NMM ',," mmcsV T-?rnfiiTW mr.fffl?frTfrWrVl mtawol r. 1)1 Id in. Wtmtomtr SM aaiawr the tMUttwa Mrdiamol tl" If! Wily mid itmt oht Irieiidi toMeMoarT rfMtin lit Itl nr M tht renffw vS" bcaUnn. m an evHWflr nf tfmttt latth, atMl' . flMtfllmr Mimn BmrjVrfmll(ltj'ftwipln' lutu finwiiitl by mmvpumtente. ' 0 THE COL XTXlBtA. The following strong opetr IVt rer 1m . recti it) j been addressed . Hojlra Tark-r, of Walla Walla, to Senators' John H. Mitchell, of Or egon, and Geo. Tamer, of Wmbing- -.- Ion. It is fall of strong fact; and - bonkf have tbe heart j endorse- aent of eyenr widen t f the Inland Empire. To United State Senators John II Mitchell, George Turner: and to V J'thoae-srho are opposed to extor tion and oppression: Before- the Secretary of the Trtwstrry of the United, Bute sac - in -'Inducing Congress to authorize hint and the banks to use at a nominal rate of interest from 1150,000,000 to $200,000,000 that lh people have been compelled to Jftcy, and allow said banks to lend Ibis vast amount of idle money to the same oppressed people tor 8 to KJ per cent per annum compound : Interest, the pioneers and other se.t- tier of this Inland Empire (the beat climate, the best land, and the most healthful) as extensive as all the New England States, with New York and Ohio and part of Pen n sylvania, wish to know if Uni ted States Senator John II. Mitch ell, of Oregon, who has always been a true friend of eastern Oregon and Washington, and United States Senator George Turner of the state of Washington, with other friends, will have the federal government, in the year, 1902, build a portage railroad around the dalles of the Columbia at Celilo, about 15 miles in length, for present relelf, and until the federal government com " pletes the boat railway and locks, which work has been delayed for nearly a generation. The report of engineers many years ago show . . ed . that j. an amount equal to - the yearly loss" to the farmers would more than pay to open the Colum bia. As long as the Lombard street imH,W-WALtreet mblejshold-i i ,nr. F greatly waterea stocks of transportation com pa nies, can corn 1 majority of either branch of the fegtskAare, the states of Oregon and Washington will never open , the Columbia river nor build said portage railroad. Judging from the vast millions of dollars thaUtheJ trailed. S tales govern men t has given ' to sapprcve-the Mississippi river, the Columbia river (the greatest waterway trr the United States save one) will be-rm proved just as soon as congress know the importance of immediate action as said gam - biers and transportation companies cannot control either the United States Senate or lower house. As a rule I am not in faror of combines or trusts. But if no other way can be devised to 6ecure action let all voters in this Inland Empire organize without fail, do away with all party lines and in the future vote only for such members of con gress, members of the legislature mad all other officials as will work and vote only with those who will k all that can be speedily done to develop and build up this Inland Empire. Then the best wheat grown will not be kept down in price to 40 cents a bushel, or about onehalf the Eastern price, by ship wner and other transportation "oiBpanies, wheat buyers nn-d apec--islitars acd -gatshlers .-Sotwita-j landing that daring the past lew .years oar largest railroad, if not all -ralroads, have increased their busi nes more than double and given an order for additional rolling stock lefbre the close of of the year at the estimated cost of over $2,500,000, the United States government inter state commerce commission permits said transportation companies to charge extorionate and oppressive IWs signatart i an every box of Cm feooloa . I Jl O C. Mjutuve urumunjuuiju . Taueu M reaieaT that core a eK la - v t ftvy Estray Notice. One bay eolt with white spot on face. Tear ling 'past. Branded 8 on right shoulder. Last seen on Sli-mile. I will pay 5.00 reward for return of animal to Lone Bck or wilt: pay $2.50 to any one who will take animal up and notify me. " Naj Scott, 4M toueJtoekOr Subscribe foT ffti Globe- rates to make Farps fattmt upon their watered stock, ft has been estimated that said transportation lines could be built for one-fourth the amount of their watered stock. I advocate tbia measure of open ibg the Columbia as a half-century pioneer and land owner and wheat gttiwer, as well a to help put a pfop-ttrfo much extortion and op pression HoLtra Parke. Walla Walla, Washington. "Sm time ago my daughter caught a eevrre cold. She complained ot pains la her chest an J" ha4 a bad conjh. gar herChamberlaViCwisfc Samedy accord ing to lirctkoa aad in