg from the knee to the foot was one solid sore. Several physicians treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. I was induced to try S. S. 8., and it made a complete care. I have been a per fectly well man ever since." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer r ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore s apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write out physicians about your case. We make no. charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 6A. LUritS Vtrttrifc ALL fcLSt FAILS, Best Cough Kyrup. Tates Good. In time. Horn rT unieei.tn. "tHS.rfrj fppaaHMhpM SOME LARGE FIGURES NECESSARY WHEN SPEAKING OF OUR FARMING. INDUSTRY. Wheat Crop of 1803 Would Hara Mad Nearly Tea of the Pyramids Oar American Forefather Wero Poor Tiller of the Soil. Joseph, son of Jacob, 1iad to ware house a good deal of wheat In the seven fat years to carry the Egyptian! through the seven lean ones. The American farmers produced enough In 1S08 to make Joseph's little stock look like a pea In a tub. If it had alt been plied In form on the plain of Giceh It would have made nine pyramids the size of the pyramids of Cheops, and with the surplus another could have been rearer four-fifths as large. That was the biggest American wheat crop ever recorded. It amounted to 6T5.14S, 705 bushels, grown on 44.045.27S acres of land. Nest year the yield was light er, and the Americans only turned off seven and nine-tenths pyramids of wheat In 1900 they even fell short of that, producing only a paltry seven and a half pyramids. Still, that would have been a comfortable addition to Joseph's stock, and considering that It was grown on a smaller acreage than the crop of was a rather creditable performance. The deficiency was made up with a 2.000.000,000-bushel corn crop, and 210.000.OlW bushels of pota toes. There was considerable ado over the Increase of the standing army to 100,- 000 men. If every man in such an army were a good fast milker, and worked at It ten honrs a day, the whole force couldn't milk more than one-third of the cows that are now being milked in this country not to speak of the goats. And if they could milk them all, and if they did. and If they milked them Into the Chicago drainage canal, be ginning with It entirely empty, they could milk it bankful in about two weeks. If all the bens In this country were to be consolidated, like some of our other manufacturing establishments, into one hen. and that ben were to lay an egg with the cubic contents of all the eggs laid daily on American soil, that egg would be as big as well, It would be a very large egg. A chick hatched from it ought to be able to Deck wheat off the dome of the national capltoL In 1890 there were 258,871.125 chickens In the country, and during the year 819,722.916 dozen eggs were pro duced and sold. When somebody deprecated a billion- dollar Congress Mr. Reed retorted that it was a billion-dollar country. It is. The millions period Is no longer ade quate to express the magnitude of our manufactures, our trusts, our fortunes and our farming Industry. The acreage of American farms In 1S90 was greater than the combined acres of France, Germany, Austria, Italy and the British Isles. The value of their realty was $13,279,252,611). and the tools and Implements on them rep resented an outlay of nearly half a billion boot. - They produced over 13, 500,000.000 worth of food and raw ma terial The value of their exports In 1899 was 5792,811,733, or more than half the value of the entire exports of the country by $42,000,000. The growth of this industry had the most primitive beginnings and has gone forward In the face of the most discouraging vicis situdes, says Frank M. Todd, in Alns lee's. The American of the revolutionary period was an extremely poor farmer. Looking back on bis methods and hia work, it Is hard to say which were the more crude, his Implements or his Ideas. He used a wooden plow; he was afraid an iron one would "poison the solL" He had not yet learned that glanders was contagious, and would work and stable healthy stock along side stock affected by it, and wonder what there was In the soil, air or cli mate that carried them off. He didn't understand the use of fertilizers, and instead of spreading his barnyard ma nure on his fields, be let it accumulate around his barn until the approaches were impassable. Then he dug the barn out and moved It Instead of rotating crops to save his soil, he planted ac cording to the phases of the moon. There were few sheep in the country, and other like stock was poor and scanty. In Virginia the belief pre vailed that it would kill cows to bouse and milk them In the winter. Transportation was poor and contln ued so for a long time. The roads could not have been worse. Markets were scattered and far between. Each farm attempted to be self-sustaining In as large a degree