THE COliDOll GLOBE rMUH8DAY, DECEMBER 8, IOOI. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF OILLIAM . COUNTY, OREQON. LOCAL NEWS. flamuel lllsan wai In from Ferry Cn yon Saturday. . Mr. tod Mn, W. J, Smith were In from Matney Saturday, The Baptist IhiIIm gave a social and Innrh it the church on Thanksglvltigday. it mi wall attended. John Book, of Ajat, ti In town a few days during the ak and while her had 111 name enrolled on UhKIlodi'i sub- crlptton lUt. Th Thanksgiving ball m well atUnd til. Poventy-flvt nuinbttn were nold and ft good tl itid hi had. Went Broi. orches tra furnished ioUont oioalo. Willi Smith, ton of Mr. and Mn. W 3. Bmlth, of Matoey Flat, laft latt week for Vancouver, Washington, where he Uai entered the St. awes College. An almost continuous rain which last al about three dayi the drat of the week locked the ground In good ihape and made neit year'i erop proipecti good. The trial of Thug Dalton for the mur der of Jamei Morrow, at Tortland, baa teen let for December 9th. The trial of Wade tor the aaute crime will follow Immediately, A. E. McCoy who recently left then parti to flod another occupation than farming write! the iivn from Water Valley Mlu. where he li located. lie li railroading. D. K. Searcy bought a fine lot of atock bogs from J. A. Smith, of Dlalock, lat week. B. K. propoeei to feed till wheat to bogt and lave asle greaa until the railroad reachei Condon. Sheriff Keetoo, of Wheeler county, wtnt through Condon Tueaday bound for 8alem with Robert Palmer in charge, Mr, Palmer hai been committed to the Mylamon a charge of Insanity. Otli Tropit baa begun work on new building oa Main street on the lot recent ly purchased from L. W. Darling. He will, In addition to hli preieut business, put In a good itock of men'iand boy's hoei. The announcement hai been mad that If n. Jay. P. Lucas, register of the land office, and Mn. Oliva Morgan will be married on January lit. They will la advance receive the congratulations of their friends In tbli city. -The Dallea Tlmee-Mountaineer. (Summit Lodge No. 130 1.O.O.F. elect ed the following officers a their regular meeting last Saturday night. J. J. Port wood, N. (1. ; B. K. 8oarcy, V.U. ; W. 11. Neal, Secretary ; E. W. Moore, Financial Secretary; II. X. Fraser, Treasurer. The ' new officera will be Inialled at the first .meeting In January. - , B. K. Searcy and Jim Cooke returned Saturday from a two week's goose hunt et Dlalock. They went down to kill geese for the Portland market but found the fowli io fine and fat that tbey could not get carload ahead at any one time after satisfying their own appetites. They bad plenty of fun though. Mr. and Mn. Co Barnard were in town Tuesday on their way borne to Foe ail after visit to Ileppner, Tbey were "caught out" in the fog and darkness on Matney Flat "Monday night and were glad to atop nutil morning at a ranch. Co Joined the Order of Elka at Heppner Saturday night which may account for bildaxed condition Monday night and alio for the fog itory. ' j 1 No meroui letter of Inquiry are be ing received at tbli office from all over the East asking for information about this country. Iloroeseekera are looking this way and the outlook for a big Immi gration wai naver so good. Persons having landi or .business opportunities fonalenaay be helped in securing a purchaser by calling on or addressing thll office. - The many frienda of II. M. Condlct wW wai for aom time connected with the Arlington Record, will be glad to hear that be ii prospering. Mr Condlct went to Missouri last summer to visit frienda and hai recently bought a news paper plant and embarked in business at Fairland, Indian Territory. A copy of bit paper baa just reached us and it isj neat, newsy and prosperous looking. School Supt. Neal spent a few days In Lone Rock last week where he went on official business and also to visit his friend Prof. Patterson, who died shortly after Mr. Neal reached hli bedside, Mr. Neal wai highly pleased with the fine new achoolhousa which the people of that town have built and says it Is the . best school building in this section of the