tawdaysshe ai well and able to gotoschoot I have used thla remedy in my family for the past wren rear and have never known it to fail," says James Prtndergaat, mer chant, Annato Bay, West India Islands. The pahs la the.ehest Indicated an ap proaching attach bt paramenia, which u no donbt wared off by Chain barlaia'i Congh Remedy. It connteraeta any tendency of a cold toward paeaiuonia. Sold by Hadsoa's Pharmacy. President Roosevelt has started an investigation with reference to railway combinations and commis sions through the interstate Com merce Commission, with a view to sending to Congress a special mes sage on that subject. This action of the president is said to have caused a panic among the Chicago packing house people, who have presumably, been favored io the matter of freight rates and many of them have fled from the city to escape the investigation. This looks like a confession of guilt on their part and it is to be hoped the president will keep after them to a finish. Mr. T. Magore visited the principal'! room Monday afternoon. Gertie Shannon returned to school Monday having recovered Irom bar re cent illness. Messrs. Elmer Baker and Alex Dothie jr., visited the school last Friday after noon. Sarah LaForgey and Jim 8tevenson were enrolled as new pnpila in the sev enth grade Monday. Many of the pnpila who live in the country returned to school again Mon- dar--ttn Usaa two, weeks vacation. The C. P. S. Literary Society elected the following officers last Friday for the ensuing month : Nellie Brown President, Grace Balding Vice-president, Herbert Brown Secretary, Jennie Neal Organist, and Bertha Trimble Editor. Mr. Neal. presented the pnpils of bis room with Chriatmas souvenirs which all seemed, to appreciate very jnocb and will perhaps appreciate tbem more when their school days have passed as they contain the names of the teachers and pnpila of the different grades and also the names ol the directors. Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large somber of poor suf ferers whose tangs are sore and racked with congbs are orged to go to another climate, Bat this is costly and not al ways sure. Don't be an exile wben Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will core you at borne. It's the most infallible medicine for Congbs, Colds and all Throat and Long diseases on earth. The first dose brings releif. Astounding cures result from presietest use. Trial bottles free at Condon Pharmacy. Price 60c and f 1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. ARLINGTON NOTES. City election passed off qaietly Tues day with the following result: A. D. Btnrgise Mayor. F. H. Looy, A.L. Huff snd A. J. Coe Councilmen, A. W. Sharrard Treasurer, and C. B. Cardinell Recorder. The only office that was want ed by two was the Treasurer's and the Independent candidate was beaten 4 to 1. Quite a number of geese have been killed tbe past week. Mrs, G. W. Montage and Mary Hansen were in frooiE!gbtm5,le Tuesday.;., Bernard Bros, brought in a band of cavalry horses Monday, AWbeelboiwe left Monday for bis new home near Colmnbm Washington. All he needs to make his happy boms complete is a eook. ' Wade Bros, received a fine Plymouth Bock rooster from the Poultry 8 bow. Miss Nettie Jordan, a half sister of Capt. Basey, is visiting relatives in town this week. E. B. Wheat returned Monday from pending tbe holidays in Sherman Co. A REMRKABLE CURE OF CROUP. A Little Boy'e Life Saved. . I have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I can not praise it enongb. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere of Goodwin, S.D. and when 1 got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as directed every ten mi notes until he "threw up" and then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We had to pull the phlegm out of his month in greac long strings. J am posttive that if I had not got that bottle of cough med icine my boy won Id not be on earth today. Jow, Dcgoirr, Inwood Iowa. For sale by Hudson Pharmacy. Otscara Jullettes cures count iualion. J, At-Couilom Pharmacy, I SCHOOL NOTES. J BERTHA TRIMBLE, tolTOB I Buy a V Lot in Condon and make a home la what is destined to become one oi tbe principal boainets centers of Eatea Oregon. Or, it yon don't want a borne Jost aow, boy as an Don't Wait for a rail road to build la be cause indications were never before so favorable for the early completion of a road in to Condon, and when actual ' work begins Condon property valuta will sorely advance 100 par ceaL For a Railroad will make this town. Condon is bound to grow, however, even without a rail road. It bast he county seat, itbaaaa unlimited supply of pure wat er, it is centrally located