as possible. What the farmer couldn't grow r his wife make they went without Wasteful methods of tillage eventually exhausted a soil originally rich, and In the reign of An drew Jackson agriculture had fallen into such an alarming state of neglect and inefficiency that the government had to come to its relief. Through the efforts of Henry L. Ellsworth, Com missioner of Patents, a bureau was es tablished In the patent office which de veloped Into the Department of Agrl- culture, By aid of that department principally farming has been made science. CURIOSITIES ON RAILWAY TRIP. Experience Met With by a Man Trav eling" Around the Globe, A globe-trotter sends some remark ably Interesting notes of a Journey round the world to the Pall Mall Maga zine. He says: I traveled from Na ' gasakl to Yokohama, In Japan, without 1 a break In the journey. The distance is Tuu mues, ana tne best trains re quire exactly forty-eight hours for the trip. Of these six hours are occupied in crossing the Inland Sea by boat The first-class fare is 2 5d, second class 1 4s and third class one-half of the sec ond. Only an occasional train has ! dining car or a sleeping car attached to it Like everything else In Japan, the railway carriages are toylike, usually have only two or three compartments. In the dining cars you eat from tables hardly larger than little girls have for their dolls. At all stations, which are frequent, you can buy freshly made tea for three-halfpence pot, cup, tea and alL This yon take In the car, and the dishes are thrown out of the window usually. Europeans dislike the pre pared luncheons sold In boxes. They consist mainly of boiled rice and under cooked fish. Smoklug Is permitted In all compart ments, for all Japanese men and women smoke almost continually. A native lady enters the carriage, slips her feet from her tiny shoes which have wood or rice-straw soles, stands upon the seat and thf n sits down demurely with her feet donbled beneath her. A mo ment later she lights a cigarette or her little pipe, which holds Just tobacco enough to produce two good whiffs of smoke. All Japanese people sit with their feet upon the scat of the car, and not as Europeans do. All of them have first removed their shoes. When the ticket collector attired In blue uniform enters the carriage he removes his cap aud twice bowa politely. He re peats the bow as he comes to each pas senger. More than 90 per cent of all the travel In Japan ts third-class, aud about 2 per cent only Is first-class. Nearly all the locomotives are Eugllsh. The British government conducts a turtle farm at Ascension Island. Janu ary In each year sees the commence ment of the turtle season, which does not aa a rule last more than three months. All turtles caught at Ascen sion Island are the property of the crown and are only sent to England and other places for disposal ae directed by the admiralty. In whose hands the government of the whole island prac tically rests. The particular species which favors Ascension with Its visits Is the green turtle, from whose green fat and portion of the fins that partlcu lar brand of soup Is made which Is pro verbially associated with the banquets of London's civic dignitaries. Many people still smile when they hear travelers talk of oysters that grow on trees, Just as, long ago, sailors were laughed at when they came home with stories of flying fish. Both are real enough, however, and the tree oyster Is of delicious taste, if voyagers through the tropics are to be believed. At a conference recently held In Barbados E. Duerden, of Jamaica, an economic scientist of some note, brought forward an Interesting proposal for increasing and Improving the cultivation of tree oysters, and as there la a rich field In nearly all the West India Islands and along the coast of Central America something may come of the scheme. These oysters cling to the branches of the mangrove. When the English rooks are building their nests frequently a rookery Is dis turbed by big quarrels over tjie plac ing of those huge bundles of sticks In the treetops. The trouble occurs most ly with young birds wishing to place their nests too near to an old nest A council of rooks Is called, with the re sult that the disputants' nests are soon scattered to the winds, and the claim ant and the defendant both have to be gin a new foundation. Sometimes there Is a disturbance on a more limited scale when a pair of birds do their very best to pnll the sticks from the nest of an other pair, each of the contending par ties doing all they can to prevent the other from building. Rooks are curi ously weather wise and they scent a coming storm and set to work to re pair and strengthen their nests before that imminant gale has been evident to the farmer. The rook's powers of sight and bearing are remarkable. When Baby Writes to Daddy. When-baby writes a letter to her daddy far away, The