state. It has four large rooms and cost in the neighborhood of $3,000 ; Married At 6 P. M. Sunday Decem ber 1, 1901, at the residence of the bride's parents In thil city, Mies Pearl Fitgwa ter, to Mr. Charles. Brown, Rev. Curran officiating. The bride ia one of our best known and most popular young ladies and the groom, a member of the firm of Mn. Mary Brown & Sons, ii one of the boys pf Gilliam county who number their frienda by the score. We join with the many other frlendi of thil couple in wishing them a long; happy and pros perous life.' '. , ' ,. v Addison S. Ilollen and Carl Marquard aen, of Oklahoma, arrived here IaBt week to look over the county with a view to pti ttlog - in K first-class flouring mill at Condon. The gentlemen propose to put in a 75-barrel plant if they go ahead with the project. Mr. Lancaster, has gener ously offered tbem a lite on North Main street and, it ii to be hoped that all our citirens will do what they can to encour age the enterprise. The gentlemen are in Portland thil week seeking informa tion ill to the cost of machinery etc, on ." this coast.' If they bo ahead they will cut in a strictly first-class up-to-date plant. D. K. Searcy cam over from Beecher Flat Tuesday. Jay Bowerman retnrned Tuesday from a visit at Salem, Itay Moore who ! down with typhoid Ii Improving rapidly. Mr. and Mn. J. F. Reliacher returned from Portland Monday. Qeo Oibboni jr., Is here from May vllle, If Dill paint 8. K. Luoa'i res idence. t C, B. Cardinal!, aiilgni) for the stock of (Jeorge Miller, of Arlington, bis a new ad In this Issue. Miss Uuasi Darling hai returned from Croy where ih hai been teaching a private school. Clarke & Fraaer, Condon Pharmacy and 0. W. Propst each have changes of ad in thla issue. Rev. Mount, ' of Fossil will hold ser vice In the Baptist church neit Sunday morning and evening, Andrew Grelnerand hli son Ben wan over (rout Mayvlll precinct Tuesday, Ben'i health la Improving rapidly and Ii about ai good as ever. lienrj Wilk Ins wai In from Clem yes terday. Mr. Wllkl n. Ii looking for the Arlington-Condon railroad which Is to run through hli ranch for about M miles. Ben Ward Is In town for a few dayi taking a rest after a hard summer's work In the mountain! with Wm. Smith's sheep. Mr. Ward la thinking of going to Welser, Idaho, to spend the winter. Fred Wilson who hai been dangerous ly ill for the past week wai much im proved yesterday and it Is thought that he will be able to be out In a day or two, He hai had a avere attack of erysipelas. Dr. Wood attended him. Monthly Report I. 8. 8. The following Is the report of High land Branch, International Sunshine Society, of Clem, for November: 40 letters written, 4 postals, 10 rolls leading matter, S birthday greetings, cancelled stamps, clippings, verses etc baskets sold for a shut-In; 1 cushion,! apron and 2 doillea donated for Interna tional dues. Cash donation, 11.60. Members will pleas remember to do nate something for Christmas work, stamps especially, Regular meeting the first Sunday In each month; at the home of the president until further no tice. ; Axxa Wkmtkr, Ellkm R. PaorsT. Semtary. President. If yon would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They correct disorders of the stom ach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price 25 cent. Sample! free, at Hudson Pharmacy. - Portland Takes Hold. The board of trustees of the Chamber of Commerce at their regular meeting tomorrow forenoon will take up for eon? alteration the matter of the Improvement of the Upper Columbia River. A reeo- otlon, now being prepared, will likely be adopted, setting forth the necessity of removing the obstruction to naviga tion at Celilo Falls, and suggesting that a fixed yearly appropriation be author ised by Congress, so that this proposed improvement may be carried on under the contract system from year to year nntil the desired result has finally been accomplished. To place the channel permanently in navigable condition w ill require a total appropriation of about $4,000,000. Copies of the resolution will be forwarded to all commercial and