in the heart of a. rich country and must always enj-y a large and growing trade. Don't procrastinate about this matter but Buy Now. For particulars and foil infor mation call on or address. J. E. Lamcastib, j , Condon,' Ore. ' Office in Globe building. Correspondence solicited. Monthly Report I. S. S. The following is the report -of High land Branch, International Sunshine Society, of Clem, for December: Letters and greetings 11, postals 4, bas kets bought of an Invalid, 13 packages sent out with a number of presents in each, 7 presents, 1 roll reading matter, 1 book, subscriptions to Hearth and Home sent. Two packages of 6 baskets each donat ed for Christmas work also Christmas booklets, cards etc. Four packages of International donat ions sent to headquarters in New York. Donations Cash 75 cents 50 cents of hich was from an unknown source. 1 box Christmas Heralds, from a friend. New, Members Miss Ella Clark, Condon, Miss Nettie Hughes, Clem. I wish to tbank those who so kindly made it possible to remember a number of invalids on Christmas, who otherwise might bave bad no Christmas remem brance from oar brsocb. - Eujch R. Promt. President TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Qnlnlne Tablets. AU dm&lstt refand tbe money If it fails to care E. W. GrovvVtaraatare is on eacb box. 2Se Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that tbe copart nercbip heretofore existing between M. E. Summers, and J. R. Newman has been this day dissolved, bjr mutual con sent. All accounts due tbe old firm .axe due and payable to M. E. Summers, who will collect all accounts and assume and pay all debts of the old firm. . Condon Oregon M. E. Sukmexs. January 6tb 1002. J. R. Nkwiiam. For Sale or Trade. I bave for sale or will trade for anoth er thoroughbred animal of tbe same breed, a full blood S-year-old Hereford bull. Call on or address Wir. Duwur, 44445 " Condon Oregon. Notice. ' t have aridgeling horse in my pasture on Thirty mile. 8 miles south of Condon. branded cross witb bar beneath on right hip; nnbrokejbay witb b; Id lace, three white legs, wire cut on left front foot and left knee targe. Weighs about 800, Owner will please write me at Mayville. Urton. ' "- ' w. H. CEABCy. 48U6 - 01 j1, . vt I. v " AM i ft f Administrator's Notloe to Creditors. Kotice I hereby given, ' that the aadenlfned was, by tbe Coaoty Coart of tbe SUte of Oregon tor OlltUn Coanty, oa December sta., 1901. ap totaled ths'admlaletrator Of tbe EaUU ot W. E. Borer, Deeeaaed and has accepted eald trait and qaallfted tberetor. AU penoas hiring claims agalnit saldeetale will areeeot the not to ma, daly vertaed at my home 1 mile Wt ot Clem, OUUaa Ceanty, Oregon, within els months trod the dale ol the trrtpabllcattonotthUnotlot. Dated t Condon, Oregon, thte Sth day o( Deo. amber, A. J. 1901. . jAWSiLASCW, Admintttrear qt the tstate of W. R. Borer, De- Data ol lit nmbllcmtloa. Dee. 12. 1901. Beadrlck a Bowerman Attorney! tor the Es tate, f. ' ' O. L.' Neal, tbe well known auction eer, will give tbe strictest attention to all business entrusted to bis care. If you have property to sell consult him. aa.ato'avea) H. JORDAN'S eeevf UUSEU0 OF IHITOOY iwi sjAMBT sr. ms macreco, cat. KlnaSkVat k wafaM k ae a Bf aa S?S?Z5rS-,L?! stteejeieemlaeei wkwtfwMVfT 'slmwattefsl lVOsmt V Shermaeal aaeialiaair. & - : - 'im wr mm mww l"r Fea. Steaaire i tla. kr f Sav ixfrmt mytmi .lal i mwaaaa. A fMwnittn Sfifk and atttefly fflvala, 9 urinaaiaat miaaiir a ay iei 'keealaeaMe,) CeileewrHo mm khh wawieei wataaiw,ai.n Do You Want to Buy raaiaisaaiiiiiaiaj I f 11 "hb aaa 1 A eraaaM a aaeaam U aiMaw J REAL ESTATE? If you do list your property, or make your wants known, to u". Our correspondents in other cities - place us in a position to "sedare purchasers for property on short notice, 'n Jive stock and all kinds of personal property handled. ; Office in Globs Building. Correspond with us. Lancaster & Pattison, -r .... Condon, - - THE INTERIOR WAREHOUSE GO. HIG&EsT MAKTET PRICES PAID FOB ORAM ')' OE9ERAL WAREHOUSE BUSINESS CONDUCTED BAUDOT, CUTRSlE A CO., II'C'RS, ARLINGTON, BLALOCK, DOUCiAS, IQXE RE-OPENED M . FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND. CIGARS. V ' EVERYTHING NEW AND. UP-TO-DATE. SUMMERS Jfe NEWMAN, Props; yhen Making Your Plans for 1902 plan to buy your goods and aupplUi OUR BIG STORE. Oar specialties are ' . f ... - . . .. Lowest Prices,., : ; v Beet assortment.