occasion's most important, for she - has so much to say. She sits np to the table, as grown-up folks all do, And then a pile of paper all around her we must strew. With grandma's golden spectacles safe perched upon her nose, She dips her pen into the ink, then straight to work she goes, And the onslaught fierce that follows would fill yon with dismay- When baby writes a letter to her daddy far away. "Baby sends her love to daddy, and hopes that he is well," Is the sentence baby first Indites her methods I must tell For the sweet and simple message that expresses baby's love Is a dot and dash and biz Ink splash below anl Just above, She perforates the paper with many tiny pricks, And plays a tattoo on her chair with sun dry little kicks, And all the floor is scattered o'er with fragments of the fray, To tell ns baby's writing to her daddy far away. The letter Is a long one, for scores of sheets are used, And every one bears witness to the way it a been abused. A page for every word she takes, she quite Ignores the lines. While each one as it's written to oblivion she consigns; Then proudly for an envelope Miss Baby now will call, And she fills it full of paper, with no writing on at all. The address is so illegible, I much regret to say, It's doubtful if 'twill ever reach dear daddy far away. Woman's Home Companion. , , Hard to Make Right. A prominent ltal light, whose office Is not a hundred miles from a 2d South street building, and a physician -whose office Is In the same building were waiting for the street car to take them to their homes. "There," said the doctor, pointing to a man who bad recently emerged from the pen, "Is one of your mistakes come back to face you!" "Granted," said the lawyer. "My mistakes do face me sometimes. Your mistakes," however, are burled so deep that It requires Gabriel's trumpet to call them back." Salt Lake Herald. When you suddenly meet a man yon hate, ever remark that you hope you are looking well? Lack of sense Is too often Warned on lack of confidence. fintP Y Old Cottht Mtve. Potkmarktt The Goethe specials have some thing new to talk about. A ureMau professor his dltcovered In a p!attrr cast of the poet s face, apota on the ehtn anA th loft cheek which look like amallpox marks. The savants ate now diactiHsino- the Important ques tion whether Goethe really had pock- marks in hi. face, or whether me spots discovered Indicate mere Imper fections In the plaster. U ia Known that Goethe did have the smallpox when he was six years old. New York rest Good Price (or Manuscript The late Russian savant. Dr. Kulesh. made a translation Into Uttie missian of the liible, which the censor would not allow to be printed. His widow has now sold the manuscript to the British Bible Society for 50C0 roubles. Not Up to th Mark. Macaiino Edltor-HavehA you got a poem to go on this pagT Ass stant Here s one mar. i nam quite get the meaning of. but I sup pose many of our readers win under stand It Masrastne EditorThat wont do. I want something that will re every body. Judge. - - H Dcccndents of Scotch lllgUndert, Most of the people In Pictou and Antlgonlsh, in Nova Scotia, and i great part of the neighboring counties, are descendants of the Scotch High landers who settled tnere about a cen tury ago. The Kaiser's Palaces. In the twenty-odd palaces of th- German Emperor Bome 3500 servants are employed, about 2000 of these be in women. A huue Income is, of course, required for keeping up estab lishments on tbla scale, and the bin peror's total expenditure Is estimated at some 25,ooo a day. Sweet Revenge. Nebb You must like to hear that dreadful grind organ since you pay the man to play under your window every day. Nobb No, I don t like It any more than that girl over the way who is taking vocal lessons. Boston Post A Peculiar Wasp. One kind of wask found In Brazil and Guiana makes its nest of a bril liant wbtte pasteboard suspending it from the highest branches of the trees so as to escape the attention of the monkeys, which. In those regions, have a troublesome habit of invest! eating everything, even a hornet's nest. Syr up. pf figs IKe-btrst family laxative- It is pare. , . . It is gentle. i v?' .-'..: .' It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is Hot expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. A New Milk Adulteration. A new milk adulterant has been dis covered by the dairy Inspectors In use in Minnesota. It Is called glscogen, and is composed of sugar, lime and water. It has the effect of maklnc milk appear richer than it Is, as the lactic acid in the milk turns the lime to a thick white substance that as similates with-the milk and Improves its looks while it does not injure the taste. - Hard Place to Build Railroads. The difficulty of railroad construc tion in some parts of Africa is Illus trated by the fact that on the Pree-town-Mattru line in Sierra Leone eleven steel bridges had to be built in a distance of thirty kilometers. The Truth ol It T "It's my opinion," said Mf. Medder grass, after complimenting the grocer on the fact that the store had been furnished with a new stove for the fall loafers, "that some o' these here navy officers Is workin' for the coal trust. 