other Influential bodies of the Inland Empire io that the people there may be aroused to concerted action in co-operating with the Chamber here for the purpose of in teresting the Congressional delegation at Washington to take the matter up and push it through at the nest session. The matter Is one of greatest importTele gram. .. t No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, dis order? of the stomach arise, biliousness, headache dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If you wish to avoid these ailments keep your bowels regular by taking Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when required. They are so easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. For sale by Hudson Pharmacy. Smoke an "Al's Choice cigar at the Condon Pharmacy The bestS-cent cigar. A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party but wai afraid to do so on account of se ver palm In hi! stomach, which he feared would grow worse, lis ears, "I was telling my trouble! to lady friend who laid t 'Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you In condition for th party.' I bought a bot tlsand tak pleasure In stating that two doses cared me and enabled nie to have a good time at the party." resident of 8ummer Hill, remeJy is for sale by Hudson Pharmacy. Mm LooeD Maddock hai jnirt 'receiv ed a fine line of hair twitches for the la dles. She will tak your order and have twitch mad of your own hair if desir ed. Call and e her ftock. D. W. Ralston tbi stock dealer was hereToesday night with a bunch of cattle f r bis feed yard at May villa. During the night th atock broke open th gate of 8rrlmrtton& Rtfers' corral and half Mr. Snell is a ot thtm 9Mpt4 Dd scattered. N. Y. Thli COIIDOil SHOE SHOP I am now on deck with a com plete outfit of shoemaker's tools . for either new or repair work, SHOES MADE TO ORDER. t wilt soon move into my new build ing on Main street. In addition to cus tom work and repairing I will carry sv full line of MEN'S AND BOY'S SHOES. - Yonr Patronage Is Solicited. OTIS V. PROPST. Cascara Jullettes cure constipation. At Condon Pharmacy. rwinAnnnnuvuinnAAAAArirvvrte WHEAT! WHEAT!! I am prepared to buy wheat and will par the highest mar ket price. . Money advanced on warehouse) receipts. Per sons wishing to sell will do well to see rae, it Arlington, before making other arrange ments. B. T. SHELL, Arlington, Ore. einiAnnnruinAAAnnnnrvtnnnuue tmuxnAruwuvtt October 15 is the Date on which we open onr Special gale 0f Men's Goods. All who are looking for bargains in Men's wear are1 earnestly requested to extend their search to this store wnue img great sale is on. It is a tmrmj-atur for all. r Torquise and Etched Crystal. The New and Fashionable Ware. We Have a Large Stock of this Novelty in Cracker Jars, Soap Dishes, Berry Dishes, Rose Jars, Spoon Holders, ' Vases ' t ?. -'J N B W Sauce DUhes, Necktie Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Pin Trays, CandleSUcks, Jewelry Boxes. : 4 : FOR 8ALE ONLY BY VS CONDON PHARMACY. LEADING DRUGGI8T8. RE-OPENED he Model T FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. SUMMERS Jt NEWMAN, Propb. COND0N, ORE. ALL THAT'S NEW ALL'iTHAFS CO 017 Ready made suits and ' overcoats, shirts, bats, -. boots aud shoes. Oar special sale of these fine lines begins ' October 15. Now is the time for those to buy who ,wanl the best goods at (be lowest prices. It will cost you nothing to inspect stock. emus TAKE.! FOK trjm OH rJADE rjnra. We are agents for one of the leading merchant tailoring houses in Amer ica and guarantee their work. Our stock of the latest and best in all lines of seasonable mer chandise is unsurpassed. mi f-mm (MM MU4r ' Xt:;r2y at Law, Wt IsnmiI ba!Uie, Kua 8. 9 la ettj o!Mt2, tfOSDOir, osaaexu P. H. STEPHENSON RELIABLE MERCHANT : CONDON, - - OREGON YOU WILL FIND ' crabs." v.: ; CLAMS, .1 " :!. " . celery, . 4:: . v SALMON, .. .