- AU Goods Marked in Plain" Figures. . ; Arlington : . Oregon. Pullman Ordinary Steeper Tbe tourist travel between' tie East and the Pacific Coast has reached enor mous proportions lo the last few years, and calls for a special class of equipment To meet this demand tbe Pullman Co. has Issued from Its shops what it tech nically calls the 'Tollman Ordinary Sleeper." These cars appear similar to the regular sleepers being built on tbe same plan, but not furnished with tbe same elegance. They are equipped with mattresses, . blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases, towels, combs, brashes, ect. , requiring nothing of the kind to be furnished by tbe passenger. Eacb ear has a stove for making tea and coffee and doing "light housekeeping", and each section can befitted with an adjust able table. A uniformed porter accom panies each car, his business being to make up berths; keep the car clean, and look after tbe wants and comforts of the passengers. la each of the trains wbicb are dispatched daily from Portland by the O. R. A N. Co. is to be found one of these "Pullman Ordinary Sleepers". The car attached to tbe "Chicago-Portland Special" goes through to Cblcego without change, and the one la the "Atlantic Ei press" runs to Kansas City without change, Passengers in this car for Chicago change to a similar carat Granger. Much of tbe first class travel is being carried in these cars, tbe rates being lower, and tbe service nearly equal to that in the palace sleepers. For rates snd full information, Includ ing folders write to A. L. Craio, General Passenger Agent, O. K. 4 N. Co. Portland, Oregon. Purely Business. BATHB-Hot and cold water, clean tow els, only 25 cents at Condon hotel. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to Aug. 1, 1000, will be patd upon pre sentation at my office. Interest ceases after Nov. 1, 1001. P. II. STtrntNSON, Treasurer of GUllam county, Oregon. or Sell - Oregon, ODBL CONDON, ORE. at The Arlington Saloon C W. WKiTf A CO., PROPRIETORS Tine domestic- and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Bil liard and Tool tables run in connection. First-class goods is our pride. Fresh, cool MILWAUKEE BEER kept constantly on draught Our constantly Increasing patronage testifies to the fact that we understand how to please our customers. MAIN STREET Condon, KERB CIFFOR A CO, PROPS. GRAIN Stored with us will receive the careful attention of experienced' warehousemen. Barb wire, nails, salt, sugar, lime, cement, feed and mill stuffs always on band in any quantities. Gen eral storage and forwarding. A trial makes you our customer. Arlington Warehouse Co D. B. THOMAS, Manager ARLINGTON, - - OREGON The Condon Barn Only first-class Livery and Feed 8table in the city. Fine new rigs and good teams, Special attention to all stock left In our , care. Large, strong corrals in connection. Oar terms are reas onable and we solicit yoar patronage. Springston & Rogers, Proprietors 'iruinnnnnuvuinnriruinnmin FOR OUR CUSTOMERS FINEST STEAKS AND CHOICEST BEEF. ALL ' nnnnnnnnnfvuvuuuwuvxnnnnnnnnn Splendid Specimens of Superior Skill Is tbe tsprMilon of alnont every pmon who hf examined ianT1s of work executed at this office. Muperior printing ti the kind you want, work that is done In a tlorenly manner U the kind that noltherpyi the bualneia man nor tbe printer. All the printing sent oat from this office it neat and attractive. 8. A. PATTISON rVBMiMca THE Under New Kentucky Liquor Store COMPLETE STOCK OP FINEST DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE FAMOUS HOP GOLD BEER ON DRAUGHT, REIPLINGER & BATES, PROP'S, ARLINGTON, ORE. Chickens and Eggs Wanted. J. L. Schriver will pay tbe highest cash price for fresh eggs and. spring chickens and guarantees bis customers that he will make this of fer good at all seasons of the year. . lie has arranged to ship all surplus eggs to Portland whenever the market is over stocked. ' Ree him at Cafe D Schriver; f. WOOD. M. D," pViyslclan And Surgeon' tar' and' alifhVeatu pot!r aaiwsraa' Osfet bfoo Mrisf av pm, C0ND0H, . oiv- C; S. prtlsti. Barber;- Sleolc Shaven and Hair-cutsV Razor honed and re-ground4 COKDOH -. ORECOII o; S. EBI, i pitbrRtETORr. or SODA and JiOTrlJ'RG ItOAKf Manufacturer of Foda, ofangtf and' Champagne Cider, Parsaparllla and Iron and all other Boft and' Carbonated Drink a. Condon trade is rtdVect fulty lollolted. Orders promptly filled? Arlington, , Orck For Sale. One good S( wagon with rack , Four sets chain harness. Will be sold separ ately or together to suit purchasers on' easy tortus. B. K, SsAacr, Mayville, Oie Subscribe tor tbe Gloss. Only 1.50 a year Oregon BRANCH HOUSESr BLALOCK, QUIKNf T e- ROASTS CUT FROM COOD THINCS AT JOHH JACKSOIl'S A RIGID SCRUTINY OT OUR SAMPLES REVEALS NOTHING BUT GOODNESS CONDON GLOBE FRUITER Y Management...... "p 1. NICKLW, DENTIST Ofllce 303 Dcksm Bn'lldlnR, Portland, Orcgs Will be In Condon on or about October . 51t to wtnfliB.fora short lima J.