1 b'lleve that's why they didn't tell Schley about their coal supply hold- in back on him till prices went up another half dollar on the ton." Bal timore American. ' , ; . " Not Up In French. Willis I prefer to eat a la carte. Gillls Ah! I see you frequent lunch wagons. Boston Herald. -( . Answered, - , ) , "Ttnt. how do you nass your time?" asked the lady from the city of the re tired business man wno naa neiucu on n. farm "Well " aaid the retired business man, "I spend a good deal of it in ex Dlainlns: to Inaulrers how I get along out here." Somerville Journal. . Old-time Droughts. Tha first irreat drouth on record happened in 678, and the two succeed ing years, when, according to the rec ords, there was practically ' no rain fall In England. In 879 the springs in Eneland wero dried up. and It was lm- possiole for men to work in the open air. In 993 and 994 the nuts on tho trees were "roasted as If In an oven. 1 Trkfclnj a Chronolojer, President I'rltchett of the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology In relating his experience In coIIok re cently said that the way boys had of (Indian a certain professor was to step Into the middle of the college yard and call out a date In American hi tory. Instantly the professor would came out from some window or door In the rolIcRe and aay that the date was Incorrect. Brsin-Weijiht and Mental Powtr. It Is stated by an authority that the weight of a man's brntn has mtthlne to tlo with his mental power. The colder the climate, the greater the siie of the brain. The largest heads of alt are those of the Cbugatchoa, who live very far north, and ucxt comes the heads of the l-ttps. La Source. Just look at Fraultne IlllKeard'r beautiful hair?" "Yea, she has It from her father." . "But, excuse me, he is quite bald!" "To be sure: but he's a hair dreaa er." Der Porfbarbler. let Chop's Fortune. With & fortune . of $150.000,5 Lee Chop, a Chinese merchant of New York, la going back to Canton. Three children are born here nun one wtte wtll accompany him. He la said tn have two other wives In China. Boiler Tubes of Blj Steamer. The boiler tubes of a l!nr, If placed In a straight line would renin nearly ten miles, and the condenser tube more than twenty-five miles. The to tal number of separate pieces of stoe' In the .main structeure of the ship i not less than 40,000. Women as Bull-Killers. An experiment with women as tor eadors was recently made in the bull ring at Cadis, Spain, and was far from satisfactory. The women proved very poor bull killers, and the cheers turned to hisses before the day s entertain men was over. A Prehistoric Canoe. A prehistoric canoe was dug up re reutly in a bog about five miles from Dungannon. County Tyrone. Ireland It ts scooped out of an oak trunk. Is sit fect long three feet wide, and eight een Inches deep. It has a ring shui at the bow, evidently for mooring and .haulage, and also two lugs at the stern. In the same bog a woman's body was discovered In a remarkable state of preservation. According to medical opinion it has lain there tor 200 years, but the peaty soil had pre served it. Genuine Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of 5ee Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Varj small aad ae oasy to take aa sagax. CARTER'S FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS FOR BILIOUSNESS FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION ti (SmU 1 Purely TegetaMfl.Wit- CURE SICK HEADACHE. Automobiles Scarce In London. AutomobileB have become very scarce In the city proper of London in con?P(iuei!ce of the application of an old ordinance forbidding self-propelle.1 vehicles from going faster than three miles an hour. Very Queer. . ; "It's mighty queer that Frank Tick leton should turn out to be a default er," remarked Tenspot. "That's what it is,", added Bunting, "Nobody ever heard him alluded to as 'Honest Frank Tickleton.' "Puck. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Carter OlTTl fflVI 1 1 PILI Visitors Help to Enrich Main. The vacation visitor to Maine tn re cent seasons has been so numerous and so generous In his expenditures that the prosperity of the I'lne Tree i Stato has taken long leaps ahead. i - An Exhibition Stunt r Mamma The whipping you got yes terday doesn't iwm to have Improved you; your conduct tins uoon even worse today. Willie That's what I wanted to prove. You said I was bad as 1 possibly could be yesterday an' 1 knew you was wrong, Philadelphia Record. t Anatomical Melancholy. First Bookworm What, are you looking for, Jones? Second Worm Anatomy or lite Mel ancholy, Mrst worm just wnat. im suur. Have you got the blues? SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. . FoMtfl 110 A Mmmm ShI fo Sajra Military aitef Manuml Training VVrAf fN HluBirmtitl Omlmloptta ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. rOt'RKRit-ClaastFal. Uirrr, SclenttAtt Sad CautniaruieU r particular ailjr to REV. E. P. MURPHY, President, I'ulTvrsiiy i'ark. 1'onlauJ, Orafon Wo Teach Bookkeeping, Stenography, Mathematics, Kngliah, Lan guages, History, Etc., By Pflail For full information ad Jresi Paciflo Coast Oorro apandonootnatltuto Portland, Crsffon. IN YOUR POCKET! Vnii Cinrl ha nifforonPO .V'r,.Z?"' IUU HUM 1116 UlliblbllKe "'" In your tmr. t ma brtnss rtmr. RmPhMk,s lir Killer l&VJr la a IniuUl to v.. www v vi. 7TV '""TL..1 n..h..ki M I'niiivr.f and llaltte Fwuit to the o3V8 TOlir LRlCKcnS. chickens -preventa mortality. 1'ullvts Ix-ilii laylits tjlmn Ave uf vuiw iv.i wiMwnviv. u momh,,tM 94to40MreBUmoress produced. PJRTLAMO SCED CO., 13 front ttrmmt, Pmrtlmmtl, Or. Cesar Mgmnlm, Because Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plant3. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by roi?rfiAjVRilp Sari rrtknclaco, CL LoulavlHe. Ky. New York. N. Y. . WOK SALE BY ALL LS AVISO DRUQQ1STS. BEST FOR 1 CANDY CATHARTIC SWEETEN 5 SWEETEN J THE STOMACH ? LIVER TONIC (SbcOte MVtVMIkVkMAn SSBSSaa IjCONSlTjPATIOP n i g n rt inn will be paid to any reader of this paper who will re. vplUU IlLYYAIiLS port to us any attempt of substitution, or sale of 1 , , " ' something Just as good" when Cascarets are called for, and furnish evidence upon which wt can convict. All correspondence confidential. JONS POOLB, PortlMtid, Ortsoa, Fevtot UecrUoa Street Can give yoa the best bargains la F-Utfiries. Flows, Hollers and Knuinss, Wln.lmilli and fnmpt ant General Machinery. ea as be (or buying. w j f good croa, food ' lomera o each yef the orops and euslomara have f frown irlar. That's the I I aacrtt of lb Ferry rant. I J Mora Kerry's Maeds sold 1 nd sown than any ottiar f 1 hind. Hold by all uaalar. J t1 tot Aal fH KM. jf ' 1 D. M. Parrs Oo. S 111 li,lMIMinJ.i I mil nr &f w uuinrf The Farmer's First Profit Is made In his alttoii ol toed. Mend ur - Our Complete Annual Cata logue for 1902, FREE! II contains full directions for gardt-n work and many uaelul lii-(nr Ilia farmer. No mir wilt butler , rVil. ibatt UMBERSON Portland, Oregon Holiday Resolution Kcoloy Curo Sure relief bom Uatsor, opsnM sad loMM kabila, asA lot srusataMM 'Vaalatt lntllliif Mavod to 40 Williams , 1.6016 lOSulUll, a.. fortUnd. Oroa Patents Send no Money BmI a model or drawlut with dwrliUon. and w will adsl.ayno. J. S. Pultie 7L:p Co., (lit. A) Washington, UU .UU n, r. N, v Ka. -ISO. EN attlaa sals no imy to your pocket, lbs vtber means Money Wblrn win you navo r faint or Mref tha rouaia. quickly arairnyirif all rir noinutgr in romariiHn 10 ms""i u win. do. ns I! THE BOWELS to 3 SO ALL DRUGGISTS. tests rood. Vat them like eandy. They, remove any bad taste In the mouth, lfsv lng the breath sweet and perfumed. It Is a pleasure to take them, and they are liked especially by children. sweeten the stomach by elesnslnr the mouth, throat and food channel. That means, they stop undigested food from murine; In the stomach, prevent gas form ing tn the bowels, and kilt disease germs ot any kind that breed and feed In the en tire system. are purely vegetable and contain no mer curial or other mineral poison. They con sist of the latest discoveries tn medicine, and form a combination of remedlee un equaled to make the blood pure and rich and make clean skin and beautiful com plexion. tone the stomach and bowels and stir up the lair liver. They do not merely soften the stools and cauM their discharge, but strengthen the bowels and put them Into lively, healthy Condition, making their ae tion natural. never grip nor gripe, Thsr ant nnleflv. nne- ltivtlv and never ran. an klnri nf iinrnm. fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make the liver act regularly and naturally as It should. They keep the sewerage of the body properly moving and keep the system clean. Increase the flow of milk In nursing moth ers. If the mother eats a tablet, It makes her milk mildly purgative and has a mild but certain effect on the baby. In this way they are the only safe laxative for the nursing Infant. taken patiently, persistently, will cure any form of constipation, no matter how old or how often other remedies have failed. They are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case, or purchase money will be cheerfully re funded, cost 10c, 25c, 60c a box. Samples sent free for the asking. We publish no testimonials but sell Caecarets on their merit under ab solute guarantee to oure. Buy and try a box to-day, or write us for free samples and booklet. Aatn STSSUIS 1IIIBT CO., CBIUOO r HSW TOHK, ti UUAiWiUtfl CANDY CATHARTIC a J