-i: 5 CRAWFISH, EASTERN OYSTERS. , And all delicacies of the Beasou, at To take home or eat on QTYT?TirT?T?Q the premises as you see fit- ' JlIJaX V JuXV Oa ti anir o wnnfwn iUMK & rMi.tIt - HAVE Oil SALE AH kinds of Christmas Furnitvife includ ing Doll Co-Carts and Buggies, Doll Chairs Toy Stoves and Kitchens and CoYhbination Game Boards. All these in addition to ' THEIR USUAL LARGE STjfc ! A FINE LINE OF GUST0EV1 l1ADE Garments Qvercoat FOOL JACK FROST BY PREPARIIIC FOR ".HIM H07 Duck Coats and Mackintoshes, Ladies' Leggings, Over shoes arid Rubbers. Also the famous M;W. Hoskin's Gloves and a complete stock of fine Wool Blankets. Our marvelous line of Groceries still remains unrivaled. ; DUNN Ward off Wintry Winds CONDON, OREGON aiuiiiuiuiiiuuiiauuauuuauuiaauuiuiuauau1 FALL;-AHD SiNTR;CS5D8. LARGEST STCCX I!! T.:E COOHTY. Largest and best line in Gilliam county. Win ter Underwear, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Ul sters, Etc. We also carry a select line of Uni versal Stoves and Ranges, Groceries, Hard ware, Iron Bedsteads, Spring Matresses, Chairs, Extension Tables. Orders taken for Furniture and Wall Paper not kept in stock. " In fact we carry a full assortment of general merchandise. WADE BROS. ' j'- .(.; ! ---,.'.. THE 110 STOHE " OLEX, OREGON. . w. voors : d tA Eya, IfUl TUU Um turn UtnVh stca tcl Coloaa tot Ctt 9stowrsttitrNii0Tsg ma cosrpojr. cstaos. !M Hegulator Lino. BAVX3ATIS3 CO, THROUGH FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINEmm 6aCv th al Staaatn fcttrtm ?etfZ3$ Vncwr5 Qseais Lades, ISaod Rives fat s2 IVsa m tS TaiUtaa tiia. f" lu la torn! tlm am asiug iftaa.. fMlfht lUttw 6rj BdMa, W. C AXAAWAT.Otm. JlV. at Ctnrt lMI. Tti ZnulM, C. THIS POPULAR liOSTELIlY Has been thoroughly renovated and is now prepared to cater to the wants ot the traveling public. Com . mercial travelers and others desiring . the comforts of s Crat-clsss hotel will . , Snd this hoase suited to their wants.' t Mrs. S. A. Haddock, Prop. 3 u m rri it 3 a 1 o o n FRED WILSON, Proprietor Finest brands of pure domestic and imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. .Fine Billiard and Pool tables in connection. A model resort enjoying the patronage of a quiet, orderly trade. Customers always pleased. CONDON, OREGON MEALS 25c BEDS 25c PjHARTS RESTAUPini The public will find that no better accom modations can be found in this country than at this place. Good meals, fcleah beds, HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAVELING MEN GEO. W, RINEHART. Prop. CONDON, OREGON LOST VALLEY LUMBER CO. HERBERT HALSTEAD, Manager! ROUGH AHD DRESSED LUMBER. We offer a complete stock of Fine Surfaced Lnmber, consisting of Flooring, Ceil ing, Rustic, Ship-lap and all kinds of Rough Lumber. Careful atteu given to bills of special sizes and dimension Btuff. , MILL ONE-HALF MILE SOUTHEAST OF POST OFFICE, LOST VALLEY, OREGON. Renew Your Subscriptions. Subscriptions for all the leading news papers and periodicals published in the United States or any other country on earth will be received at the Glob 8 office. Save postage, time and trouble by leav ing the amount with na and we will attend to the business for you. Call when if town and renew your subscrip tions to vour favorites for 1901. , . tf " Subscribe for the Globe. 1 Subscribe for The Globe, Only $1.50 a year. o . i A mm FlkhWf 9tH tnvr, UU &. ra. fonifto4 li. WB,OmIi&i r,i knkt Ul - . ... ' " " " ' '. tanit l&U lt pmtver, l:tla.aa. l:i(a. au kaoiua Citjr, Bt. tsiea Mat. fx. Poet WslU Wna Lewis- 1:40 a. n. f .' UtU toa.Bpokn,Min U:lf Sk. n4qelta,BtFwil, SpokB kt,cbUatoaxMt OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE raoas PoarLAHD. i . .... teti.m. ill lllos ett 4:00 p. at. subjocl to ehmjt Kx.emAay smmmM. Ks. Suadtf ft ' W W ffi ViM p. m. Laodisfa. WHtMMtttShsr. 4:30 p. aw ta.iuu4T n S.8uaar CMM Cy, Ksw. MndeiM Wf - 4Att(jing. Tos.m. ! Ta t:S0 p. m. Tbqi- M Utmt. Hon.. Woi aBu ftodFri. Oregon City; ua.a War fAa . lags. 1:00 .. WBNMHS . 4:IV.H udlkt PortlwS M CorvaV nd txi. lis Wr Uai- ' ' tai ' hr. R!prl tusks !. Lt.Lewli l:S.m. , . . Cly Blparla to Lewtstoa l.ui. A. L. CRAIG, LATEST STYLES... In Fall and Winter millinery. Trimmed Hats. Street Hats all styles and prices. Ladies' Shawls and Fascinators. Chil dren's Hoods, Etc., Etc.", Etc, kiss lou ella i::z:.